Catholic South West History
Newspaper for the Dioceses of Plymouth, Clifon and Portsmouth
May 2015 edition of the Catholic South West
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Issue 214 May 2015 ` Evangelisation in Cornwall Page 7 St Mary,s, Barnstaple Page 6 HCPT News Page 4 FLAME 2 was the largest National Catholic Youth event of 2015, Sarah Barreto from Torbay and Paul Andrewartha from Poole recount the experiences of their event: Sarah Barreto: ,On 7th March I had the tremendous privilege of taking part in a small piece of history in the making, I accompanied some of the young people from our Diocese to FLAME 2 at the Wembley Arena to experience a different way of being ,Church,. Four of us from All Saints Parish, Teignmouth joined with about 70 people from across the Diocese in wearing bright orange t-shirts, which loudly and proudly proclaimed to the assembled group of 8000+ people exactly where we were from. Paul Andrewartha: ,On Saturday 14th March, twenty one youth of the Catholic parishes of Poole and Swanage woke up in the early hours to gather at St Mary,s Catholic Church car park for 8.15am not fully realising that they were about to experience a day like no other. The event was Flame2! With our black hoodies, generously sponsored by our local Catenian association in Poole, we set out full of excitement and anticipation!, Sarah and Paul continue their stories: Young people aged 14 to 21 travelled from all over the UK to celebrate with joy the mercy of God. Father Dermott Donnelly the Chair of CYMFED (Catholic Youth Ministry Federation of England and Wales) told us ",Today is a fantastic opportunity for us all to be reminded that life is a journey and we do not walk it alone. As 8000 people gather in the arena, we experience the vibrancy and hope that our faith brings. As the Church, we are a pilgrim people journeying together and whatever challenges, struggles or difficulties we experience, they are shared and transformed by Christ who walks with us. So we look forward to encountering together a new experience of Jesus through the worship and prayer, the gifted speakers and those sharing our stories with us.", Archbishop Antonio Mennini, Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain, sent the following message from Pope Francis directly to participants at Flame2: ",His Holiness Pope Francis presents His special greetings to all those persons who are participating in FLAME 2, taking place in Wembley Arena, London on Saturday, 7 March 2015.... Speaking to young people during his recent Apostolic Visit to the Philippines, the Holy Father affirmed: ",God surprises us. Let us allow ourselves to be surprised by God. Let us not have the psychology of a computer, thinking that we know everything... What do I mean? Think for a moment. The computer has all the answers, never a surprise... In the challenge of love, God shows up with surprises.... So let yourselves be surprised by God: Don`t be afraid of surprises, afraid that they will shake you up. They make us insecure but they change the direction we are going in. True love makes you ",burn life",, even at the risk of coming up empty-handed. Think of Saint Francis: he left everything, he died with empty hands, but, with a full heart... so.
,.be wise - -- think well, feel well and act well and try to be wise. Let yourselves be surprised by God`s love, then go out and burn life
, And I want to encourage you as Christian citizens... to offer yourselves passionately and honestly to the great work of renewing your society and helping to build a better world. (18 January 2015) His Holiness imparts to all participants in FLAME 2 and their families and loved ones a special Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of abundant graces from Our Blessed Lord.", It was an absolute pleasure to listen to the simple wisdom of Cardinal Luis `Chito` Tagle from the Philippines, who had a special message for any teachers in the arena, asking them to `be merciful` to our students and young people. I shared this with our children here at Our Lady and St Patrick,s RC Primary School in our act of worship the following week. They of course, told me that our staff already are merciful! Cardinal Chito shared with us all ",Where there is mercy, there joy is., FLAME 2 Continued on Page 2
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2 - Catholic South West May 2015 ,Catholic South West, is the monthly newspaper which serves the commu- nications needs of the clergy, organi- sations and people of the Diocese of Plymouth. EDITORIAL Editor: Felicity Stead 07906 234 210 01803 326929 Your letters, articles and photos are most welcome. Ideally please send by email, otherwise by CD or paper copies to the editor, c/o The Presbytery, Priory Road, St Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 4NY ADVERTISING Sales Manager: Ray Lambert PUBLISHER &, DISTRIBUTOR Published by: CathCom Limited, N2 Blois Meadow Business Centre Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, CB9 7BN Tel. 020 7112 6710 Website: REGIONAL MANAGEMENT Deanery Contacts Cornwall Deanery Rev Adrian Dyer, 01209 213698 Dorset Deanery Bridport: Pat McEvoy, 01308 424358 Poole: Brian Condon, 01202 687392 Weymouth: Esmé,e Nicholls 01305 834098 Exeter Deanery Exeter: Frances Canning, 01392 209542 Plymouth Deanery Monica Evans, 01752 663388 Torbay Deanery Richard Stead, 07952 670292 Editorial Panel Canon Michael Lock (Chairman), Rev Tony Irwin, Susanne Kowal, Sue Walsh, Adrian Wardle COPY DEADLINE: last working day of each month Please note that opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Publishers, Editor, The Diocese of Ply- mouth or the Roman Catholic Church. Diocesan News The Cardinal asked everyone to get out their smartphones, send a text saying ",Blessed are the Merciful, to two people on their contact list. He waited patiently for us all to be ready and when we were, prompted us all to send it out at exactly the same time. What a simple but powerful gesture. And, smartphones featured heavily throughout the day because many chose to light them up as they sang and danced their way throughout the day , a truly amazing sight. Throughout the day, our very own David Wells, Director of Adult Formation and Youth Ministry in the Diocese of Plymouth used his very own brand of creativity and humour to lead us deeper in to the themes of the conference, then after lunch he presented an amazing animation `Love Chooses You ` about Jesus, Born and Foretold and how he may be choosing us today. There was a tremendous cheer from the Diocese of Plymouth contingent towards the end of his presentation, when the young people in the animation appeared wearing orange shirts much like our own. David finished his talk by telling us: ,In the Words of Pope Francis, I invite you all, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ
, Let the Church say, Amen., The fast-paced programme of the day was interspersed with dance, film and beautiful music from the talented Matt Redman. There were lunchtime workshops run by Pax Christi, the Salesians, Columbans and CAFOD. Baroness Hollins spoke of her dedication to campaigning for mental health and gave the young people some simple tips to help them through life. Three CAFOD gap year volunteers showed us a film and described their work overseas, including projects with street children in Zimbabwe and peace and reconciliation work with Jewish and Palestinian groups in Israel and Palestine. Father Dan Fitzpatrick and Fr Marc Lyden Smith described their time on the TV programme Pointless, their Podfather podcasts and their mission taking the Church to the pub! Things came to a crescendo later in the day with a flashdance to Pharrel Williams` `Happy` song which some of us had practised before the day just so we could attempt to join in! Finally the day moved to a calmer time when we heard from Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP in the lead up to a time of Adoration. ",We need the music and dancing to wake us up", he said. ",We need the exultant joy. But we also need that quiet joy when we look at the Host at the Body of Christ", , ",
,. that`s a time when God also looks at us too. Adoration is a bit like sunbathing but more than that. The monstrance looks like the sun. You feel the warmth of God`s love. We say ",Let your face shine on us,. God knows all the worst things that you have done and he still delights in us. You are His. And he is yours... We let God look at us and he sees the immense capacity for goodness and holiness that every one of us has - and he may invite us to do something crazy. In Adoration we look at the Lord and the Lord looks at us. God`s smile dares us to give away our lives - because this is the greatest joy that can ever be. This is the joy we were made for... ",Last week Pope Francis said `have the courage to seek happiness` ...", To fall in love with God is the greatest of romances. To seek God is the greatest adventure. Let`s do it.", And so we did! When Adoration came to a close, the priests, bishops and cardinals all processed out with young representatives from all the dioceses represented there. Matt Redman and his band then raised the roof with 8,000 young Catholics dancing, clapping and singing along in celebration. Sarah: A final thought from Fr Timothy Radcliffe,s talk ,when your head hits the pillow tonight, ask yourself ,what has God said to me today and how am I going to respond?` Paul: the young people from Poole inspired us by saying, at the end of the day: ,flame was very fun and eventful
,it was better than I thought it would be ☺, , an incredible life changing day that I,ll never forget, a day I will cherish forever and talk about it in the years to come, the flame my father in heaven put in my heart got even brighter., Editor: I am very grateful to Sarah and Paul for sending their reports to CSW. I hope that all CSW readers spread the word in their own parishes and deaneries about the amazing work that our Youth Leaders do with the young people of our Diocese. And, if you have stories about what,s happening in the arena of Youth Work in your parish that you want to share with the Diocese please send them to me for publication in future editions of CSW. Continued from front page FLAME 2 Flores de Mayo (Spanish for ",Flowers of May",) is a Catholic and Aglipayan festival held in the Philippines in the month of May. It is one of the May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lasts for the entire month. The Santacruzan is the pageant on the last day of Flores de Mayo, held in honour of Helena of Constantinople (known as Reyna Elena) and Constantine the Great finding the True Cross in Jerusalem. This year,s Flores de Mayo and Santacruzan Procession, organised by members of the Filipino community from across the diocese, will take place in Exeter on Sunday 3rd May, full details of the programme for the day are shown below. Merlyn Maguire Liskeard FLORES DE MAYO AND SANTACRUZAN To advertise in the next issue of Catholic South West please contact Ray at CathCom on 01440 730399
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May 2015 Catholic South West - 3 Diocesan News Earlier this year parishioners of Our Lady of the Assumption Tavistock took action on climate change through CAFODS One Climate One World Campaign. Fr John Greatbatch gave one of the parish CAFOD volunteers, James Ronan, the opportunity to speak on the impacts of climate change on the world,s poor and the part we can play in calling on our government to act and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Parishioners were asked to play their part by filling in the One Climate One World Postcards to make a pledge to do more to look after the environment and to call on our government to act on our behalf. Parishioners were helped in their signings by CAFOD,s other parish volunteer Gillian Mill and the church youth group who took part by handing out and taking in the postcards, 83 were signed in total which is an amazing achievement considering Mass attendance is roughly 100 in Tavistock! In February Fr John and parishioners of Our Lady of the Assumption warmly welcomed their local MP Geoffrey Cox who took part in the handing over ceremony of the One Climate One World postcards. Geoffrey was happy to receive these postcards on behalf of the government and parishioners were pleasantly surprised to see the impact that their pledges were having. The postcards will now be making a journey to Number 10 Downing Street as part of the national One Climate One World Campaign. Volunteers like James across the country are hard at work organising campaign signings and engaging with their local MPs on this crucial issue, regardless of which political party they happen to represent. Organising a campaign signing may take a little effort but for all involved it is an inspiring opportunity to put your faith into action. When asked about organising his parish campaign signing our fantastic parish and key volunteer James Ronan said ,The One Climate One World campaign was a huge success, not only was it great for parishioners to take action on the issues that they cared about the most it was also inspiring to get Geoffrey Cox MP on-board to take part., For more information on CAFOD,s Lent appeal or its work around the world contact Simon Giarchi Tel: 01364 645440 email: website: Simon Giarchi CAFOD Diocesan Manager Kathryn Hogan, a Barnstaple-based medical student from Yorkshire who is spending a year studying Emergency Care in Devon, has decided to run her first marathon for Catholic charity Apostleship of the Sea. Kathryn loves running and likes a good challenge but has never run a marathon before. However, all that will change when she makes her marathon debut in Edinburgh this May. And she has decided to do it to help make a difference to the lives of seafarers by raising funds for AoS, which provides pastoral and practical support to seafarers. Kathryn said: ,This is my first marathon and I`ve decided to raise money for AoS, the Catholic charity that reaches out to seafarers across the world regardless of race or faith. Seafarers, work can be lonely and dangerous and they can spend up to a year away at sea. ,AoS provides crew members with pastoral and practical support. Although not everyone might personally know a seafarer we all rely on them for shipping our goods, especially with Great Britain being an island! ,This is a worthy cause, supporting a group of people who regularly leave their families and loved ones, are cut off from their culture and communities, in order to serve our trading needs. My last race was over a year ago and I fancied a new challenge and something to train towards. I,ve never done a marathon before but decided to give it a go., If you,d like to support Kathryn reach her target of raising £,500 for AoS, go to her ,Just Giving, page and give what you can. As Kathryn herself says, all donations will be much appreciated!! Falmouth AoS team provided pastoral support for the crew of a bunkering ship in Falmouth who were experiencing great distress after one of their colleagues died of a heart attack. AoS Falmouth port chaplain John Pinhay arranged for a priest to go on board the vessel and pray with the crew who were left anxious and in shock following the incident. In March of this year John received a phone call informing him that there had been a death on board the ship. A crew member had fallen ill while the ship was taking on fuel supplies and was transferred to Treliske Hospital in Truro but died soon afterwards, having suffered a massive heart attack. John continues the story: ,The captain had contacted the agent requesting a Catholic priest to visit the ship, as the crew were all Polish Catholics. I then contacted our local priest Fr Jon Bielawski who readily agreed to visit the ship and crew. We were met by a very distressed crew when we arrived on board the ship, they were under pressure to continue to load fuel for the next vessel coming into the bay for refueling. At first the captain was unsure what to do as the crew were very busy. However, after some discussion it was initially agreed that Fr Jon would say prayers with the captain who would then let the rest of the crew know that this was done. But, the captain kept disappearing from his cabin and eventually managed to gather all the crew together except for one. Fr Jon led everyone in prayer and shared gospel readings and then he invited the crew to recite the Lord,s Prayer in their own language. It was a very sad occasion, but AoS was able to show that it shared and understood the seafarers, grief and shock. The crew explained that one minute they were working alongside their crew mate and next moment he was gone., The Apostleship of the Sea, AoS, is a registered charity and agency of the Catholic Bishops, Conferences of England &, Wales and Scotland. It is wholly reliant on voluntary donations and legacies to continue its work, for more information visit Please remember in your prayers the AoS Chaplains in our Diocese and those to whom they minister: John Pinhay (Falmouth and Fowey), Ann Donnelly (Plymouth and Teignmouth) and Rev Roger Stone (Weymouth and Portland). APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA (AOS) Dates for the 2015 Camps are: 26th to 31st July Senior Camp (Years 7 , 10) and St Petroc,s Camp (Years 11 , 13) 2nd to 7th August Junior Camp (Years 3 , 6) PLYMOUTH DIOCESE SUMMER CAMPS 2015
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4 - Catholic South West May 2015 Diocesan News We stock a large selection of religious books, Christian re- sources, Cards, Jewellery, CDs and DVDs. We also sell Religious Items including gifts for Baptisms, First Holy Communions and Weddings. The Monastic Produce Shop has now joined our premises on a permanent basis. The Monastic Shop sells goods from Abbeys and Monasteries from Europe and beyond. It is an ideal place to buy unusual gifts and items whilst supporting small Monastic Communities. Please call in and visit us opposite the Abbey. Car Park- ing and entry to The Abbey is free. Alternatively tele- phone us on 01364 645506, email us on, or visit our website on Buckfast Abbey Bookshop Every Easter ,HCPT The Pilgrimage Trust, organises a pilgrimage to Lourdes especially for children, and, each year volunteers from a different HCPT region organise themed activities and materials to accompany pilgrims in Lourdes. At the time of writing this year,s pilgrimage will be getting ready to come home - however, I hope that the following story about the experiences of Amy, one of last year,s pilgrims, and her mum, inspires you to get involved with HCPT in the South West. Amy lives with a condition that makes her muscles weak, so she has little control of her body. She also has a severe learning disability and can,t speak. She is totally dependent on others to carry out all of her care. When she was offered a place on last year,s Easter pilgrimage, her parents were faced with a difficult decision. Her mum explains her emotions at the time, and why she is so glad that Amy went to Lourdes: ,Last February we were asked to make one of the biggest decisions we have ever had to face. Would we let our precious daughter go to Lourdes for a week with the HCPT Easter pilgrimage? Amy had never been away from us , even for a night, so the thought of a whole week was terrifying. We had chats and visits from the helpers who would be looking after her. They assured us she would be in safe hands. We decided to let her go. One of the helpers came to the house to get to know our little girl. We told her all about her likes and dislikes and dos and don,ts, and basically went through everything that we could think of. The departure date came around quickly and off I went to the airport very early in the morning. It was awful waiting for that moment when she was to leave. The tears were overflowing when off she went. I left the airport feeling so empty. The only time we were ever apart was when she was at school. We now had a full week without her! It was so quiet and didn,t seem real. We kept looking at our watches saying, ,I wonder if she is ok, I wonder what she is doing,. That afternoon we got a message to say they had arrived in Lourdes safely and everything was OK. It made us feel a little better. We decided to have a few days away so that we wouldn,t be at home worrying about Amy. Throughout the week we got lots of messages and photos sent to us letting us know how she was getting on and showing us what a good time she was having. She looked so happy in all the photos. It made us feel so delighted knowing that she was having a fantastic time, and obviously wasn,t really missing us. What seemed like a long week passed by and finally it was time for Amy to come home. Waiting at the airport with butterflies in my stomach to see my little girl after a week was almost unbearable. When she finally arrived back it was such a relief. Again there were lots of tears. Tears of happiness this time and tears from Amy as she didn,t want to leave her helper and new friends. It was wonderful to see everyone and to hear all the stories. We are really glad we made that huge decision as one very happy little girl came back to us., For more information about HCPT in the South West contact Christopher Woodman email: In 2013 15 cyclists of varying experience and abilities, supported by a vital volunteer team, cycled 521.5 miles to join us in Lourdes, they raised over £,25,000. This Easter a record 37 riders are joining the cycle to fundraise for our pilgrimage holidays for disabled and disadvantaged children and adults. Here,s what a few previous participants have said about the HCPT Cycle to Lourdes: Jim ,It was an amazing week. I count myself extremely lucky to have been able to ride through such beautiful countryside with such great fellow cyclists and a fantastic support crew., Pete ,You couldn,t ask for a better way to see the French countryside, or a better bunch of folk to do it with., James ,It was one of the best weeks of my life., If you are interested in joining the HCPT Cycle to Lourdes in 2017 please visit and we will get back to you when the initial arrangements are finalised. HCPT EASTER PILGRIMAGE 2015 , REJOICE!
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May 2015 Catholic South West - 5 Diocesan News Shortly after his ordination, Bishop Mark wrote to Lisieux to invite the relics of Blessed Louis and Zé,lie Martin, the parents of Saint Thé,rè,se of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face, to visit the Diocese. They are the first parents of a saint to be beatified, and the first spouses in the history of the Church to be proposed for sainthood together. Zé,lie and Louis are an inspiration to the families of today. Each owned a small business and worked hard while raising a large family. In the 19th century this two-career couple faced the challenges we face in the 21st: finding good child care, achieving professional excellence, operating a profitable business, caring for aging parents, educating a special- needs child, forming their children in the faith, finding time to pray and to be active in their parish. Devout Catholics, they saw Christ in the poor and worked for a just society. In 1877 Zé,lie died of breast cancer, leaving Louis a single parent with five minor daughters to bring up. Later Louis was diagnosed with a form of dementia (cerebral arteriosclerosis) and spent three years in a psychiatric hospital. Like us, Louis and Zé,lie could not control their circumstances. Life came at them unexpectedly, just as it comes at us. They could not prevent their tragedies: the Franco-Prussian war, when they had to house nine German soldiers, the infant deaths of four of their nine children, one from abuse by a wet-nurse, their painful diseases, Zé,lie,s premature death. Nor could they escape their responsibilities as business owners, caregivers, spouses, and parents. Their genius lay in how they accepted what happened to them: they accepted their own powerlessness, that God might be all powerful in their lives. They taught the same radical openness to their youngest daughter, Thé,rè,se, now a doctor of the Church. Zé,lie and Louis were not declared ,blessed, because of Thé,rè,se. She became a saint because of them. They created an environment that invited her to holiness, and she responded freely to the invitation they offered her. They offer the same invitation to us and in this period between the two Synods in Rome, they are particularly important and welcome guests in our diocese. We look forward to welcoming them in Plymouth, at the Cathedral, between the 15th and 18th May, and in Dorchester between the 18th and 20th May. For full details about the relics and their visit to our diocese visit http://www.plymouth- -martin RELICS OF BLESSED LOUIS AND ZÉ,LIE MARTIN This year is our 150th anniversary and there will be lots going later in 2015 to celebrate. We want to create a memory board so, if you have any photos and memories of your time at Notre Dame, please send them to us via email or post on Facebook If you have parents or grandparents who came to Notre Dame please share their images too! We`d love to get some really early pictures as well as the more recent ones, so get rummaging through those attics! Calling all former Notre Dame Students Plymouth Deanery FUNERAL SERVICES
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6 - Catholic South West May 2015 Diocesan News In the middle of March, writes Michael Cobbett, we celebrated the Requiem Mass of Rene Cotter, a founder member of the Legion of Mary in Plymouth. I remember what great fun it was to listen and chat with her and see her photographs of the early days of the Legion. In fact, we have lost quite a few of our Auxiliaries over the past year including Helen and Neville Simpson from Exeter. Neville was a non-Catholic when he met Frank Duff, the founder of the Legion, in Dublin. He was so impressed by Frank Duff and what he said that he decided to become a Catholic. Helen and Neville were also members of the Third Order of St Francis. We remember also Chris Dennehy who was tragically killed when cycling to work. He did such loving work with the HCPT Easter Pilgrimages to Lourdes especially for children. It was Chris who entrusted the Legion with taking the statue of Our Lady of Buckfast to many homes in the City of Plymouth. Then there was Barbara Avis, a long-term resident of Margaret Clitherow House in Torquay, dear Hilary Lowther of Plymouth, Stella Richardson and Betty Swift from St Budeaux. Let us remember all of them in our prayers for all the good work that they did in this life. May they now rest in peace with the Lord. 2014 saw the growth of the Praesidium in Plymouth with three new members , Sue Wills, Caroline Mills and Marianna Gray from Argentina. In Tintagel the number of Active members has increased to five and Sclerder continues to struggle on with two Active members, but are likely to get one new member shortly. The Praesidium at Truro has unfortunately had to close, but the active members have now become Auxiliaries. Their good works will be missed, but their prayers will be valued. A recruiting letter has been sent out to all parish priests in the diocese to encourage them to set up the Legion as their `Parish Evangelisation Team` to help in the call for a New Evangelisation. Adrian Wardle, formerly an active member, has been a great help in drafting the letter and sending it off to the priests. Thanks a million! The Curia had a lovely Summer Outing last August with dinner together, then a visit to Golden Manor where St Cuthbert Mayne celebrated Holy Mass in secret during penal times. Afterwards we visited the beautiful Trewithen Gardens. On Saturday 21st March we held our annual Acies Ceremony at Tintagel with Mass, the Curia meeting and a shared lunch. Those who could not be there were urged to join with us by saying the Legion Prayers and repeating the Legion Promise: ",I am all yours, my Queen, my Mother, and all that I have is yours.", Michael Cobbett LEGION OF MARY Exeter Deanery On 20th March, a lovely spring day, the parish of St. Mary,s, Barnstaple celebrated the baptism of a local boy, the secondary Patron of Plymouth Diocese, St. Cuthbert Mayne. It was on this day in 1544 that Cuthbert, named after the great northern Saint Cuthbert, was baptised in the Norman font which still stands in the medieval church in the village of Shirwell, just a few miles north of Barnstaple. Pontifical Mass with Bishop Mark O,Toole as Chief Celebrant was held in the afternoon at Shirwell, thanks to the goodwill of the local Vicar and Church Wardens. Fr. Paul Andrew, Parish Priest, and Fr. David Annear from the National Shrine of St. Cuthbert Mayne were concelebrants and Deacon John Connors assisted. A good number of Launceston parishioners came in three cars. Mass was followed by a sumptuous tea back in the Presbytery. Then followed Vespers in St. Mary,s Church, a talk on St. Cuthbert Mayne by Fr. David, Benediction and Veneration of the major relic of St. Cuthbert Mayne, brought from Launceston. Fr. Paul Andrew and Fr. David Annear Photos: Mary Bourne St Mary,s, Barnstaple
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May 2015 Catholic South West - 7 Cornwall Deanery Evangelisation in Cornwall , a personal experience Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium has touched the hearts of Catholics throughout the world. Published in 2013, Pope Francis tells us, ,The Joy of the Gospel is for all people , go forth to all places, on all occasions, without hesitation, reluctance or fear, (Evangelii Gaudium 23). I would like to share with you our experiences of ,going forth,, both in our parish and in our town of Falmouth. In 2013, an ecumenical mission ,Walk Cornwall, took place in which teams of missioners from various parts of the country came to our county to ,walk the high roads and byways of Cornwall, proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel. Thirteen of our parishioners went out in the morning, afternoon and early evening visiting the streets of Falmouth. A consequence of Walk Cornwall has been that seven of us, including Fr Jon Bielawski our parish priest, regularly go out as part of an ecumenical team on Saturday mornings. Door to door visiting is a rewarding task as it allows us to reach out to people ,where they are, and to proclaim the Good News. ,God,s word is unpredictable in its power , unruly freedom of the word, which accomplishes what it wills in ways that surpass our calculations and ways of thinking., (Evangelii Gaudium 22). We take with us a ,neighbourhood pack, with a local map of churches, times of services, one of the gospels, and a little booklet called ,Knowing God personally., We also carry out a short ,Personal Beliefs, survey as a starter to a conversation, the survey has five questions: , Do you believe in some kind of God? , What do you believe happens at the end of our lives? , What do you believe about Jesus Christ? , If you could ask God one question, what would it be? (The usual answer here is ,Why is there so much suffering in the world?,). , If you could know God personally would you be interested? Before going out on home visitations, we assemble for fellowship prayer and a ,cuppa,, we thank and praise God for his many blessings and we pray for those to be visited, for openness and response. We ask God to prepare our way that we may be open to the spirit and be given wisdom, compassion and understanding , for those we meet. We go out in teams of two praying ,Peace be to this house, before knocking on the doors. Meanwhile, two of the team remain at home base, praying. At the time of writing it seems indeed the prayer of those at home base was fruitful. Many people completed the personal beliefs, survey, good conversations took place and a number of people expressed a wish to be ,reconnected, with their church. Often the housebound and disabled are just glad to see a friendly face and have a chat - there is much loneliness and isolation among elderly people in our locality. We frequently meet students from our local university who engage in long conversations about re-incarnation, scientific ideas of a ,force of energy, and who are searching for meaning in their lives. We meet atheists, agnostics, people who have been hurt by the church, those who are suffering. Engaging in conversation, we are able to speak of Jesus, his great love in dying for us and our hope of salvation and eternal life. I, like the others from St. Mary,s, have learned much from ,going forth, with our Christian friends of other denominations. My faith has been strengthened, as has my willingness and joy in humbly walking our streets and meeting the people of our local community. ,Churches, customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures, need to be suitably channelled for the evangelisation of today,s world., (Evangelii Gaudium 27). Mary Bradley Falmouth Parish of St Mary, Falmouth At St. Mary Immaculate in Falmouth we enjoyed a fascinating evening when missionaries from the charity ,Jews for Jesus, visited us. Their purpose was to give a presentation of Christ in the Passover and share with us the traditions of the Passover celebration, with the aim of showing the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God. Missionary couple Boris and Gefen Skvortsov from Tel Aviv were welcomed by over seventy people, mainly St. Mary,s parishioners, as part of their three week tour of the UK. The church hall had been transformed and tables were set up with the required food and wine to allow each person to participate in the rituals of the celebration. The top table was set up by Boris and Gefen, with a range of items for use during the celebration, such as the Haggadah (literally ,the telling,) service book, the seder plate with clear divisions for each food of the seder and the matzah tash (a bag with three pouches, one for each matzah). This engaging couple explained every step of the Passover celebration and delivered the information in an accessible and often humorous way, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the participants. We shared in the different blessings and enjoyed the different ritual foods, such as Karpas (greens, in our case parsley) dipped in salt water which, they explained, symbolised life (greens) and the tears of life (salt water), Maror (ground bitter herb, in our case horseradish) which symbolised the bitterness the Israelites felt during slavery and Charoset, a sweet, dark-coloured paste of apples, cinnamon and nuts which symbolised mortar (referring to the Israelites, work during slavery). At four specific times of the celebration, a cup of wine was drunk to represent the promises made by God as told in Exodus, that is: sanctification, plagues, salvation and praise. Plenty of matzah (unleavened bread) was on hand throughout the celebration and we were fascinated to learn that yeast, by making bread ,puff up, symbolizes sin and causes people to become ,puffed up, in their own eyes, hence its exclusion in the bread, moreover, by showing us that the matzah is pierced, the presence of Christ in the Passover became all the clearer. Throughout the presentation, there were clear links with our own Catholic faith through blessings and symbolism, some of which even provoked gasps of surprise. After the celebration, many participants took the opportunity to ask questions on an individual basis and purchase literature which extended the information given at the evening,s event. It was a highly enjoyable, informative and, most importantly, visual and experiential event, which provoked curiosity for further understanding of the links between the Jewish and Christian faiths and which will, without doubt, enrich our individual experiences this Easter, especially during Maundy Thursday Mass. Sarah Lucia Rapetti Falmouth ,Christ In The Passover, Comes To Falmouth Self Catering Lodge - Torquay, Devon. Sleeps up to 18 persons. Ideal for small church groups, retreats or large family get aways £,200 per night. (minimum 2 nights) Tel: 01803 329333 ECVN
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8 - Catholic South West May 2015 Watch EWTN Live TV at 020 8350 2542 Dorset Deanery In our refurbished restaurant, with its covered outdoor terrace, you can enjoy tea and homemade cakes or choose from our tasty range of hot meals and light snacks produced by our chefs. All in the peaceful surroundings of the Abbey grounds. Grange Restaurant and Tea Rooms, Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, TQ11 0EE. 01364645504 To advertise in the next issue of Catholic South West please contact Ray at CathCom on 01440 730399 Blessed Louis and Blessed Zé,lie Martin, the parents of St Thé,rè,se of the Child Jesus On October 19th 2008, World Mission Sunday, Louis and Marie Zé,lie Martin Guerin, the parents of St Thé,rè,se of the Child Jesus, were declared blessed in Lisieux by Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, retired prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of Saints. It was only the second time in history that a married couple had been beatified (the first couple being Luigi and Maria Quattrocchi of Italy in 2001). The canonisation ceremony for Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin is likely to take place during the world Synod of Bishops on the family in October. Holy Trinity Parish will host the relics of Blessed Louis and Zé,lie Martin from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20 May, for full details of the schedule at Holy Trinity visit Holy Trinity Parish, Dorchester Unwrapping ,The Gift, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Weymouth, recently hosted an ecumenical gathering of some Catholic clergy from the Dorset deanery as well as ministers, pastors and church representatives of other Christian churches in Weymouth and Portland. The occasion was to preview of a new DVD resource, ,The Gift,, a Life in the Spirit course which is normally presented over six sessions spread over six weeks and leading to a further infilling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We were fortunate to have as guest speaker Charles Whitehead, of Celebrate and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal organisation, who talked us through the background to the course and then presented clips from the DVDs and encouraged us to ask questions. Our non-Catholic church leaders and representatives were delighted to have been invited and were very positive about what they saw and heard. We will be putting on the course between Easter and Pentecost at Our Lady Star of the Sea each Thursday evening from 7:30pm to 9:30pm from 16 April until 21 May. There will be one additional session on Saturday 16th May between 11.00 am and 4.00 pm. when we have the session ,Encountering the Holy Spirit,. We have invited both Catholics and non-Catholics to come along each week and enjoy a time of prayer, praise and fellowship. Our hope is that the recent preview will have either encouraged priests or pastors to come with their congregations for the six week course or to put on a course in their own churches using ,The Gift, DVD series. Everyone is invited to come and experience a renewal in the Spirit and be sure of a very warm welcome at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Weymouth. If you are interested in coming along, please contact Michael Scully at: OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA PARISH, WEYMOUTH
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May 2015 Catholic South West - 9 To advertise in the next issue of Catholic South West please contact Ray at CathCom on 01440 730399 Dorset Deanery Kelvin Crombie - Author and Historian - will give an illustrated talk at the Murray Muscat Centre, Bournemouth at 7.30pm on Thursday 30th April. Kelvin and Lexie Crombie lived in Jerusalem for nearly twenty-five years and their four daughters were born there. He is a Christian with a profound knowledge of the history and restoration of Israel, authoring a number of books and documentary videos on the subject. As an Australian, he has a particular interest in the role of the ANZACs and is a member of the Association of the Heritage of the First World War, and one of the initiators of the 2007 Ride of Peace re- enactment of the 1917 Light Horse Charge at Beersheba, where he guided the group of seventy horsemen. Kelvin has worked with many Israeli academics on joint research projects, including bringing to light some interesting artefacts, and opening up the tunnel to the large underground cistern beneath the Western Wall. He guided and lectured numerous groups while in Israel, and, among many other engagements, spoke at a reception in the House of Lords in 2012 at the invitation of Viscount Montgomery. For more information about talks, future events and directions to the Murray Muscat Centre visit Gallipoli - The Road to Jerusalem. Is God in Control of World Events? Exeter Deanery Tanzanian Project Axminster Catenians were treated to a description of the project recently undertaken by Molly Hyde a parishioner of St Catherine`s, Bridport, at their recent dinner at Lyme Regis Golf Club. Molly joined a team organised by Lassalian (De La Salle Brothers Development Organisation), and was assisted financially by a grant from the Catenian Bursary Trust Fund. The project involved building an additional classroom at the remote village of Njombe in Tanzania. The team lived among the villagers in primitive conditions - no loos, no running water, shared mattresses on the floor and undertook hard labour to make and lay bricks, mix cement etc. They spent their spare time socialising with the children including playing football. Molly described vividly the impact that the visit had made on Njombe. Many of the villagers had never seen white people before and were overwhelmed by the fact that Molly and her group should have come so far to help them! Molly and her colleagues were, however, of the opinion that they had gained more from the experience than they had been able to give! She was so enthused by the experience that she is planning another project in 2015, this time in Sri Lanka, teaching and helping to refurbish a school. Molly currently plays football with Weymouth Ladies and is due to start a Drama degree at Glasgow University in September. Bill Stead Axminster Catenians are Catholic men who meet regularly for social activities , often with their families. They are part of an international organisation with over 10,500 members, who recently celebrated their Centenary. Members of Axminster Catenians are drawn from East Devon, West Dorset and South Somerset. Parish of St Mary, Axminster Axminster Catenians Kevin Lazenby (L) and Acting President David Gale (R) congratulate Molly Hyde on a fine presentation of her project work in Tanzania
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10 - Catholic South West May 2015 Plymouth Deanery As one of the most successful, non-selective secondary schools in Torbay, we are open to children of all abilities and backgrounds. We are inviting parents of Year 5 children to attend our Open Mornings on the following dates: Tuesday 2nd June 9.45-12.15 Friday 12th June 9.45-12.15 Thursday 18th June 9.45-12.15 Wednesday 24th June 9.45-12.15 There is also an Open Day and Evening on Thursday 17th September. Please phone to book a tour of the school and all its facilities, see lessons in action and have a chance to talk with the Headteacher, Mr Peter Brown. Trumlands Road, Torquay TQ1 4RN Tel: (01803) 328725 Twenty-one year old James Ronan, a student at Plymouth University, was presented with a cheque for £,75 by Dr Mark Bridle, a parishioner at Our Lady of The Assumption, Tavistock and a recently enrolled member of the Plymouth Catenians. The presentation took place after Mass on Palm Sunday and will help James with his work in supporting the next Children,s HCPT Lourdes Pilgrimage. Trevor Davies Plymouth Plymouth Catenians James Ronan (L) with Plymouth Catenian Dr Mark Bridle (extracts from an article by Monica Evans) Dick,s life truly was a life of love, and of dedication to his own family and beyond. His life on earth, with his strengths and real goodness, ended in January of this year. His Requiem Mass took place in the chapel at Nazareth House, Plymouth, where he had spent his final months, together with Audrey his wife who survives him. Truly reflecting Dick,s own modest life and demeanor, the service was a quiet one, celebrated by Fr Peter Coxe and Father Denis Collin. It was a peaceful requiem, enhanced by the presence of Bernadette Farrell who sang the Psalm and at the end her own composition, ,Go before us, Jesus Saviour,, which she had written for Jackie Birch, Dick,s adopted daughter, who died tragically from heart arrhythmia aged 37 in 2002. Dick and Audrey had three children, all adopted. The first, Aidan, was killed by a car when he escaped and ran out onto the street. He was only seven. Dick and Audrey named their house ,St Aidan,. Jackie was also adopted, as was their son Robin who died in October 2013 after a difficult life with psychological problems. Throughout his difficulties Dick and Audrey had done everything they could for him. For anyone to lose all their children whom they had nurtured and loved means great suffering. Dick,s life was always one of service, his working life was spent as an educational psychologist in schools, one of which, and where I first met him, was Tavistock Comprehensive School (now named ,Tavistock College,). He was a person of great talent, dedication, self-effacement and humility in the service of God, his own family, and of all especially the poor and marginalised in our societies here and abroad. It was his desire to serve and make the world a better place that, once he retired, led him to plunge himself into his calling to work in support of the disadvantaged everywhere. This started with the formation of the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission for which he worked closely with Bishop Christopher Budd, and CAFOD, for several years. The Commission, promoted by CAFOD and working alongside CAFOD, was designed to educate us in the Church about poverty and the injustices which allow such poverty, here or abroad. In starting a Justice and Peace Commission Dick brought together representatives of several organisations including Amnesty International, CAFOD, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Campaign against the Arms Trade, Caritas International, Child Poverty Action Group, Church Action on Poverty, Pax Christi and representatives of Religious Orders. Dick led the group for some years with Audrey as his secretary, and thus the Justice and Peace Commission was born, with Dick as our ,Field Worker,. During this time he also visited the five deaneries to encourage more participation, as well as making links with other Churches. He invited speakers from abroad who were CAFOD visitors and others from UK organisations. He also arranged study days, and days of recollection and reflection for the Commission in different parts of the Diocese, with or without specially invited speakers. The Justice and Peace Commission was later led by Elizabeth Bailey, and now by Mary Conway. Throughout his life he was supported by his wife Audrey, her commitment to Dick,s ventures showed a real selfless courage and a quiet service, not just to him but to all of us who had the privilege of working with them. For both Dick and Audrey service in the Kingdom of God here on earth was priority. Throughout their work Dick,s own suffering included not only surgery to correct crippling with arthritis, but for himself and Audrey the heartache caused by the loss of their children. Their continued dedication and courage were, and are, an inspiration. We may feel sad that Dick is no longer here with us, but his inspiration remains. His kindness and goodness were always apparent and will be always remembered. Like all of us, of course, he will have had his faults, but his goodness shone out. He is with God. Dick Birch , A Life of Love Torbay Deanery PRAYER PASTORS: Torbay Street Pastors take the presence of Jesus out into the world and make a real difference in people,s lives. The teams never go out on the streets on a Friday and Saturday night without a small group of Prayer Pastors staying at the base in the Memorial Hall to pray for the teams and the people and situations that they come across. Numbers of Prayer Pastors have dwindled recently and more are urgently needed. As well as praying, the Prayer Pastors also support the teams when they come in for breaks, their work is sacrificial, but it is also very rewarding in contributing to the transformation of the community - crime is down 40% in the area since Street Pastors have been operating. If you would like to know more about being a Prayer Pastor, please contact either Trevor Staveley email: Tel: 01803 411214 Mob: 07517867349, or Graham Fry email: Tel: 01626 335928. Authors: Paul Cannon and Sharon Beech In this new, practical and easy to read resource we are all encouraged to ,Proclaim the Gospel message to other people through word and action,. Paul Cannon and Sharon Beech from the Department of Evangelisation in the Diocese of Salford have years of experience in supporting those who work within their parishes to ensure that the faith is shared with joy by all. This book looks at two key aspects of evangelisation , taking the Gospel to places where it has never been heard and taking the Gospel to places where it was once strong and has now been obscured or it has disappeared altogether. Paul and Sharon tell us of their experiences of making it possible for people living in a variety of circumstances, to see God in the mess of life. They identify a number of challenges but also offer ideas of how to enable parishioners to create a community in which Jesus Christ is truly at the heart. Welcome to Witness, Becoming an Evangelising Parish is available from Redemptorist Publications. Book Review
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May 2015 Catholic South West - 11 Diary Dates May 2015 If you would like an entry for your Parish or Deanery to be included in the Diary Dates section please email details to the Editor at by the last working day of each preceding month. MARRIAGE CARE SOUTH WEST (MCSW) MCSW preparation course dates for 2015: , Torbay Saturdays 9th May and 10th October NB: the 9th May event is an additional course and will take place at the Conference Centre, Buckfast Abbey. For further details of either of these events please contact Jenny Allen email: , Plymouth Saturdays 18th July and 21st November For further details please contact Clare Danes email: MCSW also offers FOCCUS, a guided questionnaire-based exploration and essential relationship know-how for individual couple with a trained facilitator. For more information contact For all other enquiries about MCSW please contact Sue Burridge, head of MCSW centre Tel: 01395 272799 Mob: 07875 161 595 email: May 2015 Sunday 3rd May, Flores de Mayo &, Santacruzan Procession 2015: This year,s procession will take place in Exeter, full details will be published in the April edition of Catholic South West. Saturday 9th May, A Day with St Benedict, Buckfast Abbey, 10am to 4pm: for more information about this year,s ,Quiet Days with Dom Christopher Delaney OSB, contact the Warden,s Office tel: 01364 645532. Saturday 16th May, A Call to Action (ACTA) meeting, St Joseph`s Church Hall, Newton Abbot, 11am: for more information contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478. June 2015 Friday12th to Sunday 14th June, Exeter: Retrouvaille residential weekend for married couples facing difficulties or crises in their married life. The second (non-residential) stage of the programme will take place on 4 Saturdays: 20th June, 4th and 18th July and 1st August. For more information see page 5 of this edition or contact June mob: 07887 296 983 email: Future events Saturday 4th July, A Day with St Benedict, Buckfast Abbey, 10am to 4pm: for more information about this year,s ,Quiet Days with Dom Christopher Delaney OSB, contact the Warden,s Office tel: 01364 645532. Sunday 12th July, International Mass Celebration, Blessed Sacrament Church, Heavitree, Exeter: Mass at 10.30am followed by a celebration of foods and entertainment from around the world in the Richard Reynolds Garden. As well as food and drink there will be games, music and a grand raffle. For more information or to offer to help please contact Jane mob: 07890 373617. Saturday 25th July, A Call to Action (ACTA) meeting, St Joseph`s Church Hall, Newton Abbot, 11am: for more information contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478 Sunday 26th to Friday 31st July and Sunday 2nd August to Friday 7th August, Diocesan Catechetical Summer Camps for years 7 , 10, years 11 , 12 and years 3 - 6: for more information go to the Diocesan News section of this edition or visit Saturday 3rd October, A Day with St Benedict, Buckfast Abbey, 10am to 4pm: for more information about this year,s ,Quiet Days with Dom Christopher Delaney OSB, contact the Warden,s Office Tel: 01364 645532. Saturday 31st October, A Call to Action (ACTA) meeting, St Joseph`s Church Hall, Newton Abbot, 11am: for more information contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478 REGULAR EVENTS Cornwall Deanery , First Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm, Afternoon Tea Club: The Church Hall, Our Lady of the Portal &, St Piran RC Church, Truro. , First &, Third Tuesdays from 10.30am, Coffee morning: Charles Langdon Room, St Cuthbert Mayne Church, Launceston. , Second Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm, Justice and Peace/Poverty Meeting followed by prayers for persecuted Christians: St Mary,s Church Hall, Killigrew Road, Falmouth. , Third Tuesdays from 12.30pm to 2pm, Parish Soup Lunch: The Church Hall, Our Lady of the Portal &, St Piran RC Church, Truro. , Thursday evenings at 7.30pm, after evening Mass, Film Evening: The Church Hall, Our Lady of the Portal &, St Piran RC Church, Truro. , New life House Groups focusing on prayer, scripture and fellowship (Acts 2): contact Sheona 07790 413562 for more information and directions o Wednesdays 10am to 12noon 13a Pentire Rd, Newquay, TR7 1NX. o Wednesdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm (during term-time) 18A Ferris Town, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3JH or , New Life Praise and Worship Evenings: o First Wednesday of each month 6.15pm to 7.15pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by praise and Worship at 7.30pm: Our Lady of the Portal and St Piran Catholic Church, Truro. Contact Sheona 07790 413562 for more information or visit , Wednesdays, 11.30am to 4pm, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - with Rosary at 12noon: Church of St Mary Immaculate, Falmouth. , Wednesdays, 3.30pm to 5.30pm, Table Tennis: Church Hall, Falmouth - parishioners of all ages welcome. , First &, Third Fridays 7pm to 9pm, Prayer Group, Mary,s Eucharistic Renewal: St Paul,s Social Centre, Tintagel. , Saturdays, after the 10am Mass, Rosary: St Cuthbert Mayne Church, Launceston, all are warmly invited to join a small group of parishioners and pray the Rosary. , Saturdays at 11am, Legion of Mary: St Paul,s Social Centre, Tintagel. , Sundays from 6pm to 7pm, ,Come and See, evening, St Mary,s Church Hall, Killigrew Road, Falmouth: Soup/Roll and chat, for anyone of all faiths and none, especially welcome are strangers and those on the margins of society. Followed at 7pm by prayers with intercessions and thanksgiving with Exposition. Dorset Deanery , First weekend of every month, after weekend Masses, Prayer Ministry for healing or any other need: Our Lady Star of the Sea, Weymouth. For more information contact Mike Newbery tel: 01305 776296 email: , Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, Inspire 20s to 40s Church Friends Group and Home Group: St Mary,s Church, Poole after the 7pm Mass. , Monday evenings at 8pm, Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation Adult Education: Murray Muscat Centre, Glen Fern Road, Bournemouth. Admission free and all are welcome. For details of the topic for each session please contact Spencer Nathan email: Exeter Deanery , Monday evenings at 7.30pm, Meditation Group: Richard Reynolds Centre, Heavitree Road, Exeter. , Tuesday evenings from 8pm to 9pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mount St Mary Convent, Wonford Road. , Third Saturday of each month, 4.30pm, Kerala Community Mass: Blessed Sacrament Church, Heavitree, Exeter. Plymouth Deanery , Tuesday afternoons from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, Union of Catholic Mothers: Cathedral Centre. , Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, Discussion Group: Jeremiah Centre, Stott Close, Efford, Plymouth to reflect on the liturgical readings for the coming Sunday. , Thursday mornings at 10.30am (coffee from 10am) Bible Study Group: Cathedral Centre. , Thursday afternoons at 2pm, Rosary in Malayalam: Blessed Sacrament Chapel at the Cathedral. , Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8.30pm, Legion of Mary: Cathedral Centre. , Friday evenings at 6pm, Holy Hour: The Cathedral , Sunday evenings, after the 6pm Mass , CREDO: A forum for young adults wanting to deepen their faith and spiritual life in the Catholic Church through prayer, discussion and community. CREDO meets in Cathedral Centre. , Second Saturday of each month, 11am to 12noon , SPUC Anti-Abortion Prayers, Derriford: For more information contact Christine Hudson Tel: 01752 224018 , Second Sunday of each month, Sunday Lunch Club, Efford: for individuals, couples or families who would like to come, to book please contact Deacon Simon Fletcher or Suzanne Tel: 01752 667433. , Second Monday of each month from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Knights of St Columba: Cathedral Centre. , Third Monday of each month at 7pm, FOCOLARE , Word of Life Group: Cathedral Centre. , Second Tuesday of each month, Patricians - Legion of Mary discussion group: Cathedral Centre, for more information please contact Raad Binham Tel: 07816 542 349. , Normally First Friday of each month after the 7pm Mass , St Padre Pio Prayer Group: Cathedral, for more information contact Rev. Deacon Tony Irwin Tel: 01548 853413. Torbay Deanery , Third Monday of every month, 7.15pm, South Hams Catenians: Seven Stars Public House, Kingsbridge. Please note new venue. , Wednesdays from 6pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (with Vespers at 6.30pm and Benediction at 6.50pm): Holy Angels, Chelston, Torquay. , First Saturday of every month (except January) 7.45am for an 8am start, Christians Together in Torquay: Prayer Breakfast at St Luke`s Parish Church, St Luke`s Road. , First Sunday of every month, Polish Mass: Church of the Assumption, Abbey Road, Torquay at 4pm with confessions from 3.30pm. RETREATS IN THE DIOCESE OF PLYMOUTH Silent and individually guided retreats by members of the Plymouth Diocesan Ignatian Spirituality Team: offering each person the opportunity for space, SILENCE and prayer with a spiritual companion to help you pray and reflect. Contact details for bookings and general information post: The Presbytery, 19 Fosse Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1NG tel: 01548 852670 email: or Monday 8th to Friday 12th June: Midweek Retreat, Fowey, Cornwall. *Friday 16th to Sunday 18th October: Weekend Retreat, Buckfast Abbey. *Monday 19th to Friday 23rd October: Midweek Retreat, Buckfast Abbey. * these 2 retreats can be ,joined, together to form a 6-day retreat. Friday 13th to Sunday 16th November: Weekend Retreat, Buckfast Abbey Chemin Neuf Community, Sclerder Abbey, Looe, Cornwall: Formed in 1973 and established internationally in 27 countries the Chemin Neuf Community specialises in Marriage &, Family days, youth work, evangelisation. For more information please call 01503 272238 or visit PILGRIMAGES 2015 Wednesday 13th to Friday 22nd May: HCPT Group 507 Joint Services Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes. For more information please contact Richard Tipping tel: 01752 787697 email: or Charles Brunel tel: 01752 695090 email: Saturday 23rd to Friday 29th May: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Mark. Flying from Exeter and staying at Hotel Chappelle et Parc, close to the Grotto. Enquiries to Pilgrimage Director, Fr Kieran Kirby, Diocesan Director tel: 01803 294142. Booking through Joe Walsh Tours tel: 0203 468 0617 Online: Thursday 18th to Thursday 25th June: Medjugorje Pilgrimage flying from Bristol, if you are interested in joining the pilgrimage please contact Philip Illsley Mob: 07967 687 077 email: post: 18 Meadow Hill, Church Village, East Glamorgan, CF38 1RX. Cost £,544 (+ single room supplement).
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12 - Catholic South West May 2015 Unique Festival for Families This year is the 30th Anniversary of the Buckfast Abbey Education Department and to celebrate we will be running a three day Christian Storytelling Festival from Thursday 2nd to Saturday 4th July. This is a very special one off event and we think the first of its kind in the country which means that we have been able to attract some of the best storytellers and theatre companies from far and wide. Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd July will be for schools and Saturday 4th July will be a festival day for families and general visitors. It should be really marvellous spectacle of storytelling, theatre and puppetry. There will be something for all ages. We are particularly excited to welcome as our ,star guest, the superb Bob Hartman who is coming over from America. If you have never seen Bob perform then you have missed a treat. He really is one of the world,s great storytellers. Alison Gagg Education Manager, Buckfast Abbey BUCKFAST ABBEY Torbay Deanery World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2015 Sunday 26th April In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated Good Shepherd Sunday as ,World Day of Prayer for Vocations., Jesus, the Good Shepherd, protects us as his flock and promises us the gift of eternal life. The Church invites us to honour the vocation of all Christians given at baptism. May we who have dedicated our lives to God through the vocation of marriage, priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life, and the single life remain faithful to our commitments. May those who are discerning their life,s vocation listen to the grace of God to guide them. This year,s theme is ,I give my soul,.
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