Catholic Voice of Lancaster History
Newspaper for the Diocese of Lancaster
Nov 2024 edition of the Catholic Voice of Lancaster
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2 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 CONTACT US: The Catholic Voice of Lancaster is published on the last S unday of the m onth previous to publication date . The Catholic Voice of Lancaster is published by its owners . T he T rustees of the R o m an C atholic D iocese of L ancaster , a registered charity , (N o . 234331), and is wholly independent of and separate fro m any previous newspaper published by or on behalf of the diocese . EDITOR: E dwina G illett 01253 73 66 30 / 079 6 9 9 6 72 68 edwinagillett at hot m ail . co . u k ADVERTISING: C harlotte R osbroo k e / C ath C o m L td . 01440 730399 charlotter at cathco m. org www . cathco m. org DESIGN &, LAYOUT: R ob H otch k iss / H ot C reative 01253 730343 rob at hot - creative . co . u k www . hot - creative . co . u k PUBLISHED BY: C ath C o m L td . N2 B lois M eadow B usiness C entre , B lois R oad , S teeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Su昀,olk CB9 7BN 020 7112 6 710 www . cathco m. org Articles to: voicenews at hot m ail . co . u k Letters to: voiceletters at hot m ail . co . u k POSTAL ADDRESS: FAO E dwina G illett 99 C o mm onside , A nsdell , L ytha m S t . A nnes FY 8 4DJ P lease send articles for publication on CD or by e m ail , supplying any photos separate to the te x t ( i . e . in j peg for m at ). O therwise please type double spacing or write very clearly . L ast date for copy is the LAST DAY of the m onth prior to publication . P hotographs will be returned if you re m e m ber to put your na m e and address on the bac k of each and enclose suitable sta m ped and self - addressed pac k aging . O ur Lady &, St Edward’,s Parish, Preston have come to recognise that we must never take Creation for granted, but must always respect and give thanks for it, as encouraged by the words of Pope Francis. We do this by celebrating it, particularly during the Season of Creation (1 September - 4 October) A t the very start of the S eason , a wonderful C reation - the m ed display appeared , (as unannounced as a “,Banksy”,) , at the bac k of the church as one parishioner ’, s spontaneous response to it . A nother parishioner posted q uotations fro m P ope F rancis ’, great encyclical on the C are of C reation (Laudato Si) in the church , and also in the P arish C entre , where they could be seen by the co mm unity groups who use our pre m ises . A “,Great Green Family Fun Night”, followed on 13 S epte m ber when 70 people gathered in the P arish C entre for a celebratory evening with an environ m ental q ui z, a vegetarian m eal (it was Friday!) and ending with a sing - along of well -k nown songs . W e were also j oined by so m e parishioners fro m our sister church , S t M ary N ewhouse . T here was a serious side to it too as we as k ed parishioners to commit to doing something di昀,erent to make the world a better place and hopefully i m prove their lives at the sa m e ti m e . W e were a bit nervous that this m ight m a k e the evening a bit “,heavy”, , but we were wrong as the feedbac k was so positive : Giving thanks for Creation “,Our Great Green Family Fun Night was just that - great! Not only for its important messaging and thought-provoking content, but also the chance to gather together as a parish family.”, “,The Green evening was a most enjoyable family occasion, all ages were challenged to think about environmental issues and take action.”, “,A fun-昀,lled parish family gathering with something for everyon e. Loved the Creation Quiz - learnt plenty of facts about nature and the climate, and how it’,s so important to take care of our planet - God’,s wonderful gift to us and future generations”, “,The quiz really made me think about the environment and I learned a lot, about what more I need to do to protect it.”, B efore our M asses the sa m e wee k end , not only did our parish S isters and others decorate the sanctuary with sy m bols of creation , but we also invited the C hildrens ’, L iturgy G roup to bring up, after the o昀,ertory, favourite animal toys, and for adults to contribute so m ething that spo k e to the m of their love of nature . W e had a wonderful and varied collection of ite m s - m on k eys , hedgehogs , an owl , a don k ey , whilst a giant rabbit
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November 2024 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 3 too k its ease against the lectern . A dults contributed fruits of the harvest , a couple of bug hotels and pictures of favourite views , including a H ebridean beach and the M il k y W ay . P arishioners responded war m ly to this invitation to share their love of C reation during our celebration of the E ucharist as the following co mm ents show : “,I found the Creation Mass very moving. The soft toys brought up by the children at the o昀,ertory and the pictures of landscapes were a powerful reminder of the beauty of nature and how we all must protect our environment and stop pollution in all its forms.”, “,It was lovely to have the children bringing their favourite animals to the altar. It made me very emotional thinking about the future I want for my grandchildren.”, T he M ass was so j oyful , so engaging , such a lovely re m inder of our duty to repay G od ’, s gift of C reation by caring for it . P ope F rancis ’, language on the C are of C reation is full of love , j oy and hope . O ur celebration wee k end was full of these senti m ents and gave us a greater resolve to protect what we love as we ca m e together as parish co mm unity . Stephen Garsed “, Creation is a gift, it is a present, a wonderful gift that God has given us to take care of and to use for the bene昀,t of all, always with respect and gratitude. ”, Pope Francis “,Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal. Nature always strikes back –, and it is already doing so with growing force and fury.”, - Antonio Guterres. UN Secretary General K&,M Maintenance Heating - Electrical - Drainage Established 25 years Telephone: 01772 704530 Fax 01722 798801 Heating, Electrical and Drainage and Plumbing services across the North West of England Gas •, Emergency Boiler Repairs for all makes •, Boiler Installations &, servicing •, Central Heating System repairs/upgrades/leaks •, New fitted Central Heating Systems •, Landlord Gas Safety Certificates (CP12) Electrical •, New consumer units supplied and fitted •, All emergency breakdowns •, Power tripping •, New lighting •, Additional sockets •, Faulty sockets •, Rewiring •, Outdoor lighting/sockets •, EICR - electrial safey certificates Drainage and Plumbing •, Blocked drains, internal and external •, Leaks •, New taps •, Camera surveys Prices Boiler Service - £,49 + VAT plus £,10 for every additional appliance. Tel No: 01772 704530 Mobile: 07941 554730 Fax No: 01772 798801 Address: K &, M Maintenance Services Ltd, Unit 8A, Electron Mill, Brook Street, Preston PR1 7NH More information: Hello La ncaster, Our caring and professional teams are here to help, guide and advise you through the best ways to say goodbye. Find us at 5 George Street, Lancaster, LA1 1XQ, or call us on 01524 64650.
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4 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 >,>, what’,s coming up? >,>, what’,s coming up? Jack Regan writes: W e are now 昀,rmly into the Keswick Autumn. Yes, there is lots of rain, tonnes of falling leaves clogging our drains, the nights are getting longer and the heating bills are getting bigger. S till , we wor k for an a m a z ing G od who has even beaten death . H e doesn ’, t care that it ’, s not su mm er any m ore and he ’, s been blessing us lately as he always does . O ur new tea m are settling in well and we are running so m e great retreats . What else is there to report..? Our First Open Day Okay, our 昀,rst for a long time anyway! I t happened on S unday S epte m ber 15 th and a good crowd of people turned up . W e opened the building and let people ta k e part in our creative wor k shops a m ong other things . T he day ended with M ass at 3 p m celebrated by B ishop P aul . A chance for hi m to co mm ission the new team! W e were very grateful to everyone who supported the day . W e ’, ll be doing it again next year so look out for the date! Open Weekends and Quiet Weekends // A New Venture T his year , we are starting an e x citing new initiative ai m ed at adults and fa m ilies . S o m eti m es , when we have a free wee k end , we will open it up as either a ‘,quiet weekend’, or a ‘,family weekend.’, Q uiet wee k ends are there for individual adults who want to have a re昀,ective, peaceful wee k end in the L a k es . A single roo m and all m eals are provided as well as M ass on site . O pen wee k ends are si m ilar , but not as quiet! They’,re also open to families and if we get enough people , we ’, ll put on a q ui z in the evening too! T hese wee k ends open up at about 6 wee k s notice to k eep an eye on our website and social m edia . Would You Like to Join the Team? D on ’, t forget that , we are always loo k ing for young C hristians (usually aged 18-22) to j oin our Y outh M inistry I nternship S che m e . I t ’, s a great chance to get so m e brilliant training, quali昀,cations, and e x periences . W e now operate a rolling recruit m ent syste m for interns (formerly called Gap Year volunteers) which m eans that suitable people can start at various di昀,erent points in the year. W e are also loo k ing for a paid P rogra mm e L eader to j oin our leadership tea m. I deally so m eone with so m e relevant e x perience . MATTERS YOUTH F or m ore infor m ation contact jack@ or chec k out our website –, - or our I nstagra m channels atcastleriggmanor and atteam_castlerigg WHAT’,S COMING UP? Catholic Students Retreat // Nov 15-17 After the success of our 昀,rst students retreat last year , we are holding another one this autu m n . O nce again , there will be a discounted rate for students and this year there will be a the m e holding the wee k end together . B oo k ings will open in the su mm er . Advent Retreat // Dec 13-15 T he ne x t open retreat after the su mm er retreat will be the A dvent R etreat in m id D ece m ber . B oo k ings open in S epte m ber .
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November 2024 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 5 I n a world that is rapidly evolving, understanding the youth of today is not just a passing interest but a necessity, especially for those involved in church ministry. Young people aren’,t just the future of the church, they are its vibrant and dynamic present. Engaging e昀,ectively with them requires an understanding of their perspectives, challenges, and aspirations. The 昀,rst step in understanding today’,s youth is acknowledging the signi昀,cant changes in the environ m ent they are growing up in . T his generation , often referred to as Generation Z, is the 昀,rst truly digital - native generation , having been e x posed to the internet , social networ k s , and m obile syste m s fro m a young age . T his has profound i m plications for how they perceive the world , for m relationships , and interact with faith . One of the de昀,ning traits of todays youth is their access to infor m ation . T hey are e x posed to a wide array of viewpoints and cultures , m a k ing the m m ore open -m inded and tolerant but also m ore q uestioning and sceptical , especially about m atters of faith and religion . T hey don ’, t j ust accept traditions and teachings at face value , they want to understand the ‘, why ’, behind everything . A nother aspect is their approach to social issues . T odays youth are m ore socially and environ m entally conscious . T hey care deeply about issues li k e cli m ate change , social j ustice , and e q uality . I ntegrating discussions and actions on these topics into church activities can be a way to show that their concerns are ta k en seriously and that faith has a practical and relevant application in addressing these issues . C o mm unication styles have also evolved . T odays youth prefer q uic k, concise , and visually engaging content. Long talks may not be as e昀,ective as they once were . Y outh A ctivities need to adapt by incorporating m ulti m edia ele m ents into their teachings and using platfor m s where young people are m ost active , li k e social m edia , to engage with the m. H owever , a m idst these technological and societal changes , so m e funda m ental needs re m ain the sa m e . Y oung people are searching for m eaning , purpose , and a sense of belonging . T hey grapple with issues li k e identity , self - estee m, and future an x ieties . T he C hurch can play a pivotal role in addressing these e x istential q ueries by providing a space for open discussion , m entorship , and co mm unity . M entorship , especially , can be a powerful tool . B uilding relationships where young people feel heard , valued , and guided can help the m navigate their spiritual j ourney . Y outh leaders and church m e m bers can share their e x periences and listen e m pathetically to young people ’, s concerns , creating a bridge between generations . F urther m ore , the C hurch can foster an environ m ent where youth feel e m powered to ta k e on leadership roles . A llowing the m to lead certain services , projects, or groups not only boosts their con昀,dence but also ensures that church activities resonate m ore with their peers . I n conclusion , understanding todays youth in church m inistry re q uires a delicate balance of respecting traditions while e m bracing change . I t ’, s about listening m ore and assu m ing less , as k ing q uestions , and being open to new ways of e x pression and worship . A s the church adapts to m eet the needs of its younger m e m bers , it beco m es m ore relevant and vital , not j ust as a k eeper of faith but as a nurturing ground for future leaders who are spiritually grounded and socially conscious . B y bridging this gap , the C hurch doesn ’, t j ust grow , it thrives in the hearts of its youngest m e m bers . Understanding Todays Youth: Bridging the Gap in Church Ministry To advertise please contact Charlotte on 01440 730399 or email Independent Catholic Funeral Director Arranging and conducting funerals in the Catholic Diocese of Lancaster since 1986 Lytham Funeral Service Ltd. 42 Clifton Street, Lytham FY8 5EW Tel. (01253) 733909 David Pope dip FD MBIFD
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6 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 Your Letters Send us your letters: Write to: The Editor, 99, Commonside, Ansdell, Lytham St. Annes, FY8 4DJ. Email to: •, P lease k eep your letters concise (max 300 words) •, I nclude your full na m e and address •, L etters should not include any personal criticis m or attac k s •, T he editor reserves the right to : –, Amend or shorten letters or to refuse to publish them (no correspondence to discuss decisions taken will be entered into) –, Publish a response if deemed appropriate Dear Editor, T han k you so m uch for having the bravery to publish , in the O ctober edition of the Catholic Voice , the e x cellent letter fro m C hristopher P. C roc k er . I wholeheartedly agree with his co mm ents and hope that the C hurch of the future will e m brace the gifts of wo m en at every level . I a m aware that the recent S ynod is discussing this issue , let us hope that the H oly S pirit is wor k ing within the S ynod and that hearts are newly opened to the breath of the S pirit . Elizabeth Alty, Preston ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ T he E ditor can also report the details of a telephone call during which the caller co m pli m ented the Catholic Voice on such an e x cellent publication and in particular the coverage of deceased clergy in the S epte m ber edition . T he caller wished to re m ain anony m ous but was k een that his co mm ents were recorded . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Editor, I n response to C hristopher C roc k er ’, s q uestion why the C atholic C hurch does not per m it wo m en priests , (Catholic Voice October 2024) , the clearest reason is that J esus hi m self , who is the head of his B ody the C hurch , chose only m en to be priests , and although J esus C hrist is fully m an who lived in historical T i m e , he is also E ternal G od , who is the sa m e yesterday , today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) . F ollowing are e x cerpts fro m the C ongregation for the D octrine of the F aith responding to certain doubts about the q uestion of wo m en priests : “,Christ willed to confer this sacrament on the twelve apostles, all of whom were men…, The Church understands herself to be always bound to this decision of the Lord, which excludes that the ministerial priesthood may be validly conferred on women. John Paul II, in his Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, taught: ‘,…, the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be de昀,nitively held by all the Church’,s fai thful’, (n. 4). J esus is referred to in S cripture as the C hurch ’, s B ridegroo m, and the C hurch is his spouse : “,The priest acts in the person of Christ, spouse of the Church, and his being a man is an indispensable element of this sacramental representation (cf. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Inter Insigniores, n. 5).”, J esus did not even choose the m ost perfect wo m an , the sinless V irgin M ary , to be a priest : “,Recall that the most perfect image of the Church is Mary, the Mother of the Lord, who did not receive the apostolic ministry.”, Since the Church is Christ’,s Body it cannot defy the infallibility of Christ, who is the Truth (Jn 14:6). “,The Church does not have the faculty to confer on women priestly ordination.”, Sincerely in Christ, Barbara Mason, Stonyhurst, Clitheroe 10AM - 1PM SAT 09 NOV CARDINALNEWMAN.AC.UK APPLY NOW
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November 2024 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 7 God our Father, we thank you for all the graces and blessings You have bestowed on our Diocese since its foundation one hundred years ago on ground made fertile by the blood of the martyrs. Nourished by your Son, Jesus Christ, in Word and Sacraments, and led by your Holy Spirit, may we move forward with hope and trust, helping future generations to discover the “,pearl of great price”, which will bring them eternal life. And when time shall be no more, may our Diocese rejoice as the “,mother of countless children,”, and be given her place in heavenly glory. This we ask of you who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. St. Cuthbert, pray for us. Holy Martyrs of our Diocese, pray for us. DIOCESE OF LANCASTER Centenary Prayer I n September the UK Government announced that legislation to enact so-called ‘,safe access zones’, or ‘,bu昀,er zones’, outside abortion facilities in England and Wales will come into force from 31 October. T his legislation , contained in section 9 of the P ublic O rder A ct 2023, cri m inalises a range of activities within a 150-m etre peri m eter of an abortion facility . S uch activities potentially include prayer , thought , peaceful presence , consensual communication and o昀,ers of practical support to wo m en in vulnerable situations , should any of these be deemed to in昀,uence or interfere with access to the clinic . S uch legislation re m ains deeply concerning as a threat to freedo m of speech , thought , conscience and religion for people of all faiths and none . F ollowing the announce m ent , B ishop J ohn S herrington , the L ead B ishop for L ife I ssues for the C atholic B ishops ’, C onference of E ngland and W ales , said : “,As the Catholic Bishops’, Conference repeatedly stated during the passage of the Public Order Bill last year, ‘,safe access zone’, legislation is unnecessary and disproportionate. We condemn all harassment and intimidation of women and hold that, as was accepted in a Home O
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8 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 Sr Philomena Grimley charts the history of Christ the King parish from its very humble beginnings to the present day. I n post war Blackpool, the local Council began to build a new big council housing estate on land that was alongside Layton Hill Convent. A local priest, Father Pearson, asked if the diocese could obtain some of this land to build a church to serve the estate of Grange Park. But the council refused, uncertain how much land was needed for housing. S o , undaunted , the diocese announced the opening of a new parish , which included the C onvent co mm unity , and it would have a te m porary church in the C onvent grounds . N ow when S r C ornelia C onnelly ac q uired the land for the C onvent she also purchased a dairy far m. E ventually the far m was discontinued but the outbuildings re m ained in use and so it was that the for m er cow shed , or ‘,The Shippon’, , as it was called , when it was an art studio for the school , beca m e that te m porary church and the parish of C hrist the K ing began there in January 1949! F ro m old school m aga z ines one can read how, before the 昀,rst Mass, many of the students helped to clean the pre m ises thoroughly (and “,missed”, the midday compulsory walk!) T he new parish priest , D octor S later , was also chaplain to the C onvent and beca m e well k nown to the co mm unity . T he diocese persevered in their re q uest for land and in 1953 the foundation stone for the new church was laid on the corner of C hepstow R oad and G ateside D rive in G range P ar k. T hat church served the parish for 6 0 years . A social centre beside the church was built and opened in 1970 and then a co m plete parish pri m ary school in 1973, although there was a te m porary I nfant S chool in an outbuilding beside the church fro m 195 8 . P arish photo albu m s bear witness to a vibrant parish co mm unity , strongly contributing to the life of people on the G range P ar k estate , with a youth centre , regular social events , outings , courses and nu m erous celebrations over the years . C anon A lf H ayes was ordained there in 1972 and 25 years later celebrated his S ilver J ubilee there . T he parish was blessed by a succession of well - re m e m bered parish priests : C anon H enry M artindale for 2 6 years , F ather F ran k F lynn , F ather T o m F orde , F ather S tephen A shton , F ather B ob H orn , F ather D avid B urns and F ather J ohn W instanley . I n its early years the parish was also served by a nu m ber of assistant priests . I n 2007 B lac k pool C ouncil had developed plans to m a k e m a j or changes on G range P ar k estate . T hey included e x changing all the buildings on the current C hrist the K ing site for a single new church building elsewhere on the estate . B ut in the 昀,nancial crisis that followed this plan was dropped . H owever in It All Began in a Cow Shed! Celebrating 75 years of Christ the King Blackpool
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November 2024 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 9 2011 when S t M ary ’, s C atholic C ollege , for m erly L ayton H ill C onvent S chool , was awarded the special B uilding S chools for the F uture govern m ent funding , the Council o昀,ered to provide Christ the K ing parish with a new church building to be incorporated into the j oint design for S t M ary ’, s C atholic C ollege and C hrist the K ing P ri m ary S chool on the for m er C onvent site . T he e x tensive wor k began in N ove m ber that year . T hat sa m e year , a re昀,ection of the changing times in the C hurch , the parish priest , F ather D avid B urns , of the nearby parish of S t K entigern ’, s was m ade also priest - in –, charge of C hrist the K ing when F ather B ob H orn was appointed to a P reston parish . F ather J ohn W instanley succeeded F ather B urns in 2013 when the parish was then a m alga m ated with S t K entigern ’, s . S adly in 2013 the church building in C hepstow R oad beca m e unsafe for public use and for a while S unday m asses were celebrated in the P ri m ary S chool . T hen , on S epte m ber 11 th , 2014 the new church was ready to be o
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10 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 Book Reviews - Courtesy of Mouthpeace HIROSHIMA by John Hersey D uring W orld W ar II, J ohn H ersey as N ewswee k ly correspondent cover ed the 昀,ghting in Europe and Asia. He wrote articles for T i m e and L ife m aga z ines . A fter the war , during the winter of 1945–,4 6 , H ersey was in J apan , reporting for T he N ew Y or k er on the reconstruction of the devastated country , when he found a docu m ent written by a J esuit m issionary who had survived the ato m ic bo m b dropped on H iroshi m a . T he j ournalist visited the m issionary , who introduced hi m to other survivors I n M ay 194 6 , H ersey travelled to J apan , where he spent three wee k s doing research and interviewing survivors . H e returned to Am erica during late J une and began writing the stories of si x H iroshi m a survivors : a G er m an J esuit priest , a widowed sea m stress , two doctors , a m inister , and a young wo m an who wor k ed in a factory . T he resulting piece was his m ost notable wor k, the 31,000- word article “,Hiroshima”,, which was published in the A ugust 31, 194 6 , issue of T he N ew Y or k er . T he story dealt with the ato m ic bo m b dropped on that Japanese city on August 6, 1945, and its e昀,ects on the si x survivors . T he article occupied al m ost the entire issue of the m aga z ine –, so m ething T he N ew Y or k er had never done before . ATOMIC PEOPLE –, the 昀,lm T his was shown on BBC 2 on 31 J uly 2024 and is available on i P layer for 11 m onths –, m0021lrg/atomic-people T he decision by the U nited S tates to drop ato m ic bo m bs on H iroshi m a on 6 A ugust 1945 and N agasa k i three days later - was one of the m ost m o m entous and destructive in world history. Now, nearly 80 years later, this unique 昀,lm gathers th e testi m onies of so m e of the last ‘,Hibakusha’, (survivors of the two atomic bombs) before their voices are lost forever . W ith an average age of 8 5, m ost H iba k usha were children when the bo m bs were dropped . C o m bining their personal accounts with archive footage, the 昀,lm features a signi昀,cant number of voices fro m this shrin k ing group , the only people left on earth to have survived a nuclear bo m b , while e x ploring how their e x periences continue to a昀,ect them to this day. WAR HEADS TO WINDMILLS: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War by Timmon Wallis (Indispensable press) £,13.99 from the Quaker Bookshop T o survive the cli m ate crisis , we need m oney , brainpower and infrastructure for the most e昀,ective climate solutions. T hose resources are currently being s q uandered by the nuclear weapons industry . W e ’, ll also need the world ’, s biggest greenhouse gas e m itters to stop pointing nuclear m issiles at each other and start building unprecedented global cooperation . C an we “,feed two birds with one scone”, by converting assets fro m nuclear weapons of m ass e x tinction to evidence - based cli m ate solutions ? T here are already e x cellent pathways to global nuclear disar m a m ent . T here are already e x cellent alternatives to burning fossil fuels . T he obstacles are m isinfor m ation , propaganda, and politicians corrupted by pro昀,teering corporations . T his boo k is a tool k it for ca m paigners on both issues to wor k together on treaties , divest m ent , boycotts , lobbying , legislation , education , conversion and m ore . I t debun k s m yths , frauds , and distractions . I t ’, s full of well - documented facts and 昀,gures, tools and strategies. Boarbank Hall Contact: Sr Marian Boarbank Hall, Grange over Sands, Cumbria, LA11 7NH Telephone: 015395 32288 Website: Canonesses of St Augustine of the Mercy of Jesus “,She who accepts the common life possesses God”, St Augustine A Warm Welcome to Everyone Prayer •, Community •, Hospitality •, Care of the poor and sick SELF STORAGE Secure Units Available Sizes To Suit All Needs Competitive Rates Open 7 Days Curly Tail Storage Park Lane, Forton PR3 0JX Tel: 01524 791837 E: andrew@curlytailstorage Our Lady of Fidelity The church needs religious sisters URGENTLY to bring Christ to others by a life of prayer and service lived in the community of Ignation spirituality. Daily Mass is the centre of community life. By wearing the religious habit we are witnesses of the consecrated way of life. If you are willing to risk a little love and would like to find out how, contact Sister Bernadette Mature vocations considered. CONVENT OF OUR LADY OF FIDELITY 1 Our Lady`s Close, Upper Norwood, London SE19 3FA Telephone 07760 297001 090699502 Who cares for our SICK AND RETIRED PRIESTS - Annual collection (last Sunday in October) - Donations and Legacies gratefully received Secretary: Rev. Peter Draper, St. Anthony’,s, Cadley Causeway, Fulwood, Preston PR2 3RX Diocese of Lancaster Registered Charity number 234331 To advertise please contact Charlotte on 01440 730399 or email charlotter@
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November 2024 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 11 would like to hear from you! If your parish or school has any news or if you would personally like to submit an article for publication, please send us what you have. Contact details can be found on page 2. O n what would have been her 78th birthday, it is now some years since my mum’,s death, I was lying in bed thinking what I could do for her this year, and it came to me during morning prayer. People often ask me why I believe? Why I became a priest? After all, for most of my adult life I was a happy atheist. My journey 昀,rst to faith and then to the priesthood has always been experiential, through experiences, not through deep thinking or searching. My faith grew through the experiences I have had. S o , this year I thought I would share one of these e x periences with you . I t happened on the day of her funeral , we had brought m u m’, s body into the church the evening before j ust as she had re q uested , and I had decided to stay in one of the guest roo m s at the C athedral overnight rather than travel bac k and forth to B lac k pool . A fter a late m eal with F r S teve P earson I paid a q uic k visit to m u m in the church , prayed night prayer with her q uietly and then went to bed . I t was during the night that I had a really vivid drea m. I n the drea m I was wal k ing with m y brother M i k e on a grassy green hill , very m uch li k e the old windows screensaver . I t was a lovely sunny day and we chatted as we wal k ed , I can ’, t re m e m ber what we were tal k ing about , but as we were wal k ing up to the crest of the hill M i k e suddenly fell to the ground , and in the blink of an eye it’,s not Mike anymore it’,s mum on the ground! B efore she died m u m could no longer wal k and was always in the wheelchair , and at that m o m ent I realised it was her , and m y heart s k ipped a beat , what a m I going to do , I don ’, t have her wheelchair ? S he loo k ed up at m e and she said in her un m ista k able voice “,Darling, raise me up.”, S uddenly I was bolt awa k e , it was 8a m and light was co m ing through the crac k in the curtains , her words were ringing in m y ears . “,Darling, raise me up”,. I t i mm ediately struc k m e that it was a strange thing for her to say , surely “,pick me up!”, or “,lift me up”, or even “,help me”, would have been m ore appropriate . T hen it struc k m e , in a few short hours at m u m’, s R e q uie m M ass , this is e x actly what I would be doing , what she wanted m e to do , to raise her up to G od , send her on her way home. I was stunned! B y that point I had over a hundred funerals under m y belt and that thought of raising those people up had never even crossed m y m ind . W hat a powerful thought , what a powerful drea m. I k new that it was going to be an e m otional day , and I have never been very good at hiding m y e m otions , so was concerned that especially now with her words ringing in m y ears I would not be able to k eep m y e m otions in chec k. A ll during the M ass her words were in m y m ind , and I k new instinctively at what point during the M ass to raise her up , j ust after the consecration when the priest raises J esus in the host high and the bells are rung , at that point I will raise m u m to G od . S o , when the ti m e ca m e during the M ass standing behind the altar , I pic k ed up the little round host , the reality of J esus right there present with us and I also held up mum and raised her high, o昀,ered her back to God, sent her ho m e , and at that m o m ent the only e m otions I felt were rightness and peace , all was well , I raised m u m up to G od . T hat m o m ent , and that drea m will stay with m e until the day I die . N ow so m e would say it was j ust a drea m, and I would agree , it was just a dream. But my goodness! What a dream, I thank God for that drea m, for m e it was a further gli m pse of the reality beyond this reality , another reason to believe that G od e x ists and is beautiful , m u m m ay be dead but she hasn ’, t gone . S o happy birthday m u m, k eep praying for us , and I’, ll see you soon xx Raise Me Up During this month of remembrance Fr Stephen Talbutt shares a pe rsonal experience. Our advertisers are great supporters of the Lancaster Voice, so please help them by supporting their businesses Martin,s The Funeral Directors 186-188 Tulketh Brow, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston PR2 2JJ Tel: 01772-733007 1 Stonebridge Parade, Preston Road, Longridge PR3 3AP Tel: 01772-782121 Windy Nook House Garstang Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 8JY Tel: 01772 500830 Proprietor W. Martin Wooton Dedicated and Blessed Chapels of Rest Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans The complete funeral service from a private family owned and run firm JILL GLENCROSS FUNERAL DIRECTORS An Independent Multi Award Winning Family Funeral Directors Female and Male Funeral Directors Private Chapels of Rest Nothing Is Ever Too Much Trouble 16 The Square, Dalston, Carlisle CA5 7PY Tel: 01228 317373
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12 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning Celebrates 50 years Sr. Michaela Toulmin charts the history of the Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning, situated in Carnforth and provides a bit of history about the Bernardine Community who have been residen t there since 1974. T he Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning was founded in 1974 in response to a call from the Church to broaden the work of education and to develop the growing work of hospitality. Four sisters arrived at Hyning in November 1974, but where did we come from and what is our history? I n the 6th century , S t . B enedict , A bbot of a religious co mm unity at M onte C assino in I taly , wrote a R ule for m on k s . H is rule has been followed by countless m on k s and nuns for 昀,fteen centuries. The Rule is pervaded by the spirit of the G ospel and characterised by its m oderate and hu m an approach . A bove all , it is C hrist centred , “,Prefer nothing whatever to Christ”, has inspired m any to follow hi m according to the B enedictine tradition . I n the 11 th century , 3 B enedictine m on k s , S s R obert of M oles m e , A lberic and S tephen H arding , sought to follow the R ule of S t . B enedict m ore si m ply . A long with a group of other m on k s who shared this vision of si m plicity , austerity and fraternal life , they went to C iteau x in B urgundy , where the ‘,New Monastery’, was established in M arch 109 8 . T hey beca m e k nown as the C istercians . M any wo m en wished to follow the C istercian ideal and m any houses were established including several in F rench F landers . T he A bbeys of N otre D a m e de la B rayelle at A nnay (1196) N otre D a m e de la W oestine at S t . Om er , (1217) and N otre D a m e D es P r è, s in D ouai (1221) were three C istercian houses for wo m en in F landers . A s a result of the F rench R evolution in 17 8 9, all m onasteries in F rance were suppressed , including those of the three foundresses of our O rder . T hree nuns , fro m each of the A bbeys , m et together after the R evolution with the sole ai m of re - establishing their C istercian m onastic life . A fter m any years in e x ile , spent travelling fro m place to place, they were 昀,nally able to settle at the s m all village of E s q uer m es , near L ille , and were o
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November 2024 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 13 2022, with all the roo m s in the house newly refurbished with ensuite roo m s . T o celebrate our 50 th anniversary we planned a series of events . I n A ugust we held three O pen afternoons to welco m e local people to see our gardens , en j oy our crea m teas and learn a bit m ore about our co mm unity . W e also had a very popular T eddy B ear N un hunt . O n the 19 th of S epte m ber , B ishop P aul S warbric k celebrated the M ass for the 50 th anniversary of the foundation of H yning M onastery and 40 years of the D edication of the C hurch . F r . A nthony K eefe , our chaplain , gave the ho m ily . B ishop P aul and S r . M ary H elen , the P rioress , gave speeches of welco m e to all those who were able to attend M ass . T here were 12 priests , including M onsignor F ran k S lattery who had been there 40 years previously . W e were delighted to welco m e several religious sisters , consecrated persons and deacons of the diocese , fa m ily , friends , for m er students and sta昀, of our former schools in E ngland . W e were also pleased to welco m e sisters fro m our m otherhouse of L a P laine in F rance , and fro m B rownshill in G loucestershire . T he celebration of M ass was followed by a bu昀,et lunch for all prepared by the sisters and sta昀,. A special cake had been made by S r . M ichaela and S r . M ary S tella for the occasion . I’, d li k e to end this account with so m e words of the ho m ily of F r . A nthony which e x pressed beautifully the role we have at H yning . “,If anyone loves me”, H e has told us “,My Father will love them, and we shall come to them and make our home with them”, . T he living G od is present on the altar , in the tabernacle , but also in the people who love H i m and serve H i m: in the co mm unity which lives and serves here , and in those who co m e here to see k H i m and to be drawn m ore closely to H i m, echoing constantly the prayer of S olo m on : “,Hear the entreaty of your people as they pray in this place. From heaven where your dwelling is, hear—,and as you hear, forgive”,.
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14 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 O ur American family of four sought pilgrimage in the Lake District during August 2024. We travelled 4745 miles by air, 492 miles by rail, 180 miles by foot and 2 miles by kayak in the footsteps of eight local saints while searching for Christ in Cumbria. This was our third pilgrimage in the UK after walking from Winchester to Canterbury along the Pilgrims’, Way in 2022 and from St. Germans Cathedral to St. Michael’,s Mount on the Cornish Celtic Way in 2023. W e were attracted to C u m bria in 2024 after 昀,nding references to Martin E arle ’, s newly co mm issioned icon of the C u m brian S aints which F r . P hilip C onner has planned for the church of O ur L ady S tar of the S ea and S t . M ichael in W or k ington . T he beauty of this altar icon and the truth of these saints ’, lives inspired m y daughter and m e to spend nine m onths and m any Z oo m hours planning a L a k eland pilgri m age itinerary . A rriving fro m several parts of the S tates , we gathered in late J uly at P addington S tation . E nroute to S t . B ees , our fa m ily stopped at W or k ington in W est C u m bria to m eet F r . P hilip and C anon J ohn W atson . A fter S aturday V igil M ass , we dined with our welco m ing priests and received a wonderful pilgri m age blessing beneath the statue celebrating S t . B ega ’, s arrival on the coast of C u m bria in 6 50 AD. O ver the course of the ne x t two wee k s , the four of us bac k pac k ed along S t . B ega ’, s W ay , S t . B ega ’, s W ay B ac k, S t . M ary ’, s W ay and the C u m brian C istercian W ay . O ur fa m ily traversed nu m erous fells and ghylls , crossed m any bec k s and dived into m ultiple tarns . W e cli m bed a total of 21,000 feet while wal k ing 1 8 0 m iles . W e even k aya k ed to pray at the ruins of S t . H erbert ’, s her m itage on his island in D erwentwater . O ur outdoor specialty was wild swi mm ing which so m eti m es received applause as we pursued group i mm ersions in E nnerdale , C ru mm oc k W ater , S cale F orce W aterfall , R itson F orce and A ngle T arn . T his craving for cold water was re m iniscent of baptis m while m ountain su mm its pro m ised the protection of S t . M ichael , and the ospreys overhead suggested the guidance of the H oly S pirit . W e reveled in the glory of G od ’, s creation . Our most authentic pilgrim e昀,ort was a 昀,ve-mile passage from Sandgate to U lverston across M oreca m be B ay . T his low tide event at sunset was the 昀,rst time in 150 years that a pilgri m age group was delivered fro m one K ing ’, s G uide to the S ands to another in the m iddle of the R iver L even . O ur wal k across the wet sand re m inded us of the I sraelites ’, e x it fro m the hardship of E gypt and their entrance into the pro m ise of the H oly L and . I n a si m ilar way , the route of a pilgri m age may be physically di
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November 2024 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 15 W hile the physical sites on the W ay served as the body of our pilgri m age , they were not co m plete without the C atholic practices and celebrations which for m ed the heart of our j ourney . O ur fa m ily had prepared for this endeavor by studying the lives and the prayers of the early m edieval , E nglish R efor m ation , and m odern saints of C u m bria . W e prayed the 13 th century H y m n to S t . B ega at S t . B ees P riory and at her chapel on the shore of B assenthwaite L a k e . W e learned S t . N inian ’, s P rayer of E ncircle m ent ‘, ...Circle me Lord, Keep hope within, Keep doubt without…,’, and as k ed for his guidance in professing the faith . W e recited the bird / tree/bell/昀,sh poem of St. Kentigern and re昀,ected on its meaning. We asked St. O swald the K ing for strength and sought the gift of fortitude fro m the m artyr , B lessed C hristopher R obinson . T he friendship of S t . C uthbert and S t . H erbert of D erwentwater encouraged our own love for one another , while S ervant of G od J ohn B radburne ’, s life inspired service to others . W e often wal k ed while deep in prayer following the advice of the A postle P aul to ‘,Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.’, A t each church we k nelt at the altar while praying together the L itany of D ivine M ercy . A t holy wells , we invo k ed S t . B ridget ’, s P rayer of P rotection ‘,...God, an isle art thou in the sea, A hill art thou on the land, And a well art thou in the wilderness...’, W e prayed the 12 th S tation of the C ross at every C eltic , S a x on and V i k ing C ross that we encountered followed by a k iss upon the cold stone . E ach day , m y daughter and I sang W ho W ould T rue V alour S ee fro m T he P ilgri m’, s P rogress . S he and her husband delivered a beautiful L atin rendition of the A ni m a C hristi hy m n in the war m th of the W or k ington R ectory and a m ong the ruins of F urness A bbey . T hese rituals and liturgies pro m oted the pri m acy of G od in our lives . W e had m any occasions of living in that thin place between this world and the ne x t . W e ca m e to see our intentional j ourney as an antidote to acedia , a challenge to our bones and a bal m for our souls . E ventually , the physical stress of our itinerary drained our bodies j ust as heavenly grace was 昀,lling our souls. W e then understood the L ord ’, s m essage to S t . P aul in 2 C orinthians 12:9-11. “,My grace is su
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16 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + November 2024 Rosey Fetherston of Workington writes: A s we approach 2025, the Diocese of Lancaster marks a truly signi昀,cant milestone: 100 years of growing in faith together. Established in 1925, our diocese has spent a century serving the Catholic communities across Lancashire and Cumbria. I a m a C atholic L ancastrian , born and bred, I don’,t think I am alone in 昀,nding that m y faith is deeply rooted right here . I received all the sacra m ents here as a child , spent m y gap years (and met my husband) at C astlerigg M anor , was for m ed by the opportunities of pilgri m age and Celebrating 100 Years: The Centenary of the Diocese of Lancaster catechis m that were provided by the priests in m y youth , and have continued to be so . I have had children baptised here and children buried here , and through it all I have m arvelled that in this wet little corner of the country , while there may not be much that is 昀,ashy or fancy , the L ord has provided for m y every spiritual need through H is C hurch . T his special diocese , seeded by the blood of the m artyrs , is m y spiritual ho m e , and that is so m ething I a m not only incredibly grateful for , but it is also so m ething that I don ’, t thin k I a m alone in e x periencing . I e x pect there are m any of us who , given the opportunity , would li k e to celebrate all that L ancaster D iocese has done for us , so on the centenary of our diocese let’,s take this chance to do so! I a m sure that throughout 2025 there will be nu m erous and varied occasions to m ar k a centuries worth of wor k, but to start the year with a bang (and a bit of the 昀,ashy and fancy that we often lack) , we are organising a blac k tie ball , and we are delighted to invite everyone fro m across the diocese to j oin us for this special evening . I t will be a j oyous occasion to co m e together , en j oy fellowship , and celebrate 100 years of faith , hope , and charity in our diocese . W e hope that parishes will j oin forces to m a k e this a truly m e m orable event , bringing people together to celebrate as a diocesan fa m ily . T ic k ets are available at : D on ’, t m iss out on this historic event —, let ’, s begin the centenary year with a j oyful gathering of our entire diocesan community! We look forward to seeing you there! Church Supplies –, ser v i ng Sch oo ls , B usi n ess and Hom es To advertise please contact Charlotte on 01440 730399 or email 4-.#?6#*7+@ ", *F#-GA ", 45&,#86#*7+@ ", 45.#+)6#*7+8 ", S!TC*?E8=QOG 4-.#@6#*7+@ ", S!TC*?@8#+=QOG 4-.#?6#*7+@ ", S!TC*?@8=QOG 4-.#?6#*7+@ ", S!TC*?@@=QOG 4 -.#?6#*7+@ ", S!TC*?@D 4-.#?6#*7 ", 0800 0521030 Email: All Church maintenance Roofing - Guttering - Decoration All Church maintenance Roofi,ng - Guttering - Decoration BUILDING CONSERVATION UK LTD 0800 0521030
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