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2021 edition of the East Anglia Year Book
2021 edition of the East Anglia Year Book
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Directory and Yearbook for the Diocese of East Anglia


2021 edition of the East Anglia Year Book

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2021 edition of the East Anglia Year Book

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2021 edition of the East Anglia Year Book

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2021 edition of the East Anglia Year Book

1 DIOCESE OF EAST ANGLIA (Province of Westminster) Charity No. 278742 Website: Twinned with The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and The Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang, Cambodia PATRONS OF THE DIOCESE Our Lady of Walsingham, September 24 St Felix, March 8 St Edmund, November 20 St Etheldreda, June 23 BISHOP Rt Rev Alan Stephen Hopes BD AKC Bishop’s Residence: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 7SH. Tel: (01508) 492202 Fax:(01508) 495358 Email: Website: Cover: Despite the Covid ­19 lock down, life across the Diocese of East Anglia was able to continue with efforts from clergy and laity to meet community needs and ordinations and installations taking place once lockdown eased over the summer.   EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 1

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2 Contents CONTENTS Map of the Diocese of East Anglia..................................................................... 4 Bishop Alan’s Foreword..................................................................................... 5 Diocese of East Anglia Contacts......................................................................... 7 Key Diary Dates 2021........................................................................................ 14 Pope Francis...................................................................................................... 17 Catholic Church in England and Wales............................................................... 17 Diocese of East Anglia....................................................................................... 21 Departments..................................................................................................... 25 Commissions..................................................................................................... 29 Other Offices.................................................................................................... 31 Pastoral Statistics.............................................................................................. 34 Year in the Life of the Diocese........................................................................... 37 Alive in Faith..................................................................................................... 64 Vocations.......................................................................................................... 66 Obituaries......................................................................................................... 72 Building ............................................................................................................ 79 Parish Directory................................................................................................. 81 Deaneries.......................................................................................................... 112 Schools Directory.............................................................................................. 113 Hospitals Directory............................................................................................ 119 Prisons Directory............................................................................................... 126 Clergy and Religious Directory........................................................................... 128 Financial Report................................................................................................ 144 Second Collections............................................................................................ 147 Organisations and Societies Directory............................................................... 149 Retreat Centres ................................................................................................ 159 Diocesan Calendar for East Anglia 2021............................................................. 161 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 2

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2021 edition of the East Anglia Year Book

3 DIOCESE OF EAST ANGLIA 2021 Yearbook and Liturgical Calendar EDITOR Keith Morris Director of Communications Email: Updates to: Bishop’s PA c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 7SH. Tel: (01508) 493956 Email: Published annually – 38th edition Publisher: Cathcom Ltd For advertising enquiries tel: 01440 730399 or email: EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 3

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4 Map Sawston Withermarsh Green Catholic Na tional Shrine MAP OF  DIOCESE   OF  EAST   ANGLIA EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 4

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Foreword 5 BISHOP   ALAN’S FOREWORD Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome to the 2021 Yearbook and Liturgical Calendar for the Diocese of East Anglia. Once again, I would like to thank all those who have contributed to its publication this year. Much of this past year has, for so many of us, been lived under the long shadow of the Covid ­19 pandemic. Yet even that shadow has been lightened by the wit ­ ness of our faith, and by the blessings and graces God continues to bestow upon us, which break through the gloom of fear and privation, and which remind us that ‘God is for us a refuge and strength, a helper close at hand in time of distress’ (Psalm 45). First among those blessings have been the five ordina ­ tions for the Diocese, cele ­ brated in the Cathedral this year: two priests, a transitional Deacon and two Permanent Deacons. Please do pray for them all, and pray that more men will offer themselves as humble labourers in the vineyard of the Lord, for the vital pastoral and sacramental care of his People. As the present pandemic took hold in March, all our churches were closed. It was an unprecedented moment in the life of the Church. The Holy Father’s presence and words of encouragement on a cold and very wet night in an empty St Peter’s Square gave us great hope. His moving blessing of the city and the whole world with the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus Christ that same night put everything in perspective. And across the diocese, parishes and their priests and deacons worked hard to ensure that, as Pope Francis has requested in his new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, we live as “a single human family” in which we are “brothers and sisters all”. As our priests ensured that the Mass continued to be celebrated every day, many of them joined with our deacons and lay people in helping to bring solace and practical help to those in great need, to the hungry and the homeless. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 5

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6 Foreword It soon became clear that some of the challenges of the pandemic were also opportunities. The one in great need, the elderly feeling cut ­of f from their loved ones, those who experienced great fear and family problems – all of these are our brothers and sisters in whom we can find and serve Jesus Christ. Locked church buildings posed the question of how we might continue to help all people to share in the Liturgy of the Church. Live streaming of Liturgies and prayers has now become a regular feature of Diocesan and parish life. Many people who are housebound or sick have been able to share in the Mass for the first time in many years. Many people have joined in the Liturgy for the first time. The challenge for us now, will be to find ways in which these new online experiences can develop into actual encounters with the living Lord Jesus Christ, present in the Sacrament of the Mass. The mission of our Diocese has continued. Despite the restrictions, clergy and catechists have continued to prepare people for reception into the Catholic Church. Children have been prepared for their First Holy Communions and young adults for Confirmation. Marriage preparation has continued, as has the Diocesan support of married people. The formation of our catechists has carried on through distance learning, and through the Zoom meetings with which so many of us have now become familiar. Our priests have learned to podcast, and to broadcast on YouTube! In October, the Report from the Royal Commission into Safeguarding in the Catholic Church over the past decades, made challenging and soul ­sear ching reading. It is very clear that as well as all the structures we have put in place, we all need to remain extremely vigilant in this area of the Church’s life and mission. The commitment of our safeguarding team, clergy and dozens of parish representatives must be recognised, but we cannot afford to relax our guard. As a Diocese we have lived and learned the truth of what Julian of Norwich saw in her visions of Jesus Christ, in the East Anglia of seven centuries ago. In her encounter with the Lord, Julian recalls: He did not say, “you will not encounter storms”; He did not say, “you will not be travailed, or wearied”; He did not say, “you will not be discomforted.” He did say, “you will not be overcome.” The year ahead will no doubt bring its own changes and challenges; but like Julian of Norwich we may be absolutely confident that, with God’s grace, we will not be overcome. Please be assured of my continued prayers and good wishes, Rt Rev Alan Hopes, Bishop of East Anglia EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 6

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Contacts 7 DIOCESE   OF  EAST   ANGLIA   CONTACTS BISHOP’S OFFICE Bishop’s Private Secretary – Fr Padráig Hawkins Tel: 01508 492589 Email: BIshop’s PA – Mrs Laura Theobald Tel: 01508 493956 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Director of Finance & Resources – Matthew Fernandez ­Gr aham Tel: 01508 492540 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Diocesan Offices: Open Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm Tel: 01508 492202 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Vicar General – Rev Canon David Bagstaf f Tel: 01284 754358 Email: Marriage Tribunal and Vicar Judicial – Rev Canon Simon Blakesley Monday ­ Thur sday 9am to 1pm Tel: 01508 495168 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Chancellor – Rt Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness Tel: 01223 224852 Email: Vice Chancellor – Rev Canon Mark Hackeson Tel: 01760 721418 Email: Vicars for Religious – Rev Karol Porczak Tel: 01733 562528 Email: Sr Camilla Oberding COLW Tel: 01328 801019 Email: Permanent Diaconate Director – Rev Canon Mathew George Tel: 07939 920844 Email: Refugee Council – Rev Provost David Paul Tel: 01603 624615 Email: Vocations Director – Rev Canon Patrick Cleary Tel: 01953 603104 Email: Diocesan Safeguarding Co ­or dinator – Mr Michael Thurley Tel: 0208 505 4199 Mob: 07429 215344 Email: Diocesan Director of Communications – Mr Keith Morris Tel: 07712 787762 Email: Diocesan Web Manager – Mr Gavin Dvelys Tel: 07956 916948 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 7

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8 Contacts Email: Diocesan Director of Music – Mr Daniel Justin Tel: 01603 728935 Email: Diocesan Schools’ Service Commission Director – Mrs Julie O’Connor Tel: 01508 495509 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Diocesan Youth Services Director – Mr Hamish MacQueen Tel: 07812 004934 Email: Diocesan Clergy Welfare Officer – Mrs Sarah Truman Tel: 07851 258999 Email: Diocesan Archivists – Michael and Gill Hill Email: Diocesan Data Protection Lead – Matthew Fernandez ­Gr aham Tel: 01508 492540 Email: Stewardship & Fundraising Co ­or dinator – Mrs Sandra Portas Email: DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS Department for the New Evangelisation Rev Karol Porczak (MS) Tel: 01733 562528 Chaplain for each Constabulary: Peterborough: To be appointed Cambridge: Rev Canon John Minh Tel: 01223 832397 Norfolk: Rev Nick Greef Tel: 01603 715066 Suffolk: Rev Dr Russell Frost Tel: 01473 741975 Commission for Catechesis Rev Huw Williams Tel: 01440 708273 Commission for Dialogue and Unity Rev Geoffrey Cook Tel: 01223 351650 Commission for Justice and Peace Rev John Bell Tel: 07502 560610 Commission for Marriage and Family Life Dr Antonia Braithwaite – chair Email: Dr Bonnie Lander Johnson – Co ­or dinator Email: m flc.eas Commission for the Sacred Liturgy Rev Mgr Tony Rogers Tel: 01842 815372 Caritas East Anglia: Jacinta Goode – development worker Email: Tel: 07851 258998 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 8

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Contacts 9 PARISHES Norwich Cathedral of St John the Baptist Tel: 01603 624615 General Manager Tel: 01603 724380 Cathedral Shop Tel: 01603 728937 St George’s Parish Tel: 01603 426971 University Chaplaincy Tel: 01603 592168 Aldeburgh Our Lady and St Peter Tel: 01728 452782 Beccles St Benet Tel: 01502 713179 Brandon St Thomas of Canterbury Tel: 01842 812200 Buckden St Claret Youth Centre Tel: 01480 810344 Bungay St Edmund King & Martyr Tel: 01986 893355 Bury St Edmunds St Edmund King & Martyr Tel: 01284 754358 Cambridge Our Lady of the Assumption & The English Martyrs Tel: 01223 350787 Fax: 01223 224860 St Laurence Tel: 01223 704640 St Philip Howard Tel: 01223 211235 Blackfriars Tel: 01223 741251 Fax: 01223 741252 St Edmund’s College Tel: 01223 336250 Fisher House Chaplaincy Tel: 01223 742192 Fax: 01223 329180 Our Lady Queen of Poland Tel: 01223 368539 Clare Mother of Good Counsel Tel: 01787 277326 Fax: 01787 278688 Costessey Our Lady and St Walstan Tel: 01603 742812 Dereham Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary Tel: 01362 694066 Diss The Most Holy Trinity & St Henry Morse Tel: 01379 642914 Downham Market St Dominic Tel: 01366 382353 Ely St Etheldreda Tel: 01353 662759 Fax: 01353 662759 Fakenham St Anthony of Padua Tel: 01328 853481 Felixstowe St Felix Tel: 01394 282561 Gorleston St Peter Tel: 01493 301013 Great Yarmouth St Mary Tel: 01493 842001 Haverhill St Felix Tel: 01440 702754 or 704923 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 9

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10 Contacts Hunstanton Our Lady of Perpetual Succour & St Edmund Tel: 01553 772220 Huntingdon St Michael Tel: 01480 453257 Ipswich St Pancras Tel: 01473 252596 St Mary Tel: 01473 728115 St Mary Magdalen Tel: 01473 741975 St James Tel: 01473 726701 St Mark Tel: 01473 684963 Polish Mission Tel: 01473 217391 King’s Lynn Our Lady of the Annunciation Tel: 01553 772220 Lowestoft Our Lady Star of the Sea Tel: 01502 572453 March Our Lady of Good Counsel Tel: 01354 650788 Newmarket Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda Tel: 01638 662492 North Walsham The Sacred Heart Tel: 01692 403258 Peterborough St Peter and All Souls Tel: 01733 562528 Fax: 01733 346933 St Luke Tel: 01733 230464 Sacred Heart and St Oswald Tel: 01733 322750 Polish Mission Tel: 01733 552726 Poringland Our Lady of the Annunciation Tel: 01508 492589 St Ives The Sacred Heart Tel: 01480 462192 St Neots and Buckden St Joseph and St Hugh of Lincoln Tel: 01480 472587 Sawston and Cambourne Our Lady of Lourdes and St John Fisher Tel: 01223 832397 Sheringham and Cromer Our Lady & St Joseph Tel: 01263 822036 Southwold Sacred Heart Tel: 01502 723207 Stowmarket Our Lady Tel: 01449 612946 Sudbury and Hadleigh Our Lady and St John the Evangelist Tel: 01787 372703 Swaffham Our Lady of Pity Tel: 01760 721418 Thetford St Mary Tel: 01842 752266 Walsingham and Wells ­Ne xt ­Sea The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tel: 01328 821353 Catholic National Shrine Tel: 01328 820217 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 10

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Contacts 11 CONVENTS CAMBRIDGE Congregation of Jesus Tel: 01223 272910 Dominican Sisters Tel: 01223 353730 DEREHAM Community of Our Lady of Walsingham Tel: 01362 421442 FELIXSTOWE Religious of Jesus and Mary Tel: 01394 282386 GREAT BARTON Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion Tel: 01284 787321 HUNSTANTON Daughters of Divine Charity Tel: 01485 532837 MARCH Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Tel: 01354 652266 NEWMARKET Sisters of St Louis Tel: 01638 660692 PETERBOROUGH Working Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth Tel: 01733 561314 QUIDENHAM Carmelite Sisters Tel: 01953 887202 SWAFFHAM Daughters of Divine Charity Tel: 01760 724577 Poor Clares Tel: 01760 722158 WALSINGHAM Little Sisters of Jesus Tel: 01328 821343 Mater Ecclesiae Convent Tel: 01788 833825 Marist Fathers Tel: 01328 820588 Marist Sisters Tel: 01328 820246 Sisters of Our Lady of Reconciliation Tel: 01328 820001 Sisters of Our Lady of Walsingham Tel: 01328 801012 Community of Our Lady of Walsingham Tel: 01328 801019 Slipper Chapel Tel: 01328 820495 Whittlesey and Ramsey St Jude the Apostle Tel: 01733 203411 Wisbech Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo Tel: 01945 583466 Woodbridge St Thomas of Canterbury Tel: 01394 383551 Wymondham Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury Tel: 01953 603104 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 11

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12 Contacts SCHOOLS ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC MAT A Multi Academy Trust (MAT) covering Norfolk, North Suffolk and Peterborough. CEO – Mr Brian Conway; Deputy CEO ­ Mr s Kim Payne Currently nine Primary Schools and one High School are part of the MAT: St Augustine’s Primary, Costessey, St Benet’s Primary, Beccles, St Edmund’s Primary, Bungay, St Francis of Assisi Primary, Norwich, St Mary’s Primary, Lowestoft, St Mary and St Peter Primary, Gorleston, Sacred Heart Primary, Peterborough St Thomas More Primary, Peterborough St Martha’s Primary, King’s Lynn Notre Dame High, Norwich The administrative base of the MAT is at Surrey St, Norwich, NR1 3PB Tel: 01603 611431 Email: Web: www.stjohnthebaptist ­cma OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM CATHOLIC MAT A Multi Academy Trust (MAT) covering Suffolk and Cambridge. CEO – Mrs Teresa Selvey Currently five Primary Schools and one High School are part of the MAT: St Felix, Haverhill St Louis, Newmarket St Mary’s, Ipswich St Laurence Primary,   Cambridg e St Pancras Primary,   Ipswich St Albans High, Ipswich The MAT administrative base is at Sussex Lodge, Fordham Road, Newmarket, CB8 7AA Tel: 01638 676420 Email: Web: See below for individual school details: NORWICH St Francis of Assisi Primary School Tel: 01603 441484 Notre Dame Preparatory School Tel: 01603 625593 Fax: 01603 444139 Notre Dame High School Tel: 01603 611431 Fax: 01603 763381 BECCLES St Benet’s Primary School Tel: 01502 712012 BUNGAY St Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01986 892502 Fax: 01986 892502 BURY ST EDMUNDS St Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01284 755141 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 12

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Contacts 13 St Benedict’s High School Tel: 01284 753512 Fax: 01284 701927 CAMBRIDGE St Alban’s Primary School Tel: 01223 712148 Fax: 01223 461286 St Laurence Primary School Tel: 01223 712227 Fax: 01223 712227 St Bede’s Inter ­Chur ch School (Secondary) Tel: 01223 568816 Fax: 01223 576482 St Mary’s Independent School Tel: 01223 353253 Fax: 01223 357451 COSTESSEY St Augustine’s Primary School Tel: 01603 743317 GORLESTON St Mary and St Peter Primary School Tel: 01493 445117 HAVERHILL St Felix Primary School Tel: 01440 703775 Fax: 01440 710768 IPSWICH St Mark’s Primary School Tel: 01473 601748 Fax: 01473 684588 St Mary’s Primary School Tel: 01473 728372 Fax: 01473 716893 St Pancras Primary School Tel: 01473 742074 St Alban’s High School Tel: 01473 726178 KING’S LYNN St Martha’s Primary School Tel: 01553 774829 Fax: 01553 769990 LOWESTOFT St Mary’s Primary School Tel: 01502 565384 Fax: 01502 585807 MARCH All Saints Inter ­chur ch Academy (Primary) Tel: 01354 659000 Fax: 01354 658770 NEWMARKET St Louis Catholic Academy (Primary & Nursery) Tel: 01638 662719 Fax: 01638 660572 PETERBOROUGH Sacred Heart Primary School Tel: 01733 262449 St Thomas More Primary School Tel: 01733 566005 Fax: 01733 312350 St John Fisher High School Tel: 01733 343646 Fax: 01733 347983 SUDBURY St Joseph’s Primary School Tel: 01787 373365 SWAFFHAM Tel: 01760 721330 Sacred Heart VA Primary &   Nur sery School Fax: 01760 725557 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 13

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14 Diary Dates KEY   DIARY   DATES   FOR   2021 Due to the on ‐going Covid‐19 pandemic all future dat es are provisional and should be checked before attending. Candlelight Epiphany Mass for Young People: Sunday January 3 , 5pm, Church of the Annunciation, then fireworks and refreshments, Poringland Mass for the Religious of the Diocese: Tuesday, February 2, 11.30am, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Annual Mass to celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes with Anointing of the Sick: Saturday February 20, 11.30am, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Rite of Election: Sunday February 21, 3.30pm, St John’s Cathedral Norwich. For all Catechumens and Candidates being baptised and confirmed at Easter. Lenten Station Masses: 6pm Exposition and Confession, 7pm Mass, 8pm Lenten Sup ­ per: Peterborough Deanery ­ St P eter & All Souls – February 23; Cambridge Deanery – Our Lady and the English Martyrs – February 25; King’s Lynn Deanery – Holy Family – March 2; Ipswich Deanery – St.Mary – March 4; Bury St Edmunds – St Edmunds – March 9; Coastal Deanery – Our Lady Star of the Sea, Low ­ estoft – March 11; Norwich Deanery – St George, Norwich – March 16 Chrism Mass: March 30 , 7pm, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. Oils for the Sacraments are blessed and priests, deacons and people renew their commit ­ ment to serve. (pictured right) EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 14

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Diary Dates 15 Ignite Diocesan Youth   F estival: May 1 ­3 , Sacred Heart School, Swaffham Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Monday, May 3, 12 noon to 4.30pm. One of the major annual events of the year in the life of the Diocese. National   Shrine, W alsingham (pictured above). Altar Servers Mass and BBQ: Saturday May 8, 11.30am, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich, then a barbeque. Diocesan Children’s Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Tuesday June 1, 10.15am at National   Shrine, Walsingham. Annual Celebration of Priesthood: Thursday June 3, 11am, White House, Poringland. Diocesan Celebration of Marriage and Family Life: Saturday June 12, 11am, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. Mass for couples celebrating special wedding anniversaries. Ordination to the Priesthood: Saturday July 10, 11.30am, St John`s Cathedral, Norwich Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: August 20 – 27 Dowry of Mary Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Sunday September 5, 12 noon, National   Shrine, Walsingham Meeting of the Retired Priests of the Diocese: Thursday October 7 , 11.30am, Mass at Our Lady of the Annunciation, Poringland Annual Gathering of Deacons, wives and students and wives in formation for the Diaconate: Saturday Oct 9 , St John’s Cathedral, Mass at 12.15pm and buffet lunch. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 15

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Catholic Church 17 POPE  FRANCIS   Successor of the Apostle Peter Vicar of Christ, Bishop of Rome Servant of the Servants of God Supreme Pon tiff of the Univ ersal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Va tic an City State. Jorge Mario Bergoglio Born: December 17, 1936 Made vows: March 12, 1960 in the Society of Jesus Ordained Priest: December 13, 1969 Consecrated Bishop: June 27, 1992 Appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Buenos Aires: June 3, 1997 Installed as Archbishop of Buenos Aires: February 28, 1998 Created Cardinal: February 21, 2001 Cardinal ­Pries t of St Robert Bellarmine Elected Pope: March 13, 2013 Inaugurated: March 19, 2013 His Holiness is represented in many countries by Nuncios or by Internuncios; and many Governments are in turn represented at the Va tic an by Ambassadors or Ministers. The British Gov ernment has an Ambassador to the Holy See. The Cardinals cons ti tute the Senate of the Church and with Congrega tions of the R oman Curia are the Pope’s assistants in the universal government of the Church The Apostolic Nunciature in Great Britain Nuncio: His Excellency Archbishop Claudio Gugero tti Address: 54 Parkside, Wimbledon, London SW19 5NE Tel: 0208 944 7189 CATHOLIC   CHURCH   IN   ENGLAND  AND  WALES THE PROVINCE OF WESTMINSTER The Archdiocese of Westminster Archbishop: His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols (1992, 2009) Address: Archbishop’s House, Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster, London, SW19 1QJ. Tel: 0207 789 033 Web: Auxiliaries: Rt Rev John Sherrington (2012) Rt Rev Nicholas Hudson (2014) Rt Rev Paul McAleenan (2016) The Diocese of Brentwood Bishop: Rt Rev Alan Williams SM (2014) Address: Cathedral House, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 8AT Tel: 01277 232266 Web: www.dioceseo fbr Emeritus: Rt Rev Thomas McMahon (1980) EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 17

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18 Catholic Church The Diocese of East Anglia Bishop: Rt Rev Alan Hopes BD AKC KC*HS (2003, 2013) Address: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 492202 Web: The Diocese of Northampton Bishop: Rt Rev David Oakley (2020) Address: Bishop’s House, Marrio tt Str eet, Northampton, NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 715635 Web: Emeritus: Rt Rev Peter Doyle (2005) The Diocese of Notti ngham Bishop: Rt Rev Patrick McKinney (2015) Adress: 27 Cavendish Road East, The Park, No ttingham, NG7 1BB Tel: 01159 474768 Web: www.dioceseofno THE PROVINCE OF BIRMINGHAM The Archdiocese of Birmingham Archbishop: Most Rev Bernard Longley (2003, 2009) Address: Archbishop’s House, 8 Shadwell Street, Birmingham, B4 6EY Tel: 01212 369090 Web: Auxiliaries: Rt Rev William Kenny (2006), Rt Rev David McGough (2006) Rt Rev David Evans (2020), Rt Rev Stephen Wright (2020) Emeritus aux: Rt Rev Philip Pargeter (1990) The Diocese of Cli ft on Bishop: Rt Rev Declan Lang (2001) Address: St Ambrose, North Road, Leigh Woods, Bristol, BS8 3PW Tel: 01179 733072 Web: www.cli ft ondiocese.c om The Diocese of Shrewsbury Bishop: Rt Rev Mark Davies (2010) Address: Curial O ffices, 2 P ark Road South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UX Tel: 01516 529855 Web: THE PROVINCE OF CARDIFF The Archdiocese of Cardi ff Archbishop: Most Rev George Stack (2001, 2011) Address: Archbishop’s House, 43 Cathedral Road, Cardi ff , CF11 9HD Tel: 02920 220411 Web: The Diocese of Menevia Bishop: sede vacante Apostolic Administrator: Most Rev George Stack (2001, 2011) Address: 27 Convent Street, Greenhill, Swansea, SA1 2BX Tel: 01792 644017 Web: Emeriti: Rt Rev Thomas Burns SM (2002, 2008), Rt Rev Mark Jabalé (2000) The Diocese of Wrexham Bishop: Rt Rev Peter Brignall (2012) Address: Bishop’s House, Sontley Road, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL13 7EW Tel: 01978 262726 Web: Emeritus: Rt Rev Edwin Regan (1995) EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 18

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THE PROVINCE OF LIVERPOOL The Archdiocese of Liverpool Archbishop: Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP (2000, 2014) Address: Archbishop’s House, 19 Salisbury Road, Liverpool, L19 0PH Tel: 01514 940686 Web: Auxiliary: Rt Rev Tom Williams (2003) Emeritus: Most Rev Patrick Kelly (1984, 1996) The Diocese of Hallam Bishop: Rt Rev Ralph Heske tt CSsR (2010, 2014) Address: Bishop’s House, 75 Norfolk Road, She ffield, S2 2SZ Tel: 01142 787988 Web: www.hallam ­diocese.c om Emeritus: Rt Rev John Rawsthorne (1997) The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Bishop: Rt Rev Robert Byrne CO (2014, 2019) Address: Bishop’s House, 26 West Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 4ES Tel: 01912 280003 Web: Emeritus: Rt Rev Seamus Cunningham (2009) The Diocese of Lancaster Bishop: Rt Rev Paul Swarbrick (2018) Address: Bishop’s O ffice, P astoral Centre, Balmoral Road, Lancaster, LA1 3BT Tel: 01524 596050 Web: Emeriti: Rt Rev Patrick O’Donoghue (2001) Rt Rev Michael Campbell OSA (2008) The Diocese of Leeds Bishop: Rt Rev Marcus Stock (2014) Address: Hinsley Hall, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds, LS6 2BX Tel: 01132 304533 Web: www.dioceseo fleeds.or Emeritus: The Most Rev Arthur Roche (Rome) (2001, 2004) The Diocese of Middlesbrough Bishop: Rt Rev Terence Drainey (2008) Address: 16 Cambridge Road, Middlesbrough, TS5 5NN Tel: 01642 850505 Web: www.middlesbrough ­diocese.or Emeritus: The Rt Rev John Crowley (1986, 1993) The Diocese of Salford Bishop: Rt Rev John Arnold (2014) Address: Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester, M28 5ND Tel: 01617 942825 Web: Emeritus: Rt Rev Terry Brain (1991, 1997) THE PROVINCE OF SOUTHWARK The Archdiocese of Southwark Archbishop: Most Rev John WIlson (2016, 2019) Address: Archbishop’s House, 150 St George’s Road, Southwark, London, SE1 6HX Catholic Church 19 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 19

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20 Catholic Church Tel: 02079 282495 Web: Emeriti: Most Rev Michael Bowen (1970, 1977) Most Rev Kevin MacDonald (2001, 2003) Auxiliaries: Rt Rev Paul Hendricks (2006), Rt Rev Patrick Lynch (2006), Emeritus aux: Rt Rev Howard Tripp (1980), Rt Rev John Hine (2001) The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Bishop: Rt Rev Richard Moth KC*HS (2009, 2015) Address: High Oaks, Old Brighton Road North, Pease Po tt ag e, West Sussex, RH11 9AJ Tel: 01293 526428 Web: The Diocese of Plymouth Bishop: Rt Rev Mark O’Toole (2014) Address: Bishop`s House, 45 Cecil Street, Plymouth, PL1 5HW Tel: 01752 224414 Web: www.plymouth ­diocese.or Emeritus: Rt Rev Hugh Christopher Budd (1986) The Diocese of Portsmouth Bishop: Rt Rev Philip Egan (2012) Address: Bishop’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, PO1 3HG Tel: 02392 820894 Web: Emeritus: Rt Rev Crispian Hollis (1989) The Bishopric of the Forces Bishop: Rt Rev Paul Mason (2016, 2018) Address: Wellington House, St Omer Barracks, Thornhill Road, Aldershot, Hants, GU11 2BG Tel: 01252 348233 The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family in London Bishop: Rt Rev Ken Nowakowski (2020) Address: Bishop`s House, 22 Binney St, London, W1K 5BQ Tel: 02076 291073 Catholic Syro ­Malabar Epar chy of Great Britain Bishop: Mar Joseph Srampickal (2017) Address: Bishop`s O ffice, St Igna tius Pr esbytery , St Igna ti us Square, Preston, PR1 1TT Tel: 01772 587186 The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Ordinary: Rev Mgr Keith Newton (2010) Prot Not Web: Address: The Presbytery, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR Tel: 02074 405750 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 20

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Diocese of East Anglia 21 DIOCESE   OF  EAST   ANGLIA The Diocese of East Anglia is a su ffr agan diocese within the Province of Westminster, erected on 13 March 1976 by the decree Quod Ecumenicum of Pope Paul VI, using territory taken from the Diocese of Northampton, which was created in 1850. A ft er the Reforma tion, the ar ea of East Anglia was soon placed under the care of the Vicars Apostolic of the Midland District, and later of the Eastern District, un til the hier archy was restored by Pope Blessed Pius IX. Today, the Diocese incorporates the English coun ties of Norf olk, Su ff olk and Cambridgeshire and the city of Peterborough. THE BISHOP The Rt Rev Alan Stephen Hopes BD AKC converted to Catholicism in 1994 and was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Westminster the following year. He worked in Kensington and Chelsea and later was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese. He was ordained to the episcopate by Cardinal Murphy ­O ’Connor in 2003, holding the title of Titular Bishop of Chester ­le­Str eet, and serving as auxiliary bishop in Westminster, un til he was appointed Bishop of East Anglia in 2013. He took possession of his cathedral in Norwich on 16 July 2013. The Bishop’s Predecessors The Rt Rev Alan Charles Clark was the fir st bishop of the new Diocese, from its crea tion in 1976 un til his r esigna ti on in 1995. He was previously Titular Bishop of Elmham and Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton. He died in 2002 and is buried in Walsingham. The Most Rev Peter David Smith was ordained Bishop of East Anglia by Cardinal Hume in 1995 and served as bishop un til 2001, when he w as translated to the See of Cardi ff . In 2010, he became Archbishop of Southwark, un til his r e ti rement in 2019. He died in 2020 and is buried in Southwark Cathedral. The Rt Rev Michael Charles Evans was ordained Bishop of East Anglia by Cardinal Murphy ­O ’Connor in 2003 and served the Diocese un ti l his death in 2011. His corporal remains are buried in St John’s Cathedral in Norwich. THE DIOCESAN TRUSTEES The Diocese is a registered charity (Charity Commission number 278742). The trustees of the charity are: Bishop Alan Hopes Rev Canon David Bagsta ff ­ Vic ar General Mrs Moira Goldstaub Rev Nicholas Greef Rev Canon Peter Leeming Mrs Marie Roberts Rev Mgr Anthony Rogers Ms Chris tine Quinn (Sa feguarding Link Trustee) Prof Edward Acton Vicar of Finance – Rev James Hurst Secretary – Matthew Fernandez­Gr aham THE   BISHOP’ S COUNCIL Bishop Alan Hopes Rev Canon David Bagsta ff Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 21

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22 Diocese of East Anglia Rev Mgr Canon Peter Leeming Rev Canon David Paul Rev Mgr Tony Rogers Secretary: Rev Pádraig Hawkins DIOCESAN CHAPTER OF   CANONS A consulta tiv e body appointed by the Bishop to advise him on various ma tt ers with the clergy and laity. The Canons are: Rev Canon David Paul ­ Pr ovost Rev Canon Simon Blakesley – Peniten tiary Rev Canon Mark Hackeson – Secretary Rev Canon Peter Rollings ­ T reasurer Rev Canon David Bagsta ff Rev Canon Mathew George Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness Rev Mgr Canon Peter Leeming Rev Canon John Minh Rev Canon Pat Cleary THE COUNCIL OF PRIESTS A consulta tiv e body of priests partly appointed by the Bishop, and partly elected by his presbyterium. Their role is to consider any serious ma tt er s raised by the Bishop, by the council or by other priests. Secretary: Rev Pádraig Hawkins Address: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 492589 Fax: 01508 495358 THE CURIA A group of o fficials (cler gy and laity) which forms the principal organ of the Bishop’s government. The Curia is overseen by the Director of Finance & Resources on behalf of the Bishop. All enquiries can be made to: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH. Tel: 01508 492202 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: office@r Office hour s: 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm , Monday to Friday. THE VICAR GENERAL Rev Canon David Bagsta ff , 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG Tel: 01284 754358 THE CHANCERY Is the office which handles all ma tt er s of procedure, faculty, dispensa tion and permis ­ sion, It deals with all enquires related to Canon Law. The Chancellor is Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness Tel: 01223 224852 Email: Vice Chancellor is Rev Canon Mark Hackeson Tel: 01760 721418 Email: THE TRIBUNAL The Tribunal comprises a team of experienced and quali fied c anon lawyers whose job EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 22

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Diocese of East Anglia 23 is the promo tion of ma tt er s of jus ti ce. It is also concerned with the inves tiga tion and judgment of marriage cases for nullity. Tribunal O ffice: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 495168 Email: Office Hour s: Monday – Thursday, 9am – 1pm. Please address all correspondence to the Tribunal Administrator Judicial Vicar: Rev Canon Simon Blakesley MCL, JCL, VJ Promoter of Jus tice: Rev Roger de Lacy ­Spencer , MA, JCL. Contact through the Tribunal o ffice. Tribunal Administrator: Mrs Sharon Ellis Judges: Rev Simon Blakesley MCL JCL VJ Rev Roger de Lacy ­Spencer MA JCL His Honour Judge John Holt Mr Michael Nash LLM, DLS Defenders of the Bond: Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness Mrs Hilary Finlay Mr Michael Nash Advocates: Rev Dominic Byrne Mr Paul Robbins Lay Auditors: Mrs Diana Banks ­Conne y; Mrs Elizabeth Barber ­ Lomax; Lady Mary Bedingfield; Mr John Cart er; Mrs Anne Cole; Mrs Sue Coleman; Mrs Ann Davies; Mr Jon Durant; Mrs Hilary Finlay; Mrs Alison Flath; Mr John Holt; Mrs Barbara Lamberton; Mr Jim Marshall; Mr James McGarry; Mrs Anne Poole; Mrs Nikki Prince; Mr Roger Pritche tt; Mr Tony Walmsley THE COUNCIL OF THE LAITY A consulta tiv e body of lay persons that meets the Bishop twice a year. Its membership is made up of the Chair of each of the parish priest’s parish council or forum. Chairman: Bishop Alan Hopes Secretary: Maureen Costello VOCATIONS AND FORMATIONS The Voca tions Dir ector is responsible for the promo ti on of voca ti ons to the priesthood in the Diocese, and the direc tion of individual c andidates, and to promote voca ti ons to the priesthood and religious life generally. He monitors the training of the Bishop’s stu ­ dents, liaises with the seminary, and advises the Bishop on these ma tt er s. Voca tions Dir ector: Rev Canon Pat Cleary, 1 Norwich Road, Wymondham, NR18 0QE Tel: 01953 603104 Email: voca tions@r Assistant Voca tions Dir ector: Rev Pádraig Hawkins Tel: 01508 492202 Email: The Permanent Diaconate Is responsible for all ma tt er s rela ti ng to the training and on ­ going forma tion of permanent deacons. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 23

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24 Diocese of East Anglia Director: Rev Canon Mathew George, 468 Norwich Road, Ipswich, IP1 6JS Tel: 01473 741975 Assistant Directors: Rev John Bell, 3 Applewood Close, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9NU Tel: 01223 503948 Rev Mar tin L ’Estrange, Gables Cottage, 9 Common Lane, North Runcton, King’s Lynn, PE33 0RD Tel: 01553 840978 Email: The On­g oing Forma tion Committ ee manages the on ­g oing forma ti on of priests. Directors: Mgr Tony Rogers, Rev John Bell, Rev John Morrill The Diocesan Voca tions T eam advises the Bishop on ma tt er s rela ti ng to priestly, diaconal and religious voca tions. Members: Rev Canon Pat Cleary Mr Hamish MacQueen Rev Canon Mathew George Sr Camilla COLW Sr Stephanie ODC Rev Pádraig Hawkins Sr Mary Gonçalves FDC Rev Simon Davies (secretary) Diocesan Catechesis and Forma tion The Commission for Catechesis and Forma tion has a par ticular r esponsibility for Sacramental Prepara tion, and pr epares courses, guidelines and training for catechists, as well as cateche tic al material for those who have dri ft ed away from the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession. The Commission supports Adult Educa tion in the Diocese and forma tion f or teachers in Catholic schools, and organises the Newman Lectures on Catholicism and History at UEA each spring. Chair: Rev Huw Williams Members: Rev Andrew Eburne Mr Hamish MacQueen Rev Padráig Hawkins Sr Tamsin Geach, OP Mr Alex Savage Ms Alex Farmer DIOCESAN RELIGIOUS Vicars for Religious are the Bishop’s representa tiv es to the various Ins ti tutes of Consecrated Life and Socie ties of Apos tolic Life that live and work within the boundaries of the Diocese. The Vicar advises the Bishop of ma tt er s pertaining to all forms of consecrated life. Vicar for Male Religious: Rev Karol Porczak (Peterborough) Email: Tel: 01733 562528 Vicar for Female Religious: Sr Camilla Oberding COLW (Dereham) Email: Tel: 07931 795769 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 24

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Diocese of East Anglia 25 DEPARTMENTS NEW EVANGELISATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE NEW EVANGELISATION This department is responsible for ensuring that Evangelisa tion is a t the heart of the mission of every parish and organisa tion within the Diocese. “The parish is the presence of the Church in a given territory, an environment for hearing God’s Word. For the growth of the Chris tian lif e, for dialogue, proclama tion, charitable outreach, worship and celebra tion. In all its ac tivities, the parish enc our ‐ ages and trains its members to be evangelisers.” (Evangelii Gaudium 28) Episcopal Vicar for the New Evangelisa tion: Rev Karol Porczak (MS), The Catholic Presbytery, Geneva St, Peterborough, PE1 2RS Tel: 01733 562528 Email: Chair: Rev Karol Porczak MS Co­or dinator: Mrs Rebecca Bretherton Email: Members: Rev Canon John Minh Mrs Jan Southgate FINANCE Administers the central funds of the Diocese, organises Gi ft Aid, arr anges insurance for property owned by the Diocese, and advises parishes and schools on financial and building ma tt er s. Vicar for Finance: Rev James Hurst Email: Diocesan Finance O ffice: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH. Tel: 01508 492540 Fax: 01508 495 358 Email: finance@r Office hour s are 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Charity Commission Number: 278742 Director of Finance & Resources: Mr Ma tthew F ernandez ­ Graham Diocesan Accountant: Mr Paul Wilson Email: Finance and Gi ft­ Aid Co ­or dinator: Ms Lorna Young Email: ALIVE   IN   F AITH Alive in   F aith   Administrator: Ms Lorna Young Tel: 01508 492202 Email: Alive in Faith Supervisory   Committ ee Chair: Rev Denys Lloyd EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 25

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26 Diocese of East Anglia SCHOOLS THE DIOCESAN SCHOOLS SERVICE COMMISSION This commission promotes the highest standards of Catholic educa tion in schools within the Diocese, working in partnership with all of those involved in educa tion. It provides support to schools, governors, sta ff and parish pries ts on educa tional ma tt ers and represents Catholic interests with the local educa tional authori ties. DIOCESAN SCHOOLS’ SERVICE The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 495509 Fax: 01508 495358 Chairman: Rev Mgr Anthony Rogers Director of Schools’ Service: Mrs Julie O’Connor Email: Deputy Director: Mr Flavio Ve tt ese Tel: 0792 1405824 Email: fla tt Assistant Director: Mrs Helen Bates Email: Schools Commission Administrator: Mrs Jane Delph Email: Commission members: Rev Mgr Anthony Rogers (chair) Mr Aidan McGovern Mr Fred Corbe tt Mr Sean Hayes Rev Canon David Bagsta ff Mrs Maria Kemble Mr Ma tthew F ernandez ­ Graham Mrs Kate Pereira HIGHER EDUCATION Chaplaincy to Higher Educa tion Co­or dina ting Chaplain: Rev Canon Mark Hackeson University of Cambridge Chaplain: Rev Mgr Mark Langham, Fisher House, Guildhall Street, Cambridge CB2 3NH. Tel: 01223 350018 University of East Anglia Chaplain: Rev Andrew Eburne, Catholic Chaplaincy, Mul tif aith Centre, University of East Anglia Tel: 01603 592168 Email: Anglia Ruskin University Mrs Rosina Abudulai and Mrs Geraldine McHale. Tel: 01223 224850/ 07931 669113 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 26

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Diocese of East Anglia 27 Margaret Beaufort Ins titut e Cambridge An academic ins titution tha t works within the Roman Catholic church and its principle of human flourishing thr ough God’s grace. It sets out to o ff er transforming experiences for women, the community and the church through theological educa tion, pr ofes ­ sional pastoral prac tice and per sonal forma tion, assis ti ng women to discern God’s call and preparing them for lay ministries and Chris tian discipleship in t oday’s world. Contact: Margaret Beaufort Ins titut e of Theology, 12 Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DU Tel: 01223 741039 Email: Catholic Cer tific ate in Religious Studies (CCRS) The Catholic Cer tific ate in Religious Studies (CCRS) is managed and awarded by the Board of Religious Studies on behalf of the Bishops` Conference of England and Wales. Any person who is or wishes to be involved in Catholic educa tion and f orma ti on may apply for this course. This includes those involved in Religious Educa tion in schools, Parish Catechesis and other ministries in the Church and anyone who wishes to follow the course for faith development or personal interest. The course seeks to ensure that participan ts have at least a basic knowledge and understanding of the beliefs of the Catholic Faith. It also provides a basis for further study. The course is designed for teachers in Catholic schools; that they may have a basic understanding of the Church, its teaching and way of life to enable them to contribute to the maintenance of the ethos of the Catholic school. It is also for catechists in order to give them a basic understanding of the faith of the Catholic Church as a founda tion for their cateche tic al ministry, and for adult members of the Church to enable them to con tinue t o grow in understanding as they live their Catholic faith. Contact: CCRS Registrar, Catholic Educa tion Ser vice, 39 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1BX Tel: 020 7901 1900 Fax: 020 7901 1939 Email: ccrs@catholiceduca tion.or YOUTH DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE The Diocesan Youth Service run a variety of events and pilgrimages across the Diocese. We work with youth leaders to support parish and schools based youth ministry in our parishes. Part of the Youth Service is the Ignite Team which shares the Gospel Message with young people through music, drama, games, mul timedia, social media and per ­ sonal tes timon y. The Diocesan Youth Service consists of: Director: Mr Hamish MacQueen Email: Mob: 07812 004934 Chaplain: Rev Luke Goymour Email: Mob: 07752 236645 Ignite Team Leader: Mr Ciaran Losasso Mob: 07914 119556 Email: (also enquiries related to the Ignite Team) The Ignite Team (full ­time Y outh Mission Team) Ignite Lite (volunteer Youth Mission Team) EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 27

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28 Diocese of East Anglia Youth Service Commission members: Rev Pat Cleary Bishop Alan Hopes Mr Ma tthew F ernandez ­ Graham Mrs Julie O’Connor Rev Andrew Eburne Rev Luke Goymour Sr Theresa Weight Contact: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH. Tel: 01508 492202 Web: Facebook: Twi tt er: @Ignit eyea Instagram: igniteyea We are always keen to hear from people who would like to be involved in youth min ­ istry, especially if you would be interested in joining the Ignite Team (o ft en as a `g ap` year) or Ignite Lite. COMMUNICATIONS The Diocesan Communica tions O ffice is responsible for press rela tions and communica tion ma tt er s. Director of Communica tions: Mr Keith Morris Tel: 07712 787762 Email: Communica tions O fficer: Mr Eldred Willey Email: Diocesan Newspaper: Catholic East Anglia Editor: Mr Keith Morris Published: Monthly (except August & December) Weekly e ­new sle tt er: Sign up at: Editor: Mr Keith Morris Diocesan Yearbook Editor: Mr Keith Morris Diocesan Web Manager: Mr Gavin Dvelys Mobile: 07956 916948 Email: Website: Twi tt er: @RCEastAnglia Facebook: Flickr: www. flickr .com/photos/dioceseofeastanglia EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 28

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Diocese of East Anglia 29 COMMISSIONS MUSIC AND LITURGY The Liturgy Commission encourages the worthy celebra tion of the Sacr ed Rites and advises on liturgical ma tt er s, and musical, ar tis ti c and architectural ma tt ers pertaining to the sacred liturgy. Chairman: Rev Mgr Tony Rogers Members: Bishop Alan Hopes, Mr Daniel Jus tin, Mr s Stella Fox, Rev John Barnes, Provost Rev David Paul, Sr Danuta FDC Dcn Martin L ’Estrange, Mrs Fran Ludden Diocesan Director of Music: Mr Daniel Jus tin Tel: 01603 728935 Email: DIALOGUE AND UNITY THE DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR DIALOGUE AND UNITY Advises the Bishop on ma tt er s rela ti ng to ecumenical dialogue and inter ­ faith rela tions, and has two members from each deanery. Members of the Commission represent the Diocese on na tional and c ounty ecumenical bodies. Chairman: Rev Geo ffr ey Cook (contact details below under Cambridge) Secretary: Mrs Mary Hunt, Oulton Lodge, Borrow Road, Oulton Broad, Lowesto ft, Su ff olk, NR32 3PW Email: MEMBERS: Bury St Edmunds: TBA Cambridge: Rev Geo ffr ey Cook, 20 Brierley Walk, Cambridge CB4 3NH Tel: 01223 351 650 Email: Mrs Priscilla Barlow, Silverlands, Church Street, Litlington, Royston, Cambs, SG8 0QB Email: Great Yarmouth: Mrs Mary Hunt, Oulton Lodge, Borrow Road, Oulton Broad, Lowesto ft, Suff olk, NR32 2PW Email: Mrs Laure tt e Burt on, Lodders, Frostenden Corner, Beccles, NR34 7JA Email: mlsburton@b tin Ipswich: Rev Clive Brooks, 76 Broom Knoll, East End, Bergholt, Su ff olk, C O7 6XN Email: King’s Lynn: Mrs Julia Walton, Oddfellows Co tt ag e, 112, Burnham Road, South Creake, Fakenham, NR21 9JG Email: Norwich: Rev James Walsh, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham, NR28 9JP Tel: 01692 403258 Email: Peterborough: Mr Brian Keegan, 8 Glamis Gardens, Peterborough, PE3 9PQ Tel: 01733 265769 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 29

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30 Diocese of East Anglia MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE THE DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE The Marriage and Family Life Commission aims to promote and support marriage and family life within all the Catholic communi ties of the Diocese, including schools. It looks to increase awareness of ways of helping families to live the Chris tian lif e and to promote good marriage prepara tion as w ell as provide support for those already married. It also has a care for those whose experience of marriage and family proves di fficult. The Commission includes married c ouples appointed by the Bishop and represen ting the g eographic areas of the Diocese, clergy appointed by the Bishop, and individuals from schools and specialist services as needed for consulta tion a t the request of Commission members and with the approval of the Bishop. Chairman: Dr Antonia Braithwaite Email: Marriage and Family Life Co ­or dinator: Dr Bonnie Lander Johnson Email: m flc.eas Fer tility Aw areness Methods Co ­ ordinator: Dr Jessica Becke tt Email: Members: Dr Chris Braithwaite; Mr Damian and Mrs Aude Wallace; Rev Michael Brookes; Mrs Rebecca Clarke; Mr John and Mrs Hedwige D’Mello; Mrs Sarah Ward; Mrs Helvi Moore; Deacon Mar tin L ’Estrange; Sister Camilla Oberding; Mrs Sona McCullough CARITAS   EAST   ANGLIA Caritas East Anglia supports the poor and the marginalised in three ways: by promot ­ ing Catholic Social Teaching; through project grants and emergency aid; and by sup ­ porting those involved in social outreach. Our diocese is a member organisation of Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) which is an agency of the Catholic Bishops Con ­ ference of England and Wales. Catholic Social Teaching is the teaching of the Church on social responsibility, based on Papal Encyclicals and other documents. These reflect upon Jesus’ command to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mk 12:31) and show us how to share God’s love by our actions towards all our sisters and brothers. Articles exploring CST can be found in the diocesan paper and on our website: ­social ­t eaching Financial assistance is available in two forms to those in need. The St Edmund’s Fund provides crisis grants to individuals or families. Alive in Faith grants are awarded to support local social outreach projects within parishes, examples of which can be seen on the diocesan website: ­eas t ­anglia For details of both funds, please contact your parish priest. Chair: Rev John Warrington Administrator: Dr David Livesey Development Worker: Jacinta Goode – – 07851 258998 Members of the steering group: Rev David Bagstaff, Rev Tony Felton, Rev John Bell, Teresa Wiseman, Christine Knight, Jane Crone, Bernard Shaw, Stephen Giblin, Gerald Fox, Peter Godfrey, Matthew Fernandez ­Gr aham, Hamish MacQueen, Clive Sheridan. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 30

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Diocese of East Anglia 31 SAFEGUARDING THE DIOCESAN SAFEGUARDING COMMISSION A professional body that implements na tional pr ocedures regarding the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk within the Diocese. Independent Chairman: Mr Denis White. (Family Law Solicitor) Vice Chairman: Mrs Alison Flath (formerly Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) Police Representa tiv e: Mr David Green (Su ff olk P olice) Proba tion   Ser vice Representa ti ve : Ms Hannah Barham (Cambs & Peterborough/ Proba tion T rust) Social Services (Children Services) Representa tive : Ms Ancil Gerber (Norfolk County Council) Social Services (Adult Services) Representa tiv e: Ms Sue Carlaw (Peterborough City Council Clergy representa tiv e: Rev Pat Cleary, Our Lady & St Thomas of Canterbury, Wymondham Religious representa tiv e: Sr Philomena Morris (Sisters of St Louis, Newmarket) Clerk to the Commission: Mrs Rebecca Bretherton Diocesan Safeguarding Co ­or dinator: Mr Michael Thurley Tel: 0208 5054199 Mob: 07429 215344 Email: Diocesan Safeguarding Administrator: Mrs Rebecca Bretherton Email: JUSTICE AND PEACE THE JUSTICE AND PEACE COMMISSION Advises the Bishop and Council of Priests on Jus tice and P eace issues. The Jus tice and Peace Commission provides forum for those in parishes with an interest in Jus tice and Peace issues, and encourages the exchange of informa tion and appr opriate ac tion. Issues addressed in parishes include support for peace, the protec tion of cr ea tion, help for refugees, support CAFOD campaigns and the promo tion of F airtrade. Chairman: Rev Prof John Bell, 3 Applewood Close, Cambridge, CB1 9NU Tel: 07502 560610 Email: johnbell2010@b tin Secretary: Mr Bernard Shaw, 98 Brampton Road, Cambridge, CB1 3HL Tel: 01223 240207 Email: OTHER OFFICES HISTORIC CHURCHES COMMITTEE All correspondence should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary Mr Cedric Burton, c/o Diocesan O ffice, 21 Upg ate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH. Tel: 07980 774781 Email: Members: Mrs Moira Goldstaub, Chairman Rev John Barnes, Vice Chairman EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 31

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32 Diocese of East Anglia Rev Canon David Bagsta ff , Vic ar General Dr Bill Wilson Dr John Maddison Mr Ma tthew F ernandez ­ Graham Mr Richard Halsey Rev Provost David Paul Rev Dom Charles Fitzgerald ­Lombar d OSB Rev Mgr Tony Rogers Prof Mar tin Goalen Ma tilda Har den DIOCESAN PASTORAL SERVICE FOR THE DEAF AND HEARING IMPAIRED Rev Mgr Philip Shryane, Catholic Rectory, 82 Har tf or d Road, Hun ti ngdon, Cambs, PE29 1XG Tel: 01480 453257 Email: THE DIOCESE OF EAST ANGLIA DEPENDENT PRIESTS’ FUND This Fund is a Registered Charity and has its own Charity Registra tion Number: 1102707. The purpose of the Fund is to assist the Bishop of the Diocese in the care of Secular Priests of the Diocese of East Anglia, who are permanently or temporarily incapacitated by old age, in firmity , illness or accident. The Fund exists to assist Priests as regards needs that may arise that are not met by their re tir ement income and/or because of illness, etc prior to re tir ement. The income of the Fund comes from parish collec tions, dona tions, leg acies and investment income. Applica tions f or grants are submi tt ed to Fund Trustees, who meet quarterly. Chair: Rev Canon Simon Blakesley Email: WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE COMMITTEE Director: Rev Canon Peter Rollings, The Catholic Rectory, North Everard Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HQ Tel: 01553 772220 Email: THE ST EDMUND’S FUND Rev Tony Felton, 6 Borough End, Beccles, Su ff olk. NR34 8YW Tel: 01502 715744 Mobile: 07985 228397 Email: a tf elt PORT CHAPLAINCY Felixstowe: Rev John Barnes, St Felix’s Presbytery, 8 Gainsborough Road, Felixstowe IP11 7HT Tel: 01394 282 561 Lay chaplain: Julian Wong (Stella Maris) Email: Ipswich: TBA King’s Lynn: Rev Canon Peter Rollings, Catholic Presbytery, North Everard Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HQ Tel: 01553 772220 Lowesto ft: Rev Paul Chanh, The Catholic Presbytery, Gordon Road, Lowesto ft, Suff olk, IP33 2DA EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 32

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Diocese of East Anglia 33 Tel: 01502 572453 REGISTRAR FOR DECEASED CLERGY Rev Padráig Hawkins, Private Secretary, The White House, 21 Upgate Poringland, Norwich NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 492589 MISSIO (The Associa tion f or the Propaga ti on of the Faith) Director: Rev Anthony Chantry, 39 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1BX Tel: 0207 630 8220 Diocesan Rep: Deacon Christopher Brighten (St Mary’s, Ipswich) EAST ANGLIA DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Director: Rev John Morrill, 1, Bradford`s Close, Bo ttisham, Cambridg eshire, CB5 9DW Tel: 01223 811822 Mob: 07956 536140 Email: ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF ST STEPHEN Director: Rev Canon Peter Rollings, The Catholic Rectory, North Everard Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HQ Tel: 01553 772220 EAST ANGLIA DIOCESAN ARCHIVES Archives ­ documen ts, books and artefacts – recording the life and history of the Catholic Church in East Anglia are lodged at the Cathedral. Parishes are encouraged to commit their records to the Archives, and new material is always welcome. Researchers please contact the Archivist. Diocesan Archivists: Michael and Gill Hill Email: CATHOLIC POLICE CHAPLAINS Cambridgeshire: Canon John Minh, 135 High Street,   Sa wston, CB22 3HJ Tel: 01223 832397 Norfolk: Rev Nick Greef, 18, Levine Close, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 5RH Tel: 01603 715066 Su ff olk: Rev Paul Spellman (St Mary’s Ipswich) Peterborough: Rev Je ffr ey Downie (St Luke’s, Peterborough) FRIENDS OF THE VENERABILE (The Venerable English College in Rome). Registered Charity No 1075141 Founded in 1985 and supports the students of the College with prayers, encourage ­ ment and financial help. Fr om these students come some of our future priests. To find out mor e or to join the Friends contact: Chairman: Mike Lang Tel: 01364 644811 Email: mikelang537@b tin BISHO P`S C ONFERENCE SPIRITUALITY COMMITTEE Diocesan Representa tive : Dr Margaret Mary McFadyen, 6 St Ethelberts Close, Thurton, Norfolk, NR14 6BA Tel: 07984 530650 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 33

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34 Pastoral Statistics PASTORAL   STATISTICS   2019 mass a 琀 endance con firma 琀ons recep 琀ons catechumens marriages fi rst communions bap 琀sms ALDEBURGH & LEISTON 1 5 0 2 1 3 177 BECCLES 2 9 1 13 0 7 155 BRANDON & MILDENHALL 0 7 0 15 2 1 137 BUNGAY 4 8 2 13 2 3 111 BURY ST EDMUNDS 4 35 2 44 28 21 636 CAMBRIDGE Our Lady and the English Martyrs 10 46 5 75 30 17 1672 St Laurence 1 39 2 84 37 6 627 St Philip Howard 2 19 0 15 10 8 686 CLARE 1 8 3 3 3 1 175 COSTESSEY 0 14 0 14 12 3 247 DEREHAM 0 2 0 8 0 0 189 DISS 0 7 3 8 3 2 175 DOWNHAM MARKET 0 5 0 3 0 2 86 ELY 3 14 1 18 10 2 307 FAKENHAM 0 2 0 2 0 1 80 FELIXSTOWE 0 4 0 7 5 0 202 GORLESTON 2 6 0 8 0 0 212 GREAT YARMOUTH 1 15 0 12 2 2 290 HAVERHILL 0 13 4 30 19 2 301 HUNSTANTON 0 1 0 3 0 0 145 HUNTINGDON 4 24 1 26 16 8 468 IPSWICH St James the Less 0 5 0 4 0 0 66 St Mark`s 0 17 0 1 3 1 226 St Mary 4 16 2 32 26 2 567 St Mary Magdalen 4 14 0 20 5 0 167 St Pancras 0 23 1 34 13 6 418 KING`S LYNN 0 46 0 38 2 8 506 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 23/10/2020 11:46 Page 34

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Pastoral Statistics 35 PASTORAL   STATISTICS   2019 LOWESTOFT 1 0 0 16 0 0 243 MARCH 9 10 0 17 3 0 163 NEWMARKET 0 30 1 51 16 4 398 NORTH WALSHAM 6 4 3 8 4 3 251 NORWICH St George 4 14 2 21 4 12 505 St John the Bap 琀 st Cathedral 13 62 9 99 42 29 1385 PETERBOROUGH St Peter and All Souls 7 136 3 78 36 13 1055 St Luke 7 23 2 40 25 2 556 Sacred Heart and St Oswald 0 9 0 20 0 0 447 PORINGLAND 0 1 1 10 1 4 125 ST IVES 2 14 2 29 10 8 439 ST NEOTS/BUCKDEN 1 19 0 13 6 3 437 SAWSTON & CAMBOURNE 0 23 0 25 19 1 441 SHERINGHAM & CROMER 0 1 0 2 0 1 184 SOUTHWOLD 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 STOWMARKET 0 4 0 2 0 1 162 SUDBURY 1 11 1 18 0 1 291 SWAFFHAM 1 1 0 8 1 0 170 THETFORD 4 14 4 25 0 7 263 WALSINGHAM 0 2 1 1 7 2 167 WHITTLESEY 1 2 1 1 2 0 106 WISBECH 0 14 0 19 0 0 374 WOODBRIDGE & FRAMLINGHAM 0 1 0 2 0 0 218 WYMONDHAM 0 8 2 14 0 0 220 POLISH COMMUNITY 3750 SYRO MALABAR COMMUNITY 1050 LITHUANIAN & SLOVAKIAN COMMUNITY 500 TOTALS 100 807 59 1051 405 197 22975

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SEPTEMBER   2019: The three new postulants accepted by the Daughters of Divine Charity at their Swaffham   Con vent: Jolanta Wasag, Niamh Rodda and Jennifer Kamps. OCTOBER   2019: Dr Bonnie Lander Johnson and Fr Paul Grogan in Newmarket, at the Newmarket study day on church teaching on marriage and family life. A year in the life of the Diocese Here is a pictorial record of memorable events during late 2019 and 2020 across the Diocese of East Anglia. Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 37 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:52 Page 37

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38 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 OCTOBER   2019: Bishop Alan with priests at the induction Mass to mark the establish ­ ment of a new religious congregation of the Carmelite order at St Mark’s in Ipswich. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 38

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NOVEMBER 2019: A record number of Parish representatives attended the Bishop’s Council of Laity meeting in Poringland. Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 39 NOVEMBER   2019: Bishop Alan commissions the Caritas East Anglia team at St John the Baptist Cathedral in Norwich. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 39

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40 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 DECEMBER 2019: Archivists Michael and Gillian Hill in the diocesan archives deep inside St John’s Cathedral in Norwich putting the archives into a digital format. Choosing a law firm can be a complex experience so we try to make things as simple and stress-free as possible 1 St James Court, Whitefriars, Norwich, NR3 1RU. Tel: 01603 660155 Website: Email: Solicitors for the Diocese EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 40

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 41 JANUARY   2020: Bishop Alan speaking at a diocesan safeguarding seminar in Newmarket with trainer Liam Ring. JANUARY   2020: The Epiphany Candlelit Youth Mass and bonfire and fireworks display took place at the Bishop’s White House in Poringland. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 41

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42 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 JANUARY   2020: Prayer led by the UEA   Ca tholic Chaplaincy at the Anglican Cathedral in Norwich as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Mediaeval to Modern Conservation, Restoration and new designs. Conservation Reports, casements and ferramenta repairs. For 28 years AuraVisions has been caring for the windows of many Parish churches and Cathedrals, including in-situ repairs, releading and protection of Victorian and ancient glass and are Icon Accredited. Contact details: email: Website: Tel: 01799 584108 ® PACR Accredited Conservator/Restorer EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 42

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 43 FEBRUARY   2020: Bishop Alan at the Anointing of the Sick Mass at St John’s Cathedral. FEBRUARY   2020: The Dowry Painting by Amanda de Pulford (centre), is blessed by Pope Francis in Rome, watched by Walsingham Rector Mgr John Armitage, who issued a call to prepare for the rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary. Picture by EWTN/Vatican. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 43

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JANUARY   2020: Ciaran Losasso is commissioned by Fr Jon Bielawski of the Genesis Mission in Plymouth during a visit by the New Evangelisation and Ignite Youth Team. JANUARY   2020: Canon Mathew George re ­commissioning r eaders at St Mary Magda ­ lene in Ipswich along with hundreds of readers across the Diocese of East Anglia. 44 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 44

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 45 T HORNTON C OLLEGE EXISTS TO PROVIDE QUALITY EDUCATION . R EGISTERED C HARITY N O . 247358 To make an enquiry or to arrange a personal visit please contact our Admissions Officer, Alice Ho on 01280 820410 THE ONLY LEADING INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC GIRLS ’ DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL IN THE AREA EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 45

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46 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 FEBRUARY   2020: Bishop Alan distributing ashes at St John’s Cathedral on Ash   Wednesday. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 46

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 47 MARCH   2020: Fleur Dorrell speaking at a Churches Together in Ipswich event called Enjoy the Bible ­ Sensing the Sacr ed Through Music and Art, as part of The God Who Speaks initiative. MARCH   2020: Bishop Alan welcoming catechumens at St John’s Cathedral at the Diocesan Rite of Election. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 47

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48 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 MARCH 2020: A Lenten Mass is celebrated at Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo in Wisbech. An Independent Catholic School Welcoming All ··· Boys and Girls Day and Boarding 3 - 18 Years AN OUTSTANDING ALL-ROUND EDUCATION Visit us to find out more: Scholarships and Bursaries are available. Fosse Way, Ratcliffe on the Wreake, Leicester, LE7 4SG T: 01509 817072 or 817031 E: EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 48

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 49 MARCH 2020: When churches were forced to close their doors at the end of March, St John’s Cathedral in Norwich was one of the first to start live ­s treaming Masses, including on Good Friday, above. MARCH   2020: Fr Sean Connolly produced a daily Evening Prayers podcast during lockdown – including one while out on his bike following two punctures. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 49

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50 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 MARCH 2020: England was rededicated as the Dowry of Mary on Sunday March 29 as an individual event taking place in thousands of homes up and down the country, as well as at a live ­s treamed Mass at the Catholic National Shrine in Walsingham and St John’s Cathedral in Norwich (pictured above). BESPOKE ECCLESIASTICAL FURNITURE for listed buildings and contemporary settings From concept to installation, for single items to full re-orderings, with a quality assured personal service. ALTARS, AMBOS and LECTERNS CROSSES and CANDLESTICKS, CHAIRS and BENCHES MEMORIALS a SPECIALITY A member of Carlisle DAC and the Liturgy and Furnishings Group at the CFCE. For an information pack and DVD of images, please contact Nicholas Hobbs, AIKRIGG, HAYTON LANE END, BRAMPTON, CUMBRIA, CA8 9JB W: T: 07947 03 0952 E: St Dunstan’s RC Church, Bourne End, Marlow , Bucks EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 50

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 51 MAY 2020: A community outreach food project based at Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury in Wymondham, helped to support and feed 80 vulnerable families a week during lockdown. JUNE   2020: Seminarian Michael Smith was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of East Anglia at an Ordination Mass that took place at the Beda College in Rome. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 51

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 53 JUNE   2020: More than 60 churches across the Diocese of East Anglia re ­ opened for private prayer from June 15, including St Thomas of Canterbury in   W ymondham. JUNE   2020: St John’ s Cathedral junior choir during an online rehearsal, organised during the lockdown by Master of Music, Daniel Justin. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 53

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54 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 JUNE   2020: Bishop Alan Hopes and Dean David Paul opened the doors at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich on June 15 for the first time in three months for private prayer. 01844 350 101 We’re not just architects, we’re church architects. At JBKS we have a vision, to renew, refresh, rebrand and revitalise the churches we work with. We take pride in the faith driven team we have in place. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 54

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JUNE   2020: More than 70 carloads of parishioners from Sacred Heart and St Oswald in Peterborough took advantage of the opportunity for a drive ­thr ough blessing organised by   Fr Seelan on the ev e of Corpus Christi. Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 55 JULY   2020: St John’ s Cathedral in Norwich was among the very first in the whole country to hold a public Mass after lockdown ended on July 4. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 55

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56 The mission of the Society of the Little Flower is to promote devotion to St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Carmelite Nun and Doctor of the Church. Through prayers and donations, friends of St. Thérèse enable Carmelites to continue her “Shower of Roses” in their ministries throughout the world and in the education of young Carmelites.   The generous donations raised by members of the Society and distributed through the Carmelite Curia in Rome have supported projects in countries such as Kenya, Cameroon, the Philippines, Indonesia, China, East Timor, Mozambique, Peru, Brazil and Vietnam.   For further information on the work of the Society and membership, please contact Society of the Little Flower Barclays House 51 Bishopric Horsham RH12 1QJ 0345 602 9884 (local rate) Email:   Charity No. 1123034 Company Limited by Guarantee No 06453716 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 56

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JULY   2020: Fr Paul Spellman from March in Cambridgeshire opened up the presbytery garden to include as many parishioners as possible in the Sunday Mass. JULY 2020: Joe and Victoria Howard became the first couple to marry at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich after lockdown in mid July. Credit: EDP/Sarah Lucy Brown. Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 57 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 57

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58 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 Nestled in the rolling Suffolk countryside, Optima Healthcare’s Baylham and Barham Care Centres were developed with the needs of residents in mind. Both centres can provide single and multiple day care, respite, medium-term and long-term residential/ Nursing care. Though many of our residents are elderly, we can also provide support for younger adults with acquired brain injuries and reablement services, often needed following a major health event or hospital stay. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy are available at both centres. MAKING A NEW HOME We seek to provide a ‘home away from home’ for all of our residents. We work closely with the person and their families to make sure everyone has a care plan that suits their individual personality and routine. Rooms are decorated to suit the new resident’s taste and they can bring their own furniture and decorations. MAINTAINING INDEPENDENCE Our ethos is to focus on what people can do, rather than their limitations. Both homes are equipped to allow as much independence as possible, regardless of a person’s individual care needs. Our staff are there to support people to ‘do what they want to do’. PART OF A COMMUNITY Isolation can be difficult when someone has to leave their own home. Family and friends can visit anytime and we have full-time residents’ activities coordinators at each centre. We offer a range of daily activities and day trips for residents to take part in. QUALITY OF LIFE AND WELLBEING Mental health and happiness is just as important as physical wellbeing. To support this, both centres offer complementary therapies including massage, reflexology, manicure and hairdressing. For more information about visiting during Covid lockdowns, or to arrange a no-obligation visit or virtual visit to one of the centres, please get in touch EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 58

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 59 JULY   2020: Peter Wygna ń ski was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich. JULY   2020: In partner ship with CAFOD, Caritas East Anglia organised a webinar to show ­ case various projects around the Diocese which have been responding to social needs. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 59

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60 God calls to us constantly, longing to guide those who yearn for life and desire to see good days into the way of peace. The Rule of Saint Benedict helps us to hear God’s voice, in the Holy Scriptures, in the sacred liturgy and in our brothers in community. If you are a single man longing to live your Catholic faith in a way which brings great joy as it demands the best of you, consider whether God is calling you to be a Benedictine monk at Buckfast Abbey. Please reach out to us, and we will do all we can to help you. ‘Listen, my son’ Rule of St Benedict Buckfast Abbey Trust Registered Charity number 232497 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 60

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 61 JULY   2020: Jacob Cheriyan (front centre) from Sacred Heart and St Oswald in Peterbor ­ ough joined the ranks of East Anglia’s permanent deacons after his ordination. JULY   2020: Prameel Joseph from St Luke’s in Peterborough fulfilled a call to ordination to the permanent diaconate when Bishop Alan ordained him at St John’s Cathedral. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 61

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62 Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 GOLD RIBBON Home Insurance CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AUTUMN 2020 Award-winning * home insurance you can trust At Ecclesiastical we pride ourselves on providing honest and specialist insurance, and our home insurance is no different. We are proud to have been awarded Fairer Finance’s 1st place gold ribbon for customer experience and voted as being the most trusted home insurance provider in their recent rankings. Call our team for a quote on 0345 777 3322 (8am to 6pm weekdays) or visit * Winners of the Fairer Finance gold ribbon for Autumn 2020 Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL11JZ, United Kingdom. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number 113848. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 62

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Year in the Life of the Diocese ­ 2020 63 SEPTEMBER 2020: Mgr Philip Moger, left, was inducted as the new Rector at the Catholic National   Shrine a t Walsingham by Bishop Alan Hopes. SEPTEMBER 2020: Fr Andrew Neate was ordained to the priesthood at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 63

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64 Alive in Faith Helping to bring faith to life By any measure, Alive in Faith has lived up to its name with parishioners across the Diocese of East Anglia committing themselves to the vision of providing for both seminarians and priests who step down after many years of faithful service to parishes, and for outreach projects. Peter Ledger reports . n Central to the success of the campaign was that parishes would themselves directly benefit. Participating parishes are now seeing the rewards of their commitment, a wide range of projects coming to fruition. These range from important outreach pro ­ grammes within their parishes to essential building repairs and improvements which would not have been possible without Alive in Faith funds. A marvellous example is a project supported by Aldeburgh and Leiston parishes. Alde ­ burgh is blessed in having excellent ecumenical relations and in January 2012, the three local churches, Anglican, Baptist and Roman Catholic, began a venture to help fund the work of a parish nurse for the town. Facilitated by Parish Nursing Ministries UK, a Christian charity which helps local churches appoint nurses, Ali Cherry, a Christian nurse, was appointed to work in Alde ­ burgh in 2013. At the time she was largely funded by the Baptist Church, the smallest of the church communities in the town. Very quickly she proved herself as being acces ­ sible, available, and greatly appreciated by the local people – many of whom are eld ­ erly and housebound. Being aware of the heavy burden on the Baptist Church, the Anglican and Catholic communities in Aldeburgh began to support Ali’s work through second collections. The social outreach dimension of Alive in Faith seemed a marvellous opportunity to apply for a grant which would ease the problem of helping to fund her. An application for £5,000 from Alive in Faith was successful. Ali is still employed by the local churches, and her ministry and witness is valued on a day to day basis. A project with a very different community focus has been implemented at St Edmunds, Bungay. The parish were already determined to become “eco ­ friendly ” and submitted a project focussed on helping to reduce global warming. A second priority was educa ­ tional – to do something ‘green’ so that the children at their school, St Edmund’s Catholic Primary, could see green policies in action, learn about them and reflect them in their own lives. 20 advanced technology solar panels were installed with benefits to the environment in many forms. Over the expected 20 ­ y ear lifespan of the system, it should save 56 tonnes of CO2 emissions, simultaneously saving over £8,000 worth of electricity. The parish benefits from the so ­c alled “Feed ­ in Tariff” and the school will use less electricity from the national grid through the traditional electricity meter. Costessey parish decided that their share of Alive in Faith funds raised would go in two directions – to fund improvements needed to the church building, and to assist with the building of new houses in their twin parish of St Joseph’s, Ta Hen, Cambodia. Alive in Faith has made possible three projects in the church: re ­pad and r e ­ cover the kneel ­ ers, re ­c arpeting the nave and the sanctuary and finally the purchase of a new presi ­ dential chair. TQuotes from church furnishing companies was around £1,000. In the EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 64

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Alive in Faith 65 event, a suitable chair was purchased on the internet for £68. Parish frugality in action! To date the parish Cambodia project has funded three houses in Ta Hen at a cost of about $4,000 each. Part of this money came from regular parish fundraising, but much of it has been made possible by Alive in Faith. Several urgent projects to repair parish buildings have been made possible by Alive in Faith. Our Lady Immaculate & St Etheldreda Church, Newmarket, had a pressing need to reline the high ­lev el gutters. These were Finlock concrete gutters which, over time, are prone to leaking. In this case, the gutters were leaking badly. Worse still, the gut ­ ters were at high level. A shortfall in parish finances was made good by Alive in Faith and essential repairs successfully carried out. At Thetford, Quinquennial Reports had identified subsidence at both the east and west ends of the presbytery. This caused extensive movement in the corner walls which needed underpinning and bracing. In addition, all rain water goods had to be replaced and internal walls and ceilings of the Presbytery had to be repaired. In addition, repairs and reinstatement of load bearing walls in the ground floor were needed. Clearly this was a major project. The parish decided that these significant repairs should be the focus of their parish project. Other work was undertaken at the same time funded di ­ rectly by the parish but the main project, now successfully completed, was facilitated by the parish share of Alive in Faith Funds. These are just a few examples of the many parish projects made possible by the gen ­ erosity of parishioners committing to Alive in Faith. Bishop Kike celebrated the blessing of Kimheang’s family new house in the village of Tuol, in Thmorkol, Cambodia, part of the Costessey Parish’s Ta Hen project, using Alive in Faith funds. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 65

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66 Vocations Vocations – Fr Peter Wygna ński Peter Wygna ń ski arrived at the end of his seminary journey on July 25 as Bishop Alan Hopes ordained him to the priesthood at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich. Eldred Willey reports on his vocation story. n Around 100 people and friends from places where Peter had lived and ministered, as well as Peter’s parents and sister and some 30 priests, came to join the socially ­dis ­ tanced celebration. “This is a great day of joy as we come together,” said Bishop Alan. “I know that he will draw tremendous strength from your prayerful presence here.” “I remember attending an ordination many years ago,” said Peter, “and reading in the back of the order of service a thank ­ y ou note that the new priest had added in. I recall reading with some scepticism the line, `I couldn`t have done it without you` and think ­ ing it was a bit much, that surely he`d have managed somehow on his own steam. “As I reach the end of my own seminary journey, I know now that it is absolutely true that seminarians only persevere thanks to the immense support, encouragement, and prayer of countless people along the way. Particularly here, I would want to thank Bishop Alan and my formators at the Venerable English College for all they`ve taught me, and also all those throughout East Anglia who have prayed for me and the other seminarians of the diocese over the years. Bishop Alan addresses Peter Wygnanski during his ordination. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 66

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Vocations 67 “I have some studying left to finish in Rome, but I greatly look forward to returning to the diocese to begin the ministry the Lord has called me to in the years to come. I can but hope and pray, by God`s grace, that I continue to grow in my discipleship and, as I place my hands in the Lord`s, he may work as He wills through me, in the life of His people.” Peter (Piotr) Wygna ński gr ew up in Cambridge an was an altar server for 11 years in the parish of St Laurence. He was a longstanding member of the Diocesan Youth Coun ­ cil of the diocese, and helped to lead pilgrimages to Taize and World Youth Days. He studied electronic engineering at Warwick University and worked in industry in Lon ­ don before beginning his training for the priesthood at the Venerable English College in Rome. He had the opportunity to study theology at the Gregorian University and chose to gain pastoral experience in the Diocese of Malolos in the Philippines. In October 2019 he had the unique honour of singing the Gospel at the canonisation Mass of Car ­ dinal John Henry Newman in Rome. Peter has been based at St Edmunds, Bury St Edmunds, since the Italian universities closed in the spring. At the end of the Mass, Peter took the opportunity to address those gathered, saying: “My hope is that you’ve caught a glimpse of the goodness and beauty which has taken hold of my heart.” He expressed his gratitude to Bishop Michael Evans for “getting me moving” and to Bishop Alan for being a father figure over the last seven years. He also commented that the youth ministry of Hamish McQueen had “worked wonders for me”. Peter now has a year left of a license, a pontifical postgraduate degree, specialising in Fundamental Theology. His main focus will be writing a thesis, considering how meta ­ physical presuppositions constrain how we understand Divine Providence; he’ll be con ­ sidering how more recent philosophy, specifically the sacramental ontology of Henri de Lubac, and the phenomenological developmental ontology of Merleau ­P onty, could contribute to deepening our theological understanding of how God acts in the world. Vocations – Fr Andrew Neate Andrew Neate was ordained to the priesthood at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich on   September 19. n Fr Andrew Neate said: “I feel very lucky to be fit and active to take on further min ­ istry as an ordained priest. So much of my past life has led me on to this. I greatly look forward to serving our Catholic Parish in Fakenham.” In his homily, Bishop Alan Hopes said: “Jesus chooses men and sets them apart to share in His priesthood… He says to us very clearly, ‘You did not choose me; I chose you.’ So with you, Andrew. He has called you for His own purposes.” Bishop Alan emphasised the importance of the people of God in supporting a priestly ministry. “No priest could continue his ministry if it were not for the people of God… EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 67

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68 Vocations which sup ­ ports a priest through times of discourage ­ ment.” And he added: “The whole Church in heaven and on earth is wrapping you in a mantle of prayer.” He encour ­ aged Fr Neate to “imitate the mystery you celebrate – mould your life on the mystery of the Lord’s presence.” Andrew Neate has been serving as a Permanent Deacon in the parish of Cromer and Sheringham in Norfolk. He had left his banking career early and was able, when ordained in 1996, to offer a full ­time c ommitment to the Diaconate ministry. Following a time in parish ministry in Huntingdon, he served for 17 years as a chaplain at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, being attached to Our Lady and the English Martyrs. He was married for 50 years to Margaret and was widowed three years ago. Bishop Alan, after recognising his vocation to the priesthood, asked him to undertake some studies at Allen Hall to prepare for ordination. His late wife’s family are descended from St Thomas More, and as the Seminary is on the site of More’s Chelsea House, it seemed fitting that he should study there. He had been was brought up in a Methodist household, living in south ­eas t London. He left school at sixteen and worked for an American company in central London, spe ­ cialising in Personnel Relations. At the same time, he joined an Ecumenical Commu ­ nity, The Bede House Association, founded by Clare College, Cambridge. Originally founded to help the deprived dockers of Bermondsey, it had come to focus on young people. There he was influenced by many Anglican and Catholic Clergy and subse ­ quently decided to embrace the Catholic Faith He was for ten years director of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, using hospital contacts to build up the nursing help for assisted pilgrims. Lourdes has always been a deeply enriching place for him and important for his spiritual journey. In Cromer he has been active in the parish while also needing time for his wife’s care. In this he has been grateful for much support and prayer from the parish. Bishop Alan ordains Fr Andrew Neate in   September. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 68

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Vocations 69 Vocations – Deacons Jacob Cheriyan and Prameel Joseph Deacons Jacob Cheriyan and Prameel Joseph, both from Peter ­ borough, were ordained as permanent deacons by Bishop   Alan Hopes in July at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich, reports Eldred Willey. n Jacob Cheriyan from Sacred Heart and St Oswald in Peterborough joined the ranks of East Anglia’s permanent deacons in July, when he was ordained at St John’s Cathe ­ dral. Around 125 friends, family members and fellow parishioners came to the ordination Mass to show their support for Jacob. They were joined by a number of priests, includ ­ ing Fr Philip Shryane, who played a key role in encouraging Jacob to train for the dia ­ conate. Jacob said that he had sensed the call to become a deacon during a Mass at St Peter’s in Gorleston on the Feast of St Stephen. Hearing the story of the saint, he had said to Bishop Alan presents Deacon Jacob Cheriyan with the book of the   Gospels. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 69

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70 Vocations himself: “I wish I could be like that.” In his homily, Bishop Alan referenced St Stephen, pointing out that it was his powerful proclamation of the Gospel which had led to his martyrdom. Stephen, he said was a man who had a “burning love of the Gospel”. He also spoke about another deacon and martyr from the early Church, St Laurence, who when commanded by the Roman authorities to turn over the treasures of the church had brought along poor people, widows and orphans and said: “Here are the treasures of the Church.” Bishop Alan described the three distinctive responsibilities of a deacon: to be a minis ­ ter of the Word, a minister at the altar, and a minister of loving service to others. “Your loving service must go way beyond what society would call service,” he said. In his response at the end of the service Jacob said: “I want to thank Bishop Alan Hopes for the wise counsel he has always given me. I can only say, as King David did, who am I, and who is my house, that you have brought me to this point?” Jacob expressed a special word of gratitude for his family: his wife Rosily, and his three sons, Isaac, Abraham and Joseph. He finished with a word of thanks in Malayalam, his native language, and the celebration ended with a round of applause for him. Jacob currently works as a full ­time chaplain a t the high ­ security prison HMP White ­ moor, a role which he will continue now that he has been ordained. n Prameel Joseph, from St Luke’s in Peterbor ­ ough, ful ­ filled a call to ordina ­ tion he has felt for many years when Bishop Alan or ­ dained him to the dia ­ conate at St John’s Cathedral. When he was younger, Prameel, who is from India, joined a religious congregation called the Rosminian Fa ­ thers. During a discernment at the end of two years, however, it became clear the Prameel was called to live his vocation in married life. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 70

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He left the Ros ­ minian Fathers and later found a pastoral role as a prison chaplain; for the last six years he has been Catholic chaplain at HMP Littlehay. With his wife Bigi he has had three sons: Clement, Calvin and Clay ­ ton. A number of years ago he shared with Canon John Minh his continuing desire for ordina ­ tion. Canon Minh encouraged him to “sit down and have a chat” and was soon affirm ­ ing Prameel’s sense of calling. After four years of training for the diaconate he arrived at the moment of ordination on Thursday July 30. In his homily for the occasion, Bishop Alan recalled the saint and martyr St Stephen. “Stephen’s story reminds us that no matter the cost it is always of primary importance to witness to the truth who is Christ,” he said. Bishop Alan drew attention to one part of the ceremony, the laying on of hands, which he said was “a symbol of the calling down of the Holy Spirit to give you new strength and…the sign of the apostolic succession transmitted through the Church”. He concluded his homily by speaking of the ministry of love: “Love is the first priority of the Church. It is the Church’s very essence…This must be the hallmark of your min ­ istry.” At the end of the Mass, Prameel gave thanks to God in the words of the Magnificat: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”. He took the op ­ portunity to thank Bishop Alan publicly for “the encouragement you have always given”. He also paid tribute to his wife Bigi for her support, and to his sons: “Clayton, thank you for bringing the rosary and saying: ‘Daddy, it’s time for prayer.’” Vocations 71 Deacon Prameel Joseph distributes Holy Communion for the first time after his ordination in July. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 71

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72 Obituaries Archbishop   Peter Smith (1944 ­2020) Tributes were paid to Archbishop Peter Smith, previously the second Catholic Bishop of East Anglia, who died peacefully on March 6, after a short illness . n Archbishop Peter, aged 76, was the second Bishop of East An ­ glia and served the Diocese from 1995 until 2001 when he was translated to the See of Cardiff. He became Arch ­ bishop of South ­ wark in 2010 until his retirement in 2019. Bishop Alan Hopes said: “I know that many of you will have fond remem ­ brances and many stories of Archbishop Peter during his six years here which you will share with each other,” said Bishop Alan. “I have always been most grateful to him for his wise advice and encouragement both personally and at the Bishops’ Conference. “For over 50 years, he made an outstanding contribution to the Catholic Church across three dioceses and nationally on the Bishops’ Conference. His straightforward faith, his sense of humour, honesty and humanity and his ability to cut to the chase in any debate stand out in a life which was dedicated to the Lord and his Church. May he rest in peace.” Cardinal Vincent Nichols, said: “Archbishop Peter devoted his life entirely and unwa ­ veringly to the service of the Lord in His Church. Peter served as bishop in three dioce ­ ses. There are, then, many who will remember him personally and treasure those memories.” Fr William Wells (1929 ­2020) Fr William Wells had a very unusual and wide ­ ranging ministry. Fr Michael Rear pays tribute . n Born into an Australian Anglican family he became a member of the Bush Brother ­ EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 72

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hood of St Paul as soon as he was ordained deacon in 1952; a missionary community which lived under vows, and ministered to remote Aboriginal communities that could ­ n’t be reached by road. The priests were described as a ‘band of men’ who could ‘preach like Apostles’ and ‘ride like cowboys’. It is eye ­popping t o imagine that rotund and jolly character we knew and loved in and around Walsingham, as an adventurous young man astride a horse. The idea of religious life took hold of him and brought him to England in 1961 to test his vocation at the Anglican Monastery of Our Lady and St Benedict, Nashdom Abbey. Although he left before final vows he never set foot in Aus ­ tralia again. After a short spell as Chaplain to the Sisters of the Holy Paraclete in Whitby, his missionary vocation took over once more. Like many re ­ markable Anglo ­Ca tholic priests of his day he answered the call to work in deprived parts of Central America, where he spent 15 years as a parish rector and also head ­ master of a Church school. On returning to England in 1980 he worked as a prison chaplain in Rudgate and Thorpe Arch Remand Centre for young offenders, before becoming Vicar of Brambles Farm, Middlesborough. It was a tough assignment, and the church building eventually closed due to vandalism, lack of funds and arson. He stayed for seven years before retiring to the peace of Walsingham, a cheerful presence in the vil ­ lage. There he was received into the Catholic Church and ordained priest at the age of 68, along with eight other elderly former Anglicans; William wasn’t the oldest. They have all given the most wonderful service to the Church, well justifying Bishop Peter’s trust in them. Bishop Peter paid a beautiful tribute in his homily: “Many men reaching your age would say ‘I’ve laboured long and hard in the vineyard of the Lord and I’m ready to hang up my boots’. But you brethren have asked to carry on, and I salute you.” So did the parishioners of Walsingham where he frequently celebrated Mass at the An ­ nunciation, as well as hearing Confessions each Saturday at the Shrine. There was a lovely naivety about him. On visiting the doctor for some ailment he was told that red wine would be good for him. It wasn’t long before people noticed ­ inevit ably he col ­ Obituaries 73 EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 73

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74 Obituaries lapsed. The doctor came and respectfully enquired, ‘Do you drink, father’? ‘Yes’ he as ­ sured him, ‘you told me to’. ‘About how much’? ‘I try to drink a bottle a day’, William answered. ‘I meant a glass’, replied the horrified doctor. From that moment William never drank another drop. In 2003, he moved to Blakeney where, like his predecessors over many years, he be ­ came almost priest ­in ­char ge, greatly loved and respected. His solitary retirement years were spent studying, rather like a monk. He gained his BTh in Oxford, and then a Master of Laws in Catholic canon law. His erudite homilies became legendary, and all those who heard him thought them wonderful even if they couldn’t understand every ­ thing he said. Fr Michael Teader (1939 ­2020) Fr Michael Teader, parish priest at St Felix in Haverhill, died peacefully on February 7. Fr Christopher Smith, from Newmarket parish, pays tribute. n Fr Michael Teader was Suffolk born and bred. He spent his early years in Hundon, and apart from National Service in the RAF in Ely, he was to spend the rest of his life in Haverhill. After National Ser ­ vice, Michael worked in the Trustees Saving Bank, before train ­ ing as a teacher. Here he found his vocation and an outlet for his abili ­ ties. Michael influ ­ enced generations of Haverhill people, as well as Newly Qualified Teachers whom he took under his wing. As he grew up in Hundon, the then Rector nurtured his Christian faith and made a last ­ ing impression. The parish was in the Anglo ­Ca tholic tradition and this would ulti ­ mately lead Michael to the Catholic Church. As an Anglican and later as a Catholic, Michael had a firm and unwavering faith in God. His Christian vision was to inform and influence his life as a teacher, deacon and priest. Michael took early retirement from his job as Deputy Headteacher of St Felix Primary School and then worked as a lay Catholic Chaplain in HMP Highpoint. At the same time he began his formation for the diaconate. He was ordained deacon in 1996. When his elderly father died, Bishop Peter Smith, the then Bishop of East Anglia, invited Michael to begin formation for the priesthood. Fr Michael was ordained priest in 2001 and was EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 74

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Obituaries 75 to spend the whole of his priestly ministry in Haverhill, until he had to stand down through ill health in November 2019. Pope Francis has encouraged the Church to be bold and to go out to the periphery, to the edges. This is what Fr Michael was to do as teacher, deacon and priest. As a teacher he had a special concern for children whom others would deem difficult. His prison ministry bore great fruit. Seminarians were sent to him on pastoral placement and saw at first hand pastoral priesthood as it was lived. He was responsible for the building of the new church in Haverhill. More important than the construction of a building was Fr Michael’s building up of the Catholic com ­ munity in Haverhill so it became what it is today: a vibrant, outward ­looking , multicul ­ tural community united in worship, service and witness. In the town, Fr Michael pioneered the St Nicholas’ Hospice Hub, which sought to take hospice chaplaincy out into the community. Fr Michael once said of his prison ministry that he sought to ‘open a window onto the love and mercy of God’. That characterised not only his prison work but the whole of his ministry as a deacon and priest. Although on his own admission somewhat shy by nature, Michael had a natural capac ­ ity for friendship and he had a wide circle of friends. He was great company. Among his interests were gardening, reading, travel, music and art. His was a life well lived in friendship with God and others. Deacon Peter Coates (1940 ­2020) Deacon Peter Coates from Woodbridge has died, aged 80, after a long illness. Fr Edmund Eggleston pays tribute. n Peter Coates was born during the Second World War in Darlington and was never seen by his father who died on active service in Egypt. In infancy, Peter was given up for dead on at least two occasions but revived. These episodes were almost certainly due to the congenital condition known as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) which contin ­ ued to cause problems for Peter throughout his life. After grammar school, he worked as a mental nurse, as a care assistant in a hostel for destitute people, and for Dr Barnardo’s Homes before training for ministry in the Methodist Church. He claimed that his Bachelor of Divinity degree from the University of London made him the only Methodist Minister with a degree in the Roman Catholic Mass. At the age of eight, Peter told his mother that he had a vocation to be ordained and to work amongst the poorest people. Most of his ministry in the Methodist Church was based in inner London and his last appointment was as Chaplain to Rochester Borstal and Secretary of the London South East Synod as well as Chaplain to the European Youth Council and Leader of the first British delegation to the East German Methodist Church. After leaving the Methodist Church, Peter worked in Prison Education before becom ­ ing Deputy Director of Replan, a government programme working with Further Educa ­ tion Colleges and unemployed people. This led to work on projects sponsored by the European Union. He also gained an academic diploma in Adult Continuing Education, a EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 75

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76 Obituaries Master of Education degree and a Fellowship in the Char ­ tered Institute of Personnel and Development. During this time, by separate routes, both Peter and his wife Kathleen, came to be ­ lieve that it was right to ask to be received into the Roman Catholic Church. In 1995, Peter went to Azer ­ baijan as Team Leader on a project to reform the Ministry of Labour. This project lasted for a year and Peter has been credited with helping to found the Catholic Church there. The first public Mass since the communist revolution of 1918 was celebrated in his flat by Fr Colin Taylor from the Notting ­ ham Diocese. After Peter’s visit to the Nuncio in Tiblisi, Georgia, two priests were sent to Baku to establish the parish and build the new Church. The following year Peter went to Moldova, to be joined there by Kathleen and their son Alister a few months later. Moldova had the lowest GDP in Europe and, through voluntary work with the Church and with Caritas Moldova while living in a village shar ­ ing people’s lives, that early vocation began to be fulfilled. He was later ordained to the Order of Deacons on January 6, 2001 by the Rt Rev Anton Cosa, Bishop of Chi şin ău. Peter continued to work on projects mainly in Moldova but also in Kyrgystan, but eventually the EDS caught up with him again and gave rise to a few misdiagnoses in both countries and the UK. The family had to return to England and Peter was very ill during the early part of 2003. After recovering, he became an assistant to the Catholic Chaplain at Feltham Young Offenders Institute until Bishop Anton arranged an Ameri ­ can contract enabling Peter to commute to Moldova eight times per year. In August 2005 the family came to live in Woodbridge. The charity Moldova not For ­ gotten was set up to continue the work there. He was the first permanent deacon in Eastern Europe. With permission from Bishop Michael Evans, and later Bishop Alan Hopes, Peter minis ­ tered in the parish of Saint Thomas of Canterbury at Woodbridge from 2005 and he wrote a regular column for our diocesan website newspaper – Catholic East Anglia. Peter continued to be incardinated to the Diocese of Chi şin ău, Moldov a. Peter died in Ipswich hospital on June 23, aged 80. He is survived by his wife Kathleen, three children, and grandchildren. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 76

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Obituaries 77 Canon Michael Hazell (1933 ­2020) Retired priest Canon Michael Hazell, who lived in Ipswich, died after a long battle with cancer in March. Writing to diocesan clergy, Bishop Alan said: “I am writing to inform you of the sad news that Canon Michael Hazell died this morning after a long battle with cancer. Canon Michael was a priest of the Diocese of Northampton who had retired to the Diocese of East Anglia and has lived and assisted in the parish of St Mary’s Ipswich (particularly in Holy Family, Kesgrave) for many years. “He was supremely a deeply pastoral priest and one who had a great love for the Church. His cheerfulness and positivity in the last two years of ill health and suffering are an example to us all. May he rest in peace. “The prayers and thoughts of the Diocese are especially with his two sisters, Annie and Molly, with the Bishop and the Diocese of Northampton, and the people of St Mary’s and Holy Family, Kesgrave, at this time. “The funeral will be a private cele ­ bration for the family only, but a Diocesan Requiem Mass for Canon Michael will be arranged when the present pandemic crisis is ended,” said Bishop Alan. In 2018, Canon Michael celebrated a special jubilee – marking 60 years of his service as a priest at the annual Celebration of Priesthood at the Bishop’s White House in Por ­ ingland. Deacon Raymond Howlings (1923 ­2020) Deacon Raymond Howlings, who served at St George’s in Norwich, died in April at the age of 97, after a long illness. Deacon Raymond was one of a large group of men ordained for the permanent dia ­ conate by Bishop Alan Clarke for the Diocese back in 1991 and served in the parish of St George’s, Norwich. Bishop Alan said: “For some years now, Deacon Raymond has been housebound, suf ­ fering from various medical conditions and was cared for sacramentally and pastorally by Fr Sean Connolly and parishioners at home. May he rest in peace. The Diocese of ­ fers its condolences and prayers to his nephew and other family members.” EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 77

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78 Obituaries Deacon Ron O’Toole (1930 ­2020) North Norfolk Permanent Deacon Ron O’Toole, who had a great love of the Catholic faith, died on August 11 at the age of 90. Fr James Walsh pays tribut e. n Ron had a long and varied life. At the age of 18 he entered the Cistercian abbey of Mount St Bernard where he spent eight years. It was an experience that marked him deeply and gave him a solid spiritual formation which was to shape his future life and ministry. It was with some reluctance that he left the abbey on the understanding that he might return one day. However when he later visited the abbey it was with his wife Inge and four children! Ron was born in Plymouth, the only child of a naval father and a staunchly Catholic Irish mother. His education in the faith began in an Anderson shelter when his mother taught him his prayers, said endless rosaries and intro ­ duced him to the lives of the saints. His working life began as an accountant at Philips Electrical where he met Inge and they married in 1957. He was of ­ fered a job as sales rep for the publish ­ ing firm Burns Oates. The work was congenial but the salary was not sufficient to support a growing family. Never one to refuse a challenge he took up agriculture, managing the farm for the Do ­ minican community at Spode House for several years. He then trained as a social worker and joined the Catholic Social Service. This brought him in contact with prison life which he saw as an opportunity for pastoral work. This was recognised by Bishop Casey who suggested that he could do this as a permanent deacon in the Brentwood diocese. He was ordained to the diaconate by Bishop Butler in 1979. Finally, he joined the Apostleship of the Sea and worked at Anchor House in the London docklands for ten years. On his retirement, Ron and Inge moved to Norfolk where he was able to continue his diaconal ministry in the parishes of Cromer, Sheringham and North Walsham. Ron had a great love of the Catholic faith and had a natural gift for instructing adult converts and leading Bible study groups. In recent years he conducted many funerals, support ­ ing families through bereavement and, on more than one occasion, resolving family divisions. Ron was good company. He enjoyed a good bottle of wine – preferably red – and was a mine of information about local hostelries. He was a family man, devoted to Inge, his four children, seven grandchildren and two great ­gr andchildren. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 78

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Since 2002 the Diocese of East Anglia is privileged to have formed special charitable rela tionships with tw o twin dioceses, the La tin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (the Holy Land) and the Apostolic Prefec ­ ture of Ba tt ambang (Cambodia). n As well as individual parishes and schools entering into twinning arrangements and suppor ting humanit arian projects within those partnerships, our Diocese has provided funding for a number of ini tia tiv es including house renova ti ons, educa ti onal provision, medical support, cateche tic al ini tia ti ves, sponsoring of seminarians, university scholar ­ ships and music ac tivities. Holy Land n In the Holy Land, the charitable e ff orts of the Diocese are channelled through the La tin P atri ­ archate, which has an established procedure for assessing funding requests and monitor ­ ing their delivery in order that the money raised is used to best e ff ect. 2020 has been one of the most di fficult peri ­ ods for the Chris tian community as a result of Covid ­19. The bor ­ ders with Israel have been closed, which means that those living in the West Bank have been unable to go to work there. Even more devasta ting , pilgrims and tourists have not been able to visit the West Bank – especially Bethlehem – so this has resulted in a total loss of income for everyone. This has led to a sharp increase in the requests re ­ ceived for humanitarian support. There have been numerous requests from families in desperate need to put food on the table; buy hygiene supplies; buy medicines or pay utili ties bills. Various deaneries and parishes have already established links with parishes and schools in the Holy Land or taken on speci fic pr ojects. If you would like to know more about suppor ting the Chris tians in the Holy Land, either as an individual or a parish, please contact Mgr Peter Leeming at The tf or d, who has responsibility for the rela tion ­ ship between the two dioceses. Mgr Peter Leeming is also diocesan co ­or dinator of the Friends of the Holy Land which provides news updates on the region through its website: www.friendso ftheholyland.or Building Bridges 79 Children’s Summer Camp, Madaba, provided by Patriar ­ chate parishes, funded in part by the Diocese of East Anglia. Building Bridges together EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 79

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80 Building Bridges Cambodia n In Cambodia, our Diocese has helped to build a learning centre at Ta Om, restore a nursery and middle school at Kompong Ko, built nursery schools in Nikum and Chrab Viel, restored a church in Ta Om and a parish centre in Pailin. A floa ting schoolr oom at Prek Toal was also saved and repaired a ft er funds were pro ­ vided by supporters in Ely parish. For more informa tion about suppor ting a pr oject in Cambodia, please contact Mgr Philip Shryane at Hun ting don Parish on Deanery connec tions include: Bury St E dmunds Deanery – Siem Reap; St Mary’s, Ip ­ swich – Ba tt ambang & Chamnoam; Cos tessey – Ta Hen; North Walsham – Sisophon; Ely – Prek Taol; St Francis of Assisi School, Norwich – Kbal Spean School. A parishioner from St Mary’s in Ipswich has wri tt en a book about the friendship which has grown up with villages in Cambodia through the diocesan Building Bridges scheme. Dr Marie­Madeleine K enning’s book, Then the Khmer Rouge Came, charts the develop ­ ing rela tionship be tween the Diocese of East Anglia and the Ba tt ambang Prefecture in Cambodia. The book, at £14.99, is available from From time t o ti me, pilgrimage groups visit Cambodia. If you would like details about these, or to discuss suppor ting a pr oject or twinning your parish or school, please con ­ tact: Mgr Philip Shryane at Hun ting don. Xavier school Svay Sisophon, supported by North Walsham Parish. EastAnglia2021YearbookFrontSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:53 Page 80

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Parish Directory 81 PARISH   DIRECTORY Key : (+) Indicates registered for marriages Indicates wheelchair access Indicates loop system for hearing ­aid user s installed Many parishes are now live ­s treaming at least some of their Masses. Please see their own websites for current details. Parish 1 (+) CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST Address Earlham Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA. (1722; 1894; 1910; cons 1957) Tel 01603 624615 Fax: 01603 623684 Email Web Clergy Rev Canon David Paul (Cathedral Dean) Rev Laurie Locke (Priest in Residence) Rev Leo Michael SJ (Assistant Priest) Rev Simon Davies (Assistant Priest) Deacon Rev Patrick Limacher Address Cathedral House, Unthank Road, NR2 2PA Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 9am, 11am, 5.30pm; Hds 7.30am, 10am, 7pm. Polish, Sat 4pm. Syro ­Malabar litur gy: Sun 3pm, first Sun 1pm Vespers: Sun 4.30 Confessions Sat 10.30 ­11am, 5.15 ­6pm, 6.45­7pm; Sun 4.45 ­5.30pm; Tues 7.30 ­8pm, or by appoin tment Duckett Library Librarian & Committee Chair: Peter Thorn Tel: 01603 724383 Email: Cathedral Shop Tel: 01603 728937 (During opening hours) Narthex Tel: 01603 724380 Email: Schools St Francis of Assisi Primary School Tel: 01603 441484 Notre Dame High School Tel: 01603 611431 Notre Dame Prep School Tel: 01603 625593 Hospitals Colman Hospital (Priscilla Bacon Lodge) Tel: 01603 255720 Norwich Community Hospital Tel: 01603 776776 Julian Hospital Tel: 01603 421800 Norwich BUPA Hospital Tel: 01603 456181 Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Tel: 01603 286286 Other places of worship in the Parish: (+) WEST EARLHAM, Holy Apostles, Address Scarnell Road, West Earlham. (1953, 1996) Tel 01603 624615 Email Clergy Rev Laurie Locke Mass Sun 9am, Hds 9am Syro Malabar Rite Mass: 3rd Saturday of month Night Vigil 1st Friday of month 7 ­10pm EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 1

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82 Parish Directory Confessions Sun 8.30am ACLE ­ see Gr eat Yarmouth (Parish 19) ALCONBURY (RAF Station) Address Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4DA Tel 01480 843343 Clergy Rev Brendan Mbagwu, Catholic Chaplain Capt USAF RAF Alconbury (Catholic Chaplain, 501 CSW/HC, RAF Alconbury AB) Services Sun M 9.30am; Tue 1130am; (Thu 11.30am at RAF Molesworth) Confessions By appointment Parish 2 ALDEBURGH, Suffolk. (+) OUR LADY AND ST PETER Address 15 The Terrace, Aldeburgh, IP15 5HJ (1906; 1924) Clergy Rev Mgr Anthony Rogers Tel 07778 221509 Email Web Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 11am; Hds 10am Confessions Sat 5.30pm Hospitals Aldeburgh and District Community Hosp Tel: 01728 452778 Care Homes Aldringham Court Tel: 01728 832191 Chantry House Tel: 01728 603377 Garrett House Tel: 01728 453249 Leiston Old Abbey Tel: 01728 830944 Norwood House Tel: 01728 668600 Other places of worship in the Parish: LEISTON , Suffolk (+) Address All Saints, Seaward Avenue. (1919; 1964) Services Sun 9.15am; Hds 7pm Confessions Sun 9am ATTLEBOROUGH, Norfolk. See Wymondham (Parish 51) AYLSHAM, Norfolk. See North Walsham (Parish 32) BAR HILL, Cambs. See Our Lady and English Martyrs, Cambridge (Parish 7) Parish 3 BECCLES, Suffolk. (+) ST BENET’S MINSTER Address St Mary’s Road, Beccles, NR34 9NR (1898; 1901; cons 1908) Tel 01502 713179 Email Web Clergy Rev Dom Martin Gowman OSB (Priest in Charge) ­ 2, Gr ange Road, Beccles, NR34 9NR EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 2

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Parish Directory 83 Deacons Rev Michael Wells Rev Anthony Felton Mass Sun 10.30am, 6pm Holy Days, 9.15am; 7pm Confessions Sat 10am and on request School St Benet’s Primary School Tel: 01502 712012 Hospital War Memorial Hospital Tel: 01502 719800 Other places of worship in the Parish: GILLINGHAM , Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Address Gillingham, Norfolk, NR34 0AE Web Services Sun, M 8am Hds, M 8am BLAKENEY, Norfolk. See Walsingham (Parish 47) Parish 4 BRANDON, Suffolk. (+) St Thomas of Canterbury Address Brandon Rd, Weeting, Brandon, IP27 0PT (1923; 1976: cons 1993) Tel 01842 812200 Email parishpriest@stthomas ­s Web www.stthomas ­s Clergy Rev Luke Goymour, 18 Stuart Close, Brandon, IP27 0HB Mass Sun 9am (Polish), 11am Hds times vary, see newsletter/website Confessions After Sunday Mass and by appointment Nursing Home Brandon Park Tel: 01842 812400 Other places of worship in the Parish: MILDENHALL , St John the Evangelist, Address St John’s Close, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7NX Mass Sun 9am Hds times vary, see newsletter/Web Confessions Before Sunday Mass and by appointment ‘Lunch Bunch’ St John’s Church, St John’s Close, IP28 7NX Tel: 01638 718066 Residential Homes Mabbs Hall Tel: 01638 712222 Mildenhall Lodge Tel: 0333 321 1971 BRANTHAM, Suffolk. See St Mark’s, Ipswich. (Parish 24) BRETTON, Peterborough. See Peterborough (Parish 36) BUCKDEN, Cambs (+) St Hugh of Lincoln, See St Neots (Parish 39) Address The Towers, Buckden, St, Neots, PE19 5TA (1957) (Claretian Missionaries (CMF) EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 3

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84 Parish Directory Tel 01480 810344 Web Clergy For details of Parish Clergy and Mass times see Parish 39 – St Neots Retreats St Claret Retreat Centre Tel: 01480 810344 Web www.buckden ­t Parish 5 BUNGAY, Suffolk. (+) St Edmund, King and Martyr Address 1 St Mary’s Street, Bungay, NR35 1AX (1657, 1823, 1891, cons 1910) Tel 01986 893355 Email Web Clergy Rt. Rev Dom Charles Fitzgerald ­Lombar d OSB MPhil Mass Sat 6.30pm; Sun 10.30am Hds 9.15am Confessions Sat 10.30am School St Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01986 892502 Other places of worship in the Parish: HARLESTON , Norfolk. St Thomas More, Address Jays Green, Harleston, IP20 9HH Mass Sun 9am, Hds 7.30pm BURNHAM MARKET, Norfolk. See Walsingham (Parish 47) Parish 6 BURY ST EDMUNDS, Suffolk. (+) St Edmund, King and Martyr Address 21 Westgate St, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG (1685; 1791; 1837) Tel 01284 754358 Email Web Clergy Rev Canon David Bagstaff (Vicar General) Rev Jaylord Magpuyo (Assistant Priest) Rev Michael Brookes (Assistant Priest) Deacons Rev Alan McMahon Rev Brett Gladden Mass Sat 6pm, Sun 8.30am 10.30am and 6pm Hds 9.30am, 12 noon, 7.30pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass: First Sat 3pm, Third Sun 1.30pm Polish Mass: Second and Fourth Sat 4pm Confessions Sat 10.30 ­11am; W ed 10.30 ­11am Schools St Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01284 755141 St Benedict’s Upper School Tel: 01284 753512 Moreton Hall Prep School Tel: 01284 753532 Hospitals West Suffolk Hospital Tel: 01284 713000 Nuffield Hospital Tel: 01284 701371 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 4

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Parish Directory 85 St Nicholas’ Hospice Tel: 01284 766133 Other places of worship in the Parish: COLDHAM COTTAGE , Suffolk, Our Lady Immaculate and St Joseph, Address Bury Road, Lawshall, IP29 4PL Mass Sun 10.30am, Hds Vigil M 7pm Confessions On request GREAT BARTON , Suffolk, Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion, Address East Barton Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, IP31 2RF Tel 01284 787321 Fax 01284 788012 Email Web Sister Superior: Sr Thaya Moses OSB Chaplain (in residence) Rev Dick Healey Services Sun M 10.30am, Morning Prayer 7.30am, Evening Prayer 4.45pm, M Mon to Sat 8.15am Facility Residential and Sheltered Accommodation for the Elderly CAISTER ­ON­SE A, Norfolk. See Great Yarmouth (Parish 19) CAMBOURNE, Cambs. See Sawston (Parish 40) Parish 7 CAMBRIDGE, Our Lady of the Assumption & the English Martyrs (+) Address Hills Road, CB2 1JR (1841; 1890; cons 1890) Tel 01223 350787 Fax 01223 314843 Email Web Chancery Email: Clergy Rt Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness OSB Obl, KCHS, GCStG, MA, STB, MCL, JCL (Chancellor) Rev Alan Hodgson (Assistant Priest) Rev Joseph Welch (Orat) (Assistant Priest) Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 8am, 9.30am, 11am; 12.45pm (Polish); 4.30pm; 6.30pm (Latin) Hds 6.15pm; 8am, 10am, 12.15pm; 7pm (Sung) Confessions Sat 9 ­9.30am, 10.30 ­11.15am, 4.30 ­5.15pm Religious Congregation of Jesus: 7/8 Brookside, CB2 1JE Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ Tel: 01223 272910 Dominican Sisters: 155 Huntingdon Rd, CB3 0DH Tel: 01223 353730 Canonesses of St Augustine: 58 St Matthews Gardens, CB1 2PJ Sr Jennifer Dines CSA Schools St Alban’s Primary School Tel: 01223 712148 St Mary’s School (Independent) Tel: 01223 353253 St Bede’s Inter ­Chur ch Secondary School Tel: 01223 568816 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 5

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86 Parish Directory Hospitals Fulbourn Hospital Tel: 01223 726789 Ida Darwin Hospital Tel: 01223 726789 Other places of worship in the Parish: BAR HILL , Cambs. (+) Church Centre, Hanover Close, Bar Hill, Cambridge. CB23 8EH Clergy Rev Adrian   Ga tes (Priest ­in ­ Charge) Services Sun Vigil M Sat evng 6pm DITTON LANE , Cambridge, St Vincent de Paul, 30 Ditton Lane, Cambridge. CB5 8SP Clergy Rev Adrian   Ga tes (Priest ­in ­ Charge) Services Sun M 10.15am BLACKFRIARS, Priory of St Michael, Archangel Address Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 ODD (1238, destroyed 1538, restored 1938) Tel 01223 741251 Email Web Clergy Very Rev Euan Marley OP (Prior) Rev Dominic White OP (Bursar) Rev Gregory Pearson, OP (Master of Novices) Rev Robert Eccles OP (Sub Prior) Rev Nicholas Crowe OP Rev Robert Verrill OP Rev Colin Carr OP Mass Sun 8.15am, 9.15am (Latin), 11am (sung conventual); 6pm Sunday morning prayer, 7.45am. evening prayer 7pm MARGARET BEAUFORT INSTITUTE , (Roman Catholic member body of the Cambridge Theological Foundation, offers qualifications in pastoral theology) Address 12 Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DU Tel 01223 741039 Fax 01223 741054 Principal Dr Anna Abram ST EDMUND’S COLLEGE CHAPEL (Cons 25th October 2000) (A constituent College of the University of Cambridge) Address Mount Pleasant, Cambridge, CB3 0BN Tel 01223 336250 Master: Ms Catherine Arnold MBE Dean: Rev Ed Hone CSsR Dean’s Assistant: Rev Prof Allen Brent DD (Fellow Commoner); Other Clergy: Rev Alban McCoy OFM Conv BA, MLitt, MLitt (Emeritus Fellow), Rev Deacon Dr Geoffrey Cook, MSc, PhD, (Life Fellow); Mass Sun 10.30am, Hds 6.15pm UNIVERSITY (See Cambridge University Chaplaincy) Parish 8 CAMBRIDGE, St Laurence (+) Address 91 Milton Road, CB4 1XB (1938; 1958; 2006 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 6

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Parish Directory 87 Tel 01223 704640 Email Web Clergy Rev Canon Simon Blakesley Email Rev Bob Eccles OP Deacon Rev Geoffrey Cook Mass Sat 6pm; Sun M 8am, 11am Hds M 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions Sat 10.15 ­11am; 5.30 ­5.55pm School St Laurence Primary School Tel: 01223 712227 Hospital Spire Hospital Tel: 01223 266900 Other places of worship in the Parish: ST   LA URENCE   SCHOOL, Address Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JX Tel 01223 712227 Mass Sun 9.30am, Hds 9.30am Confessions Sun 9.15am Parish 9 CAMBRIDGE, St Philip Howard (+) Address 33 Walpole Road, Cherry Hinton, CB1 3TH Tel 01223 211235 Email Web Clergy Rev Philip John Panthamkal SM Email Assistant Priest Rev Peter Edwards, 42, Kelvin Close, Cambridge, CB1 8DN Tel: 01223 240757 Email: Deacon Rev John Bell, 3 Applewood Close, Cherry Hinton, CB1 9NU Tel: 07502 560610 Email: Mass Sat 5.30pm; Sun 10am, 12noon Hds: 9.30am, 5.30pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 1st Sat of month 7pm; Sun 7.40am Night Vigil 3rd Friday 6 – 9pm Confessions Fri and Sat after Mass Hospital All chaplaincy referrals must be made directly to the Chaplaincy Office in the first instance. Cambridge University Hospital Tel: 01223 217769, Chaplaincy Rosie Maternity Tel: 01223 217769, Chaplaincy Brookfields Tel: 01223 723000 Arthur Rank Hospice Tel: 01223 723110, Chaplaincy CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC CHAPLAINCY Address Fisher House, Guildhall Street, CB2 3NH Tel 01223 742192 Fax 01223 329180 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 7

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88 Parish Directory Web Staff Rev Mgr Mark Langham (Chaplain) Rev Chase Pepper CSC Sr Ann Catherine Swailes OP, (Chaplaincy Asst) Tel: 01223 742193) Rev Robert Verrill OP (Acting Chaplain) Mass Sat 6pm (Spoken English) Sun 9am (Sung Latin); 11am (Sung English); Confessions 4.30 – 5.30pm Saturday CAMBRIDGE POLISH MISSION Address Polonia House, 231, Chesterton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1AS Tel 01223 368539 Clergy Rev Waldemar Niewinski Mass Sun 12.45 at Our Lady and English Martyrs (Parish 8) Mass in Polish also available in Huntingdon Parish. CHATTERIS Cambs. See March (Parish 30) Parish 10 CLARE, Suffolk. (+) Mother of Good Counsel l Address Clare Priory, Ashen Road, CO10 8NX (Founded 1248; restored 1953) Augustinian (OSA) Retreat and Prayer Centre Tel 01787 277326 Fax 01787 278688 Email Web Clergy Rev Stefan Park OSA (Prior) Rev Ian Wilson OSA (Parish Priest) Rev David Middleton OSA Rev George Donaghy OSA Mass Sun 8am, 10am Hds Vigil 7pm, 10am Confessions Sat 10.45 – 11.45am and on call Prison HMP Highpoint North Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9YG Tel: 01440 743595 Chaplaincy Rev David Middleton OSA COLDHAM COTTAGE Suffolk. See Bury St Edmunds (Parish 6) Parish 11 COSTESSEY, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady and St Walstan Address The Presbytery, Townhouse Rd, Costessey, NR8 5AA (1564; 1841; 2006) Tel 01603 742812 Email Web Clergy Rev David Ward Deacon Rev William Dimelow Mass Sat 6pm, Sun 10.30am EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 8

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Parish Directory 89 Hds 9.15am, 7pm Confessions Weds, 6 ­6.30pm; Sa t 10.30­11am Hospital Spire Hospital Norwich Tel: 01603 456181 School St Augustine’s Primary School Tel: 01603 743317 CROMER Norfolk. See Sheringham (Parish 41) Parish 12 DEREHAM, Norfolk. (+) Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary Address 35 London Road, East Dereham, NR19 1AS (1912; 1925; 1951) Tel 01362 694066 Email Web Clergy Rev Brendan Moffatt, 35 London Road, East   Der eham, NR19 1AS Deacon Rev Martin Sanderson Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 9am, 11am Hds 10am, 7.30pm Confessions Sat 5.30pm and by appointment. Religious House: Community of Our Lady of Walsingham House of the Divine Will, Neatherd Moor, Dereham NR20 6AZ Tel: 01362 421442 Email: Web: Hospital Dereham Hospital Tel: 01362 655236 Prison HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, IP25 6RL Tel: 01440 743195 Chaplain Rev Martin Sanderson DERSINGHAM, Norfolk. See Hunstanton (Parish 21) Parish 13 DISS, Norfolk. (+) The Most Holy Trinity & St Henry Morse Address Church of St Henry Morse, Shelfanger Road, Diss, IP22 4DX (1952; 2012; Cons 2015) Tel 01379 642914 Email Web Clergy Rev Alex Anaman Mass Sat 6pm, Sun 9am; Hds 10am, 6pm Confessions Sat 10.30 – 10.45am (after Mass) Hospital Burston House Hospital Tel: 01379 741562 Hartismere Hospital Tel: 01379 870707 St John’s House, Palgrave Tel: 01379 7376877 Other places of worship in the Parish: QUIDENHAM, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Address Carmelite Monastery Chapel. (1949; Cons 24 Sept 1957) Tel 01953 887202 (Monastery) Tel 01953 716060 (Chaplain) EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 9

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90 Parish Directory Chaplain Rev Stephen Blair, St Michael’s Cottage, Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, NR16 2PG Mass Sun 10.30am, Hds 8am Confessions At call DOGSTHORPE Peterborough. See Peterborough (Parish 34) Parish 14 DOWNHAM MARKET, Norfolk. (+) St Dominic Address 17 Howdale Road, PE38 9AB (1937; 1941; Cons 28th Nov 2006) Tel 01366 382353 Email Web Clergy Rev Erico de Mello Falcao, (Chaplain to the Portuguese ­speaking communities) Mass: Sat 6pm; Sun 9.30am, 12.30pm in Portuguese Hds 9.30am, 7pm Confessions Sat 5.30 ­ 5.50pm Residential Homes: Ashville House Tel: 01366 383428 Downham Grange Tel: 01366 387054 Diamond House Tel: 01366 385100 High Haven Tel: 01366 382205 Oakes Court Tel: 0303 303 0003 Victoria Hall Tel: 01366 347276 EARLHAM, Norwich. See Cathedral parish (Parish 1) Parish 15 ELY, Cambs. (+) St Etheldreda Address 19 Egremont Street, CB6 1AE (1890; 1903; Con 22 May 1987) Tel 01353 662759 Fax 01353 662759 Email Web Clergy Rev David Finegan Mass Sat 6.30pm; Sun 9am, 11am Hds 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions Sat 10.30am and by appointment Hospital Princess of Wales Hospital Tel: 01353 652000 Parish 16 FAKENHAM, Norfolk. (+) St Anthony of Padua Address 29 Wells Road, NR21 9EG (1905; 1909) Tel 01328 853481 Email Web Clergy Rev Andrew Neate (assistant Priest King’s Lynn with responsibility for Fakenham) Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 10.45am; Hds 10am, 7pm EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 10

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Parish Directory 91 Confessions Sat 5.30pm Parish 17 FELIXSTOWE, Suffolk. (+) St Felix Address 8 Gainsborough Road, IP11 7HT (1899; 1912; 1958) Tel 01394 282561 Email Web Clergy Rev John Barnes (Dean) Mass Sat 6pm, Sun 9.30am 11am (Convent of Jesus & Mary), Hds 9.30am Confessions Sat 5.15 ­5.45pm, Sun 9 ­ 9.20am and by appoin tment Convent of Jesus and Mary 63 Orwell Road, IP11 7PP Tel 01394 282386 Chaplain The Parish Priest Mass Sun 11am; Hds varies, please check Hospital Felixstowe General Hospital Tel: 01394 458820 Port of Felixstowe Chaplaincy Clergy Rev John Barnes (Chaplain) Port Chaplain Julian Wong (Stella Maris) Email FRAMLINGHAM, Suffolk. See Woodbridge (Parish 50) GAYWOOD, Norfolk. See King’s Lynn (Parish 28) GILLINGHAM, Norfolk. See Beccles (Parish 3) Parish 18 GORLESTON, Norfolk. (+) St Peter the Apostle Address Lowestoft Road, NR31 6SQ. (1889; 1939; Cons 5 May 1964) Tel 01493 301013 Email Web Clergy Rev Anthony Nwankwo SMMM (Dean) In residence: Rev Alexander Ibe SMMM (Assistant Priest) Mass Sun 9am, Hds 7.30pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 1st Sunday of month 3.30pm Night Vigil 3rd Friday of month 5.30 ­8.30pm Confessions By appointment School St Mary and St Peter Primary SchooL Tel: 01493 445117 Hospital James Paget District Hospital Tel: 01493 452452 GREAT BARTON, Suffolk. See Bury St Edmunds (Parish 6) Parish 19 GREAT YARMOUTH, Norfolk. (+) St Mary EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 11

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92 Parish Directory Address Regent Road, NR30 2AJ (1827; 1859; Cons 22 August 1950) Tel 01493 842001 Email Web Clergy Rev Anthony Nwankwo SMMM (Dean) Rev Alvan Ibeh SMMM Deacon Rev Peter Glanville Mass Sun 11am Hds 10am Mass in Portuguese ­ 5pm ev ery Thursday Confessions Sat 10.30 ­11am Hospital Northgate Hospital Tel: 01493 337652 Other places of worship in the Parish: ACLE, Norfolk. Address In St Edmund’s CofE Church, NR13 3BY Mass Sat 5pm Confessions On request CAISTER ­ON­SE A , Norfolk. St Ignatius Loyola, Address Ormesby Road, NR30 5LJ Mass Sun 5pm Confessions On request HADLEIGH, Suffolk. See Sudbury (Parish 44) HALESWORTH, Suffolk. See Southwold (Parish 42) HARLESTON, Norfolk. See Bungay (Parish 5) Parish 20 HAVERHILL, Suffolk. (+) St Felix Address Princess Way, CB9 9BP (1938; 1964, 2014) Tel 01440 702156/704923 Email Web Clergy Rev John Warrington Deacon Rev Huw Williams Mass Sat 6.30pm; Sun 10am Holy Days 9.30am; 7.30pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 4th Friday of the month, 5pm. Confessions Sat 5.45 ­6.15pm or by r equest School St Felix Primary School, School Lane Tel: 01440 703775 Fax: 01440 703421 Hospital and Nursing Homes Eastcotts Nursing Home Tel: 01440 762314 Swallows Nursing Home Tel: 01440 714745 Prison HMP Highpoint, Stradishall Tel: 01440 743100 HELLESDON, Norfolk. See Norwich, St George (Parish 33) EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 12

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Parish Directory 93 HOVETON, Norfolk. See North Walsham (Parish 32) Parish 21 HUNSTANTON, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and St Edmund Address Sandringham Road, PE36 5DR (1903; 1905; 1958) Parish office 01485 534675 Email Web Clergy Served from King’s Lynn (Parish 28) Tel 01553 772220 Mass Sun 11am Holy Days 10am Confessions At call Religious House Daughters of Divine Charity 27, Sandringham Road, PE36 5DP Tel: 01485 532837 Nursing Homes Millbridge Nursing Home Tel: 01485 570349 Rebecca Court Tel: 01485 570421 Norfolk Lodge Tel: 01485 532383 Lincoln Lodge Tel: 01485 534570 Driftwood House Tel: 01485 532241 Somerset Lodge Tel: 01485 533081 Other places of worship in the Parish: DERSINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) St Cecilia Address Mountbatten Road, PE31 6YE (Cons 22 March 1991) Tel: 01553 772220 (priest) Mass Sun 9am Hds Vigil 7.30pm Confessions After 10.15am Mass on Wednesday Parish 22 HUNTINGDON, Cambs. (+) St Michael the Archangel Address 82 Hartford Road, PE29 1XG (1872; 1900; Cons 2000) Tel 01480 453257 Email: Web Clergy Rev Mgr Philip Shryane Rev Ivan Weston Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass Sun 9am, 11am; 3.30pm (Polish) Holy Days 10am, 8pm Night Vigil 4th Saturday of month 6 ­9pm Confessions Saturday 10am Hospital Hinchingbrook Hospital Tel: 01480 416416 Other places of worship in the Parish: PAPWORTH, Cambs. Address In Parish Church, Church Lane, Papworth Everard, CB23 3QN Mass Sun Vigil Sat 6pm EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 13

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Night Vigil 2nd Friday of month 6.30 ­ 9.30pm (at Papworth Methodist Church) Confessions Before or after Mass, as requested. Parish 23 IPSWICH, (+) St James Under the canonical jurisdiction of St Mary’s Ipswich (Parish 25) Address 482 Landseer Road, IP3 9LU (1949; 1952; 1999) Tel 01473 726701 Email stjames ­ipswich@bt Clergy in residence Rev Thomas Parakandathil (Syro Malabar Chaplain) Mass Sun 9.30am Hds: 10am and 7pm Weekdays: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10am Confessions After every weekday Mass and on appointment. Parish 24 IPSWICH, (+) St Mark Address 180 Hawthorn Drive, Chantry Estate, IP2 0QQ (1959) Tel 01473 684963 Email Web Clergy Rev Paul Vincent OCD (Parish Priest) Rev Bineesh Elanjikkal John OCD Deacon Rev Clive Brookes (Rtd) Mass Sat 5.30pm; Sun 11am Hds 9am St Mark’s School (in term time), 7.30pm Confessions Fri 11.50–12.10pm, Sat. 5 ­5.20pm School St Mark’s Primary School Tel: 01473 601748 Hospital and Nursing Homes Parkview Home Ipswich Tel: 01473 228890 Prince of Wales Drive Home Tel: 01473687129 St Mary’s Holbrook Tel: 01473 328111 Monmouth Court Nursing Home Tel: 01473 685594 Other places of worship in the Parish: BRANTHAM, Suffolk. (+) Holy Family (1920) Address Holy Family   Chur ch, Brantham Hill, Brantham, Manningtree, Suffolk, CO11 1TB Mass Sun M 9am Hds Vigil M 7.30pm Confessions After Mass on request Parish 25 IPSWICH, (+) St Mary Address 322 Woodbridge Road, IP4 4BD (1827; 1838; 1960) 94 Parish Directory EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 14

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Parish Directory 95 Tel 01473 728115 Email secretary@st ­mary Web ­mary Clergy Rev Peter Raj (Parish Priest) Rev Paul Spellman (Assistant Priest) Deacon Rev Christopher Brighten Mass Sun 9am, 10.30am; 6pm Hds 9.15am, 7.30pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 4th Saturday of month, 4pm Confessions Sat after 9.30am M and by appointment Schools St Mary’s Primary, Woodbridge Road, IP4 4BA Tel: 01473 728372 St Alban’s High, Digby Road, IP4 3NJ Tel: 01473 726178 Hospital and Nursing Homes The Ipswich Hospital Tel: 01473 712233 St Elizabeth’s Hospice Tel: 01473 727776 Nuffield Hospital Tel: 01473 279100 Treehouse Children’s Hospice Tel: 01473 271334 Ipswich Hospital Tel: 01473 712233 Woodlands Tel: 01473 712233 Other places of worship in the Parish: KESGRAVE, Ipswich. (+) Holy Family and St Michael Address Main Road, Kesgrave. (1931) Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 9.15am Hds Vigil 7.30pm Confessions Sat 5.15 ­5.45 IPSWICH   POLISH   MISSION Address 82 Wellesley Road,, Ipswich, IP4 1PH Tel 07486 880441 Web Polish Chaplains Rev Pawel Nawloka Mass Sun (in Polish) 12 noon at St Mary’s (Parish 23 above) Hds (in Polish) 7pm at St Mary’s. Parish 26 IPSWICH, (+) St Mary Magdalen Address 468 Norwich Road, IP1 6JS (1954; 1956; 1979) Tel 01473 741975 Email Web Clergy Rev Canon Mathew George Mass Sun 8am, 10am, 6pm Hds 9.30am (either in Church or School), 7.30pm Confessions Sat 10am or after daily 9.30am Mass on request Schools St Pancras Primary School Tel: 01473 742074 Nursing Homes Paddy Gere Tel: 01473 747495 Sherington House Tel: 01473 464106 Shamrock House Tel: 0300 123 3511 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 15

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96 Parish Directory Parish 27 IPSWICH, (+) St Pancras Address 1 Orwell Place, IP4 1BD (1861; Cons 12 October 1961) Tel 01473 252596 Email Web Clergy Rev Russell Frost Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 9.30am, 11am Thurs 12.15pm Hds 9.30am, 12.15pm, 7pm Confessions Tues after M; Sat 11 ­11.30 and a fter 6pm M KESGRAVE, Suffolk. See Ipswich, St Mary (Parish 25) Parish 28 KING’S LYNN, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of the Annunciation Address Catholic Rectory, North Everard Street, King’s Lynn, PE30 5HQ, (1778; 1897; Cons 6 August 1947) Tel 01553 772220 Email Web www.catholicparish ­kingslynn.or Clergy Canon Peter Rollings (Dean and Parish Priest) Rev Gordon Adam (OOLW) (Assistant Priest) Deacons Rev John Belfield Rev Shaun Morrison (OOLW) Rev Martin L’Estrange Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 11.30am, Vespers and Benediction 4pm Hds 7.30pm Lithuanian Mass 1st Sunday 1.30pm, 3rd Sunday 5pm Confessions Sat 5 ­5.30pm Schools St Martha’s Primary School Tel: 01553 774829 Hospitals and Nursing Homes Queen Elizabeth Hospital Tel: 01553 613613 Sandringham Hospital Tel: 01553 769770 Fermoy Psychiatric Unit Tel: 01553 736 318 Norfolk Hospice, Tapping House Tel: 01485 601700 Other places of worship in the Parish: GAYWOOD, King’s Lynn Holy Family, Address Field Lane, Gaywood. (Cons 22 April 1985) Mass Sun 9.30am, Hds 9.30am Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 3rd Saturday of month 6.45pm Confessions After Sat 10am M KING’S LYNN Pontifical Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham (1897) Services Rosary on Fridays at 11.30am Devotions on Sundays after Benediction SEE   ALSO ­ Huns tanton and Dersingham KIRTLING, Suffolk. See Newmarket (Parish 31) EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 16

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Parish Directory 97 LAKENHEATH, Suffolk Address USAF Base Chapel Tel 01638 523711 Clergy Rev Arkadiusz Szyda (Base Chapel Bldg 990, RAF Lakenheath, Brandon, Suffolk. IP27 9PN) Mass Sun 11.15am Hds as announced Daily Mon ­ Thur s 11.30am LAWSHALL (Coldham Cottage), Suffolk. See Bury St Edmunds (Parish 6) LEISTON Suffolk. See Aldeburgh (Parish 2) LODDON, Norfolk. See Poringland (Parish 37) Parish 29 LOWESTOFT, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady Star of the Sea Address Gordon Road, NR32 1NL (1880; 1902; Cons 22 October 1952) Tel 01502 572453 Web Clergy Rev Paul Chanh Deacon Rev Stephen Pomeroy Mass Sat 5pm; Sun 10.30am Hds as announced Confessions Sat 4pm or on request Port Chaplain Rev Paul Chanh Schools St Mary’s Primary School Tel: 01502 565384 Other places of worship in the Parish: PAKEFIELD , Lowestoft. St Nicholas, Address Morton Road, Pakefield (1996) Mass Sun M 9am, Thur 9.15am Hds as announced Parish 30 MARCH, Cambs. (+) Our Lady of Good Counsel and St Peter Address 8 St John’s Road, PE15 8RJ (1911; 1953) Tel 01354 650788 Web Email Clergy Rev Nicholas Kearney Mass Sun 11am, Hds 10am Confessions On request after every Mass. May have to wait a few minutes on Sundays and other times by appointment. Religious Houses Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Tel: 01354 652266 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 17

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98 Parish Directory Assisi Convent, 11, Princes Walk. PE15 8AH Schools All Saints Inter ­Chur ch Academy Primary Tel: 01354 659000 Prison HMP Whitemoor Tel: 01354 660653 Chaplain: Rev Jacob Cheriyan Tel: 01354 602726. Other places of worship in the Parish: CHATTERIS, Cambs Cof E Church of St Peter and Paul, Address High Street, Chatteris, PE16 6BA Mass Sun 9am MARHAM Norfolk. St Margaret’s Church Address RAF Station Church Centre, RAF Marham, King’s Lynn, PE33 9NP Clergy No resident Chaplain For pastoral needs please contact Downham Market (Parish 14) MILDENHALL Suffolk. See Brandon (Parish 4) MILDENHALL, Suffolk. Our Lady of Walsingham, Address USAF Base Chapel Tel 01638 542822 Fax 01638 545401 Clergy Rev Michael Tenorio Mass Sun 4.30pm, Tue ­ Fri 11.30am Hds 11.30am, 5.30pm Confessions Sun 3.45pm or by appointment Parish 31 NEWMARKET, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda Address 14 Exeter Road, CB8 8LT (1857; 1863; 1966: 2011) Tel 01638 662492 (Office) 666305 (Evenings) Email Web Clergy Rev Christopher Smith, 14 Exeter Road, Newmarket, CB8 8LT Deacons Rev John Morrill, Rev James Hurst Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 10.30am Hds 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions Sat after 10am M and 5.30 ­5.50pm Religious Houses The Old Stable House Retreat Centre Tel: 01638 667190 Schools St Louis Academy (Primary) Tel: 01638 662719 Hospitals and Nursing Homes Newmarket Hospital Tel: 01638 564000 Kingfisher House Tel: 01638 669919 Exning Court Tel: 01638 578959 Gracewell of Kentford Tel: 01638 555090 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 18

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Parish Directory 99 Other places of worship in the Parish: KIRTLING, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady Immaculate and St Philip Neri, Address Newmarket Road, CB8 9PA (1872; 1877) Mass Sun 9am, Hds: 12noon Confessions On request Parish 32 NORTH WALSHAM, Norfolk. (+) The Sacred Heart Address Kings Arms Street, NR28 9JL (1925; 1935; 1990) Tel 01692 403258 Email Web Clergy Rev James Walsh, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham, NR28 9JP Mass Sun 11am Hds 10.30am Confessions Sat 12 ­12.30pm Hospitals North Walsham Hospital Tel: 01692 408000 St Michael’s Hospital, Aylsham Tel: 01506 842053 Prison HMP Bure, Scottow Tel: 01603 326 000 Other places of worship in the Parish: AYLSHAM, Norfolk. (+) St John of the Cross, Address White Hart Street, NR11 6HG. (1899; 1961) Mass Sun 9am Hds 9am HOVETON, Norfolk. (+) St Helen, Address Honing Road West, NR12 8QJ. (1959) Mass Sat 5.30pm Hds 6pm NORWICH, St John’s Cathedral See Cathedral (Parish 1) Parish 33 NORWICH, (+) St George Address 223 Sprowston Road, NR3 4HZ. (1869; 1964; Cons 24 May 1966) Tel 01603 426971 Email Web Clergy Rev Dr Sean Connolly Deacons Rev Ian Hatfield Rev Nicholas Greef Mass Sun M10.30am Hds 12noon and 7.30pm Confessions Sat 10.30 ­11am and by appoin tment Religious Sr Mary Richard Prendergast, CJ, 15 Suffield Court, The Great Hospital, Bishopgate, Norwich NR1 4EJ Tel: 01603 610543 Hospitals and Nursing Homes EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 19

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100 Parish Directory Hellesdon Hospital Tel: 01603 421421 Norvic Clinic Tel: 01603 439614 Other places of worship in the Parish: HELLESDON , Norwich. (+) St Boniface, Address Brabazon Road, Hellesdon. (1950; 2001) Mass Sun 8am Hds Check with St George’s – above THORPE ST ANDREW, Norwich. (+) Our Lady, Mother of God, Address St William’s Way, Thorpe St Andrew Mass Sun Sat 5.30pm Hds Check with St George’s ­ abov e NORWICH, University of East Anglia Chaplaincy Address The Catholic Chaplaincy, Multifaith Centre, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park Plain, NR4 7TJ Tel 01603 592168 Email Web Chaplain Rev Andrew Eburne Mass Sun 6pm (term time only) OXBURGH, Norfolk. See Swaffham (Parish 45) PAKEFIELD, Suffolk. See Lowestoft (Parish 29) PAPWORTH, Cambs. See Huntingdon (Parish 22) Parish 34 PETERBOROUGH, (+) St Peter and All Souls Address Park Road. (1847; 1896; Cons 24 October 1961) Presbytery Geneva Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RS Tel 01733 562528 Fax 01733 346933 Email Web Clergy Rev Adam Sowa MS (Parish Priest), Rev Waldemar Smialek MS Rev Karol Porczak MS Deacons Rev Claudio Chiappinelli Rev John Bedford Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 8.30am, 9:30am (Italian), 10.45am, 6pm. At OLOL Sun 9.15am Hds 9.30am, 12.30pm, 7.30pm and OLOL at 6pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass 2nd Saturday of month at OLOL, 3.30pm Mass in Lithuanian 1st Saturday of the month 7.15pm Mass in Portuguese 12:30pm (2nd and 4th Sundays) Confessions Sat 10 ­11am, 5pm and by appoin tment; at OLOL Friday 5.30 ­6pm Religious Houses Working Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth, 275 Gladstone Street, PE1 2BX EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 20

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Parish Directory 101 Email: Tel: 01733 561314 Schools St Thomas More Primary School Tel: 01733 566005 St John Fisher High School Tel: 01733 343646 Hospitals and Nursing Homes Peterborough City Hospital Tel: 01733 678000 The Gables; Thorpe Hall Tel: 01733 247419 Prison HMP Peterborough Tel: 01733 217500 Other places of worship in the Parish: DOGSTHORPE (+) Our Lady of Lourdes Welland Road, Dogsthorpe, PE1 3SP (1965) Clergy Rev Pawe ł Urbanek SChr Rev Arcenio Fialek SChr Mass Polish: Saturday Vigil 7.15pm: Sun 9.15am (in English, from All Souls) 10.45am, 12:30pm and 7pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass 2nd Saturday of month at OLOL, 3.30pm Hds 7pm Confessions After weekday Mass and by appointment Parish 35 PETERBOROUGH, (+) St Luke Address 26 Benyon Grove, Orton Malborne, PE2 5XS (Cons 20 Sept 1989) Tel 01733 230464 (Presbytery) 01733 371129 (Parish office) Email Web Clergy Rev Jeffrey Downie (Dean) Rev Alfonso ­Jude Belnas (Assis tant Priest) Deacon Rev Prameel Joseph Mass Sat 6pm Vigil, Sun 9.15am and 11am Hds 10am, 7pm Syro Malabar Rite ­ Mon thly liturgies; please check with parish Mass in Slovak each month; please check with parish Confessions Sat 5pm or by appointment Other places of worship in the Parish: SAWTRY, Cambs. St Benedict’s Address Community Methodist Church, Green End Road, Sawtry, PE28 5UX Tel 01733 230464 Mass Sun 5pm; Hds No Mass, see parish church Parish 36 PETERBOROUGH, (+) Sacred Heart and St Oswald Address St Oswald’s Church, 933 Lincoln Road, Walton, PE4 6AE (1959) Tel 01733 853201 (Presbytery) 01733 321512 (Parish Office) Email parish@sh ­so.or g Web ­so.or g Clergy Rev Arockiya (Seelan) Poobalan Deacon Rev Jacob Cheriyan Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 10am, 12noon (Bretton); Hds 9.30am, 7pm Confessions Sat 5pm – 5.30pm and by appointment EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 21

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102 Parish Directory Schools Sacred Heart Primary School Tel: 01733 262449 Hospitals and Nursing Homes Fitzwilliam Hospital Tel: 01733 261717 Ashlynn Grange Tel: 01733 269200 Werrington Lodge Tel: 01733 324252 Other places of worship in the Parish: BRETTON, Peterborough, Sacred Heart Primary School. Address Tollgate, Bretton, PE3 9XD Mass Sun 12noon Hds No Mass. See parish church above PETERBOROUGH, Polish Mission Address The Presbytery, 2 Cedar Grove, Peterborough, PE1 3SP Tel 01733 552726 Clergy Rev Pawel Urbanek SChr Rev Arcenio Fialek SChr Mass (all in Polish) See OLOL Dogsthorpe (Parish 34) for times also 8.30am Our Lady and St Charles, Wisbech (See Parish 49) Confessions Before Mass and by appointment PETERBOROUGH, St Olga’s Ukranian Greek Catholic Church Address 67 New Road, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9HD Ukranian Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite Tel 01733 561400 Mobile 07517 117613 Email Clergy Rev Roman Badiak Parish 37 PORINGLAND, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of the Annunciation Address 21 Upgate, Poringland, NR14 7SH (1950; 1966; 1973; Cons 7 June 2003) Tel 01508 492589 Email Web Clergy Rev Pádraig Hawkins (Bishop’s Private Secretary/Parish Priest) Mass Sat 6pm (Loddon), Sun 9am Hds 10am and 7pm Confessions Sat 09.30 ­10am during Eucharis tic Exposition and by appointment Hospitals and Nursing Homes Beauchamp House Tel: 01508 520755 Brooke House Tel: 01603 859049 Saxlingham Hall Tel: 01508 499225 Cedar House Tel: 0808 223 5417 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 22

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Parish Directory 103 Other places of worship in the Parish: LODDON, Norfolk. St John’s Methodist Church, Address George Lane, Loddon Mass Sat 6pm QUIDENHAM Norfolk. See Diss (Parish 13) RAMSEY Cambs. See Whittlesey (Parish 48) Parish 38 ST IVES, Cambs. (+) The Sacred Heart Address 19 Needingworth Road, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 5JT Tel 01480 462192 Email office@sacredheart ­s Web www.sacredheart ­s Clergy Rev Thomas James   W alton Mass Sat 5pm; Sun 8am, 11am; Hds 10am, 8pm Confessions Sat 4.15 ­4.45pm and a t call Parish 39 ST NEOTS, Cambs. (+) St Joseph Address 39 East Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1JU (1918; 1931) Tel 01480 472587 (Claretian Missionaries CMF) Email Web Clergy Rev Jim Kennedy CMF Rev Paul Peter Alphonse Rev Krzysztof Stawicki (Parish Priest) Rev Philip Blandford (Superior) (All resident at The Towers, Buckden, PE19 5TA) Mass Sun 8am, 11.15am, 5.30pm Hds 10am, 8pm Confessions After all Masses on 1st Sun and by appointment Prison HMP Littlehey Tel: 01480 335000 Chaplain: Rev Prameel Joseph, Tel: 01354 602726 Other place of worship in the Parish: BUCKDEN, Cambs. (+) St Hugh of Lincoln, Address The Towers, Buckden, St Neots, PE19 5TA Tel 01480 810344 Web Clergy See above Mass Sat 6.30pm, Sun 9.45am; Hds 12noon, 7pm Confessions Sat 9.45 ­10.15am For details of St Claret Retreat Centre see Buckden SAWTRY, Peterborough. See Peterborough, St Luke (Parish 35) EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 23

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104 Parish Directory Parish 40 SAWSTON & CAMBOURNE, Cambs (+) Our Lady of Lourdes and St John Fisher Address 135 High Street, Sawston, CB22 3HJ (1958) Tel 01223 832397 Email Web Clergy The Rev Canon John Minh (Parish Priest and Dean) Mass Sun 8.45am; 11.15am; Hds 9.30am, 6pm Confessions Saturday 10am or by appointment CAMBOURNE St John Fisher Community Centre Address Jeavons Lane, CB23 6AF Served from Sawston Web Clergy Canon John Minh Mass Sat 5pm Hds 7.30pm Parish 41 SHERINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady & St Joseph Address (Parish of Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham and Cromer), Cromer Road, NR26 8RT. (1908; Cons 2 August 1936) Tel 01263 822036 Email Web Clergy Rev James Fyfe Mass Sun 11am; Hds 10.30am, 7pm Confessions Sat after 9am Mass and by appointment Hospitals and Nursing Homes Kelling Hospital and Pineheath Hospital Tel: 01263 710575 Other places of worship in the Parish: CROMER (+) Our Lady of Refuge, Overstrand Road, NR27 0JH Mass Sat 6pm Sun 9am; Hds 9am Confessions Sat 5pm and by appointment Hospitals and Nursing Homes Cromer Hospital Tel: 01263 513571 Benjamin Court Hospital Tel: 01263 511856 Halsey House Tel: 01263 512178 Parish 42 SOUTHWOLD, Suffolk. (+) The Sacred Heart Address Wymering Road, IP18 6AH. (1897; 1916; Cons 7 June 1956) Tel 01502 723207 Clergy Rev Richard Ireson EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 24

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P arish Directory 105 Web Mass Sun 11am, Sat 6pm (Easter Day to end of Sept) Hds 10am Confessions Sat 10.30 ­11.30am Hospitals and Nursing Homes Southwold Cottage Hospital Tel: 01502 723333 Patrick Stead Hospital, Halesworth Tel: 01986 872124 Other places of worship in the Parish: HALESWORTH , Suffolk. St Edmund, King and Martyr, Address Church Farm Lane, IP19 8SY (1950; 1957) Mass Sun 9am; Hds 7pm Parish 43 STOWMARKET, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady Address Stricklands Road, IP14 1AW (1878; 1884) Tel 01449 612946 Email Web Clergy Rev Simon Leworthy Mass Sun 8.30am, 10.15am Hds 8am, 10am, 7.30pm Confessions Sat 10.30 ­11am Other places of worship in the Parish: WOOLPIT, Suffolk. St Mary’s C of E Church, Address The Street, Woolpit, IP30 9QG Mass Sat 6pm Confessions Sat 5.30pm Parish 44 SUDBURY, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady and St John the Evangelist Address 20 The Croft, CO10 1HW (1876; 1893; Cons 9 December 1993) Tel 01787 372703 Email Web Clergy Rev Peter Brett Mass Sat 5pm; Sun M 9.15am Hds Vigil Mass 7.30pm, 9.30am Schools St Joseph’s Primary School Tel: 01787 373365 Other places of worship in the Parish: HADLEIGH , Suffolk, St Joseph Address Long Bessels, IP7 5DB Mass Sun 11.15am EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 25

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106 Parish Directory Hds as announced Confessions After Sun Mass WITHERMARSH   GREEN , Suffolk, Extra ­Or dinary Form Community. Address Our Lady Immaculate and St Edmund, Withermarsh Green, CO6 4TA Clergy Rev Henry Whisenant Tel 07835 977135 Email Mass Sun 10am, 12 noon (during Covid ­19), T ues 8am, Wed 6pm Confessions 30 mins before weekday Mass, 40 mins before Sun Mass Parish 45 SWAFFHAM, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Pity Address 31 Station Street, PE37 7HP (1911; 1920; 1960) Tel 01760 721418 Email Web www.catholicparish ­sw Clergy Rev Canon Mark Hackeson Deacon Rev Roger Sparks (rtd) Mass Sun 8.30am, 10.30am; Hds 9.30am; 6pm Confessions Sat 10 ­10.30am during Eucharis tic Exposition and on request Religious House Daughters of Divine Charity, Sacred Heart Convent, 17, Mangate Street, PE37 7QW Tel: 01760 724577 House Superior Sr M Francis Ridler FDC Poor Clares: Swaffham, Assisi, 4 Lynn Road, Swaffham, PE37 7AZ Sr Elaine Cope OSC Email: Tel 01760 722158 Schools Sacred Heart VA Primary and Nursery School Tel: 01760 721330 Hospitals and Nursing Homes Swaffham Community Hospital Tel: 01760 726550 Holmwood House Tel: 01760 724404 Other places of worship in the Parish: WATTON , Norfolk. in Methodist Church, Address High Street, IP25 6AB Mass Sat 5pm; Hds as announced Confessions On request or before M OXBURGH, Norfolk. (+) Immaculate Conception and St Margaret, Address Oxburgh Hall. (1835) Services Quarterly (1st Sat of Month), March, June, September, December 12 noon and as announced Parish 46 THETFORD, Norfolk. (+) St Mary Address 73 Newtown, IP24 3AU (1820; 1826) EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 26

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Parish Directory 107 Tel 01842 752266 Email Web Clergy The Very Rev Mgr Canon Peter Leeming Mass Sat 5.30pm, Sun 8am, 10am Hds 10am, 7.30pm Confessions Sat 5pm Hospitals and Nursing Homes Alexander Court Tel: 01842 753466 Ford Place Tel: 01842 755022 Manor Court Tel: 01842 824415 Other places of worship in the Parish: LYNFORD , Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Consolation and St Stephen (1878; Cons 7 October 1884) No regular services. THORPE ST ANDREW, Norwich. See Norwich, St George. (Parish 33) UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA Norwich. See Norwich above WALSINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady Address Slipper Chapel, Houghton St Giles, NR22 6AL (14th century) Administration Pilgrim Bureau, Friday Market Place, NR22 6EG Web Tel 01328 820495 Email Shrine ­ shrine@w Pilgrim Accommodation ­ elmhamhouse@w Retreat House ­ dowryhouse@w Museum ­ museum@w Tea Room – Shop ­ shop@w Clergy Rev Mgr Philip Moger (Rector) Rev James McInerney OFM.Conv (Vice ­R ector) Rev Colin Edwards OFM.Conv Rev John Delaney OFM.Conv Mass Daily Monday to Sunday at 12 noon Confessions Before Mass and as arranged. To book a pilgrimage, to have a Mass or prayers said for your intentions, to light a candle, to view the pilgrimage programme, for details of upcoming retreats and other events at the Shrine, to book accommodation (150 beds available), visit the Shrine’s online shop, and for further details about the Museum of the Blessed Virgin Mary, please visit Parish 47 WALSINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) Church of the Annunciation Address Friday Market, Little Walsingham, NR22 6DB. EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 27

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108 Parish Directory (1935; 1950; cons 25th March 2007) Tel 01328 713044 Clergy Rev Keith Tulloch SM (Parish Priest) Deacon Rev Steven Leeder Mass Sun 10.30am, Mon to Sat 9.30am Hds 9.30am Confessions Sat 10am Religious Marist Fathers: Rev Keith Tulloch SM Tel: 01328 711025 Mob: 07538 130655 Rev Thomas Goonan SM Stella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells ­ne xt ­the­Sea, NR23 1EY Marist Sisters: Marist Convent, 57, High Street, Little Walsingham, NR22 6BZ Tel: 01328 820246 Little Sisters of Jesus: 8, Egmere Road, Little Walsingham, NR22 6BT Tel: 01328 820422 Sisters of Our Lady of Reconciliation: St Bernard’s Cottage, 37B High Street, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR2 2 6BZ Tel: 01328 820001 Community of Our Lady of Walsingham: Dowry House and Retreat Centre, 47 ­49 High Street, Walsingham, NR22 6BZ Tel: 01328 801019 Web: Canonesses of St Augustine: Sr Sandra Wellington CSA, 16 Bridewell Street, NR22 6BJ Mater Ecclesiae Convent: Sr Clare Lennon (Congregational Leader), Cleaves Drive Tel: 01328 822236 Hospitals Wells and District Cottage Hospital Tel: 01328 711996 Other places of worship in the Parish: BLAKENEY, Norfolk. (+) St Peter, Address Back Lane, NR25 7NP (1962) Mass Sat 6pm, Sun 11am, Wed 9.30am Hds 9.30am Confessions On request BURNHAM MARKET , Norfolk. (+) St Henry Walpole, The Green, PE31 8HD (1959) Mass Sun 9.30am, Fri 9.30am Hds 9.30am Confessions On request WELLS ­NEXT ­THE ­SE A, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady Star of the Sea (1928), The Buttlands, NR23 1EY Mass Sat 6pm, Sun 9.15am; Hds 6pm Confessions On request WATTON, Norfolk. See Swaffham (Parish 45) WELLS ­NEXT ­THE ­SE A, Norfolk. See Walsingham (Parish 47) EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 28

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Parish Directory 109 Parish 48 WHITTLESEY, Cambs. (+) St Jude the Apostle Address 3 Station Road, PE7 1SA (1963) Tel 01733 203411 Web Clergy Rev Michael Vulliamy Mass Sun 11am; Hds 7pm Confessions After weekday M Hospitals and Nursing Homes Aliwal Manor Old People’s Home Tel: 01733 203347 The Elms Nursing Home Tel: 01733 202421 St Mary’s House Tel: 01757 6222208 The Gables Tel: 01733 351252 Other places of worship in the Parish: RAMSEY, Cambs. (+) Sacred Heart of Jesus, Address 37, Newtown Road, PE26 1EQ (1863) Tel 01733 203411 Mass Sun 9am; Hds Vigil 7pm Confessions Sun 8.30am Hospitals and Nursing Homes Manor House NH Tel: 01487 814333 Red House NH Tel: 01487 813936 Florence House Tel: 01487 812295 Cedar Court Tel: 0800 371860 Parish 49 WISBECH, Cambs. (+) Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo Address 69 Queen’s Road, PE13 2PH (1840; 1854; 1962) Tel 01945 583466 Email secretary ­c atholic ­ Web ­ Clergy Rev James Caulfield Deacon Rev Michael Jordan Tel: 01945 580332 Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 10.15am, Mass in Polish see website for times Hds 10am, 7pm Confessions Saturday 5.30pm and by request Hospitals and Nursing Homes North Cambridgeshire Hospital Tel: 01945 488088 Glennfield Care Home Tel: 01945 581141 Orchard House Tel: 01945 466784 Dove Court Tel: 01945 474746 Rose Lodge Care Home Tel: 01945 588463 Lynncroft Nursing Home Tel: 01945 475229 Somers Court Tel: 01495 463533 EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 29

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110 Parish Directory Parish 50 WOODBRIDGE, Suffolk. (+) St Thomas of Canterbury Address 13­15 St John’ s Street, IP12 1EB (1851; 1930; Cons June 14,1984) Tel 01394 388828 (Presbytery) 01394 383551 (Parish Office) Web Email admin@stthomas ­w Clergy Rev Edmund Eggleston, KGCO, MA, FBS Deacon Rev Michael Vipond Tel: 01728 724646 Email: Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 11am Hds 9.30am Confessions Sat 5.30 – 5.50pm. Hospitals, nursing and residential homes Allonsfield House Tel: 01728 885502 Foxearth Lodge Tel: 01728 685599 Glebe House, Hollesley Tel: 01394 410298 Grove Court Tel: 01394 446500 Haughgate House Tel: 01394 386249 Highlands Tel: 01394 386204 Jubilee House, Seckford Tel: 01394 382399 Mills Meadow Tel: 0333 321 1983 Rendlesham Care Home Tel: 0808 223 5531 Woodbridge Lodge Tel: 01394 648508 Prisons HMP Hollesley Bay Tel: 01394 412400 HMP Warren Hill Tel: 01394 633 400 Other places of worship in the Parish: FRAMLINGHAM , Suffolk. Saint Clare, Address Fore Street, IP13 9DY (1953; 2003) Mass Sun 9am Hds 6.30pm Confessions On request WOOLPIT, Suffolk. See Stowmarket (Parish 43) WROXHAM, Norfolk. See Hoveton at North Walsham (Parish 32) Parish 51 WYMONDHAM, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury Address 1 Norwich Road, NR18 0QE (1912; 1952) Tel 01953 603104 Mob 07922 694433 Email Web Clergy Rev Canon Patrick Cleary (Dean) Rev Denis Gallagher EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 30

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Parish Directory 111 Mass Sat 6pm; Sun 10am Hds 7pm Confessions On request after Mass or by appointment Hospitals, nursing and residential homes Melton House Tel: 01953 606645 Ogden Court Community Hospital Tel: 01953 605060 Windmill House Care Home Tel: 01953 607651 Sutherlands Nursing Home Tel: 01953 600900 Hethersett Hall Tel: 01603 810478 Cheshire Home Tel: 01508 570279 Carlton House Tel: 0117 321 5597 Laurels Nursing Home Tel: 01953 455427 Brooklyn House Care Home Tel: 0808 223 5412 St Edmund’s Nursing Home Tel: 01953 452011 Other places of worship in the P arish: ATTLEBOROUGH, Norfolk. In the Baptist Church, Address Leys Lane, At tleborough, NR17 2HX Mass Sun 8.30am The Leaven Carmelite Secular Institute CALLING ALL Single and widowed women seeking to dedicate their life to God through vows in secular society Contact: The Secretary, The Leaven, c/o The Friars, Aylesford ME20 7BX Tel: 01582 766580 Email: Website: EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 31

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112 Deaneries DEANERIES BURY ST EDMUNDS ( S T EDMUND ) Dean: Rev Stefan Park OSA Parishes: Brandon, Bury St Edmunds, Clare, Diss, Haverhill, Mildenhall, Newmarket, Stowmarket, Sudbury and Hadleigh, Thetford. CAMBRIDGE ( ST ANDREW ) Dean: Canon John Minh Parishes: Buckden and St Neots, Cambridge, Ely, Huntingdon, St Ives, Sawston and Cambourne GREAT YARMOUTH ( ST PETER ) Dean: Rev Anthony Nwankwo Parishes: Beccles, Bungay, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft, South ­ wold. IPSWICH ( ST EDWARD ) Dean: Rev John Barnes Parishes: Aldeburgh, Felixstowe, Ipswich, Woodbridge. KING’S LYNN ( ST WILFRID ) Dean: Rev Canon Peter Rollings Parishes: Downham Market, Fakenham, Hunstanton, King’s Lynn, Swaffham, Walsingham Shrine, Walsingham, Wisbech. NORWICH ( ST FELIX ) Dean: Canon Patrick Cleary Parishes: Costessey, Dereham, North Walsham, Norwich, Poringland, Sheringham/Cromer, Wymondham. PETERBOROUGH ( ST HUGH ) Dean: Rev Jeffrey Downie Parishes: March/Chatteris, Peterborough, Whittlesey/Ramsey. EastAnglia2021YearbookParishes_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:15 Page 32

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Schools Directory 113 VOLUNTARY AIDED   SCHOOLS NORFOLK Nursery and Primary (4 ­11) COSTESSEY St Augustine’s Nursery and Primary School Address: West End, Costessey, Norwich, NR8 5AG Tel: 01603 743317 Email: office@st ­augus Web: ­augus Headteacher: Miss Rachel Swindell Chaplain: Rev David Ward Tel: 01603 742812 GORLESTON St Mary and St Peter Primary School Address: East Anglian Way, Church Road, Gorleston, NR31 6QY Tel: 01493 445117 Email: Web: Exec Headteacher: Mrs Priscilla Crane Head of School: Mrs Jade Block Chaplain: Rev Alex Ibe Tel: 01493 301013 KING’S LYNN St Martha’s Primary School Address: Field Lane, Gaywood, King’s Lynn, PE30 4AY Tel: 01553 774829 Fax: 01553 769990 Email: office@st ­marthas.norf Web: ­marthas.norf Exec Headteacher: Mr Aidan McGovern Head of School: Mrs Hayley Pink Chaplain: Rev Canon Peter Rollings Tel: Tel: 01553 772220 NORWICH St Francis of Assisi Primary School Address: Jessopp Road, Norwich, NR2 3QB Tel: 01603 441484 Email: office@st ­ fr Web: Headteacher: Mrs Felicity Hope Chaplain: Rev Simon Davies Tel: 01603 624615 SWAFFHAM Sacred Heart VA Primary   School Address: 4 Sporle Road, Swaffham, PE37 7HL Tel: 01760 721330 Fax: 01760 725557 Email: Web: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 1

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114 Schools Directory Head of School: Mrs Irene Henden Exec Headteacher: Mr Aidan McGovern Chaplain: Rev Canon Hark   Hack eson Tel: 01760 721418 Secondary Comprehensive (11 ­18) NORWICH Notre Dame High School Address: Surrey Street, Norwich, NR1 3PB Tel: 01603 611431 Fax: 01603 763381 Email: Web: Head of School: Mr Tom Pinnington Chaplain: Rev Dr Sean Connolly Tel: 01603 426971 Lay Chaplain: Mr Alex Savage. Email: SUFFOLK Primary (4 ­11) BECCLES St Benet’s Primary School Address: Ringsfield Road, Beccles, NR34 9PQ Tel: 01502 712012 Email: Web: ­bene Executive Head: Mrs Sam Barlow Head of School: Miss Amanda Lyons Chaplain: Dom Martin Gowman OSB Tel: 01502 713179 BUNGAY St Edmund’s Primary School Address: St Mary’s Street, Bungay, NR35 1AY Tel/Fax: 01986 892502 Email: Web: ­edmundsr Executive Head: Mrs Sam Barlow Head of School: Miss Amanda Lyons Chaplain: Rt Rev Dom Charles Fitzgerald ­Lombar d OSB Tel: Tel: 01986 893355 BURY ST EDMUNDS St Edmund’s Primary School Address: Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG Tel: 01284 755141 Email: office@st ­edmunds.suf Web: ­edmunds.suf Executive Head: Mrs Maria Kemble Head of School: Mrs Katie Copeman Chaplain: Rev David Bagstaff Tel: 01284 754358 HAVERHILL St Felix Primary School Address: School Lane, Haverhill, CB9 9DE EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 2

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Schools Directory 115 Tel: 01440 703775 Fax: 01440 710768 Email: admin@st ­ f Web: Head of School: Mrs Andi Dodds Executive Head: Mrs Clare Clark Chaplain: Fr John Warrington IPSWICH St Mark’s Primary School Address: Stone Lodge Lane West, Ipswich, IP2 9HN Tel: 01473 601748 Fax: 01473 684588 Email: admin@st ­mark Web: Headteacher: Mrs Claire Jackson Chaplain: Rev Paul Vincent OCD Tel: Tel: 01473 684963 IPSWICH St Mary’s Primary School Address: Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4EU Tel: 01473 728372 Fax: 01473 716893 Email: admin@st ­mary s ­ Web: Head of School: Mrs Joanne Berry & Mrs Josephine Measham Executive Head: Mrs Jill Sandvig Chaplain: TBA Tel: 01473 728115 IPSWICH St Pancras Primary School Address: Stratford Road, Ipswich, IP1 6EF Tel: 01473 742074 Email: admin@st ­pancr Web: Head of School: Mrs Lucille Martin Executive Head: Mrs Jill Sandvig Chaplain: Rev Canon Mathew George Tel: 01473 741975 LOWESTOFT St Mary’s Primary School Address: Kirkley Cliff, Lowestoft, NR33 0DG Tel: 01502 565384 Fax: 01502 585807 Email: Web: Exec Headteacher: Mrs Priscilla Crane Head of School: Mrs Ewa Parker Chaplain: Rev Paul Chanh Tel: 01502 572453 NEWMARKET St Louis Academy, Primary & Nursery Address: Fordham Road, Newmarket, CB8 7AA Tel: 01638 662719 Fax: 01638 660572 Email: Web: Head of School: Mrs Susan Blakeley Executive Head: Mrs Clare Clark EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 3

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116 Schools Directory Chaplain: Rev Christopher Smith Tel: 01638 662492 SUDBURY St Joseph’s Primary School Address: Beaconsfield Road, Sudbury, CO10 1JP Tel: 01787 373365 Email: admin@st ­josephs.suf Web: ­josephs.suf Executive Head: Mrs Maria Kemble Head of School: Mrs Anne­Marie Price Chaplain: Rev Peter Brett Tel: 01787 372703 Secondary Comprehensive (11 ­18) BURY ST EDMUNDS St Benedict’s High School Address: Beeton’s Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 6RH Tel: 01284 753512 Fax: 01284 701927 Email: office@st ­benedicts.suf Web: ­benedicts.suf Headteacher: Mrs Imogen Senior Lay Chaplain: Mr Matt Spiller Tel: 01284 753512 Priest Chaplain: Rev Jaylord Magpuyo Tel: 01284 754358 IPSWICH St Alban’s High School (11 ­18) Address: Digby Road, Ipswich, IP4 3NJ Tel: 01473 726178 Email: general@st ­albans.suf Web: ­albans.suf Headteacher: Mr Matt Baker Lay Chaplain: Miss Katherine Edwards Tel: 01473 726178 CAMBRIDGESHIRE Primary (4 ­11) CAMBRIDGE St Alban’s Primary School, Address: Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EN Tel: 01223 712148 Fax: 01223 461286 Email: Web: Headteacher: Mr Joe McCrossan Chaplain: Served from Our Lady & the English Martyrs Tel: 01223 350787 CAMBRIDGE St Laurence Primary School Address: Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JX Tel: 01223 712227 Fax: 01223 712227 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 4

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Schools Directory 117 Web: Heads of School: Mrs Veronica Harvey (Pastoral) Mrs Lizzy Bennett (Teaching & Learning) Executive Head: Mrs Clare Clark Chaplain: TBA Tel: 01223 354788 MARCH All Saints Inter ­Chur ch Academy (Primary) Address: County Road, March, PE15 8ND Tel: 01354 659000 Fax: 01354 658770 Email: Web: Headteacher: Mr Mark Millinson Chaplain: TBA Tel: 01354 650788 Secondary Comprehensive (11 ­16) CAMBRIDGE St Bede’s Inter ­Chur ch School Address: Birdwood Road, Cambridge, CB1 3TD Tel: 01223 568816 Fax: 01223 576482 Email: Web: ­bedes.or Headteacher: Mr Alistair Day Chaplain: Rev Alexandra Clarke (Anglican) Tel: 01223 568816 Email: Chaplain: Served from Our Lady and the English Martyrs, Cambridge Tel: 01223 350787 PETERBOROUGH Primary (4 ­11) PETERBOROUGH St Thomas More Primary School Address: Park Lane, Peterborough, PE1 5JW Tel: 01733 566005 Fax: 01733 312350 Email: office@st ­thomasmor Web: ­thomasmor Headteacher: Mrs Anne­Marie McElhinne y Chaplain: Served from St Peter and All Souls Tel: 01733 562528 PETERBOROUGH Sacred Heart Primary School Address: Tollgate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9XD Tel: 01733 262449 Email: Web: Headteacher: Mr Mark Cooper Chaplain: Rev Arockiya Seelan Tel: Tel: 01733 853201 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 5

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118 Schools Directory Secondary Comprehensive (11 ­18) PETERBOROUGH St John Fisher High School (11 ­18) Address: Park Lane, Peterborough, PE1 5JN Tel: 01733 343646 Fax: 01733 347983 Email: Web: Headteacher: Mrs Kate Pereira Lay Chaplain: Mrs Rowena Goodfellow Tel: 01733 343646 Chaplain: Served from St Peter and All Souls Tel: 01733 562528 INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS CAMBRIDGE St Mary’s School Address: Bateman Street, Cambridge, CB2 1LY Tel: 01223 353253 Fax: 01223 357451 Email: Web: Headteacher: Ms Charlotte Avery Head of Juniors: Mr Matthew O’Reilly Chaplains: Canon Simon Blakesley (Senior) Canon John Minh (Junior) Tel: 01223 832397 Lay Chaplain: Mrs Kay Dodsworth Tel: 01223 353253 NORWICH Notre Dame Preparatory School, Address: Dereham Road, Norwich, NR2 3TA Tel: 01603 625593 Email: Web: Headteacher: Mr Robert Thornton Chaplain: Rev Andrew Eburne Tel: 01603 624615 SCHOOLS  CHAPLAINS SCHOOLS CHAPLAINCY CO ­ORDINA TOR To be appointed ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN EDUCATION (ACCE) The Association of Catholic Chaplains exists to provide support and ongoing formation and professional development to those who work as Chaplains in all sectors of Catholic Education — Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form. Further information can be obtained from the Director on Tel: 0207 901 4880. EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 6

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Hospitals Directory 119 HOSPITALS   AND  HOSPICES NORFOLK NORWICH NORFOLK AND NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Address: Colney Lane, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UY Tel: 01603 286286 Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615 THE NORWICH COM MUNITY HOSPITAL Address: Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3TU Tel: 01603 286286 Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615 THE COLMAN HOSPITAL ( PRISCILLA BACON LODGE ) Address: Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PJ Tel: 01603 288951 Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615 THE   JULIAN   HOSPIT AL Address: Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3TD Tel: 01603 421421 Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615 HELLESDON HOSPITAL Address: Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5BE Tel: 01603 421421 Served by: St George’s, Norwich Tel: 01603 426971 THE NORVIC CLINIC Address: Northside, St Andrew’s Business Park, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 OHT Tel: 01603 439614 Served by: St George’s, Norwich Tel: 01603 426971 SPIRE   HOSPIT AL Address: Watton   R oad, Colney, Norwich, NR4 7TD Tel: 01603 456181 Served by: Our Lady & St Walstan’s Costessey Tel: 01603 742812 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 7

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120 Hospitals Directory CROMER BENJAMIN COURT HOSPITAL Address: Roughton Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 0EQ Tel: 01263 511856 Served by: Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham Tel: 01263 822036 CROMER AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL Address: Mill Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 0BQ Tel: 01263 513571 Served by: Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham Tel: 01263 822036 DEREHAM DEREHAM HOSPITAL Address: Northgate, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 2EX Tel: 01362 692391 Served by: Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary, East Dereham Tel: 01362 694066 DISS BURSTON HOUSE HOSPITAL ( PRIV ATE ) Address: Rectory Road, Burston, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 5TU Tel: 01379 741562 Served by: The Most Holy Trinity, Diss Tel: 01379 642914 GORLESTON THE JAMES PAGET HOSPITAL Address: Lowestoft Road, Gorleston ­on ­Sea, Gr eat Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 6LA Tel: 01493 452452 Served by: St Peter’s, Gorleston Chaplain: Rev Alvan Ibeh Tel: 01493 301013 HOLT KELLING AND PINEHEATH HOSPITAL Address: High Kelling, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6QA Tel: 01263 713333 Served by: Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham Tel: 01263 822036 KING’S LYNN THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL Address: Gayton Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4ET Tel: 01553 613613 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 8

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Hospitals Directory 121 Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn Tel: 01553 772220 THE SANDRINGHAM HOSPITAL ( PRIV ATE ) Address: Gayton Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4HJ Tel: 01553 769770 Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn. Tel: 01553 772220 FERMOY PSYCHIATRIC UNIT Address: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, King’s Lynn, PE30 4ET Tel: 01553 609933 Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn Tel: 01553 772220 THE   NORF OLK HOSPICE, TAPPING HOUSE Address: Wheatfields, Hillington, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE31 6BH Tel: 01485 601700 Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn. Tel: 01553 772220 NORTH WALSHAM NORTH WALSHAM HOSPITAL Address: Yarmouth Road, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AP Tel: 01692 500560 Served by: Sacred Heart, North Walsham Tel: 01692 403258 SWAFFHAM SWAFFHAM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Address: Sporle Road, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7HL Tel: 01760 721363 Served by: Our Lady of Pity, Swaffham Tel: 01760 721418 WELLS ­NEXT ­THE ­SE A WELLS AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL Address: Mill Road, Wells ­Ne xt ­The­ Sea, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR23 1RF Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, Walsingham Tel: 01328 821353 SUFFOLK IPSWICH THE IPSWICH HOSPITAL Address: Heath Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5PD Tel: 01473 712233 Served by: St Mark’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 684963 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 9

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122 Hospitals Directory WOODLANDS ( MENT AL HEALTH UNIT ) Address: Heath Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5PD Tel: 01473 712233 Served by: St Mary’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 728115 ST ELIZABET H’S HOSPICE Address: 565 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 8LX Tel: 01473 727776 Served by: St Mary’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 728115 SUFFOLK NUFFIELD HOSPITAL ( PRIV ATE ) Address: Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5SW Tel: 01473 279100 Served by: St Mary’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 728115 TREEHOUSE   CHILDRE N’S HOSPICE Address: St Augustine’s Garden, Ipswich, IP3 8NS Tel: 01473 271334 Served by: St Mary’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 728115 ALDEBURGH ALDEBURGH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Address: Park Road, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5ES Tel: 01728 452778 Served by: Our Lady and St Peter, Aldeburgh Tel: 01728 452782 BECCLES THE WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Address: St Mary’s Road, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9NQ Tel: 01502 712164 Served by: St Benet’s, Beccles Tel: 01502 713179 BURY ST EDMUNDS THE WEST SUFFOLK HOSPITAL Address: Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2QZ Tel: 01284 713000 Served by: St Edmund King and Martyr, Bury St Edmunds Tel: 01284 754358 ST NICHOLAS’ HOSPICE Address: McMillan Way, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2QY Tel: 01284 766133 Served by: St Edmund King and Martyr, Bury St Edmunds Tel: 01284 754358 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 10

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Hospitals Directory 123 NUFFIELD HOSPITAL ( PRIVATE ) Address: St Mary’s Square, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2AA Tel: 01284 701371 Served by: St Edmund King and Martyr, Bury St Edmunds Tel: 01284 754358 EYE HARTISMERE HOSPITAL Address: Castleton Way, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7BH Tel: 01379 870543 Served from: The Most Holy Trinity, Diss Tel: 01379 642914 HALESWORTH PATRICK STEAD HOSPITALS Address: Bungay Road, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 8HP Tel: 01986 872124 Served by: Sacred Heart, Southwold Tel: 01502 723207 NEWMARKET NEWMARKET HOSPITAL Address: Exning Road, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7JG Tel: 01638 564000 Served by: Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda, Newmarket Tel: 01638 662492/730603 SUDBURY THE WALNUT TREE HOSPITAL ( P ART OF WEST SUFFOLK HOSPITAL ) Address: Walnut Tree Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 1BE Tel: 01787 371404 Served by: Our Lady Immaculate and St John the Evangelist, Sudbury Tel: 01787 372703 CAMBRIDGESHIRE CAMBRIDGE ADDENBROOK E’S HOSPIT AL Address: Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ Tel: 01223 245151 Served by: Rev Adrian   Gates Tel: 01223 217769 ROSIE MATERNITY HOSPITAL Address: Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 2SW Tel: 01223 245151 Served by: Rev Adrian   Ga tes Tel: 01223 217769 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 11

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124 Hospitals Directory ARTHUR RANK HOSPICE Address: Arthur Rank House, 351, Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DF Tel: 01223 723000 Served by: Rev John Bell Tel: 07502 560610 SPIRE HOSPITAL Address: Impington, Cambridgeshire, CB4 9EL Tel: 01223 237474 Served by: St Laurence’s, Cambridge Tel: 01223 704640 BROOKFIELDS HOSPITAL ( PRIV ATE ) Address: Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DF Tel: 01223 723170 Served by: St Philp Howard, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge Tel: 01223 211235 ELY THE PRINCESS OF WALES HOSPITAL Address: Lynn Road, Ely, Cambs, CB6 1DN Tel: 01353 652000 Served by: Our Lady and St Etheldreda, Ely Tel: 01353 662759 FULBOURN FULBOURN HOSPITAL Address: Cambridge Road, Fulbourn, Cambs, CB21 5EF Tel: 01223 219400 Served by: Rev Adrian   Ga tes Tel: 01223 219646 IDA DARWIN HOSPITAL Address: Fulbourn, Cambs, CB1 5EE Tel: 01223 884000 Served by: Our Lady of the Assumption & English Martyrs, Cambridge Tel: 01223 350787 HUNTINGDON HINCHINGBROOK HOSPITAL Address: Hinchingbrook Park, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6NT Tel: 01480 416416 Served by: St Michael the Archangel, Huntingdon Tel: 01480 453257 MILTON MILTON CHILDRE N’S HOSPICE Address: Church Lane, Milton, Cambs, CB4 6AB Tel: 01223 860306 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 12

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Hospitals Directory 125 Served by: St Laurence’s, Cambridge Tel: 01223 704640 PAPWORTH NEW ROYAL PAPWORTH HOSPITAL Address: Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge, CB2 0AY Served by: Rev Adrian Gates Chaplaincy tel: 01223 217769 WISBECH NORTH CAMBRIDGE HOSPITAL Address: The Park, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 3AB Tel: 01945 613613 or 01945 488088 Served by: Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo, Wisbech Tel: 01945 583466 PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH CITY HOSPITAL Address: Bretton Gate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9GZ Tel: 01733 67800 Served by: St Peter and All Souls, Peterborough Tel: 01733 562528 FITZWILLIAM HOSPITAL ( PRIV ATE ) Address: Milton Way, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9AQ Tel: 01733 261717 Served by: Sacred Heart and St Oswald, Peterborough Tel: 01733 322750 HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY CO-ORDINATOR Rev Patrick Limacher Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Tel: 01603 624615 If you have a relative or a friend or are being admitted to hospital, please ensure that you indicate that you or they are a Catholic, and also would like the Catholic Chaplain to be informed of your presence in hospital. Otherwise, the Catholic Chaplain will not know that a Catholic patient is in the hospital. The secular authorities are not permitted to tell the Church if a patient is Catholic, and, according to secular rules and regulations, chaplains and parish priests are not permitted to communicate with one another regarding your presence in hospital without your permission. It is also good practice to inform hospital staff that you would like receive visitors, as some hospitals will not permit visitors who are not close family without prior permission from the patient. Please inform: The hospital chaplain Your parish priest The nursing staff at the hospital upon arrival EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 13

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126 Prisons Directory PRISONS   AND  DETENTION   CENTRES NORFOLK NORWICH – HMP Norwich and YOI Chaplain: Mrs Ursula Edwards Tel: 01603 708722 Email: SCOTTOW – HMP Bure Chaplain: George Stone Tel: 01603 326179 Email: Chaplain: Rev James Walsh Email: Tel: 01692 403258 WAYLAND – HMP Wayland Chaplain: Rev Martin Sanderson Tel: 01440 743195 Email: SUFFOLK HIGHPOINT – HMP Highpoint South Chaplain: Rev Alan McMahon Tel: 01440 743595 Email: HIGHPOINT – HMP Highpoint Nort h Chaplain: Rev Alan McMahon Tel: 01440 743595 Email: Chaplain: Rev David Middleton Tel: 01440 743595 Email: HOLLESLEY BAY – HMP Hollesley Bay and HMP Warren Hill Chaplain: Mrs Antoinette (Tonie) Askin Tel: 01394 412401/633480 Email: CAMBRIDGESHIRE LITTLEHEY – HMP Littlehey Chaplain: Rev Prameel Joseph Tel: 01480 335252 Email: MARCH – HMP Whitemoor Chaplain: Rev Jacob Cheriyan Tel: 01354 602726 or 602563 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 14

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Prisons Directory 127 Email: PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH – HMP Peterborough Chaplain: Rev Paul Peter CMF Tel: 01733 561314 Email: paul.alphonse@sodexogo PRISON CHAPLAINCY CO ­ORDINA TOR Rev Alan McMahon Address: HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9YE Tel: 01440 743195 Email: Get all the latest news from across the Diocese of East Anglia in the monthly Catholic East Anglia newspaper Available free in all parishes or online at: April 2020 FREE Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent – page 2 A life-changing year with Ignite for Jess – page 8 Grandmother makes 100s of dresses for African girls – page 10 Newspaper of the Diocese of East Anglia East Anglia Catholic Tributes have been paid to Archbishop Peter Smith, pre- viously the second Catholic Bishop of East Anglia, who died peacefully on March 6, after a short illness. n Bishop Alan Hopes said: “Archbishop Peter Smith died peacefully just before midnight yesterday – March 6. He had received the Sacraments of the Church and his former secretary was with him when he died. His illness progressed very quickly just after his diagnosis with cancer a few weeks ago.” Archbishop Peter, aged 76, was the sec- ond Bishop of East Anglia and served the Diocese from 1995 until 2001 when he was translated to the See of Cardiff. He became Archbishop of Southwark in 2010 until his retirement in 2019. “I know that many of you will have fond remembrances and many stories of Archbishop Peter during his six years here which you will share with each other,” said Bishop Alan. “I have always been most grateful to him for his wise advice and encouragement both person- ally and at the Bishops’ Conference. “For over 50 years, he made an out- standing contribution to the Catholic Church across three dioceses and nationally on the Bishops’ Conference. His straightforward faith, his sense of humour, honesty and humanity and his ability to cut to the chase in any debate stand out in a life which was dedicated to the Lord and his Church. May he rest in peace.” Cardinal Vincent Nichols, said: “Arch- bishop Peter devoted his life entirely and unwaveringly to the service of the Lord in His Church. Peter served as bishop in three dioceses. There are, then, many who will remember him per- sonally and treasure those memories.” A Diocesan Solemn Requiem Mass is due to be celebrated for Archbishop Peter in St John’s Cathedral on Friday March 27 at 11.30am. This is now to be a private Mass with no public allowed. With great sadness the Archdiocese of Southwark has announced that the Funeral Liturgies of the late Archbishop Emeritus Peter Smith, which are due to take place on 29th and 30th March, will no longer be open to the public due to current public health concerns. It is hoped that it will be possible to hold a Mass In Memoriam later this year. Please continue to pray for the repose of the sould of othe much loved Archbishop Emeritus: may he rest in peace. Public acts of worship to stop A letter from Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Mal- colm McMahon OP, on behalf of the Catholic Bishops Con- ference of England and Wales, was issued on March 18, stop- ping public acts of worship in Catholic churches until further notice. n Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, so many aspects of our lives must change. This includes the ways in which we publicly express our faith. It is very clear that, follow- ing official advice and in order to keep each other safe, save lives and support the NHS, at this time we must not gather for public acts of worship in our churches. This will begin from Friday evening, 20th March 2020, until further notice. Our churches will remain open. They are not closing. They will be a focal point of prayer, where you will find solace and strength. In visiting our churches at this time, we will observe with great care the practices of hygiene and the guidance on social dis- tancing. However, the celebration of Mass, Sunday by Sunday and day by day, will take place without a public congregation. Knowing that the Mass is being celebrated; joining in spiritually in that celebration; watch- ing the live-streaming of the Mass; following its prayers at home; making an act of spiritual communion: this is how we share in the Sac- rifice of Christ in these days. These are the ways in which we will sanctify Sunday, and indeed every day. We want everyone to understand that in these emergency circumstances, and for as long as they last, the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is removed. This is, without doubt, the teaching of the Church (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2181). This pandemic is the ‘serious reason’ why this obligation does not apply at this time. Your own bishop and parish priest will pro- vide further support, encouragement and information about our way of prayer together in the coming weeks. The second vital aspect of these challeng- ing times is our care for each other. There are so many ways in which we are to do this: being attentive to the needs of our neighbour, especially the elderly and vulnerable; con- tributing to our local food banks; volunteering for charitable initiatives and organisations; simply keeping in touch by all the means open to us. During these disturbing and threatening times, the rhythm of the prayer of the Church will continue. Please play your part in it. The effort of daily kindness and mutual support for all will continue and increase. Please play your part in this too. For your commitment to this, we thank you. Tributes paid to Archbishop Peter Archbishop Peter Smith. Picture © Mazur/ To keep up with the latest Diocese of East Anglia news, including updates on precautions and events affected by Coronavirus, please sign up for our weekly enews bulletin at September/ October 2020 FREE A warm postcard welcome back to Mass – page 6 Review set for Walsingham development plans – page 7 Peter is one of four summer ordina ordinations ions – page 8 Newspaper of the Diocese of East Anglia East Anglia Catholic Virtually all Catholic churches across East Anglia re-opened their doors for collective pub- lic worship at the start of July after an historic three-month lockdown across the whole country. Keith Morris reports. n The re-opening followed the relaxation of government guidelines. The Dean of St John the Baptist Cathe- dral in Norwich, Canon David Paul, warmly welcomed the return in the first public Mass held at the cathedral for nearly three months, on Saturday morn- ing, July 4. “We have been fasting from the Eucha- rist and have not been fed with the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus. There has been a real sorrow that we have not been able to share in the Mass with our brothers and sisters in the faith,” said Canon Paul in his homily. “But we have now come back as God’s family to receive Jesus in the Holy Sacra- ments. We have a new opportunity for a better relationship – Jesus talks about the new wine and the new wineskins. Everyone of us can have a new vision of what it means to be in Christ. We are new, restored and made whole. Let us all see this as an opportunity to renew our faith and grow in love for the Lord with one another. We have been prepared over the last few months for this new beginning.” Canon Paul was speaking to a congre- gation of around 60 people, socially distanced across the vast cathedral, and across the Diocese of East Anglia all but a handful of churches in the 53 parishes were due to resume public Masses this weekend. Speaking a few days earlier to Radio Maria England, based in Cambridge, Canon Paul said: “This has been an awful time for many people in our coun- try – when we think of all of the people who have died and their families. But we also remember the heroic work in the hospitals which we thank God for. “But this is still serious and we need to take great care, but let’s always put our trust in God and the Lord will always look after His Church and care for us. “These signs of opening up and being able to celebrate Mass are wonderful gifts to us, so I would urge people to thank God for us and to look forward to that time when we can be back together again properly,” said Canon Paul. n Fr David Bagstaff, who is Vicar Gen- eral of the Diocese and parish priest for St Edmunds in Bury St Edmunds, spoke to BBC Radio Suffolk about the enthusi- asm with which Catholics in Suffolk have returned to collective worship. “We have 19 parishes across Suffolk,” he said, “and all of these except for one are opening this weekend… Next week all our parishes will be up and running after 100 days.” n Story continues on page 2 . Bishop Alan issues a call to return to Mass in person n Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am delighted to welcome the first pub- lication of our Diocesan newspaper since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a sign that, even if we have not quite returned to ‘normal’, nevertheless we are now able to resume, with the proper precautions, many of the usual activities of our Diocese. Thanks be to God for his abundant mercies! During this month we celebrate the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It aptly reminds us of the mystery of suffering and victory in our Lord’s Passion. The Collect at Mass tells us that God has placed the salva- tion of the human race on the wood of the Cross, ‘so that where death arose, life might again spring forth.’ This promise, of the springing forth of new life after the tragedy of suffering and death, is embodied in the Church and in our Dio- cese. Many have suffered terribly during the Covid-19 pandemic. We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died, and for those who mourn them; for those who have been gravely ill, and for those who care for them. We pray too for those who have suf- fered through loneliness or isolation and financially. We also give thanks for the extraordinary acts of faith and charity by so many parishes and people throughout our Diocese in their care for and service of those in great need. I thank our priests who never ceased to offer the sacrifice of the Mass for their people and, wherever possible to bring succour to the sick and dying. We have also seen wonderful outreach through the live-streaming of services from so many of our churches: never empty, never abandoned. This challenging time has also been an opportunity for people to re- evaluate their priorities, and to discern what is really important in their lives. I now encourage every one of our parish- ioners to come back to the Mass in person. Our communities need you! Every precau- tion has been taken to make our churches safe. But above all, it is the Lord Himself who awaits us, to share with us, in the Eucharist, the divine life of His resurrection and His victory over suffering and death. Let us renew our trust in Him ‘in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection; through whom we are saved and delivered.’ With all good wishes and the assurance of my prayers, Bishop Alan Hopes Churches out from historic lockdown St John’s Cathedral in Norwich was among the very first in the whole country to hold a public Mass after lockdown ended on July 4, led by   Canon David Paul. To keep up with the latest Diocese of East Anglia news, please sign up for our weekly enews bulletin at Catholic news in East Anglia EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 15

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CLERGY   AND  RELIGIOUS DIOCESAN PRIESTS ASHMAN, John (7.9.96) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH BAGSTAFF, David (10.7.76) Address: The Presbytery, 21 Westgate St, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1QG Email: BAKER, David (7.9.96) (Rtd) Address: 30 Park Lane, Helhoughton, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 7BE Email: BARNES, John (7.10.95) Address: St Felix, 8 Gainsborough Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 7HT Email: BELNAS, Alfonso ­Jude (6.7.19) Address: 14 Royle Close, Orton Longueville, Peterborough, PE2 7LN Email: BLAIR, Stephen (26.5.73), (Rtd) Address: St Michael’s Cottage, Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk, NR16 2PH Tel: 01953 716060 Email: BLAKESLEY, Simon (2.6.90) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 91 Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1XB Email: BRETT , Peter (9.1.66) Address: The Priest’s House, 20 The Croft, Sudbury Suffolk, CO10 1HW Email: BROOKES, Michael (6.7.19) Address: The Presbytery, 21 Westgate St, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1QG Email: BROWN, Peter (7.3.71), (Rtd) Address: 16 Park Road, Wells ­ne xt ­the­ Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1DQ Tel: 01328 710604 Email: CAULFIELD, James (23.9.89), BD Address: 69 Queens Road, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 2PH Email: CLEARY, Patrick (16.12.78) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 1 Norwich Road, Wymondham, NR18 0QE Email: CONNOLLY, Sean (22.7.94) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 223 Sprowston Road, Norwich, NR3 4HZ Email: CRAMARO , Olindo (24.1.54), (Rtd) Address: 36 Main Street, Yaxley, Peterborough, PE7 3LY Tel: 01733 242031 Email: DAVIES, Simon (6.7.19) Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Email: 128 Clergy and Religious Directory EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 16

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Clergy and Religious Directory 129 DE LACY-SPENCER, Roger (5.6.79) (Rtd) Address: 25 Station Road, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9QH Email: DOWNIE, Jeffrey Address: 14 Royle Close, Orton Longueville, Peterborough, PE2 7LN Email: EBURNE, Andrew (20.7.18) Address: The Lodge, 17 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email: EDWARDS, Peter (8.3.97) Address: 42 Kelvin Close, Cambridge, CB1 8DN Tel: 01223 240757 Email: EGGLESTON , Edmund KGCO, MA, FBS (2.7.94) Address: The Presbytery, 21a St John’s St, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1ED Email: FEARS, Martin (8.7.00) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email: FINBOW, Dennis (20.9.80) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email: FINEGAN, David (9.6.85) Address: 19 Egremont Street, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1AE Email: FOREMAN, Anthony (Rtd) (12.3.65) Address: Wheelwrights, Lidgate, Nr Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9PR Tel: 01638 500078 Email: FOWLER , John (24.9.99), (Rtd) Address: 12 St Mary’s Paddock, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 1HJ Email: FROST, Russell (9.5.91) Address: 1 Orwell Place, Ipswich, IP4 1BD Email: FYFE , James (20.11.98) Address: The Presbytery, Cromer Road, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8RT Email: GALLAGHER,   Denis Address: Catholic Presbytery, 1 Norwich Road, Wymondham, NR18 0QE Email: GATES, Adrian (21.7.90) Address: 30 Ditton Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8SF Email: GEORGE , Mathew (7.1.97) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 468 Norwich Road, Ipswich, IP1 6JS Email: GOYMOUR , Luke (10.07.10) Address: 18 Stuart Close, Brandon, IP27 0HB Email: GRIFFIN , Michael (15.6.73) (Rtd) Address: The Presbytery, Newmarket Road, Kirtling, CB8 8PA Tel: 01638 730603 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 17

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130 Clergy and Religious Directory HACKESON, Mark (20.7.96) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 31 Station Street, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7HP Email: HARKNESS, Eugène , MCL, JCL (9.6.84) Address: Catholic Rectory, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JR Email: or HAWKINS, Padraig (9.7.11) Address: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email: HEALEY, Richard (5.7.80) Address: Montana Care Home, East Barton Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, IP31 2RF Email: HELEY, John (18.6.88), (Rtd) Address: 24 Kestrel Close, Burnham Market, Norfolk, PE31 8EF Tel: 01328 730036 Email: HODGSON, Alan (6.7.19) Address: Catholic Rectory, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JR Email: HUYNH , Chanh (Paul) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Gordon Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, IP33 2DA Email: HYPHER, Paul (22.7.62), (Rtd) Address: Moons Acre House, Low Bentham Road, Bentham, Lancs LA2 7BP Tel: 01524 262541 Email: IRESON, Richard Address: The Catholic Presbytery, The Common, Southwold, Suffolk, IP18 6AH Tel: 01502 723207 Email: JENNINGS, David (1.5.93) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email: JOHNSTONE , Michael ( 14.3.97), (Rtd) Address: 21 Lyndhurst Court, Sandringham Road, Lyndhurst, Norfolk, PE36 5AE Tel: 01485 535578 or 07930 601795 Email: KEARNEY, Nicholas , MA, Mag Theol, Lic Phil (11.7.87) Address: 8 St John’s Road, March, Cambs, PE15 8RJ Email: LEEDER, Francis (9.6.63) (Rtd) Address: 14 Church View Close, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1RD Email: Tel: 01394 388132 LEEMING, Peter (2.7.77) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 73 Newtown, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3AU Tel: 01842 752266 Email: LEWORTHY , Simon (13.3.92) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 29 Lockington Road, Stowmarket, IP14 1BQ Tel: 01449 612946 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 18

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Clergy and Religious Directory 131 LLOYD, Denys (28.5.94) (Rtd) Address: 35 Chapelfield East, Norwich, NR2 1SF Tel: 01603 630400 Email: LOCKE, Laurie (9.7.11) Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Email: MacCARTHY, Henry (2.7.77) (Rtd) Address: 81 Mountbatten Road, Dersingham, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE31 6YE Tel: 01485 543818 Email: MAGPUYO, Jaylord (8.12.17) Address: The Presbytery, 21 Westgate St, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1QG Email: MARSH, Peter (18.3.62), (Rtd) Address: Willows, Corders Farm, Bury Road, Lawshall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP29 4PJ Tel: 01284 830665 MICHAEL, Leonard Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Email: MOFFATT, Brendan (12.6.83) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 35 London Road, East Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1AS Email: NEATE, Andrew (29.6.96) (19.9.20) Address: The Presbytery, 29 Wells Road, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 9EG Tel: 01328 853481 Email: NGUYEN Minh, Hoan (John) (10.7.99) Address: 135 High Street, Sawston, Cambridgeshire, CB22 3HJ Tel: 01223 832397 Email: ORME, Martin (14.3.97) (Rtd) Address: 31 High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QH Email: PAUL, David (16.9.95) Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Email: POOBALAN   (SEELAN,) Ar ockiya (16.04.05) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 933, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, PE4 6AE Email: QUIGLEY, Gerard (22.3.75) (Rtd) Address: 2 Euston Close, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3PY Tel: 01284 829026 Email: RANDALL, Samuel (15.3.19) Address: 4 Elm Cottages, High Street, HIldersham, Cambridge CB21 6BU Tel: 07967 120070 Email: REAR, Michael (7.9.96), (Rtd) Address: 32 Cleaves Drive, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6EQ Tel: 01328 821180 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 19

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132 Clergy and Religious Directory Email: ROGERS, Anthony (26.6.71) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 15 The Terrace, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5JH Email: Tel: 07778 221509 ROLLINGS, Peter (16.7.87) Address: Catholic Rectory, North Everard Street, King’s Lynn, PE30 5HQ Email: RYAN, Michael (12.9.81) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH0 Email: SHRYANE, Anthony (2.3.69) (Rtd) Address: 40 Lincoln Gate, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, PE1 2RD Email: Tel: 01733 565897 SHRYANE, Philip (28.6.75) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 82 Hartford Road, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 1XG Email: SMITH, Christopher (7.9.96) Address: 14 Exeter Road, Newmarket, CB8 8LT Email: SPELLMAN, Paul (6.7.19) Address: 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4BD Email: VULLIAMY, Michael (30.6.79) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 3 Station Road, Whittlesey, Cambs, PE7 1SA Email: WALSH, James (22.7.67) Address: 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9JP Email: WALTON, Thomas Address: 19 Needingworth Road, St Ives, Cambs, PE27 5JT Email: WARD, David (31.5.97) Address: The Presbytery, Townhouse Road, Costessey, Norwich, NR8 5AA Email: WARRINGTON, John (24.7.93) Address: 3 Wentworth Terrace, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9BP Email: WHISENANT, Henry (06.07.13) Address: Presbytery, Chapel Lane, Withermarsh Green, Colchester, CO6 4TA Email: WHITE, Richard (14.7.90) (Rtd) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email: WILLIAMS, Gordon (7.4.84) (Rtd) Address: 33 Sycamore Gardens, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 3DF Tel: 07775 792929 Email: WYGNANSKI, Peter (22.7.20) Address: c/o The Venerable English College, 45 Via di Monserrato, Rome, Lazio, 00186, Italy Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 20

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Clergy and Religious Directory 133 DIOCESAN PRIESTS   WORKING   OUTSIDE  THE  DIOCESE BURBIDGE, Bruce (22.7.94) Address: St Mary’s College, Oscott, Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B73 5AA Email: MADDISON, Paul (14.1.89) Address: Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, RG7 5TQ Email: SELMAN, Francis MA, MTh, PhD (8.12.73) Address: St Mary’s College, Oscott, Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B73 5AA Email: SMITH, David BD, AKC, MTh, RGN (7.9.96) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email: SECULAR PRIESTS OF OTHER DIOCESES ABLEWHITE, John (Westminster) (Rtd) Address: 46 Tower Court, Tower Road, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4XS Tel: 01353 968056 or 07966 299154 Email: ADAM, Gordon (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: 38 Windsor Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5PL Tel: 01553 777428 Email: ANAMAN, Alex (Ghana) Address: Church of St Henry Morse, Shelfanger Road, Diss, IP22 4DX Tel: 01379 642914 Email: BRENT, Allen (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: 18 St Alban’s Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HG Tel: 07803 588027 Email: BUGBY, T imothy (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: Seaview Cottage, Cromer Road, East Runton, Cromer, NR27 9NX Tel: 01263 512830 Email: COLEMAN Don MA (Rtd) (Southwark) Address: 8 Bell Close, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 1AZ Tel: 01728 605688 DE  MELL O FALCAO, Erico (Brazil) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 17 Howdale Road, Downham Market, PE38 9AB Tel: 01366 382353 Email: DOBSON Christopher (Rtd) (Arundle & Brighton) (21.7.12) Address: The Old Stables, Rookery Farm, Hacheston, Woodbridge, IP13 0DJ Tel: 07754 592899 Email: HOGAN, Christopher (Nottingham) (Rtd) Address: Montana Care Home, East Barton Rd, Great Barton, Bury Saint Edmunds, IP31 2RF EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 21

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134 Clergy and Religious Directory Email: LANGHAM, Mark (Westminster) Address: Fisher House, Guildhall St, Cambridge, CB2 3NH Email: McCLEMENT, Neville (Northampton), (Rtd) Address: 12 The Pightle, North Cove, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 7PR Tel: 01502 476702 Email: MOGER, Philip (Leeds) Address: Postgate Cottage, Station Road, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6EB Email: RAJ, Peter Address: 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4BD Email: STOKES, Michael (Rtd) (Brentwood) Address: Wuffing House 30 Sandringham Road, Hunstanton, Norfolk, PE36 5DR Tel: 01485 532358 Email: SZYDA, Arkadiusz (USA Forces), Address: Catholic Chaplain, Base Chapel Bldg 900, RAF Lakenheath, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 9PN Tel: 01638 523711 Email: TENORIO Michael (USAF) Address: 100 ARW/HC, RAF Mildenhall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 8NF Email: WESTON , Ivan (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: 2 The Furlongs, Needingworth, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE27 4TX Tel: 01480 462107 Email: POLISH MISSION PRIESTS FIALEK, Arcenio Address: 2 Cedar Grove, Peterborough, PE1 3SP Email: HAREZA, Waldemar Address: 4 Crown Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR5 0ER Email: NAWLOKA, Pawel Address: 82 Wellesley Road, Ipswich, IP4 1PH Email: NIEWINSKI, Waldemar Address: Polonia House, 231 Chesterton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1AS. Tel: 01223 368539 Email: URBANEK, Pawel SChr Address: 2 Cedar Grove, Peterborough, PE1 3SP Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 22

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Clergy and Religious Directory 135 PORTUGUESE CHAPLAIN DE  MELL O FALCAO, Erico Address: Catholic Presbytery, 17 Howdale Road, Downham Market, PE38 9AB Tel: 01366 382353 Email: SYRO MALABAR CHAPLAINS PANTHAMKAL, Philip John (SM) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 33 Walpole Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambs, CB13TH Mobile: 0771 3139350 Email: PARAKANDATHIL, Thomas (SM) Address: 482 Landseer Road, Ipswich, IP3 9LU Mobile: 07512 402607 Email: PRIESTS OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS (Working or resident in the Diocese) ALPHONSE, Paul Peter (CMF) (26.12.12) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA Email: BLANDFORD, Philip (CMF) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA Email: DOBSON, William (CSSp), (Rtd) Address: The White Bungalow, Homefields Lane, Hunstanton PE36 5HZ Email: DONAGHY, George (OSA) Address: Clare Priory, Ashen Road, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8NX Email: CARR, Colin (OP) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Tel: 01223 741251 Email: CLIFTON, Bruno (OP)(20.09.08) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Email: CROWE , NICHOLAS (OP) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Tel: 01223 741251 Email: E CCLES, Robert (OP) (29.06.68) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Tel: 01223 741251 Email: FITZGERALD-LOMBARD, Charles (OSB) (20.03.68) Address: 1 St Mary’s Street, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1AX Email: GOONAN, Thomas (SM) (03.04.65) Address: Stella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells ­ne xt ­the­Sea, NR23 1EY Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 23

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136 Clergy and Religious Directory GOWMAN, Martin (OSB) (23.06.07) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 2 Grange Road, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9NR Email: HONE, Ed (CSsR) Address: St Edmund’s College, Mount Pleasant, Cambridge, CB3 0BN Email: IBE Alexander (SMMM) Address: Catholic Rectory, St Mary’s, Regent Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2AJ Email: IBEH, Alvan (SMMM) Address: Catholic Rectory, St Mary’s, Regent Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2AJ Email: JOHN, Bineesh Elanjikkal (OCD) Address: 180 Hawthorn Drive, Chantry Estate, Ipswich, IP2 0QQ Tel: 01473 684963 Email: KENNEDY, Jim (CMF) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA Email: McCOY, Alban (OFM Conv) (20.12.75) Address: St Edmund’s College, Mount Pleasant, Cambridge, CB3 0BN Email: M c INERNEY, James (OFM   Con v) Address: Shields, 23 High Street, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6AZ Email: MARLEY, Euan (OP) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Tel: 01223 741251 Email: MIDDLETON, David (OSA) (03.07.71) Address: Clare Priory, Ashen Road, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8NX Email: NWANKWO, Anthony (SMMM) (24.07.10) Address: St Mary’s, Regent Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 2AJ Email: PARK, Stefan (OSA) Address: Clare Priory, Ashen Road, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8NX Email: PEARSON, GREGORY (OP) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Tel: 01223 741251 Email: PEPPER, Chase (CSC) Address: Fisher House, Guildhall St, Cambridge, CB2 3NH Email: PORCZAK, Karol (MS) (18.5.91) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Geneva St, Peterborough, PE1 2RS Email SMIALEK, Waldemar (MS) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Geneva Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RS Email: SOWA, Adam (MS) (14.5.94) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Geneva Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RS EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 24

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Clergy and Religious Directory 137 Email: STAWICKI, Krzysztof (CMF) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA Email: TULLOCH, Keith, (SM) (15.12.73) Address: Stella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells ­ne xt ­the­Sea, NR23 1EY Email: VERRILL , ROBERT (OP) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Tel: 01223 741251 Email: VINCENT, Paul (OCD) Address: 180 Hawthorn Drive, Chantry Estate, Ipswich, IP2 0QQ Tel: 01473 684963 Email: WELCH, Joseph (Orat) Address: Catholic Rectory, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JR ???? Tel: 07972 453885 Email: WHITE, Dominic (OP) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Tel: 01223 741251 Email: WILSON, Ian (OSA) Address: Clare Priory, Ashen Road, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8NX Tel: 01223 741251 Email: PERMANENT DEACONS BEDFORD, John (28.6.08) Address: 5 Garrick Walk, Old Fletton, Peterborough, PE2 8DD Email: BELFIELD, John (30.6.00) Address: 3 John Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HH Tel: 01553 774303 Email: BELL, John (6.7.12) Address: 3 Applewood Close, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9NU Tel: 07502 560610 Email: BRIGHTEN, Christopher (31.7.02) Address: 4 Godbold Close, Kesgrave, Ipswich, IP5 2FE Tel: 07554 799174 Email: BROOKS, Clive (13.6.92) (Rtd) Address: 76 Broom Knoll, East End, East Bergholt, Suffolk, CO7 6XN Tel: 01206 396319 Email: CHERIYAN, Jacob (29.7.20) Address: 137 Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough, PE3 9UN Tel: 07957 124973 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 25

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138 Clergy and Religious Directory CHIAPPINELLI, Claudio (14.7.04) Address: 202 Broadway, Peterborough, PE1 4DT Tel: 01733 344089 Email: COOK, Geoffrey (8.12.78) Address: 20 Brierley Walk, Cambridge, CB4 3NH Tel: 01223 351650 Email: DIMELOW, William (25.5.91) Address: Crofthaven, The Croft, Old Costessey, Norwich, Norfolk, NR8 5DT Tel: 01603 743476 Email: FELTON, Tony (29.6.96) Address: 6 Borough End, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9YW Tel: 07985 228397 Email: GLADDEN, Brett (22.6.19) Address: 4 Garden Close, The Park, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2SY Tel: 01284 787162 Email: GLANVILLE, Peter (29.6.96) Address: White Lilacs, Station Road, Cantley, Norfolk, NR13 3NL Tel: 01493 701341 Email: GREEF, Nicholas (3.7.04) Address: 18 Levine Close, Brundall, Norwich, NR13 5RH Tel: 01603 715066 Email: HATFIELD, Ian (25.5.91) Address: Flat B, 28 Constitution Hill, Norwich, NR3 4BU Tel: 01603 491501 Email: HEATH, Chris (29.6.96) (Rtd) Address: 8 Castle Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3NL Tel: 01284 752495 Email: HIRONS, Paul (25.5.91) Address: 2 Cleaves House, Wells Road, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6DJ Tel: 01328 821523 Email: HURST, JAMES (22.6.19) Address: 47 High Street, Chippenham, Ely, Cambs, CB7 5PR Tel: 01638 721235 / 07736 146401 Email: JORDAN, Michael (3.7.04) Address: 19 Cambridge Drive, Wisbech, Norfolk, PE13 1SE Tel: 01945 580332 Email: JOSEPH, Prameel (30.7.20) Address: 5 Marketstede, Hampton Hargate, Peterborough, PE7 8FA Tel: 07464 972929 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 26

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Clergy and Religious Directory 139 JOYCE , Robert (25.5.91) (Rtd), Address: Otter Bank, 72, Green End, Comberton, Cambridge, CB3 7DA Tel: 01223 262964 Email: LEEDER, Stephen (30.6.00) Address: 75 Langham Road, Field Dalling, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 7LG Tel: 01328 830712 Email: L’ESTRANGE, Martin (22.6.19) Address: Gables Cottage, 9 Common Lane, North Runcton, King’s Lynn, PE33 0RD Tel: 01553 840978 Email: LIMACHER, Patrick (2.7.05) Address: c/o Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Tel: 01603 624615 Email: MAHONEY, Peter (12.10.02) (Rtd) Address: 36 Folly Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QT Tel: 01953 603025 Email: McMAHON, Alan (8.7.06) Address: c/o, 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG Tel: 0790 763554 Email: MORRILL, John (29.6.96) Address: 1 Bradford’s Close, Bottisham, Cambs, CB25 9DW Tel: 01223 811822 Email: MORRISON, Shaun (04.07.15) (OOLW) Address: 38 Windsor Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5PL Tel: 01553 777428 Email: POMEROY, Stephen (24.6.95) Address: c/o Our Lady Star of the Sea, Gordon Road, Lowestoft, NR32 1NL Tel: 07734 172545 Email: RANZETTA, Anthony (11.6.94) (Rtd) Address: Frogs Hall, Frogs Hall Road, Lavenham, Suffolk, CO10 9QH Tel: 01787 248042 Email: SANDERSON, Martin Address: Homestead, Daffy Green, Shipdham, Theford, Norfolk, IP25 7QQ Tel: 01362 822590 Email: SPARKS, Roger (Rtd) Address: Winton House, 34, Theatre Street, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7HA Tel: 01760 724113 Email: VIPOND, Michael (25.5.91) Address: 8 The Scrum, Danforth Drive, Framlingham, Suffolk, IP13 9HH Tel: 01728 724646 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 27

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140 Clergy and Religious Directory WELLS, Martin (26.9.03) Address: ‘Kerala’, 42 Chapel Lane, Wimblington, March, PE15 0QX Tel: 01354 741488 Email: WELLS, Michael (25.5.91) Address: Glencar, 39, Meadowvale Close, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9EP Tel: 01502 715163 Email: WILLIAMS , Huw (17.07.15) Address: 6 Westward Deals, Kedlington, Suffolk, CB9 7PN Tel: 01440 708273 Email: THE BISHOP’S STUDENTS FOR THE SACRED PRIESTHOOD St Mary’s Seminary, Osco tt (Birmingham) Year 1: Peter Ho (Sacred Heart and St Oswald Parish, Peterborough) Dr Anthony Reilly (OLEM) Benjamin Barne tt (OLEM) Year 4: Bienn Carlo Manuntag (St Philip Howard, Cambridge) Allen Hall (Westminster) Year 4: Mark Ashwood (St John Cathedral, Norwich) Beda College (Rome) Year 4: Michael Smith (St Laurence, Cambridge) Johannesburg Year 1: Dominic Nyathi Year 5: Anthony Asomugha (St George, Norwich) Director of Voca tions: Rev Canon Patrick Cleary, 1 Norwich Road, Wymondham, NR18 0QE Tel: 01953 603104 Email: voca tions@r Assistant Voca tions Dir ector: Rev Pádraig Hawkins Tel: 01508 492202 Email: THE BISHOP’S STUDENTS FOR THE PERMANENT DIACONATE Year 1: Paul Raynes (Ely) Derek Williams (Walsingham) Year 2: Gianluca Savini (St Laurence`s Cambridge) Director of the Permanent Diaconate Rev Canon Mathew George, 468 Norwich Road, Ipswich, IP1 6JS Tel: 01473 741975 Assistant Directors: Rev John Bell Tel: 01223 503948 Email: johnbell2010@b tin Rev John Morrill Tel: 01223 811822 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 28

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Clergy and Religious Directory 141 INSTITUTES OF CONSECRATED LIFE Canonesses of St Augustine (Congregation of Our Lady): Walsingham, Cambridge. Carmelites: Quidenham Tel: 01953 887202 Email: Congregation of Jesus: Cambridge Tel: 01223 272910 Email: Community of Our Lady of Walsingham: Walsingham, Dereham Tel: 01328 801019 Email: Daughters of Divine Charity: Hunstanton, Swaffham Tel: 01760 724577 Email: Dominican Sisters: Cambridge Tel: 01223 353730 Franciscan Missionaries of Mary: March Tel: 01354 652266 Email: Little Sisters of Jesus: Walsingham Marist Sisters: Walsingham Tel: 01328 820246 Email: Mater Ecclesiae: Walsingham Tel: 01328 822236 Email: admin@mater ­ecclesiae ­c Poor Clares: Swaffham Tel 01760 722158 Email: Religious of Jesus and Mary: Felixstowe Email: Sisters of Our Lady of Reconciliation: Walsingham Email: Working Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth: Peterborough Email: Sisters of our Lady of Grace and Compassion: Great Barton Tel: 01284 787321 Email: COMMUNITIES OF PRIESTS AND BROTHERS Augustinians: Clare Benedictines (English Congregation): Bungay, Beccles Carmelites (OCD): St Mark’s Ipswich Claretian Missionaries: Buckden Dominicans: Cambridge Franciscans (Conventuals): Walsingham La Salette: Peterborough All Souls Marists: Walsingham Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy: Great Yarmouth EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 29

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142 Clergy and Religious Directory RELIGIOUS SISTERS LIVING IN THE DIOCESE Other than those living in Communities listed above. CORISH, Sr Rosalie SSL: Apt 1 Louisville, Fordham Road, Newmarket, CB8 7AA Tel: 01638 666749 DINES, Sr Jennifer CSA: 58 St Matthew’s Gardens, Cambridge, CB1 2PJ McKEEFRY, Sr Mary Jo SSL: Apt 2 Louisville, Fordham Road, Newmarket, CB8 7AA Tel: 074 8227 1320 O’REILLY, Sr Marie: c/o 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG Tel: 01284 488790 PRENDERGAST, Sr Mary Richard CJ: 15 Suffield Court, The Great Hospital, Bishopgate, Norwich, NR1 4ES Tel: 01603 610543 SOLON, Sr Carmel SSL: 14 Howard House, 5 Gippeswyk Avenue, Ipswich, IP2 9AE Tel: 01473 603055 WELLINGTON, Sr Sandra CSA: 16 Bridewell St, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6BJ CONSECRATED WOMEN BATEMAN, Catherin, Siena: 3 Meadow Cottages, West Barsham, Norfolk, NR21 9NS FITZGERALD, Elizabeth: 36 Cleaves Drive,   Lit tle Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6EQ Email: KNIGHT, Karen: c/o Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk, NR16 2PH CONNORS, Anthea: Oak View, Surlingham Road, Bramerton, Norwich, NR14 7DN Email: MORRISON, Lynn Marie: c/o Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham NR16 2PH LINDSAY, Jenny: 9 Oakhampton House, East Barton Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2RF EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 30

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Image: Carole AlFarah 12-14 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DA Email: Tel: 020 8642 8668 Thi s s girl from S yr yr ia is one of million s s of Christians worldwide suffering today ― amid st st war, f am am ine and per se se cution. Ple as as e c an an yo yo u help them to keep faith al al ight? Aid to the Church in Need supports the faithful wherever they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need. ACN is a Catholic charity, helping to bring Christ to the world in Africa, the Middle East, China, Eastern Europe and Latin America. ACN trains seminarians and catechists, builds churches, supports priests and religious, prints Bibles and helps refugees. Please help us with your prayers and love. Keep Faith Alight A registered charity in England and Wales (1097984) and Scotland (SC040748) EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 31

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144 Financial Report FINANCIAL   REPOR T The Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia Summarised Accounts for year ended 31 December 2019 Statement of Financial Activities 2019 2018 £ £ Income Voluntary Income: Donations, Legacies and Grants 6,246,975 5,921,049 Investment Income 451,490 292,907 Charitable Activities 280,986 161,387 Income From Other Trading Activities 498,972 606,277 Total Income 7,478,423 6,981,620 Expenditure Cost of Raising Funds 230,279 247,515 Provision of Worship incl upkeep of buildings 2,237,529 876,614 Clergy and Parish Support 3,736,374 4,216,902 Pastoral Care &Community Support 450,550 397,404 Schools’ Programme 677,782 843,697 Other Costs 0 157,000 Total Expenditure 7,332,514 6,739,132 Income for the year before other gains/losses 145,909 242,488 Other Recognised Gains/ ( L osses) Realised/unrealised gains on investments 1,107,355 (407,656 ) Gain on Investment Property 733,000 1,343,140 Income for the year ( N et Movement on Funds ) 1,986,264 1,177,972 Funds brought forward 31,950,335 30,772,363 Funds Carried Forward 33,936,599 31,950,335 Balance Sheet Fixed Assets 25,485,663 23,632,962 Current assets 8,881,522 9,163,049 Current liabilities (410,586 ) (825,676 ) Creditors falling due after more than 1 year (20,000 ) (20,000 ) 33,936,599 31,950,335 Funds Unrestricted funds 8,228,153 6,915,619 Restricted funds 3,541,976 3,107,447 Parochial funds 22,166,470 21,927,269 33,936,599 31,950,335 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 32

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Financial Report 145 These summarised accounts may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. For further information the full annual accounts, the auditor’s report on those accounts and the Trustees’ Annual Report should be consulted. Copies of these can be obtained from the White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich NR14 7SH Statement of the Trustees We confirm that the extracts are a summary of information relating to both the Statement of Financial Activities and Balance Sheet from the annual accounts. The annual accounts were approved at the Trustees’ Meeting on 1st October 2020 and have been submitted to the Charity Commission. The Auditors’ Report as given on the full accounts was unqualified. The Rt Rev Alan Hopes 1st October 2020 Auditors Statement to the Trustees of The Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia We have examined the summarised financial statements set out on this page. Respective responsibilities of Trustees and Auditors The Trustees for the preparation of the summarised financial statements. The Auditors have agreed to report on their consistency with the full financial statements, on which we reported on 1st October 2020. Basis of opinion We have carried out the procedures we consider necessary to ascertain whether the summarised financial statements are consistent with the full financial statements from which they have been prepared. Opinion In our opinion the summarised accounts are consistent with the full accounts of the Diocese for the year ended 31st December 2019. Price Bailey 8th October 2020 Notes to the Accounts 1. Although it benefits from many enthusiastic and faithful volunteers, priests and re - ligious, the Diocese of East Anglia is not financially well off. It has limited reserves or investments of its own, receives relatively small amounts through legacies and dona - tions and has historically been reliant on raising income from its parishes. This it does by levying charges based as a percentage of parish offertory collections. The income which it receives is used to pay for the organisation and administration of all Diocesan activities, for the repairs and adaptations to its schools, for the training of future Diocesan priests and for all those services which are given to parishes without charge. 2. The activities of the Diocese are largely undertaken through its parishes. Of the overall diocesan finances, parishes account for over 71% of income and approximately 68% of expenditure with some 65% of the Diocesan charity’s net assets being held at parochial level. The work of the parishes involves amongst other things the pastoral care of the Roman Catholic and general community of the parish and maintenance and upkeep of places of worship. 3. An ongoing fund-raising campaign, Alive in Faith, has been undertaken since EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 33

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146 Financial Report February 2015. This has four primary aims to provide funding for the following: n Training of future priests n Support of retired clergy n Special Parish Projects n Social Outreach 4. During the year ending on 31 December 2019 a total of over £6.3 million was com - mitted in pledges over five years, and £1,062,372 income from these pledges was recognised in the year. Expenditure in this year was £573,821 on Seminarians, Parish Projects and Social Outreach grants. Total fundraising costs over the five years are ex - pected to be around 16% of the amount raised. 5. At 31 December 2019 the Diocese`s reserves, including parishes, stood at £33.9m. Of this, £3.54m is restricted to particular uses and £4.52m has been designated by the Trustees for certain specific purposes. 6. Of the remaining reserves, parochial funds amount to £22.1m, of which £13.96m is represented by fixed assets in the form of churches and other property which are re - quired for the purposes of the Diocese and could not be realised without undermining its work. This leaves free parochial reserves of £8.14m which represents just over one year’s total parochial expenditure and levy charges. This level of reserves is considered necessary by the Trustees to enable the parishes to conduct their work in an orderly and efficient manner as well as providing income through investments to supplement the amounts received by donations. 7. This leaves general reserves at the Diocese amounting to £3.71m which are free reserves whose use is unrestricted. This represents over two years’ unrestricted Dioce - san expenditure and is considered necessary in order for the Diocese to continue sup - porting and advising the parishes. The Trustees are anticipating a reduction in the Diocese`s overall free reserves, as they are used to provide the support necessary for the Diocese to fulfil its objects and to meet the challenges posed by Covid-19. 8. The Diocese and its parishes have responded to the Covid-19 pandemic through a combination of expenditure reductions and seeking to generate additional income through online donations, accessing grants and use of the furlough scheme. We are grateful to the many generous parishioners who, alongside our dedicated clergy, have given unstintingly of their time and talents to bring the Roman Catholic Church in East Anglia through this unprecedented period. EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 34

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SECOND   COLLECTIONS   FOR 2021 RACIAL   JUS TICE Sunday January 31 – Racial Justice Sunday An optional collection. Send money to Catholic Trust for England and Wales ( CaTEW) via Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. CAFOD Sunday February 28 – Lent Friday Fast (February 26) An op tional c ollec ti on. Send money to: CAFOD Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JB CAFOD Friday Fast Days in Lent and October are NOT weekend second collec tions. They are an opportunity for the faithful to fast on a par ticular Frida y and to then do ­ nate any monies saved through such fas ting t o CAFOD in the envelopes distributed the weekend before. It is not envisaged that the faithful will be asked to give addi tional money in a second collec tion whils t the CAFOD envelopes are being collected in, un ­ less the Parish or the Parish Priest chooses to hold an op tional sec ond collec tion specific ally for the work of CAFOD. HOLY   LAND  SHRINE S Good Friday April 2 – Holy Places of Pales tine A mandatory collec tion. Send mone y to the Diocesan Finance O ffice. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. VOCATIONS Sunday April 25 – Voca tions Sunda y A mandatory (local ordinary) collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Sunday May 16 – World Communica tions Sunda y A mandatory (Holy See) collec tion. S end money to the Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE LIFE CHARITIES Sunday June 20 – Day for Life A mandatory (CBCEW) collec tion. Send mone y to CaTEW via Diocesan Finance O ffice. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. PETER’S PENCE Sunday June 27 – Peter’s Pence A mandatory (Holy See) collec tion. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA Sunday July 11 – Sea Sunday An op tional c ollec ti on. Send money to: AoS Freepost, RTKT ­ KCYH­ BBYA, 39 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1BX Second Collections 147 EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 35

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148 Second Collections CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICE Sunday September 12 – Educa tion Sunda y An optional collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. HOME   MISSION Sunday September 19 – Home Mission Sunday A mandatory (CBCEW) collection. Send money to CaTEW via Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. CAFOD Sun, October 3 – Harvest Fast Day Friday October 1 An op tional c ollec ti on. Send money to: CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JB MISSIO ( THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH ) Sunday October 24 – World Mission Sunday A mandatory (Holy See) collec tion. Send mone y to: Mgr Canon James Cronin, Na tional Director Missio, 23 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1NU CARITAS EAST   ANGLIA /ST EDMUND’S FUND Sunday November 7 – Diocesan Social Outreach An optional collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE Sunday November 21 – Youth Sunday An optional collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. DIOCESAN DEPENDANT PRIESTS’ FUND Sunday December 5 – Dependant Priests A mandatory (Local Ordinary) collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office. Please make cheques payable to RCDEA. MISSIONARY   ORDER S ­ THE  WHITE  FATHERS: any time in 2021 There is also an annual appeal by one or more religious orders dedicated to missionary work overseas. To read the latest Diocese of East Anglia news as it happens, sign up for our weekly enews bulletin at EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 36

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Organisations and Societies Directory 149 DIOCESAN AND NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND SOCIETIES AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED Directly under the Holy See, ACN supports the faithful wherever they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need. ACN helps to bring Christ to the world through prayer, information and action, and is at work in around 140 countries throughout the world. The charity undertakes thousands of projects every year including transport for clergy and lay Church workers, construction of church buildings, funding for priests and Sis ­ ters and support for seminarians. Since 1979, over 51 million copies of the Child’s Bible have been printed in 189 languages and distributed worldwide. Community Outreach Manager: Caroline Hull, Address: 12­14 Benhill A venue, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DA Tel: 0208 642 8668 Email: Website: ASSOCIATION OF BLIND CATHOLICS The only service the ABC now provides is a talking ­book lending libr ary. Address: 58 Oakwood Road, Horley, Surrey RH6 7BU Phone: 01293 772006 Email: BENEDICTINE LIFE Norfolk Oblates of Douai Abbey meet at the ‘Julian Chapter’ every second Thursday at the Church of Our Lady and St Walstan, Costessey, Norwich, at 11am. Contact: Tony Howes Phone: 01603 742487 CAFOD CAFOD is the official overseas development and relief agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. In over thirty countries they reach people in poverty with practical help. In witness to Gospel values CAFOD works to: • Reach those in greatest need, save lives and relieve suffering. • Challenge and transform the structures and behaviours that drive poverty, injustice and harm the natural world. • In emergencies provide immediate relief and long ­t erm re ­ building programmes. CAFOD focuses on clean water, sanitation, sustainable livelihoods and peace ­building. Support can be offered through donations, prayer, volunteering and campaigning. CAFOD’s Lent Family Fast Day is on Friday 26 February and Harvest Fast Day is on Fri ­ day 1 October and donation envelopes will be available in churches. Diocese of East Anglia Community Participation Coordinator: Jane Crone Address: CAFOD, EA Volunteer Centre, St Basil the Great, Luncies Road, Basildon, SS14 1SD EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 37

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150 Organisations and Societies Directory Phone: 07779 804 252 Email: CARITAS CHRISTI Caritas Christi is an international secular institute for women in which members make a commitment for life to be totally given to God. Out of love they choose to live a celi ­ bate life in order to dedicate their love in its completeness to God, the Church and all people. Their service is given in the circumstances of their everyday lives. They remain lay people. If you are single or widowed and would like information, write to: Contact: Penny Sweet Email: THE CATENIAN ASSOCIATION The Catenian Association is an international brotherhood of Catholic men who meet socially once a month to pray, offer mutual support and encourage friendship among our Catholic families. Prayers and Masses for Vocations are very important to us. A Benevolent Fund exists for widows, children or members in need, and a Bursary Fund to assist/encourage any young Catholic under 25 to involve themselves in projects for the benefit of the community at home or abroad. If you are interested, in the first instance, please contact one of the following Circle secretaries below and we look forward to meeting you: Norwich and District Circle 86: Paul Bruning t: 01369 687717 | e: paul.bruning@btin ­ Cambridge Circle 52: Stephen Goddard t:01223 526662 | e: stephen.goddard87@ntl ­ Ipswich Circle 123: Richard Colley t 01255 880868 | e: West Norfolk Circle 351: William O’Brien e: Bury St Edmunds 362: Paul Rossi t:01284 703784 | e: paul ­r Website: CATHOLIC ARCHIVES SOCIETY The Catholic Archives Society promotes and advises on listing, management and preservation of records of dioceses, religious foundations and institutions of the Catholic Church. It does not collect or store archives. Secretary: Sarah Maspero Address: 38 Crawford Drive, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 7RW Website: CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL DIOCESAN SERVICE TEAM This team exists to support prayer groups in the Diocese. Members also organise days of renewal and contribute to the Celebrate Weekend Conference. Contact us or see our website for information regarding, prayer groups, days of renewal or other events. Regional Contact: Philip Walters Phone: 07910157584 Email: Website: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 38

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Organisations and Societies Directory 151 CATHOLIC FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY The Catholic Family History Society exists to assist those researching their Catholic an ­ cestry. Details of membership, publications and resources can be found at: Address: 19 Lime Tree Grove, Croydon CR0 8AY Email: Website: CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION UK Membership is open to Catholic doctors, nurses, pharmacists, radiographers, physiotherapists, hospital chaplains, health care managers and their students. National Secretary: Dr Stephen Brennan. East Anglia Contact: Dr Robert Hardie Tel: 0207 901 4895 Email: Website: CATHOLIC UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND CATHOLIC UNION CHARITABLE TRUST The Catholic Union of Great Britain is the consistent voice of the Catholic laity which works to promote and develop the values of Catholic social teaching by working with the Bishops’ Conference and members of both Houses of Parliament. This is to ensure that our values are presented to key decision makers who determine legislation and social policy. The Catholic Union Charitable Trust aims to advance Catholic moral and spiritual prin ­ ciples by means of conferences, lectures, training, education and via social media. Email: Website: CATHOLIC WOME N’S LEAGUE A national and international organisation involved in charitable works. It seeks to make the voice of Catholic women heard on many issues including family life. Founded in 1906 by Margaret Fletcher. New members are always welcome. There are sections in Cambridge, Lowestoft and Wymondham and affiliated members across the Diocese. Trustee and Branch President: Teresa Wiseman Email: CHRISTIAN LIFE COMMUNITIES Christian Life Communities are small groups of people who meet regularly to help each other deepen their life of prayer. CLC’s special characteristic is the spirituality of St Ig ­ natius of Loyola, helping members to integrate prayer and action in their daily lives. We also work to promote the common good in public life and it is vital that the Catholic voice continues to be proclaimed in public. We liaise with the wider Christian community on issues of common interest. Email: Website: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 39

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152 Organisations and Societies Directory COUPLES FOR CHRIST ( EAST ANGLIA CHAPTER ) A movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. CFC is recognized by the Holy See as a private international association of the lay faithful of pontifical right. Units based in Norwich, Ipswich, Cambridge which cover Couples for Christ, Handmaids of the Lord, Singles for Christ, Youth for Christ, Kids for Christ. CFC (Couples for Christ) Norwich unit heads: Bro Bing & Sis Joy Candaza Mobile: 07805 762785 Email: ENGLISH CATHOLIC HISTORY ASSOCIATION The Association aims to advance the education of the public in English Catholic history including promoting interest and encouraging research into the Catholic history of England and Wales and helping to preserve relevant documents. Regular meetings and visits are arranged and members receive a quarterly newsletter. Secretary: Angela Hodges Phone: 01935 823928 Email: Website: EQUESTRIAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE OF JERUSALEM KHS The Order of the Holy Sepulchre was established in the twelfth century as a body of knights to defend the Church in the Holy Land. In 1847, Pope Blessed Pius IX reconstituted the Order to support the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem through prayer, pilgrimage and alms ­giving. The need f or solidarity with the ‘living stones’ who main ­ tain the Catholic faith in the Holy Land is stronger than ever. We are part of a world ­ wide organisation of 30,000 knights and dames, priests and bishops. Reg charity no 262033 Eastern Section President: Bernard Waddingham KSG KGCHS Phone: 01234 268682 Email: Website: FRIENDS OF THE HOLY FATHER To pray for His Holiness’s intentions, to study his teaching and make it more widely known as well as supporting a fund to assist towards defraying the rising expenses in ­ curred in furthering his Apostolic Ministry. Secretary: Mary Maxwell Chairman: John Dean Phone: 020 7798 9181 Email: Website: FRIENDS OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL OF EAST ANGLIA The Friends, a registered charity no 289281, raise funds for the enhancement of the Cathedral, the mother church of the Diocese, through membership subscriptions, do ­ nations, legacies and events. They also promote interest in the Cathedral to assist the growth of the diocesan family. Subscription is £20 per annum, £10 concessions or £150 for life membership, £200 joint. Membership Secretary: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 40

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Organisations and Societies Directory 153 GRAIL SOCIETY The Grail has always worked to share its Christian inspiration and values with the world by encouraging awareness of God’s presence in the individual, in communities and in Creation in the belief that to help one person to grow is to help to build the world. Today this work is being continued through the making of small grants to other chari ­ ties or groups whose work embodies these values. Diocesan Representative: José Smith Email: Website: JULIAN MEETINGS The Julian Meetings foster the practice and teaching of contemplative prayer in the Christian Tradition. There are groups in all parts of the Diocese of East Anglia. Email: Website: KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA - PROVINCE 27 EAST ANGLIA The Order of the Knights of St Columba exists to support the mis ­ sion of the Catholic Church and at the same time to work for the spiritual, intellectual and material welfare of its members and their families. A member of the order aims to achieve these objectives through the virtues of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Membership is open to all practising Catholic men aged 16 or over. Provincial Grand Knight, Province 27 ­ Jason Wick ard Council 206 Ipswich ­ Gr and Knight Con Pappas Council 287 Cambridge ­ Gr and Knight Gerald Fox Council 319 Kings Lynn ­ Gr and Knight Peter Martin Council 518 Lowestoft ­ Gr and Knight Gordon Cuthbert Council 534 Great Yarmouth ­ Gr and Knight Neil Gillies Council 976 Norwich ­ Gr and Knight Colin Harper All enquiries to: Province 27 Communications Officer ­ admin@k sc ­ Provincial Grand Knight: Jason Wickard Email: admin@ksc ­pr LAY DOMINICANS Lay members of the Order of Preachers committed to prayer, study, community and mission. Meeting regularly in fraternities, Lay Dominicans pray and study together and then go out to preach Christ to the world as active lay Catholics. Fraternities are in Cambridge and Walsingham. Contact: Jill Gunsell Email: Website: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 41

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154 Organisations and Societies Directory LIFE We’re a national charity that offers positive alternatives to abor ­ tion (through our Pregnancy Matters™ services) and educate young people to respect human life from beginning to end (through our Life Matters® services). Pregnancy Matters™ gives emotional support, counselling, hous ­ ing, and financial help to anyone affected by pregnancy ­r elated is ­ sues. We serve 500+ people every day. For any pregnancy / baby loss related problem, help is just a click, text or call away. If you need to talk we’re here to listen: Websites: and Phone: 0808 8025433 Text: 07860 077339 Email: LIFE ASCENDING Vie Montante Internationale For Christians in their middle and later life, helping them grow spiritually and to take up their responsibilities as members of the Church through friendship and mission. President: Ross Roberts Address: 77 Bingham Rd, Croydon, CR0 7EJ Phone: 0208 656 6873 Email: Website: LIFE Fertility Care A programme, based on the Creighton Model FertilityCare system and medical NaPro ­ Technology, to support couples who have difficulty conceiving. Contact: Ira Winter Phone: 07936907777 Email: MARRIAGE CARE Established in 1946 to support Marriage and Family Life. Catholic Marriage Care spe ­ cialises in helping couples build and sustain strong, fulfilling and healthy relationships, and provides support in times of relationship difficulty. A confidential counselling service for adults is available in over 54 centres throughout England and Wales. Professionally trained marriage counsellors offer counselling for those with marital and relationship difficulties. For an appointment or further details contact your local centre at: Newmarket and Cambridge 0800 389 3801 Norwich and Peterborough 0800 389 3801 Address: Huntingdon House, 278 ­290 Hun tingdon Street, Nottingham NG1 3LY Phone: 0800 389 3801 Email: Website: MERYEMANA Ecumenical shrine of Our Lady of Grace based in Ipswich. Monthly meetings. Annual EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 42

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Organisations and Societies Directory 155 pilgrimage walk on Sunday near to September 8. Contact: Judith Fell and Jean M Johnson Address: 43, Bond Street, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 1JD Email: MISSIO ­ Today. Tomorrow. Together. Missio ignites God’s love by helping missionaries to work alongside communities throughout the world that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief. Today Missio makes an impact in 1,070 mission dioceses in 157 countries. We trans ­ form lives by listening to local needs and acting in the most effective way: we create in ­ frastructure in impoverished and remote areas, we help to build chapels, schools and orphanages, we facilitate clinics and dispensaries, and we create hubs from which the young Church can flourish and grow. 020 7821 9755. Website: MOVEMENT OF CHRISTIAN WORKERS To promote ongoing Christian formation through small groups and provide a compre ­ hensive service to them. The groups exist to help people relate faith to daily life, build up Christian community on a local level, give positive support to families and equip and sustain Christians for their civic and social responsibilities. The movement has a development worker who is able to encourage and support new groups throughout the country. Administrator: Jo O’Brien Email: Website: OUR LADY’S CATECHISTS An association of men and women who are qualified to give religious instruction. Contact: Ann Kearney Address: 2 The Coach House , Northcliffe Court, Felixstowe IP11 7UA Website: PACT - PRISON ADVICE AND CARE TRUST The national Catholic charity supporting the families of prisoners, those coming out of prison and prisoners themselves. Pact seeks to minimise the harm caused by a prison sentence, offering an opportunity for a fresh start. Pact work throughout England and Wales in courts, prisons and in the community. All of our work is supported by volunteers from parishes. Pact also relies on financial support from parishes and individuals to keep our life ­ changing work going, please consider signing up to receive our newsletter, making a fi ­ nancial gift or remembering us in your will. If you or someone you know is in need of support please call our free, confidential helpline on 0808 808 3444, email us For further information please contact Pact’s Parish &, Supporter Relations Team, 29 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UA. EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 43

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156 Organisations and Societies Directory Phone: 020 7735 9535 Email: Website: PILGRIMAGE PEOPLE A UK charity (1145830) arranging pilgrimage tours to the Holy Land and Europe. Address: Stapleford Granary, Bury Road, Stapleford, Cambridge CB22 5BP Phone: 0800 6123423 Email: Website: SECULAR DISCALCED CARMELITE ORDER Following in the footsteps of the great Carmelite reformers St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross, many lay people and secular priests have found in the Carmelite way of life a means of coming closer to God through contemplative prayer and service to the Church. We have a Rule of Life and a formation programme which we follow in our Secular communities in Norwich, Peterborough, Quidenham, Ipswich, Letchworth and Walsingham. Contact: Joan MacInnes Email: SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER - EAST ANGLIAN REGION Secular Franciscans ­ ar e a fraternity of Catholic lay men and women, and diocesan clergy. At the heart of the Secular Franciscan Order is St Francis’ call to lead the Gospel life. Secular Franciscans strive to live the Gospel in our lay state, gaining inspiration from the example and writings of St Francis. We seek to deepen, in the light of faith, the val ­ ues and choices of life. We strive to lead lives of continuing conversion ­ thr ough a life of penance, evangelical simple living, and prayer ­ support ed by programmes of forma ­ tion. Visitors to our meetings can be assured of a warm welcome. Further information about the Secular Franciscans is available on our National Fraternity website: “From Gospel to life, from life to Gospel” Contacts for local fraternities in the Diocese are: Cambridge ‘Our Lady of the Poor’ Fraternity ­ P eter Qualey ofs Address: 5 Dibbin Close, Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3HZ Tel: 01536 407354 Email: Ipswich ‘Blessed John Duns Scotus’ Fraternity ­ Da vid Gleave ofs Address: 4 Nelson Road, Ipswich, IP4 4DS Tel: 01473 720668 Email: Norwich ‘Pax et Bonum’ Fraternity ­ Anne Murrin of s Address: Heron House, 38 Yarmouth Road, Blofield, Norwich, NR13 4LG Tel: 01603 716772 Email: EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 44

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Organisations and Societies Directory 157 Contacts for other fraternities in the region are: Bedford ‘Gospel to Life’ Fraternity ­ Anne Simmonds of s Address: 4 East Court, Goldington Green, Bedford, MK41 0AH Tel: 01234 308395 Email: SOCIETY OF ST GREGORY National Catholic society promoting understanding, active participation and good prac ­ tice in the celebration of the liturgy. Organises summer schools, lectures and study days for all engaged in liturgy and music and meetings for composers. The quarterly journal Music and Liturgy available by subscription, has articles, news, reviews and a practical liturgy planner. The Society is a registered charity. Contact: Rosemary Muntus Phone: 01449 741747 Website: SPICMA For over 50 years SPICMA has been working through missionary and diocesan clergy to help the poorest and most marginalized in the developing world. We fund small capital projects and provide emergency aid to communities which have little prospect of find ­ ing support elsewhere. We are entirely voluntary ­ no w ages are paid to anyone at SPICMA so more of each donation will go to where it is intended. Email: Website: ST BARNABAS SOCIETY For the assistance of clergy and religious received into the Catholic Church. Address: Windsor House, Heritage Gate, East Point Business Park, Sandy Lane West, Oxford, OX4 6LB Phone: 01865 513377 Email: Website: STELLA   MARIS Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) is the official maritime agency of the Catholic Church in Great Britain. Stella Maris is a registered charity (No 1069833) reliant on the annual Sea Sunday appeal and donations to sustain its ministry. Ninety percent of world trade is carried by ship; however, seafarers and fishers often work in dangerous conditions suffering loneliness, deprivation and even exploitation. Stella Maris deploys chaplains and ship visitors who welcome merchant seafarers and fishers to our shores and provide for their pastoral and practical needs – regardless of creed or nationality. Catholic seafarers and fishers are also given the opportunity to receive the sacraments. In addition, Stella Maris provides chaplains on board cruise ships, works to maintain seafarers’ centres inside ports, and collaborates with industry bodies to speak up for seafarers’ and fishers’ rights. Stella Maris relies on a network of valued contacts and volunteers to sustain its development. EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 45

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158 Organisations and Societies Directory If any parish would like to hear more about offering prayer, volunteering or financial support to help the work of Stella Maris please email: Chief Executive Officer/European Regional Coordinator: Martin Foley Address: 39 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1BX Phone: 02079 011931 Email: Website: East Anglia Chaplain: Julian Wong Email: Website: ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ENGLAND AND WALES East Anglia Central Council Board: President: Michael McMahon Email: Treasurer: Bernard Shaw Email: Secretary: Jackie Roberts Email: Twinnage: Monica King Email: Gift Aid: Kenneth Wheatcroft Email: UNION OF CATHOLIC MOTHERS The UCM is a national organisation of Catholic Women, open to all women of all ages who support our aims and objectives in `prayer, love and active witness to marriage, family and Christian life in the world`. Throughout our 100 ­ y ear history we have been involved in current affairs, particularly those that impact on family life, lobbying our MPs to protect the marginalised and vulnerable in society both home and abroad. We have active groups (Foundations) in Costessey, Dereham and St Neots/Buckden, as well as independent members throughout the Diocese. For more information contact: East Anglia President: Mrs Anne Emblem Email: WALSINGHAM ASSOCIATION The Association exists primarily to spread devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham and encourage Pilgrimage to her Shrine. Branches and groups throughout the country meet regularly with members seeking to deepen their devotion to Our Lady by joining in daily prayer with members throughout the country and to support prayerfully the growth and development of the Shrine. Address: Walsingham Association, Pilgrim Bureau, Friday Market Place, Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6EG. Tel: 01328 800953 Email: Website: WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA Was permanently erected as a Public Association of the faithful by the Pontifical Coun ­ cil for the Laity on October 7, 2010 and exist to promote Our Lady’s call to live the Gospel more profoundly through prayer, penance, offering up daily duties in a spirit of sacrifice, daily recitation of the Rosary and the Five First Saturdays Communion of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 46

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Organisations and Societies Directory/Retreat Centre Directory 159 East Anglia Rep: Expedita Amper Address: 16 Rutherford Road, Cambridge CB2 8HH Website: www.worldfatima ­englandw RETREAT   CENTRES CARMELITE MONASTERY QUIDENHAM ­ HERMITAGES Accommodation in our guest hermitages is available for those who wish to spend a time of private retreat here, to share in the liturgy and prayer, or who would like to know more about our Carmelite calling. Address: Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norwich NR16 2PH Phone: 01953 887202 Email: Website: CLARE PRIORY RETREAT CENTRE Clare Priory is one of the oldest religious houses in England, situated in the shadows of Clare Castle on the banks of the River Stour, Suffolk. Clare Priory today acts as a Parish and as a Retreat Centre. Address: Ashen Road, Clare, Suffolk CO10 8NX Phone: 01787 277326 Email: Website: CONVENT OF JESUS AND MARY We are a Religious Congregation founded in 1818, by Claudine Thevenet in Lyon France. Our Mission is to provide a centre for Adult Faith Formation. Our retreat centre is open to youth groups, young adults, lay and religious, who are seeking to promote their faith life. We welcome different denominations and Christian faith traditions. Address: 63 Orwell Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP11 7PP Phone: 01394 282386/277790 Email: Website: DOWRY HOUSE RETREAT The retreat house run by the Catholic Shrine at Walsingham offers a range of formation courses and retreats for those seeking to deepen their faith. There are 17 beautifully furnished bed ­ rooms that can hold up to 26 guests, for whom full board is provided. EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 47

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160 Retreat Centre Directory Address: 47­49 High Str eet, Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6BZ Phone: 01328 801018 Email: Website: OLD STABLE HOUSE RETREAT CENTRE The Centre was established in 1990 when it was converted from a late Victorian Sta ­ bles. It is sponsored by the Sisters of St Louis, an international community of women religious. Whilst rooted in Christianity, the Centre respects and welcomes diversity and is a meeting place for people of many spiritual traditions. Address: The Old Stable House Centre, 3 Sussex Lodge, Fordham Road, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7AF Phone: 01638 667190 Email: Website: ST CLARET RETREAT CENTRE Located at Buckden Towers, the Claret Centre offers a range of facilities and services for the use of individuals and groups. Address: The Towers, High Street, Buckden, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5TA Phone: 01480 810344 Email: Website: www.buckden ­t £1.80 provides a child with a meal every weekday for a month Donate Now at THE REACH FOUNDATION UK EastAnglia2021YearbookMidSection_Layout 1 22/10/2020 19:08 Page 48

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Diocesan Calendar 2021 161 DIOCESAN CALENDAR FOR EAST ANGLIA 2021 “Christ’s saving work is celebrated in sacred memory by the Church on fixed days throughout the course of the year. Each week on the day called the Lord’s Day the Church commemorates the Lord’s resurrection. Once a year at Easter the Church honours the resurrection of the Lord and his blessed passion with the utmost solemnity. In fact, through the yearly cycle the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and keeps the anniversaries of the saints.” (GNLY 1) Preliminary Notes n This Calendar is based on the GENERAL ROMAN CALENDAR, the NATIONAL CALEN ­ DAR as contained in the Roman Missal (2010) and the revised DIOCESAN CALENDAR. n The titular and anniversary of dedication of each church are kept as Solemnities. Lest they be overlooked, it is advisable to mark them in this Calendar. n Local observances are permitted of Saints or Beati connected in some way with the locality, as through birth, ministry, death, or custody of major relics. The Bishop should be consulted in each instance. n On the ‘green’ ferias per annum (of the year) a wide choice of Mass formula is available: EITHER of any of the 34 Sundays per annum (with the prayers of the Sunday selected, or of another Sunday, or those provided ad diversa), OR of any Saint mentioned on that day in the Martyrology, OR of any votive Mass or Mass ad diversa, OR of any Mass for the dead (provided that the daily Mass formula is only used when the Mass is, in fact, applied for the dead). The Requiem Mass which forms part of the funeral rite is allowed on any day except the Paschal Triduum, the Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter, and the Holydays of Obligation. n The Gloria is said on all Sundays (apart from Advent and Lent), Solemnities, Feasts, and other solemn celebrations, but not on Memorials. The Credo is said on Sundays and Solemnities, and is also allowed at other solemn celebrations. n THE LECTIONARY. On Sundays, Cycle B (Year 2) is to be used until the First Sunday of Advent, when Cycle C (Year 3) begins. The weekday readings are of Year 1. Attention is drawn to the section headed ‘Principles of Choice’ in the introduction. A decided preference is expressed for continuous readings, as provided for the weekdays throughout the year, even though a Memorial occurs (apart from the few instances noted in the Calendar of a strictly proper reading). The 1981 Lectionary provides readings for Feasts observed in this country (Vol II, pp 1316 and fol). For other Solemnities and Feasts lacking proper readings, the appropriate Common should be used, while suitable readings may be chosen for special celebrations. n As Eucharistic Prayer IV must always be used with its own preface, the days on which it may not be used have been indicated by the note ‘Not EP IV’. The Eucharistic Prayer for Masses for Various Needs and Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation also have integral prefaces, and may not be used on Sundays or days when EP IV is not permitted. n Parish priests are bound to offer Mass for their people on all Sundays and Holydays of Obligation. EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 1

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162 Diocesan Calendar 2021 n The necrology includes all clergy of the former Northampton Diocese from the year 1850. Places in parenthesis are where priests died or retired from. Any errors or omissions in the necrology of diocesan clergy should be notified to the Bishop’s Personal Assistant. NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYER Introduction In the Catholic tradition the human experience of time is used as a way of engaging us with the saving mystery of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. The cycle of days, weeks and the whole year is, for this reason, of supreme importance in Christian worship. Each week, on the day called the Lord’s Day, the Church commemorates the Lord’s resurrection. Once a year, at Easter, the Church honours this resurrection and passion with the utmost solemnity. Through the yearly cycle the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and keeps the anniversary of the saints. All other celebrations need to find their proper place in the Calendar so that the principal mysteries of the redemption do not lose their appropriate prominence. Amongst these other celebrations, from the earliest times have been the rogation and ember days, days of prayer for particular need or in thanksgiving for particular blessings of the Lord. Since 1972, the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has preferred to drop all distinction between ember and rogation days, and to speak simply of Days of special prayer. In 1972, six such days were introduced, but in the years which followed the number of such days increased to such an extent that they risked intruding on the celebration of the liturgical year, and especially on the celebration of the Lord’s Day on Sundays. Subsequently the Bishops’ Conference concluded that from Advent 1996 these Days of special prayer be subsumed into and replaced by a Cycle of Prayer. The Cycle of Prayer seeks to preserve the integrity of the Sunday liturgy, without losing sight of the importance of being united with the universal or local Church in praying and working for important intentions. It seeks to do this by encouraging the faithful to pray for the intentions set out in the Cycle in their personal prayers throughout the period specified, and not only at Mass on a particular day. The Cycle of Prayer is based on a division of the year into six periods, three of these being the principal liturgical seasons of Advent/Christmas; Lent and Easter and the other three being divisions of Ordinary Time, namely Winter, Summer and Autumn. Each of these six periods is allocated its proper series of intentions for prayer, which may be taken up by both individuals and parishes and other groups throughout the season. Each individual intention also has its particular focal point, ie a particular celebration or Day of Prayer ordered by the Holy See. How might a parish keep the Cycle of Prayer? Outside of the Liturgy n Intentions for the whole period might be listed in the parish newsletter or printed on a prayer card so as to help individual parishioners keep in mind and pray for the EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 2

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Diocesan Calendar 2021 163 intentions for that period. n Publicity and informational material might be displayed on parish noticeboards. n Prayer ­ f ocuses may be placed in an appropriate place in the Church – following the example of the candle symbol popularised by Amnesty International. n Parish meetings might be arranged so as to better inform parishioners about the particular objects of the intention (eg peace, Christian unity, the place and role of women in the Church and the world, the sick, sea ­ f arers, racial justice, prisoners and their families). This will also give the opportunity for parishioners to learn how they might become actively involved in working for the fulfilling of the intentions for which they pray. n Retiring collections might be taken to support particular forms of pastoral activity. Within the Liturgy ­ Mass n On the Day of Special Prayer itself, and especially on Sundays, it is appropriate to announce the Day of Special Prayer in the opening remarks at the beginning of Mass, and for the special intention to be included in the Prayer of the Faithful (Bidding Prayers). Care should be taken that the remaining petitions of the Prayer of the Faithful should be formulated in accordance with the norms given in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. n When a Day of Prayer or other observance falls on a Sunday, the Mass and Lectionary texts of the Sunday are normally to be used. n On weekdays the use of suitable ‘Masses for Various Needs and Occasions’ or ‘Votive Masses’ should be considered to support the marking of the Day of Prayer. The readings assigned for each day in the Lectionary for weekdays should not be omitted too frequently and without sufficient reason. It is often more fruitful to explore any special intentions through the readings assigned to the day, than to choose from the Common those which may appear at first sight more appropriate to the intention. n The homily at Mass is necessary for the nurturing of the Christian life. It should develop some aspect of the readings from the scriptural readings or liturgical texts of the Mass, while taking into account the mystery being celebrated or the needs proper to the listeners. The homily should not be narrowly confined to the intention of the Cycle of Prayer alone, nor be replaced by a non ­homile tic talk or an appeal for money. Other Liturgies and Celebrations n When it is desired to have a form of extended prayer for one of the intentions in the Cycle of Prayer, serious consideration should be given to holding a special non ­ eucharistic service for that purpose, such as a Vigil, the Evening Prayer of the Church, a Liturgy of the Word, or a procession with litanies. n Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, ‘which must clearly express the cult of the Blessed Sacrament in its relationship to the Mass’, should also be considered. It should be noted that there is specific provision within this rite for special prayers. n When considering how particular intentions are to be presented and marked within a parish, every effort should be made to extend the invitation to participate in this to all members of the parish, including the younger members of the parish, and the housebound. Each of the 51 parishes within the Diocese of East Anglia will be allocated one week dur ­ ing the year during which to pray, not only for the Intentions of the National Cycle of Prayer, but also for Vocations to the Priesthood and to the Religious Life, and the Needs and Intentions of the Diocese. During this week, each Parish shall also have the oppor ­ tunity to celebrate 40 Hours of Eucharistic Adoration, including as they do so, the specific prayers and initiatives of the New Evangelisation. EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 3

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164 January ­ Diocesan Calendar JANUARY 2021 LECTIONARY: SUNDAYS = YEAR B; WEEKDAYS = YEAR I 1 Fri SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. W Gl, Cr, Pf of BVM I (on the Solemnity of the Motherhood), "In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. Friday abstinence is dispensed today. 2 Sat Ss Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen BBDD Mem . W I Vesp. of fol. 2nd WEEK OF CHRISTMAS Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 30 – Our Lady of Good Counsel and St Peter, March 3 SUN SECOND SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS W Fr Guy Pritchard + 1983 (rtd fr. Ely 1970) 4 Mon Christmas Feria. M pr. W Rev Bernard Warwick +2001 (Deacon at Dereham) 5 Tue Christmas Feria. M pr. W I Vesp. of fol. 6 Wed THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY W Gl, Cr, Pf pr . Not EP IV. “In communion with” pr. Holy day of Obligation. M. for the people. Provost William Wainwright +1983 (rtd fr. All Souls, Peterborough 1955) 7 Thu Christmas Feria. M pr. W or St Raymond of Penyafort P (W) Fr Arthur Speight +1990 (St James, Ipswich) 8 Fri Christmas Feria. M pr. W Fr Henry Stanley +1924 (Gorleston) 9 Sat Christmas Feria. M pr. W 1st WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 31 – Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda, Newmarket This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is Peace Day. There will be a Second Collection for Pax Christi next weekend (Optional). 10 SUN BAPTISM OF THE LORD. Feast W Gl. Pf pr. Not EP IV. EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 4

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Diocesan Calendar ­ January 165 THE NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYER During Ordinary Time – (Winter) i.e. up to Lent, we are asked to pray for these intentions: Peace on Earth: especially on 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time and on Racial Justice Day which occurs three Sundays before the 1st Sunday of Lent. The World Day of Prayer for Peace is marked on 1 January. As this day is when the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God and it is the beginning of the new year in England, the day is transferred to 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. There may be a collection on this day for the work of Pax Christi. The day of prayer for Racial Justice is organised by the ecumenical Churches` Commission for Racial Justice. Within the Catholic Church material is distributed by Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ) for whom a collection may be taken on this day. Prayer O God of peace, who are peace itself and whom a spirit of discord cannot grasp, nor a violent mind receive, grant that those who are one in heart may persevere in what is good and that those in conflict may forget evil and so be healed. Roman Missal Christian Unity: especially during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18–25 January. The Week of was originally begun in 1908 by the American Episcopalian clergyman Paul Wattson who later became a Catholic. The Week begins on 18 January and ends on 25 January—the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul. Material for the Week of Prayer is prepared in collaboration by Pontifical Council for Promot ­ ing Christian Unity and The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. Each year this material is produced by Christians in a different country. Prayer May the divisions among Christians be overcome so that we may hasten to your eternal Kingdom in the perfect communion of the Church cf. Roman Missal Openness to the Word of God: especially on 3 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time The Sunday of the Word of God takes place on the third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter, issued motu proprio , `Aperuit illis`, published on 30 September 2019, establishes that `the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God` Prayer Blessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Book of Common Prayer Prayer All ‐wise God, as you have gran ted us to drink with delight from the Word that leads us to know you, in your goodness grant us also to come at length to you, source of all wisdom and stand for ever before your face. Based on a prayer of the Venerable Bede EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 5

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166 January ­ Diocesan Calendar Victims of Trafficking: especially on feast of St Josephine Bakhita — 8 February. St Josephine Bakhita is the Sudanese Saint who at the age of nine was kidnapped and sold into slavery. She suffered terribly at the hands of her kidnappers so much so that she forgot her birth name. Her kidnappers gave her the name ‘Bakhita’ which means ‘Fortunate’. Prayer O God, who led Saint Josephine Bakhita from abject slavery to the dignity of being your daughter and a bride of Christ, grant, we pray, that by her example we may show constant love for the Lord Jesus crucified, remaining steadfast in charity and prompt to show compassion. Roman Missal The Sick and Those Who Care for Them: especially on World Day of Prayer for the Sick — 11 February. 11 February is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. On this day the Church is asked to pray and give attention to the sick and those who care for them. Each year the Holy Father writes a message. Prayer Accept the prayers we offer for our brothers and sisters who are ill, that, having been anxious for them in their danger, we may rejoice at their recovery of health. cf. Roman Missal The Unemployed: especially on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. The Day of Prayer for the Unemployed was organised by Church Action on Poverty. They have recently renamed their day as Poverty Action Sunday. Caritas ­Social Action is the agency in the Catholic Church which acts an umbrella for many diocesan and local organisations concerned with poverty and other social issues. Prayer O God, the source of human dignity, in your image every person is fashioned and by your Son all people are redeemed. Make us honour the work of your hands, that we may reverence you in those whom the world considers least and serve you in all whom society neglects. Summary : Peace Day Sunday 17 January. Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 18 – 25 January. Sunday of the Word of God Sunday 24 January Racial Justice Day Sunday 31 January. Day for Victims of Trafficking Monday 8 February [St Josephine Bakhita]. World Day for the Sick Thursday 11 February. Day of Prayer for the Unemployed Sunday 14 February. Weekday Readings of Year I start Vol II, p. 3 A decided preference is expressed in the Lectionary’s principles of choice for continuous readings, as provided for weekdays of the year, even though a Memorial occurs, (apart from a few instances, noted, of a strictly proper reading). EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 6

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Diocesan Calendar ­ January 167 11 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Herbert Gray +1951 (Gorleston) 12 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Aelred of Rievaulx Ab (W) Fr Charles Flynn +1943 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1930) 13 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Hilary BD (W) 14 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G 15 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Patrick Duffy +1928 (rtd fr. Huntingdon 1909) Fr Alfred Wilson +1936 (Shefford) 16 Sat St Fursey Ab. Mem. (Follow East Anglia pr.) W I Vesp. of fol. 2nd WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 32 – The Sacred Heart, North Walsham This Weekend: Take a second collection for Pax Christi (Optional). 17 SUN 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Peace Day G Fr George Fressanges +1944 (St John`s, Norwich) 18 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity begins. Joint services with other Christians are recommended. Mgr Provost Joseph Tonks +1943 (Northampton Cathedral) Fr Derrick Morgan +1984 (Chesham) 19 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Wulstan B (W) Canon Thomas Fitzgerald +1915 (St John`s, Norwich) 20 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Fabian PpM (R) or St Sebastian M (R) Fr Thomas Simister +2005 (Bungay) Rev. Anthony Sutton +2014 (Deacon at English Martyrs, Cambridge) 21 Thu St Agnes VM. Mem. R Fr Ernest Shebbeare +1936 (Woodbridge) Canon Leonard Tomlinson +1983 (rtd fr. Chesham Bois 1975) Fr Gordon Cordy +2018 (rtd at Norwich) 22 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or St Vincent Deacon M (R) Fr David Cox +1956 (St Ethelbert, Slough) Fr Stephen Reith +2009 (rtd fr. Leighton Buzzard 2002) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 7

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168 January ­ Diocesan Calendar 23 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr James McDermott +1999 (rtd fr. St John Ogilvie, Corby 1996) Fr Arthur Tomlinson +2001 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 1982) Canon Stanislaus Condon +2012 (rtd fr. Woburn Sands 2004) 3rd WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 33 – St George, Norwich This Weekend: Announce: Today is Sunday of the Word of God Next Sunday is Racial Justice Day and there will be a second collection for the Catholic Association for Racial Justice (optional) 24 SUN 3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Sunday of the Word of God G Anniversary of the Bishop’s Episcopal Ordination to be commemorated in the General Intercessions. Fr William Fippard +1895 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1894) 25 Mon THE CONVERSION OF St PAUL Ap. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Apostles Not EP IV. 26 Tue Ss Timothy & Titus BB Mem. W First Reading pr. (Vol II p.931) Canon Matthias Lane +1886 (Stoke ‐by ‐Nayland) Fr John Reffitt +1988 (Swaffham) 27 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Angela Merici V (W) Rev Richard Smyth +1988 (Deacon at Sudbury) Rev John Hawkes +2005 (Deacon at Walsingham) Fr George McCann +2015 (rtd fr. Beaconsfield 1996) 28 Thu St Thomas Aquinas PD Mem. W 29 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Francis Rudd +1973 (Southwold) 30 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) 4th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 34 – St Peter and All Souls, Peterborough This Weekend: Take a collection for Catholic Association for Racial Justice (optional) 31 SUN 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Racial Justice Day G Fr William Bodley +1900 (Oxburgh) Fr Joseph Sweeney +1993 (rtd fr. St James, Ipswich 1979) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 8

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Diocesan Calendar ­ February 169 FEBRUARY 2021 1 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or St Henry Morse RelM (R) 2 Tue THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD. Feast. W Candlemas Day . Gl, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Blessing of Candles and Procession or Solemn Entrance today. 3 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Blaise BM (R) or St Ansgar B (W) The blessing of throats may be given today (even if the memorial of St Blaise is not kept) either after the Gospel at Mass, or at another time of the day. Two unlit candles are held under the throat and the priest or deacon says “Through the intercession of St Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, may God free you from disease of the throat and from every other evil, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” 4 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G 5 Fri St Agatha VM Mem. R Canon Gerard Roberts +1976 (Beaconsfield) 6 Sat St Paul Miki & Comps. MM. Mem. R Fr Louis Allen +1931 (Peterborough) 5th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 35 – St Luke, Peterborough This Weekend: Announce: Monday this week is a Day of Prayer for Victims of Trafficking and Those Who Work to Combat it. Thursday this week is World Day of Prayer for the Sick Next Sunday is a Day of Prayer for the Unemployed 7 SUN 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Canon Laurence Richmond +1872 (rtd fr. Northampton Cathedral 1865) Archbishop Frederick Keating +1928 (Fourth Bishop of Northampton, translated to Liverpool 1921.) Fr James Reidy +1983 (rtd fr. St Mark’s, Ipswich 1969) Fr Michael Teader +2020 (Haverhill) 8 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or St Jerome Emiliani P (W) or St Josephine Bakhita V (W) Day of Prayer for Victims of Trafficking. Fr Robert Manley +1983 (St George`s, Norwich) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 9

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170 February ­ Diocesan Calendar 9 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Rev. Paul Lewin +2001 (Deacon at Sudbury) 10 Wed St Scholastica V Mem. W 11 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady of Lourdes (W) World Day of Prayer for the Sick. 12 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G 13 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Peter Cansdale +2003 (rtd fr. Cromer 1997) 6th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 36 – Sacred Heart and St Oswald, Peterborough 14 SUN 6th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Day of Prayer for the Unemployed. Provost John Warmoll +1885 (Bedford) Canon Michael Dwane +1913 (Lynford) 15 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Canon John Dalton +1874 (Norwich) Fr Vincent Weitz +1991 (rtd fr. Princes Risborough 1978) 16 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Cyril Banham +1963 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1961) The series of weeks of the year is now interrupted and will resume after Pentecost. Ps Wk 4 for the rest of this week. THE NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYER During Lent we are asked to pray for these intentions: Candidates for the Sacraments: especially on the Sundays of Lent For those preparing to be initiated into the Church at Easter, Lent marks the final stage of preparation, the period of Purification and Enlightenment. It begins with the Rite of Election on the First Sunday of Lent. During the season of Lent the Scru ­ tinies are celebrated on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays in preparation for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Many parishes will also receive can ­ didates for Reception into the Church. ‘The people of God, as represented by the local Church, should understand and show by their concern that the initiation of adults is the responsibility of all the baptised.’ EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 10

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‘During Lent, the period of purification and enlightenment, the faithful should take care to participate in the rites of the scrutinies and presentations and give the elect the example of their own renewal in the spirit of penance, faith, and charity. At the Easter Vigil, they should attach great importance to renewing their own baptismal promises.’ RCIA 9 The celebration of other Sacraments, such as Confirmation and First Holy Communion, will often take place within the Easter season so that candidates for these Sacraments will also be preparing in Lent. These candidates should also be remembered in the prayers of the community. Prayer Father of love and power, it is your will to establish everything in Christ and to draw us into his all ‐ embracing love. Guide the elect of your Church, strengthen them in their vocation, build them into the kingdom of your Son, and seal them with the Spirit of your promise. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The Needy and Hungry of the World; especially on Lenten Fast Day —Friday of the first week in Lent. The agency for overseas development, CAFOD, encourages the Church in England and Wales to use the Friday of the first week in Lent as an opportunity to remem ­ ber the needy and hungry of the world. The day is an opportunity the three Lenten disciplines of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving which derive from the proclamation of the Word on Ash Wednesday. The proceeds from the practice of fasting on the Friday are usually collected at Mass on the 2nd Sunday of Lent. Prayer All powerful Father, God of goodness, you provide for all your creation. Give us an effective love for our brothers and sisters who suffer from lack of food. Help us do all we can to relieve their hunger, that they may serve you with carefree hearts. Roman Missal Women’s World Day of Prayer; especially on 1st Friday in March Women`s World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women who come together to observe a common day of prayer held on the first Friday in March each year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. Through Women`s World Day of Prayer women are encouraged to become aware of their talents and use them in the service of the wider community. Prayer Father, you have given all peoples one common origin, and your will is to gather them as one family in yourself. Fill the hearts of all women with the fire of your love and the desire to ensure justice for all. Hear the prayers offered you by women throughout the world for an end to all division, and a human society built on love and peace. Roman Missal (adapted) Diocesan Calendar ­ February 171 EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 11

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172 February ­ Diocesan Calendar Penitents and Wanderers: The twin themes of Lent are baptism and penance. Lent is a time of reflection and preparation for Easter. Many parishes offer opportunities for the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance in the Lenten season. In recent years some parishes have ex ­ plored using the Lenten period as a time to assist those returning to the Church after a period of not being active in the life of the Church. This reflects the ancient practice of the Order of Penitents which reached its end on the morning of Holy Thursday. Prayer God of power and might, we praise you through your Son, Jesus Christ, who comes in your name. He is the Word that brings salvation. He is the hand you stretch out to sinners. He is the way that leads to your peace. God our Father, we had wandered far from you, but through your Son you have brought us back. You gave him up to death so that we might turn again to you and find our way to one another. Roman Missal: Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation II Candidates for the Sacraments especially on the Sundays of Lent. Lent Fast Day Friday 26 February. Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 5 March. Survivors of sexual abuse Friday 26 March. THE  SEASON   OF  LENT 17 Wed ASH WEDNESDAY. Fast and Abstinence V Omit penitential act: bless ashes after Gospel and homily. Pf Lent IV. Not EPIV. Lenten Pf from today until 28 March, unless otherwise noted. Prayer over the People at the Dismissal. The Prayer over the People is optional on all other weekdays of Lent. Mgr Provost Christopher Scott +1922 (Cambridge) Canon Henry O`Connor +1952 (Lynford) Fr Kenneth Chapman +1983 (Wymondham) 18 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V 19 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr John Harris +2013 (rtd fr. St Gregory’s, Northampton 2000) 20 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Gerald Flanagan +1955 (Iver Heath) Fr Gerard Moir +1965 (rtd fr. Clapham Park 1959) Fr Michael Finch +1986 (rtd fr. Beaconsfield 1984) 1st WEEK OF LENT Psalter Week 1 EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 12

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Diocesan Calendar ­ February/March 173 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 37 – Our Lady of the Annunciation, Poringland This Weekend: Announce : Next Friday is Lent Fast Day Next weekend a Second Collection will be taken for the work of CAFOD. 21 SUN 1st SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EPIV. Prayer over the People. Fr John Scott +1878 (rtd fr. Sawston Hall 1855) Fr William Wells +2020 (rtd at Blakeney) 22 Mon THE CHAIR OF St PETER Ap. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Apostles I. Not EP IV Canon Francis Drake +1933 (Convent, Slough) 23 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib Collect of St Polycarp BM) Fr Wilfred Johnson +1994 (rtd Wellingborough 1990) 24 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V Bishop Joseph Rudderham +1979 (left Northampton Cathedral 1949 to become Bishop of Clifton) Fr William Gaffney +1985 (rtd fr. Marlow 1975) Fr Michael O`Brien +1985 (St John`s Cathedral, Norwich) 25 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V 26 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V LENT FAST DAY 27 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V 2nd WEEK OF LENT Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 38 – The Sacred Heart, St Ives This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the work of CAFOD at all Masses. Announce: Friday this week is the Women’s World Day of Prayer 28 SUN 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EP IV. Prayer over the People. Fr Charles Reilly +1916 (rtd fr. Woodbridge 1911) MARCH 2021 1 Mon St DAVID, PATRON OF WALES B. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV. 2 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V 3 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 13

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174 March ­ Diocesan Calendar 4 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of St Casimir) 5 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Trevor Richardson +2002 (Swaffham) 6 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of St Kyneburgha) Archbishop Peter Smith +2020 (Second Bishop of East Anglia. Translated to the See of Cardiff 2001, then became Archbishop of Southwark in 2010) 3rd WEEK OF LENT Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 39 – St Joseph, St Neots 7 SUN 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EPIV. Prayer over the People. Fr Damien Walne +2015 (Great Billing) 8 Mon St   FELIX   B F east W Secondary Patron of the Diocese (See East Anglian Pr.) Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV. Fr Bernard Quinlan +1922 (Shefford) Fr Anthony Chadwick +2005 9 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of St Frances of Rome Rel) Fr Edward Scott +1935 (St George`s, Norwich) Fr Reginald Atkinson +1983 (rtd fr. St Oswald`s, Peterborough 1970) Fr David Hennessy +2019 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 2014) 10 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V 11 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr David Harris +1925 (High Wycombe) 12 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Cyril Snowden +1966 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1963) 13 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V Anniversary of the Pope’s election to be commemorated in the General Intercessions. Fr John Ketterer +1973 (rtd fr. Hunstanton 1972) Fr David Woodard +1988 (Oundle) Fr John Glen +1996 (Christ the King, Bedford) 4th WEEK OF LENT Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 40 – Our Lady of Lourdes and St John Fisher, Sawston and Cambourne EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 14

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Diocesan Calendar ­ March 175 14 SUN 4th SUNDAY OF LENT ( Lætare Sunday ) V or Rose Pf pr. Not EPIV. Prayer over the People. Fr John McNally +2007 (Felixstowe) Rev Leonard Matthews +2011 (Deacon at Hunstanton) 15 Mon Lent Feria. M pr. V 16 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V Mgr Bruno Scott James +1984 (rtd fr. Walsingham 1943) 17 Wed St PATRICK B PATRON OF IRELAND. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV. 18 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of St Cyril of Jerusalem BD) I Vesp. of fol. 19 Fri St JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BVM. SOLEMNITY. W Gl, Cr, Pf of St Joseph. Not EP IV. Rev Patrick Byrne +1979 (Deacon at All Souls, Peterborough) 20 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V Crosses and statues may be covered with a purple veiling from this evening until the Easter Vigil begins on Holy Saturday 5th WEEK OF LENT Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 41 – Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham and Cromer This Weekend: Announce: This coming Friday, March 26 th , is a Day of Prayer for Survivors of Sexual Abuse 21 SUN 5th SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EP IV. Prayer over the People. Mgr Charles Davidson +1975 (rtd fr. Waterbeach Carmel 1972) Fr Albert Whyatt +1991 (rtd fr. North Walsham 1989) 22 Mon Lent Feria. M pr. V 23 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of St Turibius of Mogrovejo B) Fr Geoffrey Brennan +1922 (rtd fr. Thetford 1916) Fr William Cooper +1927 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1918) Fr Augustine Berrell +1995 (rtd fr. March 1987) 24 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V I Vesp. of fol. Fr Joseph Teeling +1979 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 1978) 25 Thu THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY W Gl. In Cr, genuflect at “ and by the Holy Spirit … and became man.” Pf pr. Not EP IV. Bishop T. Leo Parker +1975 (Seventh Bishop of Northampton) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 15

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176 March/April ­ Diocesan Calendar Canon Michael Hazell +2020 (rtd from St Anthony of Padua, Slough, 1999) 26 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V Day of Prayer for Survivors of Sexual Abuse 27 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V HOLY WEEK Psalter Week 2 This Weekend: Announce : This week the Church celebrates the Sacred Paschal Triduum. Good Friday is a day of Fast and Abstinence There will be a collection taken for the Holy Land Shrines on Good Friday. 28 SUN PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD R Pf pr. Not EP IV. Prayer over the People. Procession or Solemn Entrance at the principal Mass and Solemn or Simple Entrance at other Masses. In the Procession, the priest may wear a cope which is replaced by a chasuble when the procession is over. The unveiled processional cross is decorated with palm branches according to custom. Palms are blessed at the Procession or Solemn Entrance but not at the Simple Entrance. Except at the Simple Entrance, the Introductory Rites of the Mass are omitted. 29 Mon MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK V 30 Tue TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK V Canon Bernard Murray +1924 (Lynford) Fr Henry Macklin +1956 (Cople) 31 Wed WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK V Fr Frederick Donovan +1940 (rtd fr. Stowmarket 1939) APRIL 2021 1 Thu THURSDAY OF HOLY WEEK (MAUNDY THURSDAY) THE SACRED PASCHAL TRIDUUM The celebrations of the Sacred Triduum are to be carried out in cathedral and parochial churches and only in those churches in which they can be performed with dignity, that is, with a good attendance of the faithful, an appropriate number of ministers, and the means to sing at least some of the parts. Consequently, it is desirable that small communities, associations and special groups of various kinds join together in these churches to carry out the sacred celebrations in a more noble manner (Norms for the Sacred Paschal Triduum, Roman Missal p. 329 #3). A priest may not celebrate the rites of the Sacred Triduum on his own. MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER W Gl. Pf of Eucharist I. “ In communion with, Therefore, Lord ” and “ On the day before ” pr. Not EP IV. The Mass of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated in the evening; EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 16

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Diocesan Calendar ­ April 177 crosses may be veiled in white and the altar decorated with flowers in moderation. The tabernacle should be entirely empty and sufficient hosts consecrated for today and tomorrow. The Altar of Repose should be decorated with flowers and candles. While the Gloria is sung, all the bells in the church are rung and then remain silent until the Gloria of the Easter Vigil. During the same period, the organ and other musical instruments may be used only to support the singing. The Washing of Feet may take place during the Mass. Following the Prayer after Communion, the Blessed Sacrament is taken to the Altar of Repose where it is kept in a tabernacle. Solemn Adoration may not continue after midnight. After the Blessed Sacrament has been transferred, the altar is stripped of all cloths, cross and candles. 2 Fri GOOD FRIDAY . Day of Fast and Abstinence. R Office of Readings and Morning Prayer with the people recommended. The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord about 3pm, unless pastoral reasons suggest a later hour. HC may be given to the faithful only at this celebration, but may be brought to the sick at any hour. According to the Church’s ancient tradition, only the Sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated today and tomorrow. COLLECTION FOR HOLY LAND SHRINES (Mandatory) Fr Bernard Hindle +1992 (Chesham) 3 Sat HOLY SATURDAY. Today, HC may only be given as Viaticum Mgr Canon John Ashmole +1938 (Northampton Cathedral) THE NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYER During Easter we are asked to pray for these intentions: New Members of the Church: The Easter Vigil is the usual time to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) with Adults. The Easter Season is therefore the time for post ­baptismal c atechesis or `mystagogy` with the newly baptised or `neophytes`. ‘This is a time for the community and the neophytes together to grow in deepening their grasp of the paschal mystery and in making it part of their lives through meditation on the Gospel, sharing in the Eucharist, and in doing works of charity.’ RCIA 234 In many communities and dioceses, the Easter Season is a privileged time to celebrate the Sacraments of First Communion and Baptism. Prayer Father, you give your Church constant growth by adding new members to your family. Help us put into action in our lives the baptism we have received in faith Roman Missal Vocations: Especially on World Day of Prayer for Vocations — 4th Sunday of Easter EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 17

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178 April ­ Diocesan Calendar The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is held each year on the Fourth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel of John read on this Sunday, in each of the three years, Jesus speaks of himself as the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd who has come so that people may have life to the full, the one who lays down his life for his sheep, the one who knows his sheep — they recognise his voice. Prayer Father, in your plan for our salvation you provide shepherds for your people. Fill your Church with the spirit of courage and love. Raise up worthy ministers of your altars and ardent but gentle servants of the gospel. Roman Missal Human Work: Especially on St Joseph the Worker —1 May The commemoration of St Joseph the Worker on 1 May was instituted by Pius XII in 1955. It proposes the example and intercession of Joseph as worker and provider. Prayer God our Father, creator and ruler of the universe, in every age you call men and women to develop and use their gifts for the good of others. With St Joseph as our example and guide, help us to do the work you have asked and come to the rewards you have promised. Roman Missal (adapted) The Right Use of the Media: Especially on World Communications day — the seventh Sunday of Easter ‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation’ is the message of the Gospel on the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. The Solemnity offers the starting point for understanding the right use of the media. The day is estab ­ lished by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and each year there is message from the Holy Father Prayer Father of light, from whom every good gift comes, send your Spirit into our lives with the power of a mighty wind, and by the flame of your wisdom open the hori ‐ zons of our minds. Loosen our tongues to sing your praise in words beyond the power of speech, for without your Spirit men and women could never raise their voice in words of peace or announce the truth that is Jesus the Lord Roman Missal The Church: Especially at Pentecost Throughout the Season of Easter the first reading at Mass is taken from the Acts of the Apostles. Luke tells the story of the early Church from the Ascension and Pente ­ cost to the early missions of the apostles. ‘When the work which the Father gave the Son to do on earth was accomplished, the Holy Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost in order that he might continually sanctify the Church. Then "the Church was openly displayed to the crowds and the EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 18

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Diocesan Calendar ­ April 179 spread of the Gospel among the nations, through preaching, was begun." As the "convocation" of all men for salvation, the Church in her very nature is missionary, sent by Christ to all the nations to make disciples of them.’ Catechism 767 ‘Those who with God’s help have welcomed Christ`s call and freely responded to it are urged on by love of Christ to proclaim the Good News everywhere in the world. This treasure, received from the apostles, has been faithfully guarded by their suc ­ cessors. All Christ’s faithful are called to hand it on from generation to generation, by professing the faith, by living it in fraternal sharing, and by celebrating it in liturgy and prayer.’ Catechism 3 Prayer God our Father, in all the churches scattered throughout the world you show forth the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Through the gospel and the Eucharist bring your people together in the Holy Spirit and guide us in love. Make us a sign of your love for all people, and help us show forth the living presence of Christ in the world. Roman Missal World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Sunday 25 April. St Joseph the Worker: Saturday 1 May. World Communications Day: Sunday 16 May The Church ­ especially a t Pentecost: Sunday 23 May. EASTER   TIME THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT W Pf of Easter I. “ In communion with” and “Therefore, Lord” pr. Not EPIV. Solemn Blessing. Double “ Alleluia” at Dismissal. The Easter Vigil should not begin before nightfall and should end before daybreak. The Easter Proclamation ( Exultet ) may not be replaced by another text, nor by a hymn. All bells are rung during the Gloria and the altar candles are lit. The Alleluia is intoned three times by the celebrant (or a cantor if necessary). OCTAVE OF EASTER Psalter Week Pr. This Weekend: Announce that Friday Abstinence is dispensed during the Easter Octave 4 SUN EASTER SUNDAY. SOLEMNITY WITH OCTAVE. W Seq. Pf of Easter I. “In communion with” and “Therefore, Lord” pr. Not EP IV. Solemn Blessing of Easter Vigil optional. Double “Alleluia” at Dismissal. Renewal of Baptismal Promises in place of Cr. Masses during the Octave have same features as this day, except Seq. ad lib., no Cr or Solemn Blessing, Monday to Saturday. Fr Michael Foley +1979 (rtd fr. Chesham 1978) Rev Raymond Howlings +2020 (Deacon at St George’s Norwich) 5 Mon EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 19

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180 April ­ Diocesan Calendar Canon John Abbott +1858 (Norwich) Rev. Ray Restieaux +1986 (Deacon at St John’s Cathedral, Norwich) Fr Denis Brophy +1992 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1985) Mgr Canon Noel Burditt +2000 (rtd fr. Winslow 1990) 6 Tue EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Fr Donald Hillier +1980 (rtd fr. March 1977) 7 Wed EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W 8 Thu EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Fr William Poole +1867 (King’s Lynn) 9 Fri EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Friday abstinence is dispensed today. 10 Sat EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W I Vesp. of fol. Fr Bernard McCaul +1932 (St Mary’s, Ipswich) 2nd WEEK OF EASTER Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 42 – The Sacred Heart, Southwold 11 SUN 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER ( or of Divine Mercy) W Canon Ernest Garnett +1948 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1945) 12 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W 13 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Martin I PpM (R) Fr Michael Kennedy +1973 (Newmarket) Fr Francis Tester +2008 (Walsingham) 14 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W 15 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Donald Heptonstall +1954 (Hunstanton) 16 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Henry Long +1936 (rtd fr. Leighton Buzzard 1934) Fr James Mullett +1955 (Great Billing) 17 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W Canon Edward McHugh +1962 (Aylesbury) 3rd WEEK OF EASTER Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 43 – Our Lady, Stowmarket This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is a World Day of Prayer for Vocations and there will be a Second Collection for the Diocesan Priests’ Training Fund. EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 20

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Diocesan Calendar ­ April 181 18 SUN 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER W Fr Edward Wimbridge +1941 (rtd fr. Wolverton 1939) Fr Kenneth Whitfield +2006 (rtd. at Blakeney) 19 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Wallace Clare +1963 (Prep. School, Ipswich) 20 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Roy Gathercole +2002 (rtd at King’s Lynn) 21 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Anselm BD (W) Canon William Collis +1893 (Shefford) 22 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W I Vesp. of fol. Fr Anthony Roberts +1997 (rtd fr. Gorleston 1987) 23 Fri St GEORGE M PATRON OF ENGLAND. SOLEMNITY R Gl, Cr, Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV. Friday abstinence is dispensed today. Fr Thomas Fitzgerald +1940 (Bedford) 24 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Adalbert BM (R) or St Fidelis of Sigmaringen. PM (R) Bishop Charles Grant +1989 (Eighth Bishop of Northampton) Fr George Grace +1998 (rtd fr. Huntingdon 1994) Mgr Canon Edward McBride +2011 (rtd fr. Sheringham 2000) 4th WEEK OF EASTER Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 44 – Our Lady and St John the Evangelist, Sudbury This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Diocesan Priests’ Training Fund at all Masses. 25 SUN 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER World Day of Prayer for Vocations W 26 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W 27 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W 28 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Peter Chanel PM (R) or St Louis Grignion de Montfort P (W) Fr David Thomson +1998 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 1985) 29 Thu St CATHERINE OF SIENA VD PATRON OF EUROPE. Feast. W GI, Pf of Holy Virgins and Religious. Not EP IV 30 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Pius V Pp (W) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 21

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182 May ­ Diocesan Calendar MAY 2021 1 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Joseph the Worker Gospel and Pf pr. Not EP IV ( W) Day of Prayer for God’s blessing on human work. M no. 26 For the sanctification of human labour (in urban areas) or M no. 27 At seed ‐time (in rural areas) Bishop Dudley Cary ‐Elwes +1932 (Fifth Bishop of Northampt on) 5th WEEK OF EASTER Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 45 – Our Lady of Pity, Swaffham 2 SUN 5th SUNDAY OF EASTER W 3 Mon Ss PHILIP & JAMES App. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles I. Not EP IV. Fr John Duff +1873 (Ramsey) 4 Tue THE ENGLISH MARTYRS. Feast R Gl , Pf of Martyrs. Not EP IV. 5 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Liam Crowley +2019 (rtd fr. Downham Market 2003) 6 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W 7 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W Mgr Provost Augustine Peacock +1956 (rtd fr. St Pancras, Ipswich 1953) Mgr Canon Harold Squirrell +1962 (Poringland) Mgr Provost Anthony Hulme +1987 (rtd fr. St Joseph’s, Bedford 1984) 8 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W 6th WEEK OF EASTER Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 46 – St Mary, Thetford This Weekend: Announce: Thursday this week is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord and a Holy Day of Obligation Next Sunday is World Communications Day. There will be a Second Collection for the Catholic Communications Network next weekend. 9 SUN 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER W 10 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W 11 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W 12 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W or Ss Nereus & Achilleus MM (R) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 22

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Diocesan Calendar ­ May 183 or St Pancras M (R) Vigil M. of Ascension: Gl, Cr, Pf, “ In communion with ” pr. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol. Canon Thomas Quinlivan +1885 (rtd fr. Cambridge 1883) 13 Thu THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY. W Holyday of Obligation. M for the People. Gl, Cr, Pf and “ In communion with ” in EP I pr. Not EP IV. 14 Fri St MATTHIAS Ap. Feast R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. 15 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W Canon Francis Sammons +1975 (Whittlesey) 7th WEEK OF EASTER Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 47 – Church of the Annunciation, Walsingham Parish 48 – St Jude the Apostle, Whittlesey This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Catholic Communications Network at all Masses. 16 SUN 7th SUNDAY OF EASTER. World Communications Day W Fr Thomas Richards +1957 (rtd fr. Aston ‐Le‐W alls 1956) 17 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Gerald Thornton +1986 (rtd fr. Langley 1981) Fr Bertram Sammons +1988 (rtd fr. Wisbech 1978) 18 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W or St John I PpM (R) Fr Charles Joole +1883 (Slough) Rev. Anthony Northrop +2012 (Deacon at English Martyrs, Cambridge) 19 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Dunstan B (W) Canon George Dalby +1962 (Our Lady’s, Luton) 20 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Bernardine of Siena P (W) Fr Patrick Harte +1976 (St Joseph’s, Bedford) 21 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Christopher Magallanes, P & Comps MM (R) Fr Hugh Capper +1988 (rtd fr. Fakenham 1984) 22 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W or St Rita of Cascia Rel (W) Vigil M of Pentecost in Extended or Simple Form. Gl, Cr, Pf, “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. Double “Alleluia” at Dismissal. EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 23

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184 May ­ Diocesan Calendar THE NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYER During Ordinary Time (Summer) i.e. up to September, we are asked to pray for these intentions: A Deeper Understanding between Christians and Jews; Those Who Suffer Persecu ­ tion, Oppression and Denial of Human Rights; Human Life; Europe; Seafarers. Day for Life: Sunday 20 June Ss John Fisher and Thomas More: Tuesday 22 June Europe ­ St Benedict: Sunda y 11 July St Bridget: Friday 23 July St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross: Monday 9 August Sea Sunday: Sunday 11 July 8th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 49 – Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo, Wisbech This Weekend: Announce that next Sunday is the last day for Easter Communions. 23 SUN PENTECOST SUNDAY. SOLEMNITY. R GI, Cr, Seq., Pf “ In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. Double “ Alleluia” at Dismissal. Paschal Candle to be kept in the baptistery with due honour so that candles of the newly baptised can be lit from it. 24 Mon Mary, Mother of the Church. Mem. W Missal p.1411 Mass B. Pf pr. p.1412. Not EPIV Readings Vol 3 p.841. 25 Tue St Bede the Venerable PD Mem. W 26 Wed St Philip Neri P Mem. W Fr Charles Meaden +1950 (Thetford) Fr Christopher Back +2014 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 2005) Fr Tony Webb +2016 (rtd fr. Fakenham 2016) 27 Thu Our Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest. Feast. W Gl. Pf pr. Not EPIV. Fr Robert Gates +1876 (rtd at Bury St Edmunds) 28 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G 29 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or St Paul IV Pp (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Rev. John Gardner +1988 (Deacon at St Ives) Fr Brendan Peters +1991 (rtd fr. Quidenham 1989) Mgr Gerald Moorcraft +2011 (rtd from Princes Risborough 2010) Mgr Patrick McAleenan +2017 (rtd fr. Our Lady’s, Corby 2009) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 24

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Diocesan Calendar ­ May/ June 185 9th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 50 ­ St Thomas of Can terbury, Woodbridge 30 SUN THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. SOLEMNITY. W Missal p.533. GI, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. (Readings of Year B, Vol I p. 613) Canon James Flint +1936 (rtd fr. Lynford 1933) 31 Mon THE VISITATION OF THE BVM. Feast. W Gl, Pf of BVM II. Not EP IV. JUNE 2021 1 Tue St Justin M. Mem. R 2 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or Ss Marcellinus & Peter MM. (R) Provost George Frederick Stokes +1928 (Ely) 3 Thu Ss Charles Lwanga & Comps. MM. Mem. R 4 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G 5 Sat St Boniface BM. Mem. R I Vesp. of fol. Canon John J. Mossey +1995 (rtd fr. Hunstanton 1983) 10th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 51 – Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury, Wymondham This Weekend: Announce that Abstinence this Friday is dispensed because of the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. 6 SUN THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST W (CORPUS CHRISTI). SOLEMNITY. Missal p.537. Gl, Cr , Pf of the Most Holy Eucharist; Not EP IV. Readings of Year B (Vol I. p. 622) Canon Charles Eeles +1926 (King’s Lynn) Fr Thomas K. Philips +1947 (Sheringham) 7 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Thomas Seed +1883 (Shefford) 8 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Francis Byrne +1924 (Costessey) 9 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Columba Ab (W) or St Ephrem DnD (W) Fr Antony Dillon +1955 (Cambridge) Rev. Martin Dudley Franks + 2006 (Deacon at St Ives) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 25

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Mgr Peter Hocken +2017 (rtd as Bishop’s Chaplain, Northampton 2001) 10 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G 11 Fri THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS. SOLEMNITY. W Missal p.540. Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Readings of Year B (Vol I p. 631) Friday Abstinence is dispensed today. Fr Richard Murtagh +1975 (rtd fr. Rushden 1974) 12 Sat Immaculate Heart of the BVM. Mem. W Missal p. 916, Divine Office p. 30*.Readings pr. Pf of BVM I ( “on the feast day”) or II. Not EP IV I Vesp. of fol. 11th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 1 ­ Ca thedral Church of St John the Baptist, Norwich This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is the Day for Life. There will be a Second Collection taken for the work of Life Charities next weekend. 13 SUN 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Fr Austin O’Sullivan +1921 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Fr James Purcell +1942 (St Ives) 14 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Arthur Tillett +1962 (rtd fr. Marlow 1959) 15 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Michael Bourke +1896 (Wroxham Hall) 16 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Richard of Chichester B (W) Mgr George Davies +1911 (Costessey Hall) 17 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St Botolph Ab. (East Anglia Pr.) (W) 18 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G 19 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or St Romuald Ab. (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr John Drew +2008 (St George’s, Norwich) 12th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 2 – Our Lady and St Peter, Aldeburgh This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the work of Life Charities. Announce that next Sunday there will be a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence. 186 June ­ Diocesan Calendar EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 26

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Diocesan Calendar ­ June/July 187 20 SUN 12th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Day for Life G Fr Christopher Macgregor +1943 (Ely) 21 Mon St Aloysius Gonzaga Rel. Mem. W 22 Tue Ss JOHN FISHER B & THOMAS MORE MM. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV. 23 Wed St Etheldreda AbV. Mem. W In Ely only Solemnity: GI, Cr, Preface of Religious. Not EP IV I Vesp. of fol. 24 Thu THE NATIVITY OF St JOHN THE BAPTIST. SOLEMNITY W Titular of the Cathedral. Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. 25 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G In Cathedral only: I Vesp. of fol. 26 Sat DEDICATION OF THE CATHEDRAL. Feast W Gl, Pf pr. Not EP IV. In Cathedral only SOLEMNITY : Gl, Cr., Pf pr. Not EP IV. Fr Edmund Rees ‐Jones +1982 (rt d fr. Diss 1975) Fr Nigel Bourne +1990 (rtd fr. St Brendan’s, Corby 1981) 13th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 3 ­ St Bene t’s Minster, Beccles This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence. 27 SUN 13th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Mgr Canon Mark Oleron +1880 (Northampton Cathedral) 28 Mon St Irenaeus BM Mem. R I Vesp. of fol. Vigil M of Solemnity: Gl, Cr , Pf pr. Not EP IV. 29 Tue Ss PETER & PAUL App. SOLEMNITY R Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Holyday of Obligation. M for the People. Canon Timothy Russ +2013 (Great Missenden) 30 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (R) Canon Brian Frost +2018 (rtd fr. St Patrick’s, Corby 1995) JULY 2021 1 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St Oliver Plunket BM (R) 2 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Thomas McDonald +1875 EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 27

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188 July ­ Diocesan Calendar 3 Sat St THOMAS Ap. Feast R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. 14th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 4 – St Thomas of Canterbury, Brandon This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is Sea Sunday There will be a Second Collection next weekend for the Apostleship of the Sea. 4 SUN 14th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Fr Maurice Hignett +1982 (rtd fr. Our Lady of Lourdes, Peterborough 1978) Fr George Bennet +2001 (Wymondham) 5 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or St Anthony Zaccaria P (W) Fr Gerard Collins +1996 (rtd fr. Little Chalfont 1987) 6 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Maria Goretti VM (R) Fr Joseph Farrell +1986 (St Laurence’s, Cambridge) Fr John Cureton +2005 (rtd fr. Swaffham 1996) 7 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Richard Duckett +1910 (Norwich) 8 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St Withburga Ab (East Anglia Pr.) (W) Fr George Webb +1950 (rtd fr. Thetford 1937) Fr Eric Woodhead +2010 (rtd at Poringland) 9 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or Ss Augustine Zhao Rong P & Comps. MM (R) Fr Francis Warmoll +1899 (Stowmarket) 10 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Provost Seth Eccles +1884 (Weston Underwood) Fr Edmund O’Gorman +1974 (rtd fr. Rushden 1965) 15th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 5 – St Edmund, King and Martyr, Bungay This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Apostleship of the Sea at all Masses. 11 SUN 15th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Sea Sunday G Bishop Michael Evans +2011 (Third Bishop of East Anglia) 12 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Alexander Scott +1918 (Lowestoft) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 28

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Diocesan Calendar ­ July 189 Fr Edward Hill +1990 (rtd fr. Little Chalfont 1975) 13 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Henry (W) Rev Hubert Grant Scarfe +1995 (Deacon) 14 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Camillus de Lellis P (W) 15 Thu St Bonaventure BD Mem. W Fr Tom Feighan +2016 (rtd fr. High Wycombe 2011) 16 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady of Mount Carmel (W) Anniversary of Bishop’s Installation to be commemorated in the General Intercessions. Fr Bernard Nesden +1999 (rtd fr. Hunstanton 1995) Bishop Alan C. Clark +2002 (First Bishop of East Anglia) Canon Patrick Carey +2015 (rtd fr. Bourne End 1996) Mgr Anthony Philpot +2016 (rtd fr. English College, Rome 2006) 17 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Joseph Clemente +1918 (Slough) Fr William Jolly +1982 (rtd fr. Costessey 1975) 16th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 6 ­ St Edmund, King and Martyr, Bury St Edmund 18 SUN 16th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G 19 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G 20 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Apollinaris BM (R) Fr Laurence O’Toole +2010 (rtd fr. Sawston 2000) 21 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Laurence of Brindisi PD (W) Canon Denis McSweeney +2015 (Flitwick) 22 Thu St Mary Magdalene. Feast. W Gl, Pf I or II of Saints. Not EP IV. 23 Fri St BRIDGET Rel. PATRON OF EUROPE. Feast W Gl, Pf I or II of Saints or Pf of Holy Virgins and Religious. Not EPIV Fr Vincent MacRory +2013 (rtd fr. SS Philip & James, Bedford 1999) 24 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or St Sharbel Makhlúf P (W) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 29

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190 July/August ­ Diocesan Calendar or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Joseph Parr +1983 (Our Lady of Lourdes, Peterborough) 17th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 7 – Our Lady of the Assumptiom and the English Martyrs, Cambridge 25 SUN 17th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Canon Stephen Longman +1885 Fr Patrick Oates +1975 (Sacred Heart, Luton) Mgr John Drury +2005 (rtd fr. Kirtling 2004) Mgr Richard Wilson +2010 (rtd fr. Costessey 2004) 26 Mon Ss Joachim & Anne, Parents of the BVM. Mem. W Canon Edmund Stokes +1961 (English Martyrs, Cambridge) Fr Robert McCormick +2015 (rtd fr. Diss 2003) 27 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G 28 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G 29 Thu St Martha Mem. Gospel pr. W Fr Montgomery Fulcher +1973 (Stoke ‐by ‐Nayland) 30 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or St Peter Chrysologus BD (W) 31 Sat St Ignatius of Loyola P Mem. W I Vesp. of fol. AUGUST 2021 18th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 8 – St Laurence, Cambridge 1 SUN 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G 2 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or St Eusebius of Vercelli B (W) or St Peter Julian Eymard P (W) 3 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Hugh Byron +1993 (rtd fr. Wisbech 1984) 4 Wed St John Vianney P Mem. W Mgr John Ryan +2008 (rtd fr. Buckingham 1995) 5 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or The Dedication of Basilica of St Mary Major (W) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 30

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Diocesan Calendar ­ August 191 Fr William Oddy +2007 (rtd fr. Costessey 1986) 6 Fri THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD. Feast W Gl, Pf pr. Not EP IV. 7 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or St Sixtus II Pp & Comps. MM (R) or St Cajetan P (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) 19th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 9 – St Philip Howard, Cambridge 8 SUN 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G 9 Mon St TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS VM. R PATRON OF EUROPE. Feast. Gl, Pf of Holy of Martyrs. Not EP IV. 10 Tue St LAWRENCE DnM Feast. R Gl, Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV. Canon Patrick Grogan +1940 (rtd fr. Wroxham Hall 1926) Fr Thomas Walker +1949 (rtd fr. Gorleston 1945) Fr Stephen Doupe +1972 (Hunstanton) 11 Wed St Clare V Mem. W Rev Ron O’Toole +2020 (Deacon at   Sheringham and Cromer) 12 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St Jane Frances de Chantal Rel (W) 13 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or Ss Pontian Pp & Hippolytus P MM (R) 14 Sat St Maximilian Mary Kolbe, PM Mem. R I Vesp. of fol. Vigil M of Solemnity: Gl, Cr , Pf pr. Not EP IV. W 20th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 10 – Mother of Good Counsel, Clare 15 SUN THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BVM. SOLEMNITY. W Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Holyday of Obligation. M for the People. 16 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or St Stephen of Hungary (W) 17 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 31

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18 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Ethelbert Payne +1967 (Wellingborough) 19 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St John Eudes P (W) 20 Fri St Bernard AbD Mem. W 21 Sat St Pius X Pp Mem. W Bishop Francis Amherst +1883 (Second Bishop of Northampton) Fr John Lickert +1934 (Newmarket) I Vesp. of fol. 21st WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 11 – Our Lady and St Walstan, Costessey 22 SUN 21st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G 23 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or St Rose of Lima V (W) Fr Joseph Mayne +1942 (Northampton Cathedral) 24 Tue St BARTHOLOMEW Ap Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles . Not EP IV. Fr Andrew Kay +1932 (Slough) Mgr Canon Arthur Brewer +1972 (rtd fr. Our Lady’s, Luton 1972) 25 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Louis (W) or St Joseph Calasanz P (W) 26 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God P (W) Mgr Canon William Hunting +1969 (Shefford) 27 Fri St Monica Mem. W Fr Frederick Lockyer +1954 (Bury St Edmunds) Mgr Canon Paul Taylor +2002 (rtd fr. Ely 1993) 28 Sat St Augustine BD Mem. W I Vesp. of fol. 22nd WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 12 – Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary, Dereham This Weekend: Announce that Wednesday is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. 29 SUN 22nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G 192 August ­ Diocesan Calendar EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 32

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Diocesan Calendar ­ August 193 30 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or Ss Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line & Margaret WardMM (R) Fr Patrick Crowe +2000 (Our Lady’s, Luton) 31 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Aidan B & Saints of Lindisfarne (W) THE NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYER During Ordinary Time (Autumn), i.e. from September to Christ the King, we are asked to pray for these intentions: The Harvest: the Fruits of Human Work and the Reverent Use of Creation; especially on World Day of prayer for the Care of Creation (1 September) and on last Sunday in September or whenever Harvest Festivals are held. ‘"The annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation will offer individual believers and communities a fitting opportunity to reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation, to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which he has entrusted to our care, and to implore his help for the protection of creation as well as his pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live."’ (Pope Francis, Letter inaugurating World Prayer of Care for Creation) The Church has long celebrated the agricultural harvest. This intention also includes all human work. In all circumstances of human life there are choices to be made re ­ garding the environment and our reverent stewardship of the God`s gift of creation. ‘"The external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. Therefore the earth`s treasures no longer serve to build God`s garden for all to live in, but they have been made to serve the powers of exploitation and destruction" (Benedict XVI, homily at Inaugural Mass, 2005). ’ Prayer O Lord, good Father, who in your providence have entrusted the earth to the human race, grant, we pray, that with the fruits harvested from it we may be able to sus ‐ tain life and, with your help, always use them to promote your praise and the well ‐ being of all. Roman Missal Students and Teachers: especially on Education Day — 2nd Sunday of September The day of prayer for Education is organised ecumenically by the Education agencies of the various denominations. In the Catholic Church material is distributed by the Catholic Education Service. There may be a collection for the Agency on this Sunday. Prayer God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge. Let us ask him to bless those who seek to learn and their teachers. For students, that the Spirit of God may grant them the gifts of wisdom of understanding. For teachers, that they may share their knowledge with gentleness, patience, and EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 33

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194 September ­ Diocesan Calendar concern for their students. Book of Blessings The Spread of the Gospel: especially on Home Mission Day: 3rd Sunday in September and World Mission Day: the penultimate Sunday in October Home Mission Day is on the 3rd Sunday in September. Material for the day is prepared by the Home Mission Desk. There may be a collection to support the work of the agency. World Mission Day is on the penultimate Sunday in October. A Mass `for the Spread of the Gospel` may be celebrated on this Sunday. Each year the Holy Father writes a message for World Mission day. In England and Wales material is produced for parishes by the Pontifical Mission Societies. There may be a collection for their work on this day. Prayer O God, whose will it is that all should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, look upon your abundant harvest and be pleased to send workers to gather it, that the Gospel may be preached to all creation and that your people, gathered by the word of life and sustained by the power of the Sacraments, may advance in the path of salvation and love. Roman Missal Justice and Peace in the World: especially on Harvest Fast Day: 1st Friday in October The Harvest Fast Day is one of two such days organised by CAFOD. The money offered from the fasting is usually collected at Mass on the following Sunday. Prayer O God, who show a father’s care for all, grant, in your mercy, that the members of the human race, to whom you have given a single origin, may form in peace a single family and always be united by a fraternal spirit. Roman Missal Prisoners and their Families: especially on Prisoners Sunday (2nd Sunday on October) and in Prisons Week: 2nd Week in October Prisoners Week was a Catholic initiative begun in 1975 by Bishop Victor Guazelli which has since gained ecumenical support and observance. It reflects the work of the Prison Advice and Care Trust which builds on its origins as the Bourne Trust — the Catholic Prisoner`s Aid Society. The Sunday and the following week seek to focus attention not only on the needs of prisoners but on all those involved the field of prison care, prisoners families, victims of crime, prison staff and many volunteers. Prayer Almighty and merciful God, to whom alone the secrets of the heart lie open, who recognize the just and make righteous the guilty, hear our prayers for your servants held in prison, and grant that through patience and hope they may find relief in their affliction and soon return unhindered to their own Roman Missal EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 34

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Diocesan Calendar ­ September 195 All Victims of War: especially on Remembrance Sunday: 2nd Sunday in November Remembrance Sunday falls on the Sunday nearest Armistice Day, 11 November, which marks the end of the First World War. On this day are remembered all those who gave their lives for their country, all who suffered and died through acts of war and those who were left behind to grieve and mourn. In England and Wales one Mass for the Dead may celebrated on this Sunday. Prayer O God, merciful and strong, who crushes wars and casts down the proud, be pleased to banish violence swiftly from our midst and to wipe away all tears, so that we may all truly deserve to be called your children. Roman Missal Young People: especially on Christ the King: 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Church in England and Wales has marked the contribution of young people on Christ the King for many years. Universally it is marked on Palm Sunday. In many parishes it is an opportunity to focus on the role of young people in the Sunday liturgy and in the life of the parish. Over the last few years material prepared to assist the day has used the live simply campaign. There may be a collection for diocesan and national youth services on this day. Prayer O God, who gave one origin to all peoples and willed to gather from them one family for yourself, fill all hearts of all young people, we pray, with the fire of your love and kindle in them a desire for the just advancement of their neighbour, that, through the good things which you richly bestow upon all, each human person may be brought to perfection, every division may be removed, and equity and justice may be established in human society. Roman Missal (adapted ) World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation Wednesday 1 September Education Day Sunday 12 September Home Mission Day Sunday 19 September The Harvest, etc Sunday 26 September or whenever Harvest Festivals are held. Harvest Fast Day Friday 1 October Prisons Week 10 ­16 Oct ober World Mission Day Sunday 24 October Remembrance Day Sunday 14 November World Day of the Poor Sunday 14 November Youth Day Sunday 21 November SEPTEMBER 2021 1 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 35

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196 September ­ Diocesan Calendar Fr Arthur Wallace +1898 (Convent, Ipswich) 3 Fri St GREGORY THE GREAT PpD Feast. W Pr in England, Missal p. 998. Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV . 4 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or St Cuthbert B (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Michael Geraghty +1952 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1943) 23rd WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 13 – The Most Holy Trinity, Diss Parish 14 – St Dominic, Downham Market This Weekend: Announce : Next Sunday is Education Day There will be a Second Collection next weekend for the Catholic Education Service (Optional). 5 SUN 23rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Fr James Marks +1996 (Chesham) 6 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G 7 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G 8 Wed THE NATIVITY OF THE BVM. Feast. W Gl, Pf of BVM I. Not EP IV. Fr Francis Glanfield +1986 (Northampton Cathedral) Fr Paul Mercer +2016 (rtd fr. Bury St Edmunds 2015) 9 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St Peter Claver P (W) Fr Mortimer Flanagan +1946 (Swaffham) Fr James Smith +2011(rtd fr. March 1982) 10 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G 11 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Canon William Burrows +1959 (St Pancras, Ipswich) 24th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 15 – St Etheldreda, Ely This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Catholic Education Service (Optional). Announce: Next Sunday is Home Mission Day. There will be a Second Collection next weekend for the Home Missions. 12 SUN 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Education Day G EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 36

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Diocesan Calendar ­ September 197 13 Mon St John Chrysostom BD Mem. W 14 Tue EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS. Feast. R Gl, Pf pr. Not EP IV. 15 Wed Our Lady of Sorrows. Mem. W Proper Readings Seq. ad lib., Pf of BVM I “on the feast day”. Bishop Arthur Riddell +1907 (Third Bishop of Northampton) 16 Thu Ss Cornelius Pp & Cyprian B MM. Mem. R 17 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or St Robert Bellarmine BD (W) 18 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Ronald Waldie +1911 (Rushden) Fr Francis Murphy +1994 (rtd fr. Marlow 1976) 25th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 16 – St Anthony of Padua, Fakenham Parish 17 – St Felix, Felixstowe This Weekend: Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (1 st of 4). Take a Second Collection for the Home Missions at all Masses. 19 SUN 25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Home Mission Day G Fr George Miles +1931 (Stoke ‐by ‐Nayland) 20 Mon Ss Andrew Kim Tae­g on P, Paul Chong Ha ­sang and Comps. R MM. Mem. Mgr Graham Adams +2014 (rtd fr. Aston ‐le‐W alls 2010) 21 Tue St MATTHEW Ap & Evangelist. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. 22 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Provost William Blackman +1911 (Great Billing) 23 Thu St Pius of Pietrelcina P. Mem. W I Vesp. of fol. 24 Fri OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM. Solemnity. W PRINCIPAL PATRON OF THE DIOCESE. (Follow East Anglia Pr.) Gl, Cr, Pf of BVM I “on the feast day” or II or of the Annunciation . Not EP IV. Friday abstinence is dispensed today. Fr Ivan Rudkin +2009 (Woodbridge) 25 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Henry Colpman +1899 (Wisbech) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 37

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198 September/October ­ Diocesan Calendar 26th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 18 – St Peter the Apostle, Gorleston This Weekend: Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (2 nd of 4). Announce: Next Friday is Harvest Fast Day. Second Collection for CAFOD next Sunday. 26 SUN 26th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Fr Edmund Golston +1990 (rtd fr. Woburn Sands 1985) Fr Michael Edwards +2003 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1996) Fr Anthony Sketch +2012 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 2009) 27 Mon St Vincent de Paul P Mem. W Canon William Moser +1911 (Peterborough) 28 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Wenceslaus M (R) or St Lawrence Ruiz & Comps. MM (R) Fr George Page +1937 (Wisbech) Canon Antony Griffiths +2019 (rtd from Marlow 2002) 29 Wed Ss MICHAEL, GABRIEL & RAPHAEL, Archangels. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Angels. Not EP IV. 30 Thu St Jerome PD Mem. W Rev Andrew Morton +2019 (Deacon at Sudbury with Hadleigh) OCTOBER 2021 1 Fri St Therese of the Child Jesus VD. Mem . W HARVEST FAST DAY 2 Sat The Holy Guardian Angels. Mem. W Readings pr. Pf pr. Not EP IV. 27th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 19 – St Mary, Great Yarmouth This Weekend: Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (3 rd of 4). Take a Second Collection for CAFOD. Announce: Next Sunday is the start of Prisons’ Week, during which we are asked to pray for prisoners and their families. There will be a Second Collection next Sunday for the Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) (Optional). 3 SUN 27th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Rev Donald Faux +1996 (Deacon at Wells ‐ne xt ‐the‐Sea) Fr John Maunsell +1999 (rtd fr. Aston ‐le‐W alls 1981) 4 Mon St Francis of Assisi DnRel. Mem. W Fr Francis Armstrong +1967 (Sheringham) Fr Cyril Henslow +1968 (rtd fr. Leighton Buzzard 1961) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 38

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Diocesan Calendar ­ October 199 Fr Geoffrey Crawfurd +1969 (Langley, Slough) 5 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G 6 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Bruno P (W) Canon Robert Pate +1911 (Notre Dame Convent, Northampton) Fr Malcom Cowin +1984 (Wymondham) 7 Thu Our Lady of the Rosary. Mem. W Pf of BVM I “on the feast day”. Not EP IV. 8 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G 9 Sat St   JOHN  HENR Y   NEWMAN P. Feast W Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV. 28th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 20 – St Felix, Haverhill This Weekend: Announce: This week is Prisons Week during which we are asked to pray for prisoners and their families. Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (4 th of 4). Take a Second Collection for the Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) (Optional). 10 SUN 28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Fr William Lowndes +1929 (St Pancras, Ipswich) 11 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G 12 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Wilfrid B (W) 13 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Edward the Confessor (W) 14 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St Callistus I PpM (R) Fr Robert Middleton +1906 (Bedford) Fr Thomas Scott +1928 (rtd fr. Aylesbury 1926) Fr Benjamin Grist +2012 (at Ditchingham) 15 Fri St Teresa of Jesus VD Mem. W Fr Edgar Hardwick +1971 (Coldham Cottage) 16 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or St Hedwig Rel (W) or St Margaret Mary Alacoque V (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Rev. Thomas Newland +1989 (Deacon at St George’s, Norwich) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 39

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200 October ­ Diocesan Calendar 29th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 21 – Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and St Edmund, Hunstanton This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is World Mission Day and there will be a Second Collection for Missio (The Association for the Propagation of the Faith). 17 SUN 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Fr Michael Sellers +1987 (Wolverton) 18 Mon St LUKE, Evangelist. Feast. R Gl, Pf. of Apostles II. Not EP IV. Fr James Sloan +1988 (rtd fr. Southwold 1984) Rev John Steel +2018 (Deacon at Ely) 19 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or Ss John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues PP & Comps MM (R) or St Paul of the Cross P (W) 20 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Fr William Bainbridge +1970 (rtd fr. High Wycombe 1963) 21 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G 22 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or St John Paul II Pp (W) Fr Arthur (Sandy) Phelps +2016 (rtd at St Philip Howard, Cambridge) 23 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or St John of Capistrano P (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) 30th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 22 – St Michael the Archangel, Huntingdon This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for Missio (APF) at all Masses. 24 SUN 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. World Mission Day G Canon Bernard Smith +1903 (Marlow) Mgr Provost Frank Diamond +1992 (rtd fr. Great Billing 1990) 25 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Mgr Harry Wace +2002 (rtd fr. Dereham 2001) 26 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or Ss Chad & Cedd BB (W) Canon William Hammond +1900 (Aston ‐le‐W alls) 27 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G 28 Thu Ss SIMON & JUDE App Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 40

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Diocesan Calendar ­ October/November 201 29 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Leo Hammond +1999 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 1993) Fr Christopher Roberts +1999 (rtd fr. St Aidan’s, Northampton 1988) 30 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) 31st WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 23 – St James, Ipswich This Weekend: Announce: There will be a Second Collection next weekend for the St Edmund’s Fund/Caritas East Anglia (Optional). 31 SUN ALL SAINTS. SOLEMNITY. W Holyday of Obligation. M for the People. Gl; Cr; Pf pr. Not EP IV. Provost Frederick Charles Husenbeth +1872 (Costessey) Fr Bill Mason +2017 (rtd at Bury St Edmunds) NOVEMBER 2021 1 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G 2 Tue THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED V or Black (ALL SOULS’ DAY) Every priest may celebrate or concelebrate three Masses today, with an interval of time between one Mass and the next. A stipend may be taken for only one. One Mass is to be offered for the Pope’s Intentions and one for the Holy Souls . 3 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Martin de Porres Rel (W) or St Winifride V (W) Fr Robert Allan +1953 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 1941) Mgr Canon Joseph McShee +1971 (rtd fr. Costessey 1965) 4 Thu St Charles Borromeo B Mem. W 5 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Thomas Lynch +1992 (St Oswald’s, Peterborough) 6 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) 32nd WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 4 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 24 – St Mark, Ipswich This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the St Edmund’s Fund/Caritas East Anglia at all Masses. (Optional) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 41

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202 November ­ Diocesan Calendar 7 SUN 32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Mgr Valentine Elwes +1966 (Clapham Park) Fr Brian Nightingale +1983 (St Oswald’s Peterborough) 8 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Bernard Heath +2013 (rtd fr. St Mary’s, Ipswich 2005) 9 Tue THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA. Feast. W Gl, Pf pr. Not EP IV. 10 Wed St Leo the Great PpD. Mem. W 11 Thu St Martin of Tours B. Mem. W Canon Henry St Leger ‐Mason +1940 (South wold) Fr Basil Jones +1974 (Thetford) 12 Fri St Josaphat BM Mem. R Fr Raymond Kerby +2009 (rtd fr. St Ives 2001) 13 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Augustine Wilkinson +1934 (rtd fr. Coldham Cottage 1925) 33rd WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 25 – St Mary, Ipswich This Weekend: Announce: Today is the World Day of the Poor Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King and is celebrated as Youth Day. There will be a Second Collection for the Diocesan Youth Service (Optional). 14 SUN 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Remembrance Day G One Requiem Mass for the War Dead permitted: no Gl, readings from Masses for the Dead, Cr is said, Pf of the Dead. Bishop Laurence Youens +1939 (Sixth Bishop of Northampton) Fr William Arrowsmith +1954 (rtd fr. Brantham 1950) Fr Geoffrey Jarvis +2009 (Walsingham) 15 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or St Albert the Great BD (W) Rev Terence McCarthy +1997 (Deacon at St Ives) 16 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Margaret of Scotland (W) or St Gertrude V (W) or St Edmund of Abingdon B (W) 17 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or St Hilda Ab (W) or St Hugh of Lincoln B (W) or St Elizabeth of Hungary Rel (W) Fr J. Richard B. Smith +1971 (rtd fr. Thornton College 1949) 18 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 42

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Diocesan Calendar ­ November 203 or Dedication of the Basilicas of St Peter & St Paul App (W) Reading & Gospel pr. Pf of App. Not EP IV. 19 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Thomas Walmsley ‐Cart er +1938 (Sheringham) Fr Bryan Houghton +1992 (rtd fr. Bury St Edmunds 1969) 20 Sat St Edmund, King M. Mem. R Follow East Anglia Pr. Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV In Bury, Solemnity Gl, Cr, Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol. 34th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 26 – St Mary Magdalen, Ipswich This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Diocesan Youth Service at all Masses. (Optional) 21 SUN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE. W SOLEMNITY. Youth Day. Fr John Kemp +1882 Fr William Barker +1958 (Fakenham) Fr Donald Jenkinson +1977 (Kettering) 22 Mon St Cecilia VM Mem. R Canon Patrick Rogers +1918 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Rev. Francis Hanley +2008 (Deacon at St George`s, Norwich) 23 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or St Clement I PpM. (R) or St Columban Ab (W) 24 Wed Ss Andrew Dúng ­Lac P & Comps. Mem. R 25 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or St Catherine of Alexandria VM. (R) Fr Ronald Fawsitt +1990 26 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Provost Hugh Parker +1961 (rtd fr. Gorleston 1958) 27 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Canon Denis Brennan +1967 (Our Lady’s, Corby) THE NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYER During Advent and Christmastide, we are asked to pray for these intentions: Migrants and Refugees : especially on 3 December. On December 3rd the Church commemorates St Francis Xavier. This is the day chosen by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 43

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204 November/December ­ Diocesan Calendar People to mark World Migration Day. Each year there is a message from the Holy Father reflecting on the `signs of the times`. “Asylum seekers and refugees ­ I wish t o underline how the tendency is to stop at the question of their arrival while disregarding the reasons for which they left their native land.” [Benedict XVI ­ Messag e for World Migration day 2005] Prayer Lord, no one is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving care. In your kindness watch over refugees and exiles, those separated from their loved ones, young people who are lost, and those who have left or run away from home. Bring them back safely to the place where they long to be and help us always to show your kindness to strangers and those in need . Roman Missal: For Refugees and Exiles Expectant Mothers : especially on 4th Sunday of Advent The Gospel on the 4th Sunday of Advent focusses on the role of Mary in our salva ­ tion. Over the three year cycle the gospel tells of the betrothal of Mary to Joseph, the Annunciation and the Visitation. The stories prepare us for the Birth of our Lord at Christmas. Prayer God has brought gladness and light to the world through the Virgin Mary’s delivery of her son. Grant the prayer of all mothers to be as they ask for the birth of a healthy child. May they safely deliver a son or daughter to be numbered among your family, to serve you in all things, and to gain eternal life. Adapted from the Book of Blessing Migrants’ Day : Friday 3 December Expectant Mothers: Sunday 19 December 1st WEEK OF ADVENT (Year C; Weekday Cycle II) Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 27 – St Pancras, Ipswich Today the liturgical cycle begins anew. The Sunday readings are taken from Year C (III) and the weekday readings from Year II. During the Season of Advent, the Gloria is not said, unless otherwise noted, and until 16 December the Preface of Advent I is used at all Masses (except Masses for the dead) unless otherwise noted. EP IV is not permitted. 28 SUN 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT. V Pf of Advent I. Not EP IV. Fr Henry King +1907 (Shefford) 29 Mon Advent Feria . M pr. V EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 44

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Diocesan Calendar ­ December 205 Fr Henry Hughes +1943 (Lynford) Canon Gerard Hulme +1978 (rtd fr. Sheringham 1976) Fr Francis Hacon +1989 (Cromer) 30 Tue St ANDREW Ap. Patron of Scotland. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. Fr Edward Watkis +1958 (rtd fr. North Walsham 1956) DECEMBER 2021 1 Wed Advent Feria. M pr. V Fr Henry Logan +1884 Fr Ronald Henry Bustin +1992 (Little Chalfont) 2 Thu Advent Feria . M pr. V Fr John Taylor +1876 3 Fri St Francis Xavier P. Mem. (Migrants’ Day) W 4 Sat Advent Feria . M pr. V or St John Damascene PD (W) 2nd WEEK OF ADVENT Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 28 – Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn This Weekend: Announce that there will be a Second Collection next weekend for the Dependent Priests’ Fund. 5 SUN 2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT. V Pf of Advent I. Not EP IV. Fr Lawrence Howlin +1992 (rtd fr. St Neots 1989) 6 Mon Advent Feria . M pr. V or St Nicholas B (W) Fr Thomas Walters +1974 (rtd fr. Olney 1964) 7 Tue St Ambrose B. Mem. W I Vesp. of fol. Mgr Provost John Freeland +1940 (Thornton College) Fr Anthony Seely +2011 (rtd fr. St John’s Cathedral, Norwich 2009) 8 Wed THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BVM. SOLEMNITY. W Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Fr Christopher Madden +1918 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Mgr Canon John Malone +1970 (rtd fr. Northampton Cathedral 1966) 9 Thu Advent Feria . M pr. V or St Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (W) Fr Kevin Jones +1957 (St George’s, Norwich) Fr Brendan Gorman +2013 (Christ the King, Bedford) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 45

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206 December ­ Diocesan Calendar 10 Fri Blessed Martyrs of East Anglia. Mem. (Follow East Anglia Pr.) R 11 Sat Advent Feria . M pr. V or St Damasus I Pp (W) Fr Bernard Davenport +2012 (Chesham Bois) 3rd WEEK OF ADVENT Psalter Week 3 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 29 – Our Lady Star of the Sea, Lowestoft This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Dependent Priests’ Fund at all Masses. 12 SUN 3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT. ( Gaudete Sunday ) V or Rose Pf of Advent I. Not EP IV. 13 Mon St Lucy VM Mem. R Fr Bernard Hyde +1961 (rtd fr. Northampton Cathedral 1936) 14 Tue St John of the Cross PD. Mem. W Fr George Wrigglesworth +1900 (King’s Lynn) Fr Gerard Conlon +1966 (St Joseph’s, Luton) 15 Wed Advent Feria . M pr. V Canon John Cosser +1950 (rtd fr. Wellingborough 1948) Fr Laurence Nicholson +1969 (St Mary’s, Ipswich) 16 Thu Advent Feria . M pr. V 17 Fri Advent Feria . M pr. (O Sapientia) V Proper Readings start. Pf of Advent II daily till 24 Dec. 18 Sat Advent Feria . M pr. (O Adonai) V Fr Constantine Ketterer +1940 (Ely) Fr David Johnston +1979 (rtd fr. Kirtling 1979) 4th WEEK OF ADVENT Psalter Week 4 19 SUN 4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT (O Radix Iesse) V Pf of Advent II. Not EP IV. 20 Mon Advent Feria . M pr. (O Clavis David) V Fr Alfred Bull +1980 (rtd fr. St Mary Magdalen, Ipswich 1977) Fr Peter Wynekus +2012 (rtd fr. Woodbridge 2001) 21 Tue Advent Feria . M pr. (O Oriens) V (ad lib. Collect of St Peter Canisius PD) 22 Wed Advent Feria . M pr. (O Rex Gentium) V Mgr Charles Smith +1954 (rtd fr. Beaconsfield 1949) 23 Thu Advent Feria. M pr. (O Emmanuel) V (ad lib. Collect of S John of Kanty P) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 46

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Diocesan Calendar ­ December 207 Fr Anthony Wendling +1886 (Wolverton) Fr Liam Brady +1993 (rtd fr. Burnham 1985) 24 Fri Advent Feria . M pr. V THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY WITH OCTAVE . W Vigil M: Gl, Cr (Genuflect in Cr as below). Pf pr. “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol. Fr Frederick Nutt +1971 (Cromer) Fr Gerard Langley +1992 (rtd fr. Blakeney 1990) 25 Sat CHRISTMAS DAY W Holyday of Obligation. M. for the People. Gl. In Cr, genuflect at “and by the Holy Spirit … and became man.” Pf pr. “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. All priests may celebrate or concelebrate three Masses today, provided the Masses are celebrated at their proper time. During the Octave one of the Prefaces of the Nativity is used at all Masses, except those of a divine person with a proper pf, apart from Sundays and Solemnities. a) Prayer during the Day is from the weekday psalter; b) Vespers are as Vesp II, but with proper readings etc., each day. Canon John Henry Thomson +1968 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 1967) SUNDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF CHRISTMAS Psalter Week 1 This Weekend: Announce that Friday Abstinence is dispensed during the Christmas Octave 26 SUN THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH. Feast W Gl, Cr, Pf of Nativity I – III. “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. Bishop William Wareing +1865 (First Bishop of Northampton) 27 Mon St JOHN Ap & Evangelist. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Nativity I­III, Not EP IV . 28 Tue HOLY INNOCENTS MM. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Nativity I­III, Not EP IV . Fr John Fennell +1997 (Wellingborough) 29 Wed St THOMAS BECKET BM. Patron of the Pastoral Clergy. Feast R Gl, Pf of Nativity I­III, Not EP IV . 30 Thu Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity. M pr. W Fr Louis Boulin +1902 (Aston ‐le‐W alls) 31 Fri Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity. M pr. W (ad lib. Collect of St Sylvester I Pp.) Friday abstinence is dispensed today I Vesp of fol Mgr Canon J. Bernard Marshall +1946 (Cambridge) Fr Denis Roberts +1969 (Great Billing) EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 47

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208 January 2022 ­ Diocesan Calendar JANUARY   2022 LECTIONARY: SUNDAYS = YEAR C; WEEKDAYS = YEAR II 1 Sat SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. W Gl, Cr, Pf of BVM I (on the Solemnity of the Motherhood), "In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol. 2nd WEEK OF CHRISTMAS Psalter Week 2 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 35 – St Luke, Peterborough 2 SUN SECOND SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS W 3 Mon Christmas Feria. M pr. W or The Most Holy Name of Jesus (W) Fr Guy Pritchard + 1983 (rtd fr. Ely 1970) 4 Tue Christmas Feria. M pr. W Rev Bernard Warwick +2001 (Deacon at Dereham) 5 Wed Christmas Feria. M pr. W I Vesp. of fol. 6 Thu THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY W Gl, Cr, Pf pr . Not EP IV. “In communion with” pr. Holy day of Obligation. M. for the people. Provost William Wainwright +1983 (rtd fr. All Souls, Peterborough 1955) 7 Fri Christmas Feria. M pr. W or St Raymond of Penyafort P (W) Fr Arthur Speight +1990 (St James, Ipswich) 8 Sat Christmas Feria. M pr. W Fr Henry Stanley +1924 (Gorleston) 1st WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1 CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: Parish 36 – Sacred Heart and St Oswald, Peterborough This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is Peace Day. There will be a Second Collection for Pax Christi next weekend (Optional). 9 SUN BAPTISM OF THE LORD. Feast W Gl. Pf pr. Not EP IV. EastAnglia2021YearbookOrdo_Layout 1 23/10/2020 00:04 Page 48

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