Catholic South West History
Newspaper for the Dioceses of Plymouth, Clifon and Portsmouth
Feb 2015 edition of the Catholic South West
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Issue 211 February 2015 Bishop Mark O,Toole was Principal Celebrant at the Opening Mass for the Year of Consecrated Life in the Plymouth Diocese. Representatives from many of the Religious Communities across our Diocese were present at the Cathedral on 6th December along with parishioners from the parishes which they serve and support. The displays that the Brothers and Sisters from the communities had brought with them were available to view after the Mass, pictures of some of the displays have been included below. In his Homily during Mass Bishop Mark said: ,You will know that Pope Francis has asked for this year of Consecrated Life. In fact, in somewhat Jesuitical style it is more than a year, running from the beginning of Advent to 2nd February 2016! One of the things we forget about our beloved Holy Father is of course that he has lived a Consecrated life for over fifty years. He is someone who knows this life from the inside. In the contours of his own life we see how such a life speaks to all of us. Just recently he remarked: ,It is a question of leaving everything to follow the Lord. No, I do not want to say ,radical,. Evangelical radicalness is not only for consecrated men and women: it is demanded of all. But Religious follow the Lord in a special way, in a prophetic way. It is this witness that I expect of you. Those who are consecrated should be men and women able to wake the world up., What a great Advent call this is. Consecrated men and women are especially Advent people, called to wake us all up! When you fail to shake us from our slumbers, you fail in your prophetic call. When our lives become too comfortable, then we lose the rich soil of the faith. Consecrated life of its essence is a close following of the Gospel. We look to each of you to be a living Gospel for us. I think we have great cause to be grateful for the accompaniment, the encouragement, the guidance we have received from outstanding men and women who live this dedication in the Church. This is one reason why I think we are all so glad to be here today, to celebrate those in our diocese who live such a life , Religious women and men, consecrated virgins and hermits, members of ecclesial movements. I want to thank you all for your participation in the life of the Church and your witness to us of the priority of following Christ, And I want to encourage you , no to urge you , by your way of life, to embrace fully the call to follow the Lord Jesus , poor, chaste and obedient. In this way you prod us and keep us from falling asleep. Various suggestions are made to us in listening to the words of the Pope. But we are particularly challenged by the absolute simplicity with which Pope Francis offers his teaching. The way he lives, in tune with the appealing sincerity of the Gospel, is challenging to us all. This is a life, which at its root, was formed in the crucible of Religious life. His plain words are sown from the open arms of the good sower who trustingly does not discriminate between one sort of soil and another, someone who knows the harvest is rich and the labourers are few. Someone who is something of a contemporary Isaiah, reminding us that the Lord comes first to ,heal the wound., This is an authoritative invitation from a consecrated man, offered to us with a gentle trust, an invitation to do away with institutional arguments and personal justifications. It is a provocative word that questions our sometimes apathetic or sleepy way of life. For we so often live on the margins of the challenge. Like the Lord Himself, Pope Francis calls us to ,Go to the lost sheep, bind up the broken. You received without charge, give without charge., Consecrated life is such a call to incarnate the Good News, to follow Christ, the crucified and risen one, to take on Jesus, way of living and acting as the Incarnate Word in relation to the Father and in relation to the brothers and sisters. In practical terms, it is a call to take up his way of life, to adopt his interior attitude, to allow oneself to be invaded by his Spirit, to absorb his surprising logic and his scale of values, to share in his risks and his hopes. It also means letting go of self and self-centred preoccupations. Remaining in Christ allows us to grasp the presence of the Mystery which lives in us and expands our hearts to the measure of his Son,s heart, and nothing else matters. This is how we are to understand the evangelical counsels , the call to live, poor, chaste and obedient. Such commitments are easily misunderstood in our society but at their heart they speak to us of the need to transform our attitudes to money, sex and power. How easily these are used for selfish gain. A Consecrated life, authentically lived, is a reminder to all of us , bishop, priest, deacons and laymen and women , that the Lord alone is the answer to our deepest desires. My dear brothers and sisters in Consecrated Life we wish you all a happy and blessed year. May it be a time to renew your own commitment and rekindle those feelings that inspired and continue to inspire the gift of yourselves to the Lord. May Mary, who knew what it was to live close to her Son, be close to each one of you and always give you great joy in His service. Mary, Star of the New Evangelisation, help us to bear radiant witness to communion, service, ardent and generous faith, justice and love of the poor that the joy of the Gospel may reach to the ends of the earth illuminating even the fringes of the world. Mother of the living Gospel, wellspring of happiness for God,s little ones, pray for us. Amen. Alleluia. Mark O,Toole Bishop of Plymouth ` Stoodley Knowle School Page 9 St Cuthbert Mayne Day 2014 Page 12 Deaconate Ordinations Page 4 YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE 2015
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2 - Catholic South West February 2015 ,Catholic South West, is the monthly newspaper which serves the commu- nications needs of the clergy, organi- sations and people of the Diocese of Plymouth. EDITORIAL Editor: Felicity Stead 07906 234 210 01803 326929 Your letters, articles and photos are most welcome. Ideally please send by email, otherwise by CD or paper copies to the editor, c/o The Presbytery, Priory Road, St Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 4NY ADVERTISING Sales Manager: Ray Lambert PUBLISHER &, DISTRIBUTOR Published by: CathCom Limited, N2 Blois Meadow Business Centre Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, CB9 7BN Tel. 020 7112 6710 Website: REGIONAL MANAGEMENT Deanery Contacts Cornwall Deanery Rev Adrian Dyer, 01209 213698 Dorset Deanery Bridport: Pat McEvoy, 01308 424358 Poole: Brian Condon, 01202 687392 Weymouth: Esmé,e Nicholls 01305 834098 Exeter Deanery Exeter: Frances Canning, 01392 209542 Plymouth Deanery Monica Evans, 01752 663388 Torbay Deanery Richard Stead, 07952 670292 Editorial Panel Canon Michael Lock (Chairman), Rev Tony Irwin, Susanne Kowal, Sue Walsh, Adrian Wardle COPY DEADLINE: last working day of each month Please note that opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Publishers, Editor, The Diocese of Ply- mouth or the Roman Catholic Church. Diocesan News Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) Supporters of Catholic seafarers, charity AoS from the parishes of St Augustine of Hippo, St Austell and St Mary Immaculate, Falmouth had Christmas wrapped up for seafarers visiting the ports of Falmouth and Fowey this year. Thanks to the generosity of the congregations of both parishes, 80 parcels were prepared and given to seafarers through the month of December. AoS Falmouth and Fowey port chaplain John Pinhay and his team of ship visitors met the seafarers on board vessels in port and ensured they knew that the gifts came from the parishioners. John said, ,We also encouraged the seafarers not to open the parcels until Christmas Day. The response from the seafarers is always of joy and the gifts are accepted with love and with the knowledge that they are not forgotten at Christmas., Christmas is a time when seafarers feel particularly lonely. They often find themselves far from home in a strange land, just like Mary and Joseph did when they arrived in Bethlehem. Although they will not share the day with their families, the parcels from AoS help to lift their spirits. For more information about the work of Apostleship of the Sea please visit Prayer for seafarers Heavenly Father, we pray for those whose work lies on the perilous ocean that you will embrace and protect them in their daily life and work. Grant them the knowledge that, in all their hours of need, you remember and care for them. 0 Lord Jesus Christ, who calmed the Sea of Galilee hear the prayers of those who call to you out of the deep and bring them to the safe harbour of your loving kindness. Please remember in your prayers the AoS Chaplains in our Diocese and those to whom they minister: John Pinhay (Falmouth and Fowey), Ann Donnelly (Plymouth and Teignmouth) and Rev Roger Stone (Weymouth and Portland). Climate Change and vulnerability: Pushing people over the edge ,Warming and associated extreme weather will reach unprecedented levels in our children,s lifetimes and 40% of the world,s poor, who have a minimal role in generating global pollution, are likely to suffer the most., The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences ,If we don,t confront climate change, we won,t end poverty., Jim Kim, World Bank President Extract from CAFOD,s ,Pushing people over the edge, report Supporting CAFOD,s ,One Climate One World, campaign with our prayers: We pray for the world we live in: that God may open our eyes to recognise the goodness of all creation and help us to do what we can to restore and care for the wonderful gift that we have been given. Lord, in your mercy
, We pray for world leaders: that God may grant them wisdom to make just decisions which respect the earth and all that lives in it, especially those who are poorest and most vulnerable. Lord, in your mercy
, We pray for people who are struggling to grow their crops, who are hungry or thirsty, who cannot meet their needs be- cause of droughts, floods or other extreme weather: that God may strengthen and support them and that they may have reason to look with hope to the future. Lord, in your mercy
, We pray for our local community: that through God,s grace we may be good neighbours to each other and to the whole of creation, restoring and caring for all that God has made. Lord, in your mercy
, For more information about CAFOD,s ,One Climate One World, campaign and to download the full ,Pushing people over the edge, report visit For more information about CAFOD in the Plymouth Diocese contact Simon Giarchi Tel: 01364 645440 email: website:
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February 2015 Catholic South West - 3 Diocesan News HCPT Westcountry Youth Group 706 , raring to go to Lourdes! Thirteen young people from across the Diocese are busy preparing for a pilgrimage of a lifetime. They will travel to Lourdes on Easter Sunday with HCPT Westcountry Youth Group 706 where they will help disabled or disadvantaged children. They are pictured here after a busy afternoon in St. Josephs Parish Rooms, Newton Abbot where they underwent training in safeguarding &, risk assessments. In January they will join the four Westcountry ,family groups, for their preparation weekends with the children they hope to take to Lourdes. Group Leader, Brigid McEleney-Smith said ,HCPT Volunteers come from all walks of life and from all faiths and none, which makes this pilgrimage accessible to young people who may never have considered going on pilgrimage before. The young people are able to travel with the youth group for two years and are then given the opportunity to join a family group. This year, six former youth group members are travelling with the family groups (five as helpers and one as a group nurse) and one is an adult helper with the Youth Group. This is a wonderful testament to this beautiful pilgrimage where faith is put into action,. In addition to extensive training, the young people work hard to pay for their fares to Lourdes through fundraising events such as concerts, carol singing, curry lunches, bake sales and quiz,s. They were a great hit at Sidmouth Garden Centres annual Christmas fun day when shoppers got to hear their chosen carol sung live for a donation. The Sidmouth event was one of 15 carol singing sessions that Group 706 performed in November and December raising over £,1,500. If you are interested in finding out more about the Youth Group please contact Brigid &, Steve McEleney-Smith on 01395 512520. Brigid &, Steve McEleney- Smith with current and future youth group members fundraising at Sidmouth Garden Centre. The Chemin Neuf Community at Sclerder Abbey, Looe, Cornwall, PL13 2JD Inner Healing Retreat 21st-25th February 2015 A chance to review one,s life in order to receive the grace of forgiveness and healing. A silent retreat but with Community Prayer, Teaching and daily personal spiritual accompaniment. For more information: email: Watch EWTN Live TV at 020 8350 2542
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4 - Catholic South West February 2015 NEW - Annual UK cover with great savings for regular travellers - Please call for details UK Based We stock a large selection of religious books, Christian re- sources, Cards, Jewellery, CDs and DVDs. We also sell Religious Items including gifts for Baptisms, First Holy Communions and Weddings. The Monastic Produce Shop has now joined our premises on a permanent basis. The Monastic Shop sells goods from Abbeys and Monasteries from Europe and beyond. It is an ideal place to buy unusual gifts and items whilst supporting small Monastic Communities. Please call in and visit us opposite the Abbey. Car Park- ing and entry to The Abbey is free. Alternatively tele- phone us on 01364 645506, email us on, or visit our website on Buckfast Abbey Bookshop Diaconate Ordinations Two of our Diocesan seminarians Jacek Kostuch, from St Austell and Colin Groombridge, from Torquay (pictured on either side of the bishop) were ordained Deacons by Bishop Mark at St John,s Seminary, Wonersh on December 13th. Pictured with Jacek and Colin are Deacons Mark Higgins (Southwark) and Philip Carroll (Portsmouth) ordained at the same time. Our two new deacons will be continuing their formation at Wonersh, while also spending some time in Diocese. God willing, they will be ordained Priests this coming summer. Please keep them and our other seminarians James Barber, Michael vian Clark and Albert Lawes, at the English College in Rome, in your prayers and pray that more young men may hear the call of the Lord for Priestly service in our Diocese. Canon Keith Mitchell Private Secretary to the Bishop of Plymouth Flame 2 Flame2 is the largest National Catholic Youth event of 2015, taking place in the SSE Wembley Arena on Saturday 7th March 2015. Doors open at 11am, Flame2 starts at 12noon and ends at 5.30pm. The SSE Wembley Arena will be filled with 10,000 young people from across the country, receiving faith-filled inspiration from world class speakers. Confirmed speakers include Cardinal Luis Tagle from Manila, Philippines, Baroness Sheila Hollins, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, and David Wells. Throughout the day speakers will give bursts of input, interspersed with world class music and drama, in an atmosphere full of joy. Music will be provided by double grammy award winning Matt Redman and his band. The day ends with a time of Adoration led by Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Flame2 is open to anyone in school year ten and above, up to young adult (i.e. aged approx. 14-21). Bookings will be accepted from groups of ten or more, to download a booking form visit Bookings must be made in advance , we are anticipating a full Arena, and there will be no provision for bookings on the day. Catholic Youth Ministry Federation (CYMFED) Gather 2015: IT IS THE LORD! Gather 2015, an annual assembly of catechists, parents, teachers and priests this year takes as its theme ,It is the Lord., John 21:7. After this beautiful declaration from Peter in John,s Gospel, he leaps into the water. He is awestruck by the abundant catch of fish and seeing Jesus is overwhelmed by joy. These are strong themes referred to frequently by Pope Francis. Our task is to evangelise, and when we do so, we recognise Jesus more clearly in our own lives and we too declare ,It is the Lord., Often disappointed, unsure where to place our nets, we listen to the Lord and in our last desperate attempt he surprises us. During the weekend Bishop Mark will offer us his hopes and reflections about the future mission of our diocesan Church. To help him, will be Fr Stephen Wang, Senior Chaplain to the Universities in Westminster diocese. Together they will offer us a little more clarity about becoming a mission focused people , a community of disciples, trusting in the Lord and commissioned at Mass to Go, and announce the Gospel of the Lord. The weekend is open to all, but is especially useful for parish council members, catechists, teachers, parents and anyone who is excited about evangelisation. Join us, a friendly event, by booking online at or calling Debbie Beech Tel: 01364 645393. David Wells Vicariate for Evangelisation, Catechesis and Schools Plymouth Diocese Diocesan News
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February 2015 Catholic South West - 5 FUNERAL SERVICES To advertise please contact Ray at CathCom on 01440 730399 Justice &, Peace , Plymouth Diocese Funeral Poverty Last December MPs supported the Funeral Poverty Bill presented by Emma Lewell-Buck, MP for the South Shields Constituency. Emma spoke about the problem of rising funeral costs, which now mean one in five families struggle to afford the cost of a basic funeral service. Over 100,000 people are living with funeral debt, with some taking out payday loans to cover the price of a service. A recent report shows that the average cost of a funeral is now £,3,551, and that 46% of people who arrange a funeral find that the costs are more than they expect. Emma said: ,Losing a loved one can be one of the most devastating experiences we face. Everyone who loses someone close to them wants to give them a decent send-off, but sadly fewer and fewer people are now able to afford even a basic funeral. We do not hear a lot about this problem: because of its deeply personal nature, funeral poverty remains taboo. Today I am proposing measures to end that taboo and to ensure that no one has to endure the agony of worrying about funeral costs at the same time as grieving., Emma also explained how the Funeral Payments available to help poor families are poorly designed, and can cause as many problems as they solve. Families have to commit to funeral costs before applying, and this can encourage some families to buy a more expensive service, only to find they do not qualify for help. This can leave them with significant debts to pay. Emma,s Bill, the Funeral Services Bill, calls for a Government review of funeral affordability in the UK. It also proposes changes to improve the Funeral Payments system, and the creation of a ,simple funeral,. Funeral directors would be required to provide information about the cost of this standard service to help people make a better informed decision about the service they choose. Cornwall Nightstop St Petroc,s Society in Partnership with the Diocese of Truro: needs volunteers to become Cornwall Nightstop hosts, who will provide an emergency bed for the night in their spare room for a 16 to 25 year old young person who find themselves with nowhere else to stay. Cornwall Nightstop will be affiliated to the National organisation Depaul Nightstop UK and so will meet their quality assurance standards of service delivery and safeguarding. Full training and support is provided. We also cover out of pocket expenses. The simple act of offering the young person a bed gives the professional staff extra time to put appropriate care in place without leaving the young person in a vulnerable situation. For more information about Volunteering for the ,Homeless Project, contact Paul Green 01872 274351 or Corinna Langford 01872 264153 Contact the Elderly Life fills us with stories. Stories fill us with life. Contact the Elderly,s monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties are a lifeline of friendship for lonely people over 75. Whether you host a small tea party once or twice a year, drive and join our members once a month or co-ordinate a group, you,ll hear plenty of lovely stories , and make a real difference. Give a lifetime of friendship with Contact the Elderly, for more information visit or call 0800 716543. For reflection If we had a fraction of the faith in you that you have in us then this world would be transformed, Lord. If we showed a fraction of the love that you show to us then this world would be transformed, Lord. If we possessed a fraction of the patience that you display with us then this world would be transformed, Lord. If we shared just a portion of the blessings that we have received from you then this world would be transformed, Lord. If we showed as much trust in others as you have shown in us then this world would be transformed, Lord. If we claimed just a fraction of the power you promised to your Church then this world would be transformed, Lord. Transform us first, Lord, that we might transform this world through your love and your power. ©, John Birch- read more at: peace.htm#ixzz3ERGtbtVn Under Creative Commons License For more information about the Justice &, Peace Commission in the Plymouth Diocese please contact Mary Conway Tel: 01364 645386 Mob: 07715 371 276 email: Proclaim ,15 This new national initiative in support of parish evangelisation was launched in January by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales to support, enthuse and equip parish evangelisation. Proclaim ,15 aims to provide resources and encourage local events to support parish mission. Please do get involved in what is a significant new step in service of the proclamation of the Gospel. For more information visit Proclaim-15-Building-Missionary-Parishes/Introduction
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6 - Catholic South West February 2015 Our Lady of the Portal &, St Piran, Truro I was privileged last year, during the month of the Holy Rosary, to visit Lourdes again, on this occasion alongside a friend who many Truro parishioners will know -,Sunny, (Noel) Krishner of Sunny Spice fame! Sunny had asked if I would go with him as he had always wanted ,to visit Our Lady,. We flew from Stanstead and came back from Toulouse via Paris to Plymouth on the Megabus for £,25! What follows is extracted from Sunny,s own story, but I would like to add that it was a lovely experience and gave real meaning to me of what Lourdes is all about. It was much quieter during October - but still very special. ,Lourdes nestling in the Pyrenees, South of Francis, is truly an awesome place for anyone seeking peace of mind and heart. It,s a wonderful place of pilgrimage, full of God,s grace that I was able to visit through a chance encounter with my friends, Paul Barnes and Fr Gilmour McDermott, Jesus and his mother Mary must have been eavesdropping! Paul, a veteran of at least nine previous visits to Lourdes, offered to organise and accompany me on my visit. I was going through some of the more trying times in my life and this opportunity was apparently heaven sent. Having made the decision to go to Lourdes God,s compassion knew no boundaries, all the travel and accommodation arrangements fell into place, even to the extent that money was gifted to me for this holy pilgrimage. All I needed was to be reborn-forgiven , purified, reconciled and humbled. Arriving at Lourdes, I was so full of eagerness to be blessed by a miracle, Our Lady and the message. God allows ourselves to be touched in different ways at Lourdes, to me it was a life changing experience and, after going to the baths, I was totally at peace with myself and the world. I had previously had a major road accident and was near death on one occasion with illness as well as under anaesthetic for 21 days and just kept alive by artificial respirators. I realised my work and time were to be devoted to helping people which makes me happy. Lourdes has a wonderful history and a sanctuary of Our Lady, St Bernadette had 13 apparitions and I believe visiting Lourdes has humbled me in more ways than one. There were so many things to do and see and the memories will stay with me for the rest of my life. I have a Hindu Brahmin background but was baptised into the Catholic Church at age 16. My going to Lourdes has brought me back to my faith, thanks to Our Lady,. Paul Barnes and Sunny (Noel) Krishner St Cuthbert Mayne, Launceston A night out in Plymouth Plymouth Guild Hall was comfortably full on Friday 24th October for a Grand Charity Variety Show organised by the Rotary Club of Torpoint Eddystone. The man behind the show was John O,Driscoll, showbiz impresario, Rotarian and enthusiastic parishioner of the Sclerder community within Saltash parish. The show, sponsored by the Oddfellows (motto: making friends, helping people) had several high- class acts , the Military Wives Choir, which began life in Plymouth in 2011, the Torpoint Eddystone Rotary Young Singers, Java 5 who describe themselves as a ,geriatric boy band,, Michael Douglas impersonating pop star Neil Diamond, and the internationally renowned harpist Elizabeth-Jane Baldry, who has given several splendid concerts at Sclerder Abbey and lives somewhere on Dartmoor. The show was compered by Westcountry comic ,Tank, Sherman who also appears on Sky TV,s entertainment shows. The City of Plymouth Pipe Band also put in an ear-shattering appearance. Three charities will benefit from the show , HCPT The Pilgrimage Trust, Ssafa Support for our Forces and their families, and Jumbulance which plays a large part in bringing very sick people to Lourdes. Many Lourdes veterans from several parishes were there to support the show. Another relic for Launceston A few weeks ago I received a telephone call from Sr Margaret Mary SND who was a Parish Sister at St. Peter,s, Crownhill where I took my first faltering steps towards the priesthood. Would I be interested in having a relic of St. Edmund Campion? Just imagine my astonishment. I arranged to collect this at the Clergy Requiem Mass: a small piece of bone in a beautiful reliquary. Sr Margaret Mary believes the relic was once owned by Elizabeth Bailey, formerly of Sclerder Abbey at Looe. St. Edmund Campion was a contemporary of St. Cuthbert Mayne. Like many martyrs of his generation, he was brought up as an Anglican, educated at Oxford University and there became attracted to the Catholic Church. He went to Douai and Rome, joined the Jesuits and spent time on the English Mission, where his audacious polemical skills caused him to be hunted down relentlessly. He was tortured and executed at Tyburn in 1581. Like St. Cuthbert Mayne he is one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales, whose Feast Day is 4th May. St Edmund Campion, pray for us. Fr David Annear Parish Priest, Launceston, Bude &, Callington Cornwall Deanery Heath Jehu &, his sister Adeline, along with Rosie Slater, were all enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen at the St Stephen,s Day Mass, after their 12 months probationary period. This is the first time that twins have been enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen in Falmouth. Thirteen other servers attended the Mass and between them they provide the readers and prepare the Bidding Prayers. This year we were fortunate to have two priests concelebrating Mass and supporting the Guild of St Stephen enrolment, Fr Jon Bielawski our Parish Priest and Fr Anthony O`Gorman, Assistant Priest. Although the ceremony took place on the day after Christmas, everyone found a space for more mince pies at the celebration that followed in the Parish Hall. John Pinhay Parish of St Mary, Falmouth
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February 2015 Catholic South West - 7 Rediscover the depth, breadth and richness of the Catholic faith A Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies course begins at Easter in the Parish Hall at St Anthony of Padua Church, Broadstone. Tutors include Fr Mark Skelton, Fr Barry Hallett, Fr Kenneth Noakes, Mgr. Robert Draper, and many more. No prior study is necessary and the course is open to all including non-Catholic friends. Whilst taster sessions have already taken place you can obtain more information about the course to help decide if it is right for you by contacting Debbie Beach, Vicariate for Evangelisation Catechesis and Schools Tel: 01364 645393 email: Dorset Deanery Sacred Heart &, St Adhelm, Sherborne The parishioners of The Sacred Heart &, St. Aldhelm in Sherborne celebrated with mulled wine and mince pies when they launched the sale of a calendar for 2015 containing photographs taken in the past year. In introducing this new venture Parish Priest Fr Robert (Mgr Canon Robert Draper VG) explained that its objective was to provide every home in the parish with a reminder of the many events and activities which make up the parish year. Altar server and member of the Guild of St. Stephen, Juliet Barlow, was one of the first in the queue to purchase a calendar and proudly displayed her copy for CSW`s camera. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs &, St Joseph, Wool Parish Trip To Buckfast St Joseph,s, Wool has a weekly drop-in ,coffee &, cake, morning every Wednesday after the 10:00am morning Mass. This gives parishioners, including a number of retired parishioners, the chance to attend a mid-week Mass and to meet socially once a week in the bright church porch. It also allows passers by and anyone interested in what the church is about to drop in. As recent spin off of the weekly ,coffee &, cake, morning was a day trip to Buckfast Abbey. On a beautiful autumn day twenty-one parishioners travelled westwards and, after sharing a delicious lunch together in the Grange Restaurant, visited the Abbey, shops and grounds. We were fortunate enough to be in the Abbey whilst the choir were rehearsing, making our visit even more memorable. The sun continued to shine whilst we took a stroll around the peaceful and inspiring gardens before treating ourselves to afternoon tea. A day of laughter, and companionship was enjoyed and new friendships and acquaintances were made and our journey home on a glorious sunny afternoon through Lyme Regis and the surrounding contryside was a scenic delight. Sally Clarke From Dundee to Wool - lightning visit after 45 years One bright day in August 2014 Atholl Hill, a 79 year old silversmith from Dundee, visited Wool, Dorset. His visit killed two birds with one stone as Atholl was not only the designer of the silver in regular use at St Joseph,s church but he had also had connections with the Army camp at Bovington, just minutes up the road. Atholl trained as a silversmith in Dundee &, Glasgow between 1952 and 1956. Before his career could take off he had to complete his National Service and he was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in the Corps of Royal Electrical &, Mechanical Engineers (REME) serving in REME units in Dorset and with the British Army of the Rhine (BOAR). To keep his unit occupied Atholl was sent down to the Tank Museum and two tanks were handed over to be restored , a pre-WW2 French tank called the Somua and an American Stuart light tank. After his National Service interlude Athol returned to a career in the arts, teaching and designing silver. While working as a final year visiting tutor in the silversmithing and jewellery department at Hornsey College of Art he was commissioned by the late Sir Joseph Weld to design the silver plate for the newly built St Joseph,s Catholic Church in Wool. After lunch at Lulworth Castle, Athol spent time in the empty church seeking inspiration for the design of the twelve items of silver plate. He noticed a particular cross pattern build into the walls of the church which he developed and incorporated in the design of each item of silver. Under his guidance two of his graduates, Hector Miller and Peter Musgrave, made the silver plate at the Clerkenwell Workshops, Old Street, London. Each item has the characteristic cross design as well as the coat of alms of the Weld family, the benefactors of the building. The plate has been in continued use at Masses and services in St Josephs for over the last 40 years, one set of unique silver altar cruets is featured in the publication Treasures of The English Church, showing a thousand years of gold and silver used in English churches. At the end of his visit to St Josephs, Atholl and his wife Sasha left for the Tank Museum at Bovington so that Atholl could renew his acquaintance with two other items from his past, the tanks he had helped restore back in his National Service Days! Some very different pieces of metalwork. David Willey Bovington Holy Family Parish, Kinson, Bournemouth Sharing Christmas Joy The harvest indeed is great but the labourers are few! How many times have the members of the Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) recited this part of their prayer? This may be so in many of our foundations as are we, here in our foundation in Kinson, Bournemouth. But the members that are associated with Kinson work hard to help in every way they can. Over the past years we have beavered away before Christmas, putting parcels together for the local Salvation Army in Bournemouth, enabling them to help the homeless to give them Christmas Parcels with a few bits that will bring some cheer to these folk. During the year, the members hold bring and buy sales, raffles and cake sales, raising money for the Josephite Community and for the La Sainte Union (LSU) Sisters. The Josephites are a teaching apostolate working first in the Congo and now in many other countries, LSU Sisters in Tanzania are also a teaching apostolate. Our small band of UCM members will continue to offer love, sympathy and practical help to the family, and others, in difficulty and to pray for more members to hopefully join our organisation. Valerie Gould Kinson Parish Priest Fr Bill Muir CJ and Sr Michelle LSU receiving funds raised by Kinson UCM Anthony Jaggard, Church Architect, Father Ciaran McGuiness and Athol Hill inspect the silver
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8 - Catholic South West February 2015 Normal Delivery Terms: 5-7 Working Days or Next Day Nationwide, if needed Whether you are looking for kiln-dried crates, heaps of wood or simply a few bags of sea- soned timber or bags of coal, Logs Direct are guaranteed to have a solution for you! From their base in Halton Nr Lancaster and through distributors across the country, Logs Direct Ltd offers free delivery throughout mainland UK. Church Pews Uncomfortable? Why not try top quality upholstered foam pew cushions? Safefoam, Green Lane, Riley Green, Hoghton, Preston PR5 0SN Freephone 0800 015 44 33 Free Sample Pack of foam &, fabrics sent by first clss mail When phoning please quote MV101 St Boniface, Okehampton Gold medal for Bernard After the evening mass on Saturday 6th December at St Boniface, Okehampton, Bernard Jones was presented with the gold medal of the Guild of St Stephen in recognition of over 50 years of altar service. Bernard first became a member of the Guild of St Stephen in Surrey, but has continued to serve in his parish in Devon, becoming the second server in recent years to earn the accolade in Okehampton. His other work is also well known in the parish , he is the artist responsible for St Boniface`s unique set of Stations of the Cross. Our picture shows Michael O`Leary (centre), Secretary and Vice President of the Arch confraternity of the Guild of St Stephen, presenting Bernard with the Guild Gold Medal in company with Fr Darline Joseph MSFS, Parish Priest, and other parish. John Lucas Okehampton Exeter Deanery Holy Ghost, Exmouth Cribs and an Advent Art Attack In recent years, the name of Holy Ghost church Exmouth has become synonymous with creative family worship during Advent and the Christmas season - this year never more so. Inspired by a Parish visit to Greccio, in the Italian region of Lazio, to see the permanent Nativities displayed there, the call went out from Fr Phillip to all members of the parish to spend Advent creating their own crib scene to be displayed in church over Christmas week. The only guidelines given were that the Crib should be no bigger than a shoe box. The resulting creations were assembled at church on Sunday 21st December and were a delight to behold: there were Lego crib scenes, knitted nativities, a crocheted Nativity displayed inside a lantern complete with glowing light and a very moving miniature cardboard box with a baby Jesus inside and a small sign reading ,Homeless, any kindness appreciated,. The cribs were the centre of much discussion amongst the gathered congregation at all Masses over the Christmas period and many were encouraged to linger a while in church to discover and appreciate each one. A diverse range of parishioners took part in building these cribs from the youngest members at Rainbow Nursery, to social groups within the church and elderly members of the parish. In addition to this lovely start to Christmas week, preparations took place on Monday 22nd December to decorate the Church for Christmas with the children,s annual Advent Art attack. This year the group of 35 children created larger than life angels and smaller ribbon wreaths which were then festooned around the church. The Christmas Eve crib service for children is the opportunity for the children to bring the Nativity story to life. Facilitated by Children,s Liturgists Amanda Turner and Emma Richardson the children were all encouraged to dress as their own favourite Nativity character which meant there was a congregation containing stars, soldiers, Marys, Josephs, and as always a host of Angels! As Amanda and Emma told the story, the children were invited up to share what they knew and to act out each part. In an ambitious addition to the usual order of service, Amanda led the assembled families in an impromptu ,flash mob,, encouraging everyone to join in with a little dance to the tune of ,Dude where,s your Donkey, from the film Nativity 3. Possibly the first time there has ever been a flash mob inside a church , Guinness World Records are yet to confirm
, Throughout the course of the 45 minute service, we danced, we sang, we prayed and we contemplated what it all meant. Surrounded by so many lovely interpretations of the crib scene, it was impossible to leave without truly appreciating the real meaning of Christmas, but how lovely to have experienced so many different ways to praise together, keeping the Spirit very much alive in Holy Ghost,s Centenary year. Emma Richardson Exmouth North Devon Catenians The North Devon Group was inaugurated as a full Circle by Grand President Bob Butler on 31st October 2014 at the Durrant House Hotel in Bideford. Bishop Mark O,Toole attended the event together with Canon Keith Mitchell and the Parish Priests from Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Bideford and Bude. David Green was installed as President of the new Circle and the event was supported by sixty-six Catenians from sixteen Circles around the West Country and from as far afield as Hinkley, Lytham St Annes and Tandridge. After the meeting Catenian Brothers, their wives and companions and the clergy sat down to an excellent dinner at which £,580 was raised for the charity ,Send a Cow,. Bishop Mark gave a most enjoyable talk and, following the speeches, Grand President Bob Butler was presented with an engraved wine carafe in recognition of the support and encouragement the group had received since it was formed over five years ago. Peter Ware Holsworthy To advertise please contact Ray at CathCom on 01440 730399
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February 2015 Catholic South West - 9 St Peter &, St Thomas More 50th Anniversary of St Thomas More church The first residents moved into the new post war Southway estate in 1955, and soon there was a need for a Mass centre for the local Catholics. This was at first in a farmhouse in Pendeen Crescent, and then in the primary school which opened in 1958. This need increased as the population grew in the early 60,s. A site designated for a Church was purchased from Plymouth City Council and the foundation stone for St. Thomas More was laid on July 24th 1963 by Bishop Restieaux and the church of St Thomas More, Southway was consecrated on 26th May 1964. We came together to celebrate this on September 28th with Mass concelebrated by Bishop Mark, our Parish Priest Fr John Webb, Canon Keith Mitchell (our past Parish Priest and now the bishop`s secretary), Canon Seamus Flynn and Frs Brian Stocks and Peter Coxe. After Mass we continued our celebrations with a buffet in the Parish Room and, in the evening, held a Parish Dinner at the Moorland Garden Hotel attended by more than 80 parishioners. Today we are part of the Parish of St Peter &, St Thomas More having joined with St Peter`s Crownhill on 1st January 2006. Lorraine Amos Southway Torbay Deanery Plymouth Deanery Stoodley Knowle School, Torquay Guest appearances at ,shop openings, and the annual Carol Service meant that students at Stoodley Knowle School had a very busy Advent. At the beginning of December the Junior Choir sang for the Murden Family at the opening of their relocated children,s clothes shop in Babbacombe. And, a few days later all students were present in the Chapel, together with staff, past pupils, parents and invited guests for a service of readings and carols. Students from all year groups participated in the liturgy which included readings, prayers, drama and singing from the Senior and Junior choirs and ended with a Nativity Tableau. All donations from a retiring collection were given to Anode - Stoodley Knowle,s Charity for the year , and were put towards providing Christmas Hampers for families in need. Anode provides a holistic service to help an individual through challenging times. They look to build a foundation that encourages self-belief, independence and responsibility. Their motto is ,Changing lives, Giving a Voice and Fighting Poverty, and they are passionate about helping out wherever needed. They recognise that each individual is unique and are committed to helping people connect with HOPE (helping overcome poverty everyday). PRAYER PASTORS: Torbay Street Pastors take the presence of Jesus out into the world and make a real difference in people,s lives. The teams never go out on the streets on a Friday and Saturday night without a small group of Prayer Pastors staying at the base in the Memorial Hall to pray for the teams and the people and situations that they come across. Numbers of Prayer Pastors have dwindled recently and more are urgently needed. As well as praying, the Prayer Pastors also support the teams when they come in for breaks, their work is sacrificial, but it is also very rewarding in contributing to the transformation of the community - crime is down 40% in the area since Street Pastors have been operating. If you would like to know more about being a Prayer Pastor, please contact either Trevor Staveley email: Tel: 01803 411214 Mob: 07517867349, or Graham Fry email: Tel: 01626 335928. Advent Recollection Week This excellent and spiritually uplifting week started on the 1st Sunday of Advent, when Fr Jonathan Stewart came to Kingsbridge and gave an illuminating talk about St Joseph,s role in the Nativity story and early life of Christ, using art, Scripture and the apocryphal Gospel of James. He discussed St Joseph as suitor, husband, father, carer and carpenter. On Monday, both in Kingsbridge in the afternoon and Salcombe in the evening, David Wells came and spoke about ,Joy,. He said that Christians could easily lose this gift in the present day, and suggested three ways to regain joy, through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ in prayer, in reaching out to others in acts of mercy, and being in touch with the beauty of creation, people and events. On Tuesday afternoon Fr Kristian Paver JV came and shared some reflections on Reconciliation, and helped with the Advent confessions. On Wednesday afternoon, Fr Adrian Toffolo introduced us to ways of praying with the Scriptures and led the participants in a time of prayer and reflection using Gospel passages which people found very moving. On Thursday evening Bishop Mark O,Toole graced the week, speaking about the New Evangelisation, giving us an indication of the different people we meet when we reach out in Faith, also emphasising the importance of beginning with ourselves to renew our relationship with the Lord. On Friday Sarah Adams (Religious Adviser for our schools) held a session entitled ,Pregnant with Hope: the Call of Mary, which gave us an opportunity to reflect on what we hope for, and what God is asking of us at this time in our lives. On Saturday the week ended with a crib display as part of ,Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas, with a display of cribs from many different countries and a prayer trail around them. We estimate that about 300 people visited the Church to see them and have a moment,s reflection about the true meaning of Christmas. Our thanks go to Fr Adrian for organising the week, and all the speakers for giving us such spiritually uplifting talks about the true meaning of Advent and Christmas. Tony Cufflin Kingsbridge Sacred Heart Parish, Kingsbridge
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10 - Catholic South West February 2015 Celebrating Our Schools Education Sunday 1st February 2015 To advertise please contact Ray at on 01440 730399 South Hams Catenians Bishop Mark O,Toole visited Kingsbridge in the South Hams on Monday the 17th November 2014 where he concelebrated Mass at the church of the Sacred Heart for deceased Brothers of the Catenian Association. Also present at the Mass were Brothers of the South Hams Group and our ,Special Lady, Jane Kenyon, widow of Greg Kenyon a founder member of the group, along with her daughter and two grandchildren. Bishop Mark, Canon Keith Mitchell his Secretary, and Mgr Adrian Toffolo, Parish Priest and Group Chaplain, joined us for our meeting at the Seven Stars Public House. Following the meeting we enjoyed a fish and chip supper with the Bishop and then he spoke to us giving his thoughts about the Association of which he is a great supporter. Trevor Davies, Chairman, then gave a presentation based on Grand President,s address to Conference about the ,history of the association and ,moving on and modernisation., Trevor followed this up by telling a few humorous anecdotes before presenting Bishop Mark with a book about the South Hams. During the evening we were all able to meet and to have an informal talk with Bishop Mark, a very enjoyable evening was had by all. Trevor Davies Kingsbridge Torbay Deanery MARY OF THE CROSS FEDERATION HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL Beaumont Rd, St Judes, Plymouth PL4 9BE 01752 225420 Email: THE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL OF ST MARY Cecil St, Stonehouse, Plymouth PL15HW 01752265270 Email: Two schools in the centre of Plymouth, together fulfilling our Catholic Mission. Please keep us in your prayers. ST JOHN’,S CATHOLIC PRIMARY AND ST JOHN’,S CATHOLIC PRIMARY AND PRE-SCHOOL ACADEMY PRE-SCHOOL ACADEMY Melbourne Street, Tiverton, EX16 5LA Head: Sally McCloskey The school serves the parishes of Tiverton and Cullompton For further information about the school, admissions or a copy of the prospectus, please contact us at the above address Telephone: (01884) 253630 Email: or visit our website at St. Mary,s Catholic Primary School Headteacher , Miss Nicola Slack BA (Hons), MEd, PGCE, NPQH Buckfast Road, Buckfast, South Devon TQ11 0EA Tel: 01364 642389 Email: Website: ,Build, nurture, enable, respect, love unconditionally, St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School Polhearne Way, Brixham, Devon TQ5 0EE Creating a safe and happy school with a Catholic ethos in the heart of the Brixham community For more information or to visit the school please contact the headteacher Mr Matt Tookey on 01803 851647 E-mail: Website: “,The Mission of Our Lady’,s School is to educate and care for our children in a way that brings the message of Jesus Christ to the centre of the community.”, Serving the parishes of Barnstaple, Braunton, Bideford and Torrington. For children between the ages of 4-11 years. For further information, please contact the Headteacher, Miss Kelly Dunne. email: Tel: 01271 345164 Fax: 01271 328484 Website:
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February 2015 Catholic South West - 11 Diary Dates February 2015 If you would like an entry for your Parish or Deanery to be included in the Diary Dates section please email details to the Editor at by the last working day of each preceding month. MARRIAGE CARE SOUTH WEST (MCSW) MCSW preparation course dates for 2015: , Torbay Saturdays 7th March and 10th October For further details please contact Jenny Allen email: , Plymouth Saturdays 14th March, 18th July and 21st November For further details please contact Clare Danes email: MCSW also offers FOCCUS, a guided questionnaire-based exploration and essential relationship know-how for individual couple with a trained facilitator. For more information contact For all other enquiries about MCSW please contact Sue Burridge, head of MCSW centre Tel: 01395 272799 Mob: 07875 161 595 email: February 2015 Sunday 1st February, Rougemont Hotel, Exeter, 6.30pm, ,What is new about The Evangelisation?: L ecture by Malcolm MacMahon, the new archbishop of Liverpool. Tickets, £,15 waged or £,11 un-waged (to include a finger buffet on arrival). For more information visit or call Debbie Beech Tel: 01364 645390. Monday 2nd February, Menorah Suite, Glen Firth Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1PW, 7.30pm to 8.30pm: Josephine Jackson will be giving a presentation ,The local lady who was a child on the SS St. Louis,. Josephine,s talk coincides with Holocaust Memorial Day. Friday 6th to Sunday 8th February, Toorak Hotel, Torquay: Gather 2015 conference. Gather 2015 is open to everyone, especially Teachers and Catechists. For more information about Gather 2015 please contact Debbie Beech, Vicariate for Formation Tel: 01364 645390 email: or visit www.plymouth- Friday 9th to Sunday 11th February, National Conference for Rural Catholics, Best Western Country Hotel, Garstang in Lancashire: Fracking, the forestry industry, the future of community hospitals, and ,What is Care Farming?, are just a few of the issues being addressed at the 2015 conference for Rural Catholics. The Bishops` Conference Home Mission desk will speak about its support for rural parishes and CaFE will introduce some of its resources for small rural groups wishing to grow in the faith. For more information about the conference contact Fr Robert Miller Tel: 01747 870228 email: or go to Monday 16th February, Menorah Suite, Glen Firth Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1PW, 8pm to 9pm: Michael Freedland will give a talk entitled ,Confessions of a Serial Biographer,. Michael has just published a new edition of his autobiography. Saturday 21st February, outside Treliske Hospital 11am to noon: Pro-life Prayer Vigil praying for the upholding of the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Saturday 21st February, A Call to Action (ACTA) meeting, St Joseph`s Church Hall, Newton Abbot, 11am: for more information contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478 Saturday 21st February , A Day with St Benedict, Buckfast Abbey: form ore information about this year,s ,Quiet Days with Dom Christopher Delaney OSB, contact the Warden,s Office tel: 01364 645532. March 2015 Monday 2nd March, Menorah Suite, Glen Firth Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1PW, 8pm to 9pm: an illustrated talk by Ian Vellins about recent developments in Nazi looted art. Ian will present the latest up-to-date survey of the most recent claims and cases brought by Jewish heirs of the original owners of paintings that were stolen by the Nazis. Friday 6th March, Women`s World Day of Prayer (WWDP): Please add the date to your calendar now, we hope to provide information about services in your Deanery in future editions of CSW. For more information about WWDP or to find out about the nearest ,Preparation Day meeting, to you contact the national office tel: 01892 541411 email: website: Saturday 7th March, National Catholic Youth event, SSE Area, Wembley: for more information visit April 2015 Sunday 12th April, Paris Marathon: Catholic Children,s Society (Plymouth) are looking for runners for the 2015 Paris Marathon. For more information and to apply for a place please contact Claire Mob: 07783 156 284 email: Future events Saturday 9th May, A Day with St Benedict, Buckfast Abbey: form ore information about this year,s ,Quiet Days with Dom Christopher Delaney OSB, contact the Warden,s Office tel: 01364 645532. Saturday 16th May, A Call to Action (ACTA) meeting, St Joseph`s Church Hall, Newton Abbot, 11am: for more information contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478 Saturday 4th July, A Day with St Benedict, Buckfast Abbey: form ore information about this year,s ,Quiet Days with Dom Christopher Delaney OSB, contact the Warden,s Office tel: 01364 645532. Saturday 25th July, A Call to Action (ACTA) meeting, St Joseph`s Church Hall, Newton Abbot, 11am: for more information contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478 Saturday 3rd October, A Day with St Benedict, Buckfast Abbey: form ore information about this year,s ,Quiet Days with Dom Christopher Delaney OSB, contact the Warden,s Office tel: 01364 645532. Saturday 31st October, A Call to Action (ACTA) meeting, St Joseph`s Church Hall, Newton Abbot, 11am: for more information contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478 REGULAR EVENTS Cornwall Deanery , First &, Third Tuesdays from 10.30am, Coffee morning: Charles Langdon Room, St Cuthbert Mayne Church, Launceston. , New life House Groups focusing on prayer, scripture and fellowship (Acts 2): contact Sheona 07790 413562 for more information and directions Wednesdays 10am to 12noon 13a Pentire Rd, Newquay, TR7 1NX. Wednesdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm (during term-time) 18A Ferris Town, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3JH or , New Life Praise and Worship Evenings: First Wednesday of each month 6.15pm to 7.15pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by praise and Worship at 7.30pm: Our Lady of the Portal and St Piran Catholic Church, Truro. Contact Sheona 07790 413562 for more information or visit , Wednesdays, 11.30am to 4pm, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - with Rosary at 12noon: Church of St Mary Immaculate, Falmouth. , Wednesdays, 3.30pm to 5.30pm, Table Tennis: Church Hall, Falmouth - parishioners of all ages welcome. , First &, Third Fridays 7pm to 9pm, Prayer Group, Mary,s Eucharistic Renewal: St Paul,s Social Centre, Tintagel. , Saturdays, after the 10am Mass, Rosary: St Cuthbert Mayne Church, Launceston, all are warmly invited to join a small group of parishioners and pray the Rosary. , Saturdays at 11am, Legion of Mary: St Paul,s Social Centre, Tintagel. Dorset Deanery , Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, Inspire 20s to 40s Church Friends Group and Home Group: St Mary,s Church, Poole after the 7pm Mass. , Monday evenings at 8pm, Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation Adult Education: Murray Muscat Centre, Glen Fern Road, Bournemouth. Admission free and all are welcome. For details of the topic for each session please contact Spencer Nathan email: Exeter Deanery , Monday evenings at 7.30pm, Meditation Group: Richard Reynolds Centre, Heavitree Road, Exeter. , Tuesday evenings from 8pm to 9pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mount St Mary Convent, Wonford Road. , Third Saturday of each month, 4.30pm, Kerala Community Mass: Blessed Sacrament Church, Heavitree, Exeter. Plymouth Deanery , Tuesday afternoons from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, Union of Catholic Mothers: Cathedral Centre. , Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, Discussion Group: Jeremiah Centre, Stott Close, Efford, Plymouth to reflect on the liturgical readings for the coming Sunday. , Thursday mornings at 10.30am (coffee from 10am) Bible Study Group: Cathedral Centre. , Thursday afternoons at 2pm, Rosary in Malayalam: Blessed Sacrament Chapel at the Cathedral. , Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8.30pm, Legion of Mary: Cathedral Centre. , Friday evenings at 6pm, Holy Hour: The Cathedral , Sunday evenings, after the 6pm Mass , CREDO: A forum for young adults wanting to deepen their faith and spiritual life in the Catholic Church through prayer, discussion and community. CREDO meets in Cathedral Centre. , Second Saturday of each month, 11am to 12noon , SPUC Anti-Abortion Prayers, Derriford: For more information contact Christine Hudson Tel: 01752 224018 , Second Sunday of each month, Sunday Lunch Club, Efford: for individuals, couples or families who would like to come, to book please contact Deacon Simon Fletcher or Suzanne Tel: 01752 667433. , Second Monday of each month from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Knights of St Columba: Cathedral Centre. , Third Monday of each month at 7pm, FOCOLARE , Word of Life Group: Cathedral Centre. , Second Tuesday of each month, Patricians - Legion of Mary discussion group: For more information please contact Raad Binham Tel: 07816 542 349. , First Friday of each month after the 7pm Mass , St Padre Pio Prayer Group: For more information contact Rev. Deacon Tony Irwin Tel: 01548 853413. Torbay Deanery , Third Monday of every month, 7.15pm, South Hams Catenians: Seven Stars Public House, Kingsbridge. Please note new venue. , Wednesdays from 6pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (with Vespers at 6.30pm and Benediction at 6.50pm): Holy Angels, Chelston, Torquay. , First Saturday of every month (except January) 7.45am for an 8am start, Christians Together in Torquay: Prayer Breakfast at St Luke`s Parish Church, St Luke`s Road. , First Sunday of every month, Polish Mass: Church of the Assumption, Abbey Road, Torquay at 4pm with confessions from 3.30pm. RETREATS IN THE DIOCESE OF PLYMOUTH Individually guided retreats at Southgate, Buckfast Abbey: o ffering each person the opportunity for space, SILENCE and prayer with a spiritual companion to help you pray and reflect. For further information and details of the 2015 programme please call 01548 852670. Chemin Neuf Community, Sclerder Abbey, Looe, Cornwall: Formed in 1973 and established internationally in 27 countries the Chemin Neuf Community specialises in Marriage &, Family days, youth work, evangelisation. For more information please call 01503 272238 or visit Saturday 21st to Wednesday 25th February 2015: 4 day ,Inner Healing, retreat. Saturday 11th to Sunday 19th April 2015: 8-day retreat based on the Spiritual exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola PILGRIMAGES Sunday 5th to Sunday 12th April 2015: HCPT The Pilgrimage Trust, Easter Children,s Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Full details of this and other HCPT 2015 Pilgrimages will be published in following editions of Catholic South West. Wednesday 13th to Friday 22nd May 2015: HCPT Group 507 Joint Services Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes. For more information please contact Richard Tipping tel: 01752 787697 email: or Charles Brunel tel: 01752 695090 email: Saturday 23rd to Friday 29th May 2015: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Mark. Flying from Exeter and staying at Hotel Chapelle et Parc, close to the Grotto. Enquiries to Pilgrimage Director, Fr Kieran Kirby tel: 01803 294142. Booking through Joe Walsh Tours Tel: 0203 468 0617 Online:
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12 - Catholic South West February 2015 Torbay Deanery St Cuthbert Mayne Day 2014 On Friday 28th November the Rt Rev Robert Atwell, Bishop of Exeter and Fr David Annear, Parish Priest, National Shrine of St Cuthbert Mayne, Launceston joined staff and students at St Cuthbert Mayne School, Torquay for the celebration of their patronal feast. The theme for the day was ,In your hands, and students from all year groups contributed to the liturgy. They led the opening prayers reminding everyone that all had ,
,come together in the presence of God to celebrate the feast of St Cuthbert Mayne and to give thanks for their school that bears his name and enjoys his patronage
,, There were readings, reflections, drams and music based on the human hand and all its many facets: bones, ligaments, tendons, skin and sensory abilities. Also on Jesus, hands, reminding everyone how he reached out his hands to bless children, to touch the sick and the blind and bring healing and acceptance. The first prayer ended with an entreaty to God to ,help us use our hands well, as Jesus did, to serve others in God,s name., After a homily from Fr David Annear at the first Liturgy and by Bishop Robert at the second and before the final blessing, everyone joined in saying prayer of St Teresa of Avila: Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which he is to bless his people. Editor: I,m fortunate that, living in Torquay, I am a regular visitor and am always made very welcome at the many school and Diocesan events that take place there. I would like to especially thank the students who took care of all the visitors on 28th November and made sure that everyone got to the right place at the right time, they, and all the students and staff are a credit to the St Cuthbert Mayne School. To advertise please contact Ray at CathCom on 01440 730399
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