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2024 edition of the Portsmouth Directory
2024 edition of the Portsmouth Directory
2023 edition of the Portsmouth Directory
2023 edition of the Portsmouth Directory
2022 edition of the Portsmouth Year Book
2022 edition of the Portsmouth Year Book

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Diocesan Directory for the Diocese of Portsmouth


2024 edition of the Portsmouth Directory

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2024 edition of the Portsmouth Directory

Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Directory 2024

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2024 edition of the Portsmouth Directory

1 Diocese of Portsmouth Directory 202 4 The Diocesan Directory St Edmund House Bishop Crispian Way Portsmouth PO1 3QA ©, 2023 Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth - All rights reserved A publication of Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No 1199568 Administered by Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Produced on behalf of the Diocese by CathCom Ltd 01440 730399 Data Protection law applies to the information in this publication which cannot be copied or republished without the express, written permission of the Trustees This directory contains all changes notified up to 1 December 2023 To notify us of any changes, please email Cover Photo: United as a f amily in Christ –, faces from across the C atholic Diocese of Portsmouth

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Contents Foreword 5 Diocese of Portsmouth 7 The Year in Review 9 Our Mission Plan 11 The Diocese in Numbers 13 Supporting the Diocese 16 Bishop`s Office &, Curia 18 Priests 29 Permanent Deacons 43 Anniversaries of Priesthood Ordination 47 Anniversaries of Diaconate Ordination 50 Students for the Priesthood and Permanent Diaconate 51 Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 53 Parishes 61 Religious Communities 105 Military 111 Chaplaincies and Institutions 114 Masses in Latin 123 Schools 124 Framework for Collaboration 133 Advertiser Index 152 Diocese People Parishes Religious Chaplaincies Schools 3

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Diocese 5 Foreword Welcome to the Diocesan Directory for 2024. Here you will fi, nd much informa ti on about the life of our wonderful Diocese of Portsmouth! Through our Pastoral Plan You Will be My Witnesses we are invited to be a Christ ‐, centred Church, by pu tti ng Christ at the centre of our hearts and lives, to be missionary communi ti es, by going out on Christ’,s service and mission, and fi, nally, to be prudent stewards of Christ’,s Church, by making wise choices to leave a sustainable legacy for future genera ti ons. This all has the fi, nal purpose of Bringing People Closer to Jesus Christ through His Church. Ul ti mately, we can only transform our Diocese by beginning fi, rstly with ourselves. Let us draw strength on God at all ti mes. Just as a body is made up of di ff, erent parts, so is the Diocese of Portsmouth. The Framework for Collabora ti on organises the pastoral life of the Diocese and its di ff, erent vicariates and departments to assist the sole purpose of mission. We collaborate together, using our many God given talents and gi ft s, to bring people to Jesus Christ through his Church. The Directory is the fruit of much hard work. We are very grateful to CathCom for all their assistance. Our thanks also to all who have given their ti me and energy, not least to Deacon Craig Aburn, Alasdair Akass, and Fr Anthony Fyk, who saw it to comple ti on. We live in a ti me of great hope and poten ti al for our beloved Diocese. Let us pray for the inten ti ons of all the lay faithful, the parishes, teachers, schools, religious and clergy recorded in this Directory. I am very grateful for everything you do for God’,s Church. It is itself a genuine tes ti mony to God’,s grace, His presence and ac ti on among us. Let us pray though the intercession of our primary patron, Mary Immaculate, our secondary patron St Edmund Abingdon, and our patron of youth, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassa ti , that the Good Lord will con ti nue to guide and renew our vigour and joy. In Corde Iesu, Bishop of Portsmouth

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Diocese 7 The Diocese of Portsmouth Consisting of the Counties of Hampshire, Dorset, Berkshire except Slough, South Oxfordshire, the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands Formed 19 May 1882 by division of the Diocese of Southwark into the Dioceses of Southwark and Portsmouth Patrons Our Blessed Lady - Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 8 December St Edmund of Abingdon - Feast Day, 16 November Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (Patron of the Youth) - Feast Day, 4 July Bishops Rt Rev John Vertue Born, 28 April 1826. Consecrated as Bishop, 25 July 1882 Died, 23 May 1900 Rt Rev John Cahill Born, 2 September 1841. Consecrated as Bishop, 1 May 1900 Installed as Bishop of Portsmouth, 30 August 1900. Died, 2 August 1910 Rt Rev William Cotter Born, 21 December 1866. Consecrated as Bishop, 19 March 1905 Installed as Bishop of Portsmouth, 24 November 1910. Died, 24 October 1940 Most Rev John Henry King Born, 16 September 1880. Consecrated as Bishop, 15 July 1938 Installed as Bishop of Portsmouth, 4 June 1941. Given personal title of Archbishop, 6 June 1954 Died, 23 March 1965 Most Rev Derek Worlock Born, 4 February 1920. Consecrated as Bishop, 21 December 1965 Translated to Liverpool as Archbishop, 7 February 1976. Died, 8 February 1996 Rt Rev Anthony Emery Born, 17 May 1918. Consecrated as Bishop, 4 March 1968 Installed as Bishop of Portsmouth, 13 September 1976. Died, 5 April 1988 Rt Rev Crispian Hollis Born, 17 November 1936. Ordained Priest, 11 July 1965 Ordained as Bishop, 5 May 1987. Installed as Bishop of Portsmouth, 27 January 1989 Retired, 24 September 2012 Rt Rev Philip Egan Born, 14 November 1955. Ordained Priest, 4 August 1984 Ordained as Bishop, 24 September 2012

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Diocese 9 Diocesan Review of the Year Last year Bishop Philip celebrated the tenth anniversary of his episcopal ordina ti on as the eighth Bishop of Portsmouth. During these ten years, the Bishop has contended with everything from a new Pope, the Covid pandemic and enforced closure of churches, to the end of the Elizabethan period and ministering to parishes, schools and chaplaincies with fewer resources, clergy, lay and fi, nancial. To best prepare for the next decade, and the challenges of implemen ti ng the Diocesan ten ‐, year plan You Will Be My Witnesses, Bishop Philip has called for all clergy, religious and laity to make deep, personal change in themselves and in their communi ti es. He designated 2023 as a Diocesan Year of Prayer to the Holy Spirit, to help conversion, deepen faith, support spiritual renewal and guide the Diocese through a ti me of transi ti on by the adop ti on of Six Holy Habits. First, to keep Sunday special, as a family day, by a tt ending Mass, the ‘,source and summit’, of the Chris ti an life, suppor ti ng your parish community. Second, to resolve to spend at least fi, ve minutes a day in prayer, at whatever ti me you fi, nd best, using the Scriptures, maybe the Gospel of the day. Third, to keep Friday as a day of penance in honour of the Lord’,s Passion, inten ti onally serving the poor and needy. Fourth, at least once a fortnight, to pay a private visit to church for a short period of prayer before the Tabernacle. Fi ft h, to go to Confession once a month or so, like a spiritual check ‐, up when you can personally experience God’,s love and mercy. And sixth, to join a small group for forma ti on, prayer and fellowship, where you can share with others your own experience and hear what God is doing in the lives of others. Bishop Philip’,s call to ac ti on in respect of the six holy habits has been that, if we adopt them in the right spirit, entrus ti ng ourselves to the Lord and His grace, o ff, er us all a prac ti cal programme to bring about deep spiritual renewal in ourselves and in our parish communi ti es. Each habit is a kind of ‘,peg’, or por tf olio on which we can hang further prayers, hopes and projects. Thus, Sunday Mass: how can we enhance the variety, beauty and solemnity of our parish Liturgy? Could I prepare be tt er for Mass, arriving in good ti me, reading the Gospel and the prayers? Daily Prayer: what helps do I need to pray and to know the Bible be tt er? I enjoy myself following the daily calendar and ge tti ng to know the saints. Friday penance: what does poverty mean in my area and how can I help? Visits to church: do we keep our churches open? How can I hear more clearly the voice of Jesus calling me? Monthly Confession: how can I best to prepare? Join a group: many groups would welcome new members –, or why not start a new one? One of the central tenets of You Will Be My Witnesses is a collec ti ve e ff, ort to build outward ‐, looking Missionary Communi ti es –, that is, parishes and communi ti es of faithful focused on mission and evangelisa ti on, on service of the poor and needy in the neighbourhood, on collabora ti ng ecumenically and interreligiously, on responding to Laudato Si’, and on the good stewardship of resources. To enable this to happen and to release the necessary resources, the Diocese’,s 87 parishes (totalling 140 churches) have been united into 24 Pastoral Areas, some of which are new or amended. Over the next ten years, these 24 Pastoral Areas will be organically amalgamated into single canonical parishes. Recognising that the unincorporated charity set up over 80 years ago in 1934 was becoming far too complex to administer, the past 12 months has also seen a major e ff, ort to incorporate the former Diocesan charity as a charitable incorporated organisa ti on (CIO) called the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. This is a more modern charitable model more appropriate for a charitable en ti ty which has employees, many volunteers and which manages a signi fi, cant estate.

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Diocese The Year in Review 10 The Diocese celebrated a special Jubilarian Mass at St John’,s Cathedral recognising a cohort of 12 Priests who have made a personal commitment and sacri fi, ce in accep ti ng a life of priestly voca ti on both in the UK and overseas, collec ti vely totalling 535 years to God’,s service. A ft er a sustained period when na ti onal restric ti ons curtailed overseas travel and interrupted the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, the Diocese’,s Mother Church, the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist in Portsmouth hosted the blessed relics of Saint Bernade tt e of Lourdes as part of an unprecedented tour of England, Scotland and Wales. A full programme covering the 24 hours when the relics went on display at the Cathedral included a Mass for the anoin ti ng of the sick, vespers, a torchlight procession, the rosary and venera ti on, and an all ‐, night vigil. Many thousands of people, including those who might not have been able to travel on pilgrimage otherwise, took advantage of this once in a life ti me opportunity. During World Youth Day, an exhibi ti on at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fa ti ma in Lisbon, Portugal, displayed relics of St John Paul II, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassa ti , and Sts. Jacinta and Francisco Marto for venera ti on by pilgrims over 3 days. Bishop Philip was one of three Bishops presiding over Holy Hours at the event which a tt racted an es ti mated 20,000 pilgrims who came through the doors of the church –, or who at least tried to, at ti mes the parish reached capacity and forced pilgrims to wait in lines outside. At one point, as queues grew outside, the organisers made a decision to bring out the relics to the crowds, so that they could pray even as sessions con ti nued within the Church. The ever ‐, popular Annual Schools Mass saw a full Cathedral of young people from over 40 of our schools celebra ti ng together with the upli ft ing music provided by St. Teresa’,s Catholic Primary School, Wokingham. The event was rounded o ff, with a picnic in Victoria Park. Finally, our Closer to Christ Campaign has con ti nued to be widely and generously supported by parishioners during 2022/23, drawing to a close next Spring. The campaign began with ac ti ve fundraising in 2021 and so far, over £,10 million in pledges have been made by nearly 3,000 families, religious orders and other organisa ti ons across 55 parishes. This has proved instrumental in suppor ti ng the ongoing training of 14 seminarians, over 70 diocesan clergy and our re ti red clergy, who number over 40.

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Diocese 11 To play your part in our Ten ‐, Year Mission, start by scanning here with your smart phone. Alterna ti vely, please visit our website: ‐, mission/ planning/ten ‐, year ‐, plan/ Our Mission Plan

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Diocese Our Mission Plan 12 Become a Christ ­, Centred Church The fi, rst principle of our Mission Plan is to be a Christ ‐, Centred Church. Our hope is that each one of us will be formed to foster a deep and las ti ng rela ti onship with Jesus Christ. Inspired by the Mass and the Sacraments of the Church we will grow in faith and be con fi, dent in evangelising others. Upli ft ing and devo ti onal liturgy through music and prayer. Ongoing forma ti on in faith for all: both clergy and lay. Locally ­, led evangelisa ti on. Ask Yourself…, Your ti me, talent and treasure are needed to support this plan of renewal. “,The harvest is plen ti ful but the labourers are few…,”, (Ma tt hew 9:37) You could: Pray for renewal in our Church, talk about your faith and what it means to you, give some ti me to serve those in need to truly be the Church beyond walls, serve in one of the many ministries on which your parish depends, welcome new people and get to know others in your local community to build the family of faith. Grow and Galvanise Missionary Communi ti es The second goal of our Mission Plan is to build missionary communi ti es. The Church exists to evangelise, to bring people closer to Jesus Christ. Our missionary communi ti es should be welcome to all, evangelis ti c, and understanding in how to support others, wherever they are, on their pilgrim journey. In the words of John Henry Newman: “,God has some work assigned to you and you only- we each have a mission and a role to play, in bringing about this inspiring diocesan plan.”, Leadership focused on mission and service. Our young Church Nurtured and inspired. Church Beyond walls. Lay the Founda ti ons of a Vibrant Diocese for Future Genera ti ons The Lord has given us many gi ft s to carry out His mission of evangelisa ti on. This includes the talents of all those individuals who make up our communi ti es and who o ff, er their lives, talents, charisma, voca ti ons, faith, experience and ti me. We are also blessed with temporal resources, such as property, building, savings, income and other fi, nancial resources which support our sta ff, , clergy and maintenance of adequate facili ti es. Prudent stewardship is necessary to ensure that our Mission Plan is e ff, ec ti vely resourced and brings the Church in our Diocese to a sustainable posi ti on for a vibrant future. This the third pivotal goal of our diocesan strategy. Reshaped structures. Prudent stewardship of our resources. Inves ti ng for the future. 1 2 3

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Diocese The Diocese in Numbers 13 Estate Overview *excludes inter-island travel between Guernsey and Alderney

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Diocese The Diocese in Numbers 14 People Overview Based on the 2022 fi, gures as available at April 2023, employee numbers are as April 2023

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Diocese The Diocese in Numbers 15 Schools Overview

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Priests A Tel: 01590 676696 Adams , Rev David (04 May 1981) Parish Office &, Presbytery, 132 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9AQ E-mail: Tel: 01202 760640 Adams , Rev Leslie (10 February 2007) 32 Alum Chine Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH4 8DX E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Adede , Rev Philip MHM Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01235 812338 Adeiza , Rev Dominic (Lokoja - Nigeria, 18 May 1996) Presbytery, 15 Manor Crescent, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7AJ E-mail: Tel: 0118 957 2149 Afah , Rev Gaston (Bamenda - Cameroon, 30 March 2016) Presbytery, 64 Liebenrood Road, Reading, Berkshire RG30 2EB E-mail: Tel: 0118 931 4469 Agber , Rev Daniel (Abuja - Nigeria, 12 October 1991) Presbytery, 408 Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG2 8NR E-mail: Tel: 01256 323595 Ambazhathinal Kurian , Rev Benoy (Syro Malabar, 03 January 2001) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 171A St Michael`s Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6TY E-mail: Tel: 02392 831245 Anbessa-Ebanks , Rev Rosario (05 July 2019) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 1 Milton Road, Copnor, Portsmouth PO3 6AN E-mail: Tel: 07731 507221 Arikkat , Rev Jino Varghese MCBS BA BPh BTh MA MBA (Syro Malabar, 31 December 2008) Presbytery, 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, Hampshire PO5 2PL E-mail: B Tel: 02380 770277 Balbado , Rev Jufel (Alex) Quilaton OMV St Boniface House, 413 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3JD E-mail: Tel: 01489 890947 Barnes , Rev Bruce MA STL FRSA (20 December 1997) Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Martin Street, Bishop`s Waltham, Hampshire SO32 1DN E-mail: Tel: 02380 333589 Bateman , Rev David (22 July 2023) St Edmund, 14 Rockstone Place, Southampton SO15 2EQ E-mail: Tel: 01983 882420 Bell , Rev Dom Luke OSB St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Bernie , Rev Luna MHM Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01344 620591 Bidgood , Rev Kevin (05 September 1998) The Friary, Coronation Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9HG E-mail: People 29

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Tel: 0118 971 5300 Bowe , Rev Dom Peter OSB (15 April 1970) Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 01252 554300 Brealey , Rev Peter SDB (20 June 1987) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: Tel: 01252 876820 Brisley , Rev Marcus BD MTh (03 July 1994) The Priest`s House, 63-67 Yorktown Road, Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 9BS E-mail: Tel: 01252 546105 Brogan , Rt Rev Dom Cuthbert OSB St Michael`s Abbey, 280 Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7NQ E-mail: Tel: 02380 558838 Budden , Rev Shaun (25 May 1967) 14 Kingsfold Avenue, Townhill Park, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 2PZ E-mail: Tel: 01635 40332 Budyn , Rev Zbigniew (16 May 1989) Presbytery, Warren Lodge, Warren Road, Wash Common, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 6NH E-mail: Tel: 02380 448671 Bullock , Rev Ross (04 June 2016) St Patrick`s House, 45 Portsmouth Road, Woolston, Southampton SO19 9BD E-mail: Tel: 01865 244510 Byrne , Rev Andrew Grandpont House, Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4LD E-mail: C Tel: 01252 546105 Carey , Rev Dom Gregory OSB St Michael`s Abbey, 280 Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7NQ E-mail: Carroll , Rev Philip (25 July 2015) c/o Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG E-mail: Tel: 01983 298127 Catlin , Rev John (21 December 1996) 13 Sun Hill, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7HY E-mail: Tel: 07825 751768 Chadwick , Rev John (11 February 1995) The Priest`s House, Sacred Heart Church, London Road, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9LA E-mail: Tel: 01420 472415 Chandler , Rev John (02 July 2011) The Sacred Heart Presbytery, High Street, Bordon GU35 0AU E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Charles , Rev Bernard SJ (05 December 1981) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 02380 555470 Chiatu , Rev Anthony (Bamenda - Cameroon, 30 March 2016) Presbytery, 346 Portswood Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 3SB E-mail: Tel: 01428 605358 Chinery , Rev Simon (17 June 2011, Ordinariate ) Harvey House, Headley Road, Grayshott, Hampshire GU26 6DP E-mail: Clements , Rev Donald (29 June 1968) Alice Grange Care Home, St Isidores, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Suffolk IP5 2GA People Priests 30

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Tel: 01635 622560 Codd , Rev Peter (31 May 1969) 18 Lipscombe Close, Newbury RG14 5JW E-mail: Tel: 01367 358895 Conde , Rev Claro (28 April 1981) The Presbytery, 1 Coxwell Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7EB E-mail: Tel: 0118 940 2964 Convery , Rev Vincent (17 March 1975, retired ) St John`s Convent, Kiln Lane, Reading RG10 9XP Tel: 01329 318869 Cooke , Rev Canon John (19 June 1993) The Presbytery, 43 Portland Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0NQ E-mail: Tel: 01983 882420 Corcoran , Rev Dom Gregory OSB St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: Tel: 01628 789752 Corcoran , Rev Michael MHM 1 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 00 353 1708 3371 Corley , Rev Jeremy MA PhD (18 July 1987) St Patrick`s College, Maynooth, County Kildare Republic of Ireland E-mail: Tel: 02380 612430 Cossa , Rev Raffaele FSCB (25 June 2005) Parish Office, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9DF E-mail: Tel: 01256 465214 Coulon , Rev Jean-Patrice MSFS St Bede`s Church, Popley Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9DX E-mail: Tel: 07400 262398 Cronin , Rev Michael (19 July 1980) 41 Taranto Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 5PH E-mail: Tel: 01628 628274 Cummins , Rev Liam MHM (23 June 1996) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EG E-mail: D Tel: 01489 572797 D`Mello , Rev Ansel (25 June 2017) The Catholic Presbytery, Middle Road, Park Gate, Hampshire SO31 7GH E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Dangaraj Balaswamy , Rev Joseph MHM (29 June 2006) Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01252 546105 Darlington , Rev Dom Stephen OSB St Michael`s Abbey, 280 Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7NQ E-mail: Day , Rev Anthony (13 December 1980) Tel: 01256 762394 Delaney , Rev Kevin (24 May 1964, retired ) Maryfield Convent, London Road, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9LA Tel: 02380 333589 Dennehy , Rev Canon Michael (09 June 1990) St Edmund, 14 Rockstone Place, Southampton SO15 2EQ E-mail: Tel: 01329 283678 Doran , Rev John (12 June 1965) 14 Grebe Close, Portchester PO16 8QN Doyle , Rt Rev Peter (08 June 1968) People Priests 31

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Drabik , Rev Marcin (02 June 1999) c/o Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3HG E-mail: Tel: 01481 822105 Dzwig , Rev Paul (Lomza - Poland, 31 May 2003) The Catholic Presbytery, Braye Road, St Anne`s, Alderney GY9 3XJ E-mail: E Tel: 01202 436700 Edmonds , Rev Peter SJ (29 June 1968) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 023 9200 8810 Edward , Rev Mohanraj (20 July 2019) The Catholic Presbytery, 96 Pyle Street, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UH E-mail: Tel: 01202 411140 Edwards , Rev Peter Cong. Orat. (11 May 1996) The Oratory House, 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 1BZ E-mail: Tel: 02394 216510 Egan , Rt Rev Philip BA STL PhD (04 August 1984) Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG E-mail: Tel: 0118 930 4711 Ellwood , Rev Robin CertEd (01 June 1991) 60 Meadow Way, Theale, Reading RG7 4AX E-mail: Tel: 01865 244150 Evans , Rev Joseph BA STD Grandpont House, Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4LD E-mail: Tel: 01264 710766 Everson , Rev Simon BA (Archdiocese of Westminster, 25 May 2000) Farleigh Independent Preparatory School, Red Rice, Andover, Hampshire SP11 7PW E-mail: Tel: 07927 563653 Ezechukwu , Rev Alexander OCD Carmelite Priory, Chilswell, Boars Hill, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 5HB E-mail: F Faughnan , Rev Padraig (03 July 1976) 4 Borderers Gardens, Thatcham RG19 4AA Tel: 01635 40167 Fava , Rev Michael MA CBE (08 July 1989) Presbytery, 105 London Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JP E-mail: Ferme , Very Rev Mgr Brian PA (02 February 1980) Tel: 01252 546897 Fernandes , Rev Anthony SDB The Presbytery, 71 High View Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7PT E-mail: Tel: 02392 484323 Flynn , Rev Canon Gerard (21 November 1999) Presbytery, 83 Bramdean Drive, Leigh Park, Havant, Hampshire PO9 4RR E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Fox , Rev Kevin SJ (19 July 1968) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 02380 196553 France , Rev Mgr Canon Nicholas MBE (08 June 1968) Flat 14 Osbourne House, Grosvenor Square, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 2DJ E-mail: People Priests 32

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Tel: 02394 216513 Fyk , Rev Anthony MA STL (31 July 2021) Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG E-mail: G Tel: 01481 720196 Gade , Rev Inna (Guntur - India, 10 April 2013) Parish Office, Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1JH E-mail: Tel: 01252 554300 Gallagher , Rev James SDB (21 December 1967) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Gallen , Rev Gerard SJ (14 June 2003) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 02392 262289 Garratt , Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy MA STL (26 July 1975) The Presbytery, 356a London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7SR E-mail: Gatt , Rev Antony PhD MA (13 June 1976, retired ) 37 Pine Mansion, Wilderton Road, Poole, Dorset BH13 6EB E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Geoghegan , Fr Gregory SJ Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 0118 966 3711 Gibzinski , Rev Stanislaw (25 May 1996) The Presbytery, 338 Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading, Berkshire RG6 7DA E-mail: Tel: 02392 831245 Gilfoyle , Rev Philomeno FMISF (05 July 2019) Lawside Friary, 24-28 Lawside Road, Dunkeld, Dundee DD3 6XY Scotland E-mail: Glas , Rev Peter MA (16 May 1989) c/o Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3HG Tel: 07969 383443 Glaysher , Rev Anthony NCH BTh (17 May 2003) Presbytery, 105 London Road, Twyford, Berkshire RG10 9EL E-mail: Tel: 01534 720235 Golding , Rev Canon Dominic JCL KCHS (26 June 1994) Main Parish Office, 17 Val Plaisant, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4TA E-mail: Tel: 07775 237099 Gosnell , Rev Nicholas VG (Archdiocese of Westminster) Cathedral of St Michael and St George, Queen`s Avenue, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 2BY E-mail: Griffiths , Rev Canon Alan (29 June 1974) E-mail: Tel: 00353 949 376686 Grufferty , Rev Tom (17 June 1973) 68 Carrowmore Meadows, Kiltimagh Road, Knock, Co Mayo F12 WA03 E-mail: Tel: 02392 484520 Gruszkiewicz , Rev Jó,zef (15 June 1985) St Joseph Presbytery, 134 West Street, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1LP E-mail: Tel: 0118 971 5300 Gunter , Rt Rev Dom Paul OSB Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: People Priests 33

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Tel: 01264 352829 Gurr , Rev Dom Austin OSB (28 June 1977) The Presbytery, Alexandra Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3AD E-mail: H Tel: +3906 97248784 Haffner , Rev Paul MA(Oxon) PhB STD (10 April 1981) Via Mosca 3/B, 00055, Ladispoli (RM) Italy E-mail: Tel: 01202 424960 Harris , Rev Phillip (24 July 2010) Presbytery, 18 Douglas Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 3ER E-mail: Tel: 01420 82030 Hart , Rev Peter (02 August 1980) The Presbytery, 59 Normandy Street, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1DN E-mail: Tel: 07790 240192 Harvey , Rev Mgr Canon Vincent (19 March 1979, retired ) 23 Sissinghurst Road, Fareham PO16 9YA E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Hastie , Rev Gerry MHM Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01534 720235 Hauschild , Rev Edward (25 March 2023) Main Parish Office, 17 Val Plaisant, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4TA E-mail: Tel: 0118 957 4171 Heaps , Rev Christopher (23 June 1990) St James Presbytery, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3FD E-mail: Tel: 01481 737110 Hetherington , Rev Canon Gerard KCHS (23 May 1964, retired ) Le Platon Residential Home, Clifton, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2PH E-mail: Tel: 01202 411140 Hinktikka , Rev Francisco Cong. Orat. (24 January 2024) The Oratory House, 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 1BZ E-mail: Tel: 07816 508458 Hishon , Rev Mgr Ronald BA Hons (12 June 1966) 2 Short Close, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset BH12 5DX E-mail: Tel: 01962 852804 Hogan , Rev Mark EpV (21 July 2001) Pastoral Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8RY E-mail: Tel: 01202 424960 Hoiles , Rev Kevin (15 July 2006) Presbytery, 18 Douglas Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 3ER E-mail: Tel: 0118 971 5300 Holdaway , Rev Dom Gervase OSB Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berks RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 0790 114 8621 Hollins , Rev Peter (10 July 1976) Presbytery, 12 Station Road, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 3ED E-mail: Tel: 01373 813411 Hollis , Rt Rev Crispian (11 July 1965) Stable House, Fairview, Mells, Frome, Somerset BA11 3PP E-mail: Tel: 0118 971 5300 Holt , Rev Dom Oliver OSB Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: People Priests 34

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Tel: 0118 971 5350 Hood , Rev Dom Alban OSB (21 December 1991) Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 01753 865163 Hopgood , Rev Canon David VG (21 June 1980) Presbytery, 44 Alma Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3HJ E-mail: Hore , Rev Canon Michael (09 June 1973) Howell , Rev Adrian SJ (14 July 1979, retired ) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Hughes , Rev Kevin MHM Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01243 430158 Humphreys , Rev John TD BSc Eng (20 September 1997) 96 Horndean Road, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 7TU E-mail: Hunwicke , Rev John (27 June 2012, Ordinariate ) 26 Playfield Road, Kennington, Oxford OX1 5RS E-mail: Tel: 01252 545364 Hynes , Rev Michael SDB (11 July 1982) Presbytery, 1A Sherborne Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6JS E-mail: I Tel: 02392 831245 Idowu , Rev Pio FMISF (29 June 2013) Lawside Friary, 24-28 Lawside Road, Dunkeld DD3 6XY Scotland E-mail: Tel: 01202 513369 Ikhenoba , Rev Anthony (Kaduna - Nigeria, 06 July 1996) The Presbytery, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9RW E-mail: J Tel: 0118 375 7587 Jaroslawski , Rev Rafal (Tarnó,w - Poland) Sacred Heart Church, 61 Watlington Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4RF Tel: 01252 554300 Jerstice , Rev Brian SDB (01 July 1958) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ Tel: 01202 485588 Jordan , Rev Darryl (08 December 2013, Ordinariate ) 42 Exton Road, Iford, Bournemouth BH6 5QG E-mail: Tel: 0118 940 2964 Joyce , Rev Mgr James LLB PhB STL (18 December 1971) St John`s Convent, Kiln Lane, Reading RG10 9XP E-mail: K Tel: 02380 770277 Kambai , Rev Godwin Swam OMV St Boniface House, 413 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3JD E-mail: Tel: 0118 971 5300 Kealy , Rt Rev Dom Finbar OSB Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 01983 882420 Kelly , Rev Dom Brian OSB St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: People Priests 35

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Tel: 0239 258 0119 King , Rev Matthew STB (04 July 2020) Maryhouse, 32 High Street, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 1DF E-mail: King , Rev Paul MA (01 April 1995) 1 Victor Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 6BT E-mail: Tel: 02380 770277 Kleinschmidt , Rev Thomas OMV (03 July 1988) St Boniface House, 413 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3JD E-mail: L Tel: 02392 831245 Lanzetta , Rev Serafino M FMISF (25 March 2002) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 1 Milton Road, Copnor, Portsmouth PO3 6AN E-mail: Tel: 01983 634000 Lavers , Rev John (28 June 2012) St Patrick Presbytery, St Patrick, Grange Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 8NE E-mail: Tel: 01256 465214 Lee , Rev John (03 March 1990) St Bede`s Church, Popley Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9DX E-mail: Tel: 01256 323595 Leonard , Rev Paul (04 July 2009) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 171A St Michael`s Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6TY E-mail: Tel: 02392 262289 Lewis , Rev James (16 July 2022) The Presbytery, 356a London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7SR E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Lindero , Rev Jimmy MHM Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01865 247986 Lloyd , Rev Daniel MA (21 April 2012, Ordinariate ) Holy Rood Lodge, Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4LD E-mail: Tel: 07305 272629 Lobo , Rev Dr Anthony SDB The Presbytery, 71 High View Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7PT E-mail: Tel: 07464 676574 Lyons , Rev Paul GMBPsS M.Litt. MA CAGS (psych) MA post grad dip M.St in MBCT (Oxon). Cert Psychometrics (27 May 1972) Meadowsweet Cottage, 6 Strides Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1ED E-mail: Lyons , Rev Ray BTh FBII (27 June 1992) c/o Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG Lyttle , Rev John Paul (03 July 2015) c/o Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG M Madden , Rev Patrick (02 May 2009) The Curate`s Residency, Queen Street, Gort, Co Galway H91 R97Y Ireland E-mail: Tel: 02380 891866 Maddineni , Rev Innaiah (28 May 1998) St Bernard`s Presbytery, 20A Southbourne Avenue, Holbury, Hampshire SO45 2NT E-mail: Tel: 02380 292337 Magararu , Rev Richard SMM St Joseph`s Centre, 8 Lyndhurst Road, Ashurst, Hants SO40 7DU E-mail: People Priests 36

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Tel: 01202 436700 Mahoney , Rev John SJ (31 July 1962) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 01329 237681 Mahy , Rev Canon David (12 June 1960) Willow Tree Lodge, 74 Kiln Road, Fareham PO16 7UJ Tel: 01534 720235 Malecki , Rev Jacek Main Parish Office, 17 Val Plaisant, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4TA E-mail: Tel: 0118 958 6637 Maniak , Rev Richard (24 May 1986) 54 Amblecote Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire RG30 4BP E-mail: Tel: 02892 674434 Marshall , Rev Clement (21 February 1959) 516 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT6 0BW E-mail: Maunder , Rev John (22 September 2012, Ordinariate ) 9 East Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0BW E-mail: Tel: 01983 882420 Maxwell , Rev Dom Blane OSB St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: Tel: 0118 942 8632 Mbonu , Rev Jude (Onitsha, Nigeria, 08 July 2006) St Joseph`s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Reading, Berkshire RG31 5JJ E-mail: Tel: 023 9200 8810 McAuley , Rev James VG (24 July 2010) Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG E-mail: Tel: 01344 425729 McAvoy , Rev Daniel STB MA MSc (28 May 1983) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 39 Braccan Walk, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HA E-mail: Tel: 01420 80731 McBride , Rev Denis CSsR St Clement`s, Wolf Lane, Alton, Hampshire GU34 3HG E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 McClorry , Rev Brian SJ (17 July 1971) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: McCloskey , Rev Charles (02 May 1987) 219 Skinburness Road, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 4QS E-mail: Tel: 01628 638339 McGillicuddy , Rev Desmond MHM (21 June 1975) Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01235 520375 McGrath , Rev James STB MA (18 December 1982) Presbytery, 1 Radley Road, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3PL E-mail: McGrath , Rev Mgr Thomas (12 June 1969) 3 Roseleigh Close, Maidenhead SL6 5AJ E-mail: Tel: 01329 833043 McMahon , Rev Andrew OFM MBE MA (10 September 1963) Park Place Pastoral Centre, Winchester Rd, Wickham PO17 5HA E-mail: People Priests 37

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Tel: 0033 626979790 McNerney , Rev Joseph (12 October 1993, retired ) Apartment 610, 3 Rue Roger Bastion, Caen 14000 France E-mail: Tel: 01628 783988 Monday , Rev Noah MHM (10 May 2014) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EG E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Mooney , Rev Paul MHM Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01489 894155 Moore , Rev Andrew MA GRSM (26 June 1982) 28 Elizabeth Way, Bishops Waltham, Southampton, Hampshire SO32 1SQ E-mail: Tel: 0118 971 5300 Moran , Rev Dom Boniface OSB Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 01628 626634 Mukulu , Rev Andrew MHM (15 August 1988) Mill Hill Missionaries, 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Tel: 01534 875960 Mundackal , Rev John CST Jeanne Jugan Residence, New St John`s Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4XZ Tel: 01252 554300 Murray , Rev Aidan SDB (17 March 1962) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: N Tel: 02380 449088 Nde , Rev Elijah (Bamenda - Cameroon, 03 April 2013) 2 Dean Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 6AP E-mail: Tel: 01962 852804 Ndikum , Rev Benedict (Bamenda - Cameroon) Pastoral Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8RY E-mail: Tel: 01202 425286 Nelson , Rev Mgr John STL JCL (21 July 1984) Parish Office, 18 St James Square, Bournemouth, Dorset BH5 2BX E-mail: Tel: 02380 862270 Nkop , Rev Henry MSP (23 June 2007) Our Lady of the Assumption and St Edward the Confessor, 14 Empress Road, Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7AE E-mail: Tel: 023 9200 8810 Nwune , Rev Paul (31 July 2021) Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG E-mail: O Tel: 01635 864416 O`Brien , Rev Kevin (17 December 1977) 7 Bath Road, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 3AG E-mail: Tel: 00353 87949 3503 O`Shea , Rev Canon John (07 June 1969) Bridge Hill, Curruarigue, Rathcoole, Mallow, County Cork P51 DCW2 Republic of Ireland E-mail: Tel: 01235 762374 O`Sullivan , Rev David BSocSci BA(Theol) MA(Ed) JCB DipCatech (19 July 2003) Marian House, Charlton Road, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 8ER E-mail: People Priests 38

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Tel: 01425 274838 Obada , Rev Paul (11 December 2004) Parish Office, 13 Kilmington Way, Highcliffe, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5BL E-mail: Tel: 01628 783988 Odhiambo , Rev Ephraim MHM St Joseph`s Presbytery, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EG E-mail: Tel: 0118 969 3423 Odomeja , Rev Leo (Lokoja - Nigeria, 26 June 2008) 56 Western Avenue, Woodley, Berkshire RG5 3BH E-mail: Tel: 01628 673178 Oswald , Rev Brian MHM (02 August 1986) 54 Cookham Road, Maidenhead SL6 7HT E-mail: P Tel: 07960 088195 Pajak , Rev Wlodzimierz SChr St Edmund Campion, 481 Castle Lane West, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9TN E-mail: Tel: 07512 402607 Parakandathil , Rev Thomas (04 January 2003) Presbytery, Aldermoor Close, Off Coxford Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 5ST E-mail: Tel: 01252 872732 Paszko , Rev Wojciech PhDCL STL (Gdansk - Poland, 21 May 1994) St Swithun`s Presbytery, Firgrove Road, Yateley, Hampshire GU46 6NH E-mail: Tel: 07946 321962 Pennicott , Rev Anthony MA (22 October 1972) E-mail: Tel: 01983 882420 Perrin , Rt Rev Dom Xavier OSB St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: Tel: 0118 966 5284 Phipps , Rev Seth FSSP (09 June 2018) St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5RU E-mail: Piotrowski , Rev Wojciech Q Tel: 01590 622988 07535 499366 Quarmby , Rev David (17 June 1962) The Flat, St Anne`s Catholic Church, Rhinefield Road, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7SR E-mail: Tel: 01252 554300 Quinn , Rev Peter SDB (03 July 1960) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: R Tel: 01983 292739 Redvers Harris , Rev Jonathan LLB LLM JCL (25 June 2011, Ordinariate ) The Presbytery, 22 Terminus Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7TJ E-mail: Tel: 02392 827881 Reeve , Rev Derek BTh (29 June 1957) 12 Riverhead Close, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO4 8SN E-mail: Tel: 01983 522027 Restori , Rev Steven BTh (07 December 1996) Presentation House, 55 High Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 2RE E-mail: Rimini , Rev Ken (Archdiocese of Westminster) E-mail: People Priests 39

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Tel: 02392 660927 Rinda Bamuh , Rev Emmanuel (Bamenda - Cameroon, 29 May 2014) Presbytery, 21 Gladys Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 9AZ E-mail: Tel: 02392 831245 Roth , Rev George FMISF (10 January 1998) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 1 Milton Road, Copnor, Portsmouth PO3 6AN E-mail: Tel: 01534 720235 Rowan , Rev Dr Paul PhL STD (Archdiocese of Liverpool) E-mail: Tel: 01481 720196 Rutledge , Rev Canon Christopher KHS (22 July 1995) Parish Office, Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1JH E-mail: S Tel: 01329 664260 Sasinowski , Rev Francis (16 May 1989) The Presbytery, Bells Lane, Stubbington, Hampshire PO14 2PL E-mail: Tel: 0118 971 5300 Scott , Rt Rev Dom Geoffrey OSB Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 01252 554300 Sherlock , Rev Patrick SDB (24 May 1979) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: Tel: 07711 560835 Sillince , Rev David BA (30 June 1990) 40 Blakes Quay, Gas Works Road, Reading RG1 3EN E-mail: Tel: 01983 882420 Smith , Rev Dom Duncan OSB St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: Tel: 02394 216541 Smith , Rev Canon Paul James (PJ) EpV (02 June 2007) St Mary`s Independent Senior School, St Mary`s Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9JF E-mail: Somerville Knapman , Rev Dom Hugh OSB E-mail: Spencer , Rev Eric (13 July 1954) 43 Homeyork House, Danesmead Close, Fulford, York YO10 4QX Tel: 01983 882420 Spencer , Rev Dom Nicholas OSB St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: Tel: 02380 612430 Speziale , Rev Luca FSCB (23 June 2012) Parish Office, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9DF E-mail: Tel: 0118 375 7587 Stachurski , Rev Edward (Opole - Poland) Reading Polish Catholic Mission, 83 London Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5BY Tel: 0118 971 5300 Standish , Very Rev Dom Benjamin OSB Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 01252 320956 Stewart , Rev Robert (25 June 2017) St Joseph`s Presbytery, Queens Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3JB E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Styles , Rev Bob SJ (19 July 1969) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: People Priests 40

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Tel: 01252 554300 Sultana , Rev Anthony SDB (20 July 1974, retired ) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Symondson , Rev Anthony SJ (04 May 1997) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: T Tel: 00353 94937 5830 Taaffe , Rev Tom BA(Hons) MA MA MA(CL) (04 August 1979) 65 Carrowmore Meadows, Knock, Co Mayo, Ireland F12 Y962 E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Tanner , Rev Norman SJ (17 July 1976) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 0118 981 4572 Tansey , Rev Patrick BA PGCE CertTheol (04 December 1982) St Michael`s Presbytery, Bishopswood Road, Tadley, Hampshire RG26 4HG E-mail: Tel: 02380 778203 Theobald , Rev Benjamin (27 July 2013) The Presbytery, Redbridge Hill, Millbrook, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 4PL E-mail: Tel: 0118 978 0348 Thomson , Rev Canon Simon BA STB JCL JV (23 July 1994) Presbytery, 60 Sturges Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2HE E-mail: Timpe , Rev Faustino FMISF (05 July 2019) c/o Bishop`s House Portsmouth, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3HG Tobin , Rev Sean STB (07 July 2001) c/o Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG Tel: 02380 273882 Toma , Rev Mario FSCB Parish Office, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9DF E-mail: Tel: 01235 835038 Topham , Rev Matthew (15 July 2023, Ordinariate ) St Mary Catholic Church, St Mary`s Road, East Hendred, Oxfordshire OX12 8LF E-mail: Tel: 01425 653131 Townsend , Rev Mgr Canon Paul BEd VG (11 February 1984) Joint Parish Office, 15 Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EG E-mail: Tel: 02392 828305 Treloar , Rev Canon Simon (Diocese of Wrexham, 11 June 2005) Presbytery, 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, Hampshire PO5 2PL E-mail: Tel: 01235 812267 Turbitt , Rev Canon Peter (10 March 1968) 29 Loyd Road, Didcot OX11 8JU E-mail: U Tel: 01252 974664 Umeozuru , Rev Johnpromise (20 July 2019) The Presbytery, 2 Connaught Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 3RA E-mail: V Tel: 01983 867610 Vooght , Rev Stephen (14 September 1991) Presbytery, 7 Atherley Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight PO37 7AT E-mail: People Priests 41

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W Tel: 02392 376151 Wagstaff , Rev Andrew STB MA (Oxon) MST BL (08 June 2019) The Presbytery, St Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 2JJ E-mail: Walker , Rev Adrian (Archdiocese of Westminster) 42 Bell Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1BR Tel: 01865 247986 Ward , Rev Michael ( Ordinariate ) Holy Rood Lodge, Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4LD E-mail: Whelan , Rev Christopher BTh (13 February 2000) c/o Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG Tel: 02380 260824 Whitehead , Rev David MA (25 January 1967) Marie Louise Community (Care Home), Newton Lane, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8GZ Tel: 02392 463854 Whiting , Rev Mark (10 December 2016) The Parish House, Manor Road, Hayling Island, Hampshire PO11 0QU E-mail: Wilkie , Rev Canon Peter (04 June 1953) Allenbrook Nursing and Residential Care, 34 Station Road, Fordingbridge SP6 1JW E-mail: Tel: 01202 436700 Willcocks , Rev Peter SJ (04 July 1970) Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Tel: 01252 554300 Williams , Rev Thomas SDB (08 July 1979) St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: Tel: 0118 971 5300 Wilson , Rev Dom Gabriel OSB (06 July 2014) Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Tel: 01425 614968 Wilson , Rev William BSc BA (24 June 1994) The Presbytery, 15 Mount Avenue, New Milton, Hampshire BH25 6NT E-mail: People Priests 42

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Permanent Deacons A Tel: 02392 416512 Aburn , Rev Craig DipDS (02 July 2016) Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG E-mail: B Tel: 02380 692416 Birtles , Rev Bob BD BSC (03 June 1984) 3 Shorts Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 7EJ E-mail: Tel: 023 8020 7449 Bowler , Rev Steven (12 June 1999) 19 Windrush Way, Hythe, Hampshire SO45 6JF E-mail: C Tel: 07919 175506 Cabatana , Rev Kim (01 July 2018) The Sacred Heart Presbytery, High Street, Bordon GU35 0AU E-mail: Tel: 01534 720235 Cahill , Rev David (21 June 2013) St Matthieu`s Presbytery, La Rue de La Ville Au Bas, Jersey JE3 7EW E-mail: Tel: 01590 677508 Cairns , Rev Anthony (06 July 2003) 30 Knights Lodge, North Close, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9PB E-mail: Tel: 07342 818686 Carr-Jones , Rev Roger BA (Hons) (15 June 2008) 11 New Park Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 5AB E-mail: Tel: 01428 724121 Carter , Rev Andrew (15 June 2003) Forest Glen, Longmoor Road, Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7PQ E-mail: Tel: 07485 422473 Collins , Rev Andrew (17 July 2022) 2 Gordon Road, Gosport, Hants PO12 3QF E-mail: Tel: 01202 425286 Cook , Rev Gregory (01 July 2018) Parish Office, 18 St James Square, Bournemouth, Dorset BH5 2BX E-mail: Tel: 07930 442329 Cumpsty , Rev John (11 June 2002) 11 High Street, Lee-on-the-Solent PO13 9BS E-mail: D Tel: 07534 017715 D`Mello , Rev Antonio (04 July 2004) The Cathedral Church of the Bishop of the Forces, Queen`s Avenue, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3BY E-mail: Tel: 01962 736389 Dailly , Rev Gerard BA ACMA (28 June 2009) 21 Beech Road, Alresford, Hants SO24 9JS E-mail: Tel: 01962 852804 Darlison , Rev Tony (08 July 2023) Pastoral Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8RY E-mail: People 43

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Tel: 07723 763767 Darroch , Rev Anthony (21 July 2019) 11 Vine Tree Close, Tadley RG26 2SS E-mail: Tel: 01794 515688 Di Meo , Rev John (28 June 2009) Kleines Tal, Bridge Road, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8JD E-mail: E Tel: 01252 640825 Evans , Rev Paul (18 June 2006) Glebe House, 9 The Birches, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 9RP E-mail: F Tel: 01534 741973 Flaxman , Rev Brendan (22 June 2012) 36 Clos Des Sables, St Brelade, Jersey JE3 8GJ E-mail: Tel: 0118 996 2910 Foley , Rev John (18 June 2006) 6 Spring Lane, Mortimer Green, Berkshire RG7 3RT E-mail: G Tel: 07709 149036 Graham , Rev Dr Timothy (17 July 2022, Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham ) Harvey House, Headley Road, Grayshott, Hampshire GU26 6DP E-mail: J Tel: 0118 934 0854 Jackson , Rev Michael (18 June 2006) Presbytery, 105 London Road, Twyford, Berkshire RG10 9EL E-mail: Tel: 01202 513369 Jennings , Rev Barry (06 July 2003) The Presbytery, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9RW E-mail: Tel: 02380 778203 Jose , Rev Tom (01 July 2018) Holy Family Catholic Church, Redbridge Hill, Millbrook, Southampton SO16 4PL E-mail: Tel: 07831 334934 Joseph , Rev Stephen (01 August 2021) The Presbytery, 59 Normandy Street, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1DN E-mail: K Tel: 0118 934 5547 Kelly , Rev Peter (08 December 2013) 20 Wagtail Close, Twyford, Reading, Berkshire RG10 9ED E-mail: L Tel: 01534 720235 Le Cornu , Rev Nicholas (14 June 2018) 17 Val Plaisant, Jersey JE2 4TA E-mail: Tel: 01481 720196 Leightley , Rev Mark (15 June 2013) Broomy Cottage, La Grande Rue, Vale, Guernsey GY3 5HJ E-mail: Tel: 01344 425729 Lynch , Rev Aidan (Arundel and Brighton, 28 June 2008) St Joseph`s Presbytery, 39 Braccan Walk, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HA E-mail: M Tel: 01983 522027 May , Rev Gary (10 January 2015) The Catholic Presbytery, 96 Pyle Street, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UH E-mail: People Permanent Deacons 44

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Tel: 01962 852804 McElroy , Rev Martin (01 July 2018) Pastoral Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8RY E-mail: Tel: 01235 764168 McKevitt , Rev Kevin BA (09 May 1984) 3 Hawthorn Crescent, Grove, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 7JB E-mail: Tel: 01252 549342 McWilliam , Rev Peter (Plymouth, 17 July 2009) 1 Sylvan Glade, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 9FT E-mail: Tel: 02920 193532 Melhuish , Rev Steve (01 July 2000) 10 Magnolia Close, Cardiff CF23 7HQ E-mail: Tel: +8536 2436700 Morgan , Rev Prof Stephen BA(Div) MA MSt DPhil(Oxon) (24 June 2007) Universidade de Sao Jose, Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde 14-17, Macau SAR China E-mail: Tel: 02394 216545 Murawski , Rev Larry (21 July 2019) Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG E-mail: N Tel: 0118 978 0348 Ndubuisi , Rev Benignus (Armagh, 29 September 2013) c/o 60 Sturges Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2HE E-mail: O Tel: 01256 420048 O`Connell , Rev Patrick (24 June 2007) 33 Beech Way, Basingstoke RG23 8LR E-mail: Tel: 07905 275638 O`Neill , Rev Nicholas (21 July 2019) 80 St John`s Road, Bedhampton, Hampshire P09 3TS E-mail: Tel: 07738 098945 Opoku-Anokye , Rev Stephen (01 August 2021) Presbytery, 408 Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG2 8NR E-mail: Tel: 02380 254806 Owen , Rev Paul (06 July 2003) 34 Foyle Road, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire SO53 4QP E-mail: P Tel: 01252 545364 Page-Tickell , Rev Paul (15 June 2008) 116 Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NY E-mail: Parry , Rev Hugh (02 July 2016) E-mail: Tel: 02380 869853 Philpott , Rev Andrew (04 July 2004) 31 Filton Close, Calmore, Southampton, Hampshire SO40 2UW E-mail: Tel: 01252 544152 Pole-Baker , Rev Paul BTh C Eng MIET (07 July 1990) 2 Delville Close, Southwood, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0PY E-mail: R Reynolds , Rev Nick (23 June 1995) 48 Pope`s Avenue, Twickenham, London TW2 5TL E-mail: People Permanent Deacons 45

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S Tel: 01264 553481 Short , Rev Michael (18 June 2006) 25 Hedge End Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 2DH E-mail: Tel: 02380 282011 Short , Rev Stephen (29 June 1990) Furzey Lawn, Romsey Road, Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7FL E-mail: Tel: 02380 448671 Silsbury , Rev Peter (28 June 2009) St Patrick`s House, 45 Portsmouth Road, Woolston, Hampshire SO19 9BD E-mail: Tel: 01252 974664 Snyder , Rev James (01 July 2017) The Presbytery, 2 Connaught Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 3RA E-mail: Tel: 01489 587157 Stoker , Rev Brian (Northampton) 65 Jellicoe Drive, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7NW E-mail: T Tel: 02380 897354 Tobin , Rev Ian (12 June 1999) Trolls End, The Lane, Fawley, Hampshire SO45 1EY E-mail: W Tel: 01534 720235 Walters , Rev Christopher (21 June 2013) 7 La Godillerie, La rue de la Gordillerie, Trinity, Jersey JE3 5FS E-mail: Tel: 01489 328322 Welch , Rev Michael (17 June 1984) 179 Segensworth, Titchfield, Fareham PO15 5EH E-mail: Tel: 02380 616618 Wilson , Rev Paul (Nottingham, 04 February 2006) 39 Tinning Way, Eastleigh SO50 9QE E-mail: Y Tel: 01753 842343 Young , Rev George (07 July 2002) 2 Carter Close, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 4QX E-mail: People Permanent Deacons 46

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Anniversaries of Priesthood Ordination Diocesan Priests 1953 Rev Canon Peter Wilkie 04/06/1953 1954 - Platinum Jubilee Rev Eric Spencer 13/07/1954 1957 Rev Derek Reeve 29/06/1957 1959 Rev Clement Marshall 21/02/1959 1960 Rev Canon David Mahy 12/06/1960 1962 Rev David Quarmby 17/06/1962 1964 - Diamond Jubilee Rev Canon Gerard Hetherington 23/05/1964 Rev Kevin Delaney 24/05/1964 1965 Rev John Doran 12/06/1965 Rt Rev Crispian Hollis 11/07/1965 1966 Rev Mgr Ronald Hishon 12/06/1966 1967 Rev David Whitehead 25/01/1967 Rev Shaun Budden 25/05/1967 1968 Rev Canon Peter Turbitt 10/03/1968 Rt Rev Peter Doyle 08/06/1968 Rev Mgr Canon Nicholas France 08/06/1968 Rev Donald Clements 29/06/1968 1969 Rev Peter Codd 31/05/1969 Rev Canon John O`Shea 07/06/1969 Rev Mgr Thomas McGrath 12/06/1969 1971 Rev Mgr James Joyce 18/12/1971 1972 Rev Paul Lyons 27/05/1972 Rev Anthony Pennicott 22/10/1972 1973 Rev Canon Michael Hore 09/06/1973 Rev Tom Grufferty 17/06/1973 1974 - Golden Jubilee Rev Canon Alan Griffiths 29/06/1974 1975 Rev Vincent Convery 17/03/1975 Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy Garratt 26/07/1975 1976 Rev Antony Gatt 13/06/1976 Rev Padraig Faughnan 03/07/1976 Rev Peter Hollins 10/07/1976 1977 Rev Kevin O`Brien 17/12/1977 1979 Rev Mgr Canon Vincent Harvey 19/03/1979 Rev Tom Taaffe 04/08/1979 1980 Very Rev Mgr Brian Ferme 02/02/1980 Rev Canon David Hopgood 21/06/1980 Rev Michael Cronin 19/07/1980 Rev Peter Hart 02/08/1980 Rev Anthony Day 13/12/1980 1981 Rev Paul Haffner 10/04/1981 Rev Claro Conde 28/04/1981 Rev David Adams 04/05/1981 1982 Rev Andrew Moore 26/06/1982 Rev Patrick Tansey 04/12/1982 Rev James McGrath 18/12/1982 1983 Rev Daniel McAvoy 28/05/1983 1984 - Ruby Jubilee Rev Mgr Canon Paul Townsend 11/02/1984 Rev Mgr John Nelson 21/07/1984 Rt Rev Philip Egan 04/08/1984 1985 Rev Jó,zef Gruszkiewicz 15/06/1985 1986 Rev Richard Maniak 24/05/1986 1987 Rev Charles McCloskey 02/05/1987 Rev Jeremy Corley 18/07/1987 1989 Rev Zbigniew Budyn 16/05/1989 Rev Peter Glas 16/05/1989 Rev Francis Sasinowski 16/05/1989 Rev Michael Fava 08/07/1989 1990 Rev John Lee 03/03/1990 Rev Canon Michael Dennehy 09/06/1990 Rev Christopher Heaps 23/06/1990 Rev David Sillince 30/06/1990 1991 Rev Robin Ellwood 01/06/1991 Rev Stephen Vooght 14/09/1991 1992 Rev Ray Lyons 27/06/1992 1993 Rev Canon John Cooke 19/06/1993 Rev Joseph McNerney 12/10/1993 People 47

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1994 Rev William Wilson 24/06/1994 Rev Canon Dominic Golding 26/06/1994 Rev Marcus Brisley 03/07/1994 Rev Canon Simon Thomson 23/07/1994 1995 Rev John Chadwick 11/02/1995 Rev Paul King 01/04/1995 Rev Canon Christopher Rutledge 22/07/1995 1996 Rev Stanislaw Gibzinski 25/05/1996 Rev Steven Restori 07/12/1996 Rev John Catlin 21/12/1996 1997 Rev John Humphreys 20/09/1997 Rev Bruce Barnes 20/12/1997 1998 Rev George Roth FMISF 10/01/1998 Rev Innaiah Maddineni 28/05/1998 Rev Kevin Bidgood 05/09/1998 1999 - Silver Jubilee Rev Marcin Drabik 02/06/1999 Rev Canon Gerard Flynn 21/11/1999 2000 Rev Christopher Whelan 13/02/2000 2001 Rev Sean Tobin 07/07/2001 Rev Mark Hogan 21/07/2001 2002 Rev Serafino M Lanzetta FMISF 25/03/2002 2003 Rev Thomas Parakandathil 04/01/2003 Rev Anthony Glaysher 17/05/2003 Rev David O`Sullivan 19/07/2003 2004 Rev Paul Obada 11/12/2004 2006 Rev Kevin Hoiles 15/07/2006 2007 Rev Leslie Adams 10/02/2007 Rev Canon Paul James (PJ) Smith 02/06/2007 2009 Rev Patrick Madden 02/05/2009 Rev Paul Leonard 04/07/2009 2010 Rev Phillip Harris 24/07/2010 Rev James McAuley 24/07/2010 2011 Rev John Chandler 02/07/2011 2012 Rev John Lavers 28/06/2012 2013 Rev Pio Idowu FMISF 29/06/2013 Rev Benjamin Theobald 27/07/2013 2015 Rev John Paul Lyttle 03/07/2015 Rev Philip Carroll 25/07/2015 2016 Rev Ross Bullock 04/06/2016 Rev Mark Whiting 10/12/2016 2017 Rev Ansel D`Mello 25/06/2017 Rev Robert Stewart 25/06/2017 2019 Rev Andrew Wagstaff 08/06/2019 Rev Rosario Anbessa-Ebanks 05/07/2019 Rev Philomeno Gilfoyle FMISF 05/07/2019 Rev Faustino Timpe FMISF 05/07/2019 Rev Mohanraj Edward 20/07/2019 Rev Johnpromise Umeozuru 20/07/2019 2020 Rev Matthew King 04/07/2020 2021 Rev Anthony Fyk 31/07/2021 Rev Paul Nwune 31/07/2021 2022 Rev James Lewis 16/07/2022 2023 Rev Edward Hauschild 25/03/2023 Rev David Bateman 22/07/2023 Priests of the Ordinariate 2011 Rev Simon Chinery 17/06/2011 Rev Jonathan Redvers Harris 25/06/2011 2012 Rev Daniel Lloyd 21/04/2012 Rev John Hunwicke 27/06/2012 Rev John Maunder 22/09/2012 2013 Rev Darryl Jordan 08/12/2013 2023 Rev Matthew Topham 15/07/2023 Priests From Other Dioceses 1991 Rev Daniel Agber 12/10/1991 1994 Rev Wojciech Paszko 21/05/1994 1996 Rev Dominic Adeiza 18/05/1996 Rev Anthony Ikhenoba 06/07/1996 2000 Rev Simon Everson 25/05/2000 2001 Rev Benoy Ambazhathinal Kurian 03/01/2001 2003 Rev Paul Dzwig 31/05/2003 People Anniversaries of Priesthood Ordination 48

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2005 Rev Canon Simon Treloar 11/06/2005 2006 Rev Jude Mbonu 08/07/2006 2008 Rev Leo Odomeja 26/06/2008 Rev Jino Varghese Arikkat 31/12/2008 2013 Rev Elijah Nde 03/04/2013 Rev Inna Gade 10/04/2013 2014 Rev Emmanuel Rinda Bamuh 29/05/2014 2016 Rev Gaston Afah 30/03/2016 Rev Anthony Chiatu 30/03/2016 Religious Priests 1958 Rev Brian Jerstice SDB 01/07/1958 1960 Rev Peter Quinn SDB 03/07/1960 1962 Rev Aidan Murray SDB 17/03/1962 1963 Rev Andrew McMahon OFM 10/09/1963 1967 Rev James Gallagher SDB 21/12/1967 1968 Rev Kevin Fox SJ 19/07/1968 1969 Rev Bob Styles SJ 19/07/1969 1970 Rev Dom Peter Bowe OSB 15/04/1970 1974 - Golden Jubilee Rev Anthony Sultana SDB 20/07/1974 1975 Rev Desmond McGillicuddy MHM 21/06/1975 1976 Rev Norman Tanner SJ 17/07/1976 1977 Rev Dom Austin Gurr OSB 28/06/1977 1979 Rev Patrick Sherlock SDB 24/05/1979 Rev Thomas Williams SDB 08/07/1979 Rev Adrian Howell SJ 14/07/1979 1981 Rev Bernard Charles SJ 05/12/1981 1982 Rev Michael Hynes SDB 11/07/1982 1986 Rev Brian Oswald MHM 02/08/1986 1988 Rev Thomas Kleinschmidt OMV 03/07/1988 Rev Andrew Mukulu MHM 15/08/1988 1991 Rev Dom Alban Hood OSB 21/12/1991 1996 Rev Peter Edwards Cong. Orat. 11/05/1996 Rev Liam Cummins MHM 23/06/1996 1997 Rev Anthony Symondson SJ 04/05/1997 2005 Rev Raffaele Cossa FSCB 25/06/2005 2006 Rev Joseph Dangaraj Balaswamy MHM 29/06/2006 2007 Rev Henry Nkop MSP 23/06/2007 2012 Rev Luca Speziale FSCB 23/06/2012 2014 Rev Noah Monday MHM 10/05/2014 Rev Dom Gabriel Wilson OSB 06/07/2014 2018 Rev Seth Phipps FSSP 09/06/2018 People Anniversaries of Priesthood Ordination 49

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Anniversaries of Diaconate Ordination 1984 - Ruby Jubilee Rev Kevin McKevitt 09/05/1984 Rev Bob Birtles 03/06/1984 Rev Michael Welch 17/06/1984 1990 Rev Stephen Short 29/06/1990 Rev Paul Pole-Baker 07/07/1990 1995 Rev Nick Reynolds 23/06/1995 1999 - Silver Jubilee Rev Steven Bowler 12/06/1999 Rev Ian Tobin 12/06/1999 2000 Rev Steve Melhuish 01/07/2000 2002 Rev John Cumpsty 11/06/2002 Rev George Young 07/07/2002 2003 Rev Andrew Carter 15/06/2003 Rev Anthony Cairns 06/07/2003 Rev Barry Jennings 06/07/2003 Rev Paul Owen 06/07/2003 2004 Rev Antonio D`Mello 04/07/2004 Rev Andrew Philpott 04/07/2004 2006 Rev Paul Evans 18/06/2006 Rev John Foley 18/06/2006 Rev Michael Jackson 18/06/2006 Rev Michael Short 18/06/2006 2007 Rev Prof Stephen Morgan 24/06/2007 Rev Patrick O`Connell 24/06/2007 2008 Rev Roger Carr-Jones 15/06/2008 Rev Paul Page-Tickell 15/06/2008 2009 Rev Gerard Dailly 28/06/2009 Rev John Di Meo 28/06/2009 Rev Peter Silsbury 28/06/2009 2012 Rev Brendan Flaxman 22/06/2012 2013 Rev Mark Leightley 15/06/2013 Rev David Cahill 21/06/2013 Rev Christopher Walters 21/06/2013 Rev Peter Kelly 08/12/2013 2015 Rev Gary May 10/01/2015 2016 Rev Craig Aburn 02/07/2016 Rev Hugh Parry 02/07/2016 2017 Rev James Snyder 01/07/2017 2018 Rev Nicholas Le Cornu 14/06/2018 Rev Kim Cabatana 01/07/2018 Rev Gregory Cook 01/07/2018 Rev Tom Jose 01/07/2018 Rev Martin McElroy 01/07/2018 2019 Rev Anthony Darroch 21/07/2019 Rev Larry Murawski 21/07/2019 Rev Nicholas O`Neill 21/07/2019 2021 Rev Stephen Joseph 01/08/2021 Rev Stephen Opoku-Anokye 01/08/2021 2022 Rev Andrew Collins 17/07/2022 Rev Dr Timothy Graham 17/07/2022 2023 Rev Tony Darlison 08/07/2023 People 50

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Students for the Priesthood and Permanent Diaconate Priesthood Aburn , John Browne , Ryan Chou , Rev Ambrose Dugan , Owen Ezeani , Francis Gonsalves , Farvin Hawkes , Ryan Hiney , Rev Tom Hoyos , Rev Diego King , Nathan Ryan , Jack Trzebinski , Adam Diaconate Chitu , Emmanuel Hordell , Jim Jones , Vernon Martin , Richard Parambi , Zacharias Patterson , Stephen Shields , David Varghese , Jerrin People 51

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Deaneries and Pastoral Areas Blessed Dominic Barberi Deanery, Central and East Berkshire Dean: Rev Canon David Hopgood Maidenhead Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Liam Cummins MHM Maidenhead, St Edmund Campion 81 Maidenhead, St Joseph 81 Twyford 98 Reading Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Christopher Heaps Earley 70 Reading, Christ the King 87 Reading, English Martyrs 88 Reading, St James and St William of York 88 Reading, St John Fisher 89 Reading, St Joseph 89 Woodley 102 South Berkshire Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Daniel McAvoy Bracknell, St Joseph and St Margaret Clitherow 67 Crowthorne and Sandhurst 69 Wokingham 102 Windsor and Ascot Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Canon David Hopgood Ascot 64 Windsor 101 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Ascot, St Francis of Assisi 5:30 8:30, 10 Bracknell, St Joseph 6 8:30, 10:30 Cookham Rise, St Elizabeth 9:15 Crowthorne, Holy Ghost 11 Dedworth, St Mark 9:30 Earley, Reading, Our Lady of Peace and Blessed Dominic Barberi 8:30, 11 5 Henley-on-Thames, Chapel of Christ the Redeemer ** Maidenhead, St Edmund Campion 6:15 9:30, 11:15 Maidenhead, St Joseph 6:30 8, 11 Reading, Christ the King 6:30 10 5:30 Reading, St James 6 11 12:30, 4:30 3 L , 5 2 L Reading, St Joseph 5 8:30, 10:30 5:30 2,4 L Reading, St William of York 9, 11 L Reading, The English Martyrs 6 9, 11:30 5 Sandhurst, The Immaculate Conception 6 9 Twyford, St Thomas More 6:30 9, 10:30 Wargrave, Our Lady of Peace 0 Windsor, St Edward 6 11 Wokingham, Corpus Christi 5:30 9, 11 Woodley, St John Bosco 6:30 10 2 Second Sunday of the Month 3 Third Sunday of the Month 4 Fourth Sunday of the Month L Mass said in Other Language **As Announced Parishes 53

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Blessed John Body Deanery, North Hampshire Dean: Rev John Lee Andover Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Dom Austin Gurr OSB Andover 63 Basingstoke Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev John Lee Basingstoke, Holy Ghost 65 Basingstoke, St Joseph 64 Hook 77 Tadley 96 Northeast Hampshire Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: To be confirmed Aldershot 62 Farnborough, Our Lady and St Dominic 72 Farnborough, Our Lady Help of Christians 73 Fleet and Church Crookham 73 Yateley and Hartley Wintney 103 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Aldershot, St Joseph 9, 10:30 Aldershot, St Mary 5:30 Andover, St John the Baptist 6 10:30 Basingstoke, Holy Ghost Basingstoke, St Bede 9, 11 2:30 2 L , 6 Basingstoke, St Joseph 6 9, 11 Burghfield Common, St Oswald 11 Church Crookham, The Holy Trinity 6 9 Farnborough, Our Lady and St Dominic 5:30 9, 10:30 Farnborough, Our Lady Help of Christians 5 9:30 Fleet, Our Lady 11 Hartley Wintney, St Thomas More 8:45 Hook, Sacred Heart 6 10 Tadley, St Michael 6 9 Whitchurch, St John Fisher Catholic Church 9 Yateley, St Swithun 6 10:45 2 Second Sunday of the Month L Mass said in Other Language Parishes Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 54

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Saint John Henry Newman Deanery, Central Hampshire Dean: Rev Mark Hogan South Downs Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Peter Hollins Alton 63 Bordon 65 Grayshott 75 Liphook 80 Petersfield 85 St Swithun Wells Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Raffaele Cossa FSCB Eastleigh, St Swithun Wells 95 Winchester Martyrs (Hampshire Downs) Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Mark Hogan Winchester, St Peter &, The Winchester Martyrs 94 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Alresford, St Gregory the Great 11 Alresford, St Margaret of Scotland ** Alton, St Mary`s 5:30 9, 11 Bishop`s Waltham, Our Lady Queen of Apostles 6 9:30 Bordon, The Sacred Heart 6 10 Chandler`s Ford, St Edward the Confessor 6:30 9 Eastleigh, Holy Cross 8:30 L , 11 Fair Oak, St Swithun Wells 5 Grayshott, St Joseph 9 Liphook, The Immaculate Conception 11 Liss, St Agnes 9 North Baddesley, St Andrew 9 Petersfield, St Laurence 10:45 6 Romsey, St Joseph 6 11 Stockbridge, St Thomas More 9 Winchester, St Peter`s Church 5:30 8, 10:30 5:30 Winchester, St Stephen 9:15 L Mass said in Other Language **As Announced Parishes Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 55

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Saint Edmund Campion Deanery, Old Berkshire Dean: Rev James McGrath Newbury Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Zbigniew Budyn Newbury 83 Thatcham 97 Wash Common &, Hungerford 99 Woolhampton 102 Oxfordshire Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev James McGrath Abingdon 61 Buckland and Faringdon 68 Didcot 70 East Hendred 71 Hinksey 77 Wallingford 99 Wantage and Lambourn 99 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Abingdon, Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon 8:45, 10:15 2 L , 6:30 Boars Hill, St Thomas More Didcot, English Martyrs 9 East Hendred, St Amand and St John the Baptist East Hendred, St Mary 9:30 6 Faringdon, Blessed Hugh Faringdon 10 Hungerford, Our Lady of Lourdes 9 Lambourn, Sacred Heart Church 11 Milton, Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Newbury, St Francis de Sales 6 11 Newbury, St Joseph 8:30, 11 Newbury, St Patrick 11:15 Oxford, Holy Rood 5, 7:30 L 11:15 5 L Oxford, Our Lady of the Rosary 6:30 9:15 Pangbourne, Our Lady and St Bernadette 9:45 Thatcham, Our Lady of the Assumption 6 10 Theale, St Luke 5:30 Upper Woolhampton, Douai Abbey 10:30 Upper Woolhampton, St Mary Wallingford, St John the Evangelist 11 Wantage, St John Vianney 6 9 L Mass said in Other Language Parishes Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 56

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Saint John XXIII Deanery, West Solent Dean: Rev David Adams Bournemouth East Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Anthony Ikhenoba Bournemouth, The Annunciation and St Edmund Campion 67 Christchurch 69 Highcliffe 76 Bournemouth South Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: To be confirmed Bournemouth, Corpus Christi 66 Iford 78 Southbourne 94 Bournemouth West Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Peter Edwards Cong. Orat. Bournemouth, Sacred Heart 66 Westbourne 101 New Forest Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev David Adams Brockenhurst 68 Fordingbridge 74 Lymington 80 Lyndhurst 80 Milford-on-Sea 82 New Milton 82 Ringwood 89 Waterside 100 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Bournemouth, Corpus Christi 6 10 5 Bournemouth, Our Lady Immaculate 9, 11 Bournemouth, Our Lady Queen of Peace 9:30, 11 Bournemouth, Sacred Heart 5 8, 10:30 Bournemouth, St Edmund Campion 5 2 L 9 7 L Bournemouth, St Thomas More 6 9:30, 11:15 4 L Bournemouth, The Annunciation 9 L , 11 6:30 Brockenhurst, St Anne 6 Christchurch, Immaculate Conception and St Joseph 5 9 Fordingbridge, Our Lady of Sorrows &, St Philip Benizi 6 9 Highcliffe, Holy Redeemer 11 Holbury, St Bernard 9 Hythe, St Michael 11 Lymington, Our Lady of Mercy and St Joseph 6 10:30 Lyndhurst, Our Lady of the Assumption and St Edward the Confessor 9 Milford-on-Sea, St Francis of Assisi Church 9 New Milton, Our Lady of Lourdes 6 10 Ringwood, Sacred Heart and St Therese of Lisieux 11 2 Second Sunday of the Month L Mass said in Other Language Parishes Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 57

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St Wilfrid Deanery, South East Hampshire Dean: Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy Garratt Havant Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy Garratt Havant 75 Hayling Island 76 Horndean 78 Leigh Park 79 Portsmouth, St Colman and St Paul 86 Waterlooville 100 Portsmouth Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev James McAuley Portsmouth, Corpus Christi and St Joseph 85 Portsmouth, Our Lady of Lourdes and St Swithun 86 Portsmouth, Portsmouth Cathedral 61 Solent Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Canon John Cooke Fareham &, Portchester, Sacred Heart 72 Gosport 74 Park Gate 85 Stubbington and Lee-on-the-Solent 96 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Emsworth, St Thomas of Canterbury and St Thomas More 5 9 Fareham, Sacred Heart 6:30 9 Fareham, St Philip Howard 11 6 Gosport, St Columba 6 Gosport, St Mary 8, 11:15 Havant, St Joseph 11 1 L Havant, St Michael and All Angels 6 10 Hayling Island, St Patrick 11:30 Horndean, St Edmund 8:30, 10:30 Lee-on-the-Solent, St John the Evangelist 8 Park Gate, St Margaret Mary 8:30, 10:30 6:30 Portsmouth, Cathedral of St John the Evangelist 6 8 L , 10 12, 6 Portsmouth, Corpus Christi 11 Portsmouth, St Colman 6 9:30, 11 L Portsmouth, St Joseph 6 9, 11 L Portsmouth, St Paul 11 Southsea, Our Lady of Lourdes 6 ** Southsea, St Swithun 8:30, 10:15 Stubbington, Immaculate Conception 6 10 Waterlooville, The Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle 6:15 10:30 6:30 L Mass said in Other Language **As Announced Parishes Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 58

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Stella Maris Deanery, Southampton Dean: Rev Canon Michael Dennehy Southampton Central Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Canon Michael Dennehy Portswood, The Immaculate Conception 87 Southampton, Holy Family 91 Southampton, St Boniface 92 Southampton, St Joseph and St Edmund 92 Southampton, St Vincent de Paul 93 Totton 98 Southampton East Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Elijah Nde Hedge End 76 Netley 82 Southampton, Christ the King and St Colman 91 Southampton, St Patrick 93 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Hedge End, Our Lady of the Assumption 9:15 Netley, The Annunciation 9 Southampton, Christ the King and St Colman 11 6 L Southampton, Holy Family 6:30 9 L , 10:30 1 L Southampton, St Boniface 6:30 9, 11 5:30 Southampton, St Edmund`s 7 L 9, 11 7 Southampton, St Joseph`s 6:15 10 Southampton, St Patrick 6 11 Southampton, St Vincent de Paul 6:30 9:30 Southampton, The Immaculate Conception 8:30, 10:30 Totton, St Theresa of the Child Jesus 6 10:30 West End, St Brigid 5:30 L Mass said in Other Language Parishes Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 59

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Saints Helier and Sampson Deanery, The Channel Islands Bailiwick of Guernsey Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Canon Christopher Rutledge Alderney 62 Guernsey, Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey 84 Jersey Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Canon Dominic Golding Jersey 78 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Alderney, St Anne and St Mary Magdalen 6 10 Island of Sark, St Peter`s Anglican Church ** St Brelade, Sacred Heart St Brelade, St Bernadette 9:30, 11:30 St Clement, St Patrick 5:30 St Helier, St Mary and St Peter 9 L St Helier, St Thomas 6 8, 10 12, 6 L St Martin, Our Lady of the Annunciation and the Martyrs of Japan St Peter, St Matthieu St Peter Port, Notre Dame du Rosaire 6 St Peter Port, St Joseph &, St Mary 8, 10:30 St Sampson, Our Lady Star of the Sea 6 9:15 L Mass said in Other Language **As Announced Saint Boniface Deanery, Isle of Wight Dean: Rev Steven Restori Isle of Wight Pastoral Area Page No Co-ordinating Pastor: Rev Steven Restori Cowes 69 East Cowes 71 Newport 83 Ryde 90 South Wight 90 Totland Bay 97 Churches and Chapels Sat Sunday Masses Eve am pm Bembridge, St Michael 9 Cowes, St Thomas of Canterbury 9 5:30 East Cowes, St David 11 Newport, St Thomas of Canterbury 10 5 Ryde, Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary 6 11 Sandown, St Patrick 9 Shanklin, Sacred Heart 11 Totland, St Saviour 6 Ventnor, Our Lady and St Wiifrid 5 L Mass said in Other Language Parishes Deaneries and Pastoral Areas 60

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PARISHES PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL (Portsmouth Pastoral Area) T: 023 9200 8810 E: Address: Bishop`s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG Website: Priests: Rev James McAuley (Dean) , Rev Paul Nwune Deacon: Rev Larry Murawski Secretary: Lily Peach Safeguarding: Roisin Gwyer Organist: Catherine Christmas Cathedral of St John the Evangelist Location: Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3HG Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm , 8am (Latin), 10am , 12noon , 6pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 12:15pm Holy Days: 12:15pm , 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 11am-12noon, Sat 5pm-5:45pm Adoration: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm Rosary: Mon-Fri 12:45pm Schools: St Edmund`s Secondary School page 128 St John`s Cathedral Primary School page 128 Pastoral Centre: Cathedral Discovery Centre General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Hospitality Group, Welcome Group, SVP, Musicians/Choir. ABINGDON (Oxfordshire Pastoral Area) T: 01235 520375 E: Address: Presbytery, 1 Radley Road, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3PL Website: Priest: Rev James McGrath (Parish Priest) Secretary: Lisa Paterson Safeguarding: Anne Green Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon Location: 1 Radley Road, Abingdon OX14 3PL Sunday Mass: 8:45am , 10:15am , 2pm (Polish), 6:30pm See parish newsletter Weekdays: Mon 9am , Wed, Fri 7pm , Thu 9:30am , Sat 12noon See parish newsletter Holy Days: 9am , 7pm See parish newsletter Reconciliation: Sat 11am-11:30am and by appointment Adoration: Sat 11am-11:55am See parish newsletter Benediction: Sat 11am-11:55am Holy Hour: Sat 11am-11:55am Rosary: Mon 8:30am-8:50am, Wed, Fri 6:30pm-6:50pm, Thu 9am-9:20am See parish newsletter Schools: Our Lady`s Abingdon page 131 St Edmund`s Primary School page 128 Hospital: Abingdon Hospital page 114 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Bereavement Support, Catenians, SVP, RCIA, JTiF (Journeying Together in Faith), LiveSimply, Grandparents Association, Youth Groups, Catechetical Groups. Parishes 61 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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ALDERNEY (Bailiwick of Guernsey Pastoral Area) T: 01481 822105 E: Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Braye Road, St Anne`s, Alderney GY9 3XJ Priests: Rev Canon Christopher Rutledge (resident at Parish Office, St Peter Port, Parish Priest) , Rev Paul Dzwig (Priest in Charge) Safeguarding: Angela Etheridge St Anne and St Mary Magdalen Location: Braye Road, St Anne`s, Alderney GY9 3XJ Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10am Holy Days: 6pm Reconciliation: Sat 5pm-6pm Hospital: Mignot Hospital page 114 General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Healing Ministry Group. ALDERSHOT (Northeast Hampshire Pastoral Area) T: 01252 320956 E: Address: St Joseph`s Presbytery, Queens Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3JB Website: Facebook: AldershotCatholics Instagram: aldstcatholics X (Twitter): at AldstCatholics Priest: Rev Robert Stewart (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Craig Aburn St Joseph ( 30th January 1913, Consecrated 22nd September 1982 ) Location: Queens Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3JB Sunday Mass: 9am, 10:30am Weekdays: Mon-Thu 9:30am Holy Days: See newsletter Reconciliation: By appointment Holy Hour: Sun 3:30pm (First Sunday only: Adoration, Evening Prayer, Rosary and Benediction), Wed 7pm (Adoration, Rosary and Benediction) St Mary ( Dedicated 25th March 1963 ) Location: Belle Vue Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4RX Sunday Mass: Sat 5:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 4:45pm-5:15pm Schools: All Hallows Catholic School page 129 St Joseph`s Primary Academy page 125 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral/Finance Council, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Vocations Prayer Group, Hospitality Group, Keralan Community. ALRESFORD see St Peter &, The Winchester Martyrs page 94 Parishes Parishes 62 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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ALTON (South Downs Pastoral Area) T: 01420 82030 E: Address: The Presbytery, 59 Normandy Street, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1DN Website: Facebook: atstmarysaltonhants Priest: Rev Peter Hart (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Stephen Joseph Secretary: Tracy Short Safeguarding: Anne Bothwell St Mary`s Location: 59 Normandy Street, Alton GU34 1DN E-mail: Sunday Mass: Sat 5:30pm, 9am (St Lucy`s Convent Chapel Medstead), 11am Holy Days: 9:30am, 5pm (St Lucy`s Convent Chapel Medstead), 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 4:50pm Adoration: Last Sat 10am-10:30am School: Alton School page 131 Religious: Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer - Redemptorists page 108 Religious Teacher Fillippini page 106 Sisters of Our Lady of Providence page 107 Hospital: Alton Community Hospital page 114 General: Groups active in the parish: Laudato Si, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Alton Clothing Bank. ANDOVER (Andover Pastoral Area) T: 01264 352829 E: Address: The Presbytery, Alexandra Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3AD Website: Priest: Rev Dom Austin Gurr OSB (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Michael Short Administrator: Teresa Lynam St John the Baptist Location: Alexandra Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3AD E-mail: Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10:30am Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Fri 10am Holy Days: 9:30am, 7pm As announced Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm-5:45pm (Or by appointment) St John Fisher Catholic Church Location: Bell Street, Whitchurch, Hampshire RG26 7DD Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Thu 10am Holy Days: Eve 7pm (The evening before the Holy Day) As announced Reconciliation: Sun 8:40am-8:50am (Before Mass) Schools: Farleigh Independent Preparatory School page 131 St John the Baptist Primary School page 126 Hospital: Andover War Memorial Hospital page 114 Parishes Parishes 63 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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ASCOT (Windsor and Ascot Pastoral Area) T: 01344 620591 E: Address: The Friary, Coronation Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9HG Website: Instagram: stfrancisascot/ Priest: Rev Kevin Bidgood (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Samia Passos Safeguarding: Jayce Warren St Francis of Assisi Location: Coronation Road, Ascot SL5 9HG Sunday Mass: Sat 5:30pm, 8:30am, 10am Weekdays: Tue, Thu, Sat 10am, Wed, Fri 7:30pm Holy Days: 10am, 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 11am-11:30am (After 10am Mass or by appointment) General: Saturdays at 9.30am Schools: St Mary`s Independent Senior School page 132 The Marist School page 132 Religious: Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd page 107 Hospital: Heatherwood Hospital page 114 General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, EucharisticAdoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Healing Ministry group, Bereavement Support Group, UCM, Catenians, KSC, SVP. BASINGSTOKE (Basingstoke Pastoral Area) ST JOSEPH T: 01256 323595 E: Address: St Joseph`s Presbytery, 171A St Michael`s Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6TY Website: Facebook: StJosephsRcChurchBasingstoke/ Priests: Rev John Lee (Parish Priest) , Rev Paul Leonard (Priest in Charge) , Rev Benoy Ambazhathinal Kurian (In residence) Deacon: Rev Patrick O`Connell (retired) Secretary: Nikki Pink Finance Admin: Patricia Parker Safeguarding: Jan Hughes St Joseph Location: 171A St Michael`s Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6TY Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9:15am Holy Days: Eve 7:30pm, 9:15am Reconciliation: Sat 5pm-5:30pm Adoration: Tue, Thu 8:15am Rosary: Mon Wed &, Fri at 10am Schools: Bishop Challoner Secondary School page 126 St Anne`s Primary School page 124 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Bereavement Support Group, Catenians, KSC, SVP, CAFOD &, RCIA Parishes Parishes 64 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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BASINGSTOKE (Basingstoke Pastoral Area) HOLY GHOST T: 01256 465214 E: Address: St Bede`s Church, Popley Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9DX Website: Priests: Rev John Lee (Parish Priest) , Rev Jean-Patrice Coulon MSFS (Assistant Priest) Deacon: Rev Anthony Darroch Secretary: Elizabeth Murphy Treasurer: Faye Lyons Safeguarding: Maria Mahdavi (St Bede`s) , Vinod Rosari (Holy Ghost) Holy Ghost Location: Sherborne Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 5TD Weekdays: Masses by arrangement St Bede Location: Popley Way, Basingstoke RG24 9DX Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 2nd Sun 2:30pm (Syro-Malabar Rite, Syro Malabar Masses, 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month), 6pm Weekdays: Mon 12noon, Tue-Fri 9:30am Reconciliation: Sat 10am-10:45am Adoration: Mon-Fri 8:45am-9:30am School: St Bede`s Primary School page 126 Hospitals: North West Hampshire Hospital page 114 The Hampshire Clinic page 114 General: Groups active in the parish: Core Group, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Liturgy Group Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Rosary Group, Welcome Group, Kneeler Group, Hospitality Group, Bereavement Support Group, Catenians, KSC, SVP. BISHOPS WALTHAM see St Swithun Wells page 95 BITTERNE see Southampton, Christ the King and St Colman page 91 BORDON (South Downs Pastoral Area) T: 01420 472415 E: Address: The Sacred Heart Presbytery, High Street, Bordon GU35 0AU Website: Facebook: CatholicBordon Priest: Rev John Chandler (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Kim Cabatana The Sacred Heart Location: High Street, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 0AU Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm (Vigil), 10am Weekdays: Mon 10am, Tue 7pm, Wed 7:30am, Fri 12noon Holy Days: Eve 6pm (Vigil), 10am Reconciliation: Sun, Mon, Wed 9:30am-10am, Tue 6pm-7pm, Fri 11am-12noon, Sat 5pm-6pm Adoration: Tue 6pm-7pm, Fri 10am-12noon, Sat 5pm-6pm Benediction: Sat 5:45pm Rosary: Wed 10:45am Hospital: Chase Community Hospital page 115 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Bereavement Support Group. Parishes Parishes 65 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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BOURNEMOUTH (Bournemouth South Pastoral Area) CORPUS CHRISTI T: 01202 425286 E: Address: Parish Office, 18 St James Square, Bournemouth, Dorset BH5 2BX Website: Priest: Rev Mgr John Nelson (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Gregory Cook Administrator: Sandra Cook Finance Officer: Georgie Lockyer Safeguarding: Jackie Large Property Manager: Aidan Foy Corpus Christi Location: 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH7 6AN Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10am, 5pm Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Thu-Sat 10am, Wed 9am Holy Days: 10am, 7pm Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am-11:30am, Sat 5:30pm-5:50pm Adoration: Mon, Thu 10:30am-11am School: Corpus Christi Primary School page 125 Religious: Jesuits page 109 Hospital: Kings Park Hospital page 115 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Live streaming of Liturgies, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Catenians, KSC, SVP, Ignatian Spirituality Prayer Group. BOURNEMOUTH (Bournemouth West Pastoral Area) SACRED HEART (Cong. Orat. - Congregation of the Oratory) T: 01202 411140 E: Address: The Oratory House, 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 1BZ Website: Facebook: bmouthoratory Priests: Rev Peter Edwards Cong Orat (Parish Priest) , Rev Francisco Hinktikka Cong Orat Deacon: Rev Roger Carr-Jones Brother: Br Anthony Lummis Cong Orat Admin Manager: Louise Farah Catholic Shop Mgr: Ann Cowan Sacred Heart Location: 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 1BZ E-mail: Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm , 8am , 10:30am (Solemn Mass) Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 7:30am , Mon-Sat 12:15pm , 1st Fri 6pm (Latin) Holy Days: Eve 6pm (Latin), 7:30am , 12:15pm , 7pm (Solemn) Reconciliation: Wed 11am-12noon, Sat 11am-12noon (and 20 mins before every Mass) Benediction: Sun 6pm-6:30pm (Latin) Holy Hour: Wed, Sat 11am-12noon Rosary: Mon-Sat 12:45pm , Wed 6:45pm (Town Hall Cenotaph) General: Church open daily 6.30am - 6.30pm (weekends from 7.30am). The Oratory is the Catholic Chaplaincy for the two local Universities, and language schools. We host the Exhibition of Worldwide Eucharistic Miracles. Religious: Congregation of the Oratory page 108 General: Groups active in the Parish: Altar Servers, Bell-ringing, Bereavement support, Bible study, Book Club, Brothers of the Secular Oratory, Cafe Neri, Cath. Soc. University Chaplaincy, Catechists, Catenians, Church Cleaners, Collection Counters, Eucharistic Adorers, Evangelization Team, Finance &, Fabric Committee, Flower Arrangers, Hospitality Team, Mass Readers, Mothers Prayers, Musicians/Choir, Oratory Media Group (OMG), Pilgrimage group, RCIA, Rosary groups, Sacristy Sewing Circle, SPUC (Pro-LIfe), SVP (S Vincent de Paul Society), Undercroft Volunteers, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous. Parishes Parishes 66 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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BOURNEMOUTH (Bournemouth East Pastoral Area) THE ANNUNCIATION AND ST EDMUND CAMPION T: 01202 513369 E: Address: The Presbytery, 218 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9RW Priests: Rev Anthony Ikhenoba (Parish Priest) , Rev Wlodzimierz Pajak SChr (resident at St Edmund Campion, Bournemouth) Deacon: Rev Barry Jennings Administrator: Karen Gilbert Safeguarding: Kathleen Flynn The Annunciation Location: Charminster Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9RW Sunday Mass: 9am (Polish), 11am, 6:30pm Holy Days: Eve 7pm Reconciliation: On request Adoration: Tue 6pm-7pm, Thu 6pm-7pm (Polish) St Edmund Campion Location: 481 Castle Lane West, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9TN Sunday Mass: 2nd Sat 5pm (Philipino), 9am, 7pm (Polish) Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: On request School: St Walburga`s Primary School page 125 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Catenians. BRACKNELL (South Berkshire Pastoral Area) ST JOSEPH AND ST MARGARET CLITHEROW ( 2008 ) T: 01344 425729 E: Address: St Joseph`s Presbytery, 39 Braccan Walk, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HA Website: Facebook: sjsmcbracknell Priest: Rev Daniel McAvoy (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Aidan Lynch Safeguarding: Sarah Birch, Marion McGuire, Paula Read Pastoral Assistant: Mary McNab St Joseph Location: 39 Braccan Walk, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HA Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8:30am, 10:30am Weekdays: As announced in the newsletter and on the parish website Holy Days: As announced in the newsletter and on the parish website Reconciliation: Saturday at 11am and by appointment Adoration: Friday at 11am Schools: St Joseph`s Primary School page 126 St Margaret Clitherow Primary School page 125 General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choiirs, Prayer Group, Welcomers, Hospitality, Healing Ministry, Bereavement Support, SVP, Senior Leadership Team, Children`s Liturgy, Mothers Prayers, Pastoral Visits, Holy Communion for Sick/Housebound Parishes Parishes 67 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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BROCKENHURST (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 01590 676696 E: Address: Parish Office, 132 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9AQ Website: Priests: Rev David Adams (Parish Priest) , Rev David Quarmby (retired) Parish Secretary: Lisa Thurston (Based at Lymington office, Tue only) Administrator: Linda Guilding Safeguarding: Henrietta Reynolds Health &, Safety: Linda Guilding St Anne Location: Rhinefield Road, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7SR Sunday Mass: 6pm Weekdays: Thu 10am Reconciliation: See newsletter General: See Parish Newsletter for details of other services and activities Religious: Dominican Sisters of St Joseph page 106 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Welcome Group, Catenians, SVP. BUCKLAND AND FARINGDON (Oxfordshire Pastoral Area) T: 01367 358895 E: Address: The Presbytery, 1 Coxwell Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7EB Website: Facebook: Blessed Hugh Catholic Church - Faringdon, Oxfordshire Priest: Rev Claro Conde (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Mary Hughes Blessed Hugh Faringdon Location: Marlborough Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7JE Sunday Mass: 10am Holy Hour: Fri 11:30am-12:30pm General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Evangelisation Team, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Healing Ministry Group, Bereavement Support Group. CHANDLERS FORD see St Swithun Wells page 95 Parishes Parishes 68 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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CHRISTCHURCH (Bournemouth East Pastoral Area) T: 01202 483340 E: Address: The Presbytery, 67 Purewell, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 1EH Website: Facebook: AvonStour/ Priest: Rev Paul Obada (Parish Priest) Administrator: Wendy Wadsworth Finance Officer: Ursula Cook Families &, Youth: Emma Evans Immaculate Conception and St Joseph Location: 67 Purewell, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 1EH Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 9am Weekdays: Tue 6:30pm, Wed 10am Holy Days: 6:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 4pm-4:45pm Adoration: Tue 9:30am-10:30am, Thu 7pm-8pm Rosary: Mon 11am-12noon General: Office open Wed-Fri. 9am-5pm School: St Joseph`s Primary School page 125 Hospital: Christchurch Hospital page 115 General: Groups active in the parish: Families &, Youth Ministry - Facebook\Families &, Youth Ministry at St Joseph`s and on Instagram\familiesandyouth_stjosephs. Faith Matters, Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Catenians, Bereavement Support Group, Social Commitee, Youth Club, Welcome to Worship, Childrens Liturgy, Teen Liturgy, Welcome and Hospitality Team, Alpha, Lunch Club, Grandparents Group. CHURCH CROOKHAM see Fleet and Church Crookham page 73 COWES (Isle of Wight Pastoral Area) T: 01983 292739 E: Address: The Presbytery, 22 Terminus Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7TJ Priest: Rev Jonathan Redvers Harris (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Peter Ricks St Thomas of Canterbury Location: Terminus Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7TJ Sunday Mass: 9am, 5:30pm (Ordinariate usually) Weekdays: Mon 10am, Tue, Fri 12noon, Wed 6pm, Thu 12noon (Latin) Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Thu 11:17am-11:47am Adoration: Thu, Fri 11:15am-11:50am Rosary: 1st Wed 3pm-3:30pm (with Adoration) General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Rosary Group. CROWTHORNE AND SANDHURST (South Berkshire Pastoral Area) T: 01252 876820 E: Address: The Priest`s House, 63-67 Yorktown Road, Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 9BS Website: Priest: Rev Marcus Brisley (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Elizabeth Ramos Safeguarding: Sandra Owoso, Gerry Picozzi The Immaculate Conception Location: 63-67 Yorktown Road, Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 9BS Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am Holy Days: Eve 7pm Reconciliation: Sat 5:15pm-5:45pm Or by appointment Rosary: Fri 10:05am-10:30am Parishes Parishes 69 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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Holy Ghost Location: 51 New Wokingham Road, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6JG Sunday Mass: 11am Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: Sun 11am (After Mass), Sat 10:30am School: Our Lady`s Independent Preparatory School page 131 Hospital: Broadmoor Hospital page 115 General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Rosary Group, Christian Meditation Group, Sporting Memories DIDCOT (Oxfordshire Pastoral Area) T: 01235 812338 E: Address: Presbytery, 15 Manor Crescent, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7AJ Website: Facebook: Priest: Rev Dominic Adeiza (Parish Priest) Administrator: Elizabeth Waligo Parish Bookkeeper: Helen Cooper Safeguarding: Stefania Harford English Martyrs Location: Manor Crescent, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7AJ Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: As announced Reconciliation: Sat 10am Adoration: Sat 5:50pm Rosary: Sat 10:15am General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Welcome Group, SVP. Finance Committee, Children`s Liturgy, Men`s Group DOUAI ABBEY see Woolhampton page 102 EARLEY (Reading Pastoral Area) T: 0118 966 3711 E: Address: The Presbytery, 338 Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading, Berkshire RG6 7DA Website: Priest: Rev Stanislaw Gibzinski (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Rachel Alexander Our Lady of Peace and Blessed Dominic Barberi Location: Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading, Berkshire RG6 7DA Sunday Mass: 8:30am, 11am, 5pm Weekdays: Mon 6:30pm (Latin, Novus Ordo), Tue, Wed 8am, Wed 6:30am (During Lent and Advent), Fri 6:30pm, 1st Sat 12noon (1st Sat devotion to our Lady) Please refer to newsletter Holy Days: Please refer to newsletter Reconciliation: Sun 8am (Before Sunday &, Weekday Mass), Mon 6pm-6:30pm, Fri 5pm-6pm As announced Adoration: Mon 6pm-6:30pm, Fri 11am-6pm, 1st Sat 10am-12noon (1st Sat devotion to Our Lady) Holy Hour: 2nd Sun 2:30pm-3:30pm (Divine Mercy Holy Hour) Rosary: Sun 8am-8:20am, Sun 10:30am-10:50am, Mon 6pm-6:25pm (in Latin), Wed 4pm-4:30pm, Fri 6pm-6:25pm General: Groups active in the parish: Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group. Parishes Parishes 70 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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EAST COWES (Isle of Wight Pastoral Area) T: 01983 292739 E: Address: The Presbytery, 22 Terminus Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7TJ Priest: Rev Jonathan Redvers Harris (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Liz Hopkins St David Location: Connaught Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight PO32 6DP Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Wed 9:45am Adoration: Wed 9:15am-9:40am School: Holy Cross Primary School page 127 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Associates of the Sisters of Christ. EAST HENDRED (Oxfordshire Pastoral Area) T: 01235 835038 E: Address: St Mary Catholic Church, St Mary`s Road, East Hendred, Oxfordshire OX12 8LF Website: Priests: Rev Dominic Adeiza (resident at Presbytery, Didcot, Parish Priest) , Rev Matthew Topham (Priest in Charge) Administrator: Maria Lluisa Jarne Safeguarding: Libby Holderness St Mary Location: St Mary`s Road, East Hendred, Oxfordshire OX12 8LF Sunday Mass: 9:30am , 6pm Weekdays: Mon-Wed 9:15am , Thu 9am (St Amand`s School attends) As announced Reconciliation: Sat 10am-11am, Sat 5pm-6pm Adoration: Sat 10am-11am , Sat 5pm-6pm As announced St Patrick Location: Old Stanmore Road, East Ilsley, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 7LU Sunday Mass: 11:15am St Amand and St John the Baptist Location: Hendred House, High Street, East Hendred, Oxfordshire OX12 8JZ Weekdays: Fri 8:30am Adoration: Fri 4pm-5pm (Adoration) Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Location: Milton Manor House, High Street, Milton, Oxfordshire OX14 4EN Sunday Mass: Not open for worship School: St Amand`s Primary School page 128 EASTLEIGH see St Swithun Wells page 95 EMSWORTH see Havant page 75 Parishes Parishes 71 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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FAREHAM &, PORTCHESTER (Solent Pastoral Area) SACRED HEART T: 01329 318869 E: Address: The Presbytery, 43 Portland Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0NQ Website: Facebook: Catholics - Fareham &, Portchester Priest: Rev Canon John Cooke (Parish Priest) Secretary: Holly Mackenzie Safeguarding: Stephanie Campbell Sacred Heart Location: 42-43 Portland Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0NQ Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9am Weekdays: Tue, Thu, Fri 10am Holy Days: 10am, 7:30pm Reconciliation: Thu 10:30am (After Mass), 1st Sat 10am-11am, Sat 5pm-6pm (Before Mass (except 1st Sat of the Month)) Adoration: Tue 10:30am-12noon Holy Hour: Thu 7pm-8pm (Holy Hour for Vocations) St Philip Howard Location: Bishopsfield Road, Fareham, Hampshire PO14 1ND Sunday Mass: 11am , 6pm Weekdays: Wed 10am Holy Days: As announced School: St Jude`s Primary School page 126 Religious: Franciscan Sisters of Saint Mary of the Angels page 106 Pastoral Centre: Park Place Pastoral Centre FARINGDON see Buckland and Faringdon page 68 FARNBOROUGH (Northeast Hampshire Pastoral Area) OUR LADY AND ST DOMINIC (SDB - Salesians) T: 01252 546897 E: Address: The Presbytery, 71 High View Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7PT Website: Facebook: OLSDCC Priests: Rev Michael Hynes SDB (resident at Presbytery, Farnborough, Parish Priest) , Rev Dr Anthony Lobo SDB (Priest in Charge) , Rev Anthony Fernandes SDB Deacons: Rev Paul Evans, Rev Peter McWilliam (retired) , Rev Paul Pole-Baker (retired) Administrator: Dawn Barhan Safeguarding: Angela Martin Our Lady and St Dominic Location: High View Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7PT Sunday Mass: Sat 5:30pm, 9am, 10:30am Weekdays: Tue-Fri 9:30am Holy Days: Eve 7:30pm, 9:30am Reconciliation: Sat 4:15pm-5:15pm Benediction: Fri 10am-10:30am Holy Hour: Thu 7pm-8pm Schools: Farnborough Hill Senior School page 131 St Bernadette`s Primary School page 126 General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Catenians, KSC, Harvesters and Oasis. Parishes Parishes 72 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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FARNBOROUGH (Northeast Hampshire Pastoral Area) OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS (SDB - Salesians) T: 01252 545364 E: Address: Presbytery, 1A Sherborne Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6JS Website: Priest: Rev Michael Hynes SDB (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Paul Page-Tickell Safeguarding: Alicia Nolan Our Lady Help of Christians Location: Queens Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6JS Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 9:30am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9:30am, Sat 10am Holy Days: 9:30am, As announced Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am-11am Adoration: Thu 7:30pm-8:30pm Schools: Salesian College page 131 St Patrick`s Primary School page 126 Religious: Salesians page 110 General: Groups active in the parish: SVP, CWL. FLEET AND CHURCH CROOKHAM (Northeast Hampshire Pastoral Area) T: 01252 616963 E: Address: The Presbytery, 2 Connaught Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 3RA Website: Priest: Rev Johnpromise Umeozuru (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev James Snyder Our Lady Location: Kings Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 3ST Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Wed, Fri, Sat 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am Reconciliation: Sat 10am Holy Hour: Wed, Fri, Sat 8am-9:20am Rosary: Before Mass The Holy Trinity Location: Bowenhurst Road, Church Crookham, Hampshire GU52 8JU Tel: 01252 974664 Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am Weekdays: Tue, Thu 9:30am Reconciliation: Sat 5pm Holy Hour: Tue, Thu 8am-9:20am Rosary: Before Mass Hospital: Fleet and District Hospital page 116 Parishes Parishes 73 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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FORDINGBRIDGE (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 01425 653131 E: Address: Joint Parish Office, 15 Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EG Website: Facebook: Ringwood &,Fordingbridge Catholic Community Priest: Rev Mgr Canon Paul Townsend (Parish Priest) Administrator: Melissa Hildreth Safeguarding: Helen Thomas Our Lady of Sorrows &, St Philip Benizi Location: 15 Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EG Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am Weekdays: Tue, Thu 10am Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm Adoration: 1st Tue 10:30am As announced Hospital: Fordingbridge Hospital page 116 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Evangelisation Team, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Joint Finance and Property Committee with Ringwood. GOSPORT (Solent Pastoral Area) T: 0239 258 0119 E: Address: Maryhouse, 32 High Street, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 1DF Website: Facebook: catholicchurchingosport/ Priests: Rev Canon John Cooke (resident at The Presbytery, Fareham, Parish Priest) , Rev Matthew King (Priest in Charge) Deacon: Rev John Cumpsty Parish Secretary: Clarinda Alvarez Mansfield Safeguarding: Tom Farrell Caretaker: Peter Dickens (St Mary`s Church and Hall Caretaker) St Mary Location: 32 High Street, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 1DF Website: Sunday Mass: 8am, 11:15am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 12noon, Wed 7pm Holy Days: 12noon, 7pm Reconciliation: Wed 6:15pm-6:45pm, Sat 12noon-1pm Adoration: Fri 10am-12noon Benediction: Fri 11:50am-12noon Holy Hour: Fri 10am-12noon St Columba Location: 23 Fisher Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO13 0JJ Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm (Vigil) Weekdays: Thu 10am Reconciliation: Thu 10:30am-11:30am Adoration: Thu 10:30am-11:30am Benediction: Thu 11:20am Holy Hour: Thu 10:30am-11:30am Rosary: Thu 10:30am-11:30am School: St Mary`s Primary School page 126 Hospital: Gosport War Memorial Hospital page 116 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Children`s Liturgy, Pro-life, EMHC, FHC, RCIA Parishes Parishes 74 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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GRAYSHOTT (South Downs Pastoral Area) T: 01428 605358 E: Address: Harvey House, Headley Road, Grayshott, Hampshire GU26 6DP Website: Facebook: GrayshottCatholic X (Twitter): at GrayshottRC Priest: Rev Simon Chinery (Parish Priest) Deacons: Rev Andrew Carter, Rev Dr Timothy Graham St Joseph Location: Headley Road, Grayshott, Hampshire GU26 6DP Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Mon, Fri 10am, Wed 7pm Holy Days: 7pm (Check website before travelling) Reconciliation: Wed 6pm-6:50pm, and on request Adoration: Wed 6:15pm-6:50pm GUERNSEY see Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey page 84 HARTLEY WINTNEY see Yateley and Hartley Wintney page 103 HAVANT (Havant Pastoral Area) T: 02392 484520 E: Address: St Joseph Presbytery, 134 West Street, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1LP Website: Facebook: St Joseph`s Church Havant Priest: Rev Jó,zef Gruszkiewicz (Parish Priest) Administrator: Vicky McGuigan ( Safeguarding: Richard Jarczyk ( Parish Hall: Vicky McGuigan - St Joseph Location: West Street, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1LP E-mail: Sunday Mass: 11am, 1pm (Polish) Weekdays: Wed, Fri 10am Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: Fri 10:30am-11:30am (during Adoration) Adoration: Fri 10:30am-11:30am Benediction: 1st Fri 10am Devotions in English, 1st Fri 7pm Devotions in Polish St Thomas of Canterbury and St Thomas More Location: 24 New Brighton Road, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 7QP Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Thu 10am, Sat 5pm Reconciliation: Thu 10:30am-11am (After 10am Mass) School: St Thomas More`s Primary School page 127 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Welcome Group. Parishes Parishes 75 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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HAYLING ISLAND (Havant Pastoral Area) T: 02392 463854 E: Address: The Parish House, Manor Road, Hayling Island, Hampshire PO11 0QU Priest: Rev Mark Whiting (Parish Priest) Administrative Lead: Susan Siou Safeguarding: Office: Susan Siou 023 9226 2289 Pastoral Care: c/o Sacred Heart, Waterlooville St Patrick Location: Manor Road, Hayling Island, Hampshire PO11 0QU Sunday Mass: 11:30am Weekdays: Please check newsletter Holy Days: Please check newsletter Reconciliation: After Sunday Mass or by appointment with the Priest Adoration: Half an hour before each Mass Rosary: Tue 10am-10:30am Hall Bookings: Denzil 07791 776148 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Rosary Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, CWL, Catenians, Alpha. HEDGE END (Southampton East Pastoral Area) T: 023 8044 9088 E: Served from (and correspondence to) Christ the King and St Colman, Southampton page 91 Website: Priest: Rev Elijah Nde (Parish Priest) Admin Worker: Catherine Bassom Safeguarding: Dot Caswell Our Lady of the Assumption Location: 3 Freegrounds Road, Hedge End, Hampshire SO30 0HG Website: Sunday Mass: 9:15am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 10am Holy Days: Eve 7pm St Brigid Location: Woodlea Gardens, West End, Hampshire SO30 3GA Website: Sunday Mass: 5:30pm Weekdays: Wed 10am Holy Days: 10am Hospital: Moorgreen Hospital page 118 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group. HIGHCLIFFE (Bournemouth East Pastoral Area) T: 01425 274838 E: Address: Parish Office, 13 Kilmington Way, Highcliffe, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5BL Website: Priest: Rev Paul Obada (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Amanda Pillinger Holy Redeemer Location: 13 Kilmington Way, Highcliffe, Dorset BH23 5BL Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Thu, Fri 10am Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: Thu 10:30am Adoration: Mon 10am-2pm Rosary: Fri 9:45am-10am General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Fabric &, Finance Committee, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Sick Visiting Team, Catholic Grandparents Association, Faith Matters, Social Group, Welcome Team, Bible Study Group, Catenians. Parishes Parishes 76 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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HINKSEY (Oxfordshire Pastoral Area) T: 01865 247986 E: Address: Holy Rood Lodge, Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4LD Website: Priests: Rev Daniel Lloyd (Parish Priest) , Rev Michael Ward (In residence) Administrators: Maria Brown, Bea La O` Safeguarding: Stella O`Gara Our Lady of the Rosary Location: Yarnells Hill, Botley, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 9BD Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9:15am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Sat 6pm-6:20pm Adoration: Tue 8pm-9pm Holy Rood Location: Folly Bridge, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4LD Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm (Ordinariate Mass), Sat 7:30pm (Portuguese), 11:15am , 5pm (Latin) Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Sat 9am , Thu 9am (Ordinariate), Fri 9am (Latin) Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Sat 9:30am-12:30pm (Monday to Friday, 9.30am and 5.10pm) Adoration: Sat 9:30am-11:30am As announced Rosary: Sat 9:30am General: Weekdays: Morning Prayer 8.30am, Evening Prayer 5.00pm St Thomas More Location: Grace Dieu, Foxcombe Road, Boars Hill, Oxfordshire OX5 1DH Weekdays: As announced Religious: Discalced Carmelites page 109 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Catenians. HOOK (Basingstoke Pastoral Area) T: 01256 577007 E: Address: The Priest`s House, Sacred Heart Church, London Road, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9LA Website: Facebook: sacredhearthook Priests: Rev John Lee (Parish Priest) , Rev John Chadwick (Priest in Charge) Administrator: Jan Hughes Safeguarding: Maggie Wood Sacred Heart Location: Sacred Heart, London Road, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9LA Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10am Religious: Dominican Sisters of Malta page 105 Hospital: Odiham Cottage Hospital page 116 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, UCM, Bereavement Support Group, Hospitality Group, Welcome Group, Rosary Group, Eucharistic Adoration, Evangelisation Team, Catenians, KSC. Parishes Parishes 77 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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HORNDEAN (Havant Pastoral Area) T: 02392 593010 E: Served from (and correspondence to) Waterlooville page 100 Website: Facebook: atStEdmundsHorndean Priests: Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy Garratt (Parish Priest) , Rev James Lewis Secretary: Yvonne Hands ( Safeguarding: Michael White St Edmund Location: Napier Road, Horndean, Hampshire PO8 9LR Tel: 02392 593010 E-mail: Sunday Mass: 8:30am, 10:30am Weekdays: Tue 7pm, Thu, Sat 10am Holy Days: Please check the newsletter Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am Adoration: Tue 6:30pm, Thu, Sat 9:30am General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Hospitality Group, Healing Ministry group. See Parish newsletter IFORD (Bournemouth South Pastoral Area) T: 01202 485588 E: Address: St Thomas More Presbytery, 42 Exton Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 5QG Website: Priest: Rev Darryl Jordan (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Nadia Cassettai, Neil Dawson ( St Thomas More Location: 42 Exton Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 5QG Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9:30am, 11:15am (Ordinariate), 4pm (Latin) Weekdays: Wed 9:30am (Ordinariate), Fri 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am (Ordinariate), 5pm (Latin), 6:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm General: Councils/Committees: Pastoral, Fabric &, Finance, Organisations hosted: Association of Mary Help of Christians (Bournemouth ADMA), Latin Mass Society (Bournemouth LMS),Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (Bournemouth OLW), Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (Bournemouth SPUC). JERSEY (Jersey Pastoral Area) T: 01534 720235 E: Address: Main Parish Office, 17 Val Plaisant, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4TA Website: Facebook: catholicchurchinjersey Priests: Rev Canon Dominic Golding (Parish Priest and Dean) , Rev Edward Hauschild, Rev Jacek Malecki, Rev Dr Paul Rowan Deacons: Rev David Cahill, Rev Brendan Flaxman, Rev Nicholas Le Cornu, Rev Christopher Walters Parish Secretary: Julia Le Cornu Facilities Mgr: Andrew Downey Safeguarding: Linda Wiseman Our Lady of the Annunciation and the Martyrs of Japan Location: La Grande Route de St Martin, St Martin, Jersey JE3 6JR Tel: 72023 5 E-mail: Weekdays: Tue 9:30am Sacred Heart Location: La Neuve Route, St Brelade, Jersey JE3 8BS Tel: 72023 5 E-mail: Weekdays: Wed 9:30am Parishes Parishes 78 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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St Bernadette Location: La Route des Quennevais, St Brelade, Jersey JE3 8LJ Tel: 72023 5 E-mail: Sunday Mass: 9:30am, 11:30am St Mary and St Peter Location: Wellington Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4LE Tel: 72023 5 E-mail: Sunday Mass: 9am (Polish) St Matthieu Location: Coin Varin, St Peter, Jersey JE3 7EW Tel: 72023 5 E-mail: Weekdays: Fri 9:30am St Patrick Location: La Grande Route Des St Clements, St Clement, Jersey JE2 6QN Tel: 72023 5 E-mail: Sunday Mass: 5:30pm Weekdays: Thu 9:30am St Thomas Location: 17-19 Val Plaisant, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4TA Tel: 72023 5 E-mail: Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8am, 10am, 12noon, 6pm (Polish) Weekdays: Tue-Fri 6:30pm, Sat 12:15pm Reconciliation: Sat 11am-11:45am, Sat 5pm-5:45pm Adoration: Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm Schools: Beaulieu Convent School page 130 De La Salle College page 130 FCJ Primary School page 131 Religious: Comunidade Cristo de Betania page 105 Hospitals: Jersey General Hospital page 117 Jersey Hospice Care page 117 St Saviour`s Hospital page 119 Prison: HMP La Moye page 121 General: Groups active in the parish: Bereavement Support Group, Catenians. CWL, KSC, SVP, Musicians/Choir, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Pastoral Council, Prayer Group, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Toddler Group, RCIA and Marriage Preparation. LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT see Stubbington and Lee-on-the-Solent page 96 LEIGH PARK (Havant Pastoral Area) T: 02392 484323 E: Address: Presbytery, 83 Bramdean Drive, Leigh Park, Havant, Hampshire PO9 4RR Website: Priest: Rev Canon Gerard Flynn (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Nicholas O`Neill Secretary: Ellen McCarthy Safeguarding: Julia Corps St Michael and All Angels Location: 437 Dunsbury Way, Leigh Park, Havant, Hampshire PO9 5BD Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm , 10am As announced Weekdays: Please check newsletter on the website Holy Days: Please check newsletter on the website Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available during the half hour before Mass Adoration: Wed 10:30am-11:30am General: Groups active in the parish: Alpha, Senior Leadership/Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration Parishes Parishes 79 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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LIPHOOK (South Downs Pastoral Area) T: 01428 605358 E: Address: Harvey House, Headley Road, Grayshott, Hampshire GU26 6DT Website: Facebook: GrayshottCatholic X (Twitter): at GrayshottRC Priest: Rev Simon Chinery (Parish Priest) Deacons: Rev Andrew Carter, Rev Dr Timothy Graham (based at Harvey House, Grayshott) The Immaculate Conception Location: 108 Headley Road, Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7PT Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue, Thu 10am Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: Tue 10:30am-11am, and on request Adoration: Tue 10:30am-11am LISS see Petersfield page 85 LYMINGTON (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 01590 676696 E: Address: Parish Office &, Presbytery, 132 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9AQ Website: Priest: Rev David Adams (Parish Priest) Secretary: Lisa Thurston Administration: Linda Guilding Safeguarding: Wanda FOJT Health &, Safety: Linda Guilding Our Lady of Mercy and St Joseph Location: 132 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9AQ Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10:30am Weekdays: Tue 10am Reconciliation: By appointment General: See the Parish Newsletter for details of other Services and activities School: Our Lady &, St Joseph Primary School page 126 Hospitals: Lymington New Forest Hospital page 117 Oakhaven Hospice page 117 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Welcome Group, CWL, Catenians, SVP. LYNDHURST (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 02380 862270 E: Address: Our Lady of the Assumption and St Edward the Confessor, 14 Empress Road, Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7AE Website: Priest: Rev Henry Nkop MSP (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Stephen Short Our Lady of the Assumption and St Edward the Confessor Location: 14 Empress Road, Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7AE Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Thu 10am Holy Days: See parish newsletter General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Pastoral Council, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Catenians, KSC, Food bank. Parishes Parishes 80 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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MAIDENHEAD (Maidenhead Pastoral Area) ST EDMUND CAMPION T: 01628 628274 E: Address: Parish Office, 40a Altwood Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4PY Website: Facebook: st edmund campion church maidenhead Priests: Rev Liam Cummins MHM (resident at St Joseph`s Presbytery, Maidenhead, Parish Priest) , Rev Noah Monday MHM, Rev Ephraim Odhiambo MHM (resident at St Joseph`s Presbytery, Maidenhead) Administrator: Ruth McCartney Safeguarding: Patricia Opalko St Edmund Campion Location: 40a Altwood Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4PY Sunday Mass: Sat 6:15pm, 9:30am, 11:15am Weekdays: Mon-Thu 9:30am, Fri 10am Holy Days: 7pm Reconciliation: Sat 5pm-6pm (or by appointment) School: St Edmund Campion Primary School page 124 Hospital: St Mark`s Hospital page 117 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Catenians, SVP, Livestreaming of Liturgies. Vision Group. Mother`s Prayers, Mother and Toddler Group, Luncheon Group. MAIDENHEAD (Maidenhead Pastoral Area) ST JOSEPH T: 01628 783988 E: Address: St Joseph`s Presbytery, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EG Website: Facebook: StJoMaidenhead/ Priests: Rev Liam Cummins MHM (Parish Priest) , Rev Noah Monday MHM, Rev Ephraim Odhiambo MHM St Joseph Location: 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EG Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 8am, 11am Weekdays: Tue-Sat 10am Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am (Immediately after the 10am Mass), Sat 5:30pm-6:15pm (or by appointment) Adoration: Sat 9am-10am St Elizabeth Location: Lower Road, Cookham Rise, Berkshire SL6 9EJ Sunday Mass: 9:15am Holy Days: 7:30pm School: St Mary`s Primary School page 125 Religious: Mill Hill Missionaries page 109 Hospital: Thames Hospice Care page 120 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Vision Group, RCIA, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Mother`s Prayers, UCM, Catenians, Children`s Liturgy. Parishes Parishes 81 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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MILFORD-ON-SEA (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 01590 676696 E: Address: Parish Office, 132 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9AQ Website: Priest: Rev David Adams (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Lisa Thurston Administration: Linda Guilding Safeguarding: Liz Price Health &, Safety: Linda Guilding St Francis of Assisi Church Location: St Francis of Assisi, Park Lane, Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire SO41 0PT Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Wed 10am Reconciliation: See newsletter General: See the Parish Newsletter for details of other services and activities General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Prayer Group, Welcome Group. NETLEY (Southampton East Pastoral Area) T: 02380 448671 E: Address: St Patrick`s House, 45 Portsmouth Road, Woolston, Southampton SO19 9BD Website: Facebook: annunciationandstpatricks Priest: Rev Ross Bullock (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Peter Silsbury Finance &, Hall Mgr: Marion Jarrett Safeguarding: Colleen Smith The Annunciation Location: 70 Station Road, Netley, Southampton SO31 5AF Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Tue, Thu 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am (See newsletter for details) General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Apostleship of the Sea. NEW MILTON (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 01425 614968 E: Address: The Presbytery, 15 Mount Avenue, New Milton, Hampshire BH25 6NT Website: Priest: Rev William Wilson (Parish Priest) Secretary: Lizzie Davies Our Lady of Lourdes Location: 15 Mount Avenue, New Milton, Hampshire BH25 6NT Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm , 10am Weekdays: Tue-Fri 10am Holy Days: 10am , 6pm Reconciliation: Sat 5.30pm Adoration: See newsletter Rosary: See newsletter General: All services livestreamed. Weekend Masses recorded. General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, CWL, Catenians, KSC, Pastoral Council, Prayer Group, Hospitality Group, Indian and Filipino Communities. Parishes Parishes 82 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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NEWBURY (Newbury Pastoral Area) T: 01635 40167 E: Address: Presbytery, 105 London Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JP Website: Priest: Rev Michael Fava (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Mary Barnard St Joseph Location: London Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JP Sunday Mass: 8:30am , 11am Weekdays: Tue-Fri 10am, Sat 10am (With Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacrament of Reconciliation until 11.00am) Holy Days: 10am, 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am-11am Rosary: 1st Fri 10:30am-10:45am School: St Joseph`s Primary School page 130 Hospital: West Berkshire Community Hospital page 119 General: Please check with Parish NEWPORT (Isle of Wight Pastoral Area) T: 01983 522027 E: Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 96 Pyle Street, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UH Website: Facebook: atStThomasCatholicIOW Priests: Rev Steven Restori (resident at Presentation House, Ryde, Parish Priest) , Rev Mohanraj Edward (Priest in Charge) Deacon: Rev Gary May Secretary: Begonia Tarrago Safeguarding: Mike Green ( St Thomas of Canterbury Location: 96 Pyle Street, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UH Sunday Mass: 10am, 5pm Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Fri 12noon Holy Days: 12noon Reconciliation: Sun 9:30am, Sun 4:30pm (Or by appointment) Adoration: Tue 11am (Before Mass) Schools: Christ the King College page 127 St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School page 127 Religious: Verbum Dei page 107 Hospitals: Isle of Wight (Earl Mountbatten) Hospice page 118 St Mary`s Hospital page 118 The Orchard Hospital page 118 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Catenian, Prayer Group. NORTH HINKSEY see Hinksey page 77 Parishes Parishes 83 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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OUR LADY AND THE SAINTS OF GUERNSEY (Bailiwick of Guernsey Pastoral Area) T: 01481 720196 E: Address: Parish Office, Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1JH Website: Priests: Rev Canon Christopher Rutledge (Parish Priest) , Rev Inna Gade, Rev Canon Gerard Hetherington (retired, resident at Le Platon Residential Home, St Peter Port) Deacon: Rev Mark Leightley Parish Secretary: Yvonne Priaulx, Elaine McKay (Assistant) Safeguarding: Bridget Cowens Youth Worker: Thomas Saddington Our Lady Star of the Sea Location: Rue des Monts, St Sampson, Guernsey GY2 4HU Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9:15am Weekdays: Mon 12noon, Thu 6pm As announced Holy Days: 11am As announced Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm-6pm Rosary: Mon 11:30am St Joseph &, St Mary Location: La Couperderie, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1JQ Sunday Mass: 8am, 10:30am Weekdays: Mon, Fri 7:30am, Tue-Thu 9:30am, Sat 10am As announced Holy Days: 7am, 9:30am, 6pm As announced Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am-11am Adoration: Tue, Thu 10am-10:30am, Wed 7pm Benediction: Wed 7pm Holy Hour: Wed 7pm Rosary: Wed 7pm Notre Dame du Rosaire Location: Burnt Lane, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1HL Sunday Mass: 6pm Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Sun 5:30pm-5:50pm Rosary: Sun 5:30pm St Peter`s Anglican Church Location: Island of Sark Sunday Mass: Mass is held on occasion by kind permission of the Rector Schools: Blanchelande College page 130 Notre Dame du Rosaire School page 129 St Mary and St Michael Primary School page 129 Religious: Sisters of Mercy page 106 Hospitals: Les Bourgs Hospice page 116 Princess Elizabeth Hospital page 116 Prison: Guernsey Prison page 121 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Groups, UCM, Legion of Mary, Catenians, Guild of St Joseph, Befrienders Group, Laudato Si group, Children`s Liturgy groups and youth group. Parishes Parishes 84 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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PARK GATE (Solent Pastoral Area) T: 01489 572797 E: Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Middle Road, Park Gate, Hampshire SO31 7GH Website: Priest: Rev Ansel D`Mello (Parish Priest) Parish Admin: Heather Skittlethorpe (Mon-Wed, Fri 9am-2pm) St Margaret Mary Location: Middle Road, Park Gate, Hampshire SO31 7GH Sunday Mass: 8:30am, 10:30am, 6:30pm As announced Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Fri 9:30am, Thu 7pm Holy Days: 9:30am, 7:30pm Adoration: Wed 7pm School: St Anthony`s Primary School page 124 General: Groups active in the parish: Prayer Group, Eucharistic Adoration, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, UCM, KSC, SVP. PETERSFIELD (South Downs Pastoral Area) T: 0790 114 8621 E: Address: Presbytery, 12 Station Road, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 3ED Website: Priest: Rev Peter Hollins (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Helen Mason (07901 148621) Safeguarding: Paul Farmer (07360 595716) St Laurence Location: Station Road, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 3ED Sunday Mass: 10:45am, 6pm Weekdays: Wed-Fri 11:30am, Sat 10am Holy Days: 11:30am, 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 9:45am-10am (and on request) St Agnes Location: Plantation Road, Liss, Hampshire GU33 7QB Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Tue 11:30am Reconciliation: Sun 8:45am Hospital: Petersfield Hospital page 118 PORTSMOUTH (Portsmouth Pastoral Area) CORPUS CHRISTI AND ST JOSEPH T: 02392 660927 E: Address: Presbytery, 21 Gladys Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 9AZ Website: Priest: Rev Emmanuel Rinda Bamuh (Parish Priest) Sec/Bookkeeper: Jaenelyn Elliot Church Admin: Angela Waldren Safeguarding: Gail Edwards Corpus Christi Location: 21 Gladys Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 9AZ Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Mon 9:30am, Wed 7pm, Fri 9:30am Reconciliation: Wed 6pm (and after Mass on other days), Fri 8:30am Adoration: Mon, Fri 8am-9:20am, Wed 6pm-6:50pm Benediction: Sun 6pm (During Advent and Lent) Rosary: Mon, Fri 9am, Wed 8:30am Parishes Parishes 85 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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St Joseph Location: Tangier Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 6AN Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 11am (Latin) Weekdays: Mon-Sat 7am (Latin), Thu 9:30am Reconciliation: Sun 8:30am (and after Mass on other days), Sat 5pm Adoration: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm, Mon-Fri 7pm-8pm, Thu 8:30am-9:20am, Sat 6pm-6:50pm Rosary: Thu 8:30am, Sat 6:30pm School: Corpus Christi Primary Academy page 124 General: Groups active in the parish: Teams: Discipleship Team, Evangelization Team, Prayer Team, Hospitality Team, Intercessory Prayer Team, Finance and Maintenance Team, Health and Safety Team. Groups: Welcomers, Cash Counters, Altar Servers, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Choir, Cleaners,Florists, Youth Ministry, Teas and Coffees, Food bank, Catechists, Sacristan, Cultural and Ethnicity outreach PORTSMOUTH (Portsmouth Pastoral Area) OUR LADY OF LOURDES AND ST SWITHUN T: 02392 828305 E: Address: Presbytery, 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, Hampshire PO5 2PL Website: Priest: Rev Canon Simon Treloar (Parish Priest) Parish Staff: Emma Wright Safeguarding: Anne Worden, Teresa Rowe ( Our Lady of Lourdes Location: Bransbury Road, Southsea, Hampshire PO4 9JY Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm As announced Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Sat 5:15pm-5:45pm As announced St Swithun Location: Waverley Road, Southsea, Hampshire PO5 2PL Sunday Mass: 8:30am, 10:15am As announced Weekdays: Tue-Sat 9am As announced Holy Days: 9am, 7pm As announced Reconciliation: Sat 9:45am-11:15am (and on request) As announced Rosary: Daily after Mass General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians, Rosary, Welcome Group. School: St Swithun`s Primary School page 128 Religious: Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood page 106 PORTSMOUTH (Havant Pastoral Area) ST COLMAN AND ST PAUL T: 02392 376151 E: Address: The Presbytery, St Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 2JJ Website: Priests: Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy Garratt (Parish Priest) , Rev Andrew Wagstaff (Priest in Charge) Parish Admin: Zia Collins Safeguarding: Nathaly Speight (St Paul) , Jenny Verheist (St Colman) St Colman Location: St Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 2JJ Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9:30am, 11am (Latin) Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri 9am Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm-6pm General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, St Paul Location: Allaway Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 4DG Sunday Mass: 11am School: St Paul`s Primary School page 128 General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Parishes Parishes 86 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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PORTSWOOD (Southampton Central Pastoral Area) THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION T: 02380 555470 E: Address: Presbytery, 346 Portswood Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 3SB Website: Priest: Rev Anthony Chiatu (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Gerard Dailly Sec &, Pastoral Asst: Rachel Brady Safeguarding: Laura Sparmann The Immaculate Conception Location: Portswood Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 3SB Sunday Mass: 8:30am, 10:30am Weekdays: Tue-Sat 10am Holy Days: 10am, 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am (After Mass) Adoration: Tue, Fri 9am-10am School: St George Catholic College page 129 READING (Reading Pastoral Area) CHRIST THE KING T: 0118 931 4469 E: Address: Presbytery, 408 Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG2 8NR Website: Priest: Rev Daniel Agber (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Stephen Opoku-Anokye Parish Admin: Wendy Dias Safeguarding: Angela Camilleri Christ the King Location: Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG2 8NR Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm , 10am , 5:30pm Weekdays: Tue-Thu 9:30am , Fri 7:30pm Holy Days: 9:30am , 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 10am-10:30am, Sat 5:30pm-6:15pm Rosary: Sat 6am-6:30am School: Christ the King Primary School page 128 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Bereavement Support Group. Parishes Parishes 87 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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READING (Reading Pastoral Area) ENGLISH MARTYRS T: 0118 957 2149 E: Address: Presbytery, 64 Liebenrood Road, Reading, Berkshire RG30 2EB Website: Facebook: English Martyrs Church Reading Instagram: englishmartyrsrdg Priests: Rev Gaston Afah (Parish Priest) , Rev Richard Maniak (retired) Finance &, Admin: Barbara Poole The English Martyrs Location: Liebenrood Road, Reading, Berkshire RG30 2EB E-mail: Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 11:30am , 5pm Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9:30am, Sat 10am Holy Days: 9:30am, 7pm Reconciliation: Sun 8:30am-8:50am, Sun 11am-11:20am, Sun 4pm-4:45pm, Mon-Fri 9am-9:20am, Sat 10:30am-11am, Sat 5pm-5:45pm Adoration: Fri 10am-6pm Benediction: Fri 6pm Schools: Blessed Hugh Faringdon Secondary School page 128 English Martyrs Primary School page 129 General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Readers Group, Eucharistic Ministers Group, Night Prayer Group, Catenians, SVP, Leadership Team, Emmaus Groups, RCIA and Rite of Reception of Candidates, Caring for Creation Group, Childrens Liturgy Group. READING (Reading Pastoral Area) ST JAMES AND ST WILLIAM OF YORK T: 0118 957 4171 E: Address: St James Presbytery, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3FD Website: Priest: Rev Christopher Heaps (Parish Priest) Secretary: Catherine Ledgard Safeguarding: Francoise Le Saux, Ginika Okoye St James Location: Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3FD Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am, 12:30pm, 3rd Sun 4:30pm (Konkani - Goan), 2nd Sun 5pm (Tamil) Weekdays: Mon-Fri 12:30pm Holy Days: 12:30pm, 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 5pm-5:45pm Adoration: Fri 11:15am-12:15pm St William of York Location: Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5JT Sunday Mass: 9am School: St Joseph`s College page 131 Religious: Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus page 106 Priestly Fraternity of St Peter page 110 Sisters of Ste Marie Madeleine Postel page 107 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Bereavement Support Group, UCM, Healing Ministry group. Parishes Parishes 88 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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READING (Reading Pastoral Area) ST JOHN FISHER (FSSP - Priestly Fraternity of St Peter) T: 0118 966 5284 E: Address: St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5RU Website: Facebook: fssp.england/ Priest: Rev Seth Phipps FSSP St William of York Location: Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5JT Sunday Mass: 11am (Latin, Sung) Weekdays: Mon, Wed 12noon (Latin), Tue 7am (Latin), Thu 10am (Latin), Fri 7:30pm (Latin, 7pm followed by 1st Friday Devotions on First Fridays), Sat 8am (Latin) Holy Days: 10am (Latin), 7pm (Latin, Sung) Reconciliation: Weekdays: 20 minutes before Mass, and Sundays: during or after Mass Holy Hour: 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm (Normally on 1st Fridays) General: Disabled access, Loop system for the hard of hearing. *All Masses celebrated according to the Missale Romanum 1962. READING (Reading Pastoral Area) ST JOSEPH T: 0118 942 8632 E: Address: St Joseph`s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Reading, Berkshire RG31 5JJ Website: Facebook: atstjosephstilehurst Priests: Rev Christopher Heaps (Parish Priest) , Rev Jude Mbonu (Priest in Charge) Secretary: Sheila Jones Safeguarding: Ruth Brandon, Miriam Fernandes St Joseph Location: Berkshire Drive, Reading, Berkshire RG31 5JJ Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 8:30am, 10:30am , 2nd &, 4th Sun 5:30pm (Malayalam, Syro-Malabar Rite) Weekdays: Mon-Wed 10:30am , Thu 9:30am (Bi-weekly), Sat 5pm Holy Days: 10:30am , 7pm Reconciliation: Mon-Wed 11am-11:30am Adoration: Sat 9am-10am Rosary: Sat 9am-10am School: St Paul`s Primary School page 130 General: Groups active in the parish: Finance Committee, Co-ordinating Team, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians / Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, SVP, Youth, Toddlers. RINGWOOD (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 01425 653131 E: Address: Joint Parish Office, 15 Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EG Website: Facebook: Ringwood &, Fordingbridge Catholic Community Priest: Rev Mgr Canon Paul Townsend (Parish Priest) Jnt Parishes Admin: Melissa Hildreth Safeguarding: Helen Thomas Sacred Heart and St Therese of Lisieux Location: The Close, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1LA Website: Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Wed, Fri 10am Reconciliation: Sat 12noon Adoration: 4th Wed 10:30am Hospital: St Leonard`s Community Hospital page 116 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Joint Finance and Property Committee with Fordingbridge. Parishes Parishes 89 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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ROMSEY see St Swithun Wells page 95 RYDE (Isle of Wight Pastoral Area) T: 01983 812127 E: Address: Presentation House, 55 High Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 2RE Website: Priest: Rev Steven Restori (Parish Priest) Parish Admin: Ron Stanbrook Safeguarding: Dee Becker Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary Location: 55 High Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 2RE Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 12noon Holy Days: 12noon, 6pm (Vigil) Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm-6pm (or by appointment) Adoration: Fri 11am-12noon (Exposition) St Michael Location: Walls Road, Bembridge, Isle of Wight PO35 5RA Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Tue 10am Holy Days: 10am School: St Mary`s Primary School page 127 Religious: Benedictine Nuns (Solesmes) page 105 Benedictines page 108 General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Visiting Group, Legion of Mary, Catenians, KSC, SVP. SANDHURST see Crowthorne and Sandhurst page 69 SANDOWN see South Wight page 90 SHANKLIN see South Wight page 90 SOUTH WIGHT (Isle of Wight Pastoral Area) T: 01983 867610 E: Address: Presbytery, 7 Atherley Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight PO37 7AT Website: Priests: Rev Steven Restori (resident at Presentation House, Ryde, Parish Priest) , Rev Stephen Vooght (Priest in Charge) Safeguarding: Shania Steele Sacred Heart Location: Atherley Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight PO37 7AT Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue 12noon , Fri 12noon (changes to 6pm on 1st Fri of month), 1st Sat 11am Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Weekdays before Mass with Eucharistic Adoration. Weekends on request Adoration: Tue, Fri 11am-12noon (Eucharistic Adoration with Confession and Rosary) St Patrick Location: Beachfield Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 8NE Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Thu 11am Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Weekdays before Mass with Eucharistic Adoration. Weekends on request Adoration: Thu 10am-11am (Eucharistic Adoration with Confession and Rosary) Parishes Parishes 90 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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Our Lady and St Wiifrid Location: Trinity Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1NL Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm Weekdays: Wed 11am Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Weekdays before Mass with Eucharistic Adoration. Weekends on request Adoration: Wed 10am-11am (Eucharistic Adoration with Confession and Rosary) School: St Francis Catholic &, Church of England Primary School page 124 Religious: La Sainte Union page 106 General: Groups active in the parish: Healing Ministry group, Rosary Group, Eucharistic Adoration, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Catenians, SVP. SOUTHAMPTON (Southampton East Pastoral Area) CHRIST THE KING AND ST COLMAN T: 02380 449088 E: Address: Parishes Office, 2 Dean Road, Bitterne, Hampshire SO18 6AP Website: Priest: Rev Elijah Nde (Parish Priest) Administrator: Josie Keogh Christ the King and St Colman Location: Bitterne Road East, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 6AP Sunday Mass: 11am, 6pm (Polish) Holy Days: 7:30pm Religious: Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd page 107 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Healing Ministry group, Catenians. SOUTHAMPTON (Southampton Central Pastoral Area) HOLY FAMILY T: 02380 778203 E: Address: The Presbytery, Redbridge Hill, Millbrook, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 4PL Website: Facebook: HFSoton Instagram: HFSoton X (Twitter): at HFSoton Priest: Rev Benjamin Theobald (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Tom Jose Parish Secretary: Amanda Wood Parish Admin: Catherine Merrifield Safeguarding: Catherine Merrifield Holy Family Location: Redbridge Hill, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 4PL Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9am (Latin), 10:30am, 1pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon 7:30pm, Tue, Fri, Sat 9:15am, Thu 7:30pm (Latin) Holy Days: 7:30pm Reconciliation: Mon, Thu 7pm, Tue, Fri 8:45am, Sat 5:30pm Adoration: Thu 8pm to Sat 6pm Rosary: Sun 4pm (with Vespers and Benediction) School: Holy Family Primary School page 129 Hospital: Western Community Hospital page 119 General: Groups active in the parish: Mother`s Prayer Group, Catholic Mothers, Youth Group, Men`s Group, Catholic Grandparents, Friday Lunch Social Parishes Parishes 91 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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SOUTHAMPTON (Southampton Central Pastoral Area) ST BONIFACE T: 02380 773640 E: Address: St Boniface House, 413 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3JD Website: Facebook: stbonifacesouthampton Priests: Rev Thomas Kleinschmidt OMV (Parish Priest) , Rev Jufel (Alex) Quilaton Balbado OMV, Rev Godwin Swam Kambai OMV Secretary: Margaretta Livingstone Safeguarding: Diana Agacy, Angela Braga St Boniface Location: 413 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3JD Tel: 02380 770277 E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9am, 11am, 5:30pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 10am Holy Days: 10am, 7pm Reconciliation: Sun 8:30am-9am, Sun 10:30am-11am, Sun 5pm-5:30pm, Sat 10:30am-11:30am, Sat 6pm-6:30pm Adoration: Fri, Sat 10:30am-11:30am Benediction: Fri, Sat 11:25am Rosary: Fri, Sat 10:30am Religious: Oblates of the Virgin Mary page 110 Hospitals: Southampton General Hospital Chaplaincy page 119 Spire Southampton Hospital page 119 General: Groups active in the parish: First Holy Communion and Confirmation Team, Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Brownies, Rainbows, Toddlers Group, Stewards, Cleaners, Flower Arrangers, SVP, toddlers group, Faith Formation, RCIA. SOUTHAMPTON (Southampton Central Pastoral Area) ST JOSEPH AND ST EDMUND T: 02380 333589 E: Address: St Edmund`s Lodge, The Avenue, Southampton SO17 1XJ Website: Facebook: SotonCatholicsCityCentre/ Instagram: southamptoncitycentrecatholics X (Twitter): at SotonCatholics Priests: Rev Canon Michael Dennehy (resident at St Edmund, Southampton, Parish Priest) , Rev David Bateman (resident at St Edmund, Southampton) Deacon: Rev Andrew Philpott Secretary: Joy Elliott Prop &, Finance: Anna Smyllie Safeguarding: Anna Smyllie Catholic Home Care: Marina Joyce St Edmund`s Location: The Avenue, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1XJ Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm (Polish), 9am, 11am , 7pm Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 7pm, Tue 10am, Sat 1am As announced Holy Days: 7am, 7pm Reconciliation: Mon, Wed, Fri 6:40pm-7pm, Sat 11:30am-12noon As announced Adoration: Mon, Wed 5pm-7pm, Tue 10:45am-8pm, Thu 10am-5pm, Fri 2pm-7pm Times vary when Adorers away Rosary: Tue 10:30am-11am (Following the Mass), Last Fri 7:30pm-8pm (Following the Mass), Sat 11:30am-12noon (Following the Mass) As announced General: Open during the week and weekend every day Parishes Parishes 92 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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St Joseph`s Location: Bugle Street, Southampton, Hampshire SO14 2AH Sunday Mass: Sat 6:15pm, 10am Weekdays: Wed-Fri 7pm (Polish), Thu 12:15pm As announced Holy Days: 12:15pm Reconciliation: Wed-Fri 6:30pm-7pm (Polish), Thu 11:45am-12:10pm, Sat 5:45pm-6:10pm As announced Adoration: Wed-Fri 6:15pm-7pm (Polish) As announced General: Closed outside of Mass times. Schools: Springhill Catholic Primary School page 124 St Anne`s Secondary School page 124 Religious: Verbum Dei page 107 Seafarers: Southern Ports - Stella Maris (formerly Apostleship of the Sea) SOUTHAMPTON (Southampton East Pastoral Area) ST PATRICK T: 02380 448671 E: Address: St Patrick`s House, 45 Portsmouth Road, Woolston, Southampton SO19 9BD Website: Facebook: annunciationandstpatricks Priest: Rev Ross Bullock (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Peter Silsbury Finance &, Hall Mgr: Marion Jarrett Safeguarding: Maria Ashe, Mark Baker St Patrick Location: 45 Portsmouth Road, Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire SO19 9BD Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am Weekdays: Wed 9:30am , Fri 7pm As announced Holy Days: 9:30am As announced Reconciliation: Sat 5pm-5:40pm Adoration: Wed 10am-11am Rosary: Mon 1:30pm-2pm School: St Patrick`s Catholic Primary School page 129 General: Groups active in the parish: Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Welcome Group, Apostleship of the Sea, St. Patrick`s School, friendship group, Journey of Faith group. SOUTHAMPTON (Southampton Central Pastoral Area) ST VINCENT DE PAUL T: 07512 402607 E: Address: Presbytery, Aldermoor Close, Off Coxford Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 5ST Website: Priest: Rev Thomas Parakandathil (Parish Priest) Parish Admin: Margaretta Livingstone Safeguarding: Liz Challand, Tracey Humphreys St Vincent de Paul Location: Aldermoor Close, Off Coxford Road, Lordswood, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 5ST Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9:30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed 6:30pm, Tue, Thu 10am Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: Sat 6pm-6:30pm Adoration: 3rd Fri 9pm-5am (Night Vigil) Rosary: Before weekday Holy Mass General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Eucharistic Adoration, Welcome Group, Musicians/Choir, Stewards &, Cleaners. Parishes Parishes 93 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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SOUTHBOURNE (Bournemouth South Pastoral Area) T: 01202 424960 E: Address: Presbytery, 18 Douglas Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 3ER Website: Priests: Rev Kevin Hoiles (Parish Priest) , Rev Phillip Harris (In residence) Administrator: Robert Warr Safeguarding: Mary Basing Our Lady Queen of Peace Location: Douglas Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 3ER Sunday Mass: 9:30am , 11am Weekdays: Wed 9:30am (Confessions after Mass and Adoration), Fri 9:30am (Confessions after Mass) Reconciliation: Wed, Fri 10am Adoration: Wed 10am Rosary: Fri 10am General: Confessions also by appointment School: St Peter`s School page 125 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, CWL, KSC, Friendship Club, Cafod, Foodbank ST PETER &, THE WINCHESTER MARTYRS (Winchester Martyrs (Hampshire Downs) Pastoral Area) T: 01962 852804 E: Address: Pastoral Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8RY Website: Facebook: St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs Instagram: Catholic Winchester Priests: Rev Mark Hogan (Parish Priest) , Rev Benedict Ndikum Deacons: Rev Tony Darlison, Rev Martin McElroy Finance &, Property: Awaiting Appointment Safeguarding: Michaela Waterfield (Also responsible for Administration) Evangelisation: Allegra Mutanda Pastoral Worker: Joanna Donaldson (Youth Ministry) , Jonathan Stephens (Evangelisation) , Rosanne Walker (Baptism and First Holy Communion) Caretaker: Richard Phiri Facilities: Sean Reidy Housekeeper: Sarah Culhane Music Team Leader: Alastair Ross Sacristan: Laurie Howe St Margaret of Scotland Location: Tichborne Park, Alresford, Hampshire SO29 0PN Sunday Mass: Occasional services are held here. Please contact the parish office for more details. St Peter`s Church Location: Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8RY Sunday Mass: Sat 5:30pm , 8am , 10:30am , 5:30pm See Parish newsletter or website Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Fri 12:15pm , Wed, Thu 10am , Sat 9am Please check parish newsletter for changes Holy Days: 7am , 12:15pm , 7pm See Parish Newsletter or webste Reconciliation: Sat 9:30am-10:30am, Sat 4:30pm-5pm Holy Hour: Mon-Fri 8am-9am (Please check newsletter each week for changes) St Gregory the Great Location: 1 Grange Road, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 9HB Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 10am See Parish Newsletter or website for changes St Thomas More Location: High Street, Stockbridge, Hampshire SO20 6HD Sunday Mass: 9am Parishes Parishes 94 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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St Stephen Location: Oliver`s Battery Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4JB Sunday Mass: 9:15am See Parish Newsletter or Website Holy Days: Term Time only 9:20am (School Mass) School: St Peter`s Primary School page 127 Religious: The Grail Community page 107 Hospital: Royal Hampshire County Hospital page 120 University: University of Winchester page 122 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Alpha, Acorn groups, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, CWL, Catenians, SVP Journey in Faith, Covenant with the Poor (CWP). ST SWITHUN WELLS (St Swithun Wells Pastoral Area) T: 02380 273882 E: Address: Parish Office, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9DF Website: Priests: Rev Raffaele Cossa FSCB (Parish Priest) , Rev Bruce Barnes (resident at Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Bishop`s Waltham, Assistant Priest) , Rev Luca Speziale FSCB (Assistant Priest &, Local Superior) , Rev Mario Toma FSCB (Assistant Priest) Deacons: Rev Bob Birtles (Fair Oak) , Rev John Di Meo (Romsey &, North Baddesley) , Rev Paul Owen (Chandlers Ford and Eastleigh) , Rev Matteo Pagani FSCB, Rev Paul Wilson Parish Secretary: Sarah Goodfellow Finance Officer: Fiona Mooney Safeguarding: Joan Leith (Holy Cross and St Swithun Wells church) , Pascale Li Voon Chong (St Edward`s) , Roger Lillie (St Joseph`s and St Andrew`s) , Fiona Mooney (St Edward`s) , Tennyson Scaria (St Joseph`s and St Andrew`s) Holy Cross Location: 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 9DF Sunday Mass: 8:30am (Polish), 11am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Thu, Sat 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am Reconciliation: Sat 10am Adoration: Wed 10am-11am Our Lady Queen of Apostles Location: Martin Street, Bishop`s Waltham, Hampshire SO32 1DN Tel: 01489 890947 Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9:30am Weekdays: Wed, Fri 9:30am, Thu 12noon Reconciliation: Sat 10am or by appointment St Andrew Location: Fleming Avenue, North Baddesley, Hampshire SO52 9EP Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Tue 10am Holy Days: 7pm Reconciliation: Sun 8:30am-9am, Tue 9:30am-10am St Edward the Confessor Location: 191 Winchester Road, Chandler`s Ford, Hampshire SO53 2DU Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9am Weekdays: Tue 6pm, Wed, Fri 10am Holy Days: 7pm Reconciliation: Sun 8:30am-9am, Tue 6:30pm-7:30pm Adoration: Tue 6:30pm-7:30pm St Joseph Location: Abbey House Drive, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8YB Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am Weekdays: Thu 6pm, Fri 10am Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm-6pm Adoration: Thu 5pm-6pm Parishes Parishes 95 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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St Swithun Wells Location: Allington Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire SO50 7DB Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm School: St Swithun Wells Primary School page 127 Religious: Daughters of Wisdom page 105 Hospitals: Romsey Hospital page 118 Wessex Nuffield Hospital page 115 Pastoral Centre: Wisdom Centre General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Prayer Group, Catenians, KSC, Communion &, Liberation, Fellowship Group, Growing In Faith Together Group, RCIA Group, CAFOD Groups, Women`s Group, Toddler Group, Children &, Youth Groups, Youth Club &, Camp, Children`s Liturgy, Cultural Group, Afternoon Club, CAFE group, Welcome Group, Ark of Fellowship (Disability Group), Good Companions Group STOCKBRIDGE see St Peter &, The Winchester Martyrs page 94 STUBBINGTON AND LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT (Solent Pastoral Area) T: 01329 664260 E: Address: The Presbytery, Bells Lane, Stubbington, Hampshire PO14 2PL Website: Priest: Rev Francis Sasinowski (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Andrew Collins Administrator: Marjorie Cumpsty Safeguarding: Christine Hunter ( St John the Evangelist Location: South Place, Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire PO13 9AS Sunday Mass: 8am Weekdays: Mon, Thu 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am Reconciliation: Mon, Thu 9:30am (After Mass) Immaculate Conception Location: Bells Lane, Stubbington, Hampshire PO14 2PL Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10am Weekdays: Tue 7pm, Wed, Fri 9:30am Holy Days: Eve 7:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 5pm General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Prayer Group, Eucharistic Adoration, First Holy Communion Catechesis TADLEY (Basingstoke Pastoral Area) T: 0118 981 4572 E: Address: St Michael`s Presbytery, Bishopswood Road, Tadley, Hampshire RG26 4HG Website: Priest: Rev Patrick Tansey (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Dan Wisniewski Safeguarding: Christine Caren (Tadley) , Ellen Goodall (Burghfield Common) St Michael Location: Bishopswood Road, Tadley, Hampshire RG26 4HG Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: 7pm Reconciliation: Reconciliation available as announced or on request Adoration: As announced General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Children`s Liturgy Group, Cell Groups, Mothers` Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, KSC, Missio, Bamenda, Gardening Group. Parishes Parishes 96 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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St Oswald Location: Abbey Park, Clay Hill, Burghfield Common, Berkshire RG7 3HQ Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: 11am Reconciliation: Reconciliation available as announced or on request General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, SVP, Missio, Gardening Group. THATCHAM (Newbury Pastoral Area) T: 01635 864416 E: Address: 7 Bath Road, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 3AG Facebook: olthatcham Priest: Rev Kevin O`Brien (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Mary Cruickshank Our Lady of the Assumption Location: 7 Bath Road, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 3AG Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10am Reconciliation: Sat 5:15pm School: St Finian`s Primary School page 129 General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Welcome Group, Knit and Natter. TILEHURST see Reading, St Joseph page 89 TOTLAND BAY (Isle of Wight Pastoral Area) T: 01983 522027 E: Address: Presbytery, Weston Lane, Totland, Isle of Wight PO39 0HE Website: Facebook: atstsaviourtotland Priests: Rev Steven Restori (resident at Presentation House, Ryde, Parish Priest) , Rev Mohanraj Edward (Priest in Charge) Deacon: Rev Gary May Secretary: Begonia Tarrago Safeguarding: Vince Grant St Saviour Location: Weston Lane, Totland, Isle of Wight PO39 0HE Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm Weekdays: Thu 11am Reconciliation: Thu 10:30am (or by appointment), Sat 5:30pm Adoration: Thu 10am School: St Saviour`s Catholic Primary School page 127 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, UCM, Catenian, SVP, Bereavement Support Group, Prayer Group Parishes Parishes 97 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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TOTTON (Southampton Central Pastoral Area) T: 02380 862270 E: Address: Presbytery, 20 Beaumont Road, Totton, Hampshire SO40 3AL Website: Priest: Rev Henry Nkop MSP (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Steven Bowler Administration: Steve Bowler Safeguarding: Linda Szymanski St Theresa of the Child Jesus Location: Commercial Road, Totton, Hampshire SO40 3AL Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10:30am Weekdays: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:30am, Thu 6pm Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation: Sat 5:20pm-5:50pm Adoration: Thu 5pm-6pm Benediction: Thu 5pm-6pm Religious: Missionaries of the Company of Mary page 109 Hospital: Tatchbury Mount Hospital page 119 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, SVP. TWYFORD (Maidenhead Pastoral Area) T: 0118 934 0854 E: Address: Presbytery, 105 London Road, Twyford, Berkshire RG10 9EL Website: Priests: Rev Liam Cummins MHM (resident at St Joseph`s Presbytery, Maidenhead, Parish Priest) , Rev Anthony Glaysher (Priest in Charge) Deacons: Rev Michael Jackson, Rev Peter Kelly Safeguarding: Miranda Parker, Clare Williamson Pastoral Assistant: Jane Kelly St Thomas More Location: London Road, Twyford, Berkshire RG10 9EL Tel: 0118 934 0223 E-mail: Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm (No Vigil on Holy Days), 9am, 10:30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed-Fri 10am Holy Days: Eve 7:30pm Reconciliation: Fri 10:30am Adoration: Fri 9:30am Rosary: Fri 9:40am (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) Our Lady of Peace Location: Baybrook Road, Off Henley Road, Wargrave, Berkshire RG10 8DT Sunday Mass: 0am (closed awaiting repair) Chapel of Christ the Redeemer Location: Culham Court, Middle Culham Lane, Aston, Henley-on-Thames, Berkshire RG9 3DY Tel: 01491 412100 E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: Mass is normally celebrated on the last Sunday of the month and on Holydays of Obligation. Please visit the chapel website for current times: Hospital: St John`s Retirement Home (Diocesan Facility) page 118 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies,Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, KSC, SVP, Ladies Group VENTNOR see South Wight page 90 Parishes Parishes 98 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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WALLINGFORD (Oxfordshire Pastoral Area) T: 01235 812338 E: Address: Presbytery, 15 Manor Crescent, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7AJ Website: Facebook: Priest: Rev Dominic Adeiza (Parish Priest) Safeguarding: Stefania Harford St John the Evangelist Location: Market Place, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 0EJ Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue 12noon, Thu 9:30am, Sat 5pm (Vigil Mass) Reconciliation: Sat 4:30pm Adoration: Sat 4:30pm Rosary: Tue 11:30am General: We expose the Blessed Sacrament for 45 minutes before the Holy Mass: Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Welcome Group, SVP, Regular Coffee Morning for charity fundraising, Children`s Liturgy WANTAGE AND LAMBOURN (Oxfordshire Pastoral Area) T: 01235 762374 E: Address: Marian House, Charlton Road, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 8ER Website: Priest: Rev David O`Sullivan (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Sharon Dawson Safeguarding: Barbara Jarrett St John Vianney Location: Charlton Road, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 8ER Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm , 9am Weekdays: Tue-Sat 10am Holy Days: 10am (See Newsletter), 7pm (See newsletter) As announced Reconciliation: Sat 10:30am-11am (Or by appointment) Adoration: Wed 7pm (Eucharistic Adoration) Rosary: Fri 10:30am (After Mass) Sacred Heart Church Location: Baydon Road, Lambourn, Berkshire RG17 8NU Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Wed 12noon Reconciliation: Sun 10:30am (By appointment) General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, SVP WASH COMMON &, HUNGERFORD (Newbury Pastoral Area) T: 01635 40332 E: Address: Presbytery, Warren Lodge, Warren Road, Wash Common, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 6NH Website: Priest: Rev Zbigniew Budyn (Parish Priest) Parish Secretary: Yvonne Eaton Safeguarding: Maureen Hudd (Wash Common) , Jemma Polland (Wash Common) , Elizabeth Wilmott (Hungerford) St Francis de Sales Location: Warren Lodge Warren Road, Wash Common, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 6NH Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am Weekdays: Tue 7pm, Thu 9:30am Reconciliation: Tue 6pm-7pm, Thu 10am-10:30am As announced Adoration: Tue 6pm-7pm, Thu 10am-10:30am Rosary: Tue 6:15pm-6:35pm, Thu 10am-10:20am Parishes Parishes 99 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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Our Lady of Lourdes Location: Priory Road, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0AF Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Wed 10am Reconciliation: Wed 9:30am-10am Adoration: Wed 9:30am-10am Rosary: Wed 9:30am-10am General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Prayer Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Evangelisation Team,, Catenians, SVP, Bereavement. WATERLOOVILLE (Havant Pastoral Area) T: 02392 262289 E: Address: The Presbytery, 356a London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7SR Website: Priests: Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy Garratt (Parish Priest) , Rev James Lewis Admin Lead: Susan Siou Housekeeping: Lisa Wingrove-Cross Parish Centre: Bookings - Nina McCormack 023 9226 9348 The Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle Location: 356 London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7SR Sunday Mass: Sat 6:15pm, 10:30am, 6:30pm Weekdays: Please see newsletter Holy Days: Please see newsletter Reconciliation: Sat 5:30pm Adoration: Please see newsletter Schools: Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College page 124 St Peter`s Primary School page 127 Religious: Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd page 107 Hospital: The Rowans Hospice page 119 General: Groups active in the parish: Evangelisation Team, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, UCM, Catenian, Our own Parish Support Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group. WATERSIDE (New Forest Pastoral Area) T: 02380 891866 E: Address: St Bernard`s Presbytery, 20A Southbourne Avenue, Holbury, Hampshire SO45 2NT Website: Priest: Rev Innaiah Maddineni (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Ian Tobin Safeguarding: Helen Kitson, Polly Read St Bernard Location: The Presbytery, 20A Southbourne Avenue, Holbury, Hampshire SO45 2NT Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Mon 9am, Wed 9am (With Eucharistic Adoration after) As announced St Michael Location: 6 Langdown Lawn, Hythe, Hampshire SO45 5GR Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue, Thu, Sat 9am As announced Hospital: Hythe Hospital page 117 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Grandparents` Group Parishes Parishes 100 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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WESTBOURNE (Bournemouth West Pastoral Area) T: 01202 764027 E: Address: Presbytery, 32 Alum Chine Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH4 8DX Website: Priest: Rev Leslie Adams (Parish Priest) Parish Admin: Peter Murdock-Saint Safeguarding: Edward Adamson, Dee Owen ( Our Lady Immaculate Location: Seamoor Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH4 9AE Tel: 01202 760640 Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am Weekdays: Tue-Fri 10am See Parish website for updates Holy Days: 10am Reconciliation: After Mass or by appointment Adoration: See Parish website WHITCHURCH see Andover page 63 WINCHESTER see St Peter &, The Winchester Martyrs page 94 WINDSOR (Windsor and Ascot Pastoral Area) T: 01753 865163 E: Address: Presbytery, 44 Alma Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3HJ Website: Priest: Rev Canon David Hopgood (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev George Young Parish Secretary: Patricia Brown ( Finance Mgr: Richard Flisher ( Safeguarding: Patricia Burke ( Pastoral Assistant: Teresina Fingleton Youth Minister: Sharon Cole-Blows ( St Edward Location: 44 Alma Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3HJ Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm , 11am Weekdays: Mon 10am (Eucharistic Service), Tue 6:30pm , Wed 10am , Fri 12noon As announced Holy Days: 12noon , 6:30pm Reconciliation: Tue 6pm-6:30pm, Sat 11am-12noon, Sat 5:30pm-6pm Adoration: Fri 10am-4pm Holy Hour: 2nd Sun 3pm-4pm Rosary: Fri 12:30pm St Mark Location: Dedworth Road, Dedworth, Berkshire SL4 4JS Sunday Mass: 9:30am Weekdays: Thu 10am Schools: St Edward`s First School page 130 St Edward`s Royal Free Ecumenical Middle School page 130 Religious: Sisters of St Brigid page 107 Hospital: BMI - The Princess Margaret Hospital page 120 General: Groups active in the parish: Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Hospitality Group, Bereavement Support Group, UCM, Catenians, SVP, Alpha, Keeping in Touch, R.C.I.A., Mens` Group, Mothers` Prayers Group, Mass Reading Explained, Youth Groups. Parishes Parishes 101 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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WOKINGHAM (South Berkshire Pastoral Area) T: 0118 978 0348 E: Address: Presbytery, 60 Sturges Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2HE Website: Priest: Rev Canon Simon Thomson (Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Benignus Ndubuisi Parish Admin: Hannah Procter Parish Bookeeper: Susan Nind Safeguarding: Claire Hughes, Jordanna Onegi Corpus Christi Location: 60 Sturges Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2HE Sunday Mass: Sat 5:30pm , 9am , 11am Weekdays: Tue 7pm, Wed-Fri 9:30am Holy Days: Please see Parish Newsletter Reconciliation: Sat 5pm-5:20pm Rosary: Fri 10am (After 9.30am Mass) School: St Teresa`s Primary School page 125 Religious: Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of Our Lady page 106 Hospital: Wokingham Hospital page 120 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Musicians/Choir, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Eucharistic Adoration, Prayer Group, UCM, Catenians, SVP. WOODLEY (Reading Pastoral Area) T: 0118 969 3423 E: Address: 56 Western Avenue, Woodley, Berkshire RG5 3BH Website: Priest: Rev Leo Odomeja (Parish Priest) Parish Admin: Deborah Gibson St John Bosco Location: Western Avenue, Woodley, Berkshire RG5 3BH Sunday Mass: 10am Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri 10am, Sat 6:30pm Reconciliation: Mon-Wed, Fri 10:30am, Sat 5:45pm Adoration: Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am School: St Dominic Savio Primary School page 130 General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Welcome Group, Bereavement Support Group, Catenians, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Hospitality Group, Guild of St. Stephen. WOOLHAMPTON (Newbury Pastoral Area) (OSB - English Benedictines) T: 0118 971 5350 E: Address: Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ Website: Priest: Rev Dom Alban Hood OSB (Parish Priest) Parish Admin: Kathryn Garden Safeguarding: Kate Burke Douai Abbey Location: Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ Tel: 0118 971 5300 E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: 10:30am Weekdays: Mon-Sat 7:45am Reconciliation: On request Our Lady and St Bernadette Location: Our Lady &, St Bernadette, Horseshoe Road, Pangbourne, Berkshire RG8 7JL Sunday Mass: 9:45am Reconciliation: Sun 9am-9:30am Parishes Parishes 102 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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St Luke Location: Englefield Road, Theale, Berkshire RG7 5AS Sunday Mass: Sat 5:30pm Reconciliation: Sat 4:45pm-5:15pm Rosary: Sat 5pm-5:25pm In October and May As announced St Mary Location: Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ Religious: Benedictines page 108 General: Groups active in the parish: Pastoral Council, Livestreaming of Liturgies, Musicians/Choir, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Group, Welcome Group, Hospitality Group, Care Outreach. WOOLSTON see Southampton, St Patrick page 93 YATELEY AND HARTLEY WINTNEY (Northeast Hampshire Pastoral Area) T: 01252 872732 E: Address: St Swithun`s Presbytery, Firgrove Road, Yateley, Hampshire GU46 6NH Website: Priest: Rev Wojciech Paszko (Parish Priest) Secretary: Carole Williams Safeguarding: Sue Round St Swithun Location: Firgrove Road, Yateley, Hampshire GU46 6NH Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 10:45am Weekdays: Tue 7pm, Wed-Fri 9:30am Adoration: Wed 10am-12noon General: Groups active in the parish: Musicians/Choir, Prayer Group, UCM, Mothers Prayer St Thomas More Location: Mildmay Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Hartley Wintney, Hampshire RG27 8PN E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: 8:45am * Some of the celebrations of Mass in Latin may be celebrated, with the permission of the Bishop, according to the 1962 Roman Missal. Please check locally. Parishes 103 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Streamed Online

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Religious Communities Women Benedictine Nuns (Solesmes) Ryde - St Cecilia`s Abbey Tel: 01983 562602 Appley Rise, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1LH E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: 10:00am (Latin, Gregorian Chant) Weekdays: Mon-Sat 9:30am (Latin, Gregorian Chant) Holy Days: 10:00am (Latin, Gregorian Chant) Adoration: Sun 5:30pm-6:30pm (In silence for an hour after Vespers (5pm) most Sundays) Comunidade Cristo de Betania Jersey - Comunidade Cristo de Betania Tel: 01534 722970 St Mary and St Peter, Wellington Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4LE E-mail: Sunday Mass: 9:00am (Polish) Daughters of Wisdom Romsey - Provincial Administration Tel: 017 9483 0206 Wisdom House, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8EL E-mail: Website: Romsey - Daughters of Wisdom (Abbey House Community) Tel: 01794 835850 Abbey House, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8YB E-mail: Romsey - Marie Louise Community (Care Home) Newton Lane, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8GZ E-mail: Romsey - Sophia Community Tel: 01794 516129 10 The Abbey, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8EL E-mail: Romsey - Delegation Leadership House Tel: 01794 521128 14 The Abbey, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8EL Dominican Sisters of Malta Hook - Dominican Sisters of Malta Tel: 01256 762394 Maryfield Convent, London Road, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9LA E-mail: Sr Mary-Anne Cardona (Superior) Religious 105

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Dominican Sisters of St Joseph Lymington - Dominican Sisters of St Joseph Tel: 01590 681874 St Dominic`s Priory, Shirley Holms Road, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 8NH E-mail: Website: Sr Julie Marsh-Collis (Superior and Safeguarding) Sunday Mass: 11:00am Weekdays: Mon-Sat 12:15pm (Phone to confirm timing) Holy Days: 12:15pm (Phone to confirm timing) Adoration: Sun 7:30pm-8:20pm , Mon-Sat 8:15pm-9:00pm Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of Our Lady Wokingham - Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of Our Lady Tel: 0118 989 3822 7 Sturges Court, 70 Sturges Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2HB E-mail: Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood Southsea - Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood Tel: 02392 960376 Emmaus Convent, 28 Havelock Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO5 1RU E-mail: Sr Yvonne Edwards (Superior) Franciscan Sisters of Saint Mary of the Angels Wickham - Franciscan Sisters of Saint Mary of the Angels Tel: 01329 833043 Park Place Pastoral Centre, Winchester Rd, Wickham PO17 5HA E-mail: Website: Sr Evelyn Cardoz (Superior) Sunday Mass: 9:00am Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus Reading - Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus Tel: 0118 966 1985 46 Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5JP E-mail: Sr Veronica Uchegbu (Superior) La Sainte Union Isle of Wight - La Sainte Union Tel: 01983 506127 3 Napoleons Landing, The Esplanade, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 8JS E-mail: Religious of Christian Education Farnborough - Religious of Christian Education Tel: 01252 371094 2 Woodland Crescent, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 8BF Religious Teacher Fillippini Alton - Religious Teacher Fillippini Tel: 01420 563562 St Lucy`s Convent, Medstead Manor, Alton, Hampshire GU34 5LL Sr Barbara (Superior) Sisters of Mercy Guernsey - Sisters of Mercy Tel: 01481 720729 Cordier Hill, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1JH E-mail: Religious Religious Communities 106

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Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Ascot - Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Tel: 01344 626622 Fairlight, The Avenue, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7LY E-mail: Sr Anne Josephine Carr (Provincial) Southampton - Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Tel: 02380 463535 Redcote Convent, Redcote Close, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 5SU E-mail: Maria Vicente (Manager) Waterlooville - Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Tel: 02392 251661 9 Laurel Court, 350 London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7SR Sisters of Our Lady of Providence Alton - Sisters of Our Lady of Providence Tel: 01420 541545 Anstey Lane, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2NG E-mail: Sr Helen Samuel (Superior) Sisters of St Brigid Windsor - Sisters of St Brigid Tel: 01753 859529 48 Springfield Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3PQ E-mail: Sisters of Ste Marie Madeleine Postel Reading - Sisters of Ste Marie Madeleine Postel Tel: 0118 926 8943 St Joseph`s Convent, 64 Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5JT E-mail: The Grail Community Winchester - The Grail Community Tel: 01962 859870 The Hermitage, Cheriton Road, Winchester SO22 5HW E-mail: Moira Leigh (Community Coordinator) Verbum Dei Isle of Wight - Verbum Dei Retreat Centre Tel: 01983 529554 Rosary Cottage, Nunnery Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1YR E-mail: Website: Southampton - Verbum Dei Community Tel: 02380 583750 33 Elmsleigh Gardens, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 3GE E-mail: Website: Sr Emiliana Silva (Superior) Religious Religious Communities 107

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Men Benedictines Farnborough - Benedictines (Subiaco Cassinese Congregation) Tel: 01252 546105 St Michael`s Abbey, 280 Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7NQ E-mail: Website: Rt Rev Dom Cuthbert Brogan OSB (Abbot) Sunday Mass: 9:00am Founded 1895 Reading - Benedictines (English Congregation) Tel: 0118 971 5300 Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Berkshire RG7 5TQ E-mail: Website: Rt Rev Dom Paul Gunter OSB (Abbot) Sunday Mass: 10:30am Weekdays: Mon-Sat 7:45am Confessions: On request Douai Abbey is the home of a community of monks who lead the Benedictine way of life and reach out to the world through their hospitality and pastoral ministry. Ryde - Benedictines - (Solesmes Congregation) Tel: 01983 882420 St Mary`s Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ES E-mail: Website: Rt Rev Dom Xavier Perrin OSB (Abbot) Sunday Mass: 10:00am Holy Days: 10:00am Carmelites Reading - Carmelites 2 Wellswood Gardens, Reading RG1 5BF Rev Brendan Grady O. Carm. (Prior Provincial) Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer - Redemptorists Alton - Redemptorists Tel: 01420 80731 St Clement`s, Wolf Lane, Alton, Hampshire GU34 3HG E-mail: Website: Rev Denis McBride CSsR (Rector and Publishing Director) Sunday Mass: 0:00am Congregation of the Oratory Bournemouth - Oratorians (Bournemouth Oratory-in-Formation) Tel: 01202 411140 The Oratory House, 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 1BZ E-mail: Website: Rev Peter Edwards Cong. Orat. (Moderator) Religious Religious Communities 108

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De La Salle Brothers Kintbury - St. Cassian`s Centre Tel: 01488 608359 De La Salle Community, Rose Cottage, Wallingtons Road, Kintbury, Hungerford RG17 9SP E-mail: Website: Br Terence Kay FSC (Superior) Discalced Carmelites Oxford - Discalced Carmelites Tel: 07927 563653 Carmelite Priory, Chilswell, Boars Hill, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 5HB E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: 12:15pm Weekdays: Mon-Fri 6:00pm , 1st Mon 6:00pm (Mass of the Holy Spirit), 1st Tue 7:00pm (Healing Mass), Sat 12:15pm Family of Mary Immaculate and St Francis Portsmouth - Family of Mary Immaculate and St Francis Tel: 02392 831245 St Joseph`s Presbytery, 1 Milton Road, Copnor, Portsmouth PO3 6AN E-mail: Website: Rev Serafino M Lanzetta FMISF (Superior) Fraternity of St Charles Eastleigh - Fraternity of St Charles Tel: 02380 273882 Parish Office, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9DF E-mail: Website: Rev Luca Speziale FSCB (Superior) Jesuits Bournemouth - Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Tel: 01202 436700 Corpus Christi Jesuit Community, 757 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6AN E-mail: Rev Brian McClorry SJ (Acting Superior) Mill Hill Missionaries Maidenhead - Mill Hill Missionaries Tel: 01628 673178 6 Colby Gardens, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7GZ E-mail: Website: Rev Michael Corcoran MHM (Superior General) Missionaries of the Company of Mary Ashurst - Company of Mary (Montfort Missionaries) Tel: 02380 292337 St Joseph`s Centre, 8 Lyndhurst Road, Ashurst, Hants SO40 7DU E-mail: Rev Richard Magararu SMM (Superior) Religious Religious Communities 109

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Oblates of the Virgin Mary Southampton - Oblates of the Virgin Mary Tel: 02380 771231 St Boniface, 413 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3JD E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:30pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 10:00am Holy Days: 10:00am, 7:00pm Confessions: Sun 8:30am-9:00am, Sun 10:30am-11:00am, Sun 5:00pm-5:30pm, Sat 10:30am-11:30am, Sat 6:00pm-6:30pm Adoration: Fri-Sat 10:30am-11:30am Opus Dei Prelature Oxford - Grandpont House Tel: 01865 244150 Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4LD E-mail: Website: Rev Joseph Evans (Chaplain) Priestly Fraternity of St Peter Reading - Priestly Fraternity of Peter Tel: 0118 966 5284 St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5RU E-mail: Website: Salesians Farnborough - Salesians of Don Bosco Tel: 01252 554300 St John Bosco House, 121A Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6NZ E-mail: Rev Patrick Sherlock SDB (Rector) Religious Religious Communities 110

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Chaplaincies and Institutions Hospitals Abingdon - Abingdon Hospital Served from Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon, Abingdon Phone: 01235 520375 Email: Address: Abingdon Hospital, Marcham Road, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 1AG Chaplain: Rev James McGrath Website: Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12.30pm Alderney - Mignot Hospital Served from St Anne and St Mary Magdalen, Alderney Phone: 01481 822105 Email: Chaplain: Rev Paul Dzwig Alton - Alton Community Hospital Served from St Mary, Alton Phone: 01420 82030 Email: Address: Alton Community Hospital, Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1RJ Chaplain: Rev Peter Hart Website: Andover - Andover War Memorial Hospital Address: Andover War Memorial Hospital, Charlton Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3LB Ascot - Heatherwood Hospital Served from St Francis of Assisi, Ascot Phone: 01344 620591 Email: Address: Heatherwood Hospital, London Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 8AA Chaplain: Rev Kevin Bidgood Website: Basingstoke - Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital Phone: 01256 465214 Address: Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, Aldermaston Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9NA Basingstoke - North West Hampshire Hospital Served from Holy Ghost, Basingstoke Phone: 01256 465214 Email: Chaplain: Rev John Lee Website: Basingstoke - The Hampshire Clinic Address: The Hampshire Clinic, Basing Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 7AL Chaplaincies 114

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Bordon - Chase Community Hospital Served from The Sacred Heart, Bordon Phone: 01420 472415 Email: Address: Chase Community Hospital, Conde Way, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 0YZ Chaplain: Rev John Chandler Website: Office Hours: 11am - 2:30pm Mon - Fri Sunday Mass: 10:00am Weekdays: Mon, Wed 10:00am, Tue 7:00pm, Fri 12:00pm, Sat 6:00pm Holy Days: Eve 6:00pm, 10:00am Confessions: Mon, Sat 9:30am, Tue 6:00pm, Fri 11:00am, Sat 5:00pm Bournemouth - Kings Park Hospital Served from Corpus Christi, Bournemouth Phone: 01202 425286 Email: Address: Kings Park Hospital, Gloucester Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6JF Chaplain: Rev Mgr John Nelson Website: Bournemouth - Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Chaplaincy Phone: 01202 704221 Address: The Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 7DW Chaplain: Rev Darryl Jordan Pastoral Assistant: Pauline Hughes, Mia Knight Website: Weekdays: Wed 6:00pm Christchurch - Christchurch Hospital Served from Immaculate Conception and St Joseph, Christchurch Phone: 01202 483340 Email: Address: Christchurch Hospital, Fairmile Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2JX Chaplain: Rev Paul Obada Website: Office Hours: Mon-Wed 09:00-17:00 Sunday Mass: Sat 5:00pm, 9:00am Weekdays: Tue 6:30pm, Wed 10:00am Holy Days: 6:30pm Confessions: Sat 4:00pm-4:45pm Adoration: Tue 9:30am-10:30am Crowthorne - Broadmoor Hospital Served from Holy Ghost and The Immaculate Conception, Crowthorne and Sandhurst Phone: 01344 773111 Email: Address: Broadmoor Hospital, The Terrace, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 7EG Chaplain: Rev Marcus Brisley Website: Eastleigh - Wessex Nuffield Hospital Address: Wessex Nuffield Hospital, Winchester Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 2DW Ferndown - St James Hospital Chaplaincy Address: St James Hospital, Locksway Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO4 8LD Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 115

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Ferndown - St Leonard`s Community Hospital Served from The Sacred Heart and St Therese of Lisieux, Ringwood Phone: 01425 653131 Email: Address: St Leonard`s Community Hospital, 241 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Hampshire BH24 2RR Chaplain: Rev Mgr Canon Paul Townsend Website: Fleet and Church Crookham - Fleet and District Hospital Served from Our Lady and The Holy Trinity, Fleet and Church Crookham Phone: 01252 616963 Email: Address: Fleet and District Hospital, Church Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 4LZ Chaplain: Rev Johnpromise Umeozuru Website: Fordingbridge - Fordingbridge Hospital Served from Our Lady of Sorrows and St Philip Benizi, Fordingbridge Phone: 01425 653131 Email: Address: Fordingbridge Hospital, Bartons Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1JD Chaplain: Rev Mgr Canon Paul Townsend Website: Gosport - Gosport War Memorial Hospital Served from St Columba and St Mary, Gosport Phone: 0239 258 0119 Email: Address: Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Bury Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3PW Chaplain: Rev Canon John Cooke Website: Guernsey - Les Bourgs Hospice Served from Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey, Guernsey Phone: 01481 720196 Email: Address: Les Bourgs Hospice, Andrew Mitchell House, Rue du Tertre, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8SF Chaplain: Rev Canon Christopher Rutledge Website: Guernsey - Princess Elizabeth Hospital Served from Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey, Guernsey Phone: 01481 720196 Email: Address: Princess Elizabeth Hospital, Le Vauquiedor, St Andrews, Guernsey GU4 6UU Chaplain: Rev Inna Gade Website: Havant - Spire Portsmouth Hospital Served from St Joseph and St Thomas of Canterbury and St Thomas More, Havant Phone: 02392 484520 Email: Address: Spire Portsmouth Hospital, Bartons Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 5NP Chaplain: Rev JÃ,³,zef Gruszkiewicz Website: Hook - Odiham Cottage Hospital Address: Odiham Cottage Hospital, Buryfields, Hook, Hampshire RG29 1NE Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 116

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Hythe - Hythe Hospital Served from St Bernard and St Michael, Waterside Phone: 02380 891866 Email: Address: Hythe Hospital, Beaulieu Road, Hythe, Hampshire SO45 4ZB Chaplain: Rev Innaiah Maddineni Website: Jersey - Jersey General Hospital Served from Our Lady of Annunciantion, Sacred Heart, St Bernadette, St Mary and St Peter, St Matthieu, St Patrick, St Thomas, Jersey Phone: 01534 442000 Email: Address: Jersey General Hospital, Gloucester Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3QS Chaplain: Rev Jacek Malecki Website: Jersey - Jersey Hospice Care Served from Our Lady of Annunciantion, Sacred Heart, St Bernadette, St Mary and St Peter, St Matthieu, St Patrick, St Thomas, Jersey Phone: 01534 876555 Email: Address: Jersey Hospice Care, Clarkson House, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3JB Chaplain: Rev Canon Dominic Golding Website: Lymington - Lymington New Forest Hospital Served from Our Lady of Mercy and St Joseph, Lymington Phone: 01590 676696 Email: Address: Lymington New Forest Hospital, Wellworthy Road, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 8QD Chaplain: Rev David Adams Website: Lymington - Oakhaven Hospice Served from Our Lady of Mercy and St Joseph, Lymington Phone: 01590 676696 Email: Chaplain: Rev David Adams Website: Maidenhead - St Mark`s Hospital Served from St Edmund Campion, Maidenhead Phone: 01628 628274 Email: Address: St Mark`s Hospital, 112 St Marks Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 6DU Chaplain: Rev Liam Cummins MHM Website: Marchwood - Priory Hospital Served from St Bernard and St Michael, Waterside Phone: 02380 891866 Email: Address: Priory Hospital, Hythe Road, Marchwood, Hampshire SO40 4WU Chaplain: Rev Innaiah Maddineni Website: Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 117

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Newport - Isle of Wight (Earl Mountbatten) Hospice Served from St Thomas of Canterbury, Newport Phone: 01983 522027 Email: Address: Isle of Wight (Earl Mountbatten) Hospice, Halberry Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 2ER Chaplain: Rev Steven Restori Website: Newport - St Mary`s Hospital Served from St Thomas of Canterbury, Newport Phone: 01983 522027 Email: Address: St Mary`s Hospital, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5TG Chaplain: Rev Steven Restori Website: Newport - The Orchard Hospital Served from St Thomas of Canterbury, Newport Phone: 01983 522027 Email: Address: The Orchard Hospital, 189 Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 2EP Chaplain: Rev Steven Restori Website: Petersfield - Petersfield Hospital Served from St Laurence, Petersfield Phone: 0790 114 8621 Email: Address: Petersfield Hospital, Swan Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 3LB Chaplain: Rev Peter Hollins Website: Portsmouth - Queen Alexandra Hospital Chaplaincy Phone: 02392 286408 Address: Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3LY Priest Chaplain: Rev Daniel Agber Sunday Mass: 4:00pm Reading - Royal Berkshire Hospital Chaplaincy Phone: 0118 322 5111 Address: Royal Berkshire Hospital Chaplaincy, London Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5AN Website: Weekdays: Wed 11:15am Holy Days: 11:15am Reading - St John`s Retirement Home (Diocesan Facility) Phone: 0118 940 2964 Address: St John`s Convent, Kiln Lane, Reading RG10 9XP Romsey - Romsey Hospital Address: Romsey Hospital, Winchester Hill, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 7ZA Southampton - Moorgreen Hospital Served from Our Lady of the Assumption and St Brigid, Hedge End Address: Moorgreen Hospital, Botley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 3JB Chaplain: Rev Elijah Nde Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 118

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Southampton - Southampton General Hospital Chaplaincy Phone: 02381 206745 Address: Chaplaincy Centre, Mailpoint 201, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 6YD Sunday Mass: 4:30pm Southampton - Spire Southampton Hospital Served from St Boniface, Southampton Phone: 02380 773640 Email: Address: Spire Southampton Hospital, Chalybeate Close, Southampton SO16 6UY Chaplain: Rev Thomas Kleinschmidt OMV Website: Southampton - Western Community Hospital Served from Holy Family, Southampton Phone: 02380 540666 Email: Address: Western Community Hospital, William Macleod Way, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 4XE Chaplain: Rev Benjamin Theobald Website: St Saviour - St Saviour`s Hospital Served from Our Lady of Annunciantion, Sacred Heart, St Bernadette, St Mary and St Peter, St Matthieu, St Patrick, St Thomas, Jersey Phone: 01534 720235 Email: Address: St Saviour`s Hospital, La Route de la Hougue Bie, St Saviour, Jersey JE2 7UW Chaplain: Rev Canon Dominic Golding Website: Thatcham - West Berkshire Community Hospital Served from St Joseph, Newbury Phone: 01635 40167 Email: Address: West Berkshire Community Hospital, London Road, Benham Hill, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 3AS Chaplain: Rev Michael Fava Website: Totton - Tatchbury Mount Hospital Served from St Theresa of the Child Jesus, Totton Phone: 02380 862270 Email: Address: Tatchbury Mount Hospital, Tatchbury Mount, Totton, Hampshire SO40 2RZ Chaplain: Rev Henry Nkop MSP Website: Waterlooville - The Rowans Hospice Served from The Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle, Waterlooville Phone: 02392 262289 Email: Address: The Rowans Hospice, Purbrook Heath Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 5RU Chaplain: Rev Mgr Canon Jeremy Garratt Website: Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 119

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Winchester - Royal Hampshire County Hospital Served from St Peter &, The Winchester Martyrs, Winchester Phone: 01962 852804 Email: Address: Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Romsey Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 5DG Chaplain: Rev Mark Hogan Website: Windsor - BMI - The Princess Margaret Hospital Served from St Edward and St Mark, Windsor Phone: 01753 865163 Email: Address: BMI - The Princess Margaret Hospital, Osbourne Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3SJ Chaplain: Rev Canon David Hopgood Website: Windsor - Thames Hospice Care Served from St Edward and St Mark, Windsor Phone: 01753 865163 Email: Address: Thames Hospice Care, Pine Lodge, Hatch Lane, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3RW Chaplain: Rev Canon David Hopgood Website: Wokingham - Wokingham Hospital Served from Corpus Christi, Wokingham Phone: 0118 978 0348 Email: Address: Wokingham Hospital, 41 Barkham Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2RE Chaplain: Rev Canon Simon Thomson Website: Pastoral Centres Ashurst - St Joseph`s Centre Phone: 02380 292337 Email: Address: St Joseph`s Centre, 8 Lyndhurst Road, Ashurst, Hants SO40 7DU Superior: Rev Nelson Cabanero SMM Sunday Mass: Sat 2:00pm (Malayalam) Bournemouth - Bournemouth Polish Catholic Mission Phone: 07960 088195 Email: Address: St Edmund Campion, 481 Castle Lane West, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9TN Team: Rev Piotr Gardon Team: Rev Wlodzimierz Pajak SChr Guernsey - Les Cotils Christian Retreat and Conference Centre Phone: 01481 727793 Email: Address: Les Cotils Christian Retreat and Conference Centre, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1UU Website: Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 120

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Portsmouth - Cathedral Discovery Centre Phone: 02392 870348 Email: Address: Cathedral Discovery Centre, St Edmund House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3QA Website: Reading - Reading Polish Catholic Mission Phone: 0118 375 7587 Address: Sacred Heart Church, 61 Watlington Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4RF Chaplain: Rev Rafal Jaroslawski, Rev Edward Stachurski Sunday Mass: 9:00am (Polish), 10:40am (Polish) Romsey - Wisdom Centre Phone: 017 9483 0206 Email: Address: Wisdom House Spirituality Centre, Romsey, Hampshir SO51 8EL Website: Southampton - Southampton Polish Mission Phone: 02380 224418 Email: Address: Polish Catholic Centre, 507 Portswood Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 2TH Website: Office Hours: 8am-5pm Wickham - Park Place Pastoral Centre Phone: 01329 833043 Email: Address: Park Place Pastoral Centre, Winchester Rd, Wickham PO17 5HA Chaplain: Rev Andrew McMahon OFM Website: Sunday Mass: 9:00am Prisons Guernsey - Guernsey Prison Served from Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey, Guernsey Phone: 01481 720196 Email: Chaplain: Rev Canon Christopher Rutledge Website: Newport - HMP Isle of Wight Phone: 01983 634000 Address: HMP Isle of Wight, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5RS Chaplain: Rev John Lavers Managing Chaplain: Rev Gary May St Brelade - HMP La Moye Phone: 01534 441887 Address: HMP La Moye, La Rue Baal, St Brelade, Jersey JE3 8HQ Chaplain - Deacon: Rev David Cahill Winchester - HMP Winchester Phone: 01962 723000 Address: HMP Winchester, Romsey Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 5DF Chaplain: Rev Jean-Patrice Coulon MSFS Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 121

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Seafarers Portsmouth - Stella Maris Seafarers` Centre Address: MMD (Shipping Services) Ltd, Flathouse Quary, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 7SP Southampton - Southern Ports - Stella Maris (formerly Apostleship of the Sea) Phone: 07821 846189 Address: Southampton Stella Maris Seafarers` Centre, St Joseph`s Church, 48 Bugle Street, Southampton, Hampshire SO14 2AH Senior Chaplain: Rev Nicholas O`Neill Universities Bournemouth - Catholic Chaplaincy to Bournemouth University Phone: 01202 411140 Oxfordshire - Defence Academy Of The United Kingdom Catholic Chaplaincy Phone: 01367 242039 Portsmouth - Catholic Chaplains Team to Portsmouth University Phone: 02392 843030 Email: Address: Chaplaincy Centre &, Prayer Rooms, St Paul`s Road, Southsea, Hampshire PO5 4AQ Chaplain: Rev Anthony Fyk Lay Chaplains: Sr Yadira Calderon, Jerrin Varghese Office Hours: 9am to 5pm at the University Chaplaincy Sunday Mass: 12:00pm (in the Cathedral) General: CathSoc meetings: Tuesdays at 6.30pm Reading - Catholic Chaplaincy to Reading University Phone: 0118 926 8869 Address: Catholic Chaplaincy to Reading University, 29 Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5JJ Priest Chaplain: Rev Stanislaw Gibzinski Website: Sunday Mass: 6:00pm (except July/August) Southampton - Catholic Chaplaincy to Southampton Solent University Phone: 02380 319819 Address: The Chaplaincy, Student Service, East Park Terrace, Southampton, Hampshire SO14 0YN Lay Chaplain: Sr Isabelle Kirby Southampton - Catholic Chaplaincy to Southampton University Phone: 02380 594622 Address: 41 University Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ Lay Chaplain: Sr Emiliana Silva Priest Chaplain: Rev Benjamin Theobald Winchester - University of Winchester Served from St Peter &, The Winchester Martyrs, Winchester Phone: 01962 852804 Email: Chaplain: Rev Mark Hogan Website: Chaplaincies Chaplaincies and Institutions 122

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Chaplaincies 123 * Some of the celebrations of Mass in Latin may be celebrated, with the permission of the Bishop, according to the 1962 Roman Missal. Please check locally. Masses in La ti n page 66 Bournemouth, Sacred Heart Weekdays: 1st Fri 6:00pm Holy Days: Eve 6:00pm Benediction: Sun 6:00pm­,6:30pm page 78 Bournemouth, St Thomas More Sunday Mass: 4:00pm Holy Days: 5:00pm page 69 Cowes, St Thomas of Canterbury Weekdays: Thu 12:00pm page 70 Earley, Reading, Our Lady of Peace and Blessed Dominic Barberi Weekdays: Mon 6:30pm (Novus Ordo) page 77 Oxford, Holy Rood Sunday Mass: 5:00pm Weekdays: Fri 9:00am page 61 Portsmouth, Cathedral of St John the Evangelist Sunday Mass: 8:00am page 87 Portsmouth, St Colman Sunday Mass: 11:00am page 86 Portsmouth, St Joseph Sunday Mass: 11:00am Weekdays: Mon­,Sat 7:00am page 89 Reading, St William of York Sunday Mass: 11:00am (Sung) Weekdays: Mon, Wed 12:00pm, Tue 7:00am, Thu 10:00am, Fri 7:30pm (7pm follo wed by 1st Friday Devotions on First Fridays), Sat 8:00am Holy Days: 10:00am, 7:00pm (Sung) page 105 Ryde, St Cecilia`s Abbey Sunday Mass: 10:00am (Gregorian Chant) Weekdays: Mon­,Sat 9:30am (Gregorian Chant) Holy Days: 10:00am (Gregorian Chant) page 92 Southampton, Holy Family Sunday Mass: 9:00am Weekdays: Thu 7:30pm page 86 1 Small friendly school | Excellent pastoral care Catholic independent day school for age 7–,18s

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Schools Academies Corpus Christi Primary Academy Gladys Avenue, North End, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 9AX Tel: 02392 661818 E-mail: Website: Head: Ursula Clark Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7BW Tel: 02392 259214 E-mail: Website: Head: Matthew Quinn Pupils: 685 Springhill Catholic Primary School Milton Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 2HW Tel: 02380 333954 E-mail: Website: Head: Roxy Ashworth St Anne`s Primary School Pinkerton Road, South Ham, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6RE Tel: 01256 464165 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: William James Head of School: Martine Sadie St Anne`s Secondary School Carlton Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 2WZ Tel: 02380 328200 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Lyn Bourne Head: James Rouse St Anthony`s Primary School Primate Road, Fareham, Hampshire PO14 4RP Tel: 01489 579100 E-mail: Website: Head: Katrina Straker St Edmund Campion Primary School Altwood Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4PX Tel: 01628 620183 E-mail: Website: Head: Jennifer Camp-Overy St Francis Catholic &, Church of England Primary School Newport Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1BQ Tel: 01983 857449 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Alex Augustus Schools 124

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Pupils: 210 St Francis Primary School Coronation Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9HG Tel: 01344 622840 E-mail: Website: Head: Rhona Miccoli St Joseph`s Primary Academy Bridge Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3DD Tel: 01252 350583 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: William James Head: Deirdre McNeill St Margaret Clitherow Primary School Pembroke, Hanworth, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 7RD Tel: 01344 424030 E-mail: Website: Head: Anne Mulholland St Mary`s Primary School Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EG Tel: 01628 622570 E-mail: Website: Head: Rosie Akehurst Pupils: 1300 St Peter`s School St Catherine`s Road, Bournemouth BH6 4AH Tel: 01202 421141 E-mail: Website: Head: Ben Doyle Pupils: 324 St Teresa`s Primary School Easthampstead Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2EB Tel: 0118 978 4310 E-mail: Website: Head: Nikki Peters Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Corpus Christi Primary School St James Square, Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset BH5 2BX Tel: 01202 427544 E-mail: Website: Head: Simon Lennon Pupils: 217 St Joseph`s Primary School Dorset Road, Somerford, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 3DA Tel: 01202 485976 E-mail: Website: Head: Liz Rippon Pupils: 420 St Walburga`s Primary School Malvern Road, Moordown, Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 3BY Tel: 01202 528811 E-mail: Website: Head: Veronica Woodward Schools Schools 125

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Bracknell Forest Pupils: 210 St Joseph`s Primary School Gipsy Lane, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 9AP Tel: 01344 425246 E-mail: Website: Head: Juanita Dunlop Hampshire Bishop Challoner Secondary School St Michael`s Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6SR Tel: 01256 462661 E-mail: Website: Head: John Wright Our Lady &, St Joseph Primary School Ramley Road, Pennington, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 8GY Tel: 01590 672711 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Gerida Montague Pupils: 436 St Bede`s Primary School Popley Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9DX Tel: 01256 473379 E-mail: Website: Head: Jamie Carroll Pupils: 259 St Bernadette`s Primary School Tile Barn Close, Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 8LS Tel: 01252 548123 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Paula Dix Head of School: Peter Lynch St John the Baptist Primary School Floral Way, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3PF Tel: 01264 361806 E-mail: Website: Head: Catherine Whatley St Jude`s Primary School Bishopsfield Road, Fareham, Hampshire PO14 1ND Tel: 01329 235131 E-mail: Website: Head: Sarah Wall St Mary`s Primary School Ann`s Hill Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3NB E-mail: Website: Head: Lauren O`Connor St Patrick`s Primary School Whitefriars, Avenue Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7BW Tel: 01252 542511 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Paula Dix Head of School: Alison Tong Schools Schools 126

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St Peter`s Primary School Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7BP Tel: 02392 262599 E-mail: adminoffice@ Website: Head: Richard Cunningham Pupils: 400 St Peter`s Primary School Olivers Battery Road North, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4JB Tel: 01962 852820 E-mail: Website: Head: Louise Buxton St Swithun Wells Primary School Hillcrest Avenue, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire SO35 2JP Tel: 02380 266210 E-mail: Website: Head: Anne Marie Jordan St Thomas More`s Primary School Hooks Lane, Bedhampton, Havant, Hampshire PO9 3DR Tel: 02392 475909 E-mail: Website: Head: Jeff Sendall Isle of Wight Pupils: 1159 Christ the King College Wellington Road, Carisbrooke, Newport, Isle Of Wight PO30 5QT Tel: 01983 537070 E-mail: Website: Head: Andrew Montrose Holy Cross Primary School Millfield Avenue, East Cowes, Isle Of Wight PO32 6AS Tel: 01983 292885 E-mail: Website: Acting Executive Head: Sharon Freeley Acting Head of School: Lucie Banks Pupils: 181 St Mary`s Primary School Ampthill Road, Ryde, Isle Of Wight PO33 1LJ Tel: 01983 562000 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Maggie Sanderson Head of School: Sian Broome St Saviour`s Catholic Primary School Summers Lane, Totland, Isle of Wight PO39 0HQ Tel: 01983 752175 E-mail: Website: Head: Gina Owrid St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School High Street, Carisbrooke, Isle Of Wight PO30 1NR Tel: 01983 522747 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Maggie Sanderson Schools Schools 127

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Oxfordshire St Amand`s Primary School St Mary`s Road, East Hendred, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 8LF Tel: 01235 833342 E-mail: Website: Head: Helen Ellery St Edmund`s Primary School Radley Road, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3PP Tel: 01235 521558 E-mail: Website: Head: Erika Kirwan Portsmouth St Edmund`s Secondary School Arundel Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 1RX Tel: 02392 823766 E-mail: Website: Head: Simon Graham St John`s Cathedral Primary School Cottage View, Arundel Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 1PX Tel: 02392 821055 E-mail: Website: Head: Laura Park St Paul`s Primary School Bourne Road, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 4JD Tel: 02392 375488 E-mail: Website: Head: Zoe Killick Pupils: 331 St Swithun`s Primary School Taswell Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO5 2RG Tel: 02392 829339 E-mail: Website: Head: Jenny Verhiest Reading Blessed Hugh Faringdon Secondary School Fawley Road, Reading, Berkshire RG30 3EP Tel: 0118 957 4730 E-mail: Website: Head: Simon Uttley Christ the King Primary School Lulworth Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 8LX Tel: 0118 901 5434 E-mail: Website: Head: Nikki McVeigh Schools Schools 128

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English Martyrs Primary School Dee Road, Reading, Berkshire RG30 4BE Tel: 0118 937 5466 E-mail: Website: Head: Catherine Doberska Southampton Pupils: 410 Holy Family Primary School Mansel Road West, Millbrook, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 9LP Tel: 02380 773264 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Gerida Montague Co-Head: Sarah Hendricks St George Catholic College Leaside Way, Swaythling, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 3DQ Tel: 02380 322603 E-mail: Website: Executive Head: Lyn Bourne Head: James Habberly St Patrick`s Catholic Primary School Fort Road, Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire SO19 2JE Tel: 02380 448502 E-mail: Website: Head: Michael Lobo States of Guernsey Pupils: 256 Notre Dame du Rosaire School Burnt Lane, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands GY1 1HL Tel: 01481 222412 E-mail: Website: Head: Mary Robertshaw St Mary and St Michael Primary School Rue des Monts Delancey, St Sampson, Guernsey, Channel Islands GY2 4HU Tel: 01481 245020 E-mail: Website: Head: Helen Willetts Surrey All Hallows Catholic School Weybourne Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 9HF Tel: 01252 319211 E-mail: Website: Head: Mark Baines West Berkshire Pupils: 193 St Finian`s Primary School The Ridge, Cold Ash, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 9HU Tel: 01635 865925 E-mail: Website: Head: Anna Jarratt Schools Schools 129

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St Joseph`s Primary School Newport Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2AW Tel: 01635 43455 E-mail: Website: Head: Kelly Bosher St Paul`s Primary School City Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire RG31 4SZ Tel: 0118 942 2003 E-mail: Website: Head: Nuala Oster Windsor and Maidenhead St Edward`s First School Parsonage Lane, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5EN Tel: 01753 860607 E-mail: Website: Head: Sarah Matthews St Edward`s Royal Free Ecumenical Middle School Parsonage Lane, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5EN Tel: 01753 867809 E-mail: Website: Head: Nina Adamson Wokingham Pupils: 420 St Dominic Savio Primary School Western Avenue, Woodley, Berkshire RG5 3BH Tel: 0118 969 3893 E-mail: Website: Head: Laura Hulland Independent Schools Blanchelande College Les Vauxbelets, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8XY Tel: 01481 237200 E-mail: Website: Principal: Robert O`Brien Pupils: 840 Beaulieu Convent School Wellington Road, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands JE2 4RJ Tel: 01534 731280 E-mail: Website: Acting Headteacher: Paul Robinson De La Salle College Wellington Road, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands JE2 7TH Tel: 01534 754100 E-mail: Website: Head: Jason Turner Schools Schools 130

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FCJ Primary School Deloraine Road, St Saviour, Jersey, Channel Islands JE2 7XB Tel: 01534 723063 E-mail: Website: Head: Donna Lenzi Alton School Anstey Lane, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2NG Tel: 01420 82070 E-mail: Website: Head: Andrew Reeve Charlton House Independent Preparatory School 55 Midanbury Lane, Bitterne Park, Southampton SO18 4HE Tel: 02380 671739 E-mail: Website: Head: Lea Pay Farleigh Independent Preparatory School Red Rice, Andover, Hampshire SP11 7PW Tel: 01264 710766 E-mail: Website: Head: Rev Simon Everson Farnborough Hill Senior School Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 8AT Tel: 01252 545197 E-mail: Website: Acting Head: Zoe Ireland Our Lady`s Abingdon Radley Road, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire OX14 3PS Tel: 01235 524658 E-mail: Website: Head: Daniel Gibbons Our Lady`s Independent Preparatory School The Avenue, Crowthorne RG45 6PH Tel: 01344 773394 E-mail: Website: Head: Michael Stone Salesian College 119 Reading Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6PA Tel: 01252 893000 E-mail: Website: Head: Gerard Owens St Joseph`s College Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5JT Tel: 0118 966 1000 E-mail: Website: Head: Laura Stotesbury Schools Schools 131

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St Mary`s Independent Senior School St Mary`s Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9JF Tel: 01344 623721 E-mail: Website: Head: Danuta Staunton Chaplain: Rev Canon Paul James (PJ) Smith Pupils: 440 The Marist School Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7PS Tel: 01344 624291 E-mail: Website: Head: Joanne Smith Schools Schools 132

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Framework for Collaboration 134 Diocese of Portsmouth THE FRAMEWORK FOR COLLABORATION 1. THE DIOCESAN CURIA OR ‘,FRAMEWORK FOR COLLABORATION’, The Diocesan Curia consists of those institutions and persons, which assist the Bishop in the governance of the diocese, especially in guiding pastoral action, in caring for administration within the overall authority of the Diocesan Trust Deed and in exercising judicial power (Can. 469). In the Diocese of Portsmouth, the Diocesan Curia is also called the ‘,Framework for Collaboration.’, It comprises many teams, experts and ministers who directly assist the pastoral mission and life of the Diocese. The Bishop The Bishop, assisted by his priests and deacons, acts sacramentally in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ as the High Priest, Teacher and Shepherd of the Diocese, that is, that portion of the Lord’,s flock entrusted to him. Vicars General For the governance of the Diocese of Portsmouth, the Bishop has appointed two Vicars General (VG) to assist him. By virtue of their office, the VGs exercise the Bishop’,s executive power throughout the Diocese, namely, the power to perform all administrative acts within and subject to the authority of the terms of reference, policies and Diocesan Operating Procedures of the Diocese and other authorities approved from time to time by the Trustees with the consent of the Bishop, except those which the Bishop has reserved to himself or which require a special mandate of the Bishop by law or which are reserved to themselves by the Trustees or expressly delegated by the Trustees to committees or officers of the Diocese or other persons with the consent of the Bishop. One VG has been appointed as the Moderator of the Curia, in order to coordinate administrative matters and to ensure that those who belong to the curia fulfil the offices entrusted to them (Can. 473 §,2). Episcopal Vicars The Bishop has appointed three Episcopal Vicars (EV), with the same ordinary power as a VG but limited to a specific pastoral competence. The EVs thus lead three Vicariates: Vocation, Education and Evangelisation. The role of Vicar for Clergy is currently exercised by one of the VGs. Because the EVs like the VGs share ordinary jurisdiction directly in the Bishop’,s mission, the VGs and EVs are priests. The Bishop’,s Council The Bishop’,s Council is an advisory body, it serves the Bishop. It comprises the two VGs and three EVs (can. 473 §,4). The Bishop’,s Secretary acts as its Secretary. A sub - committee of the Bishop’,s Council (formed of the Bishop and the two VGs one of whom is the Vicar for Clergy) form the Personnel Committee, which is concerned chiefly with the welfare and deployment of the clergy, although in some cases, clergy matters are discussed in confidence with the whole Bishop’,s Council. The Head of Safeguarding The Head of Safeguarding is employed to co - ordinate safeguarding matters within the Diocese, including for those religious communities affiliated to the Diocese. The Head of Safeguarding is accountable to the Trustees of the Diocese, the Bishop and the Safeguarding Committee, providing assurance that the safeguarding functions and responsibilities are managed in accordance with the national policies and procedures and in support of the quality standards as set out by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency. The Head of Safeguarding directs the business of the Safeguarding Office, managing all matters relating to concerns and allegations of abuse, and maintains active links with statutory agencies and local safeguarding partnerships The Safeguarding Committee The Safeguarding Committee is a sub - committee of the diocesan Trustees and chaired by a nominated Trustee. The Committee comprises clergy members and independent professional people, appointed by the Trustees with the prior approval of the Bishop, to act on their behalf to oversee the implementation of the standards, procedures and guidelines of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA). The Committee membership comprises people with

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Framework for Collaboration 135 specific experience and expertise in safeguarding and includes representatives from the police, safeguarding organisations, social care and the probation service. The Committee meets 6 times a year, with the Head of Safeguarding reporting to the Committee regarding strategic and operational work and performance management. The Safeguarding Office The Safeguarding Office, under the direction of the Head of Safeguarding, is responsible for the processing of DBS checks as part of the wider safe - recruitment policy of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It keeps a database for the diocese and also maintains information on the national database held by CSSA. It is responsible for the recruitment and training of parish representatives in the procedures they must follow when volunteers are appointed in the parish, in best practice in dealing with situations where children and vulnerable adults are present, and in what to do when concerns arise over a particular situation or person including compliance with the relevant Diocesan Operating Procedures. The Safeguarding Office co - ordinates a training programme across the Diocese and offers general support to the Head of Safeguarding. The Chancery The Bishop appoints a Chancellor, whose task is to ensure that the acts of the curia are drawn up, dispatched and archived according to due form and process. In cases of marriage, the Chancellor by mandate of the Bishop, has powers to dispense from impediments to marriage dispensable by the Ordinary (Can 1078). He acts as a sole judge in cases concerning the impediment of ligament and in cases concerning the defect of canonical form. He can dispense from canonical form (Can 1127 n.2) and grant retroactive validation (Can 1161 &, 1165). Moreover, by mandate of the Bishop, the Chancellor may grant diocesan faculties to a visiting priest, grant leave of absence, issue celebrets , grant faculties to receive a non - Catholic into full communion with the Church and grant priests of the diocese the faculty to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation (Can 882). The Chancellor has a further responsibility for maintaining the diocesan Foundation Mass Book, managing the Mass stipends account and distributing Masses where necessary. The Chancellor may also act as a notary for the Bishop’,s Office. The Diocesan Tribunal The Bishop appoints a duly qualified Judicial Vicar to act on his behalf in all judicial and canonical matters. The work of the Diocesan Tribunal in practice is chiefly concerned with applications for a decree of nullity or dissolution of a marriage bond. A divorced party approaches the Tribunal for the investigation of their previous marriage in order to establish whether the marriage was a valid marriage and whether there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that an essential element of marriage was absent so that a declaration of nullity can be granted. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) The COO leads the entire business function of the Diocese in order to deliver the Bishop’,s Vision. The COO is accountable to the Trustees, Working closely with the Chairs of each of the Vicariates, the COO develops processes by which their respective strategies are implemented. S/he is the Oeconomus of the Diocese, line - manages the Support and Administration Services, and senior staff across the Curia. She works with the Secretary to the Trustees. The Trustees The Diocese of Portsmouth is a Registered Charity in English and Wales under civil law. Chaired by the Bishop, the Trustees have responsibility for ensuring that the activity of the diocese complies fully with charity law and civil law in all areas, for example, administration of resources (finance and property), safeguarding and personnel issues. The Trustees are also concerned with the appropriate application of canon law and how the Diocese enacts the Church’,s vision. The Trustees are a balance of clergy and laity bringing a range of professional expertise and experience to the task and are appointed under the terms of the Diocesan Trust Deed and of policies adopted by the Trustees with the consent of the Bishop for the appointment and induction of Trustees. In the Diocese the Trustees also fulfil the role of the Diocesan Finance Council as required by Canon Law. Working closely with the Bishop, the Trustees ensure that the work of the diocese complies fully with the purposes of the charity stated in its Trust Deeds. The Trustees work together as a full trustees meeting (FT), and through Vicariate Committee meetings.

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Framework for Collaboration 136 The Secretary to the Trustees In civil law the Diocese is a registered charity. The Secretary to the Trustees is appointed by the Trustees to provide guidance and advice in fulfilling their responsibility of ensuring that all resources available are administrated prudently within the terms of the governing trust deed, policies, terms of reference and the like, and in particular the Diocesan Operating Procedures, and to ensure compliance with the requirements of charity law and other relevant legislation. The Secretary supports the Bishop and ensures the smooth functioning of the trustee body. Support and Administration Services The Support and Administration Services are managed directly by the Chief Operating Officer. These services exist to assist the Bishop and Trustees in the administration of the temporal goods of the diocese and its parishes: its land and buildings, money, investments and the discharge of its legal and contractual obligations. The Finance Team oversees the accounting, banking, investments and financial management of the diocese, prepares statutory reports required by the Charities Act, develops and monitors budgets, administers Living Our Faith and other central diocesan funds, looks after Gift Aid claims and provides support to parishes in the management of their finances. The People Team support line managers with all employment matters relating to employees across the Diocese including recruitment, performance management wellbeing issues and dispute resolution. They also manage payroll apart from the Channel Islands and all legal aspects of employment. This also includes the management of volunteers where legal support and training may be required. The Head of People is also responsible for the Governance and IT Teams, who support all those working and volunteering for the Diocese by providing training and information on protecting personal data and quality IT technical expertise. The Property Team deals with land and buildings (diocesan, schools, academies and parish) and is led by the Director of Estates (Diocesan Surveyor), overseeing the management of the estate, from acquisitions and sales, through routine upkeep, maintenance and development, compliance with health and safety, fire and disability discrimination legislation to planning applications. Communications and Fundraising The Director of Communications and Fundraising is responsible for internal and external communications, for the purposes of promoting the Diocesan mission of Bringing people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church, protecting and enhancing the reputation of the Diocese, and developing communications across the administration of the Diocese to create a more inclusive culture between the Diocesan organisation and the parishes using all forms of media across a variety of channels. The Director of Communications and Fundraising is responsible for coordinating fundraising activity in all its forms, for supporter engagement and development and for providing advise and support to parishes on income generation and adhering to the Code of Fundraising Conduct. 2. THE DIOCESAN VISION One of the principle duties of the Framework for Collaboration and of every team is to enable the implementation of the Diocesan Vision: Bringing People Closer to Jesus Christ through His Church. The key goal is Becoming More Holy Let every disciple of Christ - clergy, consecrated and lay - seek to become more holy. This is about ‘,deepening’, in order to be more effective witnesses: deepening our faith and spiritual life, becoming people of prayer and sacrifice, and thus becoming more effective and more credible witnesses of Jesus Christ to others. The Four Main Vision - Priorities 1. Dependence on God Let us implore the Holy Spirit to make us people filled with joy and creativity. This is the conversion needed to shift from maintenance to mission: that we trust completely in God and His Word through intense prayer, that we ask God for a new

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Framework for Collaboration 137 outpouring of the Holy Spirit, to unite and inspire our Diocese, its clergy and laity, with constant joy and creativity in developing new ministries and new ways of living the Gospel. 2. Reaching Out Let us go out beyond our usual circles to find new disciples of Christ. This is the ‘,far evangelisation:’, that we reach out on mission beyond the Catholic community to proclaim the Gospel far and wide, helping people to come to know, serve and love Jesus Christ in the communion of His Church, working with other Christians and with all people of good will. 3. Reaching In Let us help all Catholics develop a personal friendship with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. This is the ‘,near evangelisation:’, that we help all Catholics, to convert and deepen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, loving Him above all in the Holy Eucharist. This includes a special mission to baptised Catholics who are lapsed or not yet practicing. 4. Service to All Let us make our parishes and schools into communities that serve the poor and needy, with concern for the natural environment and for social justice. This is the conversion from being inward - looking to being outward - looking people/communities: that all our parish and school communities become centres of service, focused on serving the poor and those on the margins. Three Areas of Special Attention a) Youth Let us listen and bring the Gospel to young people, singles and families. This is the concern to do all we can to hand on the gift of faith to young men and to young women, converting, forming and equipping them as joyful missionary - disciples of Christ. b) Vocations Let us develop a culture of vocation and discernment of gifts and charisms. We need to pray for, foster and support vocations to all states of life and ministry in the Church, including new initiatives and communities, but especially vocations to the sacred priesthood. c) Targeting Resources Let us use our resources more imaginatively in service of our mission. We need to use our property and our human and financial resources more flexibly and more intentionally in service of the new evangelisation. 3. THE FRAMEWORK, ITS THREE VICARIATES AND SIX DEPARTMENTS The Three Vicariates of the Framework Within the Framework for Collaboration there are three Vicariates: for Vocation, for Education and for Evangelisation. The Vicariates act in compliance with and within powers delegated to them under terms of reference and Diocesan Operating Procedures and policies approved from time to time by the Trustees with the consent of the Bishop. The Framework is theologically grounded on Christ and his three - fold office as Priest, Prophet and King, that is, the triple munera of sanctifying (his high priesthood), teaching (his prophetic mission) and shepherding (his rule). The three Vicariates also represent three dynamically interrelated strands of Christian discipleship, animated by the Holy Spirit: call - formation - mission. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the call of the disciple leads him/her to formation in the life and teaching of Christ, and this in turn leads to him/her being sent out on mission. This suggests that in the Framework, there is a direction of travel, from left to right, with the outcome in evangelisation. Yet evangelisation is always two - way: outreach ad extra impels a disciple to reach inwards ad intra and vice versa . These dialectical tensions orientate the Framework and infuse the curia with dynamism, to be both top - down and trans - directional, to be collaborative within each Vicariate and to engage horizontally across the Vicariates in common projects and enterprises. The Six Departments Each Vicariate is divided into two Departments. These are led by a priest, a deacon, a religious or a layperson and these Heads of Department report regularly to their EV. They will also meet frequently with the Bishop to discuss and align policy. The six Departments are as follows:

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Framework for Collaboration 138 Vicariate for Vocation: Department for Vocation, and Vicariate for Vocation: Department for Clergy. Vicariate for Education: Catholic Academies and Schools Office, and Vicariate for Education: Department for Educational Chaplaincies. Vicariate for Evangelisation: Department for Charity, and Vicariate for Evangelisation: Department for New Evangelisation. This allocation of Departments to Vicariates ‘,steers’, departmental policies. Some Departments are divided into Sub - Departments. All Departments and Sub - Departments comprise team - activities. The allocation of Teams is sometimes self - explanatory and sometimes pragmatic (e.g. to share out tasks more equitably across the Vicariates). Department for Vocation The Department of Vocation comprises two Sub - Departments: (1) Discipleship and Vocation, and (2) Liturgy. The Department is concerned with the call to discipleship, pre - discipleship and initial proclamation, with particular vocations and with inserting the disciple more deeply into the life of Christ and His Church, especially into the sacred liturgy. It helps to discern, support, promote and celebrate vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, the consecrated life, the new movements, marriage and family life, celibacy and the single life within the Church. It seeks to identify charisms and to promote spiritual development. It works to advance the liturgical formation of the Diocese in its various dimensions. Department for Clergy The Department for Clergy comprises two Sub - Departments: (1) Bishop’,s Office for the Support of the Clergy, and (2) Chaplaincies. The Bishop’,s Office for the Support of the Clergy, led by the Vicar for Clergy, looks after the welfare, on - going formation and personal support of priests, deacons and retired clergy. The Department also facilitates the various chaplaincy services of the Diocese: the care of the sick and the needs of the disabled, hospital and prison chaplaincies, ethnic groups, links with the ordinariate, the provision of the Extraordinary Form and care of those from other Rites. The aim of the Chaplaincies Sub - Department is to serve the needs of individuals and to make various provisions in order to release the gifts of all for service of the Church: ‘,ministry to’, for the sake of ‘,ministry of’,. Catholic Academies and Schools Office (CASO) The Catholic Academies and Schools Office (CASO), led by the Director of Education, ensures on behalf of the Bishop (cf. CIC 803.1) that all the Catholic schools of our Diocese (independent, maintained voluntary aided and maintained academies) operate as ‘,Catholic schools’, in accordance with both canon and civil law. Schools and parishes are the two principal agencies of the mission of the Church in our diocese and the Department seeks to develop our schools as key diocesan tools of evangelisation in union with the local parishes, Pastoral Areas and Deaneries. Just as parishes are Catholic Eucharistic Communities, so schools are Catholic Formation Communities comprising students, teachers, staff, parents and governors. CASO promotes and develops all aspects of the Catholic nature of our schools providing direction and advice on educational matters. It represents the Bishop at senior leadership appointments, and administers the appointment of foundation governors and directors. It advises and supports governing bodies on their canonical, statutory and legal responsibilities as maintained voluntary aided schools, maintained academies and independent schools. The Department promotes excellence in Catholic education in all diocesan schools, especially in Religious Education, collective worship and religious education resources, all of which is at the heart of the curriculum and purpose of a Catholic school. The Department is also responsible for the canonical and statutory inspections that take place, advising the Bishop on the quality of our schools. Department for Educational Chaplaincies The Department for Educational Chaplaincies coordinates our secondary and tertiary level school, academy and university chaplaincies, as well as the wide field of Youth Ministry, including Youth Workers, the Confirmation Follow - Up and diocesan youth programmes, the organisation of youth days and events, the links with the new youth movements and the spiritual formation of altar servers (the latter in liaison with the Liturgy Team and Diocesan MC).

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Framework for Collaboration 139 Department for Charity The Department for Charity comprises two Sub - Departments: (1) Diocesan Outreach, and (2) Bamenda, coordinates the charitable outreach of the Diocese in its schools and parishes. It promotes justice, peace and social responsibility, the charities in our Diocese, the work of Caritas Diocese of Portsmouth, environmental concern and the ecclesial exchange with Bamenda. Department for New Evangelisation The Department of New Evangelisation comprises three Sub - Departments: (1) New Evangelisation, (2) Formation for Mission, and (3) Dialogue and Proclamation. The Department promotes the work of new evangelisation through the New Evangelisation Team (= Diocesan Pastoral Council), the Social Research Unit, the formation of children and adults for mission, and the dialogues with fellow - Christians, with the other religions, and with the cultural sectors. It also includes the Jewish - Christian fellowship, outreach to people of goodwill (‘,Courtyard of the Gentiles’,) and promoting right relationships with the civil authorities. 4. THE SUB - DEPARTMENTS 4.1 Department for Vocation: Discipleship and Vocation This Sub - Department of Discipleship and Vocation is concerned with the call to discipleship, with welcoming new members into the Church, and with assisting every member of the Diocese (lay, consecrated and ordained) to grow in discipleship and to discern their God - given vocation. It promotes vocations to every state of life and ministry within the Church. It includes helping people discern a call to perpetual virginity, to consecrated life and to the religious life. It also supports links with the various ecclesial movements and communities. It promotes vocations to the diaconate. Above all, through the Vocations Director, it seeks to promote vocations to the sacred priesthood. This Sub - Department will probably develop further sub - teams as it works progresses. The Diaconate Director, Vocations Promoter and Vocations Director work directly in collaboration with the Bishop 4.2 Department for Vocation: Liturgy The Sub - Department for Liturgy seeks to facilitate the worthy celebration of the Liturgy across the Diocese and the liturgical formation of both clergy and laity. It serves the needs of liturgical ministers, especially priests, deacons, readers, EMHCs and musicians. It helps the Diocese celebrate the Sacred Liturgy and the liturgical seasons by proposing useful resources and ideas. It fosters liturgical music, and the formation and training of liturgical musicians in plainsong, choral and contemporary styles as well as classical and modern hymnody. It also comprises the Liturgical Formation Director, the Liturgical Formation Team, those who advise the Bishop and trustees on matters of art, architecture and patrimony, those who arrange cathedral liturgies and events, those who compile the annual Ordo and those responsible for the Arch - confraternity of St. Stephen. 4.3 Department for Clergy: Bishop’,s Support of the Clergy Led by the Vicar for Clergy and his team of advisers, helpers, support staff and associates, the Sub - Department Bishop’,s Support of Clergy comprises a number of services and activities to support the holistic well - being of the clergy, both active and retired, such as the provision of spiritual direction, counselling, appraisal, on - going formation and practical advice. It organises retreats, ministerial formation days, courses and sabbaticals. It compiles the Supply Registry. It looks after the junior clergy, the overseas clergy and especially the retired clergy. It is the principal mechanism through which the Bishop looks after the wellbeing of the clergy. 4.4 Department for Clergy: Chaplaincies The Sub - Department of Chaplaincies seeks to promote the welfare and support of all the sick, the differently abled, the housebound, the bereaved, the dying, the mentally ill and anyone with special needs across the Diocese, spiritually and practically (e.g. the visually or aurally impaired). It seeks to incorporate them more fully into Christ and His Church so that their gifts can be released and their ministry enabled. The Sub - Department seeks to network, support and incorporate the various ethnic groups o f Catholics present in our Diocese for prayer and social gatherings. It facilitates associations of those in special ministry such as prison and hospital chaplains, as well as forging links with military groups, the provision of Other Rites and with the

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Framework for Collaboration 140 Ordinariate. It also seeks to oversee the provision of liturgical rites in the Extraordinary Form, where these are needed. 4.5 Department for Charity: Bamenda Committee The Sub - Department of Bamenda comprises a Team that supports, enables, directs and develops the relationship and ecclesial exchange between the Diocese of Portsmouth and the Archdiocese of Bamenda. This includes promoting prayer for one another, practical and financial support for projects, the organisation of exchange visits, the promotion of the link in our schools and parishes, and the sharing of news and information. 4.6 Department for Charity: Diocesan Outreach The Sub - Department of Diocesan Outreach seeks to promote the charitable life and activities of the Diocese, through the promotion of justice peace and social responsibility, the care of refugees, environmental concern and the work of Caritas Diocese of Portsmouth. 4.7 Department for New Evangelisation: New Evangelisation The Sub - Department of New Evangelisation is concerned with promoting the new evangelisation through careful research into data and demographics. It also includes ministry to inactive Catholics, encouraging all to a deeper practice of their faith. 4.8 Department for New Evangelisation: Formation for Mission The Sub - Department of Formation for Mission aims to awaken the desire for a personal - passionate love for Jesus Christ within the communion of his Body the Church and thus to encourage and enable active missionary - discipleship. It seeks to establish and develop a network of catechists across the Diocese and to look after their on - going formation. Formation for Mission looks to the catechesis of children and young adults, including sacramental preparation (baptism, confirmation, first holy communion), and adult formation, including the RCIA process and higher education programmes in liaison with our privileged partners, St. Mary’,s Twickenham, the Maryvale Institute and the School of Annunciation, Buckfast. 4.9 Department for New Evangelisation: Dialogue and Proclamation The Sub - Department of Dialogue and Proclamation promotes the mission of the Church ad extra , seeking to befriend and engage in dialogue with individuals, groups, and culture in general. This includes the search for deeper unity in doctrine, life and worship with our brothers and sisters in the other Christian communities, a deeper fraternity with our Jewish elders, and interreligious dialogue in its various aspects. The Sub - Department seeks to promote a critical dialogue with the various cultural sectors, a courtyard for discussion with non - believers and better relations with civic persons such as MPs and local government officers. 5. THE FRAMEWORK TEAMS 5.1 THE FOUR TYPES OF TEAM Within the Framework, each Department and/or Sub - Department comprises various Teams. There are four types of Team. 5.1.1 Type One Team A Type One Team is composed of those who are employees of the Diocese or contracted on terms and conditions determined by the Trustees. Most of these are members of the curia, CASO and the Support and Administration Services. They respond to their designated line - managers and/or to the COO. 5.1.2 Type Two Team A Type Two Team comprise volunteers, specialists and support staff appointed directly by the Bishop and/or Bishop’,s Council. They assist and work under a Director of a Department or Sub - Department. Some of the parameters and procedures for Type Four Teams apply. 5.1.3 Type Three Team A Type Three Team comprises ‘,specialists’, who form quasi - professional organisations: e.g. hospital chaplains, the Junior Clergy Group. These Teams, as their names suggest, have a restricted membership, with meetings and programmes designed by themselves for their mutual support and

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Framework for Collaboration 141 professional development. The Bishop’,s Council approves their leadership, team - membership and the programme of work they conduct. Each Team includes (1) a chair or convenor, (2) a chaplain, (3) a secretary and reporter, (4) an ‘,advertiser’,, (5) a treasurer and (6) a factotum, in addition to other team members. 5.1.4 Type Four Team Type Four Teams comprise the rest of the Teams within the Framework for Collaboration. These are Teams of volunteers. They meet at least six times per year to pray, to help form themselves and to form others, to discuss and devise policy, to sponsor and enable projects, and to encourage and enable pastoral areas and parishes, the clergy and people at local level, to pursue the task in hand (e.g. activities relating to justice, peace and social responsibility). The Bishop and the Bishop’,s Council approve membership, appoint the team leaders/chaplains and in some cases designate specific experts and others as team - members. The other members of the Team may be proposed by team leaders/chaplains to the Bishop’,s Council for approval, and in addition anyone from across the Diocese may volunteer through the team leader/chaplain to the Bishop’,s Council for approval and membership. Members are initially appointed for 18 months, and then for three years, subject to annual appraisal. Team members, unless otherwise indicated, must be over 18 years old and practising Catholics in good standing with the Church. They should be ‘,mainstream’,, intellectually, morally and spiritually converted to Christ and his Church, in full communion of mind and heart with the Bishop and happy to work under the general direction of the Bishop’,s Council. Where possible and practicable, Teams consist of an equitable balance of women and men, of geographical spread across the Diocese, and of age ranges (18 - 25, 26 - 40, 41 - 60, and 61+). Team members are expected to show commitment to their Team, an appropriate level of confidentiality, a genuine desire to practice collaboration within a team - situation, and to work collaboratively with other Teams in the Framework where common projects emerge and other opportunities arise. Each Team includes (1) a chair or convenor, (2) a chaplain, (3) a secretary and reporter, (4) an advertiser, (5) a treasurer and (6) a factotum, in addition to other team members. 5.2 SOME OPERATIONAL DETAILS Type One Teams and Type Two Teams The members of Type One and Type Two Teams derive their purpose and direction from their Director and from their terms of reference and, in some cases, contracts of employment. The aim is to implement and enable the fulfilment of the Diocesan Vision in relation to the Descriptor for the Department or Sub - Department. Type Three Teams Members of Type Three Teams derive their purpose and direction principally from their professional needs in relation to the implementation and fulfilment of the Diocesan Vision. The Vision are seen in relation to the Descriptor for their Team within its Department or Sub - Department. However, what follows next in relation to Type Four Teams is also of relevance. Type Four Teams Members of Type Four Teams derive their purpose and direction from their Team Descriptor. The aim is to implement and enable the fulfilment of the Diocesan Vision in relation to the Descriptor for their Team within its Department or Sub - Department. A typical way of work would be as follows: 1. Prayer, formation, study and reflection on the Four Priorities of the Diocesan Vision. What do they mean for this field of work? 2. Prayer, formation, study and reflection on the Team Descriptor, unpacking its meaning and relevance, exploring its scope and discussing its implications. Has the Team Descriptor and its scope been clearly understood? 3. Prayer and discernment, study and reflection on the situation, as it presents itself in the personal experience of team - members, and in the life of the parishes and pastoral areas of the Diocese. What is already going on? What is missing or not happening? What constitutes an example of good practice? What constitutes bad practice, and why?

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Framework for Collaboration 142 4. Discuss and devise policy and priorities for short, medium and long term. What is our purpose here? What are the most important things that need to be done? What might this Team affirm, encourage and/or facilitate at parish and/or diocesan level in relation to this field of work? What might be done first, then later (e.g. three years), then in long term? 5. Devise and discuss projects (simple, realistic, measurable). Discuss budget and resource implications. Then, select agreed targets. Ask how? Build a basic project - plan and outline what is required. Forward proposals for approval to (sub - ) Departmental Director. 6. Commence implementation of approved policies and projects, advertise work underway and seek prayer, then report on progress made. Plan ahead, resources permitting to next cycle of activity. 6. TEAM - DESCRIPTORS AND NOTES ON VARIOUS MINISTERS 6.1 VICARIATE FOR VOCATION 6.1.1 Pre - Discipleship Team (Type 4 Team) The Pre - Discipleship Team comprises up to 12 members and will develop further ‘,sub - teams’, as its work progresses. It includes a member of the Formation for Mission Team with responsibility for the RCIA and a teacher or governor from a Catholic school. Its tasks include: (1) exploring the needs and situations of those on the peripheries of the Church, (2) discussing in practice the call to discipleship (“,first contact”,), the thresholds of conversion and the various activities focused on pre - evangelisation and initial proclamation that can lead into catechesis, (3) guiding and supporting parish welcome teams and helping to develop in parishes and schools a stronger culture of welcome, (4) building a sense of belonging to the Body of Christ, especially godparents and sponsors, and with First Communion and Confirmation parents, (5) promoting and supporting Alpha, Sycamore and other resources (e.g. from Ascension) to assist parishes and schools in proclaiming the kerygma to newcomers and enquirers, (6) encouraging a culture of formation in discipleship in parishes and schools to assist everyone to grow in their journey of faith, (7) introducing and running the Ananias Training, thus forming people in the art of spiritual accompaniment. The Pre - Discipleship Team comprises practitioners in the field. They will collaborate regularly with other Teams in the Department of Vocation (e.g. Called and Gifted), the Department for Schools and the teams of the Department of New Evangelisation such as Outreach to Marginalised and Inactive Catholics, and the Communications Sub - Department. 6.1.2 Spiritual Formation (Type 4 Team) The Spiritual Formation Team comprises up to 12 members and will develop further ‘,sub - teams’, as its work progresses. Its tasks include: (1) inspiring and teaching people to pray, to develop a personal - passionate relationship with Jesus Christ, to discern the call to intentional discipleship of him, and to be aware of their personal charisms, gifts and talents which God as given them, (2) encouraging and enabling the practice of Eucharistic Adoration across the Diocese, (3) fostering across the Diocese in individuals and communities a knowledge and love of Sacred Scripture and the practice of lectio divina , (4) promoting for lay people a distinctively lay spirituality, (5) promoting the spiritual formation of clergy and laity across the Diocese by opening for them the riches of the Catholic Tradition of spirituality, ascetical theology, prayer and devotions, especially as shown in the teachings and lives of the saints, (6) encouraging an appreciation of the main Catholic families or schools of spirituality (e.g. Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican, Jesuit) and both the classical and the modern spiritual writers, (7) making available literature and supports (including IT resources), (8) helping our parishes and communities to become truly schools of prayer (CCC 2689), (9) establishing, forming and guiding a network of spiritual directors (lay, religious and ordained) across the Diocese available for those who seek one, and (10) organising retreats and days of recollection for laity and others. The Spiritual Formation Team works closely with the other Teams in the Department of Vocation (e.g. Called and Gifted), with the Bishop’,s Support of the Clergy, and with the Formation for Mission Sub - Department. 6.1.3 Called and Gifted (Type 4 Team) The Called and Gifted Team comprises the teachers and interviewers trained to roll out the Called and Gifted Program across the Diocese and, on request with the Bishop’,s permission across

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Framework for Collaboration 143 neighbouring dioceses. The Program seeks to identify and release the charisms that God has given an individual disciple and to enable them to develop those gifts and talents for the benefit of their parish and the Diocese as a whole (e.g. involvement and service in the Framework for Collaboration). 6.1.4 Marriage and Family Life (Type 4 Team) The Marriage and Family Life Team comprises up to 12 members (six married couples) and will probably develop further ‘,sub - teams’, as its work progresses. The Marriage and Family Life Team is concerned with all aspects of the vocation to matrimony. It seeks to develop a programme of marriage preparation with formed and trained catechists across the Diocese, with due attention to spiritual, theological and practical concerns. It also seeks to establish in a small number of regional centres advice on fertility awareness, and its clinical practice and support. The Team seeks to support marriage and family life in whatever ways it can devise, including in our schools and parishes. It helps the Diocese towards a renewed appreciation of the Church’,s demanding yet beautiful vision of marriage and family life, as well as the call to chastity. It also considers the on - going support of marriage and family life, assisting to develop parenting skills, the celebration of engagements and significant anniversaries, the creation of a happy and spiritual home life, the support of grandparents, retreats for families and married couples, the compilation of a handbook for marriage, etc. It also seeks to help those in marriage difficulties including information on nullity and the care of those who are divorced and remarried. 6.1.5 Ecclesial Movements (Type 3 Team) This Team is formed of representatives of the ecclesial movements and communities present within the Diocese. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the promotion of their vocation, the sharing of information, the identification of current challenges and best responses, and the development of deeper mutual relationships with the Bishop and the Diocese. 6.1.6 Pastoral Workers and Pastoral Assistants (Type 3 Team) This Team of Pastoral Workers and Assistants comprises all the pastoral workers and pastoral assistants in the Diocese, paid or voluntarily working within the parishes and pastoral areas (although not youth workers). Pastoral Workers are appointed in liaison with the Bishop and are given their canonical mandate and ecclesial mission by him. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, the identification of current challenges and best responses, and the development of good practice. 6.1.7 Consecrated Life (Type 3 Team) This Team comprises representatives of all the institutes of religious and consecrated life in the Diocese, resident or working within the parishes and pastoral areas. The Team meets under the direction of the Vicar for Religious at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, the identification of current challenges and best responses, and the development of deeper mutual relationships with the Bishop and the Diocese. 6.1.8 Vicar for Religious The Vicar for Religious, appointed by the Bishop for a determined period, acts on behalf of the EV for Religious in matters relating to the institutes, members and persons of religious and consecrated life in the Diocese. He is assisted in his work by a male religious and a female religious, selected for the task by the EV for Religious. The Director for Religious assists the Bishop in the pastoral care of the religious men and women of the Diocese, and helps the religious to become fully inserted into the life and mission of the Diocese in accordance with their charisms. He visits the religious communities and builds up good relationships with them. He also consults on canonical matters concerning persons who follow a vocation of consecrated life, including consecrated virgins and hermits, and represents the Bishop to the various organisations for consecrated life. He provides information on the vocation of consecrated life in its different forms, on third orders and on programmes of association or affiliation with religious institutes, and promotes the vocation of the consecrated life in schools and parishes and at other events. Where duly delegated, he conducts canonical visitations, particularly in regard to institutes directly subject to the diocesan bishop.

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Framework for Collaboration 144 6.1.9 The Diaconate Team (Type 2 Team) Led by the Diaconate Director, who is appointed by the Bishop, the Diaconate Team is responsible for (1) the promotion and discernment of vocations to the Diaconate, (2) the interview, enrolment, formation and training of students for the diaconate and their wives, and (3) the on - going formation, welfare and support of deacons and their wives (in liaison with the Vicar for Clergy). During the period of student formation, the Team works closely with the seminary, especially in relation to assessment, and, attentive to the reality that most men are married with families, coordinates local support groups for students. This Team will develop sub - teams as it works progresses. Throughout all these responsibilities, the Diaconate Director works closely with the Bishop. 6.1.10 Priestly Vocations (with Type 2 Teams) The Vocations Promoter and the Vocations Director are appointed by the Bishop and work closely in collaboration with him. Each may build up a small team of assistants as support - staff. Both the Vocations Promoter and the Vocations Director are responsible for encouraging a culture of vocation in the Diocese, for preaching in the Diocese about vocations, for organising discernment retreats and for engaging everyone in earnest prayer that the Lord will send labourers for his harvest. The Vocations Promoter is responsible for promoting in schools and parishes vocations to the sacred priesthood, especially through engaging with individual enquirers. He assists parishes and schools to identify potential priestly vocations and the desirable qualities to look out for. He invites and encourages by prayer, formation, strategies, discernment groups and his own example all those who are interested to follow God’,s call. He uses especially digital media to promote vocations. He works closely in liaison with the Vocations Director. The Vocations Director is responsible for the interview and selection of students for formation for the priesthood, and also for their support during the programme of formation. He guides men over the years of formation in discerning vocation and preparing for ordination. He annually visits students and receives updates from the seminary formators. He arranges seminarian’,s summer pastoral placements and maintains their files until ordination. 6.1.11 The Liturgical Formation Director and Team (Type 2 Team) The Director of Liturgical Formation (DLF) is appointed by the Bishop for a specific time - period and has the role of encouraging and promoting the centrality of the Sacred Liturgy in the life of the Diocese. Specifically, the DLF seeks to facilitate a dignified celebration of the Liturgy and enable/provide liturgical formation for both the clergy and the laity. The DLF, in close liaison with the Bishop, serves the needs of liturgical ministers, including the priests, deacons, readers, EMHCs and musicians. The director is aided by a ‘,Liturgical Formation Team’, (LFT), which consists of a range of different individuals involved in aspects of the Liturgy, appointed for a specific time - period by the Director in consultation with the Bishop. The director and the team, in its work, assists in Diocesan Liturgical Celebrations with Orders of Services, formulates liturgical guidelines, oversees the compilation of the Diocesan Ordo , and is involved with the compilation and care of the Diocesan Particular Calendar, Mass Propers, and Propers for the Liturgy of the Hours. The director and the team are also involved with formation, through a Diocesan resource - based website on the Liturgy, the Ongoing Formation programme for Clergy, providing formation days and programmes for liturgical ministers and the laity, contributing articles for the Diocesan eNews, and aiding in the creation of a network of musicians. Lastly, the DLF assists the Art and Patrimony Committee providing advice on liturgical spaces. 6.1.12 The Art, Architecture and Patrimony Team (Type 2 Team) The Art, Architecture and Patrimony Team comprises up to six members nominated or approved by the Bishop. Its purpose is to act as an consultative and deliberative body for clergy and parishes on matters to do with the art, architecture and patrimony of the property of the Diocese. Its work has a particular relevance for clergy and parishes that are considering a major refurbishment or reordering of a church building, the reconstruction of a sanctuary, the installation of new or the removal of old works of art, statuary etc. The Committee has a special responsibility for the listed buildings of the Diocese and can advise and assist clergy and parishes with submissions to the Historic Churches Committee and compliance with the provisions of the Ecclesiastical Exemption Order 1994. The Committee meets as required under its Chair, and the Chair works in close and regular collaboration with the Bishop.

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Framework for Collaboration 145 6.1.13 Cathedral Events Team (Type 2 Team) The Cathedral Events Team is led by the Cathedral Dean, with support of the Diocesan MC and the Bishop’,s Office. Its purpose is to arrange the annual cycle of cathedral diocesan events (e.g. Rite of Election, the Chrism Mass, Confirmations) and other large - scale cathedral events involving the Bishop that arise from time to time. 6.1.14 Pilgrimage (Type 2 Team) The Bishop appoints the Lourdes Pilgrimage Director, and s/he assembles a Pilgrimage Team to assist. The Pilgrimage Team also looks into other possible diocesan pilgrimages from time to time and liaises as required with those organising them. The Team also researches the historic pilgrimage routes across the Diocese in order to consider their function within the contemporary new evangelisation. In order to conduct this work, the Pilgrimage Team will probably develop further sub - teams as things progress. 6.1.15 Pastoral Care Services (Type 4 Team) The Pastoral Care Services Team comprises up to 12 members and will develop further ‘,sub - teams’, as its work progresses. It seeks to promote the welfare and support of all the sick, the differently abled, the housebound and those with any special needs (e.g. the visually or aurally impaired) across the Diocese, spiritually and practically. It includes the Disability Fellowship. It seeks to insert these disciples more fully into the life of Christ and His Church in order to release their gifts and to facilitate their ministry. It prays for the sick and those in need, and promotes prayer throughout the Diocese for those in need, physically and mentally. It supports the spiritual and practical care of those who are terminally ill. It seeks to support the bereaved and develop a network of care. It seeks to develop and provide a diocesan policy on care of the sick throughout the Diocese, especially in care home and other welfare centres. In liaison with the Department for Administration, it monitors changes to health and disability legislation and how these might impact upon parishes. 6.1.16 Hospital Chaplains (Type 3 Team) The Hospital Chaplains Team, led by the Bishop’,s Health - Care Advisor appointed by him, comprises all Catholic chaplains, both lay and ordained, paid or voluntarily working within the NHS from the Diocese of Portsmouth. Catholic hospital chaplains are appointed in liaison with the Bishop and are given their canonical mandate and ecclesial mission by him. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, the development of good practice, the impact of structural changes within the NHS, the building of better ecumenical relationships within hospital chaplaincy, and the piloting of “,joined up care”, with local parishes. It also helps discuss moral and theological issues arising within the medical field as pertaining to chaplaincy work or pertaining to chaplaincy work or provision. 6.1.17 Prison Chaplains (Type 3 Team) The Prison Chaplains Team, led by the Bishop’,s Prison Advisor appointed by him, comprises all Catholic chaplains, both lay and ordained, paid or voluntarily working within prisons located within the Diocese. Catholic prison chaplains are appointed in liaison with the Bishop and are given their canonical mandate and ecclesial mission by him. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, the development of good practice, the impact of structural changes and developments within the prison environment, and the building of better ecumenical relationships within prison chaplaincy. It also helps discuss theological, moral and practical issues arising within prison ministry. 6.1.18 Military Chaplains (Type 3 Team) The Bishop appoints a link - person with the military in the Diocese and with the Bishop of the Forces. This link - person assembles a team comprising all Catholic chaplains, both lay and ordained, paid or voluntarily working within military bases and establishments located within the Diocese. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, the development of good practice, and the building of better ecumenical relationships within military chaplaincy. It discusses theological, moral and practical issues arising within military ministry and the piloting of “,joined up care”, with the Diocese and with local parishes. It identifies and seeks to ensure the pastoral and support needs of military personnel within the Diocese are being met.

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Framework for Collaboration 146 6.1.19 Ethnic Chaplaincies (Type 4 Teams) The Bishop appoints an Ethnic Chaplaincy Coordinator and, in liaison with him, the Bishop appoints chaplains (either lay or ordained) to the various ethnic groups and communities within the Diocese. These include initially Filipino, Nigerian and Chinese communities and in time will include Polish, Portuguese, the travelling community and others, as required. Each chaplain appoints a team of up to 6 members to help him/her. Each chaplaincy - team values, celebrates and networks each ethnic group and at the same time helps integrate persons of differing ethnicities into the life of the local parish, the Diocese and the universal Church. These Teams meet at least once or twice a year for prayer, celebration, discussion and mutual support, to promote the spiritual and practical welfare of individuals, groups and categories within the ethnic communities, the sharing of information, networking, the establishment of self - help and to organise spiritual and social gatherings. Ethnic Chaplaincies sometimes liaises with the Social Research Unit in order to become aware of shifting demographics. 6.1.2 0 Anglican Ordinariate Links The Bishop appoints a link - person with the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham for two - way communication and as a point of contact and liaison with those priests and communities of the Ordinariate. 6.1.2 1 Coordinator for Other Rites The Bishop appoints a Coordinator for Other Rites to act as a point of contact and liaison with those priests and communities that celebrate liturgies in rites other than the Roman Rite. The Coordinator for Other Rites liaises with the Ethnic Chaplaincies Coordinator and, as appropriate, with the Social Research Unit, in order to determine what pastoral provision might be needed in a particular location or parish community. The Coordinator liaises with the Bishop, with the local priests and parishes and with the clergy of the Other Rites to facilitate appropriate provision. He keeps a registry of clergy and also ensures that where Other Rites are regularly provided, a note is included in the Diocesan Year Book and Directory and on the diocesan website. 6.2 VICARIATE FOR EDUCATION 6.2.1 Governance and Compliance (Type 1 Team) The Governance Team within the Catholic Academies and Schools Office (CASO) is responsible for ensuring governing bodies are properly constituted in accordance with government legislation and their approved statutory Instrument of Government. Foundation governors and foundation directors are appointed to this ministry by the Bishop. The Team administers the appointment process in accordance with diocesan policy and processes, the relevant Instrument of Government/Academy articles and government guidance, provides induction training for foundation governors and directors on their role in the ministry and their relationship with the Bishop. The team provides guidance, training and support on canonical and legal responsibilities and obligations of governing bodies and headteachers through regular bulletins, briefing meetings for headteachers, governors and clerks to governing bodies. It reviews a range of policies specifically affecting Catholic schools reflecting government policy and legal advice from the Catholic Education Service (CES). It liaises with the government’,s Department for Education and local authorities to ensure governing bodies of our Catholic schools are advised appropriately on all policy and procedural matters such as staffing contracts, headteacher performance review, safeguarding, staff grievance and capability. Regular briefing meetings are held for governors and clerks to governing bodies. The team ensures academy conversion documents are in accordance with the requirements of the Bishop and Trustees and provides support for schools converting to academy status. 6.2.2 Promoting Catholic Schools (Type 1 Team) This Team within CASO promotes the spirit of community in all Catholic schools across the diocese: voluntary aided, academies and independent schools. It promotes the distinctive nature of Catholic schools within the diocesan Framework for Collaboration. Headteachers of Catholic schools collaborate through regular cluster meetings and team - led headteacher briefings. Schools participate in both diocesan and team - led activities, including, for example, the annual ‘,Good Shepherd Mass,’, the Bamenda partnership and other charitable initiatives.

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Framework for Collaboration 147 6.2.3 Catholic School Places and Admissions (Type 1 Team) The Team for Catholic School Places and Admissions within CASO keeps under review the supply and demand of Catholic places across the Diocese and advises the Bishop and trustees as appropriate. It liaises with the 13 local authorities and the Channel Islands in the planning of school places. The team advises and supports schools in statutory processes when appropriate and administers the processes in respect of major school organisation initiatives. The Team facilitates the collection of data from all schools in the diocese for the national CES annual census. Catholic maintained schools (voluntary aided and academies) must have regard to the guidance from the team when constructing religious over - subscription criteria in respect of admissions to Catholic schools in the diocese and must consult the Bishop when deciding how membership or practice of the faith is to be demonstrated. The team advises schools on all aspects of admissions ensuring school admissions policies are in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the School Admissions Code and responds formally to governing bodies as and when schools consult in accordance with the School Admissions Code and related government regulations. 6.2.4 Religious Education and Collective Worship (Type 1 Team) This team for Religious Education and Collective Worship advises the Bishop on the appropriate RE programme for schools ensuring the requirements of the Catholic RE Curriculum Directory are met. It supports schools in the delivery of the RE programmes through regular training and provision of appropriate resources. The team organises a programme of canonical and statutory inspections (validations) of the schools in the Diocese with regular monitoring visits to ensure schools are supported. It trains validators to undertake this task. The team, on behalf of the Bishop, ensures representation on statutory local authority Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) and represents the Diocese at national meetings and conferences of the National Board of Religious Inspectors and Advisers (NBRIA). The team is also responsible for teacher formation and provides regular opportunities for teacher formation. 6.2.5 School to School Support (Type 1 Team) The team of School to School Support within CASO promotes and facilitates collaborative working arrangements and structures for schools across the diocese. These include, for example, the support for cluster group meetings of headteachers, heads/managers of RE to more formal collaborative arrangements such as federations and Multi Academy Trusts (MATs), where groups of school can access funding which has traditionally been passed to local authorities. With the support of the Team, schools can build their own capacity for school improvement and the raising of standards (cf. CIC 806:2). The team holds regular headteacher briefing meetings. It collects data and information to assess the performance of pupils and schools and for judging the system as a whole. It represents the Bishop at Ofsted inspection feedbacks and with other partners brokers appropriate support where necessary. 6.2.6 School Leadership (Type 1 Team) The School Leadership Team within CASO works with the relevant local authority to provide advice and support to governing bodies in the preparation of senior leadership appointments. The team represents the Bishop at the shortlisting and appointment of headteachers, deputies and heads of RE. The team develops Catholic teachers and leaders by working with teaching schools, other providers and dioceses to tackle the problem of developing leaders and dealing with succession planning. It facilitates and delivers an induction programme and arranges a mentoring programme for new headteachers. The team provides regular training for newly qualified teachers and those teachers who are new to the Diocese. 6.2.7 Church and State as Statutory Partners in Education (Type 1 Team) This team within CASO represents the Bishop on statutory forums, e.g. local authority scrutiny committees. It also represents the Bishop and Trustees at national meetings and conferences affecting Catholic education. The team responds to statutory consultations from central and local government affecting Catholic education nationally and locally. 6.2.8 Chaplain to Heads and Principals The Bishop appoints a senior priest as Heads’, Chaplain to encourage and enrich every Head/Principal in exercising their unique Catholic leadership in the Diocese, to offer spiritual care and personal support, to attend Heads’, Briefings and to lead Prayer and Formation.

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Framework for Collaboration 148 6.2.9 Youth Mission Team (Type 2 Team) The Bishop appoints the Director of the Department for Educational Chaplaincies and s/he assembles a Youth Mission Team, comprising up to 6 members. The Youth Mission Team exists to assist and support the Director of the Department for Educational Chaplaincies. Its primary purpose is to provide the practical, secretarial, IT and communication skills required to assist the work of the Director and the Department. It also acts as an advisory panel to him and a sounding - board in the creation of new ideas and strategies for ministry among young. Its members frequently assist at youth events and functions, as required. 6.2.10 School and Academy Chaplains (Type 3 Team) School chaplains, lay and ordained, are appointed and employed by diocesan schools and academies in liaison with the Bishop and are given their canonical mandate and ecclesial mission by him . The Director of the D epartment for Educational Chaplaincies coordinates the ecclesial mission of the chaplains and networks them into a team. The School and Academy Chaplains Team comprises all Catholic chaplains, paid or voluntary, working within the schools and academies of the Diocese. Led by the Director of the Department for Educational Chaplaincies, the Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, closer liaison with the Diocese, the identification of current challenges and best responses, and the development of good practice. 6.2.11 University Chaplains (Type 3 Team) The University Chaplains Team comprises all Catholic chaplains, lay and ordained, paid or voluntary, working within the universities and tertiary level educational entities of the Diocese. Catholic university chaplains are appointed in liaison with the Bishop and are given their canonical mandate and ecclesial mission by him. The Director of the Department for Educational Chaplaincies coordinates the ecclesial mission of the chaplains and networks them into a team. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, closer liaison with the Diocese, the identification of current challenges and best responses, and the development of good practice. 6.2.12 Youth Chaplains and Ministers (Type 3 Team) The Youth Chaplains Team comprises all Catholic youth ministers within the Diocese, paid or voluntary, working within the parishes and pastoral areas. Youth chaplains are appointed in liaison with the Bishop and are given their canonical mandate and ecclesial mission by him. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information, closer liaison with the Diocese, the identification of current challenges and best responses, and the development of good practice. 6.3 VICARIATE FOR EVANGELISATION 6.3.1 Bamenda Committee (Type 4 Team) The Bamenda Committee comprises a Team of up to 12 members that supports, enables, directs and develops the relationship and ecclesial exchange between the Diocese of Portsmouth and the Archdiocese of Bamenda. This includes promoting prayer for one another, practical and financial support for projects, the organisation of exchange visits, the promotion of the link in our schools and parishes, and the sharing of news and information. 6.3.2 Justice, Peace and Social Responsibility (Type 4 Team) The Justice, Peace and Social Responsibility Team comprises up to 12 members. The purpose of the Team is to ‘,conscientise ’, the Diocese, that is, to stimulate all Catholics to have a real concern for justice, peace and social responsibility at home, at work and in our society. It seeks to promote an authentic humanism inspired by the Gospel, the social teaching of the Church and the vision of Pope Benedict XVI expressed in Caritas in Veritate and Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium on integral human development in charity and truth. The Team creates, stimulates and oversees initiatives at the local, parish, pastoral area and diocesan levels. It links together campaigners and others from across the range of human life issues: from those campaigning against abortion and on beginning of life matters, through campaigns to do with childhood and old age, the care of animals, justice, peace and reconciliation in our own society and oversees, concern with environmental resources, bioethical matters to end of life concerns. The Team seeks to promote links with national organisations.

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Framework for Collaboration 149 6.3.3 Caritas Diocese of Portsmouth (Type 2 Team) The Bishop appoints a Director, who assembles a team of helpers and assistants. This Team, in liaison with the Department for Administration, with the Charities and Outreach Team, and where appropriate with specific teams and vicariates across the Framework, seeks to implement the aims of Intima Ecclesiae Natura and to establish Caritas Diocese of Portsmouth (CDOP). Deus caritas est, God is love (1 Jn 4:8), the beginning and end of charity, which is the ordered expression of love of neighbour, within the communion and mission of the Church. The love of neighbour is first and foremost a responsibility for each individual member of the faithful but is also a responsibility for the entire ecclesial community at every level. CDOP seeks to enable and support the teaching, promotion, ordering and organising of this constitutive element of the Church within the parishes, schools, pastoral areas and deaneries of the Diocese. It enables this in a variety of ways, including working with charitable groups across the diocese and supporting and sponsoring charitable activities that serve the poorest and most needy at home and abroad. It develops where possible ecumenical links and links with other charitable agencies whose aims are consonant with those of Catholic charity. 6.3.4 Refugee Response Group (Type 4 Team) The Refugee Response Group comprises up to 12 members, some of whom might be recruited from other relevant Framework teams. It seeks to help the Diocese respond appropriately to the needs of migrants and refugees living within our area. It acts as a point of reference and advice for parishes and diocesan agencies. It liaises with appropriate government bodies and local agencies, as well as agencies of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, in order to enable and develop projects to assist and serve migrants and refugees within the Diocese. It collaborates closely with Caritas, and with the Justice, Peace and Social Responsibility and the Charities and Outreach Teams. 6.3.5 Charities and Outreach (Type 3 Team) The Charities and Outreach Team is formed of representatives from key charities operating within the Diocese (e.g. CAFOD) and works closely with Caritas Diocese of Portsmouth. The Team meets at least once or twice a year for prayer, discussion and mutual support, the sharing of information closer liaison with the Diocese, the identification of current challenges and best responses, and the development of good practice. 6.3.6 New Evangelisation Team (NET) The New Evangelisation Team (NET), formed of representatives from the Deanery Evangelisation Strategy Teams, acts as the Diocesan Pastoral Council. It provides the Bishop’,s Council with comments, feedback and suggestions from the laity. Its focus is especially on matters of mission and new evangelisation. At the same time, it seeks to generate and propose new ideas, strategies and programmes for the pastoral life and mission of the Diocese. 6.3.7 Social Research Unit (SRU) (Type 4 Team) The Social Research Unit (SRU) is a compact team of researchers, perhaps 6 members. It conducts general research of the demography and demographic trends occurring within the Diocese of Portsmouth, both secular in so far as they impact upon the life of the Church, and internally within the Church (e.g. lapsation and its causes). The information provided by the SRU enables the Diocese more effectively to adapt its evangelistic efforts to the reality of today and to changing or emerging circumstances. Depending on its capacity, the SRU will also answer queries and/or undertake specific research projects, at the request of other Teams across the Framework. It maintains the Diocesan Dashboard . 6.3.8 Outreach to Marginalised and Inactive Catholics (Type 4 Team) The Outreach to Marginalised and Inactive Catholics Team comprises up to 12 members. It seeks to study trends in religious practice and the causes of lapsation or non - practice within the Catholic community. It looks to developing new means of reaching out to marginalized and inactive Catholics, including sharing good practice from local initiatives and linking with methods, schemes and groups already working in this field. This Team researches spirituality, religiosity and faith in our society and promotes projects, in liaison with the SRU and in collaboration with outside agencies. The Team seeks to devise new strategies for use at local, parish and pastoral area level.

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Framework for Collaboration 150 6.3.9 Formation for Mission Teams (Type 2 and Type 3 Teams) The Bishop appoints a Sub - Department Director who assembles a team of helpers and assistants. The Formation for Mission Team (a Type Two Team) comprises up to 12 members, and will develop further ‘,sub - teams’, as its work progresses. The Team seeks to awaken the desire for a personal - passionate love for Jesus Christ within the communion of his Body the Church and thus to encourage and enable intentional discipleship. It includes establishing, forming, training and commissioning a network of catechists across the Diocese and providing for their on - going formation. (The catechists will form Type 3 Teams). Formation for Mission covers two areas: (1) the catechesis of children and young adults, and (2) adult formation. The catechesis of children includes the development of programmes, materials and training required to prepare children and their parents for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. It also includes the provision of the same for those involved in the Children’,s Liturgy at Sunday Mass. Adult Formation includes all the processes, formation and provision of content involved with the RCIA and the rites of reception into full - communion, the support of the higher education programmes in the Diocese run by our privileged partners, St. Mary’,s, Twickenham, the Maryvale Institute and the School of Annunciation, Buckfast. The Team also looks to the provision of one - off and on - going adult formation courses and events across the Diocese. 6.3.10 Christian Unity Team (Type 4 Team) The Bishop appoints an Ecumenical Development Coordinator (EDC). The EDC represents the Bishop at ecumenical functions, develops good relations with other non - Catholic clergy and community leaders, and also ensures that a calendar of significant days for other Christians is included in the Diocesan Ordo . The Christian Unity Team comprises up to 12 members with representatives from across the Diocese. It assists the EDC and seeks to identify and build good relationships with the clergy and laity of the other Christian communities, our brothers and sisters: with the Orthodox communities and with the Reformed communities (e.g. Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Free Church, Pentecostalist, Baptist and the non - denominational churches). The aim is to pray and work for a deeper spiritual, liturgical, doctrinal and ecclesial communion, and to promote a desire for this within the clergy and laity of our Diocese. This involves developing activities related to education, prayer, membership of ecumenical bodies and other special events at local, regional or diocesan level, not least, though not limited to, the Weeks of Prayer for the Unity of Christians. 6.3.11 Jewish - Christian Fellowship Team (Type 4 Team) The Jewish - Christian Fellowship Team comprises up to 12 members with representatives from across the Diocese. Its purpose is to identify and build good relationships with the Jewish community within the different areas of our Diocese and to enable mutually enriching discussion, sharing and common projects. The Jews are our elder brothers and sisters in faith. The Team thus seeks to educate the people and clergy of our Diocese to a greater awareness and knowledge of Judaism, our common origins, beliefs and outlooks, our shared values, hopes and worship patterns. The Team ensures that a calendar of significant days for the Jewish community is included in the Diocesan Ordo and that appropriate notification and intercessory prayers are sent to parishes for those anniversaries. 6.3.12 Inter - Religious Dialogue Team (Type 4 Team) The Bishop appoints an Interreligious Dialogue (IRD) Coordinator(s). The IRD Coordinator represents the Bishop at religious functions and seeks to develop good relations with the other religious communities and their leaders. The IRD Coordinator facilitates the IRD Team. The IRD Team comprises up to 12 members with representatives from across the Diocese and as its work progresses, it will probably develop further sub - teams. The purpose of the IRD Team is to identify and build good relationships with the people and leaders of the other religious communities (non - Christian) within the different areas of our Diocese and to enable mutually enriching discussion, sharing and common projects. These links are with the Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists and those of other religions. At the same time, the IRD Team helps educate the people and clergy of our Diocese to a greater awareness and knowledge of the other religions, their origins, beliefs and outlooks, their values, hopes and worship patterns. The IRD Team works in association with the interreligious adviser to the Bishops’, Conference. The IRD Coordinator and IRD Team ensures that a calendar of significant days for the other religious communities is included in the Diocesan Ordo and that appropriate notification and intercessory prayers are sent to parishes for those anniversaries.

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Framework for Collaboration 151 6.3.13 Dialogue with Cultural Sectors Team (Type 4 Team) The Dialogue with Cultural sectors Team comprises up to 12 members selected from various professions (e.g. medicine, education, business) and will develop sub - teams as its work progresses. Its purpose is to network Catholics in the various professions for prayer, mutual support and discussion. It seeks to bring the Catholic Tradition into a critical conversation (dialogue and proclamation) with the thinking and philosophy of those cultural sectors. It seeks to establish an occasional Symposium or study - day either for each profession or one for all on a common theme. 6.3.14 The Courtyard of the Gentiles (Type 4 Team) The ‘,Courtyard of the Gentiles’, comprises up to 12 members. It seeks to be a space and forum for constructive and hope - filled dialogue between the Church and those of other beliefs or no belief. It seeks to dialogue with those who are seeking with a sincere heart truth, goodness and love. Its aim is to create space for mutually enriching conversation and discussion, and to sponsor innovative projects at local, regional and diocesan level that can help foster community development and further the mission of the Church in the public square. 6.3.15 Civic Relations (Type 4 Team) The Civic Relations Team comprises up to 12 members. It seeks to cultivate good relations with MPs, with those who work in local government and in the public bodies located within our Diocese. It seeks on occasion, where duly delegated, to represent the Catholic Church and the Bishop at local civic events and functions. Where practicable it seeks both dialogue and proclamation, presenting the Catholic faith as an authentic humanism, that is, as the ‘,fullness of life’, (cf. John 10: 10). It seeks to safeguard the interests of the Catholic community within a pluralist and secular context and also to seek out new avenues for service of the whole community, especially of the poorest and most vulnerable

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•, Spending fi, ve minutes a day in prayer •, A tt ending mass on Sunday •, Keeping Friday as a day of penance •, Paying a fortnightly visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament •, Going to confession once a month •, Joining a small group for forma ti on, prayer and fellowship Six Holy Habits:

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