Church Papers Archive
16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham
16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

Papal Visit - Birmingham History

Papal Visit to the UK - Pope Benedict visits the UK September 2010 - Cofton Park, Birmingham


16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

Pope to Beatify Cardinal Newman Today the Vatican Post Office has issued a postmark to recall the beatification of Cardinal Newman, which the Pope is celebrating on 19 September in Birmingham. It shows the figures of the Holy Father and of the new blessed accompanied by the words: ",BEATIFICATION OF CARDINAL NEWMAN Produced by CathCom &, Premier Christian Radio p3 Life of Cardinal Newman p9 Other events since Pope arrived p10 Pilgrims flock to the web Poster to Commemorate the day Issue 4 - 19th September 2010 Today 65,000 people will attend the Papal Mass where he will beatify John Henry Newman. It is expected to be the culmination of an extraordinary visit by Pope Benedict XVI. As well as those attending, the Mass will be broadcast on television and on the Internet attracting millions of viewers worldwide. More information about John Henry Newman inside. 65,000 to attend Papal Mass of beatification

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

2 The Papal Visit FOWEY RETREAT Retreats Catholic Teaching and Holidays in Cornwall Designed and produced by CathCom, L4 Blois Meadow Business Centre, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7BN. To advertise call 020 7112 6710 or email: Distribution Manager: Daniel Griffiths Advertising team: Caroline Nielsen &, George Rush Strenuous on-site work days before Beatification Mass The BBC unit which will broadcast the Beatification Mass from Cofton Park has been preparing for months –, from well before the final venue was known. Questions of how such a unique event might be presented, who would be the principal participants, and the historical and religious background, were considered well before the practical preparations began. Then, days before the Mass itself, there was some serious and strenuous on-site work to be done, laying cables, bringing in cameras, microphones and lights, checking angles, understanding the layout of the ceremony. A script was prepared, based on the Order of Service, but filled with minute details and timings for the camera crew and commentators. At any point of potential interest, facts have been included that might be of use, some of these are fascinating (did you know the Popemobile can go from 0 to 60mph in less than eight seconds?), others downright banal (‘,one of the prayers will be in German. NB This is the mother tongue of the Pope.’,). The point is to ensure that there is sufficient material both to explain what is going on to a television audience (who may not be Catholic or even Christian), and to fill out moments of silence - such as when the altar is being prepared for the offertory, or microphones are being put into position. The great danger is of ‘,crashing’, –, that is, speaking across someone, so less is always preferred to more. The commentators must know their facts, of course, and will have spent some time immersing themselves in the history and theology of Newman, but in reality the questions to be considered are more likely to be of the variety ‘,What do you think the Pope is thinking now?’, or ‘,What will be going through Deacon Jack Sullivan’,s mind as he reads the Gospel?’,. A commentator is really more of a novelist than a tour guide. There is, anyway, on this occasion a panel of Newman experts ‘,back in the studio’, (wherever that is), who will be able to fill in with the heavyweight facts and figures about Newman, so the commentary itself will simply follow the Mass to make it clear to those viewing at home. In common with many pilgrims, the commentators have an early start –, they need to be in position by just after 5.00am, to ensure that equipment is tested and to hold a run though before the crowds arrive. However, if the broadcast enables this wonderful occasion to be shared and participated in by thousands (perhaps millions) through their televisions, then it will most definitely have been one early rise worth making! Fr Mark Langham St Columba’,s Primary celebrate Pope’,s visit Since this term began the staff and pupils of St Columba’,s Catholic Primary school have been excitedly preparing for Pope Benedict XVI’,s visit to their parish. In 2009 St Columba’,s created a prayer and meeting room which they named the Newman room in honour of Cardinal Newman who was buried at the top of the road. Pupils have taken a keen interest in the life of Cardinal Newman and were delighted when they heard that His Holiness was coming to visit Cofton Park for the beatification of the great man. They have welcomed Pope Benedict to their hearts much the same way Cardinal Newman took the poor to his heart. With the school’,s mission statement of Christ being at the heart of all they do, it is particularly poignant that the theme for the papal visit is Heart speaks to Heart and has allowed the pupils to bring a real love for all that they learn within school. Everyone was keen to show their support and love for the visit and have produced work for Pope Benedict XVI to see as he leaves the park, which will be displayed along the road outside the school. They have even painted a welcoming banner on the roof of the school for him to see as he flies in via helicopter. Mr Smyllie, the headteacher, said, “,it is a great honour for our pupils to know that Pope Benedict XVI has chosen our parish to celebrate such an important Mass. Our community is humbled to be chosen and our staff, pupils and parents are praying for a successful visit.”, The school will hold a special non uniform day on Friday where the pupils are asked to dress in gold and white as a tribute to his presence and the older classes will be participating in the Big Assembly on that day. atMattJeziorski social justice hour in Hyde Park utterly wonderful #papalvisit atNicolasClark: The enthusiasm of young Christians in London today is very encouraging #papalvisit atTheDailyGadFly BBC &, Sky both having to admit that #papalvisit has been a success! #pope #catholic atworldofnic Heart racing in anticipation! #papalvisit atDani_Adams2891 #papalvisit Just listened to some stunning stories from people who have been touched by the Catholic Church. What a great faith we share.

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

3 The Papal Visit Life of John Henry Newman John Henry Newman began his career as an Anglican churchman and scholar and ended it as a Roman Catholic cardinal. He was born in London on February 21, 1801, and at the age of fifteen, he enrolled in Trinity College, beginning an association with Oxford University that would last for nearly thirty years. The high point of Newman`s Anglican career was his influential role in the Oxford Movement, a High Church effort to return to the foundations of the faith. The Movement began on July 14, 1833, when John Keble delivered a sermon entitled ",National Apostasy", from the pulpit of St. Mary`s. Newman became involved a few months later and was the Movement`s primary spokesman, promoting its doctrinal and moral concerns through his editorship of the British Critic, his contributions to Tracts for the Times, and his weekly sermons at St. Mary`s. In 1839, Newman began to lose confidence in the cause. The study of the Monophysites he undertook that summer raised doubts about the validity of the via media, and he soon became convinced that Rome, not Canterbury, was the home of the true Church. He expressed his new views in Tract Ninety, in which he argued that the Thirty-Nine Articles, the doctrinal statement of the Church of England, could be interpreted in a way that supported Roman Catholic doctrine. The Tract was published on February 27, 1841, its censure by the Oxford authorities on March 15 was a severe blow to the Movement and led to Newman`s rapid withdrawal from Anglican life. Between July 1841 and September 1843, he left the British Critic, moved from Oxford to a semi-monastic community at Littlemore, retracted the anti- Catholic statements he had published, and resigned his position at St. Mary`s. Two years after leaving St. Mary`s, Newman began a new life as a Roman Catholic. He was officially received into the Church on October 9, 1845 and was ordained to the priesthood the next year. His work with the Church included establishing the Oratory of St. Philip Neri near Birmingham in 1848 and helping to create the Catholic University of Ireland, which he served as rector from 1854 to 1858. He continued to write as well, some of the major publications of his Catholic years were Parochial and Plain Sermons (1868), a new edition of his Anglican discourses, The Idea of University (1852), a collection of the inaugural lectures for the Catholic University and other academic essays, An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent (1870), a treatise on the philosophy of religion, and Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864), his classic work of spiritual autobiography. The 1870s brought Newman special recognition for his work as both an Anglican and a Roman Catholic. In 1877 he became the first person elected to an honorary fellowship of Trinity College, two years later, Pope Leo XIII awarded him a place in the College of Cardinals. He died on August 11, 1890, and was buried in Warwickshire. His epitaph reads, ",Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem", - ",out of shadows and pictures into truth.", St Columba’,s Catholic Primary School Lickey Rd, Rednal, B45 8TD Tel 0121 675 4841 St Columba’,s is a welcoming school which has Christ at the heart of all it does. The school provides a good standard of education and cares for the pupils well. Parents think very highly of the school and praise the way that their children are nurtured in a family atmosphere. (OfSTED Feb 2010) We are holding open afternoons for all pupils who will be aged 4 by 1st September 2011 on Thursday 11th November at 2pm &, Tuesday 16th November at 2pm. Come along and see our wonderful school first hand.

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

4 The Papal Visit Crowds gathered outside Westminster Cathedral from 8.00am onwards, while those with tickets queued to get in. When Mass began at 10.00am Victoria Street was a sea of people all focusing on the big screen situated outside the Cathedral. The Mass was both joyful and prayerful and began with a sincere welcome and thanks to Pope Benedict for his visit from Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster. Gordon Loughnan, one of those who took part in the Mass from Victoria Street, described it as ",absolutely wonderful it was to be amongst the large crowd outside Westminster Cathedral today after Mass and to receive the blessing from the Holy Father. It was for me an incredibly emotional experience, and I am absolutely certain I could sense the awesome power of the Holy Spirit on the people gathered there this morning. Even though it was only possible to catch a glimpse of Pope Benedict from far in the distance as he stood outside the Cathedral, I was overcome by tears of joy at the immense sense of occasion. ",This was, for me at least, unbelievable evidence of the Holy Spirit at work through the Holy Father. ",I felt like the young black school girl who spoke on TV last nite with such conviction of experiencing her personal blessing from Pope Benedict yesterday. ",May the Lord bless Pope Benedict and all those who are involved in his visit to the United Kingdom, and keep him safe.", Whilst pilgrims were able to see a big screen from Victoria Street, they were unable to receive communion. However, there was a very prayerful atmosphere Papal Mass at Westminster Cathedral As part of the celebrations at Westminster Cathedral a young person was selected from each parish around the country to be present at the Cathedral. These 2,500 young people were to represent the Church across the country. Each diocese had given their young people matching tops which created a sea of colour in the Cathedral Piazza. 2,500 young people represent the Church

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

5 The Papal Visit Heart speaks to Heart A spiritual day with John Henry Newman in words and music. The Schola Cantamus, The Music Makers, directed by Jeremy de Satgé, Narrated by His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley (£,13.50 including postage via 020 7207 5501 or The visit of the Holy Father this year and his beatification of Newman should be an occasion of great graces for the Catholic Church in Britain. This wonderful CD will be a help to all: a consolation to those unable to be present at the beatification and a souvenir for those who have the good fortune to be there. It is perfectly done and I can heartily recommend it to all in the strongest possible terms. It is in itself a very spiritual experience. The CD consists of the singing of several of Newman’,s hymns together with prayers and other readings from Newman himself. The readings are done by His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham, Newman’,s own diocese. It was very good of His Grace to support this project and one has to say that he is a brilliant reader. The readings could not be better done. The archbishop reads with the greatest sensitivity and clarity, a model for all spiritual readers. Is it fanciful to think that the Archbishop’,s Oxford accent and gentle but firm enunciation are similar to the very voice of Newman himself? The music, as with the previous recordings of The Music Makers, is of the highest quality, moving and of the greatest clarity. It is sung without instruments and by only four singers with great directness and purity. This leads to a simplicity and ease of understanding which enhance the whole experience. The hymns include the favourites that we all know and still sing: Praise to the Holiest, Lead Kindly Light, Firmly I believe and Truly - as well as others less well-known such as O God Who cannot change nor fail. It is particularly heartening to hear one of Newman’,s best loved hymns that used to be sung in every Catholic Church in England - Help, Lord, the Souls that Thou has made. This hymn appears in very few hymn books nowadays since, for reasons that I cannot understand, it is considered theologically incorrect by some to mention the Holy Souls or purgatory. Newman reminds us of our duty of prayer for the faithful departed. I must add a caveat, some of the hymns are sung to different tunes from the most accustomed ones. This might surprise at first, but it is really an extra delight since it shows us more possibilities. Sometimes, singing and meditation are most effectively combined. While the group sings the Pater Noster the archbishop’,s mellow tones reads a simple but most profound meditation by Newman on this greatest of all prayers. The CD is worth buying just for this one track. Visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XV1 to St Peter’,s Residence –, 18th September 2010 The visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict VX1 was an absolutely wonderful, awe-inspiring occasion! From early morning on 18th September there was much activity in the grounds and within the Home. All was in readiness at 5 p.m. as the car carrying our Holy Father drove through our gates. He was greeted by Mother Stephen, Provincial, and Mother Marie Claire, Superior of the Home. The strains of “,Praise to the Holiest in the height”, greeted him as he entered the Chapel and knelt at the prie-dieu prepared for him. At this moment His Holiness presented an Icon of St. Peter to Sr. Stephen for St. Peter’,s Residence. The Sisters and Residents, gathered in the main hall, broke out into a thunderous applause of welcome as he came through the door, and it was a very attentive audience that listened to the words he addressed to the elderly. This visit has been one of tremendous grace for each one of us and the atmosphere of joy that prevailed throughout the afternoon, and as the Holy Father left us, will remain with us forever.

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

Pope Benedict Papal visit to Britain September 16 th -19 th 2010

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

8 The Papal Visit Edinburgh rejoices at St Ninians Parade On Thursday Pope Benedict`s first public event was the St Ninian`s Day Parade marked the historic occasion of Pope Benedict XVI’,s state visit to Scotland and celebrates the Grst man to be named a Saint in Scotland, nearly 1600 years ago. The parade started at 11.00am led by Anthea Bundy, a 15 year old Highland Dancer, and boxing champion Ricky Burns. Both were wearing the blue and green Papal tartan that was created especially for the Pope`s visit, and Anthea carried the Papal Rag at the front of the parade. She said ",It is a real privilege. My family are very proud and my friends are envious",. Following the pairwere pipers and drummers from Scotland and further afield guiding the parade from Regent Road and along Princes Street. An estimated 125,000 people attended the parade both to celebrate the St Ninian`s day and to see the PontiP. Pipe Bands played `Highland Cathedral` as he traveled past in his Popemobile. The VIP’,s were 1000 school pupils from St Ninian School’,s around Scotland who helped turn Princes Street into a sea of blue. To add to the colour, thousands of Rags that were given out to spectators along the route. Over the last 1,600 years Scotland has had a remarkable history and Thursday`s St Ninian’,s Parade was a fantastic opportunity for spectators and the media to meet and greet important characters from Scotlands past, including William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, Mary Queen of Scots, John Knox and Robert Burns and of course St Ninian himself. To this day Ninian is a saint held in common by all Scottish Christians and, indeed, by all Scots. Earlier this year the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Cardinal Keith Patrick O`Brien, sparked the idea for the parade by asking the question - ",Why don`t we resurrect the great festivities that used to surround St Ninian`s Day in this country? A grand Scottish spectacle to welcome Benedict XVI.", The event, described as joyous, charitable and inclusive, has been reported by the council to have been watched by up to a billion people around the world. The cost of the parade is likely to be £,400,000, however the capital is set to benefit financially as it is likely to raise as much as £,4m in tourism. Other events since Pope Benedict arrived Pope meets the Archbishop of Canterbury

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

9 The Papal Visit Pope Benedict XVI meets Manchester City junior soccer players Other events since Pope Benedict arrived The Big Assembly Yesterday morning Pope Benedict was present for the gathering of 3,500 school children and students. It was being billed as ‘,The Big Assembly’,. The theme for the event is “,I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full”, (John 10:10) The whole day was a celebration of Catholic education in the UK and the outstanding work that takes place in Catholic schools, colleges and higher education institutions across the country. ‘,The Big Assembly’, coincided with the start of the academic year and highlight the way in which the Catholic Church works with the State and local communities to provide Catholic education in nearly 3,000 schools across the United Kingdom. Present inside the event was Conor (on the left of the picturebelow ). He said ",Its been a really exciting day. I will remember this forever",. Meanwhile, outside the event 770 girls from St Catherine`s school, Twickenham gathered to line the street to catch a glympse of the Pope. They brought great joy to the day encouraging a fun and enoyable morning. Yesterday`s Photo Gallery

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

10 The Papal Visit First UK Catholic daily newspaper - by Nick Layton This week CathCom has published the first Catholic Daily newspaper in this country in conjunction with Premier Radio. Originally, it was going to have a much smaller print run and have a small cover price. However, when we contacted Premier they wanted to increase the circulation and make it a free paper so it could be available to everyone. Together CathCom and Premier have produced 200,000 newspapers, 50,000 for each day of the Papal visit. Working around the clock we have designed and printed the paper each morning of the Papal visit and we have been out distributing it at the Papal events a few hours later. As well as the three main Papal events, it was distributed at Twickenham and across London on Friday 17th - fitting in with a day that saw the Pope reach out to the whole of society in the UK. We have also distributed them at Glasgow and Heathrow airports and they were announced and distributed on flights from Scotland to London. Seeing the paper being read by people on tubes in London over an hour away from Hyde Park has given us a huge sense of achievement. There has been consistant appreciation over the last 4 days for the paper and in particular the fact that it is free. The credit for this lies with Premier Radio and in particular the vision of Kevin Bennett. Our team has worked gruelling hours to produce the paper, however, the most beneficial aspect of the project for us has not been the paper itself, but the fact that it has allowed our team to walk down the roads that have been sealed off for the Pope and talk to the people outside the events. We have had wonderful discussions and laughs with protesters and, as one put it, it gave us the opportunity to put the humanity back into the dialogue, instead of communicating via inflammatory headlines. We have been able to chat with local residents who have, understandably, had mixed views about the huge events taking place on their doorsteps. Many television, radio and newspaper journalists have asked us to give impromptu interviews and statements on a variety of subject surrounding the Papal visit, especially as they have seen us chatting with protesters. The reaction from people receiving the papers has been overwhelmingly positive and once again it has been due to the huge amount of work put in by the entire team at CathCom and Premier Christian Radio. We have also relied on key people in the Church to send us material for the paper, frequently, within a few minutes of an event finishing and for this and all those that read the paper we are hugely grateful.

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16 Sept 2010 edition of the Papal Visit - Birmingham

11 The Papal Visit Donate online: OR call: 0870 127 6269 I want to give a child a second chance at life. Mr/Mrs/Ms Address Postcode Email Telephone Charge my gift to my:   Visa   Master Card   Maestro Card No. Valid From Exp. Date Issue No. Signature   My cheque is enclosed, made payable to The Smile Train UK Use Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%  YES, I would like Smile Train to claim Gift Aid on any donations that I have made within the last 4 years and all donations I make in the future until further notice. I confirm that I pay sufficient UK income/capital gains tax to cover any tax that Smile Train will reclaim from any donations that I make. N10091U403FIY1L These details, including your email address/teleph one number, may be used to keep you informed about our future developments. If you do not want to receive such information please tick this box    £,150 towards surgery for one child  £,75 could cover half the cost of one surgery  £,30 towards medications for one surgery  £, We’,ll gratefully accept any amount Registered Charity No. 1114748 ©, 2010 The Smile Train. Send this coupon with your donation to: The Smile Train UK, PO Box 909, Northampton NN3 0BF A healthy diet during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects and clefts. Eat a healthy diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables and foods fortified with folic acid. The U.K. Government recommends women should take sufficient levels of folic aci d (400 micrograms/day) during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects and reduce the risk for cleft lip and palate. Wh en folic acid is taken one month before conception and throughout the first trimester, it has been proven to reduce the risk fo r neural tube defects by 50 to 70 per cent. Be sure to receive proper prenatal care, quit smoking and drinking alcohol and follow your health care pr ovider’,s guidelines for foods to avoid during pregnancy. Foods to avoid may include raw or undercooked seafood, beef, pork, pou ltry, delicatessen meats, fish that contain high levels of mercury, smoked seafo od, fish exposed to industrial pollutants, raw shellfish, eggs, so ft cheeses, unpasteurised milk, pâ,té,, caffeine and unwashed vegetables. For more information, visit The Smile Train provides life changing free cleft surgery for children in developing countries which takes as little as 45 minutes and costs as little as £,150. It gives desperate children not just a new smile –, but a new life. Pick one. Just one. Save their life for £,150. You’,ll end up smiling too. Anu, 2 years, India Eduardo, 6 months, Peru Nisa, 4 years, Indonesia Kabir, 7 months, Nigeria Guo Sen, 6 months, China On Sokhorn, 13 months, Cambodia

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