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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
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2022 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2021 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2021 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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Directory and Yearbook for the Diocese of Northampton


2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

DIOCESE OF NORTHAMPTON Diocesan Directory 2023 Cover Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 08/11/2022 13:22 Page 1

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Cover Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 08/11/2022 13:22 Page 2

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Front cover: Bishop David congratulates the newly ordained Fr Jithu James and a young family venerate the relics in our Cathedral. SUB TUUM PRAESIDUM THE DIOCESE OF NORTHAMPTON (Province of Westminster) Consisting of the counties of Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire, and that part of Berkshire (formerly in Buckinghamshire) that lies to the north of the River Thames PATRONS OF THE DIOCESE: 1. Our Blessed Lady Immaculate (8th December) 11. St Thomas of Canterbury (29th December) Registered Charity No 234091 Title Page.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:27 Page 1

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory


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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Contents Foreword 5 History of the Diocese 13 Diocese 17 Clergy and Religious 34 Religious Orders 49 Pastoral Areas 53 Parishes 56 Schools 85 Chaplaincies 91 Ordination 95 Shrine of the Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe 97 Ordo 98 Second Collections 145 Prayer Calendar 146 Parish Locator 148 Index of Parishes by Town 150 Advertiser Index 152 Diocese Clergy Religious Parishes Schools Chaplaincies Statistics Ordo 3

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory


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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

FOREWORD There has been a great deal to celebrate from our mission in 2022. In society, life has crept back to normal, work, family, holidays, school. Much of this has bought joy to our lives following the restrictions of previous years. Of course, alongside this joy is some anxiety, nervousness and stress which a lack of stability or certainty can often bring. Our mission this year has been to reach out to those who are suff,ering or in need with the love that only Christ Jesus can bring. You will notice in these pages that a great deal has changed. As we plan for the future we recognise the challenges ahead, a drop in numbers of those attending Mass, lower number of priests and tighter fi,nancial restraints. All these lead to a need for us to be active as the living stones of our Church. I have been heartened as I listen to stories of people returning to Church after many years away and those who have never thought of the love of God, asking thought provoking questions as they genuinely seek solace in His loving embrace. The ministry of Caritas Northampton and Mission Northampton has reached many people outside of our own walls and invited them into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. I know many parishes have organised foodbanks, warm places for the elderly and supported evangelistic projects. This year we have lost some faithful disciples as they have been called back to the Father in Heaven, Fr Patrick Bailey, Fr Edmund Worthy, Fr Bernard Hughes, Fr Brian Leatherland, Fr John Fowler, Fr Ken Payne and Mgr Tony McDermott. The town of Corby mourned the loss of Sr Stephanie Davidson who had been in the north of our diocese since 1986. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Gracious listening has been a theme of our year. As I have said it has been an important aspect of my own ministry as I walk alongside each person in our diocese. It has been important for us a diocesan family. Living as a synodal family, growing together as we listen to the Holy Spirit guiding our way. As we move into the next phase of our diocesan synodal pathway we pray that through prayer and discernment, each of us will be open to the will of our Father. As we enter 2023, my prayer is that we will continue to grow in the love of the Holy Spirit, listening to each other and discerning with the Spirit as we walk together as the Body of Christ. Foreword.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:11 Page 1 5

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Bishop David visited all our Catholic schools between September 2021 and March 2022. Bishop David blesses children following the Easter Vigil at Northampton Cathedral. Foreword.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:11 Page 2 Foreword 6

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

American singer songwriter, Sarah Kroger toured our diocese in March 2022 visiting Milton Keynes, Luton and pictured here, Beaconsfi,eld. Many people gathered for the anointing of the Sick during the visit of the relics of Saint Bernadette Soubirous in October 2022. Foreword.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:11 Page 3 Foreword 7

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

A large group from across our diocese travelled to Lourdes on pilgrimage in August 2022. Pictured here is a group from our Cathedral parish. Bishop David blesses the healing garden in the grounds of Northampton Cathedral. The healing garden welcomes everyone, especially those who have experienced hurt and abuse from members of our church. Foreword.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:11 Page 4 Foreword 8

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Bishop David greets a child following the opening Mass of the Relics Tour 2022 Pilgrims travelled to Walsingham in June for the annual diocesan pilgrimage. Foreword.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:11 Page 5 Foreword 9

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Our Lady of Peace Primary School in Burnham, Slough. Taken at the Schools Mass in October hosted by our Diocesan Education Service in St Mary`s Church, Dunstable. In September our diocese welcomed Marcela Campañ,a as Choral Director. The new post is fully funded by the Hamish Ogston Foundation as part of the National Schools Singing Program. Foreword.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:11 Page 6 Foreword 10

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory


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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory


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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

The Catholic Faith fi,rst came to Britain in Roman times. St Alban, our fi,rst martyr, probably suff,ered in the year A.D. 209. Three bishops from Britain attended the Council at Arles in A.D. 314. In 597 St Augustine came from Rome to convert the pagan Angles, Saxons and Jutes who had invaded and settled in Britain after the departure of the Romans. His work of conversion was concentrated largely in the kingdoms of Kent and Essex. It was not until some thirty‐,eight years later that the area covered by our present diocese received the Christian message, with the arrival of the missionary St Birinus and the foundation of his see at Dorchester on Thames in 636. But the real evangelization of the people who dwelt in our district, the Middle Angles, was achieved through the labours of missionaries from the isle of Lindisfarne, off, the Northumbrian coast. Notable among them was St Chad, whose see, established at Lichfi,eld in 669, included the present diocese of Northampton. A few years later, to meet local needs, Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury divided the Mercian see of Lichfi,eld and founded the diocese of Leicester for the Middle Angles. There it remained until the ninth century when the disruption of the Scandinavian invasions necessitated its transference to the safer original site at Dorchester on Thames. With a major reorganisation of the diocesan system in the Norman period, the ancient see of Dorchester was brought to an end. In 1072, Remigius, its last bishop, was translated to Lincoln, in which jurisdiction the territory of the present diocese remained for many centuries. From the time of the Reformation until 1850, Catholic Dioceses ceased to exist in Britain. As a result of heroic sacrifi,ce by clergy and laity alike the Faith remained alive and from 1685 to 1850 was governed by Vicars Apostolic, who reported to the Cardinal Prefect of the Roman Congregation of Propaganda Fidei. On 29 September 1850 by Letters Apostolic, issued by Pope Pius IX, the English Hierarchy was restored, and the diocese of Northampton came into being. On 13 March 1976, by the decree Quod Ecumenicum , Pope Paul Vl formed the diocese of East Anglia for the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suff,olk. The territory left to the diocese of Northampton covers Bedfordshire, the old county of Buckinghamshire including the Slough area, and Northamptonshire. THE DIOCESE - A BREIF HISTORY History of the Diocese.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 1 Diocese 13

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

BISHOPS These are the past bishops who have had charge of the diocese: Rt Rev William Wareing Born London 16 February 1791. Ordained Priest 28 September 1815. Taught at Oscott and Sedgley. Priest at Cresswell (Staff,s), Grantham, and Stamford. April 1838, Vice‐,President of Oscott. 1840, Vicar Apostolic of the Eastern District. 21 September 1840, consecrated Bishop of Aristopolis. Made Bishop of Northampton 1850. Retired February 1858 as Bishop of Retimo. Died 26 December 1865 at East Bergholt, Suff,olk, and is buried there. Rt Rev Francis Kerril Amherst Born in London 21 March 1819. Ordained Priest 6 June 1846. Joined the third order of St. Dominic. Taught at Oscott. Priest at Staff,ord. Consecrated Bishop of Northampton 4 July 1858. Assistant to the Pontifi,cal Throne 1862. Established the orphanage at Sheff,ord. Resigned as Bishop of Northampton 2 April 1879. Appointed Apostolic Administrator until 9 September 1879. Appointed Titular Bishop of Sozusa, 27 July 1880. Died at Fieldgate, Kenilworth, 21 August 1883. Buried in Northampton Cathedral. Rt Rev Arthur Grange Riddell Born 15 September 1836 at Paris. Ordained Priest 2 September 1858. Curate at Hull, then Parish Priest at Scarborough. Consecrated Bishop of Northampton 9 June 1880. Founded many new missions in the Diocese, and a Seminary, active for Catholic education. Died at Northampton, 15 September 1907. Buried in the Northampton Cemetery, possibly later reburied outside Northampton Cathedral. Rt Rev Frederick William Keating DD Born in Birmingham 13 June 1859. Ordained Priest 20 October 1882. Taught at Olton, Marston Green Children’,s Home, and Oscott. 1887, Vice‐,Rector at Olton. 1888 Priest at Wednesbury. 1898 Administrator at St. Chad’,s Cathedral, Birmingham. Consecrated Bishop 25 February 1908. Commissioned by the Government to lecture in America in World War 1. Translated to Liverpool as Metropolitan and Archbishop, 13 June 1921. Died 7 February 1928. Buried at Upholland, Lancs. Rt Rev Dudley Charles Cary‐,Elwes Born at Nice, 5 February 1868. Ordained Priest 30 May 1896. Priest at Peterborough and Luton and Diocesan Inspector of Schools. Consecrated Bishop 15 December 1921. Began Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Died 1 May 1932 Buried at Great Billing, Northampton, his family home. Rt Rev Laurence Youens Born at High Wycombe 14 December 1873. Ordained Priest, 3 June 1901 at Choubrah (Egypt). Joined Society of African Missions. Taught at Zagazi (Egypt). 1902, returned to England. Curate at High Wycombe, then Rector of Sheff,ord Boys’, Home. Consecrated Bishop 25 July 1933. Restored the Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham. Died at Northampton 14 November 1939. Buried at Belmont Abbey, Hereford. History of the Diocese.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 2 Diocese History of the Diocese 14

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Rt Rev Thomas Leo Parker MA Born at Sutton Coldfi,eld, 21 December 1887. Ordained Priest 29 May 1915. Bishop’,s Secretary for Salford Diocese until 1936 then Priest at Higher Broughton. Active for Catholic Education and a member of the B.B.C. Religious Aff,airs Committee. Domestic Prelate, 1940. 11 February 1941, consecrated Bishop. Extended the Cathedral. Present at Vatican II. 1966, appointed Assistant to the Pontifi,cal Throne. Retired to Fox Den (Burnham) 17 January 1967 as Bishop of Magarmel. Died 25 March 1975. Buried in the Cathedral. Rt Rev Charles Alexander Grant M A., LCL Born Cambridge 25 October 1906. Ordained Priest 16 June 1935. Priest for Cambridge, Ely and Kettering. 1955, Vicar General 1960, Monsignor. 25 April 1961, Auxiliary Bishop. Consecrated Bishop, 26 April 1967. Spoke at Vatican 11 on poverty and the immorality of weapons of mass destruction. Worked for international justice and the combating of poverty. Retired 1982 to Kiln Green, Reading). Died 24 April 1989.Buried at Woburn Sands. In 1976 the diocese was divided and the Diocese of East Anglia was formed. Bishop Clark (Auxiliary Bishop 1969 ‐,1976) was its fi,rst Bishop. Rt Rev Francis Gerard Thomas STL Born Stone, Staff,s. 29 May 1930. Ordained Priest 5 June 1955. Priest at Leamington Spa, then further studies, Rome. 1959, taught theology at Oscott. 1968, Rector. 1979, Parish Priest at Newcastle under Lyme. 29 September 1982, ordained Bishop of Northampton. Active in the Ecumenical movement. Initiated the Diocesan Assembly. Died 25 December 1988 aged 58. Buried at Great Billing. Rt Rev Patrick Leo McCartie Born in West Hartlepool 5 September 1925. Ordained priest, 17 July 1949. Priest at Coventry, Cotton College, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Wednesbury. Ordained Auxiliary Bishop in Birmingham, 20 May 1977. Installed as Bishop of Northampton, 19 March 1990. Formed the Diocesan Pastoral Council, promoted the Diocesan Education Service centred in Milton Keynes, re‐,ordered the Cathedral and encouraged the annual Schools Mass. Retired May 2001. Died on 23 April 2020. Buried at Great Billing. Rt Rev Kevin John Patrick McDonald BA,STL,STD Born Stoke‐,on‐,Trent, 18 August 1947. Ordained priest, 20 July 1974. 1975, Priest at Stourbridge. 1976, taught moral theology at Oscott. 1985, worked at Pontifi,cal Council for Christian Unity and became Monsignor, 1988. Parish priest, Sparkhill, 1993. Rector of Oscott, 1998. Ordained Bishop of Northampton 2 May 2001. Commenced ‘,Build my Church’, programme. Translated to Southwark as Metropolitan and Archbishop, 8 December 2003. Retired 2009. Rt Rev Peter John Haworth Doyle Born in Wilpshire, near Blackburn, Lancashire, on 3rd May 1944. Ordained priest in St John’,s Cathedral, Portsmouth on 8th June 1968. History of the Diocese.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 3 Diocese History of the Diocese 15

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Thereafter, Bishop Peter worked in parishes in the Diocese of Portsmouth –, assistant priest at St. Joseph’,s, Copnor 1968‐,70, assistant priest at St. Edward’,s, Windsor 1970‐,75, administrator at St. John’,s Cathedral, Portsmouth 1975‐,87, parish priest at St. Joseph’,s, Maidenhead 1987‐,91, and parish priest at St. Peter’,s, Winchester 1991‐,2005 and also at St. Gregory’,s, Alresford from 2004. He was a member of the Council of Priests, a Consultor and a member of the Cathedral Chapter and from 2001 a member of the Bishop’,s Council and a Vicar General. He was also Dean of Portsmouth and of Winchester, chaired various school Governing bodies, and was Chairman of the Diocesan Schools Commission and the Diocesan Religious Education Council. Ordained the twelfth Bishop of Northampton at the Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate and St Thomas of Canterbury on 28th June 2005. Retired as Bishop of Northampton in 2020. History of the Diocese.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 4 Diocese History of the Diocese 16

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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Clergy and Religious Diocesan Priests A t: 01753 523147 Amoako , Rev Pius BA (Hons) Post Grad Dip (Theol) STB (Theology) Ordained: 04 July 2015 Wellington Street, Slough, SL1 1XU e: History: St Edward`s, Kettering 2015-17, Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2017, Thrapston, Raunds &, Oundle 2021, St Ethelbert`s, Slough 2022. B t: 01908 842701 Barrett , Rev Bernard Patrick Andrew BD (Hons) MA Ordained: 05 May 1990 St Francis de Sales Presbytery, 22 Stratford Road, Wolverton, MK12 5LJ e: History: St Ethelbert, Slough 1990-91, Our Lady, Corby 1991-92, Cathedral 1992-94, Diocesan Director, Archconfraternity of St Stephen 1992-94, Wellingborough 1994-95, Wolverton 1995, and St Mary Magdalene, Stony Stratford 2002. t: 01234 711212 Barrett , Rev David Butler PhB STL Dip.Couns Ordained: 30 July 1993 39-41 West Street, Olney, MK46 5HH e: History: Kettering 1993-98, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1998-99, SS Philip &,, James, Bedford 2000-01, Bishops` Chaplain 2002-07, Diocesan Director and Promoter of Vocations 2003, Priest-in-Charge of Woburn Sands, 2004, Further Studies, Rome 2007-10, Burnham, 2010-12, Sabbatical 2012. St Augustine`s, High Wycombe 2018-19. Human Formator, St John`s Seminary, Wonersh 2018. Our Lady Help of Christians, Olney 2019, Director of Human Formation and Lecturer in Patristics, St John`s Seminary, Wonersh, 2020-2021, Lecturer in Patristics, Allen Hall Seminary, 2021 Barrett , Rev Richard John BD JCD Ordained: 01 June 1985 105 High Street, Stony Stratford, MK11 1AT e: History: Kettering 1985-88, Further Studies, Rome 1988-92, Burnham 1992-94, St Joseph, Bedford 1994-96, Kettering 1996-98, Ker Maria, Princes Risborough 1998-99, Chaplain, Bridgettine Convent, Iver Heath 1999-2001, Belmont Abbey 2001-02, Supply Work 2002. t: 01604 713015 Behrens , Rev Andrew AKC Ordained: 02 January 1998 22 Park Avenue North, Northampton , NN3 2HS e: History: St Joseph, Bedford 1998-2002, St Gregory, Northampton 2002. t: 01296 483629 Beirne , Rev Canon John Patrick BA BD (VF) Ordained: 08 July 1977 56 High Street, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1SE e: History: (Canon 2017) St Joseph, Luton 1977-81, St Brendan, Corby 1981-88, St Wulstan, High Wycombe 1988-96, Parochial Administrator, Our Lady of Grace, High Wycombe 1995-96, Little Chalfont 1996-99, St Joseph and St Clare, Aylesbury 1999. t: 01582 723254 Bialowas , Rev Dariusz Ordained: 12 June 1993 52 Castle Street, Luton LU1 3AG e: History: Incardinated April 2006, Assistant, St Edwards, Kettering and St Joseph`s, Luton 2006, Our Lady Help of Christians, Luton 2007, on sabbatical 2022 t: 01628 483696 Bowen , Rev Kenneth Ordained: 03 May 1982 ( retired ) 5a Pugin House, St Peter Street, Marlow, SL7 1NQ e: History: Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1982-86, RAChD Chaplain to the Army of the Rhine, Germany, with the rank of Captain 1986-87, Burnham 1987-92, St Clare, Aylesbury 1992-96, Thrapston and Raunds 1996-2005, Woburn Sands and Chaplain to the Catholic post-graduate students of Cranfield University 2005-17. Retired 2017. Clergy 34

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t: 01582 662710 Brennan , Rev Canon Anthony William BA Ordained: 24 June 1994 82 West Street, Dunstable, LU6 1NY e: History: Burnham 1994-2000, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2000-03, Justice and Peace Coordinator 2001, Holy Cross, Bedford 2003-11 and SS Philip and James, Bedford 2007-11, Holy Family &, St John`s, Luton, 2011-19 St Mary`s, Dunstable 2019, Canon 2021. Bull , Rev Malcolm Harold Ordained: 05 December 2002 c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: St Philip and St James, Bedford 2002-07, Officiating Priest, Olney 2007-19. Parish Administrator, Newport Pagnell 2014-17. Retired 2019. t: 01536 202879 Byrne , Rev Gerard STB Ordained: 29 June 1998 151 Beanfield Ave, Corby, NN18 0AZ e: History: Kettering 1998-2002, St Joseph, Bedford 2002, St Brendan, Corby 2007 and St Patrick, Corby 2008, Diocesan MC, 2007. C t: 01582 663706 Castle , Rev Liam Ordained: 25 March 2022 366 Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NG e: History: St Martin De Porres Church, Luton 2022 Cielen , Rev Jan Ordained: 18 May 1986 c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Previously with the Divine Word Fathers): Incardinated 11 September 1995, Wellingborough 1991-94, Kettering 1994-96, St Joseph, Bedford 1996, St Gregory, Northampton 1996-98, Biggleswade 1998-2008. Clarke , Canon Michael Bosco Ordained: 16 June 1968 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Canon 2000): St George, Norwich 1968-71, St Ethelbert, Slough 1971-76, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1976-78, St Wulstan, High Wycombe 1978-84, Holy Family, Slough 1984-2002, St Peter, Marlow 2002, Retired 2010. t: 01234 352607 Coughlin , Rev Wayne Ordained: 05 January 2013 2 Severn Way, Brickhill, Bedford MK41 7BX e: History: Daventry 2013, IHM, Great Missenden 2013-17, Holy Cross and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford 2017. t: 01604 714556 Coy , Rev Andrew Ordained: 25 March 2021 Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG e: History: Cathedral Hub March 2020, Bishop`s Private Secretary 2022 D t: 07881 467624 D`Autilia , Rev Benedetto BA (Hons) (Theol.) STB (Theol.) Ordained: 01 August 2015 St Paul`s Presbytery, 2 St Paul`s Gardens, Thrapston, NN14 4FE e: History: History: St Thomas Aquinas &, All Saints, Bletchley 2015-19. St John Henry Newman, High Wycombe 2019-22. St Paul`s, Thrapston - St Thomas More, Raunds - Most Holy Name of Jesus, Oundle 2022. t: 01525 372321 Danford , Rev John Bernard Ordained: 21 June 1986 The Presbytery, 5 Beaudesert, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 8HZ e: History: St Gregory, Northampton 1986-90, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1990-95, Towcester 1995-99, Christ the King, Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell 1999-2005, Leighton Buzzard 2005. Also Sacred Heart, Flitwick 2017. Donaghue , Rev David Ordained: 20 July 2019 History: Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2019, Cathedral Hub 2021 t: 01582 522516 Durugbo , Rev Eustace 22a Bolingbroke Road, Farley Hill, Luton, LU1 5JD e: Clergy Clergy and Religious 35

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E t: 01604 715635 Evans , Rev James STB Ordained: 07 July 2001 St Thomas More Presbytery, 1 Meeting Lane, Towcester, NN12 6JX e: History: (Editor, Diocesan Directory 2007-11): Daventry 2001-06, Christ the King, Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell, 2006-2014. Aston le Walls 2014-2020, Vice Chancellor 2015. Bishop`s House 2020, St Thomas More, Towcester 2021. F Fleming , Rev John Clifford Ordained: 19 March 1964 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton, NN2 6AW e: History: (Previously with Benedictine Order): Incardinated May 1983, Kettering 1978, Burnham 1978-80, St Joseph, Aylesbury 1980-83, Bletchley 1983-86, Chaplain, Thornton College 1986-87, Shefford 1987-92, Guardian Angels, Aylesbury, 1992, Retired 2020 t: 01604 714556 Floody , Rev Canon Mark Gregory BD Ordained: 15 June 1990 Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG e: History: (Canon 2015) St Joseph, Luton 1990-93, Our Lady, Luton 1993-96, St John, Luton 1996-2011 and Holy Family, Luton 2001-11, Cathedral 2011, Also St Aidan`s, Northampton 2017, Northampton Cluster 2021. G Gilbride , Rev Francis ( retired ) 93 Forfey, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 0HS Northern Ireland H t: 01908 982234 Hardy , Rev Paul BA STB D.Soc Ordained: 05 June 1976 ( retired ) Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6DX e: History: Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1976-82, Cathedral 1982-88, Chaplain, Cardinal Newman School, Luton 1988-90, St Edward, Milton Keynes 1990 and Diocesan Communications Officer, 2007-19. Parish Administrator, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 2014-17. Retired 2019. t: 01536 203121 Harrison , Rev Canon Michael Robert MA STB (VF VG) Ordained: 07 July 1990 71 Occupation Road, Corby, Northants NN17 1EE e: History: (Canon 2016) Our Lady, Luton 1990-92, Diocesan Youth Officer 1992-96, Our Lady, Corby 1992-97 and Parochial Administrator, St John Ogilvie, Corby 1996-97, St John Ogilvie, Corby 1997-2000, St Gregory, Northampton 2000-02, Bletchley 2002-2013 with Winslow 2009-13, St Anthony, Slough 2013-2014. Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2014, Also St John Ogilvie, Corby 2015. Also Oundle, Thrapston and Raunds 2018-2022. t: 01494 673018 Healy , Rev Mgr Provost Sean STL M.Phil (VF) Ordained: 26 July 1980 St Teresa`s Presbytery, 40 Warwick Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2PL e: History: (Vicar General September 2001-2021, Chaplain to His Holiness 2002, Canon 2003, Administrator 2003-05, Provost 2005, Prelate of Honour 2006, Chancellor 2007-2021) Further Studies, Rome 1980-81, St Joseph, Luton 1981-87, Irish School of Ecumenics 1987-88, Diocesan Ecumenical Officer 1988, Our Lady`s, Luton 1988-90, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1990-96, Burnham 1996-2001, Daventry 2001-17 also Aston-le- Walls from 2010-14, Beaconsfield and Bourne End 2017. t: 01908 221228 Higgins , Rev Canon Francis Patrick STB MA M.Ed (VF) Ordained: 04 July 1992 St Mary`s Presbytery, Aspley Hill, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8NN e: History: Bletchley 1992-96, Holy Family, Slough 1996-98, Further Studies, Boston College USA. 1998-2000, St Margaret, Luton 2000-05, Beaconsfield and Bourne End 2005-17, Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2017, Canon 2021. t: 01494 523969 Hill , Rev Jonathan STB Ordained: 16 December 1995 24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, HP13 6NZ e: History: Wellingborough 1996-99, Editor, Diocesan Ordo 1997, St Augustine, High Wycombe 2000-01, St Martin, Luton 2001-11, Holy Cross and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford 2011- 17, St Augustine`s, High Wycombe 2017. Clergy Clergy and Religious 36

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Hogarth , Rev Anthony Robert Ordained: 11 July 1970 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Retired 2007. Hutton , Rev Patrick Ordained: 21 February 2009 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: SS Philip and James, Bedford, 2009-2014, Christ the King, Bedford 2014, Retired 2020 I t: 01933 222780 Inman , Rev Paul Ordained: 10 June 2012 The Presbytery, 82 Knox Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1JA e: History: Previously - assistant priest at St Edward, Kettering 2012, Parish Priest at Our Lady`s, Wellingborough since 2015. J James , Rev Jithu Ordained: 27 June 2022 e: History: St Thomas Aquinas and All Saints, Bletchley 2022. K t: 01234 352569 Keenan , Rev Canon Seamus Vincent KCHS Ordained: 29 June 1980 2 Brereton Road, Bedford, MK40 1HU e: History: (Canon 2009): Kettering 1980-83, St Ethelbert, Slough 1983-89, Cathedral 1989-92, St Margaret, Northampton 1992-94, Vice Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 1990-99, Vocations Promoter 1992-96, Duston 1994-2002, St Joseph, Bedford 2002. t: 00353 0860811488 Kenny , Rev Thomas A Ordained: 08 July 1962 ( retired ) Ballynahowne, Athlane, Co. Westmeath, Ireland e: History: (Previously with Carmelite Order) Incardinated December 1975, Bury St Edmunds 1970-75, Chaplain, Cardinal Newman School, Luton 1975-79, Wellingborough 1979-83, St John, Luton 1983-91, St Ethelbert, Slough 1991-93, St Joseph, Luton 1993-2005, SS Philip &, James, Bedford 2005-07, Retired 2007. t: 01604 402301 Killeen , Rev Canon Dr Brendan Christopher Patrick BSc STB MA JCL MCL PhD (JV VF) Ordained: 11 June 1993 The Catholic Presbytery, Pyramid Close, Weston Favell, Northampton, NN3 8DP e: History: (Canon 2017) Cathedral 1993-96 , Further Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1996-98, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1998-99, Vice Officialis Diocesan Tribunal 1999, Towcester 1999 and Hunsbury 2002. Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 2007. Sacred Heart, Weston Favell and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 2021 Koenig , Canon John Gilbert JCL Ordained: 18 September 1970 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Canon 1997, Canon Penitentiary 2000): English Martyrs, Cambridge 1971-73, Pont. Eccl. Academy, Rome: 1973-75, Wellingborough 1975-79, Wolverton 1979-86, Vice-Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 1980, Thrapston 1986-94, Kettering 1994-2019. Retired 2019. L t: 01604 491759 Lance , Rev Derek Paul MA Cert.Ed MIACE Ordained: 29 June 1975 ( retired ) 60 Spinney Hill Road, Northampton, NN3 6DN e: History: St John, Norwich 1975-76, St Lawrence, Cambridge 1976-77, Chaplain, Thomas Becket School, Northampton 1977-88, Chaplain, Catholic Students, Northampton 1977-2002, Promoter of Spirituality 1988-2002, Diocesan Adviser on the Healing Ministry 1988-2002, Retired 2002. t: 01933 650683 Leatherland , Rev Brian Th.B Dip.Ed Ordained: 03 January 1998 ( retired ) 102 Finedon Road, Irthlingborough, NN9 5TZ History: Kettering 1998-2001, Wellingborough 2001-05, Thrapston 2005 and Oundle 2010. Retired 2018. M t: 07800 800547 Manley-Harris , Rev Eric BA (History) MA (Theology) Ordained: 16 September 2003 ( retired ) Flat 1 Beacon Court, Second Drive, Dawlish Road, Teignmouth, TQ14 8TL e: History: St Joseph, Luton 2003-04, Long Crendon 2004-2010, Retired 2010. Clergy Clergy and Religious 37

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t: 01536 512497 Marchwinski , Rev Gregory 2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ e: History: Our Lady of Walsingham 2017, St Edwards, Kettering, 2018. t: 01582 571187 McArdle , Rev Canon John STB JCL MCL Ordained: 01 July 1995 68 Gardenia Ave, Luton, LU3 2NS e: History: St Augustine, High Wycombe 1995-98, Holy Family, Langley 1998-99, Further Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1999-2001, SS Philip and James, Bedford 2001-05, St Joseph, Luton 2005, Honorary Canon 2021. t: 01502 476702 McClement , Mr Neville Raymond Ordained: 20 July 1958 ( retired ) 12 The Pightle, North Cove, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 7PR History: Burnham 1958-63, Great Yarmouth 1963-67, Lowestoft 1967-69, Newport Pagnell 1969-76, Rushden 1976-80, St Martin, Luton 1980-97, Retired 1997. t: 01582 728849 McGinnell , Rev Mgr Kevin (VF) Ordained: 19 March 1990 33 Westbourne Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU4 8JD e: History: (Chaplain to His Holiness 2001, Episcopal Vicar for Education 2000-2021): St Joseph, Aylesbury 1990-96, Director of Religious Education 1991, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1996-98, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1998-2005, Holy Ghost, Luton 2005. t: 01582 723099 Misiura , Rev Mirek Ordained: 19 June 1998 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton, LU2 9AY e: History: Incardinated December 2013. St Margaret of Scotland, Luton 2013-19. Sacred Heart, Stopsley 2019, St Augustines, Daventry 2022 Moroney , Rev Richard Ordained: 15 April 1975 ( retired ) 7 Manor Farm Close, Luton, LU4 9LA e: History: (Previously with Cistercian Order): Incardinated June 1982, St Anthony, Slough 1979-83, Kettering 1983-85, Cathedral 1985-89, St Ethelbert, Slough 1989-90, Wolverton 1990-95, Little Chalfont 1995-96, St Anthony, Slough 1996-2012, Child Protection Commission 2007, Biggleswade 2012-2017. Retired 2017. t: 02892 094300 Murray , Rev Eamon STB Ordained: 15 July 2001 ( retired ) 3 Coolsallagh Cottages, Blackskull, Dromore, County Down BT25 1GZ N Ireland History: St Augustine, High Wycombe 2001-04, St Margaret of Scotland, Luton 2005-11, Biggleswade, 2011, Retired 2012. N t: 01462 813436 Noonan , Rev Canon Benjamin Joakim Ordained: 13 June 1970 25 High Street, Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5DD e: History: (Canon 2006): St Joseph, Bedford 1970-79, Our Lady of Lourdes, Aylesbury 1979-91, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1991-98, Shefford 1998. Also Sacred Heart, Flitwick 2015-17, St Peter`s, Biggleswade 2017. O O`Connell , Rev Kevin Maurice Geoffrey Ordained: 29 March 1978 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: Cathedral 1978, St Joseph, Luton 1978-80, Catholic Communications Centre 1980-84, Catholic Missionary Society 1984-88, St Joseph, Luton 1988-90, Leave of Absence 1990-91, The Assumption, Torquay 1992, Holy Family, Slough 1993-94, Chaplain to Woodhill Prison, Milton Keynes 1994, Chaplain to Grendon Underwood and Spring Hill Prisons 1999-2001, Winslow 1994-2009. Retired 2009. t: 01753 543770 O`Driscoll , Rev Canon Kevin Joseph MA (VF) Ordained: 05 July 1974 226 Trelawney Avenue, Langely, Slough, SL3 7UD e: History: (Canon 2000): Cathedral 1974-78, St Martin, Luton 1978-81, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1981-90, Biggleswade 1990-91, Bletchley 1991-2002, Holy Family, Slough 2002, Also St Augustine`s, Datchet 2017-2018. Clergy Clergy and Religious 38

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Ollard , Rev Andrew William Ordained: 21 September 2002 e: History: St Joseph, Luton 2002-03, Bletchley 2003-04, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2004-05, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 2005-08, Sabbatical 2008-10, Daventry and Aston-le-Wall, 2010-2014. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois 2014. St Bernadine of Siena 2021 P Patey , Rev Michael BSc STL Ordained: 08 September 2012 c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: St Joseph, Bedford, 2012-14, St Martin de Porres, Luton 2014-18. Sabbatical 2018. t: 01582 663706 Penhalagan , Rev Simon Ordained: 28 June 2008 366 Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NG e: History: Cathedral 2008-10, President, Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism 2010-18. St Martin de Porres, Luton 2018, EV for Prophet Vicariate 2021. t: 01908 372315 Perry , Rev Christopher MA (Theology) Ordained: 05 January 2013 1 Sycamore Avenue, Bletchley, MK2 2JE e: History: Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2013, St Thomas Aquinas &,, All Saints, Bletchley 2013, EV for Servant King Vicariate 2021. Platt , Rev Graham STB Ordained: 21 July 2001 ( retired ) 6 Montee du Christ, 11270 Fanjeaux, France e: History: Kettering 2001-02, Burnham 2002-03, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2003-04, Oundle 2004- 07, Sabbatical, France 2007-2013, Chesham Bois 2013-2014. Retired 2014. t: 01536 203121 Preece , Rev Robert Ordained: 22 November 1997 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Our Lady, Corby 1997-2011, Retired 2011. R t: 01494 785269 Reno , Rev Alessandro BA (Hons) (Psych) (Theol) Ordained: 18 January 2014 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham, HP5 3HQ e: History: San Pablo, Portoviejo 2014-15. Nestra Senora de La Paz, Manta 2015-16. St Columba`s, Chesham 2016. Also Immaculate Heart of Mary, Great Missenden 2017. Our Lady`s School, Chesham Bois Chaplain 2019. Incardinated June 2019. t: 01582 502400 Richardson , Rev Andrew Ordained: 21 June 2008 The Holy Family, 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA e: History: St Edward, Kettering 2008-12, Burnham 2012-19. Holy Family &,, St John`s, Luton 2019, EV for Priest Vicariate 2021. t: 01494 523969 Rooke , Rev Daniel Ordained: 26 September 2020 The Presbytery, 24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6NZ e: History: St Augustine`s High Wycombe S Sawyer , Rev Keith MA PGCE Ordained: 30 June 1977 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Cathedral 1977-80, 1979-84 RAChD (TA Commission), St Ethelbert, Slough 1980-83, St Joseph, Luton 1983-85, Wellingborough 1985-91, Winslow 1991-94 and Chaplain to HMP Woodhill Prison 1992-94, Holy Family, Slough 1994-96 and ATC Chaplain 1995-2007, Our Lady`,s, Luton 1996-2000, Supply Work 2000. Retired 2013. Sea Cadet Chaplain 2014-16. t: 01908 221228 Seery , Rev Brendan BA Hons (Theol.) MA (Canon Law) Ordained: 06 February 2016 Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6DX e: History: Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate, Northampton 2016-18. Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2018, Chancellor 2021, Our Lady Help Of Christians, Luton 2022 Strain , Rev William Alphonsus Ordained: 16 June 1963 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: St George, Norwich 1963-68, St Joseph, Bedford 1968-71, St Patrick, Corby 1971-73, Marlow 1973-78, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1978. Retired 2014. Clergy Clergy and Religious 39

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Swingler , Rev Philip MA DD Dip.Ed Ordained: 22 November 1997 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Cathedral 1997-2002, St Patrick, Duston 2002-13, Retired 2013. T Turner , Rev Michael STL Ordained: 20 December 1970 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Previously with Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception): Incardinated 21st December 1994, St Ethelbert, Slough 1992, St Joseph, Luton 1993-97, St Martin, Luton 1997-2001, Our Lady, Luton 2001-03, Burnham 2003-10, Marlow 2010, Retired 2021. U t: 01628 483696 Udris , Canon John STL Ordained: 14 July 1984 7 St Peter`s Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1NQ e: History: (Canon 2006): Our Lady, Corby 1984-91, Kettering 1991-94, Further Studies, Rome 1994-96, Diocesan Director and Promoter of Vocations 1996-2003, Beaconsfield 1996-2003 and Bourne End 2002-03, Cathedral 2003-11, Spiritual Director, Oscott College, 2011-2021, St Peter`s Marlow 2021. W t: 01933 353649 Walsh , Rev Canon Joseph BD Ordained: 13 June 1982 1 Hayway, Rushden, Northants NN10 6AG e: History: St Gregory, Northampton 1982-83, St Anthony, Slough 1983-89, St Brendan, Corby 1989-93, Little Chalfont 1993-95, Rushden 1995, Honorary Canon 2021. t: 01908 309720 Webb , Rev Anton Ordained: 12 May 2007 St Alban`s RC Parish St Laurence Room, Market Square, Winslow, MK18 3AB e: History: Incardinated August 2016. Winslow and Managing Chaplain to HMP Grendon and Springhill. t: 01604 715635 Whitehouse , Rev Christopher Ordained: 20 June 1980 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Holy Family Langley 1980-84, Our Lady, Corby 1984, St Gregory, Northampton 1984-86, Cardiff Archdiocese 1986-89, St Joseph, Bedford 1989-90, St Joseph, Luton 1990-92, Shefford 1992-96, Chesham 1996-2002, Leighton Buzzard, 2002-05, Christ the King, Milton Keynes &,, Newport Pagnell 2005-06, Sacred Heart, Luton 2006-19. Retired 2019. Wilson , Mgr Peter MA FCA Ordained: 18 March 1972 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: (Chaplain to His Holiness 2001): St Joseph, Bedford 1972-75, Assistant Diocesan Treasurer 1975-92, Administrator, St Francis Children`,s Society 1979-84, Secretary &,, Treasurer, St Francis Children`,s Society 1984-92, St Margaret, Dallington 1984-92, St Brendan, Corby 1992, Sick Clergy Fund Chairman 1994-97, Sick Clergy Fund Treasurer 1997, Oundle 2007-10, Retired 2010. m: 07780 796331 Wisniewski , Rev Leszek BD PGCE Ordained: 17 May 1980 The Good Shepherd, 45 The Croft, Haddenham, HP17 8AS e: History: Cathedral 1980-81, Polish Mission, Brighton, 1981-86, Vicariate Apostolic of Arabia, 1986-92, Argentina, 1992-94, Malaysia 1994-99, St Josephs, Aylesbury 1999-2001, Parish Priest, Strandfontein, S. Africa 2002-04, London 2004, Haddenham, June 2004 and also Long Crendon, 2010. Religious Priests A t: 01908 221228 Alexander , Rev Maria Selvan MSFS St Edward`s Presbytery, Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6DX e: B t: 01628 605764 Balawender , Rev Marek SMA The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL e: t: 01234 359515 Bortolazzo , Rev Giuseppe CS 10 Woburn Road, Bedford, MK40 1EG e: Clergy Clergy and Religious 40

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C t: 01327 300248 Cassidy , Rev Dr James CRIC 32 London Road, Daventry, Northants NN11 4BZ e: D t: 01628 605764 Dampson , Rev Anthony SMA St Andrew`s Shared Church, Washington Drive, Cippenham, SL1 5RE e: t: 01753 886581 Davies , Rev Bob OCD St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: F t: 01753 886581 Flynn , Rev Maurice OCD St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: t: 01604 714556 Francis , Rev Jaismon MSFS Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG e: G t: 01280 813105 Gunturu , Rev Don Bosco MSFS Chandos Road, Buckingham, MK18 1AL e: J t: 01327 300248 Jones , Rev Allan R. CRIC 32 London Road, Daventry, Northants, NN11 4BZ e: t: 01604 751071 Joseph , Rev Benny MSFS 28 Peveril Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6JW e: K t: 01494 727469 Karakkattu , Rev Roy MSFS Our Lady`s Presbytery, 30 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois, HP6 5PE e: t: 01536 203121 Kasireddy , Rev Vijayasatya Prasad MSFS The Presbytery, 1 Copenhagen Road, Corby, NN18 9BX M t: 01234 881211 Mayhead , Rev Bro John Leonard OSB Monastary of Christ our Saviour, Turvey Mews, Turvey, Beds MK43 8DH e: t: 01753 917030 McAuliffe , Rev Frank SPS 70 Eton Road, Datchet, SL3 9AY e: t: 01753 886581 McDonald , Rev Martin OCD St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: t: 01753 886581 McGowan , Rev John OCD St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: t: 01753 578328 McGuinness , Rev Chris SPS Holy Redeemer Presbytery, Wexham Road, Slough SL2 5QR e: Clergy Clergy and Religious 41

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t: 01234 352569 Mulupuri , Rev Galeji MC The Presbytery, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford, MK40 1HU e: N t: 01494 785269 Nixon , Rev David MSC Ordained: 01 January 1995 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham, HP5 3HQ e: History: Also SS Peter &, Paul, Kirkby P t: 01844 345578 Payikkattu , Rev Lijo Jose MSFS St Teresa`s, New Road, Princes Risborough, HP27 0JN e: T t: 01280 708287 Tenorio , Rev Michael OFM Cap RAF Croughton Chapel, Unit 4228, Brackley, Northants NN13 5XP e: t: 01582 723254 Thekkekutte , Rev Jose MSFS 52 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AG e: t: 01536 512497 Thomas , Rev Ebin Ordained: 29 December 2001 2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ e: V t: 01296 290545 Vilangappara , Rev Paul MOP The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UB e: W t: 01753 886581 Williamson , Rev John OCD St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY e: Z t: 01582 662807 Zanadruk , Rev Andrzej SChr Our Lady of Czestochowa Presbytery, 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ e: Priests of the Ordinariate A t: 01604 407115 Alldrit , Rev Nicolas 104 Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton NN4 9AG B t: 01933 674614 Broadhurst , Mgr John 19 Spencelayh Close, Wellingborough, NN8 4UU R t: 01604 812073 Reader-Moore , Rev Anthony 8 Knights Close, Earls Barton, Northampton NN6 0JD Clergy Clergy and Religious 42

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Priests From Other Dioceses C t: 01628 522956 Chacko , Rev Shyju (Palghat - India) The Presbytery, Main Street, Aston-le-Walls, NN11 6UF e: D t: 01582 723254 Davies , Rev Jeremy (Archdiocese of Westminster) ( retired ) 52 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AG H t: 07758 689059 Hanczewski , Rev Fr Ryszard (Poland) The Presbytery, Flat 2, St Lawrence House, Duke Street, Northampton, NN1 3BA e: M t: 01234 635071 Maher , Rev Peter (Archdiocese of Westminster) ( retired ) 2 Holme Close, Marston, Moretaine MK43 0PT e: t: 01525 715109 Manomey , Rev Jerry MA STL (Accra, Ghana) The Presbytery, 8 Pope Close, Flitwick, MK45 1JP e: t: 01753 917030 McDole , Rev Ian (Covington) Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church, 1 Eton Court, Eton, Windsor SL4 6BY N t: 01234 342641 Nwanzi , Rev Nicholas (Enugu, Nigeria) The Presbytery, Harrowden Road, Bedford, MK42 0SP e: O t: 01908 978575 Okami , Rev Emmauel (Ilorin, Nigeria) St Augustine`s Presbytery, 1 Langcliffe Drive, Heelands, Milton Keynes, MK13 7PL e: t: 01753 663027 Onwuekwe , Rev Nathaniel (Nnewi, Nigeria) Farnham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 3AE e: t: 01908 221228 Orazulike , Rev Stanley (Other) Ss Francis and Therese Presbytery, Overslade Close, East Hunsbury, Northampton, NN4 0RZ e: W t: 01296 481776 White , Rev John (Archdiocese of Westminster) ( retired ) 32 Old Brewery Close, Aylesbury, HP21 7SH e: Priests Serving the Polish Community B t: 01753 533861 Buba , Rev Leszek Divine Mercy Polish Mission, 48 Pitts Road, Slough SL1 3XH e: t: 01780 444242 Budzynski , Rev Andrzej Laxton Hall, Northants, NN17 3AU e: K t: 07704 141192 Kopec , Rev Janusz Jerzy Mill Street, Bedford, MK40 3EU e: Clergy 43

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M t: 07401 917725 Manturzyk , Rev Pawell St Lawrence House Flat 1, Duke Street, Northampton, NN1 3BA e: N t: 01494 462994 Neblik , Rev Andrzej 45 Alexander Park, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe HP11 2HB P t: 01753 533861 Pilak , Rev Henryk ( retired ) 48 Pitts Road, Slough, SL1 3XH e: t: 01753 533861 Polasik , Rev Lukasz Divine Mercy Polish Mission, 48 Pitts Road, Slough, SL1 3XH e: R t: 01582 662807 Redlinski , Rev Piotr SChr 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, LU6 3AZ e: S Sanda , Rev Krzysztof SChr T t: 01780 444242 Taraszka , Rev Ryszard 1 Copenhagen Road, Corby, NN18 9BX e: W t: 01494 868248 Werner , Rev Roman SChr 22 Misbourne Road, Great Missenden, HP16 0BL e: Z t: 07758 689059 Zbroniec , Rev Janusz St Lawrence House Flat 2, Duke Street, Northampton NN1 3BA e: Permanent Deacons A t: 01494 673018 Adonis , Rev Deacon Brent Ordained: 07 July 2018 6 Holtspur Top Lane, Beaconsfield, HP9 1DW e: History: Married to Lynn, St Teresa`s, Beaconsfield and St Dunstan`s, Bourne End. B t: 07943 634262 Bannan , Rev Deacon Jim Ordained: 13 July 2013 282 Crawley Green Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 0SJ e: History: married to Chris, Sacred Heart, Luton. C t: 01844 347623 Carr , Rev Deacon Richard Ordained: 24 January 2004 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: married to Rhona, St Teresa, Princes Risborough, Retired. t: 01494 866325 Collins , Rev Deacon Peter Ordained: 24 June 2017 Lillingstone, Nags Head Lane, Great Misseden, HP16 0HD e: History: married to Michelle, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Great Missenden. Clergy Clergy and Religious 44

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t: 01494 726931 Crowshaw , Rev Deacon John Ordained: 24 June 2000 ( retired ) Hammerwood, 64 Long Park, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LF e: History: married to Mary, St Aidan, Little Chalfont, Retired 2021. t: 01494 762225 Curtis , Rev Deacon David Ordained: 18 July 2015 Hollytree Cottage, Latimer, Chesham HP5 1TY e: D t: 01582 582032 Derbyshire , Rev Deacon John Ordained: 28 January 1978 ( retired ) 296 Sundon Park Road, Luton, LU3 3AL e: History: married to Mary, St John the Apostle, Luton. Retired. t: 01844 343705 Duffy , Rev Deacon Sean Ordained: 24 January 2004 27 The Retreat, Princes Risborough, HP27 0JG e: History: married to Elizabeth, St Teresa, Princes Risborough. t: 07931 607249 Dunsire , Rev Deacon Brin Ordained: 20 July 2013 2 Totteridge Avenue, High Wycombe, HP13 6XJ e: History: married to Marian, St Augustine`s, High Wycombe. F t: 01525 371383 Falcon , Rev Deacon Tony BA (Hons) MSc FIBMS Ordained: 28 June 2014 35 Danes Way, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 3NH e: History: married to Marilyn, Sacred Heart, Leighton Buzzard. t: 01494 785269 Felix , Rev Gerard 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham, HP5 3HQ e: t: 01604 647750 Fleming , Rev Deacon Michael Ordained: 15 July 1989 22 Lavant Walk, Parklands, Northampton, NN3 6EL e: History: married to Linda, St Gregory, Northampton. Found , Rev Deacon Peter c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW G t: 01753 733582 Gajdus , Rev Deacon Marek Ordained: 18 September 2004 3 Hadlow Court, Slough, SL1 3XQ e: History: married to Agnieszka, Our Lady of Peace, Burnham. t: 01582 580877 Grennell , Rev Deacon James (Retired) Ordained: 11 October 2003 39 Blanford Avenue, Luton, LU2 7AY e: History: married to Maureen, St Joseph, Luton. t: 07850 499414 Griffin , Rev Deacon Peter Ordained: 16 November 2002 178 London Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough NN29 7QS e: History: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Wellingborough 2002-18. Olney 2018. t: 01908 649356 Guina , Rev Deacon Noel MVO MA FRAS Ordained: 08 July 2000 ( retired ) 3 Penina Close, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 7TL e: History: St Thomas Aquinas, Bletchley. Retired. H t: 07756 685220 Hannigan , Rev Deacon James Ordained: 26 July 2014 28 Chesnut Avenue, Luton, LU3 3JA e: History: married to Annette, Holy Family and St John the Apostle, Sundon Park, Luton. Clergy Clergy and Religious 45

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t: 01536 516005 Howard , Rev Deacon Shaun Ordained: 21 December 2002 ( retired ) 17 Dunstan`s Close, Kettering, Northants NN15 5JE History: married to Adrianne, St John Ogilvie, Corby. Retired. t: 01462 711702 Hyde , Rev Deacon Peter Ordained: 20 June 1997 63 Hillfoot Road, Shillington, Hitchin SG5 3NS e: History: married to Jenny, St Francis of Assisi, Shefford. J t: 01753 523433 Jones , Rev Deacon Graham Ordained: 27 June 2015 12 Castleview Road, Langley, Berks SL3 7NQ e: History: married to Mary, Holy Family, Langley. K t: 01582 416152 Kerr , Rev Deacon Erik Ordained: 13 July 2019 25 Wychwood Avenue, Luton, LU2 7HT e: History: married to Maureen, St Joseph, Luton. L t: 07465 607247 Lang , Rev Deacon John Ordained: 20 June 2015 c/o St Peter`s Church, 7a Station Road, Biggleswade, SG18 8AL e: History: married to Susan, St Peter`s, Biggleswade. Lee , Rev Deacon Gerard Ordained: 05 October 2001 ( retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: married to Linda, Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby. Retired 2016. t: 01494 677009 Lipscomb , Rev Deacon Paul FCA KCHS Ordained: 27 November 1999 Crane Cottage, 53a Warwick Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2PL e: History: married to Pauline, St Anthony, Slough. t: 01280 812997 Lovelock , Rev Deacon John Ordained: 03 July 1999 40 Gilbert Scott Road, Buckingham MK18 1PS History: St Bernardine, Buckingham. M t: 01582 728544 McGrogan , Rev Deacon Gerard MA MSc BSc CEng CPhys Ordained: 15 October 2004 ( retired ) 272 Stockingstone Road, Luton, LU2 7DE e: History: married to Margaret, Our Lady Help of Christians, Luton. Retired 2015. O t: 01604 858864 O`Leary , Rev Deacon Michael Ordained: 24 July 2010 9 Orchard Close, Milton Malsor, Northampton NN7 3AY e: History: married to Christine, St Patrick, Northampton. t: 01628 415962 Ossei-Williams , Rev Deacon Michael Ordained: 10 July 2010 2 Berkeley Mews, Sandringham Court, Slough, SL1 6JD e: History: married to Alexandra, Holy Redeemer, Slough. P t: 01494 678259 Phelan , Rev Deacon Michael OBE MA (Retired) Ordained: 23 July 2006 22 Wattleton Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 1TS e: History: married to Lily, St Teresa, Beaconsfield. t: 07591 462894 Priestley , Rev Deacon Paul Ordained: 20 July 2013 St John Henry Newman Presbytery, 66 Rowan Avenue, High Wycombe, e: History: married to Sarah, St John Henry Newman, High Wycombe. Clergy Clergy and Religious 46

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t: 07711 953926 Pugh , Rev Deacon Philip BA Ordained: 16 July 2006 ( retired ) 66 Westoning Road, Harlington, Beds LU5 6PD e: History: married to Janet, Sacred Heart, Flitwick Q t: 01234 352607 Quinlan , Rev Deacon Tony Ordained: 09 July 2016 59 Heronscroft, Bedford, MK41 9LS e: History: married to Mariateresa, Holy Cross, Bedford and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford. R t: 01908 617298 Reidel , Rev Deacon Klaus Ordained: 18 June 2011 6 Hemingway Close, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8QP e: History: married to Wendy, St Bede, Newport Pagnell and Christ the King, Kents Hill. t: 01933 388802 Remmington , Rev Deacon Peter Ordained: 08 July 2017 123 Finedon Road, Irthlingborough, Northants NN9 5TY e: History: married to Linda, St Peter`s, Rushden. t: 01628 483696 Ryan , Rev Deacon Kevin 7 St Peter`s Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1NQ e: S t: 01753 267918 Sanni , Rev Deacon Lanre Farnham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 3AE e: t: 01296 641889 Sillitoe , Rev Deacon John Ordained: 12 July 2009 White Gables, Crabs Grove, Whitchurch, Aylesbury HP22 4JQ e: History: married to Jan, St Joseph &,, St Clare, Aylesbury. t: 01604 408407 Stewart , Rev Deacon Rory Ordained: 15 July 1989 39 Bush Hill, Abington, Northampton NN3 2PD e: History: married to Anne, St Gregory, Northampton. t: 01489 587157 Stoker , Rev Deacon Brian Ordained: 24 January 2004 ( retired ) 65 Jellicoe, Drive, Sarisbury Green, Hampshire SO31 7NW e: History: married to Valerie, St Teresa, Princes Risborough. Retired 2015. t: 01296 623930 Swindlehurst , Rev Deacon Peter OStl MA CEng FIMechE MRAes FCIPD RAF Ordained: 10 June 2006 RAF Halton, 181b Aylesbury Road, Wendover, HP22 6AA e: History: married to Penelope, RAF Halton. W Walkling-Lea , Rev Deacon Crispin Ordained: 09 July 2016 66 Newnham Avenue, Bedford, MK41 9PT e: History: married to Sarah, Holy Cross, Bedford and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford. t: 07527 115610 Walls , Rev Deacon Jon Ordained: 12 July 2008 51 Sitwell Close, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8QR e: History: married to Diane, St Bede, Newport Pagnell and Christ the King, Kents Hill. t: 01536 418595 Watson , Rev Deacon Keith BA Ordained: 01 February 2006 ( retired ) 17 Rushton Road, Rothwell, Northants NN14 6HG History: married to Christine, all churches of the parish of St Edward`s, Kettering. Retired 2019. Wyer , Rev Deacon Paul Ordained: 24 June 2007 c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: married to Maura, resident in Ireland. Clergy Clergy and Religious 47

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Religious Orders Women Benedictines (Olivetan) Turvey - Priory of Our Lady of Peace Tel: 01234 881432 Turvey Abbey, Turvey, MK43 8DE E-mail: Website: Mother M Zoe Davis OSB (Prioress) Bon Secours Sisters de Paris Bourne End - Bon Secours Sisters de Paris House Tel: 01628 522956 St Dunstan`s Presbytery, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire SL8 5AR E-mail: Bridgettine Sisters Iver Heath - Bridgettine Sisters OSsS Tel: 01753 663027/663520 Guesthouse Fulmer Common Road, Iver Heath, SL0 0NR E-mail: Website: Sr Jancy Antony OSsS (Superior) Sunday Mass: 9:00am Weekdays: Mon-Fri, Fri 7:30am, Sat 4:30pm Holy Days: Contact the sisters Adoration: Sun 4:00pm-5:30pm, Mon-Thu 10:00am-12:00pm (or 4:00pm-5:30pm), Fri 4:00pm-7:30pm Daughters of Providence of St Brieuc Aylesbury - Daughters of Providence of St Brieuc Tel: 07811 405018/01296486004 10 Pearl Court, Croft Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7BY E-mail: Sr Anne-Marie Frearson (Superior) Daughters of the Holy Spirit Northampton - Provincial House Northampton DHS Tel: 01604 755296 103 Harlestone Road, Northampton, NN5 7AQ Northampton - Northampton DHS Tel: 01604 587423 22 Holyrood Road, Northampton, NN5 7AH E-mail: Website: Sr Anne Morris DHS (Provincial) Bedford - Bedford DHS Tel: 01234 350794 188 London Road, Bedford, MK42 0PS E-mail: Sr Dympna Connolly Luton - Luton DHS Tel: 01582 755917 106 Dorrington Close, Luton, Bedfordshire LU3 1XR E-mail: Order of Consecrated Virgins Luton - Order of Consecrated Virgins Tel: 01582 593741 2 Pembroke Avenue, Luton, LU4 9BH Sr Teresa Aluko OCV Religious of Jesus and Mary Milton Keynes - Religious of Jesus and Mary House Tel: 01280 813254 Convent of Jesus and Mary, Thornton, Milton Keynes MK17 0HJ E-mail: Religious 49

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Sisters of Mary Immaculate (Polish) Near Corby - Sisters of Mary Immaculate Tel: 01780 444292 Laxton Hall, Near Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 3AU E-mail: Website: Sr Teresa Sabok (Superior) Sisters of Our Lady Kettering - Sisters of Our Lady Tel: 01536 513956 2 Glebe Avenue, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 6AR E-mail: Website: Sr Aidan Richards SND (Superior) Sisters of St Brigid Slough - Sisters of St Brigid Tel: 01753 575827 47 The Cherries, Wexham, Slough SL2 5TS E-mail: Sisters of the Holy Cross Chalfont St Peter - Holy Cross Convent Tel: 01753 890108 Grange Road, Chalfont St Peter, SL9 9AH E-mail: Sr Imelda Fleming HC (Leader) Society of the Holy Child Jesus Milton Keynes - Society of the Holy Child Jesus Tel: 07979 710866 9 Goring, Stantonbury, Milton Keynes MK14 6AS E-mail: Website: Sr Monica Matthews SHCJ Men Benedictines (Olivetan) Turvey - Monastery of Christ our Saviour Tel: 01234 881211 Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, Jacks Lane, Turvey, Bedfordshire MK43 8DH E-mail: Website: Rev Bro John Leonard Mayhead OSB (Superior) Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception Luton - Sacred Heart Catholic Church Tel: 01582 723099 Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton, LU2 9AY E-mail: Rev Dr James Cassidy CRIC (Superior) Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9:00am, 11:00am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am, 7:30pm Confessions: Sat 11:00am-11:30am Discalced Carmelites Gerrards Cross - St Joseph`s Priory Tel: 01753 886581 Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY E-mail: Rev Michael Spain OCD (Superior) Fransalian Fathers Duston - St Patrick Tel: 01604 751071 The Presbytery, 28 Peveril Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6JW E-mail: Rev Benny Joseph MSFS Religious Religious Orders 50

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Missionaries of St Charles Borromeo (Scalabrini Fathers) Bedford - St Frances Cabrini Tel: 01234 359515 10 Woburn Road, Bedford, MK40 1EG Rev Giuseppe Bortolazzo CS (Priest) Sunday Mass: Sat 7:00pm (English), 8:30am (Portuguese), 10:00am (Italian), 11:30am (Italian, English) Weekdays: Tue-Thu 7:00pm (Italian), Fri 10:30am (Italian) Holy Days: 10:30am, 7:00pm Adoration: Fri 10:00am (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) Missionaries of the Poor Aylesbury - Our Lady of Lourdes Tel: 01296 290545 The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UB E-mail: Rev Paul Vilangappara MOP Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Chesham - St Columba Tel: 01494 785269 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham, HP5 3HQ E-mail: Rev David Nixon MSC Society of African Missions Burnham - Our Lady of Peace Tel: 01628 605764 The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL E-mail: Rev Marek Balawender SMA, Rev Anthony Dampson SMA Society of Christ (Polish Order) Dunstable - Our Lady of Czestochowa Tel: 01582 662807 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ E-mail: Website: Rev Piotr Redlinski SChr (Superior) Sunday Mass: Sat 5:00pm (Polish), Sat 7:00pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 8:30am (Polish), 11:30am (Polish), 2:00pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 5:00pm (Polish, Luton), 7:00pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon, Fri 10:00am (Polish), Wed, Fri 7:00pm (Polish), Thu 7:00pm (Polish, Milton Keynes) Holy Days: 10:00am, 7:00pm Great Missenden - Society of Christ Tel: 01494 868248 22 Misbourne Drive, Great Missenden, HP16 0BL Other Religious Priests in the Diocese St Patrick`s Missionary Society (Kiltegan Fathers) Datchet - St Augustine`s Tel: 01753 917030 70 Eton Road, Datchet, SL3 9AY E-mail: Rev Frank McAuliffe SPS Sunday Mass: Sat 6:00pm, 11:00am Weekdays: Tue-Fri 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am Confessions: Sat 12:30pm-1:00pm Adoration: Mon, Wed, Fri 5:30pm-6:15pm Slough - Holy Redeemer Presbytery Tel: 01753 578328 Wexham Road, Slough, SL2 5QR E-mail: Rev Chris McGuinness SPS Religious Religious Orders 51

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Pastoral Areas Northampton Pastoral Area: St Thomas of Canterbury Area Dean: Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen Page No Aston-le-Walls, The Sacred Heart and Our Lady 58 Daventry, Our Lady Of Charity &, St Augustine 66 Great Billing, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 68 King`s Sutton, Ss Peter &, Paul (CofE Church) 71 Northampton, Northampton, Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate &, St Thomas of Canterbury 56 Northampton, East Hunsbury, Ss Francis and Therese 56 Northampton, Kingsthorpe, St Aidan 56 Northampton, Abington, St Gregory the Great 57 Northampton, Duston, St Patrick 58 Northampton, Towcester, St Thomas More 57 Northampton, Weston Favell, The Sacred Heart 57 Yelvertoft, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary 84 North Northants Pastoral Area: St Luke Area Dean: Rev Canon Michael Harrison Page No Burton Latimer, St Nicholas Owen 63 Corby, Our Lady of Walsingham 65 Corby, St Brendan 65 Corby, St John Ogilvie 65 Desborough, Holy Trinity 67 Kettering, St Edward 71 Oundle, Most Holy Name of Jesus 79 Raunds, St Thomas More 80 Rothwell, St Bernadette 80 Rushden, St Peter 80 Thrapston, St Paul The Apostle 82 Wellingborough, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 83 Wellingborough, St Edmund Campion 83 Bedfordshire Pastoral Area: St Josephine Bakhitta Dean: Rev John Danford Page No Bedford, Christ the King 60 Bedford, Holy Cross 61 Bedford, SS Philip and James 61 Bedford, St Frances Cabrini (Italian Church) 61 Bedford, The Holy Child and St Joseph 60 Biggleswade, St Peter 62 Flitwick, Sacred Heart 68 Kempston, Our Lady of Ransom 70 Leighton Buzzard, The Sacred Heart 72 Shefford, St Francis of Assisi 80 Parishes 53

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Milton Keynes Pastoral Area: St Paul Area Dean: Rev Canon Francis Higgins Page No Brackley, St Martin 62 Buckingham, St Bernardine of Siena 63 Milton Keynes, Bletchley, All Saints 77 Milton Keynes, Christ the King 78 Milton Keynes, Our Lady of Lourdes 77 Milton Keynes, St Augustine 76 Milton Keynes, Newport Pagnall, St Bede 78 Milton Keynes, St Edward the Confessor 78 Milton Keynes, St Francis de Sales 76 Milton Keynes, Woburn Sands, St Mary 78 Milton Keynes, St Mary Magdalene 76 Milton Keynes, Bletchley, St Thomas Aquinas 77 Olney, Our Lady Help of Christians and St Lawrence 79 Winslow, St Alban`s RC Parish 84 South Bucks Pastoral Area: St Monica Area Dean: Rev Mgr Provost Sean Healy Page No Beaconsfield, St Teresa of the Child Jesus and SS John Fisher and Thomas More 60 Bourne End, St Dunstan 62 Chesham, St Columba 64 Chesham Bois, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 64 Denham, The Most Holy Name 67 Gerrards Cross, St Joseph 68 Great Missenden, Immaculate Heart of Mary 69 High Wycombe, St Augustine Apostle of England 69 High Wycombe, St John Henry Newman 70 Little Chalfont, St Aidan 72 Marlow, St Peter 75 Luton Pastoral Area: St Alban Area Dean: Rev Mgr Kevin McGinnell Page No Caddington, St Thomas the Apostle 63 Dunstable, St Mary 67 Luton, Our Lady Help of Christians 73 Luton, Sacred Heart of Jesus 73 Luton, St John the Apostle 74 Luton, St Joseph The Worker 74 Luton, St Margaret of Scotland 75 Luton, St Martin de Porres 75 Luton, The Holy Family 74 Luton, The Holy Ghost 73 Parishes Pastoral Areas 54

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Aylesbury Pastoral Area: St John Fisher Dean: Rev Canon John Beirne Page No Aylesbury, Bedgrove, Our Lady of Lourdes 59 Aylesbury, St Clare 59 Aylesbury, St Joseph 59 Aylesbury, The Guardian Angels Haddenham, The Good Shepherd 69 Long Crendon, Our Lady of Light 72 Princes Risborough, St Teresa of the Child Jesus 79 Wendover, St Anne 84 Slough Pastoral Area: St Peter Area Dean: Rev Canon Kevin O`Driscoll Page No Burnham, Our Lady of Peace and St Andrews 63 Cippenham, St Andrew`s Shared Church 64 Datchet, St Augustine 66 Eton, Our Lady Of Sorrows 68 Slough, Church of the Holy Redeemer 81 Slough, Our Lady Immaculate and St Ethelbert 81 Slough, Farnham Royal, St Anthony 82 Slough, Langley, The Holy Family 81 Parishes Pastoral Areas 55

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Parishes Key: Loop System Facilities for Disabled Ramped Access Facilities &, Access Registered for Weddings Mass Streamed Online Northampton 1 Cathedral - Area Hub t: 01604 714556 e: Address: Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG Website: Priests: Rev Canon Mark Floody (Dean) , Rev Andrew Coy, Rev James Evans (resident at St Thomas More Presbytery, Towcester) , Rev Jaismon Francis MSFS, Rev Stanley Orazulike (resident at Ss Francis and Therese Presbytery, Northampton) Hub Administrator: Ann Comerford Parish Secretary: Philly McKenna Clustered Parishes Consisting of: 1a) Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate &, St Thomas of Canterbury Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate &, St Thomas of Canterbury Location: Kingsthorpe Rd, Northampton, NN2 6AG Tel: 01604 714556 Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.30am, 11am, 5.15pm Weekdays: See weekly bulletin/website Holy Days: See weekly bulletin/website Confessions: See weekly bulletin/website Adoration: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament see website or newsletter for times History: 1821, Rev Magrath here. He left before the end of 1821. 1823: Chapel 30 Nov. Rev Foley on Black Lion Hill. 1825: 25 Oct. Chapel of St Andrew, Rev Foley. 1844: 25 June, Collegiate Chapel of St Felix, Bishop Wareing, 1864: 28 April, Cathedral, Bishop Amherst. 1959: Enlargement, Bishop Parker. 1960: 22 June Consecration, Bishop Parker. 1998: Re-ordered, Bishop McCartie. Hospitals: Northampton General Hospital page 91 1b) St Aidan St Aidan Church Location: Manor Road, Northampton, NN2 6QJ Tel: 01604 714556 Sunday Mass: 9.45am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: see weekly bulletin/website Confessions: As announced Adoration: See bulletin/website History: 1955: 17 April Mass first said. 1956: 1 Nov. Fr Boswell served from Cathedral. 1957: Rose and Crown, Welford Road. 1964: 27 July Manor Road, Church opened 4 August. Rev C. Roberts first resident priest.2014 - 27 July Dedication of the Church. 1c) Ss Francis and Therese Saints Francis and Therese Church Location: Overslade Close, East Hunsbury, Northampton, NN4 0RZ Tel: 01604 701947 Sunday Mass: 9.30am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: As announced Confessions: As announced Adoration: As announced History: 1989: 19 Nov Church Blessed. 2000: Clustered with Towcester. Parishes 56

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1d) St Thomas More Priest: Rev James Evans (resident at St Thomas More Presbytery, Towcester) St Thomas More Church Location: 1 Meeting Lane, Towcester, NN12 6JX Tel: 01327 359151 Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm, 11am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: As announced Confessions: Sat 4.45pm-5.15pm Adoration: Sat 4.45pm-5.15pm (Exposition) History: 1949: 20 Feb. St George opened, Watling Street. 1976: St Thomas More, Meeting Lane. 2000: Clustered with East Hunsbury, Northampton. Northampton 2 , Abington St Gregory the Great t: 01604 713015 e: Address: Presbytery, 22 Park Ave North, Northampton, NN3 2HS Website: Facebook: StGregsNorthampton Priest: Rev Andrew Behrens Deacon: Rev Deacon Michael Fleming Parish Secretary: Caryll Comley Sunday Mass: 9am (Family), 11am (Choir) Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri-Sat 9am, Thu 7pm Holy Days: 7am, 9am, 7pm Confessions: Sat 9.30am and at call Adoration: Thu 9am-11am (Exposition) History: 1926: Church site bought. 1946: 7 Oct. Fr Eric Phillips appointed first Parish Priest. 1947: 1 May. Wooden Church Blessed. 1954: 11 Feb. Present Church Blessed. 2004: 3 Sept. Church Consecrated. Hospitals: St Andrew`s and St Matthew`s Hospital page 91 Three Shires Hospital page 92 Hospices: Cynthia Spencer Hospice page 92 Northampton 3 , Weston Favell The Sacred Heart t: 01604 402301 e: Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Pyramid Close, Weston Favell, Northampton, NN3 8DP Website: Priest: Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen (JV VF) Administrator : Lorraine Foster Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am -12 noon Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm, 10.30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: Sat 4.30pm-5.15pm Adoration: Wed 1.30pm-3.30pm, Sat 4.45pm-5.15pm History: 1974: 25 Jul Parish formed. 1976: Jan. Church Opened, Church blessed. Parishes Parishes 57

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Northampton 4 , Duston St Patrick t: 01604 751071 e: Address: The Presbytery, 28 Peveril Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6JW Website: Priest: Rev Benny Joseph MSFS Deacon: Rev Deacon Michael O`Leary Key Catechist: Rosemarie King (1996) St Patrick Church Location: Ashwood Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6JR Sunday Mass: 9.30am As announced Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9.30am As announced Holy Days: 9.30am, 7pm As announced Confessions: Fri 10am-10.30am, Sat 6.45pm-7pm Adoration: Fri 10am-10.30am (also see noticeboard) Devotions: Friday of Month -Mothers` Prayer Group 1.45 History: 1941: Beginning of Mission. 1953: 26 Apr, Church blessed. 1994: 27 May Opening and Dedication of new Church. 2002: Amalgamated with Cathedral parish. Northampton 5 SS Stanislaus and Lawrence (Polish Church) t: 07758 689059 e: Address: The Presbytery, Flat 2, St Lawrence House, Duke Street, Northampton, NN1 3BA Priests: Rev Janusz Zbroniec, Rev Fr Ryszard Hanczewski Sunday Mass: 10am, 12.30pm (Wellingborough), 7pm Weekdays: Mon, Wed 7am, Tue, Thu-Fri 7pm, Sat 5pm Holy Days: 7pm Confessions: Before Mass Adoration: Thu 8pm-10pm (Blessed Sacrament -in Winter 8pm-9pm) Northampton 6 see Great Billing, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour page 68 Aston-le-Walls The Sacred Heart and Our Lady t: 01295 660592 e: Address: The Presbytery, Main Street, Aston-le-Walls, NN11 6UF Website: Priest: Rev Shyju Chacko (Priest in Charge) Sunday Mass: 10.45am Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: By appointment Adoration: After Mass at 10am History: 1688: First resident Priest in Parish: Warkworth Manor. 1827: 11 Jul Church opened. 1859: 5 Jun, Church consecrated. 1982: 14 Dec Re-opening of restored Church. 1991: 1 Dec, extension to Church Dedicated. Schools: St Mary`s Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 58

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Aylesbury 1 St Joseph t: 01296 483629 e: Address: The Presbytery, 56 High Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 1SE Website: Priest: Rev Canon John Beirne (VF) Deacon: Rev Deacon John Sillitoe Administrator: Bob Taylor Key Catechist: Carolina Boston (2000) , Marie Woods (1998) Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9.30am, 11.15am As announced Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am Holy Days: 10am, 12.30pm Confessions: Sat 10am-11.30am and by appointment Adoration: Sat 10am-11.30am Devotions: Living Waters Prayer Group Tue 7.45pm-9pm History: 1885: Mass Station opened in house of Mr Rock. Served from Wolverton. 1888: 7 Dec. House/Chapel Rev James Collins. 1892: 13 Dec. Iron Chapel opened. 1937: Present Church opened. Schools: St Edward`s Junior page 85 St Joseph`s Infant page 85 Hospitals: Stoke Mandeville Hospital page 92 Hospices: Florence Nightingale Hospice page 92 Aylesbury 2 , Bedgrove Our Lady of Lourdes t: 01296 290545 e: Address: The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UB Website: Priest: Rev Paul Vilangappara MOP Secretary: Meenal Lopes Key Catechist: Bernadette Larkin, Fran Woodbridge Office Hours: Tuesday &, Thursday 9:00am- 2:00pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church Location: 69 Cambourne Avenue, Aylesbury, HP21 7UE Tel: 01296 290545 E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.30am (Polish), 11am, Fourth Sun: 5pm (Malayalam) Weekdays: Mon, Wed-Sat 9.30am, Tue 6.30pm Holy Days: 9.30am, 7pm Confessions: Thu 7.30pm-8pm, Sat 10am-10.30am and by request Adoration: Fri 10am-10.30am (Eucharistic Adoration), 1st Sat 10am-10.30am (First Saturday Adoration) Devotions: Rosary Tue 7pm-7.20pm, Novena to Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Wed 10am-10.20am, Holy Hour/Divine Mercy Devotion Wed 6pm-7pm, Holy Hour Thu 7pm-7.30pm, Exposition Fri 10am-10.20am History: 1969: 9 July. Church blessed. 1994: 8 July. Consecration. Aylesbury 4 St Clare t: 01296 483629 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Joseph, Aylesbury Website: Priest: Rev Canon John Beirne (VF) Deacon: Rev Deacon John Sillitoe Administrator: Bob Taylor Key Catechist: Carolina Boston (2000) , Marie Woods (1998) St Clare`s Church Location: Elmhurst Road, Aylesbury, HP20 2EA Tel: 01296 483629 E-mail: Sunday Mass: 11.30am Weekdays: Tue 10am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: By appointment History: 1966: 28 Aug. Parish clustered with St Joseph`s. 2004: Parish merged with St Josephs. 2005: 30 Nov. New Church Consecrated. Schools: St Louis Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 59

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Beaconsfield St Teresa of the Child Jesus and SS John Fisher and Thomas More t: 01494 673018 e: Address: St Teresa`s Presbytery, 40 Warwick Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2PL Website: Priest: Rev Mgr Provost Sean Healy (VF) Deacons: Rev Deacon Brent Adonis, Rev Deacon Michael Phelan (Retired) Lay Administrator: Sarah Moroz Secretary: Lynn Adonis Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.45am, 11.30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed-Thu, Sat 9.30am (see website) Holy Days: 10.30am, 8pm Confessions: Sat 5.30pm History: 1914: Mass Centre for Belgian refugees, Served by Belgian Priest. 1919: Mass Centre. Served from High Wycombe. Chapel on Premises of Railway Hotel. 1927: 6 Feb. First part opened. Fr Walker served from High Wycombe. 1931: First resident Priest, Mgr C.W. Smith CBE, D.S.O. 1939: Completion and reopening 10 Dec. 1947: 30 65 Sept. Consecration. 2012: New Parish Centre opened. Bedford 1 The Holy Child and St Joseph t: 01234 352569 e: Address: The Presbytery, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford, MK40 1HU Website: Priests: Rev Canon Seamus Keenan, Rev Galeji Mulupuri MC Sunday Mass: 8.15am, 9.30am, 11am, 6.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 10.45am Holy Days: 7.30am, 10.45am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 11.30am-12.30pm Adoration: Thu 11.30am-7pm (Exposition) Devotions: Rosary Mon-Fri 10.20am, Mothers` Prayers 1st Mon 11.30am, SVP Mon 7pm-8pm The Diocesan Shrine of the Miraculous Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe History: 1863: Beginning of Mission. 25 Dec. 1 st Mass by Fr J.P. Warmoll. 1874: 30 April Chancel and part nave opened. 1912: Additional bays. Church reopened Jan. 1964: 19 Aug. Consecrated. Hospitals: Bedford General Hospital page 91 Manor Hospital page 92 Bedford 2 Christ the King t: 01234 342641 e: Address: The Presbytery, Harrowden Road, Bedford, MK42 0SP Website: Facebook: Priest: Rev Nicholas Nwanzi Admin Worker: Liz Duggan Key Catechist: Liz Duggan, Teresa Williams Catechist: Katherine Smith Webmaster: Jon Foster Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.30am (Latin*, Extraordinary form), 10.30am, 12.30pm (Latin*, Extraordinary form) Weekdays: Tue-Thu 10am, Fri 12noon Holy Days: 10am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 3pm-5pm Adoration: Fri 11am (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) History: 1953: 12 April Church Hall. 1960: 6 June present Church Blessed. 2010: 4 June, church consecrated. Parishes Parishes 60

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Bedford 3 Holy Cross t: 01234 352607 e: Served from (and correspondence to) SS Philip and James, Bedford Website: Priest: Rev Wayne Coughlin Deacons: Rev Deacon Tony Quinlan, Rev Deacon Crispin Walkling-Lea Parish Secretary: Sheila Allen Holy Cross Church Location: 355 Goldington Road, Bedford, MK41 0DP Tel: 01234 353116 Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm , 9am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 10.15am Pleases check the parish newsletter for any changes Confessions: As announced in the parish newsletter Adoration: Wed 10.15am-11.15am History: 1957: 24 Nov. Church blessed. 1966: Parish erected. 2007: Twinned with SS Philip and James, Brickhill. Consecrated 20 October 2007 Bedford 4 St Frances Cabrini (Italian Church) t: 01234 359515 e: Address: 10 Woburn Road, Bedford, MK40 1EG Priest: Rev Giuseppe Bortolazzo CS Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm (English), 8.30am (Portuguese), 10am (Italian), 11.30am (Italian, English) Weekdays: Tue-Thu 7pm (Italian), Fri 10.30am (Italian) Mon - as announced Holy Days: 10.30am, 7pm Confessions: English or Italian before Mass Adoration: Fri 10am (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) History: 1965: 28 March. Church opened. Bedford 5 SS Philip and James t: 01234 352607 e: Address: 2 Severn Way, Bedford, MK41 7BX Website: Priest: Rev Wayne Coughlin Deacons: Rev Deacon Tony Quinlan, Rev Deacon Crispin Walkling-Lea Parish Secretary: Mariateresa Quinlan Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Mon, Thu, Sat 10.15am Please check the parish newsletter for any changes to Mass times Confessions: As announced in the parish newsletter History: 1967: 10 Sept opened. 1970: Separate Parish. 2007: Twinned with Holy Cross, Bedford. 2009: 1 May. Consecrated. Hospitals: Bedford General Hospital North Wing page 92 Bedford 6 Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Cuthbert (Polish Church) t: 07704 141192 e: Address: Mill Street, Bedford, MK40 3EU Website: Priest: Rev Janusz Kopec Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm, 9.30am, 11am (for children), 7pm Weekdays: Mon-Tue, Thu, Sat 9.30am, Wed 7pm, Fri 3pm Holy Days: 9.30am (Polish) As anunounced Confessions: Tue, Thu, Sat 9am-9.25am, Wed, Sat 6.30pm-6.55pm, Fri 2.30pm-2.55pm Before Mass Devotions: Devotion for Our Lady Wed 6.30pm, Devotion for Divine Mercy Fri 3pm, Rosary Sat 9am Bedford 7 see Kempston, Our Lady of Ransom page 70 Parishes Parishes 61

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Biggleswade St Peter t: 01767 312013 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Francis of Assisi, Shefford Website: Priest: Rev Canon Benjamin Noonan Deacon: Rev Deacon John Lang St Peter Church Location: 7a Station Rd, Biggleswade, SG18 8AL Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 5.45pm-6.15pm History: 1905: 12 Nov. Sun St Chapel (`The Upper Room`). Served from Shefford and Hitchin. 1924: 27 Jan. Former Sunday School building Market Square, blessed as Church. 1942: First resident Priest. Fr D. Hillier. 1958: Present site acquired. 1963: New Presbytery. 1973: 10 May present Church blessed. Hospitals: Biggleswade Hospital page 92 Hospices: St John`s Hospice page 92 Bletchley see Milton Keynes, St Thomas Aquinas page 77 Bourne End St Dunstan t: 01628 522956 (Sr Winifred) e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Teresa of the Child Jesus and SS John Fisher and Thomas More, Beaconsfield Website: Priest: Rev Mgr Provost Sean Healy (VF) Deacon: Rev Deacon Brent Adonis Sisters: Bon Secours Convent, Sr Winifred McCahill Secretary: Lynn Adonis St Dunstan Church Location: Cores End Rd, Bourne End, SL8 5AR Sunday Mass: 10am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 9.30am see website Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: At call History: 1956: 15 April. Wooden Church blessed. 1980: Present Church. 1999: Clustered with Beaconsfield. Religious: Bon Secours Sisters de Paris page 49 Brackley St Martin t: 01280 813105 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Bernardine of Siena, Buckingham Website: Priest: Rev Don Bosco Gunturu MSFS (Parish Administrator) St Martin`s Church Location: Hall`s Lane, Brackley, Northamptonshire NN13 6AN Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Wed 7.30pm, Fri 10am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Wed 7pm History: 1957: 28 July. Church blessed Parishes Parishes 62

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Buckingham St Bernardine of Siena t: 01280 813105 e: Address: Chandos Road, Buckingham, MK18 1AL Website: Priest: Rev Don Bosco Gunturu MSFS Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm, 11am Weekdays: Tue-Thu 9.20am, Fri 7pm Holy Days: 9.20am Confessions: Sat 6.30pm History: 1892: 2 July House Chapel 1 st Mass. 1895: College opened, chapel blessed. 1912: New Chapel opened. 1969: College closed. 1974: 26 Oct. New Church blessed, Chandos Road. 1982: 1 Aug Church Dedicated. Hospitals: Brackley Hospital page 92 Buckingham Hospital page 92 Burnham Our Lady of Peace and St Andrews t: 01628 605764 e: Address: The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL Website: Priests: Rev Anthony Dampson SMA, Rev Marek Balawender SMA Secretary: Yvonne Cafferty Office Hours: Weekdays except Wed 9am-2pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9.30am Weekdays: Mon-Tue, Fri 9.30am , 1st Sat 9.30am As announced Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 5.15pm-5.45pm Adoration: Mon 7pm-8pm, 1st Fri 10am-11.59pm (24 hrs adoration up to 9.30am on Sat as announced), Sat 5.15pm-5.55pm Devotions: Rosary: Mon-Tue, Fri 10am-10.30am, Virtual Charismatic Prayer Group Last Tue 7.30pm-9pm, Mother`s Prayer: Thu 10.30am-11.30am As announced History: 1930: Mass Centre opened, served from Slough. 1935: 15 Sept. Wood Church blessed and opened. Served from Beaconsfield. 1940: Fr Brennan 1st resident Priest. 1941: Became a separate Parish. 1944: Enlarged Wooden Church. 1958: 11 Feb. Present Church opened. 1962: 12 Sept. Consecration. Presently a community of The Missionary of St Paul since Sept 2019 Schools: Our Lady Of Peace Primary &, Nursery page 85 Burton Latimer St Nicholas Owen t: 01536 512497 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Edward, Kettering Website: Priest: Rev Gregory Marchwinski (resident at 2 The Grove, Kettering) St Nicholas Owen Church Location: Kettering Road, Burton Latimer, NN15 5LP Sunday Mass: As announced Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced History: 1972: 2 March, Blessed. Caddington St Thomas the Apostle t: 01582 720966 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Margaret of Scotland, Luton Priest: Rev Eustace Durugbo St Thomas Church Location: Manor Road, Caddington, nr Luton, LU1 4HH Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm History: 1964: 30 Aug. Church blessed Parishes Parishes 63

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Chesham St Columba t: 01494 785269 e: Address: 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham, HP5 3HQ Website: Facebook: St Columba RC Church Priest: Rev David Nixon MSC Deacon: Rev Gerard Felix Sunday Mass: 9am, First &, Third Sun: 12noon (Polish), 6pm Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: On request History: 1909: 9 May Carmelite Foundation, Closed 1915.1948: Mass Centre opened. 1960: 1 June present Church opened &, parisherected. 1997: 11 Oct Consecration. Chesham Bois Our Lady of Perpetual Succour t: 01494 727469 e: Address: Our Lady`s Presbytery, 30 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois, HP6 5PE Website: Priest: Rev Roy Karakkattu MSFS Parish Secretary: Deborah Rogers Sunday Mass: 8am (Latin Mass*), 9.30am *Parish Mass Weekdays: Mon-Tue, Thu 9.30am, Fri 7pm See website/newsletter Holy Days: Eve 5pm, 9.30am Confessions: After weekday Masses See website/newsletter Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction followed by Mass -see website/newsletter for times History: 1915 Church built. 1915: 7 May Church opened. 1915: 30 July Church blessed. 1953: 20 Aug. Extension Blessed. 2015: 31 July Consecration. Schools: Our Lady`s Primary School page 85 Cippenham St Andrew`s Shared Church t: 01628 605764 e: Served from (and correspondence to) Our Lady of Peace and St Andrews, Burnham Website: Priests: Rev Anthony Dampson SMA, Rev Marek Balawender SMA Secretary: Yvonne Cafferty Office Hours: 9am-2pm M, T, Th &, F St Andrew`s Shared Church Location: Washington Drive, Cippenham, SL1 5RE Sunday Mass: 11.30am Weekdays: Thu 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: On request Adoration: Thu 8.30am-9.30am Devotions: Private Prayers Sat 10am-12noon History: 1970, opened as Britain`s first purpose-built shared church (with the Church of England) Parishes Parishes 64

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Corby 1 Our Lady of Walsingham t: 01536 203121 e: Address: 71 Occupation Road, Corby, NN17 1EE Website: Priests: Rev Canon Michael Harrison (VF VG) , Rev Vijayasatya Prasad Kasireddy MSFS Parish Secretary: Maggie Cleary, Kay Priest Youth Minister: Rick Netherwood Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm , 8.30am , 10am Weekdays: Tue-Thu 9.30am or as published Holy Days: Eve 6pm , 10am As announced Confessions: Sat 5.30pm-6.10pm (See newsletter) Devotions: 9.30 Mass History: 1934: Aug Wooden Hut. 1934 Dec. Wooden Church. 1938: Present Church opened. 1963: 11 June Consecration. Schools: Our Lady Of Walsingham Primary page 85 Corby 2 St Brendan t: 01536 202879 e: Address: 151 Beanfield Avenue, Corby, NN18 0AZ Website: Priest: Rev Gerard Byrne Youth Minister: Rick Netherwood Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8am (Extraordinary Form), 9.30am, 11am Weekdays: See newsletter/noticeboard Holy Days: See newsletter/noticeboard Confessions: Sat 11am-1pm Adoration: Sat 11am-1pm (Please check with Parish first) History: 1956: Hut and school used. 1962: 20 Dec. Present Church. 1976: Consecration. Schools: St Brendan`s Primary page 85 Hospitals: Corby Community Hospital page 92 Corby 3 St John Ogilvie t: 01536 203121 e: Served from (and correspondence to) Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby Website: Priests: Rev Canon Michael Harrison (VF VG) , Rev Vijayasatya Prasad Kasireddy MSFS Youth Worker: Rick Netherwood Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm St John Ogilvie Church Location: 1 Copenhagen Road, Corby, NN18 9BX Tel: 01536 203121 E-mail: Sunday Mass: 5pm Weekdays: Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7pm Confessions: Fri after Mass (see newsletter) Devotions: Novena Wed 7pm History: 1975, Mass said in house. 56 Norse Walk. 1980: 20 Jun Church opened. 1991: 17 Oct Church consecrated. 1996: 16 Sept. Parish clustered with OL of Walsingham. 1997: 22 Nov Parish Status restored. Parishes Parishes 65

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Corby 5 St Joseph (Polish Mission Church) t: 01536 203574 e: Address: St Joseph`s Polish Church, 49 Rockingham Road, Corby, NN17 1AJ Website: Priest: Rev Ryszard Taraszka Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm, 10.30am, 4pm Weekdays: Wed-Fri 7pm Holy Days: 10.30am, 4pm Confessions: Half hour before Mass Adoration: 1st Fri 6pm Cranfield University see Milton Keynes, St Mary page 78 Croughton RAF Croughton t: 01280 708287 e: Address: Chaplaincy, RAF Croughton, Nr Brackley, NN13 5XP Chaplin: Myung Cho Datchet St Augustine t: 01753 917030 e: Address: 70 Eton Road, Datchet, SL3 9AY Website: Priest: Rev Frank McAuliffe SPS Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am Weekdays: Tue-Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: Sat 12.30pm-1pm Adoration: Mon, Wed, Fri 5.30pm-6.15pm History: 1923: Chapel. Canons Regular of the Lateran Daventry Our Lady Of Charity &, St Augustine t: 01327 300248 e: Address: 32 London Road, Daventry, NN11 4BZ Website: Priest: Rev Mirek Misiura Parish Secretary: Debbie Cleasby Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 10.30am Weekdays: Tue, Thu-Fri 9.15am, Wed 7pm Holy Days: 9.30am, 6.30pm Confessions: Sat 4.30pm Adoration: Wed 6.30pm-7pm (before Mass) History: 1880: 8 Dec. First resident Priest, Rev Thomas Fitzgerald. 1880: 15 Dec. House Chapel, London Rd, 1 st Mass. 1882: 16 April Converted stables, London Rd. 1916: 22 Oct Our Lady &,amp, St Augustine, New St opened. 1972: 22 Nov. Our Lady &,amp, St Augustine, London Rd, Blessed. Oct 2019 Consecration. Hospitals: Danetre Hospital page 92 Parishes Parishes 66

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Denham The Most Holy Name t: 01753 886581 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Joseph, Gerrards Cross Website: Priests: Rev Martin McDonald OCD (Prior and Parish Priest) , Rev John Williamson OCD, Rev Bob Davies OCD, Rev Maurice Flynn OCD, Rev John McGowan OCD The Most Holy Name Church Location: Old Mill Rd, Denham, Uxbridge, UB9 5AR Sunday Mass: 9.30am History: 1938: 27 Feb. Mass in Guide Hut. 1962: 7 Jan. Church opened and Blessed. Desborough Holy Trinity t: 01536 512497 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Edward, Kettering Website: Priest: Rev Gregory Marchwinski (resident at 2 The Grove, Kettering) Holy Trinity Church Location: Victoria St, Desborough, NN14 2LX Sunday Mass: As announced Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced Confessions: After Mass As announced History: 1972: Church opened. Dunstable 1 St Mary t: 01582 662710 e: Address: 82 West Street, Dunstable, LU6 1NY Website: Facebook: stmarysparishdunstable Instagram: smpd.youth Priest: Rev Canon Anthony Brennan Parish Secretary: Mary Wood Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9.30am, 11.30am Weekdays: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 10am, 7pm Confessions: Sat 5pm Adoration: Fri 8.45am-9.15am (Exposition and Benediction) Devotions: Rosary Tue 10am-10.30am, Mothers` Prayers 1st &, 3rd Thu 10.15am-11.15am, Rosary Sat 5.30pm-6pm History: 1895: Mass said there. 1928: Chapel Fr G. Taber 1st resident Priest. 1935: First Church opened. 1964: 15 Mar. Present Church opened. Dunstable 2 Our Lady of Czestochowa (Polish Church) t: 01582 662807 e: Address: Our Lady of Czestochowa Presbytery, 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ Website: Priests: Rev Piotr Redlinski SChr (Priest in Charge) , Rev Andrzej Zanadruk SChr Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm (Polish), Sat 7pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 8.30am (Polish), 11.30am (Polish), 2pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 5pm (Polish, Luton), 7pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon, Fri 10am (Polish), Wed, Fri 7pm (Polish), Thu 7pm (Polish, Milton Keynes) Holy Days: 10am, 7pm Confessions: Before Mass, at call Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the opportunity to use the Sacrament of confession half an hour before each Holy Mass Devotions: Rosary Wed 6.30pm, Stations of the Cross Wed 6.30pm History: Church opened 12th May 1968 Duston see Northampton, St Patrick page 58 Parishes Parishes 67

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Eton Our Lady Of Sorrows t: 01753 917030 Address: Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church, 1 Eton Court, Eton, Windsor SL4 6BY Website: Priest: Rev Ian McDole (Chaplain) Sunday Mass: 9.30am Holy Days: 6.30pm Confessions: At call History: 1915: 20 Jan Church opened . 2012: transferred into ownership of Eton College Flitwick Sacred Heart t: 01525 715109 e: Address: The Presbytery, 8 Pope Close, Flitwick, MK45 1JP Website: Priest: Rev Jerry Manomey Secretary: Suzanne Yates Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm , 9am, 11am Weekdays: Tue-Thu 9.30am, Fri 10am Holy Days: See website Confessions: Fri 9.30am, Sat 4.30pm By appointment Adoration: See website History: 1936: Founded from Ampthill. 1983: 18 April. Consecration of Church. Gerrards Cross St Joseph t: 01753 886581 e: Address: St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8RY Website: Priests: Rev Martin McDonald OCD (Prior &, Parish Priest) , Rev John Williamson OCD, Rev Bob Davies OCD, Rev Maurice Flynn OCD, Rev John McGowan OCD Key Catechist: Christine Cornwell (1999) Pastoral Co-ord: Joan Barham Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm , 7.45am , 9am , 11am , 5.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Fri 7am, Mon-Fri 9am , Sat 10am Holy Days: 7am, 9am , 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11am and by appointment throughout the week Devotions: Rosary Tue, Thu 7.30pm (via Zoom, contact Parish Office for details) History: 1913: 14 Sept House/Chapel opened. 1915: 29 July 1st part of Church blessed and opened. 1963: 1 May, Church finished and blessed. 1976: Consecration. Great Billing Our Lady of Perpetual Succour t: 01604 402301 e: Served from (and correspondence to) The Sacred Heart, Northampton Website: Priest: Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen (JV VF) Administrator: Lorraine Foster Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12noon Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church &, Diocesan Shrine Location: High Street, Great Billing, NN3 5EA Sunday Mass: 9.15am Weekdays: Tue, Thu, Sat 9.30am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am Adoration: Wed 2pm-3pm (and Rosary), Sat 10am-12noon Devotions: Diocesan Shrine to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Corpus Christi Procession, Veneration of Icon to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour History: 1874: Oratory in Billing Hall. 1878: 8 Sept. Present Church opened. 2006: 8 Sept. Erected as Diocesan Shrine. Parishes Parishes 68

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Great Missenden Immaculate Heart of Mary t: 01494 862049 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Columba, Chesham Website: Priest: Rev David Nixon MSC Deacons: Rev Deacon Peter Collins, Rev Deacon David Curtis Parish Secretary: Keyna Godward Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Location: 23 High Street, Great Missenden, HP16 9AA Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am, 12.20pm (Polish, 2nd and 4th Sun) see website Weekdays: Wed 10am As announced Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: On request Adoration: Wednesday after Mass - See website/newsletter History: Pre 1954: Mass in Surgery. 1954: Mass in House and Hall. 1964: 5 July Present Church. 2007: 16 June Church dedicated. Hospitals: Chiltern Hospital page 92 Haddenham The Good Shepherd t: 01844 290178 e: Address: The Presbytery, 45 The Croft, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire HP17 8AS Website: Priest: Rev Leszek Wisniewski Key Catechists: Mary Miller The Good Shepherd Church Location: 45 The Croft, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire HP17 8AS Tel: 07780 796331 Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 9.30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am please check bulletin Holy Days: Eve 5pm, 9.30am Confessions: 1st Fri 9am (French, Polish &, Spanish), 1st Sat 10am (before Devotions) Adoration: 1st Fri 9.30am (After Mass: Benediction with Litany of Sacred Heart of Jesus) Devotions: Mass Rosary &, Adoration 1st Sat 10.30am History: 1965: 16 May Converted buildings blessed. 1990: 14 Jun New Church blessed. High Wycombe 1 St Augustine Apostle of England t: 01494 523969 e: Address: The Presbytery, 24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6NZ Website: Priests: Rev Jonathan Hill, Rev Daniel Rooke Deacon: Rev Deacon Brin Dunsire Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 6pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am, 6.30pm Confessions: Sat 10.15am-11am Adoration: Sat 10am-11am (Adoration/exposition after Mass) Devotions: Rosary Mon, Fri 10am, Prayer Group upper room Mon 8pm History: 1889: July Rev H Beale sent there. 1889: 3 Nov House Chapel, High Street. 1894: 11 Apr Church, Castle Street opened. 1957: 29 Sept. New Church, Amersham Hill. Consecretaed 19 Oct 2018. Hospitals: Wycombe General Hospital page 92 Hospices: South Bucks Hospice page 92 Parishes Parishes 69

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High Wycombe 2 St John Henry Newman t: 01494 472526 e: Address: Parish Office, St Wulstan`s, Hollis Road, Totteridge, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 7UN Website: Priests: Rev Jonathan Hill, Rev Daniel Rooke Deacon: Rev Deacon Paul Priestley Parish Secretary: Ann Masat Office Hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri 10am - 3pm St Wulstan Church Location: Hollis Road, Totteridge, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 7UN Tel: 01494 472526 Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Tue 10am Holy Days: Newsletter - As announced Confessions: Sat 11.30am-12noon History: 1970: First Church. 1991: 9 Nov. New Church opened and dedicated. 2010: Oct. Became part of new Parish of Saint John Henry Newman. Our Lady of Grace Church Location: 29 Squirrel Lane, Booker, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 4RY Tel: 01494 472526 Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 11.30am Weekdays: Thu 7pm Holy Days: Newsletter - As announced Confessions: Thu 6.30pm-7pm History: 1981: Church built. 1995: 3 Jan. Parish clustered with St Wulstan`s. 2010: Oct. Became part of new Parish of Saint John Henry Newman. Iver Heath Bridgettine Convent t: 01753 663027 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Anthony, Slough Website: Priest: Rev Nathaniel Onwuekwe (resident at Farnham Road, Slough) Bridgettine Convent Chapel Location: Fulmer Common Rd, Iver Heath, SL0 0NR Tel: 01753 663027 E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 4.30pm, 9am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 7.30am Holy Days: 7.30am Confessions: Sat by request Adoration: Mon-Fri 10am (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament), Mon-Fri 4pm (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Rosary &, Evening Prayer) History: 1931: Convent Chapel. Kempston Our Lady of Ransom t: 01234 352569 e: Served from (and correspondence to) The Holy Child and St Joseph, Bedford Website: Priests: Rev Canon Seamus Keenan, Rev Galeji Mulupuri MC Our Lady of Ransom Church Location: 307 Bedford Road, Kempston, MK42 8QB Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm Holy Days: 7.30pm History: 1987: 24 Sept made a separate Parish. 2000: clustered with St Joseph and the Holy Child, Bedford. Parishes Parishes 70

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Kettering St Edward t: 01536 512497 e: Address: 2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ Website: Priests: Rev Gregory Marchwinski, Rev Ebin Thomas Sister: Sr Aidan Richards SND Secretary: Ewa Kirchner Key Catechists: Mary Everington Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 8.30am, 10.30am, 1pm (Polish) Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced Confessions: See website/newsletter or on request Adoration: See website/newsletter Devotions: See website/newsletter History: 1891: 20 Sept Mass in rented Hall, Rev H Stanley. 1892: 1 Jun House/Chapel. 1893: 11 Jan. First St Edward`s Church, Rev Allies. 1940: 20 Oct. New Church opened. 1946: 24 Sept. Consecration. Schools: St Edward`s Primary page 85 St Thomas More Primary page 85 Hospitals: Kettering General Hospital page 91 St Mary`s Hospital page 92 Hospices: Cransley Hospice page 92 King`s Sutton Ss Peter &, Paul (CofE Church) t: 01295 660592 e: Served from (and correspondence to) The Sacred Heart and Our Lady, Aston-le-Walls Website: Priest: Rev Shyju Chacko (Priest in Charge) SS Peter &, Paul C of E Church Location: The Square, Kings Sutton, Oxfordshire OX17 3RJ Sunday Mass: 9am Confessions: Sun 8.30am-8.50am Laxton Laxton Hall (Polish Residental Home) t: 01780 444292 e: Address: Laxton Hall, Near Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 3AU Priest: Rev Andrzej Budzynski Sister: Sr Teresa Sabok (Sister superior) Sunday Mass: 10am, 12noon (Polish) Please seek permission before attending Mass Weekdays: Mon-Fri 7am (Polish) Confessions: Sun 11.30am Before Mass Adoration: 1st Sat 2pm-5pm Devotions: Polish Thu 4.30pm-5pm History: 1924: 13 Nov. Dominican College opened. 1926: 31 Jan. Chapel Blessed. 1970: 3 Dec. Polish Franciscan Fathers. Since 1970 Laxton Hall has as been converted into a residential care home. P.C.M Housing Association Ltd, owns the Home. which is staffed by the Polish Sisters of Mary Immaculate, and Polish-speaking staff. Parishes Parishes 71

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Leighton Buzzard The Sacred Heart t: 01525 372321 e: Address: 5 Beaudesert, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1HZ Website: Priest: Rev John Danford Deacon: Rev Deacon Tony Falcon Sunday Mass: Sat 6.15pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Thu-Fri 10am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: Sat 5.45pm-6pm Adoration: See newsletter History: 1892 Mass said there by Rev Henry Parkes from Wolverton. 1895: 31 Oct. House/Chapel. Fr Reilly 1 st resident priest. 1897: 16 Dec. Iron Chapel opened. 1953: 19 Jun New Church. Little Chalfont St Aidan t: 01494 727469 e: Address: Finch Lane, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire HP7 9NE Website: Priest: Rev Roy Karakkattu MSFS (resident at Our Lady`s Presbytery, Chesham Bois) Deacon: Rev Deacon David Curtis Parish Secretary: Deborah Rogers Sunday Mass: Sat 6.15pm, 8.30am (Polish), 11am Weekdays: Wed, Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7pm or as announced Confessions: Fri 10am (After 9.30am Mass), Sat 7pm Adoration: Fri 9am-9.30am History: 1948: Mass Centre opened. 1965: 28 Feb. Church blessed &, opened. Schools: Our Lady`s Primary School page 85 Hospitals: Amersham General Hospital page 92 Long Crendon Our Lady of Light t: 01844 290178 e: Served from (and correspondence to) The Good Shepherd, Haddenham Website: Priest: Rev Leszek Wisniewski Our Lady of Light Church Location: 4 Chearsley Rd, Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire HP18 9BS Sunday Mass: 11am Confessions: On request History: 1963: 6 Sept Fr Wilbur Boswell appointed to start Mission. 1971: 13 May Church Blessed. Parishes Parishes 72

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Luton 1 Our Lady Help of Christians t: 01582 723254 e: Address: 52 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AG Website: Facebook: /people/Our-Lady-Help-of-Christians/100083453372318/ Priests: Rev Brendan Seery (Pastor) , Rev Jose Thekkekutte MSFS (Associate Pastor) Parish Secretary: Cilla Fox Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9 am - 2pm Sunday Mass: 9.30am, 11.30am, 5pm Weekdays: Mon, Wed-Fri 12.45pm, Mon-Wed, Fri 7pm, Sat 9.30am Holy Days: 12.45pm, 7pm Confessions: Mon, Wed-Fri 12noon-12.30pm, Mon-Wed, Fri 6.15pm-6.45pm, Sat 9am-9.30am Adoration: Mon, Wed-Fri 12noon-12.30pm, Mon-Wed, Fri 6.15pm-6.45pm, Sat 9am-9.30am History: 1884: 20 Jan. House Chapel, Rothersay Road, served by Rev Joseph A O`Connor. 1886: 25 Dec. Iron Chapel, Castle St opened. 1910: 8 Nov. New Church, Castle St opened. 1959: Church enlarged. Hospitals: Luton and Dunstable General Hospital page 92 Luton 2 The Holy Ghost t: 01582 722127 e: Address: Parochial House, 33 Westbourne Road, Beach Hill, Luton LU4 8JD Website: Priest: Rev Mgr Kevin McGinnell (VF) Parish Secretary: Caroline Anderson The Holy Ghost Church Location: 33 Westbourne Road, Beach Hill, Luton LU4 8JD Tel: 01582 728849 Sunday Mass: 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed 9am, Tue, Fri 7.30pm, Thu 11am Holy Days: 10am, 7.30pm Confessions: Fri 8pm-8.30pm and on request Adoration: Fri 8pm-8.30pm Benediction 8.25pm Syro Malabar : 1st Sat 3pm, 3rd Sat 10am Syro Malankara : 2nd Sat 2pm, 4th Sat 10am Language Masses : Polish Mass - Sun 5pm, Romanian Mass - last Sat of the Month 7.30pm History: 1964. Church Blessed 7 June 1965 Hospitals: L&,D General Hospital page 92 Luton 3 Sacred Heart of Jesus t: 01582 723099 e: Address: 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton, LU2 9AY Website: Priests: Rev Allan R. Jones CRIC, Rev Dr James Cassidy CRIC (Assistant Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Deacon Jim Bannan Parish Secretary: Bernadette Horsted Office Hours: Mon, Weds &, Fri 10 a.m - 12 noon Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9.30am Bank Holidays 10am Holy Days: 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 11am-11.30am Devotions: Rosary before Mass Mon-Fri. at 9.05 am History: 1942: 8 March Mass Centre at St Thomas` Institute. 1948: Mass in Hall or House, Fr George Walker first resident Priest. 1950: 26 Nov. Church Blessed and Opened. 1953: 26 Oct. Erected Parish, Fr George Walker first Parish Priest. 2008: 30 Sept. Consecrated. Schools: Sacred Heart Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 73

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Luton 4 The Holy Family t: 01582 502400 e: Address: The Holy Family, 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA Website: Priest: Rev Andrew Richardson Deacon: Rev Deacon James Hannigan Parish Secretary: Paula Glen Office Hours: Tues &, Fri 10am - 2pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 12noon Weekdays: Tue, Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 5.15pm-5.45pm Adoration: Fri 8.30am-9.30am (Adoration) History: 1976: Opening of Mission. 1983: New Church. 2002: Joined as one Parish with St John the Apostle. Hospices: Pasque Hospice page 92 Luton 5 St John the Apostle t: 01582 502400 e: Served from (and correspondence to) The Holy Family, Luton Website: Priest: Rev Andrew Richardson Deacon: Rev Deacon James Hannigan Parish Secretary: Paula Glen St John the Apostle Church Location: 296 Sundon Park Road, Luton, LU3 3AL Sunday Mass: 10.30am Weekdays: Mon, Thu 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am Adoration: Mon 8.30am-9.30am (Adoration) Luton 6 St Joseph The Worker t: 01582 571187 e: Address: 68 Gardenia Avenue, Limbury, Luton LU3 2NS Website: Priest: Rev Canon John McArdle Deacon: Rev Deacon Erik Kerr Parish Secretary: Mireille McIntosh Pastoral Worker: Deirdre Mitchell Deacon: James Grennell (Retired) Office Hours: 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 10am As announced Holy Days: 10am, As announced Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am and on request Adoration: Fri 10.30am-11.30am (after morning Mass) History: 1937: Temporary Church opened. 1960: 11 Feb. New Church opened. Schools: St Joseph`s Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 74

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Luton 7 St Margaret of Scotland t: 01582 522516 or 01582 720966 e: Address: 22a Bolingbroke Road, Farley Hill, Luton LU1 5JD Priest: Rev Eustace Durugbo Parish Secretary: Julie Jones Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri 9am Holy Days: 9am, 7pm Confessions: Sat 11.30am-12noon History: 1956: Hall completed for Mass. 1958: 10 May. Parish erected, Fr Jenkinson first Parish Priest. 1960: 23 Nov. Formal opening of new Church. Schools: St Margaret Of Scotland Primary page 85 Luton 8 St Martin de Porres t: 01582 663706 e: Address: 366 Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NG Website: Facebook: StMartinsLuton/ Priests: Rev Simon Penhalagan, Rev Liam Castle Administrator: Elaine Goodship Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm , 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Thu 6.30pm, Tue, Fri 9.30am, Wed 12.30pm Holy Days: 9.30am, 6.30pm Confessions: Sat 12noon (By Appointment), Sat 5.30pm-6pm Adoration: Tue 10am (Adoration), Thu 7pm (Adoration), Sat 5.30pm-6.15pm Devotions: Rosary before Sunday Mass History: 1962: Start of Mission. 1979: 5 Nov. Church blessed. 2001: 4 May. Church consecrated. Schools: St Martin De Porres Primary page 85 Marlow St Peter t: 01628 483696 e: Address: 7 St Peter`s Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1NQ Website: Facebook: Priests: Canon John Udris, Rev Kenneth Bowen (retired) Deacon: Rev Deacon Kevin Ryan Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 5.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 10am see newsletter Holy Days: 10am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11am, Sat 6pm-6.30pm (or at request) Adoration: Sat 10.30am-11am Devotions: Rosary Tue 9.30am-9.50am History: 1844: House Chapel, Fr Peter Coop MA. 1846: 29 July Church consecrated and opened. 1970: 4 Nov. Blessing and opening of extended Church. Schools: St Peter`s Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 75

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Milton Keynes St Augustine t: 01908 978575 e: Address: St Augustine`s Presbytery, 1 Langcliffe Drive, Heelands, Milton Keynes, MK13 7PL Website: Priest: Rev Emmauel Okami St Augustine Church Location: Langcliffe Drive, Heelands, Milton Keynes, MK13 7PL Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm (Polish), 8.30am, 11.30am, 2pm (Polish), 6.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Wed 9.30am (usually), Fri 7pm, Sat 9am (Usually) Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: Fri 6pm Adoration: Fri 6pm (Exposition) History: 1974: May. Masses began in Parish. 1975: Dec. Mass in Christ Church Ecumenical Centre. 1981: Sept. Blessing and Dedication of Church. 2007: Consecration of Church. Milton Keynes 1 St Francis de Sales t: 01908 842701/564363 e: Address: Parish Centre - for correspondence, 105 High Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK11 1AT Website: Priest: Rev Bernard Barrett (resident at St Francis de Sales Presbytery, Wolverton) Parish Secretary: Dawn Clark Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9am to 12 noon St Francis de Sales Church Location: 22 Stratford Road, Wolverton, MK12 5LJ Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 11.30am Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: See website/newsletter Devotions: Divine Mercy Sun 12.30pm Marian Procession (May) Healing Mass twice a year (usually Feb &, Oct) but see website/newsletter History: 1865: Mass in Hall, Rev WM Blackman. 1867: Trinity Sunday, Church and first resident Priest, Fr WM Blackman. 1981: 24 Jan. Church consecrated. Milton Keynes 2 St Mary Magdalene t: 01908 564363 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Francis de Sales, Milton Keynes Website: Priest: Rev Bernard Barrett (resident at St Francis de Sales Presbytery, Wolverton) Secretary: Dawn Clark St Mary Magdalene Church Location: 105 High Street, Stony Stratford, MK11 1AT Tel: 01908 842701 Sunday Mass: 9.15am Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: 10.30am Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11.30am (usually) Adoration: Weekly on Wednesdays (see newsletter). Five 1st Saturdays (contact the office for details of dates) History: 1954. 1958: 25 Sept. Church Blessed. 1984: 24 Nov. Church consecrated. 2002: Joined as one Parish with St Francis de Sales, Wolverton. Schools: St Mary Magdalene Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 76

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Milton Keynes 3 , Bletchley St Thomas Aquinas t: 01908 372315 e: Address: 1 Sycamore Avenue, Bletchley, MK2 2JE Website: Priest: Rev Christopher Perry Parish Secretary: Jo Cerrone Pastoral Assistant: Angela White Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am, Sat 9.30am Holy Days: As advertised Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am Adoration: Mon 10.30am-11am (Adoration &, Benediction), Sat 10am-10.45am As announced Devotions: Holy Rosary Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am-9.50am, Holy Rosary and Devotions Sat 10am-10.45am History: 1901: Mass in House. 1920: 30 May, Church Street Church opened. 1956: 14 Jun, New Church, Sycamore Ave blessed. 1981: Jun, Church consecrated. 2006: Parish renamed `St Thomas and All Saints`. Schools: Bishop Parker Primary page 85 St Thomas Aquinas Primary page 85 Milton Keynes 4 , Bletchley All Saints t: 01908 372315 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Thomas Aquinas, Milton Keynes Website: Priest: Rev Christopher Perry Parish Secretary: Jo Cerrone Pastoral Assistant: Angela White All Saints Church Location: Shenley Rd, Bletchley, MK3 6HG Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 6.30pm Weekdays: Tue, Thu 10am Holy Days: As advertised Confessions: As announced Adoration: Tue 10.30am-11am (Adoration &, Benediction) Devotions: Holy Rosary Tue 9am-9.50am, Holy Rosary Thu 9.30am-9.50am History: 1965: New Church 2006: Meeting room added. Schools: Bishop Parker Primary page 85 St Thomas Aquinas Primary page 85 Milton Keynes 5 St Barnabas - Area Cluster t: 01908 221228 e: Address: Parish Office, 1 Frithwood Crescent, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes, MK7 6HQ Priests: Rev Canon Francis Higgins (resident at St Mary`s Presbytery, Woburn Sands, VF) , Rev Maria Selvan Alexander MSFS (resident at St Edward`s Presbytery, Milton Keynes) Deacons: Rev Deacon Klaus Reidel, Rev Deacon Jon Walls Administrator: Gillian McIntyre Admin Assistant: Emily Elvin Pastoral Assistant: Philip Allsop Clustered Parishes Consisting of: 5a) Our Lady of Lourdes St Paul`s School Location: Moorgate, Leadenhall, Milton Keynes MK6 5NA Sunday Mass: 9.30am, Second Sun: 5pm (Tamil Mass), First Sun: 6pm (Malayalam) Holy Days: See website/newsletter History: 1974: Parish founded. 1976: Church opened and blessed. 2001: 10 Feb. Church dedicated. Parishes Parishes 77

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Ecumenical Church of Christ the Cornerstone Church Location: 300 Saxon Gate West, Milton Keynes, MK9 2ES Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm (Vigil) Weekdays: Mon 12.30pm Holy Days: 12.30pm Confessions: Sat 5pm History: 1987: First Mass in town centre. 1992: Church opened. Hospitals: Milton Keynes University Hospital page 91 5c) Christ the King Church of Christ the King Location: 1 Frithwood Crescent, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes, MK7 6HQ Sunday Mass: 9.30am (The Community Church Service), 11.30am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: By appointment History: 1993: 28 Nov. Church opened and Ecumenically dedicated. Schools: St Bernadette`s Primary page 85 Hospices: Willen Hospice page 92 5d) St Bede St Bede Church Location: High Street, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire MK16 8EN Sunday Mass: 8.30am Weekdays: Fri 10am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: By appointment History: 1953: 8 Mar. Chapel of St Bede opened. 1957: First resident Priest, Fr H Hartmann. 1963: 5 May. Parish erected. 1987: Dec. Dedication of renovated Church. 1999: Clustered with Christ the King Milton Keynes. 5e) St Mary St Mary Church Location: Aspley Hill, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8NN Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue 10am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: By Appointment History: 1926: First Mass in Fir Tree Hotel. 1929: Fr. C. Banham, first resident Priest. 1932: Wooden Church, Theydon Avenue. 1956: 2 July, New Church blessed &,amp, opened. 1957: 8 May, consecration. 5f) St Edward the Confessor St Edward the Confessor Church Location: Burchard Cresent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6DX Sunday Mass: 10am Weekdays: Thu 10am See website/newsletter Holy Days: See website/newsletter History: 1991: 7 June, Church opened and dedicated. Newport Pagnall see Milton Keynes, St Bede page 78 Parishes Parishes 78

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Olney Our Lady Help of Christians and St Lawrence t: 01234 711212 e: Address: 39-41 West Street, Olney, MK46 5HH Website: Priest: Rev David Barrett Deacon: Rev Deacon Peter Griffin Parish Secretary: Denise Wallinger Office Hours: Tuesday 9am -2pm Friday 9am-1pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 10.30am Weekdays: Mon No Mass, Tue 10am (Word and Communion), Wed, Fri-Sat 10am , Thu 7pm See Newsletter/noticeboard Holy Days: 10am , 7pm Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11.20am, Sat 5.45pm-6.15pm (And on request) Adoration: Thu 6.15pm-7pm , Fri 9.15am-10am , Sat 10.30am-11.30am History: 1899: March. Parish moves from Weston Underwood. Mass in Hall, Fr C de Wiart. 1900: 18 Nov. Opening of Chapel. 1952: 26 Aug. Consecration. 1990: 15 Oct. Renovated Church Blessed. Renovated Church Hall 2017. Dedicated September 2017. Oundle Most Holy Name of Jesus t: 07881 467624 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Paul The Apostle, Thrapston Website: Priest: Rev Benedetto D`Autilia (resident at St Paul`s Presbytery, Thrapston) Most Holy Name of Jesus Church Location: West Street, Oundle, PE8 4BH Sunday Mass: 8.45am Weekdays: Fri 10am Confessions: Fri 10.30am-11am and by appointment Adoration: Fri 10.30am-11.15am History: 1948: 8 Aug. St Wilfred, West Street blessed. 1971: Holy Name, West Street, New Church, New Site. Princes Risborough St Teresa of the Child Jesus t: 01844 345578 e: Address: New Road, Princes Risborough, HP27 0JN Website: Priest: Rev Lijo Jose Payikkattu MSFS Parish Secretary: Meenal Lopes Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 9.30am Weekdays: As announced in weekly bulletin Holy Days: As announced in weekly bulletin Confessions: Fri 9am-9.45am (or on request) Adoration: Weekdays 30 mins before the Mass Devotions: Fortnightly Prayer Group Tue 7.30pm-8pm History: 1923: 11 Feb. Mass said for the first time in Hall. 1928: 27 May Iron Hut. 1938: 6 June New Church Blessed and opened. 1945: 3 Oct. Consecration. Parishes Parishes 79

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Raunds St Thomas More t: 07881 467624 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Paul The Apostle, Thrapston Website: Priest: Rev Benedetto D`Autilia (resident at St Paul`s Presbytery, Thrapston) St Thomas More Church Location: 6 Marshalls Rd, Raunds, NN9 6HP Tel: 07881 467624 E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm (Vigil Mass) Weekdays: Mon 10am Confessions: After Mass on Mondays and by appointment Devotions: Rosary &, Divine Mercy Fri 2pm-3pm, Stations of the Cross Fri 3pm-4pm History: 1926-33: Served from Rushden, Fr Nutt. 1926: 14 Feb. House Chapel. 1967: Present church opened and served from Rushden. 1968: Served from Thrapston. Rothwell St Bernadette t: 01536 512497 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Edward, Kettering Website: Priest: Rev Gregory Marchwinski (resident at 2 The Grove, Kettering) St Bernadette Church Location: Rock Hill, Rothwell, NN14 6BY Sunday Mass: As announced Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced Confessions: As announced History: 1959: 19 June. Church blessed. Rushden St Peter t: 01933 353649 e: Address: 1 Hayway, Rushden, NN10 6AG Website: Facebook: St. Peter Apostle RC Church, Rushden Priest: Rev Canon Joseph Walsh Deacon: Rev Deacon Peter Remmington Secretary: Charmaine Augustus Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 10am Weekdays: See parish newsletter/website Holy Days: 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions: see parish newsletter Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament see newsletter Devotions: Rosary Wed 7.10pm History: 1902: 31 Aug. House Chapel (9 Alfred St.) Fr James Shore. 1905: 5 March Temporary Church (Higham Rd) opened. 1956: 27 May. New Church (Higham Rd.) opened. Shefford St Francis of Assisi t: 01462 813436 e: Address: 25 High Street, Shefford, SG17 5DD Priest: Rev Canon Benjamin Noonan Deacon: Rev Deacon Peter Hyde Sunday Mass: 9am, 5.15pm Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am (Service of Word and Holy Communion), Tue, Thu 9.30am, Sat 11am As announced in weekly bulletin Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: Sat 10.30am-10.55am (and by request after Sat Mass) Adoration: Wed 7pm (Exposition), Fri 10am (Exposition) Devotions: Prayer Group 1st Mon 8pm, Fatima Devotions 1st Sat 10am History: Riding Mission 1720s. 1728: House Chapel. 1791: St George`s Chapel. 1868: Fr Wm. Collis arrived. 1884: 8 July St Francis Church opened. 1894: 3 July. Consecrated. 1880-1907: Diocesan Seminary. 1869-1974: Boy`s Home. Parishes Parishes 80

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Slough 1 Our Lady Immaculate and St Ethelbert t: 01753 523147 e: Address: Wellington Street, Slough, SL1 1XU Website: Priest: Rev Pius Amoako Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 6.30pm Weekdays: Mon, Thu, Sat 10am, Tue No Mass, Wed 6.30pm, Fri 12.30pm Please check website &, bulletin Holy Days: 10am, 6.30pm Confessions: Wed 4pm-6pm, Thu 10.30am-1pm, Fri 10am-12.30pm, Sat 10.45am (By appointment) Adoration: Wed 4pm-6.30pm, Thu 10.30am-1pm, Fri 10am-12.30pm Devotions: Adoration &, Benediction Fri 12noon-12.30pm As announced History: 1885: 4 Nov. Herschel Street Chapel blessed, Fr Joseph Clementine. 1910: 19 April. New Church consecrated. 1910:20 April. Opening of Church. Schools: St Ethelbert Primary &, Nursery page 85 Hospitals: Upton Hospital page 92 Slough 2 Church of the Holy Redeemer t: 01753 578328 e: Address: Wexham Road, Slough, SL2 5QR Website: Priest: Rev Chris McGuinness SPS Parish Secretary: Helen O`Neil Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9.30am, Wed 7.15pm (Reading of the Word and Communion) Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Before and after all Masses and on request History: 1968: Church completed. 1969: 5 March blessing of the Church. 1980: Created a separate Parish. 1990: New Church opened. Schools: St Ethelbert Primary &, Nursery page 85 Hospitals: Wexham Park Hospital page 92 Slough 3 , Langley The Holy Family t: 01753 543770 e: Address: 226 Trelawney Avenue, Langley, Slough, Berkshire SL3 7UD Website: Priest: Rev Canon Kevin O`Driscoll (VF) Deacon: Rev Deacon Graham Jones Secretary: Lisa Chau Key Catechists: Veronica Russell (1999) Parish Assistant: Kieran McKeown Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 9.30am, 11.30am Weekdays: Tue-Wed, Fri 10am If you are visiting please ring to confirm times Holy Days: As announced Confessions: 1st Sat 10am (Reconciliation Service), 2nd &, 3rd Sat 10am-11am (Individual Confession) Adoration: Fri 10.30am (After Morning Mass) Devotions: After Morning Mass Tue 10.30am, 1st Fri 7pm History: 1955: Mass in local school. 1957: Church built, and parish separated from St Ethelbert`s. 1968: consecrated, 8th May. Schools: Holy Family Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 81

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Slough 4 , Farnham Royal St Anthony t: 01753 267918 e: Address: Farnham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 3AE Website: Priest: Rev Nathaniel Onwuekwe Deacons: Rev Deacon Paul Lipscomb, Rev Deacon Lanre Sanni Secretary: Lisa Chau Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8am, 10.30am Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri 9.15am (Rosary &, Mass) Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: 2nd Sat 9am-10am (or by appointment) History: 1934: 22 July first Mass by resident Priest. 1943: Aug. Permanent Chapel, Weekday Mass, Wyvis Lodge. Sunday Mass in School. 1943: Nov. Separated from St Ethelbert`s. 1964: 22 Feb. New church opened. Schools: St Anthony`s Primary page 85 Slough 5 Polish Church of Divine Mercy t: 01753 533861 e: Address: 48 Pitts Road, Slough, SL1 3XH Website: Priest: Rev Leszek Buba Deacon: Rev Deacon Marek Gajdus Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm (Polish), 8am (Polish), 10am (Polish), 12noon (Polish), 6pm (Polish) Weekdays: Tue-1st &, 3rd Fri 7pm (Polish), 2nd &, 4th Fri-1st Sat 8am (Polish), Sat 6pm (Polish) Confessions: Tue-Thu 5.30pm-6.45pm (Polish), 7.15am-7.45am (Polish), 1st &, 3rd Fri 8pm-9pm (Polish), Sat 5pm-5.50pm (Polish) Adoration: Tue-Fri 6pm-6.45pm, 1st Fri 8pm-8am, Sat 5pm-5.45pm Devotions: The Adoration with cannons Taize 1st Fri 8pm-9pm History: 1970. Land in Pitts Rd acquired. 1980: Adjoining Polish Centre acquired. 1984: Church and Catholic Centre completed and dedicated. Stony Stratford see Milton Keynes, St Mary Magdalene page 76 Thrapston St Paul The Apostle t: 07881 467624 e: Address: St Paul`s Presbytery, 2 St Paul`s Gardens, Thrapston, NN14 4FE Website: Priest: Rev Benedetto D`Autilia Sunday Mass: 10.45am Weekdays: Tue, Thu 10am Confessions: Thu 10.30am-11am and by appointment Adoration: Thu 10.30am-11.15am History: 1940: Mass Centre. 1949: 23 June. Wooden Church blessed, Grove Rd. 1964: 7 March. New Church, Sackville Street, blessed. Turvey Monastery of Christ Our Saviour t: 01234 881211 e: Address: Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, Jacks Lane, Turvey, Bedfordshire MK43 8DH Website: Priest: Rev Bro John Mayhead OSB History: We share worship with Priory of Our Lady of Peace, run a guesthouse and host Psychotherapy training courses and groups including a joint spirituality/psychotherapy group on a monthly basis. Parishes Parishes 82

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Turvey Priory of Our Lady of Peace t: 01234 881432 e: Address: Priory of Our Lady of Peace, Turvey Abbey, Turvey, MK43 8DE Website: Prioress: Zoe Davis Sunday Mass: 8.30am (Turvey Abbey Chapel) Weekdays: Mon-Fri History: In 1981 Turvey Abbey became home to the Benedictine community of the Priory of Our Lady of Peace. Religious: Benedictines (Olivetan) page 49 Wellingborough 1 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart t: 01933 222780 e: Address: 82 Knox Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1JA Website: Priest: Rev Paul Inman Parish Secretary: Liz O`Boyle Key Catechists: Mary Donaldson Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 12.30pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon 9.15am, Wed 12.30pm, Fri 10am, Sat 6pm Holy Days: 7pm Confessions: Sat 5pm-6pm Devotions: Divine Mercy Chaplet Wed 12noon History: 1868: Served from Northampton. 1871: First resident Priest, Fr Nicholas Darnell. 1881: 21 July. House Chapel opened. 1884: Aug. Iron Chapel opened. 1886: 2 Sept. New Church opened. 1954: 4 May Consecration. Hospitals: Isebrook Hospital page 92 Wellingborough 2 St Edmund Campion t: 01933 222780 e: Served from (and correspondence to) Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Wellingborough Website: Priest: Rev Paul Inman Key Catechists: Mary Donaldson St Edmund Campion Church Location: Henshaw Rd, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 2BE Sunday Mass: 10.30am, 5.30pm Weekdays: Tue 12noon, Thu 9.15am Confessions: Sun 5pm-5.30pm Devotions: Charismatic Prayer Group of Jesus Mon 7.30pm-9pm, SVP Conference 1st &, 3rd Mon 7.30pm-8.45pm History: 1972: 2 June, blessed. Schools: Our Lady`s Junior School page 85 Our Lady`s Primary page 85 Parishes Parishes 83

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Wendover St Anne t: 01296 290545 e: Served from (and correspondence to) Our Lady of Lourdes, Aylesbury Website: Priest: Rev Paul Vilangappara MOP (resident at The Presbytery, Aylesbury) Deacon: Rev Deacon Peter Swindlehurst St Anne`s Church Location: Aylesbury Road, Wendover, HP22 6JG Tel: 01296 29545 E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Tue 10.15am Holy Days: 11am As announced Confessions: Tue 10.45am and by request Devotions: Vespers and Benediction Fri 7pm History: 1951: 1 April Church opened, London Rd. 1961: 11 Dec. New site, Aylesbury Rd Church opened. Winslow St Alban`s RC Parish t: 01908 309720 e: Address: St Laurence Anglican Church, St Laurence Room, Market Square, Winslow, MK18 3AB Website: Priest: Rev Anton Webb Sunday Mass: First Sat 6pm (1st Saturday of month only), 11.30am (Every Sunday except after 1st Saturday) Weekdays: Wed As announced Holy Days: 6pm (If a Holy Day falls on a Friday, it is celebrated as a Vigil on the Thursday at 6pm. Please check Parish Newsletter) Confessions: 1st Sat 5.30pm History: Old RC Chapel, 1941. 1948: 12 Sept. Blessed. Closed 2016: 13 April. Woburn Sands see Milton Keynes, St Mary page 78 Wolverton see Milton Keynes, St Francis de Sales page 76 Yelvertoft Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary t: 01327 300248 e: Served from (and correspondence to) Our Lady Of Charity &, St Augustine, Daventry Website: Priest: Rev Mirek Misiura Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Church Location: High Street, Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire NN6 6NA Sunday Mass: 9am History: 1957: 11 Feb. Church opened. Parishes Parishes 84

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!",#$%&,`#()`*)+,&,-`.",%)/%-``.0) !",#$%&,`(()%$*#+$,-$)(&,*)$*#+*$.*#/-+#%`,.%0$1*- 2$3+)(-4$/($(",#$/5($1",)/,$6&,*7+82$9#",%/%$5`,&,`$ *#+$,-/+-7+7$/($&,(:+#$/`+$5`()+$7,(&,+%+$ 60 ! !", # $%&,` ( $)**&,+",,&,-.$/&,-0 1 , 2 +$ 3 +&,`.* 2 . 4 $ 5# ", 4 - $$ ,<,+7=(#7>,$?(#/`$?(#/`*-/%>,$?(#/`*8./(-$*-7$1,)/(-$@+2-+%A$ 6 . 721# $ 89 .+",- 2: .$%.&,`. #, $9(-2$<,,%`(.$$$$$$$$$ 8 *&, 2 , , $/3,%`(.B(),&,*/%&,`(()%0(#4$$ <,0 ! 6 -$ 5 0 1 *&, 4 $/&,-0 1 , 2 +$ 3 +&,`.* 2 . 4 $ 5# ", 4 - $$ ,C",/(->,$D)(",4`$*-7$<,",&,E,-4`*8%`,#+A$ 6 . 721# $ 89 .+",- 2: .$%.&,`. #, $F(+$G,&,`*#7%(-$ 8 *&, 2 , , $ H#,&,`*#7%(-B%/&,*/0&,(0",E$ $ !",#$%&,#`()*+%,-.` / .+%%, 0 `1)&,*2",&, 0 +-3`4` / *`5&,)2.- 0 `%$`6 00 - 0 -` 78&,`9)#:`, <,<, ).8,)*",`()*+%,-.`6.)#", <, :` = &,8 0 * $ ! !",#$%&,`#()*+,#-.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ I()`,))$6:+>,$<,+7=(#7$1@JK$LMN$ 5 . , , $OKPQJ$JOKLOO$ <, .&,`-.&,+ 0 . #, $ 1#%$1$1&,R+//,4*-$$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B%/H(`-#,4320(#4$ ) = / $ >,8, $ 1#%$S$T*#7$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QUV$ /0 &, at , &, 27, $ 1#%$1*#2$T*#7 $$ !",#$%123&,41#0`5#!",#6.2*%.,41#-.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ S`+%/+#$G7>,$<,+7=(#7$1@JO$JW?$ 5 . , , $ OKPQJ$QXPOVP$ &, 7 `$ $ 3 `` # . 44, $ <,,77+-`*8$9",#->,$<,+7=(#7$1@JO$J69 $ 5 . , , $ OKPQJ$PVUVJL $ <, .&,`-.&,+ 0 . #, $ 1,%%$C$D",8./+#$ 8 *&, 2 , , $ (==,&,+B%/H(%+.`%*-7%/4#+4(#2%0&,(8$ ) = / $ >,8, $ 1#%$D$1()(-+2$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ JPV$ /0 &, at , &, 27, $ 1% $ W$W*#3#(-Y6..)+4*#/` $ !",#7&,%/01#8%.2#!29%`50., ! ! ! 3 `` # . 44, $ 92-+$S#+%&,+-/>,$<,+7=(#7$1@JK$Z[C$ 5 ., , $ OKPQJ$JOOPPP$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$1$<,(- -+#$$ 8 *&, 2 , , $ +8*,)B%/803+7%0%&,`0",E$ )=/$ >,8, $ 1#%$<,$C(:+%+2 $ ? ", at2 , 4, $ LQQ$ /0&, at ,&, 27, $ 1#%$W$<,",#4+%% $ $$ ! 8 . >, - 2? +) <,0 +-&,",` ( )*+ %, -.` / .+ %%, 0 ` 1 )&,* 2 ",&, 0 +- 3 ` 4 ` // ` at% + 2 ` 5 - 0 +",&,` A ` = + % <, ) 0 ` B % &,",` ,<,",&,E,-4`*8%`,#+$C(&,*)$6",/`(#,/2A$ ! !", # 8) 9 &,02 : 41 ## ",#$%&,!`()*+, ! 3 `` # . 44, $ M*5%$W,))$C*-+>,$W,4`$T2&,(83+$WIKK$KIT$ 5 ., , $OKJLJ$XQXKLV$ 89 .+",- 2: .$<,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$F$D,-7*)) $ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/8,&,`*+)%03",&,E%0%&,`0",E $ <,.&,`$ 1 A$ 6 +0 11 ,$B 6 .+ 17 `&, #(C, $ 1#%$S$D",3`*-$ <,.&,`$ 1 A$ 6 +0 11 ,$B ?#2 *&, #(C, $ 1#%$M$S()),-% $ )=/$ >,8, $ 1#$F$@+*/,-4$*-7$1#%$M$6))*#7$,I#,8*#2A$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ KULL$ /0&, at ,&, 27, $ 1,%%$1$S(#&,(#*- $$ ,KKYKL$\+*#%A$ 3 `` # . 44, $ T++7(-$G(*7>, $ 62)+%3",#2$WIKL$LIR $ 5 ., , $ OKJLJ$XQXKLV $ <,.&,`$ 1 A$ 6 +0 11 , , $ 1#$6$I*)8+# $$ 8 *&, 2 , , $ (==,&,+Y*2)%B%/8,&,`*+)%#&,0(#4 $ )=/$ >,8, $1,%%$?$1&,]-+#2$$ $ /0&, at ,&, 27, $ 1%$6$D+-*-*2*E+ $ schools quark.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:40 Page 1 Schools 85

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!", # $%&,`()#*(",%&,+,-#.-(/0`,0)#$12)", # !",# $ % 12 3 &, 4 1 #, ` <, 0` ", ! ! 3 `` # . 44, $ W*^+))$6:+-",+>,$62)+%3",#2$WIPK$ZF_$ 5 ., , $OKPLV$JUJVKU$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$6$9*2)(#$ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/H(%+.`%#&,,-=*-/03",&,E%0%&,`0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$6$9*2)(#$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ KZV$ $ !",# = 5>, 0. 54 1 # $ ? `) % . # 3 `` # . 44, $ W*^+))$6:+-",+>,$62)+%3",#2$WIPK$ZF_$ 5 ., , $OKPLV$JPJXJJ # <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$D$W*##,%$ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/+75*#7%03",&,E%0%&,`0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1%$9$_*`+2$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ PXV$ !",# $ % 12 3 &, 4 1 # -.)/0., # ! 3 `` # . 44, $ I#,(#2$G(*7>,$S`*)=(-/$D/$I+/+#>,$<,",&,E%$DCL$UD<,$ 5 ., , $OKZXQ$UUZZJQ$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$S$C(:+4#(:+ $ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/H(%+.`%&,`*)=(-/0%&,`(() $ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$D$M*:,+%$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QUO$ at? . #A 0 5 , 4 1 # -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ 68+#%`*8$G7>,$S`+%`*8$<,(,%>,$68+#%`*8$WIV$XIC$ 5 ., , $OKJLJ$ZPVQLO$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$1$W()7%5(#/`$ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B()&,`+%`*80&,(0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$`$R*#7-+#$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ PKX$ /0&, at ,&, 27, $ G+:$6$G+-a $$ !",#A % ? )1 # -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ W*##,%$S(",#/>,$62)+%3",#2$WIPO$Pbc$ 5 ., , $OKPLV$JUULKX$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$S$1*&,`,-$ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/)(",,%#&,&,03",&,E%0%&,`0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1,%%$S$D,/E(5%E,$*-7$1,%%$S$M+$@(&,E$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ JKL$ !",# -2 ", 2. 4 1 # -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ I#(%.+&,/$G(*7>,$1*#)(5$DCZ$PIF$ 5 ., , $OKVPU$JZPKKV$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1,%%$6$1&,S)",%E+2$ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/.+/+#%#&,03",&,E%0%&,`0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1,%%$6$1&,S)",%E+2$ ? ", at2 , 4, $KXO$ $ $ 98 * %2 `) 2 #` C8 2 0 *) D , ",` ( )*+ %, -.` / .+ %%, 0 ` 1 )&,* 2 ",&, 0 +- 3 ` 4 ` / *` 6 , D ) 2 ` ` ,C",/(-$*-7$S+-/#*)$<,+7=(#7%`,#+$C(&,*)$6",/`(#,/2A$ ! !",# $ % 12 3 &, 4 1 # -.)/0., ! ! 3 `` # . 44, $ R*#7+-,*$6:+-",+>,$C",/(-$C[Q$P?D$ 5 ., , $OKXUP$XZPLVJ$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$1$1",#.`2$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B%/H(%+.`%0.#,8*#2)",/(-0&,(0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$D$@,)),*-$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ ZVO$ ! 0 9 .2 5#B 20. ",# -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ C*-4=(#7$M#,:+>,$C",/(-$C[P$L6F$ 5 ., , $OKXUP$ZQOZUK$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$F$S",))+-$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B%*&,#+7`+*#/0.#,8*#2)",/(-0&,(0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$6$W*- -,4*-$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QLL$ # !",#$%&,`()#*(",%&,+,-#.-(/0`,0)#$12)",## !",# 80.*0.2 ",# % <,#! 9% ",: 0` 5# -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ G(/`+#*8$6:+-",+>,$C",/(-$C[K$XII$ 5 ., , $OKXUP$ZPQJQO$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$D$S`,%5+))$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B%/8*#4*#+/%0)",/(-0%&,`0",E$ ) = /$ >,8 = /0&, at &, 27, $ 1#%$S$_(#7+$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ JJX$ schools quark.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:40 Page 2 Schools Schools 86

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!",# 80. ", )` #5 2 # - % ..21 # -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ I*%/",#+%$T*2>,$C",/(-$C[J$OI_$ 5 ., , $OKXUP$VKZVOO$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$?$1(#4*-$ 8 *&, 2 , , $ *78,-B%87.)",/(-0&,(0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1%$@$<,*-:,))+$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QLU$ !",# 80., 4 1 # -.)/0., # 3 `` # . 44, $ M",-%/*3)+$G7>,$S*77,-4/(->,$C",/(-$C[K$J<,<,$ 5 ., , $ OKXUP$VOPJPO$ ) 7 -. #2 *$<,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$C$T*)7#*8$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B%/8*#2%.#,8*#20(#40",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$6$M(5),-4$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ KLQ$ &, 7 ` $ !",# C )` 9 2` ",4 1 # -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ W*88+#%8,/`$R*#7+-%>,$M",-%/*3)+$C[X$XGR$ 5 ., , $ OKXUP$UVPJXV$ ) 7 -. #2 *$<,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$C$T*)7#*8$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B%/:,-&,+-/%`#0(#4$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$6$M(5),-4$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ KLZ$ D 0. 5 )`0 :# E 2 >, /0` #! 2 9% ` 5 0., ` # 3 `` # . 44, $ T*#7+-$W,))$G(*7>,$C",/(-$C[P$Z6]$ 5 ., , $OKXUP$XLZKPX$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$6$<,",))$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B&,*#7,-*)-+58*-%&,`(()0-+/$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#$C$1*E(E`*$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ KVLP$ /0&, at ,&, 27, $ 1% $ F$I(#/+# $ $$ B - , * %2 ` E ", : 2 ", 0 ` ( )*+ %, -.` / .+ %%, 0 ` 1 )&,* 2 ",&, 0 +- 3 ` 4 ` / *` 1 ) 8 , ` ,1,)/(-$@+2-+%$C(&,*)$6",/`(#,/2A$ $ ! !",#7 &, % /01 # FG ? )`01 # -.)/0., ` 3 `` # . 44, $ D/$1*#2d%$6:+-",+>,$<,)+/&,`)+2>,$1,)/(-$@+2-+%$1@Q$XM9$ 5 ., , $OKLOU$QZQLZZ$ 89 .+",- 2: .$<,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$G$1",-72 $ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/Y/`(8*%*e",,-*%0&,(0",E $ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$@$W*&,E+//$ $ ? ", at2 , 4, $ PVU $ &, 7 `$ $ D 24 0 1@ $ ? &, # E . # $ ?#2 *&, #( $$ 3 `` # . 44, $ <,*#/(-$G7>,$<,)+/&,`)+2>,$1,)/(-$@+2-+%$1@P$Q<,9 $ 5 ., , $ OKLOU$QZPKPL $ 89 .+",- 2: .$<,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$G$1",-72 $ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B3,%`(..*#E+#0&,(0",E $ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1%$F$D`(-+ $ ? ", at2 , 4, $ PKL $ !",# H 2.`0 5 2 ",", 2 4 1 # -.)/0., # 3 `` # . 44, $ 9+5E+%3",#2$C*-+>,$1(-E%/(-$I*#E>,$1,)/(-$@+2-+%$1@KO$LIW$ 5 ., , $OKLOU$VLPJQU$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$F$c*8(#*$ $ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/3+#-*7+//+%%&,`(()0&,(8 $ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1%$F$I",4`+ $ $ ? ", at2 , 4, $ JOU$ !",# 80., # 80* 5 0 : 2`2 # -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ 6#75+))$C*-+>,$R#++-)+2%>,$1,)/(-$@+2-+%$1@KP$V6\$ 5 ., , $ OKLOU$QPKZJV$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$G$F(-+%$ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B%/Y8*#28*47*)+-+08,)/(-YE+2-+%0%&,`0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$@$T,)),*8%$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QUO$ !",# 8 % `) 9 0 4 1 # -.)/0., ! ! 3 `` # . 44, $ S",##,+#$M#,:+>,$?+*/`$W,))>,$1,)/(-$@+2-+%$1@KJ$VW<,$ 5 ., , $ OKLOU$VOVLVV$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$G$!f1*))+2$ 8 *&, 2 , , $%/8(-,&,*%B%/Y8(-,&,*%0&,(0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1,%%$F$S()),-%$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QXL$ $ $ $ $ schools quark.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:40 Page 3 Schools Schools 87

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!",# -0 ?:4 1 # D % / 3 .2&,2`1) I 2 ` ",%%$%&,-()*+, ! 3 `` # . 44, $ I`(+-,g$M#,:+>,$1,)/(-$@+2-+%$1@V$X]?$ 5 ., , $OKLOU$VVLZQX$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$F$W(*#/2$ 8 *&, 2 , , $+-e",,#,+%B%/Y.*",)%0(#40",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1,%%$C$1*5$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ KUZK$ /0&, at ,&, 27, $ 1#%$6$W(%E,-%$ $ 7 &, % .` ", % ` # D % :: 2*2 # ", #$%&,`&,$%&,$() # ! 3 `` # . 44, $ S(-:+-/$(=$F+%",%$h$1*#2>,$9`(#-/(->,$1,)/(-$@+2-+%$1@KZ$OWF$ 5 ., , $OKPUO$UKPVKO$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ M#$C$D`*5 $ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B/`(#-/(-&,())+4+0&,(8 $ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$D$!)+H-,E $ ,I#,8*#2Ai$1#%$D$1",#.`2$,D+&,(-7*#2A$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QLJ$ $ F % &,*+) <, 3 * %2 ` 4 ` / *` = + % <, ) 0 ` % $` ( ) 2 *",&, D8 &, : ` ( )*+ %, -.` / .+ %%, 0 ` 1 )&,* 2 ",&, 0 +- 3 ` $,?(#/`*8./(-%`,#+$C(&,*)$6",/`(#,/2A$ $ ! !",# 80., 4 1 # -.)/0., ` ! 3 `` # . 44, $ 1*,-$D/#++/>,$6%/(-Y)+YT*))%>,$M*:+-/#2$??KK$V[_$ 5 ., , $OKPLX$VVOPXU$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$C$S(-&,*- -(-$ 8 *&, 2 , , $`+*7B%/8*#2%Y.#,0-(#/`*-/%Y+&,)04(:0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$C$S(-&,*- -(-$ ? ", at2 , 4, $UX$ /0&, at ,&, 27, $_#$F$S(-#(2$ $ 3 21# 4 (/ 5 # 6 ``(-2+(",0#*(",%&,+,-#.-(/0`,0)#$12)",# /0&, at ,&, 27, $G(%+$M*#5,- # 7 &,2 # 6 %% 5#! &,2 3 &,2. 5# -.)/0., ! 3 `` # . 44, $ at,-4%)*-7$R*#7+-%>,$?(#/`*8./(-$??P$Z<,W$ 5 ., , $OKVOJ$ZKJQLL$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$S$M(77%$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B/`+4((7%`+.`+#70-(#/`*-/%0%&,`0",E$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1,%%$M$D8,/`$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QOX$ !",# 6.2* % ., 4 1 # -.)/0., ` 3 `` # . 44, $ R#*-4+$G(*7>,$?(#/`*8./(-$??Q$P6b$ 5 ., , $OKVOJ$JOQXKK$ 89 .+",- 2: .$<,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$@$\",+-$$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B%4&,.%0(#4$ <,.&,`$ 1 A$ 6 +0 11 , , $1,%%$D$1*#",8 $ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1,%%$D$1*#",8$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ QKU$ 0` 5# # !",# 80., 4 1 # -.)/0., ` 3 `` # . 44, $ T((7%,7+$T*2>,$?(#/`*8./(-$??X$ZWb$ 5 ., , $OKVOJ$XUKOKK$ 89 .+",- 2: .$<,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#%$@$\",+-$ 8 *&, 2 , , $*78,-B$%/8*#2%&,*/`(),&,.#,8*#20-(#/`*-/%0%&,`0",E$ <,.&,`$ 1 A$ 6 +0 11 , , $ 1#%$F$<,),-&,(5$ ) = /$ >,8, $ 1#%$F$<,),-&,(5$ ? ", at2 , 4, $ POQ$ 7 &, % /01 # H 2 9 J 2 ",#! 9 &, %% : ! 3 `` # . 44, $ <,+&,E+/$T*2>,$@+//+#,-4$G7$?(#/`>,$?(#/`*8./(-$??Q$VW9$ 5 ., , $OKVOJ$JLQPKK$ <,.&,`-.&,+0. #, $ 1#$I$1&,S*`,)) $ 8 *&, 2 , , $(==,&,+B/`(8*%3+&,E+/0(#40",E $ ) = /$ >,8, $ $ $ ? ", at2 , 4, $ UJO $ ` ` ` schools quark.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:40 Page 4 Schools Schools 88

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Deacon Liam Castle was ordained priest on 25th March 2022, the solemnity of the Annunciation, at Northampton Cathedral. Deacon Liam was ordained on a sunny day by Bishop David Oakley and in the presence of emeritus bishop of Northampton Peter Doyle. Bishop David announced that Fr Liam will undertake his priestly ministry in the parish of St Martin De Porres, Luton. At the end of the ordination Bishop David and Bishop Peter led those present in an act of consecration to the immaculate heart of Mary for Russia and Ukraine. Deacon Jithu James was ordained priest on 27th June 2022 at Northampton Cathedral. He was ordained having spent six years at St Mary’,s College Oscott in training. Bishop David announced that Fr Jithu’,s fi,rst priestly appointment would be in the parish of St Thomas Aquinas and All Siants, Bletchley. Ordinations.qxp_Layout 1 07/11/2022 09:57 Page 2 Ordination 96

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Season of Advent During Advent and Christmastide we are asked to pray for these intentions: MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES ‐, especially on 3 December THE BISHOP, CLERGY &, PEOPLE OF THE DIOCESE ‐, especially on 8 December EXPECTANT MOTHERS ‐, especially on 18 December Advent Advent has a twofold character: as a season to prepare for Christmas, when Christ’,s fi,rst coming to us is remembered, as a season when that remembrance directs the mind and heart to await Christ’,s Second Coming at the end of time. Advent is thus a period for devout and joyful expectation. Advent ‐, Part 1: up to 16 December 1] On weekdays of Advent on which an optional memorial is observed, it is possible to choose either the Offi,ce and Mass of the weekday, or the Offi,ce and Mass of the Saint whose memorial occurs. 2] Only when some genuine need or pastoral advantage requires it may an appropriate Mass for various needs and intentions or a votive Mass be celebrated. Daily Masses for the Dead are not allowed. 3] In the weekday Offi,ce, the Invitatory Antiphon, Hymns and the Antiphon of the Middle Hour are taken from those prescribed for the Season. 4] The playing of the organ and other musical instruments, and the decoration of the altar with fl,owers should be done in a moderate manner, as is consonant with the character of the Season, without anticipating the full joy of the Nativity of the Lord. The same moderation should be observed in the celebration of Matrimony. Advent ‐, Part 2: December 17‐,24 1] Weekdays take precedence over memorials of Saints. 2] Votive Masses and Masses for the Dead are prohibited. 3] Proper readings are given in the Lectionary for these days, rather than those for Advent Week 3 or 4. 4] In the Offi,ce the Propers are similarly followed. Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 1 Ordo 98

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Sunday Lectionary ‐, Year of Matthew (A) Sunday FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (violet) 27+ Psalter Week 1 Pf of Advent I *Fr Henry King 1907 (Sheff,ord) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (violet) 28 Pf of Advent 1 *Fr Henry King 1907 (Sheff,ord) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (violet) 29 Pf of Advent I *Fr Edward Watkiss 1958 (retd. N.Walsham) *Fr Gerard Hulme 1978 (retd. Sheringham) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday ST ANDREW , Apostle, Patron of Scotland ‐, feast (red) 30 Gloria, Pf. Of Apostles WELLINGBOROUGH (Henshaw Road): I Vespers of St Edmund *Rev. Anthony McHale 2000 (Gt.Missenden) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (violet) 1 Or St Edmund Campion , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) * Fr Henry Logan 1884 * Fr Ron Bustin 1992 (Lt.Chalfont) * Canon Frank Duane (Aylesbury) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 2 Pf of Advent I * Fr John Taylor 1876 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday St Francis Xavier , Priest ‐, mem (white) 3 Pf of Advent I Day of Prayer for Migrants –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT (violet) 4+ Psalter Week 2 Pf of Advent I The memoria of St John Damascene is not observed –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday St Birinus , Bishop ‐, memoria –, op.mem. (white) 5 Pf of Advent I –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (violet) 6 Or St Nicholas , Bishop –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Advent I *Fr Thomas Walters 1974 (retd Olney 1964) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday St Ambrose , Bishop &, Doctor (white) SEASON OF ADVENT NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 2 Ordo Ordo 99

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7 Pf of Advent I * Mgr Provost John Freeland 1940 (Thornton College) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF BVM ‐, solemnity 8 Chief Patron of the Diocese (white) Gloria , Creed, Pf of Immaculate Conception. Not EP IV Mention should be made of the Diocese &, its Bishop in the Prayer of the Faithful. PATRONAL SOLEMNITY of the CATHEDRAL and Churches at BURNHAM, DUNSTABLE, LAXTON , LONG CRENDON, TURVEY, SLOUGH (Wellington St) * Fr Christopher Madden 1981 (St Pancras, Ipswich) * Mgr Canon John Malone 1970 (retd Cathedral 1966) * Fr Wilbur Boswell 2007 (retd Long Crendon) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 9 Or St Juan Diego Coahtlatoatzin –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Advent I *Fr Kevin Jones 1957 (St George, Norwich) *Fr Brendan Gorman 2013 (Christ the King, Bedford) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (violet) 10 Or Our Lady of Loreto –, op.mem. (white) ‐, see Appendix II Pf of Advent I *Fr Lawrence Howlin 1992 (retd St Neot’,s 1989) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT ‐, Gaudete (rose/violet) 11+ Psalter Week 3 Pf of Advent I The memoria of Pope St Damasus I is not observed *Fr Bernard Davenport 2012 (Chesham Bois) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (violet) 12 Or Our Lady of Guadaloupe –, op.mem. For Proper Readings see Appendix II Pf of Advent I The memoria of Our Lady of Guadeloupe is not observed –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday St Lucy , Virgin &, Martyr –, memoria (red) 13 Pf of Advent I *Fr Bernard Hyde 1961 (retd Cathedral 1936) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday St John of the Cross , Priest &, Doctor (white) 14 Pf of Advent I *Fr George Wigglesworth 1900 (King’,s Lynn) *Fr Gerard Conlon 1966 (St Joseph, Luton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (violet) SEASON OF ADVENT DECEMBER Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 3 Ordo Ordo 100

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15 Pf of Advent I Today in 1921 Fr Dudley Cary‐,Elwes was ordained 5 th Bishop of Northampton *Canon John Cosser 1950 (retd Wellingborough 1948) *Fr Laurence Nicholson 1969 (St Mary, Ipswich) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 16 Pf of Advent I –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria –, O Wisdom (violet) 17 Pf of Advent II –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT –, O Adonai (violet) 18+ Psalter Week 4 Pf of Advent II Day of Prayer for Expectant Mothers *Fr Constantine Ketterer 1940 (Ely) *Fr David Johnston 1979 (Kirtling) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria –, O Root of Jesse (violet) 19 Psalter Week 4 Pf of Advent II Day of Prayer for Expectant Mothers *Rev John Thompson 2013 (Luton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria –, O Key (violet) 20 Pf of Advent II *Fr Alfred Bull 1980 (retd St Mary Magdalene, Ipswich 1977) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria –, O Rising Sun (violet) 21 Pf of Advent II ( St Peter Canisius –, as a commemoration) BEDFORD (Woburn Rd): I Vespers of St Francesca On this day in 1118 St Thomas Becket was born –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria –, O King (violet) 22 Pf of Advent II BEDFORD (Woburn Rd): Patronal Solemnity of St Francesca Cabrini *Mgr Charles Smith 1954 (retd Beaconsfi,eld 1949) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria –, O Emmanuel (violet) 23 Pf of Advent II ( St John of Kanty –, as a commemoration) *Fr Charles Wendling 1886 *Fr Liam Brady 1993 (retd Burnham 1985) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Morning Masses SEASON OF ADVENT DECEMBER Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 4 Ordo Ordo 101

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24 Feria (violet) *Fr Frederick Nutt 1971 (Cromer) *Fr Gerard Langley 1992 (retd Blakeney 1989) Today in 1294 Cardinal Benedetto Gaetani, rector in commendam of St Laurence, Towcester, was elected Pope as Boniface VIII –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Solemnity Saturday Evening Mass of the Vigil (white) 24 Gloria, Creed (At the words ‘,by the power…,and was made man’, all kneel) Pf of Christmas I‐,III. EP I Proper Communicantes. Not EP IV The Christmas Vigil Offi,ce (white) Before the Mass during the night of Christmas it is appropriate that a solemn vigil should be celebrated with the Offi,ce of Readings. Compline is not said by those present at this vigil. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday Mass during the Night, at Dawn and during the Day (white) 25+ Gloria, Creed (At ‘,by the power…,was made man’, all kneel) Pf of Christmas I‐,III. EP I Proper Communicantes . Not EP IV Liturgy of the Word: The readings may be used as given in the Lectionary for the three Christmas Masses. Alternatively one may choose from the readings of these Masses those pastorally best suited to a particular congregation. The sequence of OT, Psalm, Apostle, Gospel should still be maintained. Today each priest may celebrate three Masses, taking a stipend for each. Patronal Solemnity at CHALFONT ST GILES II VESPERS of Christmas Day. *Canon John Henry Thompson 1968 (retd Aldeburgh 1967) *Bishop Francis Thomas 1988 (Bon Secours, Beaconsfi,eld) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday ST STEPHEN –, feast (red) 26 Gloria , Creed. Pf of Christmas I‐,III EP I with Proper Communicantes . Not EP IV. LUTON (Holy Family) &, LANGLEY: Patronal Solemnity *Bishop William Wareing 1865 (East Bergholt) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday ST JOHN , Apostle &, Evangelist –, feast (white) 27 Gloria , Pf of Christmas I‐,III, EP I with Proper Communicantes , Not EP IV. LUTON (St John): Patronal Solemnity of St John *Fr Brian Godden 2009 (Slough) *Fr Joseph Williams 2013 (St Martin, Luton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday THE HOLY INNOCENTS, Martyrs –, feast (red) 28 Gloria , Pf of Christmas I‐,III, EP I with Proper Communicantes , Not EP IV. *Fr John Fennell 1997 (Wellingborough) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday ST THOMAS BECKET , Bishop &, Martyr (red) SEASON OF CHRISTMAS DECEMBER Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 5 Ordo Ordo 102

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29 ‐, solemnity in Cathedral, feast in Diocese. Secondary Patron of the Diocese and the Cathedral Patron of English Pastoral Clergy Gloria, 1 st Reading from Common of Martyrs or Pastors, Creed in Cathedral, Pf of Christmas I‐,III, EP I Proper Communicantes , Not EP IV St Thomas Becket fl,ed into exile from Northampton on 13 th October 1164, and suff,ered on this day at Canterbury in 1170. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday THE HOLY FAMILY ‐, feast (white) 30 Gloria, Pf of Christmas, EP I with Proper Communicantes . Not EP IV. *Fr Louis Boulin 1902 (Aston‐,le‐,Walls) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Seventh Day of Christmas Octave (white) 31 Gloria , Pf of Christmas, EP I with Proper Communicantes . Not EP IV. ( St Sylvester I , Pope –, as a commemoration) I VESPERS of Mary, Mother of God *Mgr Canon Bernard Marshall 1946 (Cambridge) *Fr Denis Roberts 1969 (Great Billing) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday MARY, MOTHER OF GOD –, solemnity (white) 1+ Gloria, Creed, Pf of BVM I ( motherhood) or II. EP I w. Christmas Communicantes. Not EP IV. ANNOUNCE: Friday as Epiphany &, Holy Day II VESPERS of Mary, Mother of God –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday SS Basil the Great &, Gregory Nazianzen , Bishops &, 2 Doctors ‐, memoria (white) Pf of Christmas I‐,III DENHAM &, OUNDLE: I VESPERS of the Most Holy Name –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (white) 3 Or The Most Holy Name of Jesus –, op.mem. (white) For Proper Readings, see Appendix II. Pf of Christmas. DENHAM &, OUNDLE: Patronal Solemnity of the Most Holy Name *Fr Guy Pritchard 1983 (retd Ely 1970) *Rev Jim Griffi,n 2011 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (white) 4 Pf of Christmas –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (white) 5 Pf of Christmas I VESPERS of Epiphany –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD (white) SEASON OF CHRISTMAS DECEMBER/JANUARY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 6 Ordo Ordo 103

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6+ Gloria , Creed, Pf of Epiphany, EP I Proper Communicantes , Not EP IV After the Gospel the Proclamation of the Date of Easter may be said or sung, announcing the movable Feasts of the Year. Baptism of the Lord 8 January Ash Wednesday 22 February Easter Triduum 6‐,8 April Easter Sunday 9 April Ascension of the Lord 18 May Pentecost 28 May Trinity Sunday 4 June Corpus Christi 11 June Sacred Heart of Jesus 16 June Christ the King 26 November *Fr Thomas Walters 1974 (Olney) *Provost William Wainwright 1983 (retd Peterborough 1965) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (white) 7 Or St Raymond of Penyafort , Priest –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Epiphany or Christmas I VESPERS of the Baptism of the Lord *Fr Arthur Speight 1990 (St James, Ipswich) *Fr Patrick Connolly 2008 (Nazareth House) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD (white) 8+ Pf of the Baptism of the Lord The Rite of Blessing &, Sprinkling of Holy Water is appropriate *Fr Henry Stanley 1924 (Gorleston) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Here ends the Season of Christmas Ordinary Time –, Winter During this period of Ordinary Time, we are asked to pray for these intentions: PEACE ON EARTH Especially on 15 January CHRISTIAN UNITY Especially during the octave 18‐,25 Jan. OPEN‐,NESS TO THE WORD OF GOD Especially on 22 January RACIAL JUSTICE Especially on 5 February VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING Especially on 8 February THE SICK &, THEIR CARERS Especially on 11 February THE UNEMPLOYED Especially on 19 February –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, First Week of the Year Sunday Lectionary: Year of Matthew (A) Ferial Lectionary: Year I Psalter Week 1 Monday Feria (green) 9 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (green) 10 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF CHRISTMAS JANUARY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 7 Ordo Ordo 104

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Wednesday Feria (green) 11 *Canon Herbert Gray 1952 (Gorleston) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 12 Or St Aelred of Rievaulx –, op.mem. (white) *Fr Charles Flynn 1943 (retd Sudbury 1930) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 13 Or St Hilary of Poitiers , Bishop &, Doctor (white) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (green) 14 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 15+ Peace Day Psalter Week 2 *Fr Patrick Duff,y 1928 (retd Huntingdon 1909) *Fr Alfred Wilson 1936 (Sheff,ord) *Fr Donald Breen 2005 (retd Luton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 16 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday St Anthony , Abbot –, mem. (white) 17 *Fr George Fressanges 1944 (St John’,s, Norwich) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 18 Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity (18‐,25 Jan.). Mass for Christian Unity may be celebrated during this period, including the Sunday. HIGH WYCOMBE (St Wulstan): I Vespers of St Wulstan *Mgr Provost Joseph Tonks 1943 (Cathedral) *Fr Derrick Morgan 1984 (Chesham) *Rev Henry Reed 2011 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 19 Or St Wulstan , Bishop –, op.mem. (white) HIGH WYCOMBE (St Wulstan): Patronal Solemnity *Canon Thomas Fitzgerald 1915 (St John’,s, Norwich) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 20 Or St Fabian , Pope &, Martyr –, op.mem. (red) Or St Sebastian , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday St Agnes , Martyr –, mem. (red) 21 *Fr Ernest Shebbeare 1936 (Woodbridge) *Canon Leonard Tomlinson 1983 (retd Chesham Bois 1975) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JANUARY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 8 Ordo Ordo 105

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Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 22+ Psalter Week 3 Sunday of the Word of God The memoria of St Vincent is not observed *Fr David Cox 1956 (St Ethelbert’,s, Slough) *Fr Stephen Reith 2009 (retd Leighton Buzzard) *Canon Stan Condon 2012 (Woburn Sands) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 23 WOLVERTON: I VESPERS of the Dedication of the Church *Fr James McDermott 1999 (retd. St John Ogilvie, Corby 1996) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday St Francis de Sales , Bishop &, Doctor –, mem. (white) 24 WOLVERTON: Anniversary of the Dedication THRAPSTON: I Vespers of St Paul *Fr William Fippard 1896 (retd Sudbury 1894) *Canon Dan Kiely 2021 (retd Buckingham 2017) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday CONVERSION OF ST PAUL –, feast (white) 25 Gloria , Pf of Apostles THRAPSTON: Patronal Solemnity of the Conversion of St Paul –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday SS Timothy &, Titus , Bishops –, memoria (white) 26 WOLVERTON: I VESPERS of St Francis de Sales (tr.) *Canon Matthias Lane 1886 (Stoke‐,by‐,Nayland) *Fr John Refi,tt 1988 (Swaffham) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 27 Or St Angela Merici , Virgin –, op.mem. (white) WOLVERTON: St Francis de Sales (tr.) BLETCHLEY (St Thomas Aquinas): I VESPERS of St Thomas –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday St Thomas Aquinas , Doctor –, mem. (white) 28 BLETCHLEY (St Thomas Aquinas): Patronal Solemnity –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 29+ Psalter Week 4 *Fr Francis Rudd 1973 (Southwold) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria ( green) 30 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday St John Bosco , Priest –, memoria (white) 31 *Fr William Bodley 1900 (Oxburgh) *Fr Joseph Sweeney 1993 (retd St James, Ipswich 1979) *Canon James Galvin 2006 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JANUARY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 9 Ordo Ordo 106

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Wednesday Feria (green) 1 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD –, feast (white) 2 Pf of the Presentation. Not EP IV. Candles may be blessed at the start of Mass, in which case the Penitential Rite is omitted. The Rite of Blessing begins, ‘,In the Name of the Father…,’, and the usual liturgical greeting. The priest (or deacon) invites the people to take part, saying ‘,Forty days have passed…,’, or similar words. After the blessing of candles, he says ‘,Let us go in peace to meet the Lord.’, For the blessing and procession the priest may wear a white cope –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 3 Or St Blaise , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) Or St Ansgar , Bishop –, op.mem. (white) Or St Werburgh , Religious –, op.mem. (white) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (green) 4 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 5+ Psalter Week 1 Racial Justice Day with optional 2 nd Collection The memoria of St Agatha is not observed *Canon Gerard Roberts 1976 (Beaconsfi,eld) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday St Paul Miki &, Companions , Martyrs ‐, memoria (red) 6 HIGH WYCOMBE (Our Lady’,s): I VESPERS of Our Lady of Grace *Fr Louis Allen 1931 (Peterborough) *Fr John Osborne 2009 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (green) 7 HIGH WYCOMBE (Our Lady’,s): Patronal Solemnity of O.L. of Grace *Canon Lawrence Richmond 1872 (retd Cathedral 1865) *Archbishop Frederick Keating 1928 (translated 1921) *Fr James Reidy 1983 (retd St Mark’,s, Ipswich 1969) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 8 Or St Jerome Emiliani , Priest –, op.mem. (white) Or St Josephine Bakhita , Virgin –, op.mem. (white) For Proper Readings for St Josephine, see Appendix II. Day of Prayer for Victims of Traffi,cking *Fr Robert Manley 1983 (St George’,s, Norwich) *Mgr Paul Donovan 2017 (St Augustine’,s, High Wycombe) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 9 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday St Scholastica , Virgin –, mem. (white) 10 AYLESBURY (Our Lady): I VESPERS of Our Lady of Lourdes –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JANUARY/FEBRUARY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 10 Ordo Ordo 107

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Saturday Feria (green) 11 Or Our Lady of Lourdes –, op.mem. (white) Day of Prayer for the Sick and their Carers. AYLESBURY (Our Lady): Patronal Solemnity of O.L. of Lourdes –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SIXTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 12+ Psalter Week 2 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 13 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday SS CYRIL (Monk) &, METHODIUS (Bishop) –, feast (white) 14 Patrons of Europe Gloria *Provost John Warmoll 1885 (Bedford) *Canon Michael Dwane 1913 (Lynford) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 15 *Canon John Dalton 1874 (Norwich) *Fr Vincent Weitz 1992 (retd Princes Risborough) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 16 *Fr Cyril Banham 1963 (retd Felixstowe 1961) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 17 Or The Seven Holy Servites –, op.mem. (white) *Mgr Provost Christopher Scott 1922 (Cambridge) *Canon Henry O’,Connor 1952 (Lynton) *Fr Kenneth Chapman 1983 (Wymondham) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (green) 18 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SEVENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 19+ Psalter Week 3 ANNOUNCE: Wednesday 22 February as Ash Wednesday, with fasting and abstinence. Day of Prayer for the Unemployed *Fr John Harris 2013 (retd Rushden) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 20 Psalter Week 3 *Fr Gerard Flanagan 1955 (Iver Heath) *Fr Gerard Moir 1965 (retd Clapham Park 1959) * Fr Michael Finch 1985 (retd Beaconsfi,eld 1984) *Fr Joseph Pham 2020 (retd Farnham Royal 2013) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (green) 21 Or St Peter Damian , Bishop &, Doctor –, op.mem. (white) BIGGLESWADE, MARLOW &, RUSHDEN: I VESPERS of St Peter *Fr John Scott 1878 (retd Sawston Hall 1855) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 11 Ordo Ordo 108

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It is fi,tting to hold an evening Vigil Service, to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season. Season of Lent During Lent we are asked to pray for the following intentions: CANDIDATES FOR THE SACRAMENTS Especially on Sundays WOMEN’,S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 3 rd March THE NEEDY AND HUNGRY OF THE WORLD Especially on Friday 3 rd March PENITENTS AND WANDERERS –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY (violet) 22 Day of Fasting &, Abstinence Psalter Week 4. At Lauds, the psalms and antiphons of Friday Week 3 may be used, due to their penitential character. Omit Penitential Rite. Bless and impose ashes after the homily. Pf of Lent IV. Not EP IV The Feast of St Peter’,s Chair is not observed BIGGLESWADE, MARLOW &, RUSHDEN: Vespers of Ash Wednesday –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (violet) 23 ( St Polycarp –, as a commemoration) Pf of Lent BIGGLESWADE, MARLOW &, RUSHDEN: I Vespers of St Peter *Fr Wilfrid Johnson 1994 (retd Wellingborough 1990) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 24 Pf of Lent BIGGLESWADE, MARLOW &, RUSHDEN –, Patronal Solemnity of St Peter (tr. from 22) *Bishop Joseph Rudderham 1979 (translated 1949) *Fr William Gaff,ney 1985 (retd Marlow 1975) *Fr Michael O’,Brien 1985 (Norwich Cathedral) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (violet) 25 Today in 1908 Canon Frederick Keating was consecrated 4 th Bishop of Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT (violet) 26+ Pf of Lent Psalter Week 1 ANNOUNCE: Friday as CAFOD Lent Fast Day, with collection next Sunday –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (violet) 27 St Gregory Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church ‐, commemoration Psalter Week 4 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (violet) 28 *Fr Charles Reilly 1916 (retd Woodbridge 1911) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday ST DAVID , Bishop, Patron of Wales –, feast (white) 1 Gloria , Pf of Pastors. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF LENT FEBRUARY/MARCH Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 12 Ordo Ordo 109

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Thursday Feria (violet) 2 Pf of Lent BURTON LATIMER: Vespers of Ash Wednesday –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 3 Pf of Lent Women’,s World Day of Prayer CAFOD Lent Fast Day BURTON LATIMER: Patronal Solemnity of St Nicholas Owen –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (violet) 4 ( St Casimir , Confessor –, as a commemoration) Pf of Lent –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT (violet) 5+ Pf of Lent Psalter Week 2 2 nd Collection for CAFOD Lent Fast Day –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (violet) 6 Pf of Lent –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (violet) 7 ( SS Perpetua &, Felicity –, as a commemoration) Pf of Lent *Fr Damien Walne 2015 (Great Billing) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (violet) 8 ( St John of God , Religious –, as a commemoration) Pf of Lent *Fr Bernard Quinlan 1922 (Sheff,ord) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (violet) 9 ( St Frances of Rome –, as a commemoration) Pf of Lent CORBY (Danesholme): I VESPERS of St John Ogilvie *Fr Edward Scott 1935 (St George, Norwich) *Fr Reginald Atkinson 1983 (retd Peterborough 1970) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 10 Pf of Lent CORBY (Danesholme): Patronal Solemnity of St John Ogilvie –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (violet) 11 Pf of Lent *Fr David Harris 1925 (High Wycombe) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT (violet) 12+ Pf of Lent Psalter Week 3 *Fr Cyril Snowden 1966 (retd Sudbury 1963) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF LENT MARCH Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 13 Ordo Ordo 110

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Monday Feria (violet) 13 Pf of Lent *Fr John Ketterer 1973 (retd Hunstanton 1972) *Fr David Woodard 1988 (Oundle) *Fr John Glen 1996 (Christ the King, Bedford) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (violet) 14 Pf of Lent –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (violet) 15 Pf of Lent –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (violet) 16 Pf of Lent CORBY (St Patrick) &, DUSTON: I VESPERS of St Patrick *Mgr Bruno Scott‐,James 1984 (retd Walsingham 1943) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday ST PATRICK , Bishop –, Patron of Ireland –, feast (white) 17 Gloria , Pf of Pastors. CORBY (St Patrick) &, DUSTON: Patronal Solemnity of St Patrick –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (violet) 18 ( St Cyril of Jerusalem as a commemoration) Pf of Lent I VESPERS of St Joseph –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT ‐, Laetare (rose/violet) 19+ Pf of Lent. Psalter Week 4 II VESPERS of Sunday On this day in 1990 Patrick Leo McCartie was installed as 10 th Bishop of Northampton. On this day in 2020 Canon David Oakley was ordained as 13 th Bishop of Northampton *Rev Patrick Byrne 1979 (All Souls, Peterborough) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday ST JOSEPH , Spouse of the BVM –, solemnity (tr.) (white) 20 Gloria , Creed, Pf of St Joseph. Not EP IV. Psalter Week 3 Patronal Solemnity of churches in AYLESBURY, BEDFORD and GERRARDS CROSS CORBY (St Patrick): I VESPERS of Dedication of the Church –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (violet) 21 Pf of Lent CORBY (St Patrick): Anniversary of Dedication (tr. from 20/3) *Mgr Charles Davidson 1975 (retd Waterbeach 1972) *Fr Albert Whyatt 1991 (retd North Walsham 1989) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (violet) 22 Pf of Lent –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF LENT MARCH Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 14 Ordo Ordo 111

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Thursday Feria (violet) 23 ( St Thuribius of Mongrovejo –, as a commemoration) Pf of Lent *Fr Geoff,rey Brennan 1922 (retd Thetford 1916) *Fr William Cooper 1927 (retd Felixstowe 1918) *Fr Augustine Berrell 1995 (retd March 1987) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 24 Pf of Lent I VESPERS of the Annunciation *Fr Joseph Teeling 1979 (retd Lowestoft 1978) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD –, solemnity (white) 25 Gloria , Creed. Pf of Annunciation. Not EP IV. In Creed, all genufl,ect for ‘,by the power…,and was made man.’, Crucifi,xes and other images may now be covered: crucifi,xes until the Good Friday liturgy, other images until the start of the Easter Vigil. I VESPERS of Sunday *Bishop Leo Parker 1975 (Northampton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT (violet) 26+ Pf of Passion 1 Psalter Week 1 *Fr Tony Whitfield 2021 (retd Oundle 2004) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (violet) 27 Pf of Passion I –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (violet) 28 Pf of Passion I –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (violet) 29 Pf of Passion I Fr James Rooney 2011 (retd Luton, St Margaret 2000) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (violet) 30 Pf of Passion I *Canon Bernard Murray 1924 (Lynford) *Fr Henry Macklin 1956 (Cople) *Fr Patrick Bailey 2022 (retd Chesham 2026) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (violet) 31 Pf of Passion I *Fr Frederick Donovan 1940 (Stowmarket) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (violet) 1 Pf of Passion I –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF LENT MARCH/APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 15 Ordo Ordo 112

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Sunday PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’,S PASSION (red) 2+ Pf of Palm Sunday. Not EP IV Psalter Week 2 Before Principal Mass only: Blessing and Procession of Palms. The Palms (or other branches) are blessed and carried in procession, but should also be devoutly kept in the home so as to call to mind Christ’,s Victory celebrated in the procession. For the procession a cope is to be preferred to a chasuble. Before other well‐,attended Masses: Blessing of Palms and Solemn Entrance. At other Masses: Simple Entrance. Liturgy of the Word It is recommended that all readings for the Sunday be used. For pastoral reasons the priest may choose to read only one of the readings before the Gospel. He may, if necessary, read only the narrative of the Passion, even in its shorter form. This may be done only at Masses celebrated with a congregation. Narrative of the Passion The Passion is narrated without candles or incense, and without the minister signing the book or greeting the people. It is narrated by deacons or, in their absence, priests. Lay readers may be used, but the part of Christ is reserved for the priest. Before the narrative only the deacons ask the priest for a blessing. After the verse telling of the Lord’,s death all kneel and a pause is observed. At the end, the words ‘,The Gospel of the Lord’, are said, but the book is not kissed. At all Masses announce: 1] The time of the Chrism Mass, explaining its signifi,cance and inviting those who can to attend. 2] Times to be announced for the Triduum Celebrations. 3] The Sacred Paschal Fast requires fasting and abstinence on Good Friday, and it is recommended that fasting should continue, if possible, into Holy Saturday until the Easter Vigil (GNLY n.20) 4] Good Friday collection for the Holy Land Shrines. The memoria of St Francis de Paola is not observed *Fr Bernard Hindle 1992 (Chesham) *Fr Gerard Ryan 2010 (Olney) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday of Holy Week (violet) 3 Pf of Passion II *Mgr Canon John Ashmole 1938 (Cathedral) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday of Holy Week (violet) 4 Pf of Passion II The memoria of St Isidore is not observed *Fr Michael Foley 1979 (retd Chesham 1978) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday of Holy Week (violet) 5 Pf of Passion II *Canon John Abbott 1858 (Norwich) *Fr Denis Brophy 1992 (retd Felixstowe 1985) *Mgr Noel Burditt 2000 (Nazareth House, Northampton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday MAUNDY THURSDAY –, during the day 6 violet for Liturgy of the Hours, white for the Chrism Mass No Masses without a congregation may be celebrated. No Mass other than the Chrism Mass and the Mass of the Lord’,s Supper may be celebrated without the Bishop’,s permission. Funeral Liturgies may be celebrated, but not with Mass. Holy Communion may only be received during Mass, except for the sick and the housebound. Chrism Mass 11.00am in the Cathedral. All clergy should attend, and the faithful should be encouraged to take part. SEASON OF LENT/HOLY WEEK APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 16 Ordo Ordo 113

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The Season of Lent ends –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, When the Sacred Oils arrive in Parish Churches, they should be welcomed with due honour. The old oils should be burned or (where appropriate) poured into the Blessed Sacrament Lamp. It is recommended that the Sacred Oils should be received before the Mass of the Lord’,s Supper, or at another suitable moment. The faithful should, however, be instructed on the use of the Sacred Oils and their effi,caciousness in Christian life. The celebrations of the Sacred Triduum should be held only where they may be enacted with dignity and decorum. The faithful from a number of lesser parishes in the care of a single priest should, if possible, gather in the main church of an area to take part in the sacred rites. Where, however, two or more parishes are entrusted to the care of a single priest, each parish having a considerable congregation and the possibility of performing the celebrations with due dignity and solemnity, the parish priest has the faculty to repeat the celebrations of the Easter Triduum. By the celebration of the Easter Triduum: that is, of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of her Spouse, the Church means to make present and to fulfi,l the mystery of the Passover, the passing over of the Lord from this world to the Father. In accordance with the tradition of the early Church, the sacred Fast should be celebrated on Good Friday of the Lord’,s Passion and even, as suitable, extended to Holy Saturday, so that the joys of the Lord’,s Resurrection may be arrived at with alert and open mind. ( Sacrosanctum Concilium 110) 6 EVENING MASS OF THE LORD’,S SUPPER (white) 1] The Church inaugurates the Sacred Triduum, recalling that last supper, when the Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, loving those who were His own in the world right to the very end, off,ered His Body and Blood under the species of bread and wine to God and under these symbols, gave them to His Apostles that they might consume them, and ordered them and their successors in the priestly offi,ce to off,er them. Especially in the homily, attention at this Mass should be focussed upon the mysteries commemorated in it –, the institution of the Eucharist and of the Priestly Order, together with the Lord’,s Commandment ( mandatum , whence ‘,Maundy’,) of brotherly love 2] The Mass of the Lord’,s Supper is celebrated in the evening, at a convenient hour, with the full participation of the whole local community. Priests and faithful, who have already celebrated Mass or received Holy Communion in the morning may also celebrate or receive at the Evening Mass Before the Evening Mass begins the Tabernacle should be entirely emptied and any Hosts consumed. A suffi,cient amount of bread should be consecrated for the communion of clergy and laity today and tomorrow, and also for viaticum . A place for the Reservation of the Sacrament should be prepared and appropriately decorated (keeping in mind the austerity proper to the season). If the Tabernacle normally used is in a chapel distinct from the main body of the church, it may be used for the Reservation and Adoration. 4] During the Entrance Procession the priest or another minister may carry into the church the Holy Oils. At the altar the priest places the oils on a table or pedestal near the altar so that they are incensed with the altar itself. Then, after the greeting and before introducing the liturgy of the evening, the priest should say a few words about the blessing of the Oils and their signifi,cance. He then takes them to the place used for their reservation. The Mass then continues as usual, noting the following points a) During the Gloria the church bells are rung, subsequently falling silent until the Easter Vigil. b) The tradition of the Washing of the Feet after the homily is encouraged, as is an explanation of its meaning. The washing of feet is done for a select number of the faithful, showing forth the service and love of Christ, Who came not to be served but to serve. c) The Creed is omitted. d) During the procession of the Gifts, it is appropriate to bring to the altar alms collected during Lent for the poor. e) Pf of the Holy Eucharist I. Not EP IV. Where EP I is used, note Proper Communicantes and Hanc Igitur , and special form of the Words of Institution to be found in the Missal. HOLY WEEK/EASTER TRIDUUM APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 17 Ordo Ordo 114

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f) Procession to place of Repose. The Sacrament is reserved in a closed Tabernacle, never exposed in a Monstrance. The faithful are encouraged to continue Adoration for a suitable period of time during the night, but there must be no solemn adoration after midnight. The procession and reposition should only take places in churches where it is intended to celebrate the Liturgy of the Lord’,s Passion on Good Friday. g) After Mass the altar is stripped without ceremony, and crosses are removed from the Church or, if immovable, veiled. h) Offi,ce of Readings for Good Friday, with the Vigil may be celebrated during the time of Adoration. (cf GILH 71&, 73) VESPERS is omitted by those at the Evening Mass. *Fr Donald Hillier 1980 (retd March 1977) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday GOOD FRIDAY –, violet for LH, red for Passion Liturgy 7 The memoria of St John Baptiste de la Salle is not observed 1] Following ancient tradition the Church does not celebrate the Eucharist on this day. Holy Communion may be given to the faithful only during the Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord, but to the sick and housebound, who cannot take part in this celebration, at any time of the day. 2] The celebration of the Sacraments, with the exception of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick, is forbidden on this day. Funeral liturgies, but not Mass, may be celebrated, though with no singing or ringing of bells. 3] It is desirable that MORNING PRAYER should be celebrated with the people. Where the Vigil has not been celebrated before midnight the Offi,ce of Readings is, if possible, to be celebrated publicly before Morning Prayer. SOLEMN LITURGY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise, this should be celebrated at around 3.00pm. However, it may not take place before noon, nor after 9.00pm. From the start of the liturgy clergy wear red Mass vestments. The altar should be bare –, no cloths, cross or candlesticks. Narrative of the Passion –, see notes for Palm Sunday. From the uncovering of the Cross today until the start of the Easter Vigil, all genufl,ect to the Cross. At the end of the Liturgy the ministers genufl,ect to the Cross and all depart in silence. It is fi,tting to prepare a place suitable for prayer and meditation –, perhaps the place used for Reposition the previous evening –, and that the Cross be placed there to be adored by the faithful. Of great signifi,cance are other devotional exercises that are of pastoral importance, such as the Stations of the Cross, processions of the Lord’,s Passion, the commemoration of the Sorrows of Our Lady etc. COLLECTION for the Holy Land Shrines. VESPERS is omitted by those participating in this Liturgy. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, After nightfall on Friday the VIGIL OFFICE of Holy Saturday may be celebrated. Saturday HOLY SATURDAY (violet) 8 On Holy Saturday the Church waits at the Lord’,s tomb, meditating upon His Passion, death and descent into hell, awaiting in prayer and fasting His Resurrection. No Mass may be celebrated until the Easter Vigil. The Celebration of Matrimony and the other Sacraments, except for Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick, is forbidden on this day. Holy Communion may only be given as Viaticum . EASTER TRIDUUM APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 18 Ordo Ordo 115

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LITURGY OF THE HOURS If the Vigil has not been celebrated on Friday night, the OFFICE OF READINGS is, if possible, to be celebrated publicly before MORNING PRAYER, with the people taking part. (GILH 210) If this is not possible, there should be a celebration of the Word of God, or some devotional exercise appropriate to today’,s mystery, especially one that honours the Blessed Virgin Mary for her sharing in the Passion of her Son. An image of Christ entombed may be set up in the church for the veneration of the faithful, or a portrayal of His descent into hell, or else an image of Our Lady of Sorrows. Compline is omitted by those participating in the Easter Vigil *Fr William Poole 1867 (King’,s Lynn) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Season of Easter During the Easter Season we are asked to pray for these intentions: NEW MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH PRIESTLY VOCATIONS Especially on 30 April HUMAN WORK Especially on 1 May SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE Especially on 9 May RIGHT USE OF THE MEDIA Especially on 21 May THE CHURCH Especially on 28 May –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday HOLY SATURDAY –, THE EASTER VIGIL 8 The Vigil may not commence before nightfall, and must be completed by dawn. It should be celebrated in accordance with the 2010 edition of the Roman Missal, and where there is a celebration of Baptism, Confi,rmation or Reception into full Communion refer to RCIA pp.117‐,144 &, 238‐,257 The fi,fty days from Easter Sunday of the Lord’,s Resurrection until Pentecost Sunday are celebrated in joy and exultation as one single feast day, a ‘,Great Sunday.’, It is on these days in particular that the Alleluia is sung. (GNLY22) EASTER VIGIL OF THE LORD’,S RESURRECTION –, Solemnity, with Octave (white) 1] By ancient tradition this night is dedicated to the Lord, and the Vigil celebrated during it, commemorating that holy night when the Lord rose from the dead, is regarded as the ‘,Mother of all holy vigils.’, For in this night the Church awaits in vigil the Resurrection of the Lord, and celebrates it with the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. Our expectation o the Lord’,s coming has always been an important part of our tradition, and this night we wait in hope and expectation. 2] The whole celebration of the Vigil should take place by night, in such a way that it does not begin before the onset of night, and concludes by fi,rst light on Sunday. It should not simply be celebrated at the usual time of the Sunday Vigil Mass. 3] The Easter Vigil may take place even in churches where the Triduum has not been celebrated. Wherever there is a fi,xed, baptismal font in a church it must, however, take place there. 4] The Vigil should be so arranged that after the brief lucernarium (the fi,rst part of the Vigil) the Church meditates on the marvels the Lord God has wrought for His people from the very beginning, and strengthens by His Word and His Promise (the Liturgy of the Word, the second part) until the moment when with the approaching Day of Resurrection, together with her new members reborn in baptism (third part) she is called to the table which the Lord spread out for His people by means of His Death and Resurrection (fourth part). The whole Vigil proceeds by means of symbols and rites which call for a certain grandeur and dignity, in order that the faithful may grasp their meaning, prompted even by the words of the EASTER TRIDUUM/SEASON OF EASTER APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 19 Ordo Ordo 116

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commentaries, invitations and prayers. It is fi,tting in particular that the faithful be introduced by means of a Brief introduction to the understanding of the typological meaning of the OT readings proclaimed during the Vigil. 5] So far as possible a large fi,re should be prepared outside the church, such that its fl,ames may scatter the darkness and light up the night. 6] The Paschal Candle should be made of wax, of one piece, and should be renewed each year. 7] Where necessary the Exsultet may be sung even by a cantor who is not a deacon, though he does not ask the celebrant for a blessing, nor does he include the invitations and greetings, such as ‘,The Lord be with you.’, 8] At least three of the OT Readings are to be proclaimed (even in urgent circumstances, at least two). The Reading from the Book of Exodus is never omitted, nor its Psalm. Other Psalms may be omitted, if not sung. 9] At the proclamation of the Gospel incense may be used, but lights are not carried. 10] The Baptismal Liturgy of the Vigil is most complete where there are Baptisms to take place. Even if there are no Baptisms the baptismal water should be blessed in parish churches. Where there is neither Baptism nor blessing of the font, the Sacrament of Baptism should be recalled by the blessing of holy water, with which the faithful can be sprinkled, having renewed their baptismal promises. The Liturgy begins ‘,In the Name of the Father…,.’, Followed by the greeting. Bells are rung at the Gloria Pf of Easter I. EP I Proper Communicantes and Hanc Igitur . Not EP IV. Double Alleluia at Dismissal. Alleluia! Surrexit Dominus de Sepulcro! Alleluia! –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday EASTER SUNDAY (white) 9+ A sprinkling with Holy Water blessed during the Vigil may replace the Penitential Rite. Gloria . Sequence Victimae Paschali laudes Renewal of Baptismal Promises to replace Creed. Pf of Easter I EP I Proper Communicantes and Hanc Igitur . Not EP IV Double Alleluia at Dismissal (also at Morning and Evening Prayer throughout the Octave) LITURGY OF THE HOURS The Offi,ce of Readings is omitted by those who take part in the Vigil Compline during Eastertide ends with the Regina Caeli The Paschal Candle, placed near to the Ambo or Altar, should be lit at all solemn celebrations of Mass and Morning and Evening Prayer until Pentecost. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday of Easter Octave (white) 10 Psalter Week 1 Gloria, Sequence ad libitum , No Creed. Pf of Easter I EP I Proper Communicantes &, Hanc Igitur . Not EP IV Double Alleluia at Dismissal *Fr Bernard McCaul 1932 (St Mary’,s, Ipswich) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF EASTER APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 20 Ordo Ordo 117

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Tuesday of Easter Octave (white) 11 All as for Easter Monday The memoria of St Stanislaus is not observed *Canon Ernest Garnett 1948 (Felixstowe) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday of Easter Octave (white) 12 All as for Easter Monday –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday of Easter Octave (white) 13 All as for Easter Monday The memoria of Pope St Martin I is not observed *Fr Michael Kennedy 1973 (Newmarket) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday of Easter Octave (white) 14 All as for Easter Monday –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday of Easter Octave (white) 15 All as for Easter Monday *Fr Donald Heptonstall 1954 (Hunstanton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER –, Low Sunday (white) 16+ also called Divine Mercy Sunday Psalter Week 2. Sequence ad libitum, Pf of Easter EP I Proper Communicantes &, Hanc Igitur . Not EP IV Double Alleluia at dismissal NORTHAMPTON (St Stanislaus) &, ROTHWELL II VESPERS of Sunday *Fr James Mallett 1955 (Great Billing) *Canon Edward McHugh 1963 (Aylesbury) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (white) 17 Pf of Easter NORTHAMPTON (St Stanislaus): Patronal Solemnity (tr. from 11/4) ROTHWELL: Patronal Solemnity of St Bernadette (tr. from 16/4) *Fr Tony Harris 2018 (retd Aylesbury St Clare 1989) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (white) 18 Pf of Easter *Fr Edward Wimbridge 1941 (retd Wolverton 1939) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (white) 19 Pf of Easter *Fr Wallace Clare 1963 (Prep. School, Ipswich) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (white) 20 Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF EASTER APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 21 Ordo Ordo 118

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Friday Feria (white) 21 Or St Anselm , Bishop &, Doctor –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Easter EARLS BARTON: Patronal Solemnity of St Anselm *Canon William Collis 1893 (Sheff,ord) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (white) 22 Pf of Easter I VESPERS of Sunday *Canon Anthony Roberts 1997 (retd Gorleston 1987) *Fr Paddy Glynn 2004 (Haddenham) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 23+ Psalter Week 3 Pf of Easter NEXT WEEK: 2 nd Collection for Priests’, Training Fund *Fr Thomas Fitzgerald 1940 (Bedford) *Bishop Leo McCartie 2020 (retd. 2001) Birmingham –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday ST GEORGE , Martyr –, Patron of England ‐, solemnity (red) 24 Gloria , 2 nd Reading from Common of Martyrs, Creed. Pf of Martyrs. The memoriae of St Adalbert and of St Fidelis are not observed *Bishop Charles Grant 1989 (Kiln Green, Reading) *Fr George Grace 1998 (retd Huntingdon 1994) *Canon Edward McBride 2011 (Sheringham) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday ST MARK , Evangelist –, feast (red) 25 Gloria , Pf of Apostles II. Not EP IV Today in 1961 Mgr Charles Grant was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (white) 26 Pf of Easter Today in 1967 Bishop Charles Grant was installed as 8 th Bishop of Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (white) 27 Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (white) 28 Or St Peter Chanel , Priest &, Martyr –, op.mem. (red) Or St Louis de Montfort , Priest –, op.mem. (white) Proper for St Louis see Appendix II Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday ST CATHERINE OF SIENA , Virgin &, Doctor (white) 29 Patron of Europe –, feast Gloria , Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF EASTER APRIL Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 22 Ordo Ordo 119

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Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 30+ Pf of Easter Psalter Week 4 Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood 2 nd COLLECTION: Priests’, Training Fund LUTON (St Joseph) &, BEDFORD (SS Philip &, James): II Vespers of Sunday The memoria of Pope St Pius V is not observed –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (white) 1 Or St Joseph the Worker –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Easter LUTON (St Joseph): Patronal Solemnity of St Joseph BEDFORD (SS Philip &, James): Anniversary of Dedication Bishop Dudley Cary‐,Elwes 1932 (Northampton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday St Athanasius , Bishop &, Doctor –, memoria (white) 2 Pf of Easter BEDFORD (SS Philip &, James}: I VESPERS of SS Philip &, James Today in 2001 Mgr Kevin McDonald was ordained as 11 th Bishop of Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday SS PHILIP &, JAMES , Apostles –, feast (red) 3 Gloria , Pf of Apostles BEDFORD (SS Philip &, James): Patronal Solemnity WELLINGBOROUGH (Our Lady) &, LUTON (St Martin): I VESPERS of Dedication *Fr John Duff, 1873 (Ramsey) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday MARTYRS OF ENGLAND AND WALES –, feast (red) 4 Gloria , Pf of Martyrs WELLINGBOROUGH (Our Lady) &, LUTON (St Martin): Anniversary of Dedication. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (white) 5 Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (white) 6 Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 7+ Pf of Easter Psalter Week 1 WOBURN SANDS &, SLOUGH (Trelawney Ave): II VESPERS Sunday *Mgr Provost Augustine Peacock 1956 (retd Ipswich 1953) *Mgr Canon Harold Squirrel 1962 (Poringland) *Mgr Provost Anthony Hulme 1987 (retd Bedford 1984) *Fr Stephen McGuinness 2018 (retd Corby, St John 2015) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (white) 8 Pf of Easter WOBURN SANDS &, SLOUGH (Trelawney Ave): Anniversary of the Dedication –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF EASTER APRIL/MAY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 23 Ordo Ordo 120

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Tuesday Feria (white) 9 Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (white) 10 St John of Avila, Priest, Doctor –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (white) 11 Or St Fremund , Martyr (red) Pf of Easter –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (white) 12 Or SS Nereus &, Achilleus , Martyrs –, op.mem. (red) Or St Pancras , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) Pf of Easter *Canon Thomas Quinlivan 1885 (retd Cambridge 1883) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (white) 13 Or Our Lady of Fatima –, op.mem. (white) ‐, for Proper Readings see Appendix II Pf of Easter Today in 1969 Mgr Alan Clark was ordained as Bishop of Elmham and auxiliary in Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 14+ Pf of Easter Psalter Week 2 ANNOUNCE Thursday as ASCENSION and Holy Day NEXT WEEK: 2 nd Collection for Catholic Media The feast of St Matthias is not observed –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (white) 15 CORBY (St Brendan): I VESPERS of St Brendan *Canon Francis Sammons 1975 (Whittlesey) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (white) 16 Pf of Easter CORBY (St Brendan): Patronal Solemnity of St Brendan *Fr Thomas Richards 1957 (retd Aston‐,le‐,Walls 1956) *Fr Roger Edmunds 1999 (Aylesbury) *Rev. Douglas Denny 2018 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (white) 17 Pf of Easter I VESPERS of the Ascension *Fr Gerald Thornton 1986 (retd Langley 1981) *Fr Bertram Sammons 1988 (retd Wisbech 1978) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF EASTER MAY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 24 Ordo Ordo 121

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Thursday ASCENSION OF THE LORD ‐, solemnity (white) 18+ ‐, Holy Day of Obligation Gloria , Creed, Pf of the Ascension. Not EP IV Day of Prayer for the right use of the media BOURNE END: II VESPERS of the Ascension The memoria of Pope St John I is not observed *Fr Charles Joole 1883 (Slough) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (white) 19 Or St Dunstan , Bishop –, op.mem. (white) Or Bl Peter Wright , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) Pf of Ascension BOURNE END: Patronal Solemnity of St Dunstan BUCKINGHAM: I VESPERS of St Bernadine *Canon George Dalby 1962 (Our Lady’,s, Luton) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (white) 20 Or St Bernadine of Siena , Priest –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Ascension BUCKINGHAM: Patronal Solemnity of St Bernadine *Fr Patrick Harte 1976 (Bedford, St Joseph) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (white) 21+ Pf of Ascension Psalter Week 3 2 nd Collection for Catholic use of the Media The memoria of St Christopher Magallanes &, comp. is not observed *Fr Hugh Capper 1988 (retd Fakenham 1964) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (white) 22 Or St Rita of Cascia , Religious –, op.mem. (white) Pf of Ascension –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (white) 23 Pf of Ascension OLNEY, LUTON (Our Lady’,s): I VESPERS of Our Lady –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (white) 24 Pf of Ascension OLNEY, LUTON (Our Lady): Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady, Help of Christians. NEWPORT PAGNELL: I VESPERS of St Bede *Fr Bernard Hughes 2022 (retd.Holy Family, Luton 2002) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday St Bede the Venerable , Priest &, Doctor –, memoria (white) 25 Pf of Ascension NEWPORT PAGNELL: Patronal Solemnity of St Bede –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF EASTER MAY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 25 Ordo Ordo 122

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Friday St Philip Neri , Priest ‐, memoria (white) 26 Pf of Ascension HIGH WYCOMBE (St Augustine): I VESPERS of St Augustine NORTHAMPTON (St Patrick): I VESPERS of Ascension WELLINGBOROUGH (Our Lady): I VESPERS of Our Lady *Fr Charles Meaden 1950 (Thetford) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday ST AUGUSTINE, APOSTLE OF ENGLAND (white) 27 ‐, feast Gloria , Pf of Ascension or of Saints HIGH WYCOMBE (St Augustine): Patronal Solemnity NORTHAMPTON (St Patrick): Anniversary of Dedication WELLINGBOROUGH (Our Lady): Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. I VESPERS of Pentecost *Fr Robert Gates 1976 (Bury St Edmunds) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday PENTECOST (red) 28+ Sequence Veni, Sancte Spiritus Pf of Pentecost. EP I Proper Communicantes . Not EP IV Double Alleluia at Dismissal LUTON (Holy Ghost): Patronal Solemnity II VESPERS of Pentecost –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, So Eastertide ends The Paschal Candle is placed in the baptistery so candles of the newly‐,baptised may be lit from it. Where the font is near the altar, the Paschal Candle should be kept in the sacristy and brought out on each occasion for Baptism, lest the paschal nature of the candle be lost by over‐,exposure. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Ordinary Time –, Summer During this season we are asked to pray for the following intentions: HUMAN LIFE Especially on 18 June VICTIMS OF PERSECUTION OR OPPRESSION Especially on 22 June SEAFARERS Especially on 9 July EUROPE Especially on 11, 23 July, 9 August CHRISTIAN/JEWISH RELATIONS Especially on 9 August THE ENVIRONMENT Especially on 1 September –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Week 8 in Ordinary Time Psalter Week 4 Gospel Year of Matthew (1/A) Weekday Lectionary –, Year 1 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Mary, Mother of the Church (white) 29 For Propers see Appendix II The memoria of Pope St Paul VI is not observed *Fr Brendan Peters 1991 (retd Quidenham 1989) *Mgr Gerald Moorcraft 2011 (retd Princes Risborough 2010) *Mgr Pat McAleenan 2017 (retd Corby, Our Lady 2009) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, SEASON OF EASTER/ORDINARY TIME MAY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 26 Ordo Ordo 123

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Tuesday Feria (white) 30 Or Bl Richard Newport Martyr –, op.mem. (red) *Canon James Flint 1936 (retd Lynford 1933) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday THE VISITATION OF THE BVM –, feast (white) 31 Gloria , Pf of Our Lady –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, (white) 1 ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST –, feast Gloria , For Propers see Appendix II The memoria of St Justin is not observed *Provost George Frederick Stokes 1928 (Ely) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 2 Or SS Marcellinus &, Peter , Martyrs –, op.mem. (red) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday SS Charles Lwanga &, Companions , Martyrs –, mem. (red) 3 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (white) 4+ Pf of the Trinity. Not EP IV I VESPERS of Pentecost BEDFORD (Christ the King): II VESPERS of Trinity –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 5 St Boniface, Bishop, Martyr ‐, memoria (red) Psalter Week 1 BEDFORD: Christ the King: Anniversary of the Dedication WELLINGBOROUGH (St Edmund): I VESPERS of Dedication *Canon John J Mossey 1995 (retd Hunstanton 1983) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (green) 6 Or St Norbert Bishop –, op.mem. (white) WELLINGBOROUGH (St Edmund): Anniv. of Dedication *Canon Charles Eeles 1926 (King’,s Lynn) *Fr Thomas Phillips 1974 (Sheringham) *Fr Edmund Worthy 2022 (retired Wellingborough 2015) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 7 St Robert of Newminster, Abbot –, op.mem. (white) *Canon Thomas Seed 1883 (Sheff,ord) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 8 CHESHAM: I VESPERS of St Columba *Fr Francis Byrne 1924 (Costessey) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME MAY/JUNE Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 27 Ordo Ordo 124

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Friday Feria (green) 9 Or St Ephrem , Deacon &, Doctor (white) Or St Columba , Abbot (white) CHESHAM: Patronal Solemnity of St Columba *Fr Antony Dillon 1955 (Cambridge) *Mgr Peter Hocken 2017 (Vienna) On this day in 1880 Fr Arthur Riddell was consecrated 3 rd Bishop of Northampton –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (green) 10 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white) I VESPERS of Corpus Christi *Rev. Joseph Billington 1991 (Burnham) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday THE MOST HOLY BODY &, BLOOD OF CHRIST (white) 11+ Pf of the Eucharist. Not EP IV NEXT SUNDAY: Day for Life, with 2 nd collection. CORBY (Our Lady): II VESPERS of Corpus Christi The memoria of St Barnabas is not observed *Fr Richard Murtagh 1975 (retd Rushden 1974) *Fr George Walker 2003 (retd Chesham Bois) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 12 Psalter Week 2 CORBY (Our Lady): Anniversary of Dedication (tr. from 11/6) FARNHAM ROYAL: I VESPERS of St Anthony –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday St Anthony of Padua , Priest &, Doctor –, memoria (white) 13 Psalter Week 3 FARNHAM ROYAL: Patronal Solemnity of St Anthony *Fr Austin O’,Sullivan 1921 (St Pancras, Ipswich) *Fr James Purcell 1942 (St Ives) On this day in 1921 Bishop Frederick Keating was translated from Northampton to Liverpool. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 14 *Canon Arthur Tillett 1962 (retd Marlow 1959) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 15 I VESPERS of the Sacred Heart *Fr Michael Bourke 1896 (Wroxham Hall) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JUNE Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 28 Ordo Ordo 125

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Friday THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS (white) 16 ‐, solemnity. Gloria , Creed, Pf of Sacred Heart. Not EP IV MILTON KEYNES (St Augustine): II VESPERS of Sacred Heart The memoria of St Richard of Chichester is not observed *Mgr George Davies 1911 (Costessey Hall) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday The Immaculate Heart of Mary ‐, memoria (white) 17 GREAT MISSENDEN: Patronal Solemnity of the IHM MILTON KEYNES (St Augustine): Anniversary of Dedication CATHEDRAL: I VESPERS of Dedication –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 18+ Psalter Week 3 Day for Life , with 2 nd Collection CATHEDRAL: I VESPERS of Dedication –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday THE DEDICATION OF THE CATHEDRAL (white) 19 ‐, solemnity in Cathedral, Feast in Diocese WINSLOW: II VESPERS of Corpus Christi –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday St Alban , Protomartyr of Britain –, op.mem. (red) 20 WINSLOW: Patronal Solemnity of St Alban *Fr Christopher McGregor 1943 (Ely) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday St Aloysius Gonzaga , Religious –, memoria (white) 21 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday SS JOHN FISHER &, THOMAS MORE , Martyrs (red) 22 Gloria , Pf of martyrs ‐, feast Day of Prayer for the Persecuted and oppressed BEACONSFIELD: Feast of Secondary Patron –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 23 Or St Etheldreda , Abbess –, op.mem. (white) I VESPERS of St John the Baptist –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday NAIVITY OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST (white) 24 ‐, solemnity Gloria, Creed, Proper Pf. Not EP IV –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday TWELFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 25+ Psalter Week 4 ANNOUNCE Thursday as SS Peter &, Paul, and Holy Day NEXT SUNDAY: Peter’,s Pence Collection The memoria of St Cadoc is not observed –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JUNE Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 29 Ordo Ordo 126

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Monday Feria (green) 26 *Fr Edmund Rees‐,Jones 1982 (retd Diss 1975) *Fr Nigel Bourne 1990 (retd St Brendan’,s, Corby 1981) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (green) 27 Or St Cyril of Alexandria , Bishop &, Doctor (white) GREAT BILLING &, CHESHAM BOIS: I VESPERS of Our Lady –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday St Irenaeus of Lyon , Bishop &, Martyr ‐, memoria (red) 28 GREAT BILLING &, CHESHAM BOIS: Patronal Solemnity of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, with I VESPERS of SS Peter &, Paul. Today in 2005 Mgr Peter Doyle was ordained as 12 th Bishop of Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday SS PETER &, PAUL , Apostles –, solemnity &, Holy Day (red) 29+ Gloria, Creed, Pf of SS Peter &, Paul, Not EP IV *Canon Timothy Russ 2013 (Great Missenden) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church –, op.mem. (red) 30 The Roman Canon, with full list of saints is appropriate *Canon Brian Frost 2018 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (green) 1 Or St Oliver Plunkett , Bishop &, Martyr –, op.mem. (red) Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday THIRTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 2+ Psalter Week 1 2 nd COLLECTION –, Peter’,s Pence Next Week –, 2 nd Collection for Sea Sunday CADDINGTON: I VESPERS of St Thomas SHEFFORD: I VESPERS of Dedication *Fr Thomas McDonald 1875 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday ST THOMAS , Apostle (red) 3 CADDINGTON: Patronal Solemnity of St Thomas SHEFFORD: Anniversary of the Dedication –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (green) 4 Or St Elizabeth of Portugal –, op.mem. (white) *Fr Maurice Hignett 1982 (retd OL Peterborough 1978) On this day in 1858 Fr Francis Kerril Amherst was consecrated 2 nd Bishop of Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 5 Or St Antony Zaccaria , Priest –, op.mem. (white) Or Bl Thomas Belson , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) RAUNDS &, TOWCESTER: I VESPERS of St Thomas More *Fr Gerard Collins 1996 (Little Chalfont 1987) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JUNE/JULY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 30 Ordo Ordo 127

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Thursday Feria (green) 6 Or St Maria Goretti , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) Or Bl Thomas Alfi,eld , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) RAUNDS &, TOWCESTER: Patronal Solemnity of St Thomas More *Fr Joseph Farrell 1986 (St Laurence, Cambridge) *Fr John Cureton 2005 (Swaffham) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 7 AYLESBURY (Our Lady): I VESPERS of the Dedication *Canon Richard Duckett 1910 (Norwich) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday Feria (green) 8 Or Our Lady on Saturday (green/white) AYLESBURY (Our Lady): Anniversary of the Dedication *Fr George Webb 1950 (retd Thetford 1937) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 9+ Psalter Week 2 Sea Sunday 2 nd COLLECTION for the Apostleship of the Sea The memoria of St Augustine Zhao‐,Rong &, Comp. is not observed *Fr Francis Wormall 1899 (Stowmarket) *Rev Peter Venes 2008 (Cathedral) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 10 *Fr William Hayes 1855 (pp at Kingscliff,e, Northants from 1804) *Provost Seth Eccles 1884 (Weston Underwood) *Fr Edmund O’,Gorman 1974 (retd Rushden 1965) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday ST BENEDICT , Abbot, Patron of Europe –, feast (white) 11 Gloria , Pf of Pastors or of Religious –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 12 *Fr Alexander Scott 1918 (Lowestoft) *Fr Edward Hill 1990 (retd Little Chalfont 1975) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 13 Or St Henry , Confessor –, op.mem. (white) *Rev Hubert Grant Scarfe 1995 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 14 Or St Camillus , Priest –, op.mem. (white) Or Bl Richard Langhorne , Martyr –, op.mem. (red) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday St Bonaventure , Bishop &, Doctor –, memoria (white) 15 *Canon Patrick Carey 2015 (retd Bourne End 1996) *Fr Thomas Feighan 2016 (retd St Augustine, High Wycombe) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JULY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 31 Ordo Ordo 128

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Sunday FIFTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 16+ Psalter Week 3 The memoria of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is not observed *Fr Joseph Clemente 1918 (Slough) *Fr William Joly (retd Costessey 1975) *Bishop Alan Clarke 2002 (retd Auxiliary &, 1 st Bishop of East Anglia) *Mgr Anthony Philpott 2016 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 17 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Tuesday Feria (green) 18 Or St Edburga of Bicester , Religious –, op.mem. (white) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday Feria (green) 19 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 20 Or St Apollinaris , Bishop &, Martyr –, op.mem. (red) ‐, Proper texts in Appendix II *Fr Lawrence O’,Toole 2010 (Sawston) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 21 Or St Lawrence of Brindisi , Priest &, Doctor (white) STONY STRATFORD: I VESPERS of St Mary Magdalene *Canon Denis McSweeney 2015 (Flitwick) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Saturday ST MARY MAGDALENE , Penitent ‐, feast (white) 22 Gloria STONY STRATFORD: Patronal Solemnity of St Mary Magdalene –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Sunday SIXTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (green) 23+ Psalter Week 4 The Feast of St Bridget of Sweden is not observed *Fr Vincent MacRory 2013 (retd Brickhill 1999) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Monday Feria (green) 24 Or St Sharbel Makhluf , Priest (white) Proper Mass texts for St Sharbel in Appendix II *Fr Joseph Parr 1983 (O.L. of Lourdes, Peterborough) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, ORDINARY TIME JULY Ordo_Northampton_2023.qxp_Layout 1 06/11/2022 14:28 Page 32 Ordo Ordo 129

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Tuesday ST JAMES , Apostle –, feast (red) 25 Gloria , Pf of Apostles, Not EP IV WENDOVER: I VESPERS of St Anne *Canon Stephen Longman 1885 *Mgr John Drury (Kirtling) *Fr Patrick Oates 1975 (Sacred Heart, Luton) On this day in 1933 Canon Laurence Youens was consecrated as 6 th Bishop of Northampton. –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Wednesday SS Joachim &, Anne , parents of the BVM –, memoria (white) 26 WENDOVER: Patronal Solemnity of St Anne *Canon Edward Stokes 1961 (English Martyrs, Cambridge) *Fr Edward Rohan 1999 (retd Iver Heath 1999) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Thursday Feria (green) 27 –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–, Friday Feria (green) 28 MARLOW: I VESPERS of the Dedication *Fr Montgomery Fulcher 1973 (Stoke‐,by‐,Nayland) –,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,–,&#