Catholic South West History
Newspaper for the Dioceses of Plymouth, Clifon and Portsmouth
Sept 2016 edition of the Catholic South West - Page
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Issue 227 September 2016 50p Memories of World Youth Day 2016 Cathedral World War I Memorial Grant Page 5 Elisabeth Cheyne Holy Ghost Parish, Exmouth Year of Mercy .. Page 6 Kerala Community Celebrations Page 11 World Youth Day is now the largest youth gathering in the world; it was started by St John Paul II and occurs every two or three years. This year I was lucky enough to be a participant in Krakow, a beautiful city in Poland. I had wanted to go so that I could meet other young Catholics like myself and feel reassured that I am not the only one! And, when I found myself chanting ‘Papa Francesco’ at the top of my voice with thousands and thousands of other young people of all nationalities from across the world that I realised how alive the church really is. I travelled to Poland with a group of 90 excited pilgrims from the Dioceses of Plymouth and Clifton; as I jumped on the coach and we left Exeter, I was excited but apprehensive too. We arrived at our little hotel on the outskirts of Krakow, some 30 hours later grubby, hungry and exhausted and very pleased to get off the coach! We arrived in Krakow ahead of some of the other groups from around the world so were lucky enough to see many of the sites when it wasn’t so busy, including the Divine Mercy Shrine. However, we were soon joined by millions of red, yellow and blue decked pilgrims – the colours of our World Youth Day rucksacks - and Krakow was full to bursting point. The day of the vigil with Pope Francis saw the temperatures soar; our group crammed onto a bursting tram and travelled to the end of the line before starting a 6.5km walk to the vigil site. It was horrendously hot but, at the 5km mark a local man saw us and, unreeling his garden hose soaked us, cooling us down before we carried on to complete the final leg. We collapsed at the entrance to the vigil site, Campus Misericordia Krakow, only to discover that we still had to trek another kilometre before reaching our sector. Our group was scattered amongst the 2.6 million other young pilgrims; we were a kaleidoscope of nationalities, with flags from every country being worn and waved by the millions and it was truly awesome. I have so many memories: meeting Sister Assunta from Assisi at the welcome Mass and again at a tram stop on the outskirts of Krakow; monks on roller blades; evening prayer at a tram stop; swapping gifts with people from all nations - getting an Italian baseball cap in exchange for mine; waking up to a Sister Act song playing at full blast at 6.00am on the vigil site; visiting the home of Saint John Paul II in Wadowice. I got very close to Pope Francis twice – once completely unexpectedly when he drove past me in his VW Golf and waved at me! I was moved to tears when we visited Auschwitz Concentration Camp where we remembered Saint Maximilian Kolbe who gave his life in exchange for a prisoner, and also remembered the men, women and children who lost their lives there. One of the most prayerful times was when Pope Francis lit his candle in the dark and then all the pilgrims lit their candles from his one light - our light then spread across the darkness of Campus Misericordia. At the final Mass, Pope Francis said to us: "World Youth Day begins today and continues tomorrow, in your homes, since that is where Jesus wants to meet you from now on." Pope Francis also told us not to be afraid. He said: “People may judge you to be dreamers, because you believe in a new humanity, one that rejects hatred between peoples, one that refuses to see borders as barriers and can cherish its own traditions without being self- centered or small-minded. Don’t be discouraged: with a smile and open arms, you proclaim hope and you are a blessing for our one human family, which here you represent so beautifully!” I have so many people to thank: the many parishioners from my parish for their encouragement, prayers and for helping fundraise for the young people of our Diocese; the organisers and support from people at St Boniface House; the group leaders who looked out for us and shepherded us around; the Girl’s Adventure Trust for their generous sponsorship; all my new friends from the Diocese of Plymouth and Clifton because we took care of each other; Father Piotr for translating for us at the big events and for taking us to the Seminary; Bishop Mark for taking the time to be with us and for celebrating Mass for us and to Father Philip Austen, my Parish Priest, for encouraging me to go in the first place – and for giving me his flag to take with me (which I swapped at the vigil with a pilgrim from Brazil!) Thank you everyone! Editor: I am very grateful to Elizabeth for sending me her memories of WYD 2016 for publication in CSW. What appears is an abridged version of her original text, if you would like to read the full text please contact me by email.
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2 - Catholic South West September 2016 Diocesan News ‘Catholic South West’ is the monthly newspaper which serves the communications needs of the clergy, organisations and people of the Diocese of Plymouth. EDITORIAL Editor: Felicity Stead 07906 234 210 01803 326929 Your letters, articles and photos are most welcome. Ideally please send by email, otherwise by CD or paper copies to the editor, c/o The Presbytery, Priory Road, St Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 4NY ADVERTISING Sales Manager: Ray Lambert PUBLISHER & DISTRIBUTOR Published by: CathCom Limited, N2 Blois Meadow Business Centre Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, CB9 7BN Tel. 020 7112 6710 Website: REGIONAL MANAGEMENT Deanery Contacts Cornwall Deanery Rev Adrian Dyer, 01209 213698 Dorset Deanery Bridport: Pat McEvoy, 01308 424358 Poole: Brian Condon, 01202 687392 Weymouth: Esmée Nicholls 01305 834098 Exeter Deanery Exeter: Frances Canning, 01392 209542 Plymouth Deanery Monica Evans, 01752 663388 Torbay Deanery Richard Stead, 07952 670292 Editorial Panel Canon Michael Lock (Chairman), Rev Tony Irwin, Susanne Kowal, Sue Walsh, Adrian Wardle COPY DEADLINE: Thursday 1st September, October edition Please note that opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Publishers, Editor, The Diocese of Plymouth or the Roman Catholic Church. On Saturday 2nd July Plymouth Cathedral rang with the sound of song, praise and laughter when HCPT members and their families, including pilgrims of all ages and HCPT supporters gathered together for a Mass celebrating HCPT’s Diamond Jubilee. Bishop Mark was joined by priests from across the Diocese to recognise the work of HCPT in bringing the Good News of the Gospel alive in our world. South West Regional Director, Christopher Woodman said: “it is a privilege to serve the disabled and vulnerable of all ages in our Diocese, some of whom have profound disabilities and life limiting illnesses; I am very grateful to all of the HCPT Groups and Group Leaders in the South West for the help and support they unstintingly provide – we all witness how the lives of so many people are changed by their visits to Lourdes.” The music at the Jubilee Mass was lifted high by the wonderful singing of the choir, led by Colin Bentley with solos from Emma and Lily Rose; it was impossible not to be moved by the joyous singing of ‘Rise and Shine, Give God the Glory, Glory’. Congratulations on achieving 60 years of service HCPT – may your work continue for many more years! Felicity Stead Editor HCPT Jubilee Mass HCPT Group 179 Fundraising Events 160810 HCPT September update IMG004 All HCPT Groups work extremely hard during the year to raise funds for the ‘special’ children who visit Lourdes each year. Group 179, which serves Torbay and Teignbridge, is no exception; in July we completed a car wash at Fermoys Garden Centre in Newton Abbot and raised £226.50. There are always many visitors to Fermoys and they have a large car park so the group were able to wash lots of cars and also enjoy the location. We are very grateful to Fermoys for allowing us to undertake the fundraising event and to Group 179 parents, children and volunteer helpers. What next? Well – we’ll be holding our annual Hog Roast and Barn Dance on Saturday, 10th September at Manor Farm, Daccombe, TQ12 4ST (situated between Newton Abbot and Torquay) from 7pm to 11pm. You’re all very welcome to join us - for more information and to find out how to get a ticket please contact Hannah on Hannah Hewson HCPT Group 179 Following a review of the services it provides, the diocesan Catholic Children’s Society says farewell to Lester Yeo after 16 years as the Parenting Project Manager. Lester came to the Society in January 2000 to form a family support project which is now well known as the Patchwork Parenting Programme. Parenting comes with its highs and lows, and over the years Lester has developed a series of very successful programmes to help parents and carers to cope and most importantly enjoy the rollercoaster job of bringing up their children. Initially based in the Catholic parishes and schools around the Diocese, Patchwork Parenting has expanded and developed with more courses being introduced (including the highly recognised Incredible Years programme) and a larger audience reached - courses are now offered throughout the wider school community, children centres and most recently in a woman’s refuge. In 2015 two courses, ‘Time for Parents’ and ‘Hormones and Harmony’, also received the CanParent accreditation in recognition of their quality and the positive difference they make to the parents and carers who take part in them. The Society owes Lester a debt of thanks for all his hard work over the past 16 years and acknowledges that the programmes could not continue without the efforts he has made. Many parents, carers and children have benefitted from his inspiring, encouraging and fun approach to the most important of roles - parenting. We wish him well for the future and his ordination as a Deacon. The Board of Trustee Directors Catholic Children’s Society Plymouth An apology: the opening line of David Wells’ contribution to the Catholic Children’s Society article ‘The Highs and Lows of Marathon Running’ which was published in the June edition of CSW was incorrect and should have read: ‘Eric Liddell famously said that he felt God’s pleasure when he ran. I’m not sure God gives me that reward.’ The Society would like to offer its sincere apologies to David for the error and assure him that the omission was not intentional. David raised over £700 for the Society, running the Plymouth Half Marathon – an amazing effort for which the Society is most grateful. Claire Warren Fundraising Offer Tel: 01364 645420 Mob: 07783 156 284 email: Website: The Catholic Children’s Society says goodbye to Lester Yeo
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Funeral Services September 2016 Catholic South West - 3 If you’re not already a CAFOD supporter and would like to be involved please contact Simon Giarchi, CAFOD Plymouth Diocese Comm unity Participation Officer Tel: 01364 645440 email: website: Plymouth University student James Ronan 23, parishioner of Our Lady of the Assumption, Tavistock will be undertaking a gap year with CAFOD in Blackpool this September. James, a Geography graduate, will receive the Plymouth Award this September for the 784 hours of volunteering he completed whilst doing his degree. The Award recognises and celebrates volunteering work within the local community and is nationally recognised by employers. James has contributed a great deal to the local community over the last 4 years: he worked with the Tavistock Museum and Tavistock Wharf in 2013 (97 hours); Hosanna House and Children`s Pilgrimage Trust (HCPT) from 2012 to 2016 (517 hours) and with the CAFOD Plymouth office during 2014 and 2015 (170 hours). The gap year James will be starting is part of CAFOD’s ‘Step into the Gap’ programme a unique opportunity to volunteer in the UK, gain experience, develop leadership skills and visit CAFOD partners overseas. He will be working at St Mary’s Catholic Academy in Blackpool as part of the chaplaincy team alongside another ‘gapper’ Hannah Henley, getting students involved in CAFOD’s work through campaigning and fundraising initiatives. His yearlong placement also includes a month abroad where James will have the opportunity to visit either Cambodia or Ethiopia to see projects backed by CAFOD’s partner organisations. He hopes that the gap year will help him build on his skills for a career in the Humanitarian Sector. James said about the gap year: “I am so thrilled to be starting my yearlong placement with CAFOD as part of ‘Step into the GAP’ in Blackpool. I have been volunteering for CAFOD for the past six years as a parish contact in Our Lady of the Assumption RC church in Tavistock and as a key volunteer for CAFOD Plymouth in their regional office in 2014-2015. I hope to be able to put my volunteering experience and my degree into practice working at St Mary’s. Through the trip abroad I intend to share the important stories of our brothers and sisters in the global south and the difference being made by the support of the Catholic community here in the UK. Step into the GAP should be an even greater opportunity to put my faith into action.” If you’re not already a CAFOD supporter and would like to be involved please contact Simon Giarchi, CAFOD Plymouth Diocese Community Participation Officer Tel: 01364 645440 email: website: Plymouth University student to spend ‘Gap Year’ with CAFOD CAFOD’s Lancaster and Salford ‘Gappers 2016-2017’ (L to R) Hannah Henley, Sophie Hull and Lizzie Haydon, James Ronan flanked by (L) Katy Lowrey and (R) Michelle Udoh both past Blackpool ‘Gappers’ James (holding the heart) at the One Climate One World CAFOD campaign launch at Buckfast Abbey in 2014 Archconfraternity of St Stephen The Annual National Mass for Altar Servers will take place at Westminster Cathedral (42 Francis Street, London, SW1P 1QW) on Saturday 17th September from 2 to 5pm. Nearest Underground Station: Victoria. For further details visit Canon Michael Lock Diocesan Director Flores de Mayo and Santacruzen 2016 This year’s celebrations took place in Exeter and were a powerful witness to the people of Exeter of the presence of Christ and his Blessed Mother in our midst. The Lord Mayor of Exeter, Councilor Cynthia Thompson attended the crowning of the statue of Our Lady before the procession started. Many members of the Filipino communities from across the Diocese attended the event as well as parishioners from the Exeter Deanery Merlyn McGuire, Callington
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4 - Catholic South West September 2016 Diocesan News The Annual Stella Maris Mass in our Diocese takes place this year at 7pm on Thursday 22nd September at the Parish of St Mary Immaculate, Falmouth. St Mary’s is the ‘home’ parish of John Pinhay, AoS Chaplain for Falmouth and Fowey. All are welcome to join Fr Brian Kenwrick, Parish Priest, John and the parishioners of St Mary Immaculate to celebrate and pray for the work of the Apostleship of the Sea. ‘Getting on’ with Bereavement at sea In late May, crew members of a cargo ship, MV Moonray, were left shocked and saddened when an accident on board resulted in the death of their colleague. The dead seafarer was a 26 year-old Filipino man, part of a close-knit crew, a ‘family’ at sea. Not surprisingly the bereavement had a huge effect on the emotional and psychological wellbeing of the other crew members. Thankfully, they received immediate support from Catholic seafarers’ charity Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) in Mombasa, Kenya, where the ship had docked. AoS Mombasa port chaplain George Sunguh went on board the ship to support the crew and organised Mass to be said on board. This proved a great comfort to the grieving seafarers. Despite still being in a state of shock, the crew members had to carry on working and the MV Moonray continued its voyage regardless. Unlike shore-based workplaces, seafarers don’t normally get time-off for bereavement or the necessary support; this is where AoS port chaplains are able to fill such gaps. When the ship arrived in Durban port, South Africa, AoS port chaplain Fr Herman Giraldo attempted to board the ship after having tracked the vessel. Unfortunately, this was not possible as the ship arrived at 2am and set sail again three hours later, spending only a few hours at the port with the crew working all out to get the ship turned around quickly. Ships nowadays have to meet strict schedules – unnecessary delays mean additional costs. This particular case illustrates the difficulties posed by short turnaround times when trying to provide support to crew. In early August, the ship docked at Santos port in Brazil, and AoS port chaplain Fr Samuel Fonseca and his team visited the crew on board who were greatly reassured by AoS’ continued prayers and support for them. Please remember in your prayers the AoS Chaplains in our Diocese and those to whom they minister: John Pinhay (Falmouth and Fowey), Ann Donnelly (Plymouth and Teignmouth) and Rev Roger Stone (Weymouth and Portland). More information about the work of AoS can be found at Apostleship of the Sea Knights of St Columba praying the Rosary for Reconciliation, World Peace and Harmony Charlie McCluskey, The Supreme Knight of the Knights of St Columba, the United Kingdom’s leading Order for Catholic Laymen, asked his members to take part in reciting the Rosary over nine days during the month of August. He said: “Over these last few months I have been shocked and saddened by the events unfolding throughout our world. The murder of 110 people in Baghdad in May followed by the attack in Nice on 14th July, the attack on a German family on 25th July and the murder of Fr Jacques Hamell on 26th July show that evil truly exists in our world today. In America it appears that there is a breakdown in society, culminating in the recent spate in shootings of police officers. Here in our own country there is an underlying feeling of division after the European referendum. Charlie called on all members of the Knights of St Columba to join him in praying the rosary for peace, reconciliation and harmony in our world during the nine days from Saturday 6th August till the Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother on the 15th August. He also asked the Knights to invite members of their families, communities and parishes to join with them. Charlie was able to let his fellow Knights know that, through the International Alliance of Catholic Knights, (IACK) he received assurances that many members, including the Knights of da Gama in South Africa, joined with them during the novena. He concluded by reminding the Knights that at Fatima Our Lady asked the world to recite the Rosary every day to obtain peace and bring an end to war and that, by using this powerful weapon of prayer, many can respond to her request. May the Best Man Win… When my four children were growing up they went through a phase of being mad about playing Noughts and Crosses – as the saying goes ‘anytime, anywhere, anyplace.’ At home, at their grandparents, in the garden or in the car, it really didn’t matter where they played because all that is needed is a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Oh… and a willing victim of course, to play with. Didn’t I mention that they were rarely content to compete with each other? Although perfectly capable of this, they far preferred to inveigle an adult into the game and then preferably beat them hollow. And you’ve probably already guessed that the adult was usually me… Reason: As I reflected upon the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross which is celebrated on September 14th, I was reminded of the game of Noughts and Crosses, so beloved of my offspring. You will, I am sure, be able to instantly recognise why the ‘crosses’ in the game would be reminiscent of the Holy Cross. But, you may wonder where the noughts come into the equation. And yet the reason for this is quite simple. A nought represents zero, nada or nil. It means nothing. According to the English dictionary, the adjective means worthless or useless. Indeed, the idiom ‘come to naught’, meaning without result or fruition, is a direct result of this. Yet when we remember the Holy Cross in terms of the crucifixion we know that historically the scribes, Pharisees and some of the elders of that time wished that Jesus was nothing. But actually, he was everything. They hoped that by having him put to death, he work on Earth would come to naught. But instead it took on an ever greater meaning due to the resurrection, until it meant everything. They wanted to believe that Jesus was worthless. Yet he was truly the Son of God. Reversal: And so we know that despite his death, Christ atoned for our sins and continues to be with us until the end of time. In so doing he reversed the greatest negative of all time into the greatest positive. Christ died for us on the Cross but not for Naught. So the next time you play Noughts and Crosses, perhaps you too will be reminded of the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Julia Beacroft is a popular and experienced speaker and workshop leader. She will be happy to give a talk to your group or society. Please visit for more information.
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September 2016 Catholic South West - 5 Diocesan News On the 20th March 2015 Plymouth Cathedral Parish received a Grant of £398,496 from the World War I Memorial Fund. This generous grant made it possible to address extremely serious repair needs to the Cathedral. ‘Conservation Architects Purcell’ of London and Bath were appointed to take a fresh look at the Cathedral fabric which we have known for some time has had a number of serious problems. The principle issue was water penetration through the walls and windows caused by poor weathering details and inadequately sized gutters which simply could not cope with the heavy rainfall of recent years. The project took six months to plan, prepare and select ‘Conservation Builders Corbel’ of Taunton. After eight months of continuous work, all the guttering and rainwater goods have been replaced and enlarged by craftsmen from ‘Corbel Conservation’. All of the clerestory leaded windows have been repaired, the stonework of the large rose window on the west gable has been replaced and the leaded glazing repaired. The roof slating has been re-laid where necessary. Adjacent roofs have been recovered, the drainage channels at ground level have been lined and re-routed and the entire clerestory level of the Cathedral limestone has had the damaging hard cement mortar raked out and repointed in lime mortar. This work has been accomplished within the first Grant received from World War I Fund of £398,496.00. In the very same week this project was signed off, we received news, on the 26rd July 2016, from the WWI Fund that our second application for funding was successful. We were informed that we had been awarded a further £644,000 to complete the remainder of the work to the lower part of the Cathedral stonework. Since then we have met with Purcell Conservation Architects and put in place a schedule of works to complete the repointing of the external walls of the Cathedral, replace or refurbish all the stonework tracery in the stained glass windows, hack off the old perished plaster and re-plaster the internal walls of the Cathedral. The schedule of work is as follows: • August to September 2016: architects prepare brief which will go out to tender at the end of September • October to mid-November 2016: tenders will return their pricing for the work • Mid-November—December 2016: successful tender will be chosen and all permissions and clearance will be procured for the work to start after the Christmas break 2016 • January 2017: work will start for completion in December 2017. Total Grant: £1,042,496.00 Total Grant with VAT re-claimed: £1,250,995.00 Monsignor Bart Nannery Cathedral Dean Cathedral World War I Memorial Grant Plymouth Cathedral still standing after the Blitz Visit of Rt Hon David Evenett MP, Minister for Sport, Tourism and Heritage, pictured with (L) Bishop Mark O’Toole and (R) local MP, Oliver Colvile when inspecting the repair works at Plymouth Cathedral on 9th June. The Fatima Centenary is a major moment for the Church in England and Wales World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) are organising a ‘Day with Our Lady of Fatima’ at Plymouth Cathedral on Saturday 15th October with Bishop Mark O’Toole presiding. Full details of the day will be published in the next edition of CSW, meanwhile plans for the day include: • rocession and crowning of the National Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady blessed at Fatima by Pope Paul VI in 1967 and donated to the World Apostolate of Fatima in England & Wales by the Bishop of Fatima in 1968. • Mass celebrated by Bishop Mark; Rosary; Veneration of the relics of Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta; Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction; a talk on the Message of Fatima; the Five First Saturdays devotion. Information will also be available about the WAF pilgrimage to Fatima in the Centenary Year 2017, from 10th to 17th May, to be led by Bishop O’Toole and Bishop Robert Byrne CO, auxiliary of Birmingham. Timothy Tindal-Robertson, National President, World Apostolate of Fatima England & Wales Email: Tel: 01392 433256 Pilgrimage to Crediton The Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham The Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham has, in accordance with the directive of the Holy Father, seven pilgrimages arranged for 2016. On 11th June a group of around 50 members of the Ordinariate, led by Monsignor Keith Newton, the Ordinary, assembled around the statue of St Boniface in Crediton Park. After confessions, prayers and silence the group processed from the park to the Catholic Church and National Shrine of St Boniface. Mass was celebrated at 12noon and was followed by the blessing of a new banner for the Buckfast Ordinariate Group made by Dr Deanna Selwood-Wielink. After lunch Brother Boniface OSB from Downside Abbey gave a talk; as a ‘local boy’ he had made a special study of the life of St Boniface and he gave us much to think about. Further pilgrimages planned for this year are to Walsingham and, on 8th October, to the Birmingham Oratory for the Feast of Blessed John Henry Newman; all are welcome to join us. For more information please contact Fr Robin Ellis Tel: 01395 272891
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6 - Catholic South West September 2016 Diocesan News Celebrating Our Schools Education Sunday 11th September 2016 Y M E D A C A L O O H C S - E R P D N A Y R A M I R P C I L O H T A AT C S ’ N H O J T S d n a l r a H Ha k c i r t a P r M : d a e H A L 5 6 1 X E , n o t r rt e v i T , t e e r t S e n r rn u o b l e M n o t p m mp o l l u C d n a n o t r e v i T Ti f o of s e h s i r a p e h t s e v r e s l o o h c s e h T 0 3 6 63 3 5 2 ) 4 4) 8 8 1 0 ( h l T s s e r re d dr d a e v o b a ab e h t th t a at s u t c a ac t n nt o on c e s a as e l p , s u t tu c ct e p s o r ro p pr e h t th f o y p py o op c a r o or s n o on i s s i m d dm a ad , l o o h c ch s e h t th t u ut o ou b a ab n o on i t a at m r rm o or f fo n i r e h t th r rt u ur f fu r o or F e v i t s n h o j t tj s . w w w e w r u o t i s i v r o h o j - -j t s - n o t r rt e v i t @ @t n i m d a : l i a m E 8 1 0 ( : e n o h p e ep l e T Te k u . o c . n o t r rt e t a e t i s b e k u . h c s . n o v e d . y r ry a m i r p - -p s n 0 3 6 63 3 5 2 ) 4 4) 8 Join these schools in the Diocese and show your support for your local Diocesan newspaper. If you would like your school to be included contact Alice on 01223 969506 or email Year of Mercy .. a personal reflection by Bishop Emeritus Christopher Budd Around 40 people attended an event organised by the local A Call to Action (ACTA) group in July. We heard Bishop Christopher encourage us make space in our lives for some contemplation about God and His loving mercy, recognising that judgmentalism can be a common fault in all our lives. He spoke about the delight and joy which God has in us, and how we can reflect this, hopefully, in our own daily lives, in how we feel about ourselves and relate to other people. Bishop Christopher then highlighted some of the key points about the Year of Mercy which Pope Francis has written and spoken about, the concept of the “holy door”, pilgrimage and sacrament of reconciliation which all provide opportunities for renewal/new start in our lives. He also spoke of the importance of being open to the needs of the poor. He concluded by emphasising that the Jubilee Year of Mercy would end on the Feast of Christ the King, but that we all need to carry forward the clear messages it has brought into the rest of our lives, or as he memorably said, “all our tomorrows”. The burst of applause and chatter which followed were clear demonstrations of how helpful and stimulating the address had been, and after some thoughtful questions from “the floor” the afternoon concluded with a short and effective prayer service which organisers had prepared. Many thanks to all involved. Peter Farrell ACTA Co-ordinator in the Plymouth Diocese Area After the Synods….. A Call to Action (ACTA) are organising an event at Christ Church, Leypark Walk, Estover, Plymouth, PL8 8UE from 1 to 4pm on Saturday 15th October. The focus of the event will our response as individuals, and as part of the Catholic Church, to the recent Synods on the family; to the consultations which preceded them, and “The Joy of Love” document by Pope Francis As a follow up to the helpful and stimulating reflection on the Year of Mercy by Bishop Emeritus Christopher Budd in July, we invite you to come and hear the views and hopes of Bishop of Truro, Tim Thornton, who represented the Anglican Communion as observer at the two Synods in Rome, and Andrew Hornsby-Smith, who organised a major submission, “The Smell of the Sheep”, as part of the pre- Synod consultation. We also hope to summarise some of the initiatives on the theme taking place or in preparation, within the Catholic Church in this country, with input from the Marriage and Family Life team within the Catholic Bishops’ Conference among others. We will close with a short prayer service on “The Joy of Love” Christ Church is a unique united church in the county, built and resourced in partnership by Baptists, Church of England, Methodists and the United Reform Church as well as Catholics. The event will take place in the church which is wheelchair “friendly” and has a loop system. Tea/coffee will be provided. All are most welcome to attend. ACTA is a group of Catholics, founded a few years ago by some priests, who seek to promote open and respectful dialogue in the Church, inspired by the Second Vatican Council. For more information please contact Peter Farrell Tel: 01626 369478.
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On 15th May 2016 a minibus with parishioners from Bodmin and their Parish Priest Fr Ciaran McGuinness, journeyed to Launceston to pick up some of us for a historical run-around in North Devon and North Cornwall. The trip was meticulously planned by Mar- tin Michel, former organist at Sclerder Abbey, and his wife Kate. We drove through plenty of narrow, secluded and rather muddy country lanes to Lewtren- chard church, where for many years the formidable Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould (d.1924) was the Squarson (squire and parson). A voluminous writer, he is nowa- days best known for his hymn ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’. Accompanied by Mar- tin on the organ we sang the first verse, much to the surprise of some foreign visitors to the church. After Mass at Okehampton by courtesy of Fr Darline Marianathan, we had a damp lunch break at Meldon Reservoir. Then we visited Huntshaw church where St Cuthbert Mayne was listed among the Rectors there before he became a Catholic. We also visited the village of Sampford Courtney, scene of a battle be- tween the 1549 Prayer Book rebels, mainly from Corn- wall, and the mercenaries used by the government to suppress them. There were several more stop-offs and we eventually returned to Launceston for Solemn Vespers and Benediction, followed by a fish and chip supper in the Hall. A wonderfully convivial day. Fr David Annear Parish Priest, Launceston Earlier this year Fr Bryan Storey was received as Chaplain of Devotion in the Order of Our Lady. Fr Bryan is pictured with Stephen de la Bedoyere, a Knight of the Order. Michael Pettett Tintagel September 2016 Catholic South West - 7 Cornwall Deanery News REGULAR EVENTS IN THE CORNWALL DEANERY • Second Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm, Justice and Peace/Poverty Meeting followed by prayers for persecuted Christians: St Mary’s Church Hall, Killigrew Road, Falmouth. • Wednesdays, 10.30am to 1pm, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Church of St Mary Immaculate, Falmouth. • Wednesdays & Fridays Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, after Mass until 11am: St Paul the Apostle, Bossiney Road, Tintagel • Saturdays, after the 10am Mass, Rosary: St Cuthbert Mayne Church, Launceston; all are warmly invited to join a small group of parishioners and pray the Rosary. • Saturdays at 11am, Legion of Mary: St Paul’s Social Centre, Tintagel. • Third Saturdays from 1.30pm to 4pm, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Penzance group: CHYMORGEN, Botallack, St. Just, TR19 7QJ. For more information Tel: 01736/788438 email: St Paul the Apostle, Tintagel Order of Our Lady St Mary & St Petroc, Bodmin and St Cuthbert Mayne, Launceston History Buffs Photo: © Colin Barrett Our Lady & St Neot, Liskeard Forming Intentional Disciples The Mayor of Liskeard and members of the Town Council recently attended Mass at the parish church of Our Lady and St Neot. They were excited to hear of plans to celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in August. This is a special year for, in 1266, Richard, Earl of Cornwall granted the Catholic people of Liskeard the right to hold a three day fair over the feast of the Assumption and a further fair on the feast of the St Matthew, Apostle. So, in this 750th anniversary year, the Catholic community ran a stall in the town centre to raise awareness of Our Lady, who is celebrated on the town`s mural. Prior to the Reformation and from the early days of Christianity in Cornwall, the Mother of God was revered in Liskeard under the title ‘Our Lady of the Park’. Indeed, a shrine to Our Lady is believed to have existed in Liskeard, in parkland belonging to the Earl of Cornwall. Pictured with Father Gilmour Mc Dermott, who officiated at Mass, are Mayor Councillor Jane Pascoe and her Consort Paul Pascoe. Deputy Mayor Councillor Christina Whitty and her consort Terry Whitty, and Councillors, James Shrubsole, Sue Pike, Annie Purdon and Lorna Shrubsole. Also attending was the Town Clerk Steve Vinson. Parish priest, Fr Gilmour said: “This is a really special opportunity for the Catholic community of Liskeard to raise its head and we have thrown open the doors of the church for the whole weekend. Much of the work has been done by a growing group of parishioners ‘Forming Intentional Disciples’, as a great act of evangelisation. Churches Together in Liskeard celebrated an ecumenical service with us at the Catholic Church over the Assumption weekend and, once again, our councillors joined us”. An icon of Our Lady of the Park has been generously given to the parish by Mrs Claire Riche of Bournemouth, author of the book `The Lost Shrine of Liskeard`. This is now on prominent display on the church. Peter Murnaghan Liskeard Town Councillors and some of the children of the parish with Fr Gilmour McDermott after the civic Mass. The icon of Our Lady of the Park The image of Our Blessed Lady on Liskeard town`s mural
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Our recent Parish Fete was a great success; we wondered about the rain in the morning but the sun shone for us in the afternoon. Someone commented on the Friday evening that they had never seen so many men of the parish working together! There was truly a real sense of community spirit throughout the preparations for the day and on the day itself and it was great fun. There were a variety of stalls: the cake stall was heaving with delicious cakes, all gone in a couple of hours; so many books to choose from on the book stall; the popular bottle stall with a continuous queue; the SVP ‘Find the Treasure’; CAFOD’s bottle stall; Andrew Marlborough’s Antique Roadshow stall with interesting items such as a first edition of Jules Verne’s “Around the World in Eighty Days”; a World War II Post Office money saving box; a 19thC medal from a Yeovil charitable society that helped the elderly, and so on. There were games for the children and they were kept spellbound by a magician with his magic tricks. Singing was provided by a group from St Mary’s school. And we must not forget the indomitable CWL ladies who provided the cream teas. To complete the day our lovely Sister Alphonsa, whose ‘special’ birthday it was that week, was the proud winner of the £100 cash prize. And Sister had only one ticket! So thanks to the committee, to all who helped in any way and to those of you who came to support us; we made well over £2,500 – half of which will go to the Dorchester Poverty Action Group and half to the parish. Anita Finnigan Holy Trinity, Dorchester Lulworth Chapel was the venue for Dorset CWL Branch Mass and picnic by kind permission of the Weld estate. The weather stayed fine and the chapel lent a special quality to the Mass celebrated by Fr Richard Meyer. Afterwards Father and the ladies gathered on the green behind the chapel for a delicious picnic. Twenty-eight members of Dorset Branch of the CWL travelled to Westminster on a sunny Saturday on pilgrimage to the Cathedral in honour of the League’s 110th birthday. Cardinal Vince Nichols celebrated Mass together with Bishop Peter Doyle the CWL Spiritual Adviser. After Mass photos were taken on the steps of the Cathedral before all 600 ladies and their guests went down to Cathedral Hall to receive a commemorative lapel pin and special cupcake decorated with the CWL emblem in icing. During the day the members had been granted access to the Treasury to learn the history of the Cathedral and see the gold chalices and candelabra stored there. Carol Gregory Dorset CWL Dorset Catholic Women’s League Summer Events 8 - Catholic South West September 2016 Dorset Deanery News REGULAR EVENTS IN THE DORSET DEANERY • Monday evenings at 8pm, Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation Adult Education: Murray Muscat Centre, Glen Fern Road, Bournemouth. Admission free and all are welcome. For details of the topic for each session please contact Spencer Nathan email: • Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, Inspire 20s to 40s Church Friends Group and Home Group: St Mary’s Church, Poole after the 7pm Mass. • First weekend of every month, after weekend Masses, Prayer Ministry for healing or any other need: Our Lady Star of the Sea, Weymouth. For more information contact Mike Newbery email: • First Thursday of each month from 10.45am to 11.45am, St Swithun’s Church Hall, Allington, Dorset: St Swithun’s Church Community welcome members of all churches to join their monthly community coffee mornings. Holy Trinity, Dorchester Summer celebrations St Mary’s Poole International Family Fun Day On Saturday 18th June 2016, St Mary’s Poole held an “International Family Fun Day” to celebrate the people from a wide range of different cultures who worship at St Mary’s each Sunday. A few weeks earlier Sue Fernley, one of our long standing parishioners stood with a blackboard at the back of church and asked people to write on it the country they came from. We discovered that people from 38 different countries had come to Mass that day. Our fun day began with the celebration of Mass in a very colourful church with many wearing National dress. The penitential rite was read in English and 3 other languages – Igbo, a language of Nigeria, French and Malayalam. The bidding prayers were again read in many languages and then everyone was invited to pray the Our Father in their own language. After Mass, having worshiped together, we socialised together. We were able to enjoy food from Hungry, Nigeria, India, Sri Lanka and other places. There was also a Barbeque, Cream teas, Deacon Nick was busy making Crepes. And, if you were still hungry there was always Ice Cream!! For the young, and not so young, there was a bouncy castle, penalty shooting and a chance to dress up and try Sumo Wrestling. Around the hall were craft demonstrations and our own ‘Happy Hookers” who enjoy Cross Stitching, Crocheting and Knitting. F r Colin joined them as their Chaplain! During the afternoon we had singing and were entertained by some lovely Filipino and Indian dancing. We were blessed with beautiful weather and we are now hoping to build on the day and make it an annual event. My sincere thanks to all who worked so hard to make it such a memorable day!! Brian Condon Poole
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September 2016 Catholic South West - 9 Plymouth Deanery News St. Austin’s Priory, Cadleigh: The Augustinians Recollects’ Farewell to Ivybridge The End of an Era Since 1932 the Augustinian Recollect Friars have been serving the Roman Catholic parish of Ivybridge together with Modbury where, in 1962, they built St Monica’s church to serve a substantial part of the far-flung parish. In the early days of the Priory, students from the Catholic priesthood in the Recollect Order received some of their training here before going to Missions in the Philippines and South America. Numbers declined and much of the Priory buildings fell into disrepair and had to be demolished in 1981. A small community maintained the parish as long as possible but now the Diocese of Plymouth is taking on the responsibility. A group of French nuns built the Priory in 1912 and the church was dedicated to The Sacred Heart. So, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, June 3rd 2016, a farewell Mass was held at the Priory to mark the official end of the Augustinian Recollects in Ivybridge. Fr Sean Flannery OAR, the retiring Parish Priest, was joined by 9 other Priests for the concelebration of the farewell Mass. Hazel V Smith Parish Secretary REGULAR EVENTS IN THE EXETER DEANERY • Second Monday evening of each month from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Knights of St Columba: Cathedral Centre. • Tuesday afternoons from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, Union of Catholic Mothers: Cathedral Centre. • Second Tuesday of each month, Patricians - Legion of Mary discussion group: Cathedral Centre; for more information please contact Raad Binham Tel: 07816 542 349. • Thursday mornings at 10.30am (coffee from 10am) Bible Study Group: Cathedral Centre. • Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8.30pm, Legion of Mary: Cathedral Centre. • Normally First Friday evening of each month after the 7pm Mass – St Padre Pio Prayer Group: Cathedral; for more information contact Rev. Deacon Tony Irwin Tel: 01548 853413. • Second Saturday morning of each month, 11am to 12noon – SPUC Anti-Abortion Prayers, Derriford: For more information contact Christine Hudson Tel: 01752 224018 • Second Sunday of each month, Sunday Lunch Club, Efford: for individuals, couples or families who would like to come; to book please contact Deacon Simon Fletcher or Suzanne Tel: 01752 667433. • Sunday evenings, after the 6pm Mass – CREDO: A forum for young adults wanting to deepen their faith and spiritual life in the Catholic Church through prayer, discussion and community. CREDO meets in Cathedral Centre. Our May Meeting was attended by the new Grand President David Rowley and was followed by The Black and White Ball when the Brothers were joined by their Ladies including Mrs Eileen Rowley, the Grand President`s wife. After dinner David Rowley presented Brother Mike O`Sullivan with his 40-year Scroll and Medal. Mike joined Axminster Circle in 1976, transferred to Cardiff Circle in 1977 and then to Plymouth Circle in 1980. He has served on Council 20-years in total holding the positions of Marshal, Covenant Officer, Membership Officer, Chamberlain, Guest-Master Post, Vice President and President. Mike also held Office as Provincial Councillor for a 3- year term, chaired the Adjudication Panel in Province 13`s inaugural Public Speaking Competition in 2015 and organised and chaired various rounds of the Provincial Quiz in the last few years. Always by his side giving full support is Zeta, a great and generous hostess, who welcomes everyone at all the Ladies Events and social occasions. Mike and Zeta - the perfect example of what The Catenian Association is all about - great involvement, loyal friendships and fun to be with. President’s Celebration Weekend began on Saturday morning with a Golf Tournament held at Boringdon Park Golf Club, Plympton. Fourteen Brothers, Ladies and guest Players took part in a Texas Scramble Competition in bright, sunny conditions. The golf was a mixture as ever of highs and lows but thoroughly enjoyed by all. The eventual team winners were Father Tim Lewis, Kathy Riley and Mary Norton. The weekend continued on Sunday morning with Mass celebrated by Father Jacek at St Peter`s Church, Crownhill, Plymouth followed by lunch at the Boringdon Park Golf Club. Many thanks to Brother Jim and his wife Sue for a great day. John Luscombe Plymouth Catenians Plymouth Catenians Circle news An Invitation from Sister Margaret Mary Chambers SND Sister Margaret Mary will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee on 11th November this year. She invites friends and former colleagues to a short Thanksgiving Service, 3pm, at Christ Church, Estover, Plymouth followed by refreshments. Monica Evans Plymouth
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A group of parishioners from St. Mary’s, Barnstaple have been taking part in an ecumenical outreach project originating in the Anglican Diocese of Gloucester that is aimed mainly at primary school children. Jumping Fish publications support RE teaching, spiritual development, values education and collective worship in schools in the Diocese, and help churches to promote links with their local schools. The project, known as “Experience Journeys”, was introduced to Barnstaple four years ago with “Experience Pentecost”, through the local Council of Churches and involved a number of local groups of all denominations. Each Experience comprises six easy to assemble, interactive stations set up in different parts of the church that help children experience the Christian festivals through the year. In Barnstaple, various groups and parishes took responsibility for building one of the stations and then the whole Experience toured around each of the churches for a whole week, spending one day in each church. Classes from local primary schools were invited to visit the church where, in small groups, they were guided by a leader around each station, who described the content (and of course the Christian message) to the children. Many people at St Mary’s felt that more of our own parishioners would like to visit the Experience Journeys and that just one day was not sufficient. So our group decided that they would prepare and present the Experience Journeys within the parish, without the involvement of other churches. Beginning with a re-run of “Experience Pentecost”, the group has collected together the materials to build the stations and have put on three further Experiences – Harvest, Easter and Christmas. All the children from Our Lady’s School in the parish have visited and benefited greatly from each of the Experiences. Other local schools, as well as Our Lady’s School were invited to visit Experience Easter at St. Mary’s and four classes from Sticklepath Primary took up the invitation. St Mary’s group decided that they would put together their own Experience Journey, which they have called “Our Precious Sea”. During the week following Sea Sunday this year the school children and many parishioners have toured the stations. Our banner and 2 of the ‘stations’ are shown in the photographs accompanying this article. Chris Eastaugh St Mary’s Barnstaple (With thanks to Jumping Fish Ltd®) 10 - Catholic South West September 2016 Exeter Deanery News REGULAR EVENTS IN THE EXETER DEANERY • Monday mornings, 10am to 12noon, Richard Reynolds Centre: Toddler Group, all welcome. • Monday evenings at 7.30pm, Meditation Group: Richard Reynolds Centre, Heavitree Road, Exeter. • Tuesday evenings from 8pm to 9pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mount St Mary Convent, Wonford Road. • Second and fourth Thursday evening of each month from 7.30pm to 9pm, a Joint Parish Prayer Group for both Exeter parishes: Richard Reynolds Centre, Heavitree Road, Exeter. For more information please ring Chris and Sue Lee on 01392 432929. • Third Saturday afternoon of each month, 4.30pm, Kerala Community Mass: Blessed Sacrament Church, Heavitree, Exeter. St Mary Immaculate Mother of God, Barnstaple Experience Journeys MARRIAGE CARE SOUTH WEST (MCSW) MCSW remaining preparation course dates for 2016: Bournemouth Saturdays 10th September For further local information please contact Jacqueline at Torbay Saturday 15th October For further local information please contact Jenny Allen email: Plymouth Saturday 19th November For further local information please contact Clare Danes email: All courses are day courses and lunch is included. Cost of the courses for 2016 is £70. MCSW also offers FOCCUS, a guided ques tionnaire-based exploration and essential relationship know-how for individual couple with a trained facilitator. For more information contact mcsw.admin@marriagecare.o rg For all other enquiries about MCSW please contact Sue Burridge, head of MCSW centre Tel: 01395 272799 Mob: 07875 161 595 email: MARRIAGE HELP Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This programme can help you too. There is no group therapy or group work. For confidential information about Retrouvaille or to register for the next programme visit ww RETREATS Silent and individually guided retreats by members of the Plymouth Diocesan Ignatian Spirituality Team: offering each person the opportunity for space, SILENCE and prayer with a spiritual companion to help you pray and reflect. All 2016 Retreats will take place at Southgate Retreat House, Buckfast Abbey. Contact details for bookings and general information post: The Presbytery, 19 Fosse Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1NG Tel: 01548 852670 email: or Friday 14 th to Sunday 16 th October: Weekend retreat Monday 17 th to Friday 21 st October: Mid-week retreat Friday 14 th to Friday 21 st October: 6-day retreat Friday 18 th to Sunday 20 th November: A ‘taster’ weekend retreat (For anyone who would like to try and retreat for the first time) Chemin Neuf Community, Sclerder Abbey, Looe, Cornwall: Formed in 1973 and established internationally in 27 countries the Chemin Neuf Community specialises in Marriage & Family days, youth work, evangelisation. For more information about events at Sclerder Tel: 01503 272238 or visit the website www.chemin- 2016 PILGRIMAGES Friday 16 th to Friday 23 rd September: HCPT Group 539 Pilgrimage to Lourdes , staying at Hosanna House. Group Leader Elizabeth Bettesworth. For more information please contact Christopher Woodman email: Sunday 9 th to Saturday 15 th October: Cornish Pilgrimage to Walsingham: More information will be published in the next edition of Catholic South west. RESOURCES IN THE DIOCESE OF PLYMOUTH
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September 2016 Catholic South West - 11 Torbay Deanery News REGULAR EVENTS IN THE TORBAY DEANERY • Third Monday evening of every month (except August), 7.15pm, South Hams Catenians: Thurlestone Golf Club. Please note new venue. • Wednesday mornings, 9.40am, Our Lady Help of Christians & St Denis, St Marychurch: All are welcome to join parishioner before the 10am morning Mass to pray the rosary for vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life. • Wednesday evenings from 6pm, Holy Angels, Chelston, Torquay: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Vespers at 6.30pm and Benediction at 6.50pm. • Sunday evenings, 6pm, Church of the Assumption of Our Lady, Abbey Road, Torquay: Polish Mass with Confessions from 5.30pm. Holy Angels, Chelston Kerala Community Celebrations South Hams Catenians: Circle 368 On Monday the 18th July the South Hams Circle hosted Grand president, David Rowley and his wife Eileen at their meeting place at Thurlestone Golf Club on the South Devon coast. It was a beautiful, sunny evening and we were able to sit outdoors for some time before the meeting. Fifty three members and wives along with Monsignor Adrian Toffolo, Circle Chaplain, sat down to dinner followed by words of thanks and presentations to David and Eileen. A presentation was also made to Peter and Jenni Ripley who were celebration Peter’s birthday and their wedding anniversary. After dinner we were given a power point presentation by Monsignor Adrian Toffolo and Mary Jane Butler who run the charity Widows and orphans in rural Kenya (W.O.R.K). WORK is our President, Ben Morby’s charity for this year and on the night we raised £401. This was an eye opener for all of us and a very worthwhile cause. Before anyone escaped, following the talk, Vice President Brother Trevor Davies hurriedly put on his beard and cap and entertained the gathering with some acceptable Jethro jokes to send everyone home with a smile on their faces. A good night was had by all. Trevor Davies South Hams Catenians Saturday 2nd July was a day of great celebration at Holy Angels Church, Chelston; the Rosary was recited at 3pm followed by Mass in the Syro- Malabar Rite celebrated by Father Sunny Paul MSFS. After Mass a Solemn Procession in honour of the Blessed Sacrament and St Alphonsa took place – the procession followed a route from the church, along Queensway as far as Raleigh Avenue and back to Holy Angels for Benediction and veneration of the relic of St Thomas, Apostle. Statues of Our Lady and St Alphonsa together with the Relic of St Thomas and the Blessed Sacrament were carried in the procession. After Benediction everyone was invited to a wonderful feast at St John’s Parish Hall in Shiphay at which members of the Kerala community, sang, danced and entertained us all. If you have never attended Mass in the Syro-Malabar Rite you really should; it is a wonderfully spiritual occasion with the liturgy almost entirely sung – Fr Sunny has a beautiful voice. Young men and women from the Kerala community form a choir singing the responses and chants. The community also provide Drummers to lead the procession and, this year, a local community group of singers and dancers joined the procession along with Kevin Foster, MP for Torbay and his wife. Kevin Foster also joined us at St John’s Parish Hall when he said how delighted he was to have been invited to attend the Procession, Benediction and the ‘feast’ that followed. It was good to hear him speak quite freely about the impact such a visible witness of faith brings to the community and how moved he was by the celebrations. Felicity Stead Editor
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12 - Catholic South West September 2016 Archbishop praises Catholic charities At a Mass in St George`s Cathedral, Southwark on 11th June, Archbishop Peter Smith gave thanks for the amazing work undertaken in the UK and overseas by Catholic charities. The Mass, celebrating "Catholics building a brighter future" was the culmination of a “Share your prayer” campaign, encouraging and inspiring the Catholic community to share a prayer for a brighter future, and become part of the mission to bring it about. The campaign and Mass were organised by "Your Catholic Legacy," a group of 26 Catholic charities working together to inspire and encourage the Catholic community to consider leaving gifts to Catholic causes in their Wills. Over 150 prayers were shared through the organisation’s website and facebook page, and were displayed on prayer trees in the Cathedral. The Archbishop gave thanks for work undertaken in the UK and overseas by Catholic charities and told the congregation of around 200: “During my time as a priest and bishop I have been privileged to see at first hand the effort and expertise Catholic charities and Church networks put into caring for the most vulnerable members of society. "Catholic causes rely upon the kindness and generosity of the Catholic community to fund their life-saving and life-changing work. Legacies – no matter how small – play a crucial role in this funding. Legacies help to give hope to thousands and share God’s love in time of crisis.” This sentiment was echoed by YCL Chair, Alastair Emblem, when he addressed the reception that followed the Mass: “Catholics are very generous givers in their lifetimes, and you can be justifiably proud of that. But, at present, we are not so good at including Catholic causes in our wills. So what we are asking you to do today is to seriously consider doing so.” Also speaking at the reception were Barry and Margaret Mizen who set up the ‘For Jimmy’ charity in dedication to their son who was murdered in 2008. They shared their story of setting up the charity to build a legacy of hope and peace in Jimmy’s memory. They asked people present to consider what they could do to transform the future. It was very evident that everyone was exceptionally moved by their strength and dedication. This was demonstrated by one of the prayers shared through the campaign: “Heavenly Father. I thank you for the good example given to us all by Barry and Margaret Mizen. May we be generous and leave some gift to help the needy in the world.” Christine Punter, Project Manager Your Catholic Legacy Tel: 07718366202 Email: Barry and Margaret Mizen
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